
(15 KB, 213x186, 9e49868a6f161fe5b29c0748cc52d78e6787c0fc09972b4bebbc49ab4d35fc5b.jpg)
i've been trying to archiv every single issue of boston and shaun from the start to end and so far i noticed issue 220 and 273+ are missing and curious if anyone has a archive

the two sites i use to collect is




if anyone has all the issues up to 851 in best qulity let me know
New meme thread boys?
>>81995 (OP)
Get the fuck outta here. We don't need you spamming threads here again.
Y'know pal, you not even bothering to properly refute >>82001 and instead just saying the meme equivalent to "shut up" goes to show just how little ground people like you have to stand on.

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