
R9K really preventing me from posting more images.
Whatever it is you're wanting to post is already on one of the other threads. That's what R9K does. For the same image to be posted more then once, they'd have to be taken from different places.
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I just change the file types so I can post.
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I have no idea what's going on. Why is she getting fat faster than in the simulation?
That’s better than waiting too many pages for any noticeable growth. Let the increased speed weight gain continue!
How can you ask that after over 190 pages of waiting?

Yes! Make up for lost time!
Considering the pace used to be the equivalent of less than one chapter of progress per YEAR, I'm very okay with this.
Because I wasn't going to read all of that dialogue that means basically nothing when we just wanted the weight gain.
It's because this IS the simulation. She's stuck inside it right now due to some kind of accident. If this wasn't the simulation, she wouldn't be gaining as quickly as she is right now.
Then what was all that other stuff going on? Was that the real world?
>190 pages until any kind of action
>woooo it was all a dream

I hate him so much
bruh read the fucking story before asking retarded questions. It's a full-length comic, not just another WG sequence.

Why the fuck are there talks of simulation and dreams. She's currently stuck in an android form of herself it shouldn't be that hard to understand. There's a manbaby thread if you're here to whine without bothering to read the thing >>73482 (Cross-thread)
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hey who are the options for the sequence poll?
You are all retarded.
She is in a linker.
She isn't gaining weight either, this is a pure stuffing sequence.
Didn't realize how retarded Pixiveo's Patrons can be. Ilya wins a Sequence poll, then shortly after wins the Super Sized poll before the sequence pic was finished. Anyway, Futaba from Persona 5 is getting the next sequence pic. At least one patron of his was smart enough to suggest restricting OCs to their own poll in a recent feedback post.
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hope Komi wins this poll
I'm hoping there's a twist that this new prototype linker headset she's wearing causes her real body to gain weight too.
Spoiler: Komi won.
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who's number 8 from?
To be completely fair. He put Komi with against 2 other recognizable characters and 11 other unknowns. Of course she is going to win. Parlor Dragonmaid didn't even have a chance
>he put
Patrons decide what's on the poll, not Pixiv.
Welp. I'm a idiot. Thanks for the correction
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Welp... looks like Komi won anyway. I was really hoping wattson would win
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Hope kaede wins but I don't really see that happening with like 2 ocs, and a pokemon girl on here.

also new comic page, fun time is over
More like the Genshin character they always beat the poke girls in pixiveo's polls
has he evern done a danganronpa character?
>Popularity contest is won by popular character

Truly shocking.
Well that doesn't really help matters either lol

searched on the kemono page, got a lot of Kaede showing up lower/mid of the pack in terms of voting results but no art of anyone.

Also checked da and nothing there either.

Maybe one day. Unfortunate so many of these polls are unbalanced.
Anyone have sauce for the rightside pic on #7?
How can you call it a win given how pixiveo's polls are done, the higher tier you are the more your vote counts in the polls, this means people who pay more will have final say in the polls

Isn’t that how it should be? Money talks.
Then he should allow higher tier payers to request commissions otherwise what's the point of the polls if it's to cater to those people only
Voting with your dollars lmao
Anyone have the nude version?
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So it turns out linkers basically have infinite stomach capacity and get fatter in real time.

We finally have a weight gain comic now.
holy fuck, it took 211 pages.
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Didn't this character have pretty much have the goal of "I want to get fat by any means possible" at the beginning? What the fuck happened?
If not at the beginning then very early on. Did Pixiveo forget, or did something happen with Myu off screen that's causing her to have second thoughts?
I think Myu just wanted to get fat gradually so it looks more natural and can be brushed off as just her eating a bit more or being less active. Getting really fat in a short period of time will make people more suspicious and think something is mentally wrong with her.
Anyone know if Pixiveo was going to make a nude alt of the recent Komi or if it was out already if he did?
I think it's a whopping 70ish pages behind on da. Kinda crazy how far behind it is vs patreon's share schedule.
Wait, is this page 213? Then what happened in 212? Some more clarity is needed for this new roadblock in the scene
Could somebody please update Pixiveo Kemono?
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the missing 212 page, and then 214.

Poor suckers on DeviantArt are finally about to hit the 60 page drought
hey can someone update his kemono page please?
Anything new?
Does anyone have the asuka and rei pics?
If I ever complained about the occasionally sluggish pace of Kip's comics, this one is something else. At this point, I assume we'll just never get any actual fatties and it's just going to be her fantasizing about it, or doing it with a linker etc., for however long this thing keeps going.

She'll just go back to her usually skinny body when she gets out of the linker though, won't she? So technically, no, we don't.
tbh, Log Myu has always been a secondary focus for me being a patron of Pixiveo. I'm mainly there for the other content he makes, and not really Log Myu. That is honestly more of something that I look at from time to time, go "Huh." and continue on with my day.
Could somebody please uptade kemono? Or it is still broken?
nope, they're still fixing.
Since kemeno is still being fixed, can anyone post the futaba sequence?
Being fixed? What happened to it
Patreon added new anti-scraper scripts AFAIK? Kemono’s trying to work around it, but it might take some time.
yeah. so long as they are working on it, we may as well upload here for now
Even so, they don't upload anything around here XD
so, can someone update here the new pages?
im pumped for when that sammy squence comes out
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you want content?
have content
p.s. Lucy guy is a menace for suggesting the stupid breast milk image.
Hot Damn! Barghest fats from Pixiveo! There is a God after all!
the new content is appreciated, do you happen to have the last 2 pages though?
Could you tell us who got the fat arts for april?
Aw shit, blue balled. Now I wanna know what happens
You have the Zina pic?
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Friedrich der Grosse (Azur Lane) won the free size poll.
have the rest of the pages.
thanks for the art dump based anon. Was hoping for that komi art to have a nude alt but alas
does anyone have the next pages?
hey can someone post that sammy sequence?
Pixiveo has now said there’s a chance they may revisit this one with a nude edit :0 :D
can someone share the next pages
Anyone update kemono?
Anyone got the new pages?
Can someone post the Raiden Shogun art?
can someone post the new pages?
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Anyone got the nude alt for 10?
Someone update kemono?
So much for Zina having a realization and saying she needs to make things right... either that or Maia was lying about that to get Myu to more readily listen to her idea.
I know it’s been said to death, but fuck me Pixiveo sucks ass at writing comics. Half the fucking page in these latest entries are all dialogue.
Kip sucks at writing comics too but at least the story progresses, Jesus Christ pixi will keep on one point for like 5 pages
What the fuck, dude?
Probably the later. Zina has to realize she got fat entirely from her own doing and pixiveo actually said that if Zina never got the injury she would actually end up even fatter down the line when she retired after a very successful career. So getting super fat will always be Zina's fate one way or another
Forgot to say this before but I feel being fat is an excuse Zina makes, whether intentional or not, for her bigger issue is her crushed dream of being an Olympic runner. I think she feels being fat is what is holding her back from fulfilling her life goal even though her leg injury would still prevent her from accomplishing it
I logged out of the story 80 pages ago for the same reason. I don't know why >>95357 felt like saving this thread when Myu only has a stuffed chubby gut after over 220 god damn pages.
BTW, this comic has been going on for over two years now.
Wdym wtf. It’s a fetish comic that’s been going on for 200+ pages and most of it is dialogue.

Even actual comics and manga with actual plots don’t have this much filler text
I remember when yall were sucking this doods dick just when the comic was starting out. Oh how times change
I wasn't one of them, the history of longer comics by other artists made me keep my expectations low for this one.
I’ve just lost my patience.

I can put up with the insanely slow start, the boring plot, the uninteresting characters, but jesus christ who is reading all of this?

I read these latest pages and I’m just like Who Asked?
Yeah, what's tragic is I am more than fine with a slow burner kind of comic. Especially since you got teased with how big she might get by the end at the very start, but now I have the genuine worry we went through all this unneeded fluff just to have it speed through a weight gain that could have been done in 8 pages MAX, Then there it is, thanks for reading, have a nice day, NO REFUNDS. I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I don't see how it'll really save itself with how it's been going.
I used to follow Banna Galactic, I can put up with a lot of long drawn out nothing, but god damn. There are good fats in the background, just make the cat bitch huge already. My attention span is waning as it is. If this baby bump is the only fat we get out of her for the next 50 pages...I feel bad for the guys paying for this, man...
Why are you all bumping a thread for a comic that's going nowhere? Post art, or let it die.
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Here's what's new in the comic. We actually get some good frames of Nadette being fucking huge, and I think Pix MIGHT be building up to Zina backsliding hard.
Kemono updated. I can't post the files for some reason.
...he says after realizing the files got posted successfully.
Hey, is there any new content? Could somebody post it?
It's more like it's a setup for zina back sliding and then Myu getting Zina a linker so that she can go around in a "slim" body
Tbh as a Patreon of Pixiveo, I am not there or log Myu, I can tell you that, I am there for all of the other art he does.
How many pages have been released since you joined his patreon? I'd argue it's not worth it because of how slow his other content has been recently.
I gave up at around page 140. Myu's weight gain was taking way too long, and the poll winners were mostly characters I had no connection to or didn't care for.
He's also still allowing OCs to be suggested if they lost before the "No OC suggestions for Character and Sequence polls" rule came into effect, so fuck that.

As long as she gets bigger one way or another I'll be happy.


Wdym slow? He uploads content like clockwork


I won't bother to check but I'm pretty sure the only OC suggestion left is a TrinityFate OC (which I'm ok with tbh), so when it wins or dies out there won't be any new OC in these polls
There is only one carryover OC left anyways.
I have been a Patreon for one year and he has posted about 120+ pages of log myu
So you joined a little before I left.

Next plus size and free size characters are both from Pokemon Black and White. Hilda will be plus size, and Skyla will be ultra size. Next Sequence poll has started, and May from Pokemon ORAS is one of the options. I know all this because Kemono Party got updated.
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I miss being able to read the patreon comments on kemono
Hopefully they'll get it fixed. I reported about the comment thing on party.chan.
This character's normal design sucks so much that it causes whoever to try and make her fat mess up her proportions even more. This might be one of his worst works in a while, the decision to keep her arms and legs thin was not a good idea. Looks so off.

Why? Just to see people show their blind obedience?

Hilda came out, and it's an ass pick that doesn't have much of an ass. Just as bad as the Ilulu pick.
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Just so I'm not baselessly bitching, here's the Hilda. She came out so fucking weird. Almost makes me want to commission a butt pic from someone, even though I'm not into asses much.
What does that dial do again? I stopped paying attention 200 pages ago.
It’s her bodies tube feeder
Goddamn this story is slow as shit
I don't like were this is going
Yeah, this is where we are on Page 251. Still not passed chubby size, and it's not even the real Myu that's about to get fed.
It is the real Myu.
Honestly the bitching about Log Myu seems unjustified when you consider the format that Pixiveo does.
Log Myu is a strip comic, only 3 panels per page, now basically every other fetish comic has a full page. Of fucking course Log Myu is going to be slower since less shit is happening per page. It's not that the story is bad or slow, it's just the curse of the format that Pixiveo chose to present the comic in. With the page style he has, any standard comic style release of this would most likely end up putting 3 "pages" per page for an average of 9 panels per page. That comes.to about 84 "standard" pages that Pixiveo has released. Which in that perspective doesn't really present the story as being super slow.
Dude, run! The horny manbabies from every single threat are now coming to tell you to fuck up!
Also, at least you seem to understand. Even so, this comic has a lot of filler, but it's not as bad as One Serving Choice. Sure, it's more pages, but that's what the format itself gives for.
Annonnxyz's Revenge comic, Emeffy's Prankster Comet comic, and even Kip's No Lunch Take Out comic all managed to be much faster while also being strip comics, so your logic is flawed. Compared to those comics, Log Myu's story telling was needlessly stretched out, spending too much time on setting up later scenes. There's been many points where it's 5-7 pages of nothing but talking, sometimes more, and little comes from those talks latter.
3 and 4 panel comics aren't designed for long drawn out stories; that's why it's only ever used in Sunday newspaper funny pages and Japanese 3 and 4 koma gag manga.

>Which in that perspective doesn't really present the story as being super slow
All WG comics are super slow.
Got it, Log Myu is a strip comic, that’s why it’s filled with dialogue, filler, boring ass characters and slow plot

It all makes sense now, glad you took the time to explain it
Right, there's slow and then there's clearly not thinking shit through, like if Log Myu was short I'd be satisfied not everything has to be 100+ paes or random shit.
None of the examples you mentioned are strip comics. All of them are full page comics.
Bullshit, the pages are done in multiple panels just like Log Myu.
But the page size is completely different.
I am defining a "strip comic" by the page size. Pixiveo is drawing a very stereotypical newspaper strip comic format. Other artists are drawing a manga or western style comic book format. A strip comic isn't defined by just the panel number it's also determined by the page size as well. 3 of Pixiveo's pages would fit into a single page of any of the artists you mentioned.
Therefore, the true page count of Log Myu in comparison to any of the other comics is 3 times less. 84 (adjusted to be 3 pages per "page" ) pages of Log Myu have moved faster than 84 pages of No Lunch Break.
>But the page size is completely different.
Log Myu's panel sizes are smaller, but the page sizes are the same as the others. He makes up the difference by having more panels per page.
>3 of Pixiveo's pages would fit into a single page of any of the artists you mentioned. Therefore, the true page count of Log Myu in comparison to any of the other comics is 3 times less. 84 (adjusted to be 3 pages per "page" ) pages of Log Myu have moved faster than 84 pages of No Lunch Break.
This has to be the most retarded logic I've ever heard, and that's saying a lot as someone whose lived in the United States for over 25 years.
>This has to be the most retarded logic I've ever heard
How? Myu pages are noticeably shorter than comparable comics. The other anon is right.
How can your reading comprehension be so poor?
>United States
Ahh, right.

All things equal, the pacing is still way too slow.
>the pacing is still way too slow.
That's the other thing, Pixiveo still released it across 250+ pages and not the 84 pages that idiot anon was saying. If what he was saying were true, then Pixiveo wouldn't have wasted everyone's time the way he did.
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But that's enough about that shitty comic. Here's Skyla fresh off the press.
Thank you for agreeing with me.
Because that was exactly my point. The fact of the matter is that when condensed into the aspect ratio of the other comics, three strips are on a single page. Therefore, you can only compare the pacing of the story if you level the playing field by putting three of Pixiveo's strips onto a similar page aspect ratio used by those other artists. Pacing wise the story has been moving fine, the issue is that the release format makes it seem much slower than it actually is.
The pages are LONGER than they are Tall, which means that due to aspect ratio fuckery you can fit more pages in the same aspect ratio of any of the comics you mentioned.
This really isn't that complicated.
I was hypothetically speaking, dumbass. I said if what you said WERE true, meaning I still disagree with you. Fact of the matter is, he released it across 250+ pages, meaning he thought each deserved to be it's own page and not lumped in with others.
The Newest Page is Out, Did Anything Happen There?
Man you know as well as everybody else that ain’t shit happen on that page either
Anyone have the June patreon stuff? Especially the Raiden art
Don't know about any Raiden art. What I do know is that he's very behind with the Yor sequence. Was supposed to be done in June, but it's now halfway through July and it's still not out yet.
>actually interesting shit is happening in the comic now (Myu getting forcefed without her knowing it)
>no one posts the new page
Because the gain hasn't begun yet, so there's no point.
Five pages later and still NOTHING happens how/why are people interested in this?
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Is pixiveo bad at writing on purpose or has he been wasting time on purpose?
By the look of things both
My biggest issue is how the literal main plot point of her being trapped in a linker didn't happen 100 chapters ago. Like couldn't the other story elements happen along with Myu getting huge?
Pretty sure this dude genuinely doesn’t know how to write. Ain’t nobody invested in this story enough to sit through hundreds of pages of pages of nothing just for now for something to happen
Why is he still going on with it? Doesn't he know it's dogshit? This is worse than any toxic relationship i know of.

At least if he wants to go on with this project he could 1 get writing lessons or 2 pay someone who can actually write. I'd take kip-tier writing over this any day of the week, at least that shit isn't nothing, the complete absence of anything of interest.
True I stopped supporting him on patreon because of this I still don't know why people support him, because he does less polls by the look of things and that was the only thing he had going for him
Highkey, Pixiveo probably looked at all the clout Kip gets from his comics and thought “I can do that”

Lo and behold, we’re 100+ pages in and no he cannot. At this point I think he’s just so deep into the story he can’t quit.

I really hope he doesn’t think people actually enjoy this, for both his and his patrons’ sakes
yeah this is way too much buildup for a set up that takes one page. "Girl has fake body that she can use to get super fuckin fat, and proceeds to do so". How hard was that? At least his art is still good.
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Here's a then and now between the two pages mentioned. I don't have Page 261, so Page 258 will have to do. It's the most recent page that gave us a decent view of Myu.
You guys realize that if all you do is complain here nothing will ever change? Like what's even the point to talk about it if he never hears about it? Anyone around in contact with him?
I've seen page 258 on kemono and it looks promising but I wouldn't hold my breath
We're just commiserating. Not really planning on changing anything. The boys in the Axel thread got it way worse, trust me. And, you really think this guy is gonna allow comments like these in his discord server and on his patreon?
Oh, I'm just venting frustrations. I just want confirmation that I'm not in fact going crazy, because why would you go on for hundreds of pages for almost two years if nobody likes the comic.

It's a shame because I really dig pixiveo's art style, and I'm a big fan of this format of long wg comics, I loved no lunch break despite all its flaws.

But this has consistently being such a letdown, there's no wg and the awful writing barely makes it count as a comic, so as I said in a previous post it's a big load of nothing.
Even worse is that this has been going on for way too long.

I've kinda given up on Log myu and I only check this thread once in a while at this point.

With that said I wish you all a good fapping, I won't be coming back to complain, I promise
New page is up and looks like there's gonna be popping soon, her stomachs creaking and "overclocking" isn't activating
He's not really going to do bursting is he? It's one of the worst things associated with weight gain, force feeding, and stuffing fetishes. There's a reason why almost no one does it, it's unsightly and no one wants to see their girl die.
>no one wants to see their girl die
Maybe that's what the linker is for
It's a robot body and now the feeding on her real body was turned up to 11. I'm just gonna assume shes gonna explode/linker shuts down and she wakes up and shes a bit fatter
No way. This comic is way too light hearted to have myu fucking die even if it's just a robot. And imagine finally having myu gain weight only for it to be over in a few chapters.

It feels more likely that she is going to grow so big that she shatters the container and escapes even larger then before.
Since this is just her robot body what's the danger from bursting or drowning since it won't really kill her
Do you have 262 as well?
Except it was implied before that the real Myu was evacuated because of the extreme rainfall a few pages ago. If that's the case, then she won't change at all no matter what happens to the linker.
It would still be graphic for how this comic has been so far, even if this linker is just a robot.
I bet 200 dollars he'll include bursting despite whatever people tell him and everyone will get pissed lmao
Oh, my bad. Should have said 261, the kemono party page is only up to 260 (>>104748)
I don’t know why everyone here is convinced that she’ll burst. It’s more likely the panic will induce bandwidth saturation like the excitement from seeing her belly huge did.

This will probably either be the event that fixes myus gag reflex in her real body (temporarily or permanently) or her discovering a trick with linkers that lets her gain weight in her real body.

Let’s not forget she has more of Maia’s linkers to test in the future. Each with various body shapes. If it’s a trick or a temporary fix she’ll need to keep using linkers.
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Joined his Patreon for the Camilla sequence, but it ended up being a prequel of the Super Size he did before of her. Instant regret upon seeing it. You guys better be grateful for the bullet I took.
Thank you for your sacrifice good sir
Tbh if you looked at his previous sequences and thought that this time she would end up bigger, it's all on you lol
He's done a sequence that ended with Ultra/Free Size before. It's the post before the Camillas funny enough. >>105570
To be fair thats kinda a special short comic/sequence but all of the typical sequences end up around the same size
Not sure how it's special. The Lai-E sequence was done because of a poll just like any other sequence he's done.
I'll mention that just because I have access to his patreon, it doesn't guarantee that I'll post anything else from there because I feel dirty for doing so. Only posted Camilla because I was unhappy with how her sequence turned out, but figured someone here might like her. I will bail before the end of the month.
I say its special just because it was longer than the others and had individual pages, thats about it. And yeah at this point im just sticking around to see log myu because for the first time in ages its actually getting exciting
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Most likely wrong about popping
So it'll be a hyper stuffing. Not good, but still much better then bursting.
I’m still anticipating bandwidth saturation like before… it’s just going to also be from her being horny like before too.

Her libido will save the day.
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I mean the mechanism for overclocking a linkers metabolism was pretty well explained. The linker body needs to hit it's limit before it will kick in.
Also, since Linkers are made with genetic material, 10 bucks says that Myu's parents probably had Myu have some sort of stomach bypass or narrowing surgery. Especially since they are so wealthy.

(Also her stomach is significantly less red when she was still at Ilya's house, so the overclocking it probably already happening to some extent.)
My money is on this event leading to myu accidentally discovering the method her parents used to make her the way she is now.

Still not sure if it was on purpose or on accident (not caring about the consequences of something.)

Either way I’m sure they’ll richsplain why it’s a good thing.
Probably they give her those balloons pills that inflate in the stomach.
Anyone got the newest page, 265?
It's hyper stuffing, so I don't think it's worth posting. Someone else can if they think it is.
The shot from behind makes me wish the fat would start to go somewhere else besides her belly.
It’s not fat yet. Her linker body is still just swallowing liquid
I love it when weight from stuffing actually has an effect (like legs wobbling and back straining from carrying so much weight)
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Then you'll like this page anon. Just for you cause I'm feeling nice.
Yeah thats the good stuff, I appreciate it anon
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Spread your butt. Stick it up your butt.
My brain magically assumed it would make her ass bigger despite how anatomy works. This fetish has wrecked me.
This might sound weird but I've always been kind of uncomfortable when I see a stomach get big and red. Cause it just looks painful you know?
It's perfectly normal, dude. I don't like it either to be honest lol
>This might sound weird but I've always been kind of uncomfortable when I see a stomach get big and red. Cause it just looks painful you know?
That's the other reason why I don't like hyper stuffing besides the lack of fat.
She would look soooo much nicer and more proporzionate with a fat ass, but alas we have to wait
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Any new pages?
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Only posting these because I won't be a patron of his much longer. Can't explain how the hose kept getting moved around, but it's definitely going up her butt.
Oh fuck, not inflation now
>ignorant of the fact that Myu got technically inflated by the hose directly into her linker stomach.
Yeah... too late for that.
I mean if you think about it, stuffing could be considered inflation
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This is the last page I'm posting.
Thanks and cheers. Dammit I really thought it was going up her butt. Maybe someone could make an edit.
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Damn, this is amazing
It would be if other parts of her body were growing too. Hyper stuffings don't do it for me, which is why I stopped posting pages.
I imagine that her overdrive will kick in eventually causing her to gain weight supppperrr quickly
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inb4 popping/bursting happens, sending her back to her real body
Why do people keep insisting this will happen? Pix has never done popping before.
Great sequence honestly

Fair enough, but I really like this stuffing sequence

Doubt it, probably just complete stuckage or bursting out of the pipe
>complete stuckage
Don't tease me with something so good
PTSD from reading Kip's comics. If you expect the worst you can't be disappointed
Yeah but Kip did vore and straight WG before moving to straight wg. There was partial precedent for certain vore like themes to appear in their comics. (And yes, I include the rat bit in NLB to be a vore theme.)
With Pixiveo there is no precedent for any sort of popping or bursting in their previous content. Additionally, you need to understand, Miu is not in a human body, she is in an artificial body with an artificial frame and flesh.
What's most likely going to happen is that she is going to saturate the connection again, which then causes the overclocking to start.
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1. the first overloading of the connection had the capability to damage the linker as described by the engineers when Myu's senses were mixing.
2. While we don't know what may have been damaged in the linker, it is clear that it may have damaged the overclocking mechanism in some way.

Therefore it is possible that an additional event saturating the bandwidth of the connection could damage the linker into working properly again.
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Myu's on her back... The overclocking must have kicked in.
Shes back in her real body now, so who knows whatll happen to the linker, probably just an empty robot body that exploded or gained a bunch of weight. It would be interesting if myu in her real body like saw on the news that they found a massive linker thats like 5000lbs in the ruined facility
Wait no im literally autistic she has the linker hair, the tube probably shattered
That would not explain how she is on her back since she would have to still be in the tube to be laying in the nutritive fluid, and even if it did break, she would most likely still be laying on top of her belly.
Or, after the tube shattered, the paramedics rolled her over (or evacuated/pumped her stomach)
Oh wait no, those are just voices she's hearing from her actual body, while still in her linker
Yeah the page is a little confusing

This is the stupidest fucking comic ever written
You say that when shit like Marville exists.
Or maybe you are just a retard
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Overclocking has activated. In other news, Myu's stomach has deflated
She probably has a big hole in her
I don't get why you feel the need to doom post.
Because it WILL happen, you just can't accept the truth lmao
It's not in pixiveo's league.
I can’t wait for you to be shown the obvious.
I don't get the whole "bandwidth" and "overclock" thing. How are those things related to the amount of food she eats or how fat she gets?
From what I understand overclocking means she digests the food in her stomach right away and turns it into fat, her linker isnt overclocking right now so thats why her belly is big and filled up but shes not gaining weight, bandwidth is just the connection to her real body
Her brain is connected to the Linker. The bandwidth is measuring the amount of data going through the linker and back to Myu's real brain, that's why there is a high risk of frying her brain if she saturates the bandwidth of the connection too much.
Overclocking is when a linker is forced to instantly metabolize food in the stomach due to there being no other way to expel it. The overclocking function in theory only kicks in when a Linker's stomach has reached full capacity.
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A bit of a gross scene but the weight gain begins... you can already see how much fatter she is and even her hair is growing
No wonder nobody does loose skin with their art. That shit is nasty.
Ill deal with one page of it for the massive weight gain thats incoming
It can be if you let yourself get too big. Look at GreekGodX for example.
It's not horrible its just a bit offputting, either way im excited for the next page to see how big she gets, i mean shes already looking super chubby in that second image
Not really gross tbh, her stuffed gut is now turning into flabby fat
if it means we get to see her gain weight in real time, it's a small sacrifice
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Starting to look pretty big
That's the first bit of face weight she's gotten this entire comic.
I assume shes gonna be pretty big when she wakes up in her real body, especially where it was already chubby, but yeah waiting over 200 pages for any signficant weight gain or literally anything in a weight gain comic is a bit dumb
Is her tail getting longer?
her tail is the same but her hair is growing
Actually not true, there was that dream sequence in the first 50 pages of the comic where she had face weight
I enjoy the world building and the characters. Cope and seethe.
Pixiveo isn't kip or other fucking FA artists. When people were complaining about OC art he listened, put it up to a poll and then made changes accordingly.
He's actually open to criticism, but it isn't like you would know. (Which is to say as a Patreon for over a year now, I have seen constructive criticisms levied in his discord and Pixiveo respond in a constructive manner.) But most people actually enjoy Pixiveo's world and characters there. Hell, I enjoy his characters and world building. I think he has the writing capacity to write an actual VN. But the style of story he picked for this format of comic just didn't fit. It isn't a case of bad writing per se, but rather a case of picking the wrong kind of story/story structure for the comic format he was making. Log Myu as a full length VN would probably be pretty good, and tbh if Pixiveo's was a bit better 10 years ago we may have gotten a VN.
This. I gotta agree.
We are not in Twitter guys.
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I'll give ya that. Even if I don't like this comic, his other stuff is consistently good, and he listens to his audience, he ain't a fucking prick like Axel is.
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Holy shit
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At least post the full sized version and not the thumbnail
They look the exact same on phone but maybe PC is different ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the quality is different
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She's finally filling into her deflated body
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It just keeps getting better and better, I need the coomer audio file for how this is making me feel
Just want to say I love how much better Myu's actual body ended up looking compared to her dream/imagined sequences, the best type of end result.
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Updated drawings coming through.
Pixiveo has made some changes to the Illulu drawing, attempting to update/fix the body shape. And has given shantae a left hand.
For those that previously commented about Illulu's body shape being weird does this change make it better?
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I don't think the change makes it better. Illulu's boobs are way too big compared to the rest of her body, so the whole thing still looks disproportionate, especially since he didn't make her legs or arms any thicker. I respect that he tried, but I believe she's a character that's beyond fixing.
That's the whole point of her design you mong.
Exactly, and that's why I think there's no way she can be fixed without betraying the whole point of her appeal. You'd have to go against what she is in order for her to be any good, because her main appeal is terrible.
Who really cares
Large tits are still better than SSBBW women, you fucking idiot
I respectfully disagree.
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Goodbye loose skin
It's finally happening.
>>114749 wow shes getting fucking massive, I cant wait for the next pages
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Holy mother of god, its finally happened
Kip is finally not shit again!?!?
This ain't Kip chief lmao
Nope, kip is still shit lmao. Meanwhile in kip land we still have characters doing things for absolutely no reason, cut aways from every promising scene and long pointless plot scenes
Dude she LITERALLY said this isn't her real body not a win
Her real body is being fattened up as thid is happening though, remember ilya turned ip the flow all the way
True but I'm extremely skeptical given his backtracking record
If that one worker really did evacuate the real Myu, then the linker shouldn't be connected to her right now. That would mean her real body should be no different than when she last appeared.
We already saw her in an ambulance and medics confused about why she has such a high calorie setting for her real body’s feeding tube.
And they’re connected regardless of where she is. The problem with her linker is that it won’t unconnect
But they can still reset or turn of the feeder right, like the linker and feeder are different things aren't they?
The mouthpiece valve's busted though...
they're trying to say that myus real body and the linker wont deconnect, they have to leave the feeder thing on because they've been told to
Well in that case I won't expect too much of gain but it has VERY noticeable, no more bloated/chubby belly shit
well the feeder has been put on like, max dont ever put it on this mode this is too much, So I assume itll be atleast a like 30-40lb gain
I can see that but hopefully he follows through with it
I don't see why he wouldn't, I think he mentioned log myu is approaching the last bit so I imagine maybe weve got like what 40 pages left, maybe a bit more? I honestly hope it goes for a bit longer but he keeps up his good writing recently, its really improved writing and story wise in the past like 50-60 pages aside from the weight gain so I hope for more of that consistency
Agreed, the last 40~ pages have had a lot better pacing compared to the early pages. Although I don't really care if the gain has contextual weight or not, I'm just glad to finally see some god damned weight gain either way.
And i thought it would take more years to see some noticeable weight gain lmao
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In before people go iT's tHaT LucYgUy aGaIN on the 4th image
This is by far some of the best work he's done, shes getting absolutely huge
I agree, but it shouldn't have taken 2 and a half years worth of story to make this finally happen. It does feel like he's trying to make up for all that time.
Yes, ironically enough this didn't require basically any of the hundreds of pages that came before, the whole thing could have been a short progression and that's it.
The only set-up that went into this story beat is the introduction of linkers and yet the difference between them and human bodies are so limited that even that wasn't necessary, you could easily excuse the overclocking as "weight gain porn logic" and leave it at that.
At this point its whatever, I found the rest of the story cute and now we actually get the horny
You need to understand, Pixiveo has this world created as far back as 2014. He was planning on writing a whole VN and everything.
Question is, was sitting through 2 and a half years worth it? Even though this scene we're in right now is very good, it's more then fair to say that this took more time then it should've to get here.

>Yes, ironically enough this didn't require basically any of the hundreds of pages that came before, the whole thing could have been a short progression and that's it.
The drama with Zina was the most unnecessary part of the story for me. We didn't need over 20 pages of her trying to talk Myu out of gaining weight.
doesn't matter retard.
i came for the porn not the goddamn story

I mean, yeah. Pages are all eventually released for free or you view the patreon ones here lol. No skin off my back waiting for something im not paying for. Only weird bbwchan coomers get so bent out of shape over waiting on free art lol, you dont see it anywhere else. Just go look at the infinite amount of other fat porn if you dont care for the story.
nice depiction of yourself anon.
got a problem nigger?
Hey man he could be asian or something, dont use the wrong slurs, its offensive
Don't know any slurs for Americans, but if you wanna go back a few generations up the tree kraut would be acceptable, thx bb <3
>slurs for Americans
Trump votin' glipe
Except I did pay to see this early at one point, for about 80 pages worth of time no less. "But it's free!" is such a weak ass argument that adds nothing to what's being said.
If you didnt like it you shouldve stopped paying for it
I did you fucking retard. Besides it's not like the comic was the only thing I was there for.
Finally, some good fucking sauce
That last one is doubly effective against people who didn't vote for Trump
That one is specifically for Americans who are from the North half of the country. Was called that by someone when I later moved to the South, and didn't realize it was an insult at the time.
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*insert coomer image here*

This shit keeps getting better, cant wait to see her real body too
Also the bra pads are somehow still over her nipples, funny ass way of censoring
God damn, this is incredible.
I don't think they will lanst long, though.
Oh, I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Actually, what I meant to say was... "I don't think they will last long, though."
I think they will last forever, considering they should've fallen off like 5 pages ago
Oh, but they will snap off, eventually.
By which, I mean they will pop off, and their strings will snap, too.
To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pixiveo

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