
(978 KB, 841x849, Based Eggman.png)
Last thread hit the bump limit, so let's start anew. Feel free to let the salt flow as we discuss artists, trends, commissioners, and other aspects of the community that we hate!
Can the mods start doing their job here again? Vore, blueberry, and males are starting to crop up here and they're not doing much about it even though those posts have been reported. They delete arguments, but not the things they're supposed to get rid of.
I mostly agree, but it really does depend on the context. Particularly, spoilered images in an artist general should be allowed regardless of subfetish as long as the thread can sustain itself on regular belly/fat content anyways. There are other reasonable niche cases, too, like using something as a point of comparison for a fat-art-based conversation, or asking for a vore/inflation/berry/whatever image to be edited to a fat image.
But like you say, I see it leaking into franchise and trope threads as well, often unspoilered and without any attempt at justification.
I tried a while back to stop the MetalForever thread from coming back, knowing that he's mainly a vore and pregnancy artist, and thinking that people would stop hiding those posts. Not only did my attempt fail, but my worries came true in that those pics have recently stopped being hidden behind spoilers.

I can understand the edit requests as long as they're hidden behind spoilers and say why they're hidden.
Oh, so you're the metalschizo. Go fuck yourself then.
Wow, your tone changed instantly as soon as I admitted who I was. Is it safe to assume you retract what you initially said, or did you honestly agree with me?
You did back up what I said about people not hiding the posts that they were supposed to, which means there was merit behind my complaints, even though admittedly I could've went about the whole thing better then I did.
Delete this thread
youd expect the fats threads to have fats and vore to have vore but people gotta at least respect why these genres are segregated to begin with. no one wants bitching from people trying to justify why a blueberry pic is in a fats thread. If its a thread about an artist and they dabble in both sides then fair game, but keeping fats as fats and everything else in their own zone is what i value. i wouldnt want preg and male fats going in what is assumed female fats because its 'close enough' if its outside of an artist thread however
He specifically goes in threads dedicated to an artist and then complains that people are posting art from that artist and has the audacity to pretend the mods are at fault for not bending to his lunacy.
Delete every thread
Except there's posted rules against vore for this board, so it's not lunacy. If there weren't rules in place, then I wouldn't have said anything about it to begin with.
>If there weren't rules in place, then I wouldn't have said anything about it to begin with.
This is just such a weird attitude to have. If you don't personally care, why backseat moderate? It reeks of forum newfaggotry and paints you as a powertripping 5th grade hall monitor.
Rules are a guideline for posting content, not a battering ram to shove down people's throats when they dissent. If there's a good faith counterexample, they should be wielded loosely. This is generally determined by common sense, which everyone (including the mods since you've been ignored umpteen times) except you seems to be in possession of.
At least direct your autism towards genuine bad-faith violations or things that might offend the eyes of unsuspecting browsers. Absolutely no one is going to enter a Metalforever thread and be surprised at finding vore.
>Rules are a guideline for posting content
>Absolutely no one is going to enter a Metalforever thread and be surprised at finding vore.
No shit. What surprised me was that the mods were willing to let it come back despite knowing Metal being mainly a vore and pregnancy artist.
>I see it leaking into franchise and trope threads as well, often unspoilered and without any attempt at justification.
Don't forget that you said this, and that's what's happening in the Metal thread, people posting stuff that's against the rules unspoilered. Does accountability not matter? Is what I'm thinking baseless?
The only person I hope gets banned is you. And Zephyr. Mostly you though.
shit in the metal thread keep things in the metal thread and whether they should spoil or not is squarely in their territory, why are you trying to play boss. if theyre into vore then hopefully they take it somewhere else but theyll keep to themselves and not leak it if they know whats good for them

i find larger issue with people like you trying to play god on a wank site
Same to you, for being one of the enigmas whose fine with such flagrant rule breaking.

>if theyre into vore then hopefully they take it somewhere else but theyll keep to themselves and not leak it if they know whats good for them
Well they haven't, and that's what I'm bitching about. Fuck, one of the things I tried back then was that I made a Metal thread over in Alt, where vore and pregnancy are supposed to go, to counter the one that was here, but that got deleted.

>i find larger issue with people like you trying to play god on a wank site
Well not everyone likes everything. Why do you think there are separate boards to begin with?
only saving grace is that metal does fats too and just happens to overlap on what they draw. seeing as fats fans clearly outweigh either fans for the artist or fans into the alt stuff, its just more convenient to have some centralized thread for people into the artist, their fats and the few into the alt stuff. you just cant draw clear cut lines when the fans overlap, the artists overlap and people dont want to traverse 3 different threads for content, there will be compromise. if i could live in a world where preg and fats could be perfectly divided, i would

multiple boards exist for where those distinctions can be clear cut and be convenient. at this point, if seeing a preg absolutely kills your boner while youre scrolling your fats then thats a you thing
>if i could live in a world where preg and fats could be perfectly divided, i would
I tried making that possible by making the thread in Alt.

>at this point, if seeing a preg absolutely kills your boner while youre scrolling your fats then thats a you thing
Not exactly a 'me' thing if others also have a problem with it. I also can't scroll past it if it's at the very bottom of the thread.
I guess the mods sometimes does stuff. They spoilered the recent blueberry pics in the Metal thread. I suppose that's better then doing nothing.
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It's been years since I came to this realization, but the recent discussions about the toxicity and smug elitism that runs rampant in this community have me feeling down. I legitimately can't think of many artists that I find genuinely likeable outside of my very tiny friend circle, because they tend to be sociopaths, assholes, obnoxiously woke, or a mix of all three. Even Dookus, who I thought was cool, acted like a petulant manchild and shat on a commenter who made a fairly harmless statement about his art that clearly struck a nerve. Specifically, it was a picture of a fat Skyla from Pokemon groping a massively obese Elesa's asscheek, and the commenter simply asked if there was a version of the picture with a better view of Elesa. The guy wasn't pushy or rude from what I remember, if he was guilty of anything it was being an obvious ESL with a touch of the 'tism. But the way Dookus acted, you'd think he shot and killed his mom right in front of him.

I miss the days where I was oblivious to this sort of thing, bros.
delete 50% of the threads
This should be on the general discussion board, that's the better place for this thread.
He made a twitter post complaining about people who make comments like that after that happened. I don't blame the person for wanting a better view of Elesa.
>>81526 (OP)
I think Community Salt is a better name then the last few tbh.
>Don't forget that you said this, and that's what's happening in the Metal thread, people posting stuff that's against the rules unspoilered. Does accountability not matter?
There's no "accountability" to take into consideration in that case. Why is it so hard for you to get it through your thick skull that, unlike threads with more generic OPs, people entering an artist general are going to be familiar with that artist? You're not "protecting" anyone or anything by spoilering images in that isolated region. It's for all intents and purposes a separate subregion within the board with its own ruleset, again determined by common sense.

>Fuck, one of the things I tried back then was that I made a Metal thread over in Alt, where vore and pregnancy are supposed to go, to counter the one that was here, but that got deleted.
>Not exactly a 'me' thing if others also have a problem with it.
It's like you're living in your own little universe, truly. Make an attempt to see this from the perspective of other people:

For non-fans of vore/preg/whatever, they're likely to steer clear of Metal in general, perhaps posting in a generic topic thread if they recall a fat-focused artwork of his that they want to see. They're certainly not going to go hunting for it on his DA/Patreon themselves if the sight of other fetishes is as viscerally repulsive to them as you seem to think it is.

Meanwhile, for people who ARE fans of it, splitting their attention between boards is the absolute last thing they want. It plainly and objectively reduces traffic, as has been shown time and again. /bbwdraw/ will always be much more likely to result in comprehensive archiving/discussion/image ripping/etc than /bbwalt/, so even a decent justification to be here rather than there should be enough.

You are helping nobody but your own ego. Get off your high horse.
You're all collectively whining and throwing shitfits. Salt doesn't begin to describe it. ManBaby was way more apt.
(25 KB, 250x250, Sundowner seriously hopes you guys don't do this.jpg)
>"How DARE people not like our art unconditionally? How DARE people take issue with us acting like assholes? Manbabies! All of you are manbabies!"
Like, I'm not going to deny that there's some genuine autism in these threads (just look at MetalForeverAnon) but it comes with the territory when you're browsing a chan site. That doesn't invalidate the many legitimate gripes people have with this community and chalking it all up to manbaby whining doesn't sit right with me.
Posting blueberry male and vore on this board is against the rules and it is allowed on other boards, i don't complain when people post it in the other boards because thats where the content is allowed. and the worst part is the retards posting it on this board do not even have the decency to spoiler tag it like /ee/ or /bbwalt/ get blown the fuck out you lost that male is not allowed to be posted here and move on.
aren't all artists like that though?

seriously I have yet to meet a nice artist, especially in this fetish. I get that they're appealing to a niche but they often charge too much and they have terrible attitudes on top of it.

I should've been an artist. id be rich. I mean kip is making $7k/mnth and look at what he puts out.
Just to move on to a different topic, ya'll ever noticed how some people make art of specific characters just to pander towards certain popular artists? Like drawing Arezu for Dook, or Bea for Jeetdoh? The former was especially bad because of how that over Twitter's fat community.
I would love it if the mods get off their asses and remove male and furry shit.

Seeing the constant clout chasing and "Look at me, senpai" posts from artists on Twitter has soured my opinion on a lot of them. Before on sites like DA you'd have to go out of your way to peer behind the curtain of a piece but ever since the exodus to Twitter it's just so blatant now that it's annoying.

Same shit with the "UwU draw my OC pweeze" and other "memes" that aren't memes but just ways for artists to try and get eyes on their work from others.
Back in the "dark ages" of the waning years of yahoo groups and the waxing years of Deviantart, I used to be indifferent to OCs, sometimes I'd even look forward to seeing them again. These days, I share your sentiment about randoms begging for OC drawings and I just cannot stand a lot of OCs, nothing but clout chasing.
Requests are simply just glorified begging and it's why I largely prefer commissioning my OCs instead, if they've gotta draw my shit I'd rather compensate them for it.
But I guess it's not as bad if the artists are doing a Mutual OC meme at least, at least there's some quality control rather than than no-follower randoms asking "Draw my MS Paint OC lol"
I feel like this is really prominent on Twitter given how that site works. If you're a small artist, how much attention your art gets lives and dies by how much bigger artists notice you. You could be spending hours just to get sprinkles of likes on a post, but just one RT from a big artist can be enough to get the ball rolling. And the easiest way to get an artist's attention is to draw their favorite character.
Anyone else see what's going on in /bbw/ ?
Another reason to not like Twitter.
what's going on? I don't see anything
It got raided by a bunch of wojakers and they kept making new threads and spamming Niko Avocados ass everywhere. Should've screenshotted
Im tired of tons of pregnat/bloated/gassy girls being in BBW thread. BBW = fat. These are not fat, they are bloated THIN girls. Bloated thin belly =/= BBW.
Just ignore them and keep fapping to cows.
>just ignore it lol
you can go neck yourself, too
Wow, kids these days are so aggressive
Man when do you think Bamboo Ale will draw another back 3/4 view girl with a big ass? It's been ages and I'm just dying to see more of that.
Aaronfly98 is based, when he draws two characters in one pic, sometimes he'll upload the alts with each character alone to stash.
The only reason people use Twitter is because of clout/popularity and because it's less restricive with nudity displaying, no one with at least two brain cells would use it as a main site to post art.

And despite what many people say, DA is still one of the best places for artist, Itaku and Pixiv come second.
I might have more of a problem when it's just mutuals doing it because then you keep seeing the same artist's OCs getting drawn over and over and I struggle to think of any big-name artists who have OC designs that I actually like, at least within the Western sphere.

I wish more artists would utilize doing alts when it can be as simple as doing a small branch in a project or hiding/showing some layers. You see it a lot on Pixiv but to be fair Pixiv has multi-image functionality whereas DA doesn't and Twitter's isn't nearly as robust.

I guess for my current grievance, it's seeing an artist bitch about the popularity of certain franchises within this community and basically saying "I don't like this and the people who do are manchildren" when there are people present in the server who like said franchise(s). If the complaint was "it feels like clout chasing" or "things feel kind of stale" I'd get that, but it reads more like "I hate this thing and you're all dumb babies and I am above it because I am a mature and refined adult."

This person has gone on to shit on other franchises/characters unprovoked or doing so while other people are happily discussing it. I get wanting to have a discussion or voice your opinion but maybe read the room and stop shitting on people's parade? There's a way to have a dissenting opinion without being a total asshole about it in the presence of others. I know that's ironic to say on this board, in this thread, but here it's more akin to screaming into the void.
Other then Kurocaze who uses Twitter more, I stick to DA. Don't have to worry about stuff like social politics, male fats, or full nudity as much.
Even if I do agree with someone's politics I don't like reading them when I'm in fap mode.
lala_halal aka adiposesaleswoman is probably one of the only publicly nice artists I've seen. She's just drawing her husbando these days, can't blame her for doing what she wants.
>but it reads more like "I hate this thing and you're all dumb babies and I am above it because I am a mature and refined adult."
Isn't this Anastasmafillia with his spergout about minecraft guy getting into smash, or is this another artist? If you guys are gonna post, name some damn names because we all know they're reading.
Nah this is a different artist and I can't be too specific because of reasons. Incidentally, this person was among a group of people getting really pissed off about Smash character reveals when other people were pretty happy/indifferent to them.
Does anyone have any dirty on FFA#5, ChunkerChunks, and S. Sakurai? The former two because I enjoy their art, but Sakurai is because I keep hearing so many rumors about him that I can't tell where to start.
Why ChunkerChunks? Did something happen?
Not that I'm aware of, I'm just curious. Also for Sakurai did he really become a tranny like bedbenders?
What happened to the catalog link?
Don't know about Sakurai.

There's no gossip about ChunkerChunks from what I can tell, not that I'd want there to be any. Only thing he's done recently that I don't care for is that he started a weight gain drive with the milestones for each part being pricey and far apart from each other.
(386 KB, 1650x1651, FI0yJbGWQAYCCqn.jpeg)
He made a 2nd part out of guilt even though the 1st milestone hasn't been reached. Even when money is the only factor, people still don't know how to properly handle a weight gain drive, or make it too strict.
>Does anyone have any dirty on FFA#5
you cannot be serious
with TDookus I always get the impression that whenever stuff like this happens it's because he's an anti-social spurg instead of being intentionally malicious.
Huh never knew that. Then again I barely even look at bedbenders these. Most of his stuff kinda went behind a paywall these days far as am aware. (Not that am bitching about people got to make a living somehow)
We don't see it because Twitter panders to him. First was the outbreak of fat arms, then the Arezu spam. People are willing to suck his dick, but like another person mentioned, that's how Twitter works. Other users can't rise unless they do this, but it's still pathetic.
I think Jelliroll was nice back when she(?) Was around short as it was. Did anyone ever find out if they really die or just pulling a Sketchek? ( Not trying to be rude I live under a rock) if they really dead I hope they rest in peace she made wonderful art!
the entirety of fat Twitter constantly trying to suck his cock is probably why he's so grumpy half the time
She was in the middle of some projects before her passing and sounded eager to do them. Pretty sure passing was real.

Expectation you think?
Aww.. that's a shame. Hope someone got her paid stuff saved cus the gumroad store she used is gone now. I just hope her passing wasn't too painful for her. She was fighting cancer If recall it right
I do not understand the funny poket monsters game, all I know is that the protags get fat art and the quirky adult characters becomes the main thing for months.
Speaking of Jelliroll, wasn't she briefly in a relationship with Aurelina? Or am I misremembering? Jelliroll seemed super nice, but Aurelina seems more of a bitch from what little I could gather.
Yes they were, Aurelina even set up a GoFundMe for her. They seemed to have a falling out sometime before Jelliroll died though
Also catboymech is a hypocritical SJW who cucks their husband, if they’re even still married, and will never be among the likes of Hololive or VShojo no matter how much they wish to break that territory
Never forget her tons of art she drew of her doing horny shit with her "daddy" who was actually her best friend, not her husband. Also she publically called him her "roommate", so it sounds like ToastTornado got the boot for that Cowzer dick
The only protagonists that get fat art regularly are May and Hilda, with Dawn and Rosa not far behind. Kris, Leaf, Lyra, Selene, Gloria, and even Serena don't get much. Akari has gotten some, but the game she's from is still new.
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Fug. Guess I want to become an artist.
Oh, I absolutely LOVE that spehereshit, inflation and stuffing without gain. I don't even mention characters growing in height proportional to their body mass. The proportions get absolutely weird there.
Nothing went wrong, because TAD was never good.
SLOB: Not Even Once
>I don't even mention characters growing in height proportional to their body mass. The proportions get absolutely weird there.

THIS. Extendo spines are terrible.
Man, I'd like TAD's stuff alot more if he stuck to straight weight gain and the occasional burp. Also, I wish he'd take comms, or do more with his OCs (particularly the vampire lady & the reluctant in denial gainer) yet he chooses to do the most obscure waifus and seems to hop around to multiple projects that spread him thin.

Has he even posted anything worthwhile recently? Last few things I recall were the big WG stuff of his OCs, and a DBZ girls artpack.
The fat arm thing was... something but the Arezu spam was one thing I could definitely get behind. Finally, there was some good fucking food
Remember when he was gonna make the Ohya pack, a sequence for his favorite P5 waifu? And then it never actually ever fucking happened?
>the Arezu spam was one thing I could definitely get behind. Finally, there was some good fucking food
Maybe if it wasn't mostly asses or felt like it was pandering to Dook, then sure. I can appreciate a nice ass, but I prefer fat bellies or balanced body types where nothing is lacking. I dislike when a singular character gets too much attention, and she's close to joining Hex Maniac on that shit list.
(410 KB, 598x619, TheAmericanDream on Twitter (1).png) (407 KB, 598x483, TheAmericanDream on Twitter (2).png)
He has an unbelievably slow pace sometimes.
I remember he posted a sketch for a commission (not mine, to be clear) and I anticipated the final coming soon - only for it to not be done until TWO YEARS later. Apparently the overall comic is still incomplete but as much as I like Tomoko I'm not gonna hold my breath.
Fair enough, I certainly felt the same way about the hex maniac and some other characters. Arezu's design just clicked so well for me that it's an exception to the rule as it were, but I can certainly get why others would be annoyed
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Jeet's going to troon out, isn't he?
He's becoming a lost cause. Twitter does that to people.
The Thai Ladyboy jokes just write themselves, don’t they? Personally, I don’t see him taking it any further than just a kink, since he doesn’t seem as terminally online as in most instances of it happening. But if it does, the amount of courting he’d get from people making him trans pride art along with the Bea art he already tends to get would be astronomical, and God help his ego should that happen.
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1st out of many reasons to not use Twitter
Never thought his art was appealing in any way. It lacks the "spark" that makes drawings pop up and be sexy. Yeah, it's good on the technique side, but looks absolutely soulless and devoid of life.
>Just a kink
Anon, I...
Anyone knows why he goes by the name Pajeet, eh? His characters always look like oddly proportioned Michelin Men.
I'm frankly surprised it hasn't already happened
he's just another case of a terminally horny fuck cooking himself gay
(256 KB, 1927x2480, STOP IT.jfif)
I came to this conclusion when he went ACAB/BLM during the Summer of Love. This shouldn't be happening because he lives in fucking Thailand, but pandering to Western twitter just broke this man. It's like I'm watching someone succumb to sissy hypno overexposure in real time, and I'd be sad if he wasn't such an insufferable two-faced jackoff.
>I don't see him taking it any further than just a kink
That's how it starts anon. That's how it always fuckin starts.
Thai people are into ACAB now? Shit. The nice thing about Thai BBWs is they're not into politics and they appreciate their male fans. Too bad the artists don't follow.

Twitter can go to hell. What happened to IRL fatties with Tumblr is now happening to fat artists with Twitter. Can I please have a different fetish? Please?!?!
It's getting to the point where y'all are fiending for an artist to do and draws things they never are.

You're eventually going to have to nut up and either start paying, suck the female penis or just start doing it yourself.

You will only experience disappointment if you keep depending on these people who clearly hate you to get your fat fix. So either except things that your perceived Jeet ruination or move on and become better
First time seeing the ACAB abbreviation. Unfortunate how that's a thing.

That's why I started commissioning artists. Got sick of seeing fetishes I'm not into and seeing the same overdone characters.
I really appreciate this thread for reminding me how much of an inbred retard some channers are.
If you can't handle criticism of your favorite artist, then go back to twitter where you belong.

Ah yes, deep critique such as 'this artist has sexual preferences that don't align with my interests therefore they are terrible'.
>start doing it yourself
Yep, I think anons should learn drawing here.
Wassa wassa wassup Michelin lover
Kek, troons gonna murder you for calling them mere fetishists. They're le female, you know.
When those preferences changes what shows up on his Patreon, a place where people pay him money for his work, then it's a problem. He handled that transition horribly, deciding to wing it and hope everyone was fine with the change instead of considering the groups of people that are there for his art. He completely shit on those who were only there for his female works.

So they can unsubscribe form his patreon if they aren't interested in it. He's not obligated to keep producing the same content and you're not obligated to continue paying for it.
I left his Patreon just before the Xenoblade 2 poll last year, so that was a while ago. That was around the point he started drawing male fats on there.
He may not be obligated, but do you agree with what he did? Disregarding the majority of his patron's interests in favor of his own?

Its his art, he can do what he wants with it. And if he's actually disregarding the majority of his patreons interest, then it will be reflected in his revenue. Again, he's not obligated to make the content YOU specifically want.
Since you're making such a big grandstand about Jeetdoh betraying "the majority" of his Patreons I decided to actually take a look on a Patreon tracking site just to see if that does reflect the case.

The only significant dip that's ever happened in terms of Patrons and Earnings was around mid-2020 where he "quit" for a few months because of that whole "underage art" deal alongside Kreat and Absol leaving and in the process his Patreon basically reverted to being a $1-3 tip jar, a change that's never been reverted to my knowledge.
Going further back than 2y is fairly pointless anyway as it was only on his return that he's been way more "secure" with himself and his sexuality, becoming as experimental he has with doing more frequent Male Art and Self-inserting... and for some strange reason, that's all it's pretty much been stable!

If anything >>82452 is right. The majority that are subscribed to Jeetdoh are obviously bisexual enough to enjoy the occasional male fatposting and pretty much already enable his self-inserting already, especially on Twitter.
Are we just the vocal minority? This place is basically piracy central for BBW content, so if the actual paying fans have no issue then he's never going to change.
>but do you agree with what he did?

He didn't "do" anything. All he did was come out as bisexual and draw the occasional male. Don't get me wrong, I hate male content and find his self-insert/thirstposting cringey as shit, but you are blowing this way out of proportion. If this was the only knock I had against Jeetdoh, I might still be following him and his work to this day.
(175 KB, 995x1280, VGH.jpg)
>The majority... are obviously bisexual enough to enjoy the occasional male fatposting and pretty much already enable his self-inserting already, especially on Twitter.
Sir, I don't believe they are bisexual enough as you've said. I think they might notice the difference unless there's a benis poking at their screen.
That dip around July '21 was when I left, and it's much smaller then I expected. Disappointing, but I can't argue that graph.

At least you hit me with facts instead of >>82452 who thought I was only thinking for myself, so good on you.

Did you have a PM with him about ideas for what to do with male content like I did, which was long before the male poll?
>That's how it starts anon. That's how it always fuckin starts.
It's true, I was into fat girls and now I weigh 2000 lbs and eat butter by the stick.
The poor guy never stood a chance, but at least he left a nice legacy before going off the deep end.
No, because I'm not going to harangue an artist about content they draw that I don't like and it's none of my fucking business how he decides to run his Patreon or socials. Now, if he had asked how he should proceed or expressed some reservations, that's a different story, but as far as I remember he never did.
>No, because I'm not going to harangue an artist
I didn't lecture him.

>Now, if he had asked how he should proceed or expressed some reservations, that's a different story, but as far as I remember he never did.
He did, but he only asked his Twitter followers and not his DA followers or his Patrons, and even then, the question was about male fats and had nothing to do with his Patreon. I noticed this after he posted his first male fat on Patreon after he came back, which lead me to PM him as I was not among those Twitter users.
When I PM'ed him, I gave two suggestions, then asked what he thought about them.

1: Hold a poll to decide fairly if male fats should be done on his Patreon.

2: Create a new tier where male fats would be posted, so people can avoid it if they like while still supporting him.

If he did actually ask for advice then fair enough.
I miss when the threads were just based around artists and not overly specific or general fandoms. Can't find shit anymore in these and paid content is even harder to find
these threads used to be occasionally interesting, it used to be funny stuff that allowed me to laugh at artists but now it's bbwchan members arguing with themselves over the most repetitive uninteresting crap. I don't give a fuck that artists draw the same characters or that a popular artist draws males as well as females. bring back drama like that guy raging over steve from minecraft lol. If there is new actual drama it's just artists being "too PC" which is also super boring.
(63 KB, 570x537, 1615390319979.gif)
>noooooo why isn't reality scripted like television where i can see funny meltdown 24/7
not asking for funny melltdowns, the hilarity of those is the surprise and weirndess of them so you can't except them 24/7 like you said. just saying the drama focused on in these threads isn't engaging. I don't find the actions of the people complained about here especially objectionable or worth making a post about. People complained above about the community having a problem with artists being disingenuous and it being hard to develop personal connections with people and that had depth to it. the rest is just the never-ending merry-go-round that is "artist accepts commissions for characters I don't like" and "artist drew art I can't fap to"
>> 82572
That's a lot of words to merely say you don't like it when this thread gets political. Sucks to be you man.
>If there is new actual drama it's just artists being "too PC" which is also super boring.
if that's a lot of words to you then you're kind of dumb dude
you think we're here to entertain you or something? These threads exist for people to vent, who the hell cares if you find these rants interesting or not?
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Jeet either needs to get his ex GF back or get another one ffs. You can actively see him fall further down the slippery slope has been on since his breakup, all while the Twitter gremlins cheer him on. It's fucking depressing man, dude clearly needs help but he's stuck in an echo chamber of sycophants that wants nothing more than to poison him by enabling this shit.
It's much worse than just sycophants, the rainbow mafia has a nearly supernatural ability to zero in on vulnerable people and Jeet's circumstances have unfortunately left him in the crosshairs. None of these fucks have his best interest at heart, they just want to mold him into another genderblob that espouses the same buzzwords over and over.

People complain about him coming out as bi and posting bhm, but just imagine how much worse it will be if he's fully contaminated and becomes a tranny. Forget Bea spam, it would be nothing but portland-approved political cartoons.
This is all since he and his ex broke up? I got dumped a while back and my ex came out as lesbian a year later, and that didn't turn me transgender.

Touch some fucking grass
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Can't handle the truth, huh?
It's seriously scary just how on the nose this is. There's a fuckhuge correlation between trans girls and autism/vulnerability, and I'd bet a million dollars on it being due to people taking advantage of sad, confused, and lonely boys who don't really understand themselves. It's honestly really fucking evil, and I hate that it's quickly becoming the norm.

You are conjuring up a narrative in your head where everyone is evil and manipulative and out to convert others to some nebulous nefarious agenda for no discernable reason. When all that happened is a guy with weird kinks decided to be more public about another weird kink.

Touch grass
You'll be singing a different tune if Jeet changes his pronouns. And when you look at the fuckhuge amount of kink artists that trooned out as well him going all-in with the self-insert sissy femboy bullshit, I think the odds are higher than you expect. But I'm wasting my time telling you this since you're probably one of his dickriders on twitter.
Yeah, they broke up during lockdowns that were forcing their relationship to be long distance. Jeet claimed that they mutually ended the relationship on good terms, but after seeing his recent shit he clearly hasn't been taking it well.
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>You are conjuring up a narrative in your head where everyone is evil and manipulative and out to convert others to some nebulous nefarious agenda
Not everyone, just the literal sociopaths that use Twitter as their personal playground. The same jackanapes who, need I remind you, was after his head not even two years ago because he drew underage characters, despite being perfectly fine with it before. It was the main reason he even left the scene for a while.

Twitter users are known predators constantly hungry for control, and they've been after Jeet for a while and using any ammunition they got on him. There is no middle ground for these maniacs, they'll either control him like a puppet, or get rid of him entirely.
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>did nothing wrong
Twitter is alltogether evil. As >>82623 said, there's more than enough examples. /r9cute/ is one. Also there are tons of pedo groomers over there. Evil and wretched place.
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Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could REEEEEEEE
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Why is this thread still up? Isn't /gen/ meant to act as a containment board for this off-topic conspiracy theorist mouth-frothing?
>conspiracy theorist
It's blatantly there, look at all the other artists drawing Maid Jeet and cheering him on. It's indoctrination through and through.
How is seeing a group take advantage of a vulnerable person a conspiracy theory? How do you think this shit starts?

Would I think Jeet would be like he is anyway? Probably but definitely more private with it. Seeing his likes and posts before he became westernized, he was pretty quiet and didn't dip his toes in controversy. Now, he's just totting this American mindset when he's half way across the world and as an American it's fucking upsetting seeing this artist go down this route. Even more so are the idiots encouraging this not knowing the potential disaster this can be.
I'd treat this thread like a lightning rod that diverts at least some of the shitting up of other threads. It's probably more beneficial in the long run to have it up even if it's in the wrong board. Also it's fun.
I don't think anyone in this thread or the previous ones is "having fun", these are legit grievances people have and saying otherwise is just downplaying it.
Fair point, I should've used the word "cathartic" instead because it feels good to vent instead of keeping it in.

>guy has a kink
>is public about the kink on his fetish account
>people enjoy kink
>he has fun

Literally that is all that is happening. Some of you are out of touch with reality to a degree that is seriously pathetic.
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Cathartic's the right word for sure. I suppose I've seriously dipped into autistic rage territory, but I've got a really bad feeling about the path Jeet is going down and I like having a place to air out my grievances about it. If Jeet never troons out and just has a femboy fetish, then as embarrassing as it is I can accept being wrong and looking like a loony conspiracy nut. And honestly I hope I am. But it's hard to not at least feel a little on edge when you've got this kind of pattern recognition down to a science.
What the fuck guys. Jeetdoh just broke into my house and pointed a gun at my head. He told me that I HAD to masturbate to fat guys or he'll pull the trigger. I tried to explain that I'm not gay and that I just ignore the guys he draws but he said I HAVE to masturbate to them RIGHT FUCKING NOW or he's pulling the trigger. I did what I had to do, but he said he's coming back...
Jeetdoh is an adult and can do what he fucking wants with his life. If he is trans (I doubt it) that's his decision. If it somehow changes the way he acts on twitter on a regular basis, I'll unfollow him and move on with my life. Its not a big deal.

Take a step back and look at how absurd all this is. Consider how much of a dramatic and even dangerous overhaul being a trans person is. Do you really think someone is going to completely upend their life just because of what some random people they don't even know say on twitter? Grow up.
Good thing it's hard to distinguish who is who unless there's a description provided. I once jerked off to drawn man's ass only to find out about it a while later.
>be you a Twitter artist
>draw female body proportions
>dick is nowhere in sight
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All I have left to say about this matter is that I've seen plenty of content creators go down the trans rabbit hole, and 10 times out of 10 they change for the worst. Again, I might be and honestly hope I'm wrong about Jeet following in their footsteps, but if he does then don't say that I and the other schizoposters didn't warn ya.
fellas is it indoctrination to have friends that support you?

I wouldn't support a friend's drug habit just because I'm their friend. The idea that unconditional support is a good thing is ridiculous.
Are you seriously comparing being trans to being a drug addict? I don't even know what to say to that

Replace drugs with any sort of other potentially self-destructive habit, doesn't matter the severity of it or if it doesn't create an immediate issue, and does my point really change?

People can be easily influenced when the majority are constantly asspatting them for everything they do and any sort of dissenting voice is drowned out with "positivity" and twitter has enabled that on a grand scale from people who don't even know you personally.
If that's what you wanna think then, sure. Whatever makes you happy. I just think this whole twitter shadow cabal conspiracy is a bit out there. I mean, if there was a group of people trying to take advantage of him why of all things would they put him in a maid costume and trick him into liking it? Just seems a bit silly to me
You can draw morbidly obese cartoon woman, but having a kink for frilly clothing? That's clearly indicative of deep mental problems!
Explain to me how being trans is a "self-destructive habit". This ought to be a laugh.

This. It's so hilarious to me how internet reactionaries always draw the catchment circle for what constitutes 'degeneracy' with themselves just outside of it.
From morons jerking it to fat cartoon women all the way up to nazi diaperfurs, they'll always find a way to leap over logic and insist that "what I'm into is OK" as if they aren't on the same list, just further down.
You feed delusions and in extreme cases permanently alter your body through mutilation. You also demand that everyone else validate these delusions.
It's straight up predation, you've got that right. Teens have never had it easy, but drag queens telling on tv and genderblobs on twitter telling them its ok to mutilate themselves is making it so much worse. The saddest part is that the tranny "community" is one of strict obedience--any disinters are violently expelled with no questions asked, and the reason they do that is to keep up the facade of validation. You can't have anyone question the narrative that they're a beautiful woman, because that runs the risk of more people questioning if HRT is really a good idea.
More likely part of the troon cult, knowing how bad this site can get.
That is genuinely upsetting to hear. Break ups aren't ever easy, but this really has hit him like a ton of bricks.
This one is even more upsetting, Jeet should know better than to toss his hat in with the lunatics on twitter after what happened to him just two years ago. Has he really begun to feel so lonely that he's willing to join the definitive hate machine just to be a part of something?
>this American mindse
I understand your sentiment, but this is grade-A marxist globohomo through and through.
Claiming that its ok to indulge a lifestyle that is notoriously detrimental to one's life expectancy and quality of life is fine just because it's an "adult decision" is a terribly childish fallacy. As >>82708 points out, no one who is a real friend would just dumbly enable a terrible drug habit.
>Explain to me how being trans is a "self-destructive habit". This ought to be a laugh.
The 41% would disagree.
>You feed delusions
>You also demand that everyone else validate these delusions.
Firstly, who's "you"? I'm a cisgender man.
Secondly, we can talk all day about the fact that while sex is a concrete physical characteristic, the societal roles, significance, and meaning (IE: Gender as a seperate concept to sex) is not. Those are all social constructs, but honestly, I don't think you're even remotely interested in humoring that conversation in any sort of good faith.

>Permanently alter your body through mutilation
Categorically false. Even if you do consider bottom/top surgery to be mutilation (which raises its own sets of questions, such as whether tonsil or appendix removal is mutilation, as well as caesarean sections, breast reduction surgery or circumcision for that matter) the fact is that only 33% of trans people get any form of surgery at all. For many, HRT alone is enough, and most of the effects of that can be reversed. The only notable ones that can't be are a certain amount of breast growth and absent fertility - and let's be honest, why the fuck would you want to raise a kid in the hellscape we live in today?

>The 41% would disagree.
A figure from 2015 that has fallen with every passing year since. It's almost as if when you stop treating people like shit on a systemic level, they generally become less suicidal.
Perhaps being trans wouldn't be so "notoriously detrimental to one's life expectancy and quality of life" if people like yourself stopped being such cunts about it.
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I don't. When I was a kid, Fundies banned Pokemon, Digimon, Harry Potter for being Satanic. I am guessing that now that there's no Oprah, Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake, or Donald Trumps figure telling them, people are afraid that America is going gay. The thing is, Gen Z isn't turbo gay. They're pretty much Glee levels of Gay, or Ru Paul. Still better than TLC Jon and Kate Plus 8 or the Duggar Family, or Toddlers and Tiaras.

I am skeptical. Herschel Walker's son is turbo gay and so is Magic Johnson's son. Apparently hyper conservative men breed hardcore gay son. Plus, Jeet is from Asia, which is full of Ultra Right Wing Gays
>Firstly, who's "you"?
Anon is using the word You in the general sense, the same way I use the word One in most cases. He's not singling you out
>Those are all social constructs
2015 died several years ago, those buzzwords and that debunked fallacy have as well. The word gender itself is only used because it was pushed by Dr. John Money, a doctor who performed SRS on children as an experiment.
>Categorically false
Chopping off one's penis or breasts is mutilation, there's no way for anyone to spin it as anything else. If one needs to perform irreparable self-harm to reproductive organs feel comfortable in one's skin, that person has a mental illness. Pulling a tooth or aiding in childbirth as far from tranny mutilation as night is to day whether you like it or not.
>For many, HRT alone is enough, and most of the effects of that can be reversed
So now you're advocating the injection of chemicals into the body in order to feel comfortable, and you're still failing to see the drug addiction parallels?
>A figure from 2015 that has fallen with every passing year since
Nice citation friend.
Two sportsball hasbeens having queer sons doesn't negate a single thing I said, nor does Jeet being Asian. You and spew nonsequiters all you like, but it just makes you look like an idiot who can't reason to save his life.
Says the retard having a Gay Panic on a fetish board. Cranky that you didn't get your buck broken?
Stating my worry over an artist I like going down a destructive road is a panic? Looks more like you and several others can't stand it that I'm openly discussing the sever health risks of a dangerous cult mentality, which Jeet is already showing several warning signs of orbiting.
>2015 died several years ago, those buzzwords and that debunked fallacy have as well.
Ironic that you bring up points from 2015, and yet condemn me for supposedly doing the same.
>The word gender itself is only used because it was pushed by Dr. John Money, a doctor who performed SRS on children as an experiment.
The point still stands though, even on a basic level. There is nothing inherent to what genitalia you have that influences whether you wear pants or a skirt, or whether you wear makeup, or whether you like sports and cars or shopping and cooking. The only thing that influences those things is societal convention.
Like I said, having a penis or vagina is a physical characteristic. What significance is placed behind that is social construct. I'm right, and you know it.
>Chopping off one's penis or breasts is mutilation, there's no way for anyone to spin it as anything else. If one needs to perform irreparable self-harm to reproductive organs feel comfortable in one's skin, that person has a mental illness. Pulling a tooth or aiding in childbirth as far from tranny mutilation as night is to day whether you like it or not.
Breasts are a sexual organ. Many women have breast reductions in order to relieve back pain. Are these women being mutilated?
>So now you're advocating the injection of chemicals into the body in order to feel comfortable, and you're still failing to see the drug addiction parallels?
Important note - MTF HRT is generally taken via tablets, not injection. It would help to at least be somewhat decently versed in what it is you're so opposed to. Anyway - Yes. Plenty of people take medication for all sorts of things in order to feel comfortable. Painkillers, anti-seizures, antidepressants and anti-psychotics, even antihistamines to keep allergies under control. Hell, diabetics inject Insulin all the time. Medication to make your life comfortable is a pretty normal thing.
>Nice citation friend.
I'm just following the standards that you've set. So far you haven't provided a source for any of your claims either. Not only are you incorrect on so many fronts, you're also a gigantic hypocrite.
Why are you menstruating in a fetish board? Are you a woman? It's Jeets life, leave him alone instead of having a PMS rage
Is being gay a mental illness as well? Just checking where you're at on the dumb shit power level scale
>Ironic that you bring up points from 2015, and yet condemn me for supposedly doing the same.
I'm condemning you for being a life-ruination enabler. It doesn't matter if Jeet has not or will ever speak with you, your voice is part of the wailing twitter mob turning the man in to a stereotypical Taiwanese ladyboy. Secondly don't get triggered by me pointing out that "omg its current year, be more progressive (tm)" is a dead sentiment.
>The point still stands though, even on a basic level.
You are legitimately drunk on twitter propaganda kool aid, and you cannot read. If you have a dick, you are not a chick--it's that simple, and no obstinate whining by you or anyone else changes that. That's the collective use of the word You by the way, don't trip yourself up in semantics like before.
>Breasts are a sexual organ. Many women have breast reductions in order to relieve back pain. Are these women being mutilated?
They haven't sliced off their breasts out of a delusional fantasy, so no.
>MTF HRT is generally taken via tablets, not injection.
You're really hung up on sematics, woo boy. Diabetes medication doesn't lead to irreparable self harm, alienation, nor suicide. You're being disingenuous because you know I'm right and that you don't have a single leg to stand on in this discussion, so you're desperately trying to twist my words in to a manufactured gotcha moment. You're also conflating HRT with real medicine.
>So far you haven't provided a source for any of your claims either.
You whined about the 2015 study being out of date, but it still stands and you haven't provided anything at all that proves "the numbers are falling each year", as you put it. The onus is on you to validate any of the self-harming habits that trannies practice, and you have failed on every point because you don't have anything to support your emotional convictions.

You want a citation though? Here, read everything in this link and try to say with a straight face that this kind of suffering is what Jeet needs in his life, I dare you: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/transgender-mental-health
>Like I said, having a penis or vagina is a physical characteristic. What significance is placed behind that is social construct.
Highly recommend making an appointment with your general practitioner because you might genuinely have an IQ of 89.

Homosexuality is a deviation from typical human reproduction patterns due to sexual interest in similar sexes. At its core it is a mental disorder with a myriad of factors that influence it. You're chugging the tumblr kool-aid and conflating people understanding the basic characteristics of homosexuality with subscribing to homophobia.
Your goalposts shift every time you respond. It'd be funny, if it weren't so sad.
>I'm condemning you for being a life-ruination enabler
Quit the melodrama, get off your high horse and engage with me on at least a rational, honest level, will you? All you're doing with this self righteous, evangelical crap is embarrassing yourself.
>wailing twitter mob, "triggered"
Sorry, I thought you said 2015 died several years ago? More hypocrisy.
> You are legitimately drunk on twitter propaganda kool aid, and you cannot read.
And yet you still haven't engaged with, or refuted that point. You haven't told me what it is that makes a maid costume inherently "feminine", or what that even means, probably because you don't have an answer. You're probably getting so mad because cognitive dissonance is beginning to set in and your mind is lashing out at the very suggestion that it might be wrong.
>Diabetes medication doesn't lead to irreparable self harm, alienation, nor suicide.
Neither does HRT. What causes self harm, alienation and suicide is being treated like a second class citizen for daring to try and be happy.

>The WHO adds that transgender people often experience disproportionately high levels of mental health conditions.
>They note that cissexism, discrimination, violence, and barriers to healthcare can all contribute to the increased chance of mental health concerns.
Yes. These are all external factors. Like I said, being treated like shit by others for being transgender is what causes high rates of mental health issues, not being transgender itself.
>It also highlights that more than half of transgender and non-binary youth have seriously considered suicide. Of the respondents, 29% had attempted suicide. A 2021 articleTrusted Source notes that factors such as barriers to care, victimization, and cissexism.
29? Golly, isn't that a smaller number than 41?
A 12% decrease over 6 years. Thanks for making my argument for me.

For someone who's telling me that I apparently don't know how to read, it's kinda hilarious that you've linked an article that's proven me right.

>you might genuinely have an IQ of 89.
Or alternatively, I understand basic Saussurean principles of Semiotics. Easy mistake to make if you're a total reprobate.
Glee gay or Ru Paul gay is WAY too gay for most straight guys. I try to be tolerant, but I can't help that the modern gay aesthetic is repulsive to me. It makes me more homophobic, not less. I don't want to be homophobic. I'm just sick of that Glee aesthetic taking over EVERYTHING.
No, you don't. You're a pseudointellectual twitter user trying to sound educated in order to dunk on some dude on an imageboard for not chugging your particular flavor of kool-aid. Seek medical attention.
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I dunno, I think I do... but I'm sure some random stranger on the internet knows more about me than I do.
I'll just continue being right, and start ignoring you if you don't mind.
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>Or alternatively, I understand basic Saussurean principles of Semiotics. Easy mistake to make if you're a total reprobate.
this is the most midwit phrase i've seen all week. maybe put the thesaurus down and talk like an actual human for once
OK then.
I understand the idea that meaning is defined by perception. If that's confusing to you, you're an idiot.

Jesus, Jeetdoh drawing a few Beas and Male Images really did mindbreak you all, huh?
To the Anons who just don't get it, not everyone has to like what people do.

We can disagree with Ridiculouscake's statue take, we can not like Axelrosered inserting other fetishes into his drawings, and we can not like Jeetdoh's decisions about his tastes and personal sexual journey or whatever the fuck that plagues his social media.

People have opinions and if you think they don't matter or don't have any effect on the artist then why are you defending them? Yeah Jeet is an adult but others can express concern and conversations can be had, that's the point, it's basic human interaction. We can't keep lying to one another and say everything is okay, we can not like each other, that's normal.
You're the one who's convinced there is some kind of sinister transgender conspiracy to trick people into (what you perceive to be) a mental illness because...I dunno, making people trans is woke, I guess? The onus is and always will be on you to fucking prove that such a thing exists, and despite your bleating "41%" as though you give a shit,* you haven't remotely proved your weird conspiracy theory *or* that trans people are sick in any way.

*you do not, by the way, and anyone with a brain can see it. You would be at least slightly more worthy of respect if you just came out and admitted you fucking hate queers, own up to your beliefs like a man, instead of this concern trolling dogshit you pull to reel in new recruits who don't know better.
Relax, it's just Jeet drawing himself in a dress. I think it looks fun

Wrong Anon, fuck face.
>Isn't this Anastasmafillia with his spergout about minecraft guy getting into smash
Rent fucking free
Bbw-chan becomes Twitter 2.0
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>friends that support you
You mean the same "friends" that have stabbed him in the back before, and WILL do so again in a heartbeat whenever they feel he's being even remotely problematic? With friends like that, who needs enemies?

I'd rather have people be blunt and honest to my face rather than cheer on my naked body like the Emperor for kicks, only to kick me to the curb when they get bored.
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Low and behold, Jeet is contributing to the crossdressing Thai stereotype.
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Sneed. Trannies are eunuchs in disguise.
Ywn be a dad, yet alone mother. You will forever be marked as a freak. Good thing you decided to remove yourself from humanity's gene pool.
And yet, neither will you. Your genitals are intact, so what's your excuse?
Transgenders! Fellas in disguise.
Yes, that's only when I was like 18, I have a beard now and I've never shaved once since it started growing. So suck my dick I don't look like no woman nigga what the fuck is up with you. faggy as fuck. take your meds
Do you actually know Jeet tho? like personally know him

I can understand not liking what hes drawing but how the fuck are you gonna talk about someone's personal life you dont even know
Damn dude you're right, you really got me, I'm so sad now. You really got me, seething Anon on a board for jerking off to fat chicks, you struck right at my heart and all the things I care about in life.
i just like women
Wait a second. Does cheese mean... shit? Oh man, you guys are sick
Fr fr no cap broccoli head faggots
we need new material clear high resolution
What a cute boi! I want to kiss and rub his tummy! UwU
Feels like summer and it's not even March yet.
TAD can be good but he’s feel off. half a dozen unfinished promising projects, a ton of chicken scratch “WIP” sketches, and now he puts belly hair on fucking everything he draws you’ll be lucky to get the occasional crappy one piece drawing on his Twitter that’s about it
give this guy a beer! so many lost boys get captured by this darkness
>explain to me how being trans is a "self-destructive habit"

Buddy, you see the 42%?
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41% as of 2015, and that has not only been primarily attributed to external social factors but has also dropped to 29% in 2021 as per this reply?

Please at least try to keep up, I don't like answering the same questions over and over.
I don't think I've had an artist I'm sick of seeing of hearing about and seeing more than Takamoom. Like, we get it, you like men and Kobeni from Chainsaw Man, your million barely legible tweets about it are fucking obnoxious go AWAY
Not even 24 hours old and they are already more overexposed on my feed than some of the worst commission whores are thanks to Birthday Gifts, shit's pretty impressive.
>>81526 (OP)
I despise this fucking circlejerk on Twitter, where you have this one autist share an idea and everyone else wants to hop on the bandwagon/ jerk the other person off. It just makes an unintelligible mess of noise that gets so fucking annoying.
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There's always been something just so profoundly unappealing about TAD's artstyle for me

Guy's got a good grasp on fundamentals and he's good at conveying mass but the outdated western comic book aesthetic combined with the lines that get their roughness and unsteadiness emphasized by their thickness just don't do any favors for getting even a semblance of erotic vibes across. Almost everything TAD puts out looks like he forgot to hide the sketch layer before exporting the image

I guess it's nice for people to have alternatives in a scene where modern anime style still reigns supreme, TAD just could be so much better with a bit of polish

Also, this fucking face that he puts on over half of his characters looks like shit
I completely lost interest in their work when they started to focus on slob stuff.

Edgy? Fair comment.

I can sympathise in as much that it is, in most cases I’m sure, a genuine illness. If you believe that you’re woman, when you were born with meat and two veg between your legs (or vice versa), that’s fine. After all, I’m sure that, given a choice, nobody would ever choose that situation.

What I don’t agree with is the way in which society enables these individuals. Don’t ask the rest of us to play dumb just because you’ve succeeded in turning yourself into… something in between.
>Also, this fucking face that he puts on over half of his characters looks like shit
Yeah, my main issue with him is that he has the worst case of sameface I've ever seen in a fetish artist. Just absolutely zero variety or diversity in his stuff. Personally I find he's good in moderate doses every now and then, but any more than that and I quickly grow sick of his stuff.
I absolutely see some people/artists getting in on the flavor/meme of the month to circle jerk, suck up, and get them clicks, but it usually doesn't bother me because I just see it as people noticing a trend and thinking it looks fun to get on.

As a man who adores sketchwork, TADs stuff is genuinely hard to look at. I want to like some of his work but it's just so weird and off-kilter looking, the comic book style clashes with his detailing and coloring style, and there's also the whole slob/fart/oink/hairy/wrinkly/piercing/tattoo aesthetic he has to shove into everything now. I can't stand the way he portrays men either, they all look like meme people you'd shove into a locker.

And yes that fucking expression he uses for every single woman he's drawn as of late. He used to be more varied but now it's the same sexy-smug elongated face going "shlurp shlorp oink oink burp" every time.

Could've sworn the "41%" thing was a huge misnomer from a single flawed study/survey that was latched onto because it was memed relentlessly.
Dude, all of that stuff happened on Twitter, how is that his personal life? The harassment and subsequent dick sucking was shit for all to see, and it doesn't take a genius to put shit together from all the inane social media drama.
Dumbass idiot here. Can I have context?
If you don't block every artist that draws mal*s, you're doing it wrong. Takamoom especially since he can't even draw for shit.
the constant spam of takamoom OC´s made me hate him , that and the artist getting praised even by the smallest things, seriously they´re everywhere im tired of seeing it.
(625 KB, 753x851, Oh Gno.png)
>Texas tries to outlaw trans kids
>Russia invades Ukraine right afterwards
Fat twitter's about to become as unusable as it was during the summer of 2020 because fetish artists can't resist using their platform as a political soapbox.

Is your main concern with this shit really that people are going to be upset on twitter
Way to put words in my mouth, you double nigger. Shit sucks all around, but when I'm in the mood for a quick fap, I'd like to get my rocks off without being pestered by political bullshit. Simple as.
Is Mofu an alt account of Kafe or do they do the colouring for Kafe because holy shit, I know Kafe likes to crib other artists styles, like Bamboo for a time, but their art is so similar that it's just weird.
This reply is one of the reasons why this thread should be on the general discussion board.
>I don't understand, why can't people just have no moral conscience or principles, like me?
TAD vs yer-keij-fer-cash worst face challenge go
I'd still say TAD, at least Keij is still somewhat capable of different styles and expressions even if he puts more effort into his shitposts than his actual fetish content nowadays
Keji used to be an artist I liked a lot but it feels like they haven't made an effort to improve their work in years. Which I guess is their choice, but it just feels like there's a lack of passion for it.
Okay I've seen this kind of take about a million times, and no joke I legitimately do not understand. When you want to jack it to fat art, do you legitimately go to twitter, and fucking scroll down your timeline. I can understand not wanting to like, save stuff to your computer if you don't have the disk space or the security, but this sounds like the worst possible thing I could ever imagine.
I was fapping to a post by twitter artist when it turned out the porn I was fapping to was a political gif and the fatty faded away to reveal a message "defend trans rights in ukraine". I was so enraged by the fat artist's subterfuge and attempt to brainwash me that I spilled my tendies on the floor!!!! meow-meow's been making such a mess there lately and the smell's been getting bad because MOMBITCH REFUSES TO CLEAN MY ROOM. THIS ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD IS CONSPIRING TO SOIL MY TENDIES!!!! I JUST WANT TO SPEND ALL DAY FAPPING TO PORN AND EATING NON-SHITSTAINED TENDIES BUT THESE FAT TWITTER ARTISTS HAD TO BRAINWASH ME WITH THEIR FUCKING TWITTER TIMELINES. FUCK WOMEN AND FUCK THE STUPID LIBERALS. DO THEY NOT UNDERSTAND THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR ACTIONS!?!?! GOD FUCKING DAMNIT LEAVE POLITICS OUT OF MY PORN.
Then just stop following artists like them, they should all be like Fapin atleast he just fucking draws art without some stupid ass politics behind it. Snowflakes like takamoom and those encourage them are the problem. So glad Marmalade man is back, cause he seems to understand this aswell. Leave that political agenda shit for the REAL artists.
>if you don't allow parents to feed into children's naive schemes at attention that will have repercussions for the rest of their lives you have no moral conscience or principles
I think Kafe is stagnating ever since he apparently decided that he didn't have a style and now everything Kafe does looks unfinished and ironically without a consistent style. Mofu's an entirely separate person but definitely stepped up their art game in a big way over time.

Agree on your point but
>like Fapin
Yeah, if he manages to break the loop of "draw then descend into hyper-depressive spiral that he's totally getting treated for" (he isn't).
The effects of HRT are completely reversable aside from a small amount of macromastia and decreased fertility.
Only around 1/3 of trans people take any kind of surgery.

Cope and seethe.
You could try that, but then we have their friends who encourage it and keep retweeting it on your timeline. I don’t get fapping on the timeline while scrolling, but it’s near fucking impossible when people are glorifying it.
Everything with Jeet just depresses me. It's really sad to see all of these Twitter fags use him for their own sexual pleasure and sick kicks. Hope he doesn't go too far off the deepend, but it's not looking good.
You say that like decreased fertility is an acceptable thing
This is why your bloodline deserves to die out
I don't plan on having kids because I like having money and not getting shat or vomited on, so looks like you're getting your wish.

I am so tired of people putting fertility on a pedestal.
If you want a kid, there's hundreds of thousands of children in orphanages and other wards of the state around the world. Why not give them a better life? What makes your genetic material so worthy, other than your ego telling you as such?

Having kids is just a cope for being a giant loser who won't leave any other impact on the world after their death. There's no other rational reason to have children in the world we currently live in, much less to insist on said children sharing your DNA.
(212 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20220225-081007.png)
Twitter being Twitter, this guy thinks Ukraine and Texas are facing the same level of trouble. I can understand just tipping Ukrainian artists since their nation is now in war, but tipping Texans just because of an anti trans law is absurd.
>>Having kids is just a cope for being a giant loser who won't leave any other impact on the world after their death. There's no other rational reason to have children in the world we currently live in, much less to insist on said children sharing your DNA.

Based. Outside of hormones, people just want children to cope with the unescapability of death.
>Outside of hormones, people just want children to cope with the unescapability of death.
Exactly. And if you can't control your hormonal urges, you're no better than an animal.
>Muh goalposts
I've consistently called you a retard for being a member of the tranny cult, not my fault you can't read
>Sorry, I thought you said 2015 died several years ago? More hypocrisy.
"H-ha, y-y-you're t-the one w-who is triggered!1one"
Real witty rebuttal champ, got all the neurons firing on that one.
>You haven't told me what it is that makes a maid costume inherently "feminine"
You are a legitimate retard, and I am very grateful you are a genetic dead end.
>Neither does HRT. What causes self harm, alienation and suicide is being treated like a second class citizen
Which would never have happened to them if they didn't seek this twitter-approved suicide cult in the first place. You suck at debate and you're shaming the "people" you're trying to defend bugman.
> Like I said, being treated like shit by others for being transgender
Is one of several reasons why I don't want Jeet to be stupid and inject hormones in order to have fake internet friends.
>It also highlights that more than half of transgender and non-binary youth have seriously considered suicide.
These semantic arguments just make you look more pathetic bugman. You're also petty as hell by ignoring all the other life ruination involved in the cult of trannyism because your twitter programming compels you to defend this shit regardless of the documented evidence I've slapped you with. You are a soulless robot.
>some kind of sinister transgender conspiracy
Nice job ignoring all those sissification discord servers on top of the twitter mafia lmao.

This a thousand times, there is no such thing as an internet friend and definitely no such thing as a twitter friend. Jeet will be sacrificed to the god of equality and social justice the very second he says anything remotely out of line with portland-approved correct-think.

The sad fact is that most stereotypes exist for a reason.

Who the hell even is this, and why is he being paraded around as the king of ocs?

>I don't plan on having kids because I've been conditioned to be an overly-socialized consumer and having a relationship would cut into my funko pop budget
The only reason why people are drawing Takamooms OC so much right now is cuz it was their birthday. Relax.
In a thread full of shitheads I think we found the biggest one, congrats.

But seriously fuck off with your transphobic bullshit, just let people be people. People are only after you because you're an asshole.
What's wrong with acknowledging shitty things are going on in both places? He's not saying they're the same level of badness.
No, but he is saying that both should be getting free tips when only one of those parties is deserving. I can back the Ukrainians, but not trans folk who *potentially* chose their lifestyle.
Man, girls ain't fat enough.
Has it seriously taken you three days to come up with a reply this pathetic?

>"H-ha, y-y-you're t-the one w-who is triggered!1one" Real witty rebuttal champ, got all the neurons firing on that one.
You literally are though. You've completely stopped even attempting to actually argue your case logically, and instead devolved into mouth-frothing about a "tranny cult", "genetic dead ends", and bullshit stereotypes.
>being a member of the tranny cult, not my fault you can't read
I've already told you, I'm not even transgender, I'm a cis male. You keep saying I can't read, then not reading what I'm saying. This is why I keep calling you a hypcorite, because you're trying to call me out for shit that you do as well, more so if anything.
>You are a legitimate retard, and I am very grateful you are a genetic dead end.
So basically you have zero argument for this point. There's literally zero connection between wearing 'feminine' clothing and being biologically female other than social cues.
> one of several reasons why I don't want Jeet to be stupid and inject hormones in order to have fake internet friends.
I don't think anyone is 'pressuring' Jeet into this, rather they're trying to encourage him into doing something that will make him happier, regardless of what society at large thinks.
>These semantic arguments just make you look more pathetic bugman.
The quote you are replying to is from the article you linked, please for the love of god think before oyu post.
>You're also petty as hell by ignoring all the other life ruination involved in the cult of trannyism because your twitter programming compels you to defend this shit regardless of the documented evidence I've slapped you with
You literally haven't posted any evidence whatsoever, other than a single article that actually ended up proving me correct on several claims. I wouldn't consider a career as a lawyer if that's what you consider "slapping someone with documented evidence".
>Nice job ignoring all those sissification discord servers on top of the twitter mafia lmao.
Literally never heard of this, but sounds like confirmation bias to me.

I honestly feel sad for you - it must be so hard living with such a bleak outlook on the world and how you believe people actually think. I can't imagine you have many friends, because it seems as if you wouldn't give anyone the benefit of the doubt for that to happen. The closest I would guess that you get is sneer groups and imageboard culture.

I sincerely hope you get the help you need, and that one day you have a change of heart.

>I don't plan on having kids because I've been conditioned to be an overly-socialized consumer and having a relationship would cut into my funko pop budget
Congrats on non sequitir of the year.
>I don't plan on having kids because I've been conditioned to be an overly-socialized consumer and having a relationship would cut into my funko pop budget

Seethe harder, breeding will still never be a valid substitute for actually doing something meaningful with your life.
Man i can't wait for trannies to commit suicide, i don't see them as human anyways.
(4.9 MB, 360x640, flagburn.gif)
>fuck off with your transphobic bullshit
Nigger, you're on a -chan offshoot, not Twitter.
So how many artists are going to say they're too stressed about the Ukraine thing to deliver commissions and Patreon rewards on time despite not even being close to Ukraine, let alone Europe? I've already seen one.
Who's that cheapskate?
>“Bro it’s reversible, except for these irreversible things”
Yeah I think it’s better to not allow kids to undergo these procedures and have to wait to become adults
You were retarded as a child as was I, and I’d you don’t think that you’re fucking full of yourself
Bruh, people are literally dying.

You can handle having your fatty wank material delayed a few days.

The Sociopaths are in full force today, holy shit.
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Sorry but no one in fucking America should be having any panic attacks over Ukraine unless they have family or friends there. Making it into an excuse to just not do anything with yourself doesn't mean anything. That's just you profiting off of it.
I am truly gobsmacked at the level of reactionary garbage in this thread and this board in general lol
>Homosexuality is a deviation from typical human reproduction patterns due to sexual interest in similar sexes. At its core it is a mental disorder with a myriad of factors that influence it.

What treatment would you suggest for this mental disorder, then?
Is this your first time on a image board?
That anon's honestly got a point, this thread's got way more childish arguing towards each other than the previous two threads did, if anything we should have kept the Manbaby moniker given it's actually apt now.

Never mind Jeet's own downfall, you're all seriously getting absolute fucking brainrot from that guy. Every thread with a loose relation to him has been poisonous shite and petty arguments for more than a year and was largely why these threads were created in the first place, maybe it's time to just let go, ignore him and get off fucking Twitter.
bro you've not even taken HRT and you have mantits, sit the fuck down
It took two weeks but I'm glad >>81662 manifested. This is collective whining through and through. It's not worth arguing here - no one wants to have their mind changed on anything and I guarantee whatever you have to say has been read and ignored dozens of times over. On both sides.
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it was only a matter of time until these threads became a bigger echo chamber than the twitter profiles these guys are criticizing here. this thread might as well be as useful as the paid content thread with 99% beggars and the rare 1% that does deliver content.

tl;dr you faggots spend too much time seething and should move over to pixiv where nobody speaks a lick of english
No, they ain't.
What happened to The-Fun-police?
He quit and threw the towel. If I remember correctly, I think he gave signs of leaving at some point last year but his socials might be erased.

Left an archive of his stuff, but it might be too late now
He made a post on his Patreon that he got a full time job and didn't have as much time for art now.

Nice that he actually said it somewhere but on other platforms people were pretty worried because of the sudden disappearance.
Only slightly related but does anyone else not understand the insane amounts of Obsession Jeetdoh gets as an Artist, ignoring the parasocial trans shit. Like I'm obviously not saying he's bad, He's a very technical good artist, but I feel like out of most of the big fat artists he's probably my least favorite. Other than maybe like Saxon or Anastmafilia but I feel like those are still way smaller than him in comparison. I've just never really understood the hype as compared to salt or pixiveo or any other big namer
this so much. like i come into these threads to laugh at how dumb the people here are, but seriously its gotten to the point where yall aint even saying words, just cave man noises and its just sad to look at
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dude dont even get me started on mofu, before he started hanging out with kafe his art was really good, now everything he makes is a farce or just looks like shit i really hate it.

But I guess exterior reflects interior, every interaction ive ever seen with mofu or had hes just emotionally a wreck, the dude is either sad or just ignorant until you amp him with horny content. Its impossible to have a real conversation with that manchild.
God fucking forbid people have empathy for people just because they don't know them personally.
It's because he sprung up in the scene with an already high technical skill level and continues to produce work that stands out within this community. Pair this with a very friendly, approachable personality, and it's no wonder he's so beloved and looked up to.

His subjects range from kink material to normie subjects that he obviously cares about, when others focus on pumping out fetish work that sometimes feels like the artist is going through the motions. His pieces exhibit a certain life and dynamism that stands out among the dull and static poses and pin ups of his contemporaries. He has a good grasp of anatomy and basics, when many works can coast by with subpar anatomy and coloring just because it's wank material. That's not to say everyone in this community sucks in comparison to Jeetdoh, the he is the top of the top, or that other artists don't have drive, passion, or talent, but that his body of work is a bit of an anomaly in this sphere.

Ironically, I think these reasons also work against him. I find his technical skill can get in the way of selling the point of his fetish pieces compared to other artists. His variety of subjects also means you're less likely to see what you want from him. It's hard for me personally to gauge his output but it seems slower/lower than other names. If you compare his numbers on Patreon to his peers, they're quite low, though that could be because he labeled his Patreon as mature content (credit card only).
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Yeah it would be ridiculous to be like that, something that is not even close to what I said.
Fuck it if you're depressed about the news, just fucking say you're depressed. Skip out on Patreon shit for a week or even more.
But don't turn the war itself into some excuse, and you better not fucking make more excuses by fearmongering over WW3 and nukes.
(156 KB, 1500x1000, Salt Harvest.jpg)
I'd still argue that Salt Thread is the best moniker because the salt is truly flowing from every post, whether it's my own posts, Jeet's defense force, Jeet's critics, the ongoing tranny slapfight, twitter politics, that one guy who has clearly never been on a chan site in his entire life, and the people complaining about complaints.
Radical Lefties are depressed because Soviet Russia wanted to bring back satellite states instead of funding pet cause. Patreon Artists voted Biden to oust Trump from office and now Biden is taking the blame for America's ills. I swear, Patreon Artists are doomed to become mini boomers in the sense they voted out of self interest than patriotism
(2.0 MB, 720x958, 1645816074420.webm)
Oh yeah lets show empathy for a country who's government is a puppet of the US state department, runs on lies to make it seem like the avengers are in Kiev fighting right now to make little soyjack upvote on reddit to justify NATO intervining causing world war 3. All the while in actuality their own army bombs their own buildings, kills POWs, and runs over their citizens with treaded artillery pieces.
Yes I totally have to show empathy for this morally bankrupt war criminals.

Fucker is going to be just another sex tourist attraction in his country.
He's right though, Ukraine is governed by dickheads. They literally forbid men to leave the country. What good it makes to force population who don't want to fight to stay? It just racks up civilian casualties so they can cry some more NATO is evil for not starting world war 3. I know it's going to come as a surprise, but if they're not in NATO yet there may be a good reason for it.
Comparing these two is just the fact that he used a more saturated color pallet and less intense lighting here. This usually makes the shadows softer thus captures that aspect of the softness of the fat better not really bad at all. It could be that he's just cranking out slightly bad work, because of commissions and having to compromise the usual quality.
do you think them not being in NATO is related to Russia occupying a portion of their county since 2014 and currently invading the rest of it as we speak with the primary purpose being to deny their desire to join the EU and NATO? no, it's just because they're eastern europeans who are innately stupid and violent. they couldn't possible be democratic, their culture couldn't possibly be real and their citizens can't have enough pride in their country to line up for hours to enlist in the defence of it. they're probably still totalitarian communist and soviet, right?. fuck off with your bad takes that support russian imperialism

I don't think the Anon ever said the people of Ukraine were savages, stop putting words in Anon's mouth. There's more to this than 'Russia bad' but that's definitely part of it. The leadership in Ukraine is corrupt but people mainly DO have sympathy for its citizens.

This shit ain't black and white so instead of trying to shut out another opinion maybe ask for some sources and read up on the situation more.

Also don't trust anything regarding the invasion, they are currently in a fog of war and both countries will say anything to make themselves look good.
he agreed with clear lies about the ukrainian government bombing their own civilians and running over them with tanks to fake russian war crimes. it's a baseless conspiracy theory spread by putin apologists. Ukraine spreads propoganda ofc, I think they exaggerate the number of russian soldiers they've killed and idgaf about that ukrainian soldier or whatever that 'totally killed 11 invaders singlehandedly' lol. Still, that's different from savagely killing their own people in a false flag event as claimed by trolls and conspiratorial morons. why ask for sources from these idiots when they'll just insult you back? chan arguments don't work like that lol
Im not
If you wanna talk about Russian Imperialism, how about we talk about American Imperialism and how Ukraine's government has been a puppet state of the US State Department and CIA since 2014. They are not a free country. Their market is just as oligarchical as Russia's if not more. Nor are they a democracy, they answer to Hillary Clinton and Langley not their people.

The only two ways this could had been prevented is 1. Ukraine kept it's nukes but WE as in the united states, forced them to give it up.
2. Redrawn Ukraine borders before 2010 into about 2-3 separate nations with a guarantee to Russia that they neither can join NATO nor be allowed to have nuclear missiles placed into them.

I'd like to see them voluntarily enlist and go fight instead of be slacktivists at home on their PCs getting reddit karma.
They wanna support Ukraine, how about they go get a flight to Poland or Moldova and cross into Ukraine themselves.
Its not a lie.
First of all, Russia marks all of their tanks and equipment with letters based on where it is from and what it's target is.
Secondly, that was not a tank. It is an artillery unit.

I am honestly pissed off because I hate the amount of propaganda they make, because it is entirely made to appeal to people who watch capeshit and think it is the best thing ever.
Because deep down past all of the propaganda, Their government knows the only way they can win is if NATO backs them up. Ultimately would be the start of WW3. Not that Ukraine or CNN care. Hell the average redditor does not even understand that since he thinks Ukraine is unironically winning this war with no effort because he believes the propaganda.
It is goddamn laughable there are people in this thread that think because Ukraine is employing propaganda to boast their efforts in beating back the Russian invasion that suddenly makes them master manipulators in all of this and not to be trusted. Both sides are going to put out their own side of the story but the fact of the matter is Ukraine wanted to join NATO and Russia is desperate to not be seen as weak. Ukraine not joining NATO is due to a lot of factors, yes, but the biggest of them has and always will be Russia threatening them to stay neutral.

Russia is very much in a lose-lose situation right now because their first attempt failed and Europe is collectively deciding not to put up with their shit anymore. They try again with more tanks, they will be beaten back again. They stop, they have to manage an economy that will be crippled (to put it LIGHTLY) with sanctions and a toxic image to any international organization that could boost them. There is no bright side to any of this - Putin absolutely overplayed his hand.
You're right, they're not master manipulators, they're trash manipulators. And NATO is putting an unified front for show because no one want to hear about the reality of geopolitical conflicts, but don't doubt one second they consider Ukraine an absolute pain in their ass and would rather let them at their own device if it wasn't political self-sabotage. Most of the world doesn't give a damn about Ukraine or Russia, occidentals just like to pretend everyone share their vision. Africans don't care, chineses don't care and so on and so forth.
(130 KB, 1009x729, 1645948785892.png) (544 KB, 840x930, Ghost of Kiev fake.png) (1.9 MB, 2000x1513, 1645889124845.jpg)
If they lied about the Ghost of Kiev. Then you should be wondering what else would they lie about?

I am not here to defend Russia. I just want some damn objectivity in this matter and the fact that literally EVERY FUCKING NEWS OUTLET is reposting bullshit that either came from Ukraine Defense Ministry, or Kyiv Independent. Is nobody even questioning why now Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, CBC, Sky News who are suppose to not be on the same political side are all telling the exact same stories except for a token handful of news anchors who dare break the narrative like Tucker Carlson?
On one hand, Ukraine knows they will lose without foreign aid. On the other hand, the entire western media really wants WW3 for some fucking reason, which if NATO does intervein it will be WW3, no backsies.
They obviously want us to go to war with Russia for some god for saken.

Obviously the propaganda is working despite most of the people who fall for it can barely even identify where Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova on a map are right now booking plane tickets to Poland to go get a bus to the Ukraine border so they can go fight.

And you know damn well these fat fetish artists are going to shill for NATO and Ukraine even though they have no idea what the country really is, what war is even like conceptually, or that the people on the other side are even human.

If you try to explain to them that the Ukraine government has neo nazis, you get called a Putin apologists.
If you try to explain to them that Hunter Biden was given ownership of a energy company despite not being from Ukraine or ever working in that sector before, you get called a Drumfer who repeats the "Big Lie"
If you bring up that Russia's air strikes on day where air bases and bio labs, you get called a conspiracy theorist. God forbid the US ever produce a bio weapon in an overseas lab.
If you bring up that Ukraine's current government was created in coup backed by the US state department in 2014, you also get called a conspiracy theorist and a putin apologist.
There is no winning with these morons if you dare speak the truth. They don't care, they are brainwashed into dismissing it immediately because their beloved media, subreddits, and twitter talking heads don't say it.

Understand I am not defending Russia. I am just disgusted with the fucking lies.

I don't want comfort.
I want truth
I want God
I want poetry
I want real danger
I want freedom
I want goodness.
I want sin.
you just come across as unhinged. what the fuck are you on about ukrainian bio labs run for the US state department and hillary clinton kek. thanks for the "truth", no go take your meds and stop drinking the Qanon kool-aid
Dude, no one cares about Africa, South America, or the Middle East. That's why whenever these European conflicts or tragedies happen, you always have that one friend on social media with infographics on how the US bombed a hospital in Yemen a week ago or how an earthquake in Chili halved the population and no one cared. Russia, on the other hand, has enough nukes to end the world and a man in charge unhinged enough to not come quietly if he doesn't get his piece of Ukraine that's "actually a part of Russia". That's why people care, that's why NATO is concerned. Ukraine is being a thorn in their side the same way an exploded appendix is an inconvenience to your brunch plans.
Anons are just salty that fetish artists can't draw a bbw war giga Stacy to show support for Ukraine. As for the Russo-Ukraine War, that's shaping up to be like Bosnia or Yugoslavia: an epic cluster fuck
>Realizing that all the artists I follow on twatter are all into pokemon.

Fucking pain, I don't want to unfollow them, but goddamnit get this shit off my feed.
Idk about that - odds are nearly 1:1 Aka-Fa will have one of his OCs wear a Ukrainian flag pin. Remember the PSA about the vaccine?
I am into Pokemon. I feel like the anime went down hill after Hoenn and the games went in decline after Gen V and VII. I admit Guzuma making a solid team out of Masquerain, Pinsir was better than than Lusamine
(1.1 MB, 1500x997, cb21-112_puck_1899_a_2d5982.jpg)
America has been making nationalist OCs since the days of William Randolph Hearst. If anything, OCs have gotten less detailed because Lefties are inspired by Anime and Manga. Conservatives at least would commission a drawing that makes Americans want to fuck Japan raw
Pokemon is never going away no matter how bad the games get. Fans will simp for their bland waifus with 3 lines of dialogue until the end of time.
Kisame, you DO know Aka-Fa is Dutch right? As in, physically in the Netherlands?
No. Most European Artists don't tell me from Europe until they bring up the EU's tax system. I didn't even know Shadman was Swiss until he got arrested.
I can't begin to describe to you how unerotic that picture is to sane people.
I am currently debating going back into making pregnant erotica soon since I am bored with my mundane life.

I do apologize for the nationality mix up of the Artist.
Jakuma turning out to be an asshole doesn't suddenly negate all the asshole shit Ana has done.

They're just both assholes now.
>>83452 Oh sure, let's apologize to the fuckhead who got irrationally upset at Steve being done in Smash so much so that he banned his friend and other artist's art because they poked fun of him. Newsflash, dickhead: Both can be assholes, but for different reasons.

Who’s the friend that he banned?
To whoever keeps reporting this thread or various posts in it every day, you can really stop. I would think when your reports got ignored for last 17 days you would figure out that I'm not just going to delete a thread because you don't like it.
Rare appearance by a Mod. While you're here, what types of threads are considered worthy of deleting, just to make things more clear?
it isnt 350 for one pic
thats stacked patreon tiers over time from what i undestand
Ungodly autism levels
>>83579 Actually happy as hell he is gone from the community now. That man is a horrible individual.
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I remember seeing one pic from him that made me diamonds. Otherwise idc where he goes or does with his life knowing what I know.
(1.6 MB, 5969x3599, aba3.jpg)
He had such a great style, with so much weight (pardon the pun) to it.

It's just a same he turned out to be such a colossal douche.
Jesus Christ, I come to bbw-chan to get away from you Russian shills. Spare your propaganda for /pol/
>i'm not here to defend russia
>proceed to write a whole essay defending russia
>source: my ass
take your meds
(1.2 MB, 640x360, 1565226359621.webm)

>the entire western media really wants WW3 for some fucking reason
The establishment has been wanting WWIII since at least Hillary's run against Trump; you could tell from how much she talked about nukes not being off the table with Russia. They want it to cull the herd and to help usher in the new world order and their great reset.
>hurr durr you can't be against the war. If you are against the escalation of the war you are pro putin.
Where you born retarded.

I am not a shill. I just think it is over extended, we have nothing to gain, and I don't like the idea of getting nuked because a bunch of redditors saw propaganda on TV and wanted WW3 (or at least stupid high gas prices) to own Russia.

Since when is neutrality making me pro Russia?
My entire stance is I want to stay out of it.
Do you really think geopolitics has to be on a binary between for one side or for the other?

Yeah dude. People are allowed to have different opinions and can report factual news with a dissenting bias.
But let me guess, you are stupid normie and think differing opinions are not okay.
Prove to me I am wrong.
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So like Bamboo?
Weird, I thought he was a stupid Kraut.
He fucking thinks like one.

Ana is a little manchild. I kind of forgot about that.
I should try to find some of discords and flood it with Grotesque Steve.

I still loved that time Jeet showed up to /d/ for the who killed Hanibal shit.
Anybody got those. I feel like now would be a good time to repost it and make Ben Garrison tier edits of it.
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God fucking forbid we fix our own problems before some puppet state 11,000 miles away.
I am not even Qtard.
Do you really think every conspiratorial viewpoint ever is Qshit or Flatearthtard crap.

God you fucking democrats are so insufferable. Literally everything that has ever been called a conspiracy in the last 3 years has been equated to those two nutcases. Then once it is revealed to you to be true, by an approved media source like Colbert, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, Daily Wire, Occupy Democrats, or what ever that reinforces your world view, you deny that you ever where wrong.
And if you have enough common sense to ever admit you where wrong, you act like Scott Adams and just say "Ooh you where accidentally right".

(49 KB, 500x500, Captain torres.jpg)
I probably look like sctizo making all of these posts. But you guys fucking hate me for thinking different, so what ever.

Just loaded up twitter for some reason.
Oh look "How to protect against Disinfo".
I am assuming this is supposed to be about my claims of the Ukranians killing POWs or the biolabs. Because oh no, god forbid Ukraine ever be accused of commiting war crimes.

And you know because a lot of these fat fetish artists like to be on twitter for some fucking reason will eat this shit up.
So when I say, "Hey Aka-fa (or some other stupid cunt) did ya see about the allegations of Anthrax in them bio labs"
Said person will reply with "Oh my god you chud that is Russian disninfo, Russia lies, people died. Did you know that they hacked the 2016 US election but the 2020 election was the most fair election ever, Chud chud chud. Kids are dying in Ukraine, and Russia weak. The Ghost of Kyiv will be over Moscow in 2 more weeks!".

Go ahead, tell me I am wrong. It has been 6 years and I have learned to recognize this absolute lack of critical thinking and immediate taking of offense by differing opinions. Because in the eyes of an indoctrinated normie. A good person only has the correct opinions. He loves big brother and is happy to use the updated pronouns and opinions from his party handbook and newspeak dictionary.

Seriously, tell me how I am wrong about these stupid fuckers.
>taking of offense by differing opinions
you are the only person screaming right now you fucking schizo
>4 bigass posts in a row
>"Tell me how I'm wrong!"

A classic Gish Gallop, out in the wild!
Don't startle it or it might run away.
>>81526 (OP)
Wow, Mods must either be butthurt soyboys or Ukrainian shills.

Why would anyone pay for your site's upkeep if you ban legitimate discussion?
I was going to write a big reply explaining what a diatribe is. But mods banned me inbetween posts.
What the fuck did I even do to piss of the mods anyway.
You don't even have a message that explains the reason for ban or a decent appeal field.

Is running a chansite this hard.
you are literally just making shit up now. none of your posts have the ban message on them and even if you did get banned you get a popup when you try to post that gives you the reason and lets you send an appeal to the mods. seek help.
Bullshit, it just said "jdophpo;lsher;fljw"
How the hell do you expect a guy to read what some weird hash is?

What did I need to convert the ban reason from base 64 to read it?
(21 KB, 780x260, hmmmm.png)
Forgot your VPN, Vlad. Embarrassing.
AHAHAHAHA OH NO NO NO. ban this russian faggot. imagine shilling for your shitty government on bbwchan.
Imagine thinking I am actually Russian.
Also I posted with a Ukraine IP twice I think
Your just a normie with comfirmation bias.
>user was sanctioned for this post.
I told you faggot I am not Russian.
To be fair, he probably isn't lying about not being Russian.
Most of their social media ops are run with contractors in other countries because regular Russian people don't want anything to do with half the shit Putin is pushing for.

Whether or not that's even sadder is up to you.
What makes you idiots think I support Putin?
I am against the US getting involved and throwing nukes over it

But can one of you explainhow that makes me a russian troll?
>change tactics and just start making multiple threads crying about the mods
this is getting pretty embarrassing, bro. hold that L.
But it's never going to come to nukes either way, anon. Nukes are theoretical deterrents, not actual weapons that get deployed. - nobody's going to launch because mutually assured destruction is in nobody's interests.
>Saying this during the suicide boom caused by the lockdowns and fearmongering
>Saying this while the west is in the control of sociopaths backed by the insane
With Russians being forced out of literally everything overnight, I can't see it not being possible if China is unable to fix it well enough.
Parroting autistic screech virtually makes you one, just so you know.

>Saying this while the west is in the control of sociopaths backed by the insane
That's appropriate when you see our leaders are sending weapons to Ukraine when it's obvious it won't be enough to stop the russian troops, it will just result in more deaths from both sides. These lunatics only care about looking like good guys to be reelected. Russians won't be able to hold Ukraine on the long term anyway, they don't have the population support. Providing military help just pointlessly drags this conflict to buy public opinion.
Also some newspaper made an in debt analysis of all the countries reaction to the conflict, and three quarters of the world population barely give a fuck. We're back in that cold war mentality again while the rest of the world look at both blocs like we're complete buffoons.

Jeez. What did he do?
He just pissed off a lot of folks on BBW Chan on purpose so they got upset and ever since then people in here have a hate boner for him.
He went on some holier-than-thou speech about how he was "done with"/had "graduated" from fat art and was shifting his attention to working on a VERY SERIOUS ADULT THEMES webcomic (I read a bit of it; the comic is really trite and it's not doing well). He lashed out at his fat art fans in twitter comments and deleted as much of his art as he possibly could out of spite, going so far as to say as much publicly.

Then, despite being "done" with fat art and the rest of us coomers, has basically lurked on 4chan /d/ and here, waiting for mentions of his name so he can make a post that boils down to "rent free". >>83717 is probably him or Ana. I hope the irony in the situation is crystal clear.
>350 is pretty much 20 dollars in 2000-2004 money.
...no it isn't? It's about $30.50. The rate of inflation is 50% over that period, not 1650%.
autistic anon doesn't understand hyperbole
He pulled a CattyN? I can't believe people still choose that route with such a great example as to why you shouldn't.
retard anon doesn't understand basic maths
>A dumb webcomic that will be forgotten the next day after
>His fat art remains archived
Lmao, even Dobson's shit is being remembered. Besides he's not the first or last FA artist in the world.
He repeatedly and very unambiguously stated his spiteful disdain for many people who used to be fans of him and made loads of screencap tweets of people talking shit about him that basically amounted to "ha look at how much i don't care about these losers". He's unbelievably petty and pathetic, and much of that was AFTER he was an aggravating factor in loligate. One of the most poisonous people I've ever had the misfortune of witnessing, left his fans, his friends, the wider community, and even himself worse for wear in his retarded one-man crusade.
give me some examples please
Latoria is somehow a massive clout chasing autist despite not actually ever producing anything of value and just being a comm whale, so I'd trust his account of events about as far as I could throw him. Even then, I can hardly blame Jaykuma for wanting to half ass "generic drawing of a boring OC #379."
They have screenshot evidence and multiple people have already come forward.

Shush Jay.
Anon, artists and writers have been making OCs since the 20th Century. Captain Marvel was a Superman OC before DC sued over copyright infringement, and Batman rip off of Zorro and the Gray Ghost during Bob Kane. Then there's Watchmen, which was a shameless ripoff of Charleston Comics characters. People don't care because comic book artists getting into a slap fight is pathetic.
What the fuck does this even mean? What other fucking job on earth could you get away with not giving what you were paid for because it was boring you. Also Jay admitted to everything in both a patreon post and discord posts
I don't know these artists mean by clout chasing either. Paying for the upkeep on these characters is expensive, especially when trying to distribute the fat in the right places. It's all about portions
I guess cancel culture is Good Actually when it's someone you don't like
What's Cancel Culture?
Cancel culture is where people try to get you fired over misunderstandings or old tweets from 10 years ago. It's endemic on Twitter. I almost got canceled once. Scariest thing I've ever experienced.
I've candidly admitted on numerous occasions that I don't care for rumors, and that I don't care for Culture Wars despite being a Fundamentalist Protestant.
>What the fuck does this even mean? What other fucking job on earth could you get away with not giving what you were paid for because it was boring you
Literally any job in the entertainment industry so long as you check the correct identity boxes.

Cancel culture isn't just getting people fired, they try their best to make it so you're unemployable and that everyone is too scared to be your friend. They also don't do it from a misunderstanding, they do it just to gain virtue points to try and help themselves feel like their existence isn't meaningless or for the desire to become a professional activist to become rich.
You can't just cry "CaNcEl CuLtUrE" whenever someone does something bad and people obviously give them shit for it.

Jaykuma took peoples' money without giving them what they paid for, and only after months and months of hounding did he give a shoddy quality product for the money spent. People aren't just gonna roll over and go "oh well :/ ".

When did that happend?
That shit is the worst. Guess we're going to miss that content from now on, because fuck joining that god-forsakened platform.
>not just making a throwaway for following lewd artists
(61 KB, 256x256, pingudespair.png)
If they create a twitter account then the liberal globalists win!
Yep, as of right now, Nitter is a way to view hidden content. I always view Twitter pages on Nitter. It loads faster and I don't have to see political stuff on the sidebar.
The hidden content didn't show up for me when I checked. Is there something I'm missing?
sunsleptOS is another artist whom you can't see their art anymore.

>This works thanks
How did you make it work? That content doesn't show up still for me.
I have. It's not good but it's not worth avoiding like the plague even when there's content I want to see on there. Why don't you grow up?
You do know what this thread is for right?
Shitpost thread
Some power hungry dick has been deleting all the messages in the Kip thread from the last two days because people have been shitting on the dude. I even posted just a regular Kip image to test it out and it got yoinked.

Bro just let people talk about the content the thread is dedicated to. If it's shit, it's shit, if it's decent, it's decent
I started using it just to keep the site from choking my computer and to keep their spying bullshit at bay.

>You should subject yourself to countless times of suffering for a few seconds of happiness from seeing pictures
I don't think you know what growing up means.

Try a different instance; if it still doesn't work, then it's something on your end:
You guys sound crazy. When you talk you remind of a group of people around here I am not sure what their deal is but some of them they can be white or mexican or jamaican, anyway they still dye their hair blonde. Even though that was a trend that started like in 2018. It's been how many years? and I go outside and these fools still dying their hair blonde and I'm like dude do you know that it's BEEN LIKE 5 YEARS?

I admit that around when I was 25 there was a small period were dying your hair blonde was fashionable amongst my peer group, but it was something that lasted like not even 1 year and that was back in 2011. These people are delusional.
Oh hey, you finally found the thread you cry babies are supposed to be in. If you don't like the comic then don't fucking read it, retard.
I agree with >>84555. You should be allowed to either talk or complain about the artist if the thread you're doing it on is about them, and people like you need to accept that people don't always like the same things for the same reasons.
There is a difference between complaining and the nonsensical autistic screeching that goes on in there.
Thanks mate, finally works.
You must be the Kipsucker behind it all.
Or maybe you're actually Kip and just refuse to acknowledge your own snitty writing skills?
Either way, grow a pair
>Twitter doubling down on retarded censorship
>Meaning lewd artist have to move out if they want their shit shown
>Most likely everyone will end up on Pillowfort, the site that costs 5 dollars to sign up
To think DeviantArt is ass.
>To think DeviantArt is ass.
The only understandable reason I'm aware of people would think that is the bigger is better crowd being too passionate at times. Compared to Twitter it's much easier to find art you like and you get none of the politics. You can also avoid the art you don't like more easily by muting tags.
(107 KB, 1000x600, proud-family-louder-prouder.jpg)
Gays have an image problem. Disney keeps pairing the big buffy Guy with the hambeast of a lawyer, then make people like Oscar homophobic for no reason. People don't want to preached to by their entertainment
Pixiv has even fallen to a worse level than DA. They now demand you use social media to sign in and even went as far as forcing everyone to log out to force them into it.

>make people like Oscar homophobic for no reason
Dunno, that seems like it'd be the only case of them doing this that actually sounds in character.
>Pixiv has even fallen to a worse level than DA. They now demand you use social media to sign in and even went as far as forcing everyone to log out to force them into it.
When was this? Both my pixiv accounts don't need social media
I tried joining Pixiv last year in hopes of commissioning Kurocaze and it wouldn't let me without a Twitter account.
I have a Pixiv and it's not linked to social media. My only problem is it makes me do a few minutes of "identify all the stoplights in this picture" before it lets me log in.

DeviantArt is still the best option if I only had to pick one. Pixiv has some good stuff but it gets too dirty for my tastes. Twitter is too political. Unfortunately a lot of great DA artists have jumped ship for Twitter.
I dunno when but after years of logging in easily enough, the login page now only lists Apple, Twitter, Google, and Facebook and nothing for it's normal login page.

>DeviantArt is still the best option if I only had to pick one
If it wasn't for the login thing, Pixiv would only have its reliance on scripts setting it back, whereas Deviantart is just as at chance of deleting art as the jumpy artists themselves.
I just checked, and pixiv still shows a normal login/registration page. I can see the social stuff, but email is the default option.
Apparently some people are getting that problem with Pixiv. Try a different browser?
You were right about it being on my end but I don't think it's the browser, it seems to be something really aggressive against noscript or adblocker to the point of allowing all script and turning adblocker off does nothing.
To the mod deleting literally every single slightly negative comment in the Kip thread, just want you to know that this won't get you special access into Kip's life or something. You are gaining nothing. You're only furthering the already shitty reputation Kip has. Is it worth it?
I don’t know. People are just like that.
because of what they imply. an insatiable gluttony so severe not even her skin can keep up with her appetite. a permanent mark of being a slave to her desires.
honestly depends, well drawn stretch marks i think can be attractive. but when the artist just draws some squiggly lines like this retard, then it just detracts from the art.
depends but personally I like them on very tight bellies, they add to the emphasis on fullness
don't really see what they bring in your example pic, but they don't really detract for me either

Been on DA for over a decade, sure they layout has change but terms and service and community seem to remain the same

I don't remember if I ever had to that linked to social media on Pixiv (I don't upload to it)
Daily bitching about jeet but fuck it. Ever since he "quit" feiths art and came back, his shits been boring. Remember how dynamic he made his fat art? Remember how it looked like there was actual passion put in? Now it just seems like he's tired of drawing in general. Even some of his normal stuff doesn't seem that interesting. I feel like between the peer pressure and the break up, there has to be more that make it seem like he lost his spark
I don't like how it's literally torn skin. I've always liked bellies that look smooth and undamaged.

>but when the artist just draws some squiggly lines like this retard, then it just detracts from the art.
You'd probably hate how this artist draws water/sweat running down a woman's body, it's somehow even worse then how they do stretch marks.
(278 KB, 2048x1185, FNmVkfNXwAAbklB.jpeg)
The pandering towards Dook on Twitter still hasn't stopped. Wonder if he's getting sick of it, or if he knows that he's being used, or if he's too lost in Arezu art to even care.
DA always has some kind of issue but it's biggest and most consistent is its habit of never bothering with fixing them. Its first major one was the virus problem it had with its ads and I think it was a couple years before they handled that, they put in that stupid llama crap when people wanted them to fix something, their overhaul of the site majorly screwed the writers, they fucked the notes, the changes to the site has caused it to eat far more resources than it ever did in the past. You can even see that the old site still remains but they force you to use the wreck they made as its replacement.

He didn't lose his spark; his head just got too big for his own good.
agree this isn't a great example but i think they're really fucking hot. it's an extra indicator of how much they're wrecking themselves
Who would you say draws good stretch marks if the example I provided is not good?
as long as it still function, I can live with it
DA I mean not jeet
Chill is just the biggest suckup on the face of the Earth. It's okay.
I'm positive that at least 20 other artists besides Chill has drawn Arezu for Dook in the span of a few weeks on his Twitter.
Not calling you out specifically but I find it weird that people are attributing Arezu getting drawn a lot to artists trying to suck up to Dookus and not the fact that it's a character from a Pokemon game that just came out, compounded by her design being pretty decent and her having noticeably thick thighs.
Yeah when people were drawing Bea they often tagged Jeet or simply made some kind of Jeet-relevant joke. I think people area just drawing Arezu just because she's the hot new Pokemon girl, most artists are not normally so subtle.
I doubt that's the reason. Dook simped pretty hard for her, and none of the other girls from that game came anywhere close to getting the amount of attention Arezu got. There's also been plenty of proof that people drew her specifically for him. He did have a birthday recently and people mentioned that part when they drew her either by tagging him or by saying it in text. Most of those works also focused heavily on her thighs, which is what he gushed about the most with her design and is what the primary focus of his fat art tends to be. I don't believe they were subtle at all.
no pretty sure that the reason it just sounds like you just dont like dook and just blaming them when a character get teh standard treatment that every poke girl gets when a new game came out
I mean yeah, new Pokegirl on the block and it's not like the others are getting attention/only known about if you play the game (Cognita should get more). But in general, Chill just sucks up to people more popular than him so he can get his basic bitch FE girl drawn more.
Chill is an annoying piece of shit, tired of seeing him everywhere sucking up to people to get his mid FE waifu drawn

That's fair, I hadn't really seen much of it so I didn't know if there was tagging or not. I tend to miss a lot of this stuff because I am a fucking weeb mostly follow Japanese artists on Twitter. On that note:


Who the heck is Chill?
Chill, as in Chillday. Loves Lucina, though I don't think he draws her as much as say Jeetdoh would draw Bea. He's the one who drew the Elesa and Arezu I posted before.
honestly if an artist hasn't been shat on on bbwchan they're not popular. congrats to chilli on this achievement :)
>It kind of makes me wonder if any have posted on this thread to vent about other artists
Hmmm, I wonder...

Oh I'm pretty sure way more artists are aware of this site and this very specific thread than you think, most just choose not to let some silly anonymous comments get to them unlike Chill here.
(Some are probably even posting in this thread with their own grievances)
I don't even dislike him. Sure, he has drawn some fetishes that I'm not interested in, but I don't think he's done anything worth giving him a hard time for.

Chillday, if you're reading this, know that I think you're alright. It was just unfortunate timing that your pic was used for something I was complaining about. The pic itself is fine.
Little do people know that I commissioned Lucina before, but I can't say from who though. Rather stay anonymous.
Until characters reach Lucyguy levels when it comes to oversaturating salt's comms I will probably never really have any issues with excessive characters. People are allowed to draw their faves.
Bringing this back around to Absolon.
I remember that D00bler guy mentioning that Absolon's drama goes a lot deeper than stated before deleting all those posts.
Namely about Abso and Kreat getting thrown out of their own little communities, and other artists not liking them at all. (Unfairly according to D00b)
Honestly I guess that shit is probably what made Absol want to discard doing fat shit all together, really wonder what went down to drive wedges like that, I remember counter accounts being vauge misgivings about Absolon's attitude.
It's not normal for an artist to just leave you completely in the dark when they decide they don't like your request for a commission, right?

Because this has happened to me twice in the last three months and it's annoying as shit. Like it's fine if an artist decides something's out of their comfort zone but at least give me an idea of what to avoid asking for in the future, ffs
C'mon Anon, you can't leave us hanging. Don't be like the 'script' guy, which I'm still waiting for. Tell us this twisted commission idea of yours that makes artists ghost you.
first time I had asked for him to draw Kainé, thought it'd be fine because he's drawn fat futas before

the second time is fucking weird because all I asked was for a pic of Mary Saotome pretending she isn't embarassed about being fat; again, no fucking clue what line I had crossed there
>Mary Saotome
Maybe they're part of the clique that's against doing any fictional characters under 18.
he's drawn total drama girls so that probably isn't it
>I hate it when artists do pics of characters I find are overdone for other artists who appreciate it

I'm not a woman under 35 so I don't do birthday weeks, but you don't have to get mad that no one did anything for your birthday.
>you don't have to get mad that no one did anything for your birthday.
Assumption of the century. Mine's not posted anywhere, so I've no reason to care about that part.

There's something multiple people are getting wrong about what I'm saying. I'm fine with people having favorites, that's natural. It's when characters start being overdone where I have a problem, and that's not tied to any one artist.
You’d be surprised by how many artists have a personal policy to post commission slots and ghost anyone who doesn’t make the cut. One guy I asked said he did it to avoid follow-up questions and having to explain himself.

I personally find it rude as hell to outright ignore someone who responded to your request for work and money, but we’re all weirdos getting off to fat chicks. We’re hardly social butterflies.

I'm of two minds about this, because on one hand I want to know what are the best chances of getting something from an artist I like, but on the other I completely understand not wanting to explain yourself to each and every person who tried, and failed, to get their slot.

Not everyone will accept the "Sorry, this project didn't interest me" and leave it at that. You'll get people trying to figure out what, specifically, you didn't like about their idea. You'll get people who'll take offense to their idea/character being rejected, label you a prick, and post about it. You'll get people who'll go "Okay if I choose THIS character/scenario will you give me a slot now? :)" You'll get people who think this is an avenue to chat with the artist, or to garner favor for future slots. The artist is essentially opening up a back-and-forth with non-clients when this type of discussion is usually reserved for people they're doing business with.

Sure, not everything would play out this poorly, people can be reasonable, but I've long thought about how to go about screening commissions and the raffle approach always seemed favorable to me: Make a public post about slots being filled to let people know it's closed and only messaging the winners.
>It's not normal for an artist to just leave you completely in the dark when they decide they don't like your request for a commission, right?
Unless they're insanely small-scale in terms of popularity, yes, I think this is normal. I imagine a solid majority of comm requests are totally ignored by artists, for any number of reasons that could boil down to something as mundane as personal taste or a whim, and pretty much nothing good could come out of talking to a rejected customer.
If you're accepting money for jobs, whether you're big or small, you have the obligation to tell the commissioner that you're passing them over so that they can move on and find someone else instead of waiting.
Anons in the kip thread mentioned kumaneko and blame-thrower when the topic came up about artists/writers who've made/making enjoyable sequence stuff and since I wasn't getting much success googling the aliases, felt it best to ask here instead of offtopicing that thread. I recognized the others mentioned but wasn't able to identify the two above. Anyone able to lend a helpful redirect?
(1.5 MB, 249x248, funtional 0-10.gif)
doob was quite the verbal abuser and still is, take his words as a grain of salt. as far as i know absolon was a grand manipulator in some peoples eyes.
>>85672 I have a ton to say about this. Alot but I legit don't wanna cause much more drama than what happened. Just know that doob and absolon caused a lot of issues in the community.

Gonna type up a couple storms with this, gonna keep myself anon to protect myself.

Pretty much everything you hear about absolon being an abuser is true. Kreat however is a good person who didn't deserve any hate at all and was only hated due to association with absolon who is honestly a cunt.

Most of what you are about to read is from folks who have been abused by him and doob. I will not name names of folks who are still in the community as they are psychotic enough to try and hurt them again.

Padwackmcdaddy is an amazing artist and actually planned a trip to meet absolon. Pads car broke down and absolon refused to help him in any fashion even as he was just an hour away. Pad I don't think is part of the community anymore sadly and this might be spurred by absolons treatment of him.

Absolon has actively talked/berated and even blackmailed other artists into stopping doing fat art in the past. One artist who wishes to remain unamed told me, in the past that Absolon actively bullied him in discord vc's with him when alone and actively belittled him to others in the group behind his back. Eventually this unnamed artist did have enough and absolon made up lies about him and got him kicked out of his entire friendgroup. This is around the time he left DA for good and the artist was in a vc with him when it happened and when absolon was cackling like a hyena about trolling 4chan users who legit just wanted to know what happened.

This is just a small part of what this unnamed artist even had to say about him. There is more but it would be more incriminating against the artist in question.

Then there is Doob who is also a very well known abuser in the community and actively threatened anyone and everyone that he thought was doing wrong. Unnamed artist actually considers doob to be equal to absolon in terms of how horrible he was overall.

They both were kicked out of pretty much any discord server for fat stuff due to how they treated pretty much everyone.

They are now both mods in Superspoes server even with their constant history of abuse.
I don't know why people are shocked that they're here and on /d/. They always go "oh I hate that place and never use it, it's a cesspool", etc., but they read all of this shit anyway. Eishi used to take requests here back before LtBarclay owned the site, for example.

We had someone last manbaby thread who admitted they were a prominent artist and talked about how they were tired of stepping on eggshells for other artists. A bunch of other posters also "revealed" themselves as having followings as artists shortly afterward but none of it is confirmed in any way. Even on an anonymous imageboard it's all really hush-hush.
Why the hell is this still active?
(31 KB, 484x377, unknown-1.jpeg)
The more I hear about blackmail being a tactic used in this community, the more I am concerned. We produce content revolved around drawing fat people, what the FUCK are you people doing to the point people have dirty laundry on you in such a space?

Who did he blackmail?
I guess we touched a nerve. Hey Chill, go back to paling around with that pedophile Viking Skirts and making mid as fuck art

I cannot and will not say to protect this artist and other artists around said person. But they are known in the community.

I can tell what he did blackmail with. Absolon and doobler were threatening to cancel said individual for underage art he did as a commission.

One thing I can actually corroborate here in the comments is that there actually is a cabal of older artists who are actively attempting to cancel ones who have ever done any underage art. It is actually very real and they use tactics such as holding friendships hostage to get folks to tow a party line.

The confirmed artists in this cabal who actually do attempt to ban others is Veryfilthything and Bamboo-ale
How do I become a high ranking member of the fat of she mafia

Oh, we're still on this underage nonsense?

Daily reminder: Draw what you fucking want.
>>85798 Not ever celebrate hannuka or paint your hair blonde like knucklehead. They love it. It can't hurt to also have a lot of anger and hatred in you. Not even a little love, ever. I am going to watch tv shows in the japanese language now. It is one of their favorite things to do
(514 KB, 600x331, SenpaigaUzaiKouhainoHanashi-Episode9-13.gif) (4.1 MB, 2460x2000, 1576124779859.png)
Besides having anything to do with fat drawings? Literally anything in this age of witch hunts and cancellations, when you're talking about a group of people where barely anyone isn't a sheep trying to join a gang of wolves.

>threatening to cancel said individual for underage art
How's that a threat, they're gonna do it eventually.

>one of the few Western artists to have drawn and posted fat lolis nude (pic 2)
Me thinks he hath something far worse to protect.

Have an ego far larger than the women you draw, be a sociopath constantly on the look out for a way to destroy fellow members and your country for a higher position, and throw your critical thinking out the window because you won't be needing it where you'll be going.
Also daily reminder:

Drawing are not real. They're fictional.

If you can't separate Fiction from Reality you need mental help.
I'm also an artist and stuff like this is exactly why I had to take a step back from the community and take a break, I want nothing to do with these people and just want to draw in peace, but it does get lonely to not have people to talk to about it.
Okay can anyone tell me why we can't submit threads anymore? Come on guys I want the dragon ball girls thread to return
The same should apply with jokes, opinions and many pieces of text but that doesn't go through. Do corporations have a right to purge certain groups, like Patreon?
Im surprised Piffle isn't in that list.
They're probably the most outspoken artist about these things.
Hilariously they seem the most well intentioned too, given they dont seem to make any exceptions for having friends that draw underage stuff, or half measures for any characters.
That's the point, though.
>MysteryDad was bitching and crying a while back about people drawing underage characters, saying shit like "I don't know what's so hard about not doing it and posting it" and remarking that aging up is just a bad band-aid fix
>recently decides to draw Miku and pulls the aged-up thing despite her being confirmed 16
Honestly I genuinely don't care whether you're comfortable with underage content or not, but if you're uncomfortable enough to preach to your followerbase about it, I feel like checking yourself should be a given. The amount of artists I've seen grandstand about how they don't like people doing art of minors but then turn around and stretch their own rule to accommodate what they specifically wanted to draw is infuriating. In the same boat there was that furry artist, Dawmino, who kept talking about how he blocked one of his own commissioners for liking art where the character was underaged, but then had a meltdown when someone called him out for liking art of Blaze the Cat. You can have values but you can't at least pretend to uphold them? At the absolute least just learn to shut up. It costs nothing to say things on Twitter but people do it anyway.
I'm sick of artists who've always drawn girls in the past drawing gay shit.
That is all.
I’m aware this has been discussed to death kn here, but I figured I’d air my grievances with it. The Twitter crowd always brings up how underage characters shouldn’t be drawn in fetish art, then they’ll turn around and like art of Gwen Tennyson twerking or some shit.
I only really hate it if they literally look like girls but they're actually males. Not even femboy crap, they literally draw girls but call them boys. Fuck that shit.
Yeah that shit pisses me off they'll draw these "men" with tits that look just like a woman and facial structures just like a woman and shaped like how a woman is shaped when fat and call it day. I'm not into men but if you're going to do it go all the wya through with i
I love it and what it represents, their gluttony being so uncontrollable that their bodies can't even keep with their appetite/ rate of weight gain. Its just one of those blemishes like cellutlite that accentuates that a person is a fat ass
I don't understand why the gay plot point is even a thing anymore in the modern era they're more accepted than people who are against gays. The next thing would be tranny acceptance, since they still aren't as accepted as gays
I'm so sick and tired of the retarded "muh canon underage characters" crap from artists
people grow the fuck up, and these aren't even real people
it's one thing to draw them visibly underage, it's another to draw them at a clearly legal age, and these twitter troglodytes need to understand the difference
I agree with the sentiment of >>86329, I hate them going to gay shit, I hate trap crap even more, but the absolute most infuriating shit is when they draw a girl, and then say it's a man or put a dick on it
absolutely nothing else, nothing to make it obvious it's a man aside from the dick
they even include tits 99% of the time
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40 likes for only 1 pound? Anyone else thinks that's a bit extreme for wanting her to not gain weight too quickly?
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Disney was and still is a conservative animation company. Walt made movies about fairy stories from Europe and tall tales from the states. The problem comes from after Walt's death where Disney moved away from family values conservativism to corporations taking over. Disney became liberal till Bob Iger. Chapek replaced Iger to be more conservative.

Gay artists are still a vocal minority because Disney's biggest fans are still conservatives. Walt would be okay with Oscar being a respectable businessmen though he wouldn't make Trudy or Sugar Mama smarter than him. Gays hate Walt because he'd be okay with Sora being the hero of Kingdom Hearts and let him be mentored by Aqua, but hate the Organization for being too complex. He'd also hate gay plots
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> I don't give a shit about the canon age of a fictional character because even though it's canon, it's not represented in the design so I won't take it seriously.
> Why do artists draw a woman to end up saying that she's a man?!!! This detail that is not even present in the design prevents me from masturbating at all!
It was just for one day
That's how it always starts. "Him in a dress what fun" eh who knows maybe it was all just fun. I'm kinda just sitting back wand watching what unfolds
What the crap are you on about? Are you still with that cheese boy meme? The dude probably has no idea what it's even supposed to mean. Hell, I don't even know. It'd just one day??? He's probably jerking off and laughing about it right here
if you're going to be a faggot don't pussy foot around it
now kiss my ass
Yikes that is one of the.......... dude, please...... >>/bhm/
Please try not to roleplay on this board
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Yuri's great when the artist isn't drawing man faced dykes and butch lesbians with most of their hair shaved off and dyed some ugly color. Oh god, and the egotism WG artists give their characters is another huge load of crap.

The word you're looking for is Traps.

Nah, they already rammed through Tranny's, though they've been failing with their attempts to take over women's sports and anything else they can get their hands on. The next thing on their list is pedophilia.

Disney isn't conservative, it's an evil corporation that uses anything and everything to try and bait anyone to watch their crap, including many things that conservatives have rejected for decades.

The Bobs were and still are preaching that garbage but the current Bob seems to say it but knows enough that he won't actually doing anything for that Florida bill because it's a failing issue because it doesn't actually do what the far left is screeching about. Chapek replaced Iger, not for conservative values, but because he's apparently a cheap numbers man that they put in position to turn the tanking company around. I think he was said to have originally been planned as a patsy for Iger's failings.
More than anything any particular artist has ever done, what gets me riled is this community being full of whining pissbaby bigots. Can't go five seconds without having to read some repressed incel or conservative shit-for-brains regurgitating the same five talking points and conspiracy theories. This is a niche fetish porn "community." Let a girl jerk herself off in peace for fuck's sake
>an entire month later and you are still here crying about """bigots"""
holy shit just go back already
>What the crap are you on about? Are you still with that cheese boy meme?
Wrong person dude, I was commenting on Jett wanting to wear dresses now
>It'd just one day???
Oh shit that actually was me. Idk man I'm just as lost as you are. I just saw people draw that guy when I got in Twitter so I just assumed it was a one day thing.
This but we can't go five seconds without having to read the same five talking points from some brain damaged troon cultist. How about you and your ilk let US jerk off in peace?
Dresses are cool. The chicks love it.

But you know what's really cool....... even cooler? Women that actually want to be with you..... because they like you.

Idle needs money and what better way to incentivize people to spend money by making it the primary method of gaining fast.
>"Women that actually want to be with you..... because they like you."

Your optimism for the female gender is endearing and also ill-fitting for an anon on a chan website. You'll learn the harsh reality soon enough.
(And jokes aside Jeet had just broken up with a girl before "exploring his sexuality" like he has so if anything it's a woman that's mindbroken him)
I am 56 this month. Aside from that believe me there is nothing that you can teach me about females that I don't already know. Unless you are a woman yourself, perhaps, which thusfar remains plausible.
>Dresses are cool. The chicks love it.
You're right anon, chicks love it...when they're the ones wearing it, or seeing another woman wearing one
Then we agree. I wouldn't wear one for bobs and vag, but I have made plenty of great jokes in my day about chicks trying desperately to immitate males (and inevitably failing). Despite all this I would be lying if I didn't say that I am absolutely crazy about them. I'm not crazy enough to wear a dress though. I'm oldfashioned from the west.
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>A straw man I hate would totally consume the same media as me. They support everything I hate or would kill me but somehow the love of fat people is what we have in common.

This is your logic.

Politics NEVER belonged in the Meatspace and fuck all the artists that brought it here, you people ruined everything.
I doubt it. Disney is already expensive and the company wasting millions to show what brand they own is causing the brand to fall into debt. Nobody is going to pay 8K for Star Wars, Marvel, or Disney experience. Walt would fire these numbers guys
>conspiracy theories
Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it isn’t true you cultist
He just got put into place but they're not gonna stop the stuff they already have a good bit of development done. Disney already obliterated Star Wars and its own shit and Marvel has been trying to kill itself for over a decade by the time Iger got replaced because of the failing parks and the streaming service performing badly. Hell, with the Potato in Chief doing his best to crash the dollar, they won't be able to rely on the parks to support their bullshit anymore.
This pointless thread is already a dead horse.
Yes. So dead that you had to complain about it last week too. And the month before that. Very dead horse.
The fact that this is even a thread in the first place shows how completely miserable yall are
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Fascinating how these two keep posting this at a pretty predictable interval yet the thread still stays active. Curious! Almost as if they're an artist or one of their orbiters.
You are the cultist, lol
It's Southern slang.
Say something else

You sound like an AI gov. shill (Artificial Intelligence Bot)
Viking Skirts is a pedophile?
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Why is it these people have to make a big stink over how they won’t draw underage characters? Just say you’re not comfortable with it and that would be find enough. Do you really have to regurgitate the same baseless arguments that have no actual proof?
of fucking course they have their pronouns
>"Whenever someone denies fiction affecting reality, I remind them about that one time a girl got stabbed because of Slenderman."

This is probably one of the single worst examples to use for an argument like this. Furthermore, by this logic, nothing sexual or violent or aggressive or mean should ever exist anywhere because someone might act on it. And no you can't come at me with the "So you're saying CP should exist?" because of fucking course that shit shouldn't exist, it's a fucking crime that can only exist by causing harm to a minor. A drawing coming into existence causes harm to no one. A drawing existing, in a vacuum, causes harm to no one. That's why the "It's just fiction" argument is so iron-clad. The "fiction affecting reality" discussion is one you don't want to have, because it has more nuance and minutia than anyone will ever be able to cover in a lifetime, much like the nature vs nurture discussion.

If you really want to go down this slippery fucking slope, maybe stop drawing sexually explicit depictions/fetish material of characters from children's IPs? You guys feel good about potentially exposing children to sexual material because you wanted to draw morbidly obese Princess Peach or Zelda and Link fucking? How many of us got exposed to this shit when we were underage because we were just looking shit up about video games or cartoons or whatever? Oh but I guess these guys aren't drawing characters that are underage so everything's fine, right? No harm no foul I guess.

Normalizing problematic and unhealthy stuff is bad right? Maybe stop normalizing obesity then? Y'know that thing that can cause severe health risks, both physical and mental? Oh but you guys like fat chicks and gotta push that body positivity narrative, support our sex workers and teach the world you can be healthy at any size, amirite?

God the sheer hypocrisy of these people... Yes, I am fucking seething.

Had a nsfw ERP discord where some minors got into, Skirts interacted with them but allegedly she knew that one of them was at least 15 y/o.

The usual guys on Twitter called this out, but didn't lasted and now they all act like it never happened. Seems like as long as you share the same views on some subjects you'll get a free pass.
>Normalizing problematic and unhealthy stuff is bad right? Maybe stop normalizing obesity then? Y'know that thing that can cause severe health risks, both physical and mental? Oh but you guys like fat chicks and gotta push that body positivity narrative, support our sex workers and teach the world you can be healthy at any size, amirite?
Sounds like this site isn't for you.
>People being violent cuz of video games has nothing to do with games.
>people liking art of underage characters means theyre gonna be pedophiles
These retards really lack self awareness
I was using their own standards against them to prove how hypocritical they are.
hmmm how can I reinterpret this so I can rip you apart and look smart in front of the child pirates that frequent this site?
Wait did Jeetdoh actually do this? Is that really him?
He actually went and did it, he sold his soul for Twitter. Someone should make it so if you look up what "lost cause" means, you'd find Jeetdoh because there's no coming back from this.
the guy looks so cute, too bad I'm straight
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Spaec-Dandee's gotta be one of the worst artists to ever make it big in this community. He's annoying as shit and his art is fucking repulsive, but so many big names in the scene go out of their way to fellate him.
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Seeing literally who artists feeling the need to police the "community" makes me laugh. Then you see other artists coming out with their bad experiences involving "the community" and then others rolling their eyes and saying "what community and it just further illustrates how ridiculous this supposed "community" is

Honestly, I hope more artists begin to realize that the fat artist/fat art community are nothing more than throatcutters, asskissers and leeches waiting to perform the same song and dance to get what they want from each other and then tear down others while trying to not get a target on their back.
I don't see nothing wrong with his art?
its always hilarious seeing blewdle of all people pushing this garbage considering the sick shit that they're into
What sorta shit is he into?
idk but the retards sperging out over a random guy's gender identity will flood this thread when he does
Not gonna lie, StrangerMoist has a great art style but my god he is literally one of the most annoying fucking fat artists I've ever seen.

I dunno what it is, but whenever they just start opening their mouth I wanna put a bullet in my brain.

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