
>>79296 (OP)
As for rules:
No Vore
No Pregnancy
No Non Weight Gain Stuffing
We'll see about that
I'd like to think I can have faith in people. Posting rules on here is always a coin flip.

I think there is nothing wrong with the vore, but in most cases the vore ends up being a pot/ballon belly in a slim body, and that is already very different from the bbw. (i guess its ok if you find one that is bbw all the time)
(2.5 MB, 1056x720, Marle_deserves_more_nsfw_animation)
I just want to show this animation I made to someone who wants to see it and I hope you like this old tube feeding about light marle!

Yeah, I'm gonna need more.

Somebody should have an archive of them
Sauce for third video?
Source for the first vid?
(909 KB, 1280x720, Far East of Eden The Fourth Apocalypse.mp4) (3.2 MB, 1280x720, Karen weight gain-OYlYwaOhBaY.mp4)
Half of the clip is from a real videogame (Far East of Eden: The Fourth Apocalypse) where the bandit guy wants to turn the entire population of 1800s America into fatasses. The original animation also makes the girl bloat up, but in a much less flattering way.
10 years later after I've found it and it still makes me rock solid.
Speaking of, is there a repository for growing / weight gain / digesting / swallowing / inflation sounds, as well as one for other sounds like moans or gasps or burps?
I recall someone had made a thread like that on /bbwalt/ but I've not been able to find the archive for the sound effects. I could edit some of these.
>The original animation also makes the girl bloat up, but in a much less flattering way.
10 years later after I've found it and it still makes me rock solid.
It's the best female weight gain scene from any official videogame. Too bad there's nothing that's come close since then, especially for it's age.
I was going to ask the same thing too!
Seriously where are you guys getting all the eating sounds, I refuse to believe they're stock ones
very nice, thanks
Solid, anon, real solid. Thank you so much!
Though, do you also know of any resources for moans and small voice clips? I know that some of them were made by individual twitter users, but I was wondering if there was even a small repository somewhere.
anyone know the artist?
He had a shorter version of this clip where the girl gets fat in a slightly different way uploaded too but he deactivated lol. Anybody got it?
owrehl makes some fire shit
whats the name on this one
>>97964 Its made by Bladerune9 on deviantart.
I agree, Saxxon's stuff just goes from 0 to 100 so fast with no time to like, actual view the growth. His art and all so its his decisions, but it feels way more comical than actually sexy to have a character become bigger than the earth in literal seconds
There used to be a walking animation for a preggo Sombra, do you have it perchance?
This is not a thread for pregnancy. Go make a thread in the /Alt/ board if you want to see it.
Has he made a sequence that doesn't end in the girl being as fat the solar system or something? shit's wacky
one day saxxon will learn pacing and how to write
There is a uncensored version and voice acting version of this and of course theirs two more of those Raven WG vids by Cookies-Cat
finally, this thread exists again
Where's the voice acted version?
Who voiced these?
These types of frequent to rapid quick bursts of expansions with appropriate enough sound effects always tickles a fancy that doesn't get attention enough.
I just find it hilariously ironic that the dude who pastes literal pages of text that no one asked for on all of his drawings: is the same guy rushing through his animations like he needs it to end so he can go to a dentist's appointment.
>The original animation also makes the girl bloat up, but in a much less flattering way.
garbage take. This "remake" is wrong on so many levels. First, you can't see her face or reaction while she blows up. There's no full body shot. The camera angle from the side is shit and feels lazy. The head looks too small of the body in the final shot, and she is lacking in any personality.
Is it really surprising? Saxxon never makes anything good.
Wish there was more to this then just her doing squats.
So there was more to this. Thank you.
(71 KB, 166x160, davis.PNG)
At the risk of sounding like a "well ackually" cunt, I think dismissing him as never making anything good is understating that he has skill. The animations are good, they just aren't very sexy to a lot of people. He's clearly got a niche that he has cornered so I can't really blame him for not reaching out, but also it makes a lot of his sequences very samey- A lady (or man) grows to unreasonably large sizes that may be between a mountain or the earth.

And unfortunately that just translated over to his animations, so...this is what we get. It has promise, but he'll never follow up on said promise.

Maybe if someone pays him he would.
Yeah, exactly..... Except you're wrong, as usual
(124 KB, 351x475, R.png)
I could've sworn there was a version of the 2nd gif where the girl after falling had a huge burp and I thought that was so much hotter but I'm not sure if that really exists but who knows. And there should be a polished version of that first one cuz zamm!
im looking for a video of an animation
I dont believe its weight gain but I think the girl gets fat in it

the story goes:
girl in a house gets bullied by some other women, and she runs into the basement
she invents a potion and drinks it while down there
this allows her to absorb the other girls inside her, which makes her bigger each time
she then goes around the house absorbing all the women who bullied her

anyone know what i mean? and this is YEARS old
Growing hunger I think. I'm not even sure what the fuck to call that one. Expansion? Vore? Conjoined? It did it for some one I'll tell you that.
called Absorption Vore
(617 KB, 1198x1094, unknown.png)
I don't know how to find this, used ot have the file but it was corrupted, trying to fix it didn't help so all I have is the first frame.
He's a competent artist but his subject matter is samey and uninteresting. I don't mind immobile or room-scale, but when the only things you do are "amorphous mass with boobs" and "zoom-in on a face" it removes any recognizable human element from the fetish and it stops being sexy. The writing doesn't help either.
can ANYBODY download this and send it to a wetransfer or megalink?
It's by Berkhana. The animation was published as swf so I don't know that there's any way to salvage it, though
Bump just to see TheFunPolice's gif one last time.
you are correct ^^ and you're right, the whole channel's got some amazing videos :D
I just remembered an animation I saw a while back with two kittens eating weird sludge balls and getting fatter
It's a 3d animation
Probably something by catsikune
Their most recent animation is exactly that
can someone post the 2 animations that better-with-salt did?
Igfu on Deviantart which would be me.
This animation isnt uploaded on there yet since I haven't gotten to it though.
looks like that soffxcell sequence but can't find it anywhere on their page
There's this gif I've been trying to find for a long time now. I first saw it on Deviantart. It featured four anime girls in bikinis. Initially, they appeared thin, but then the gif "flashes" a bit and now they are fat.

One of the girls was a black girl with an orange bikini and she fattened up.
Ngl that was kind of funny, but I meant like sloshing and stuff lol
Maybe post videos or gifs here instead of posting links or no content at all? No point in keeping the thread up if that's all you do.
No, I just found the source today and wanted to share it here.
Anyone know how to rip patreon videos? Specifically the ones hosted with vimeo?
youtube-dl supports ripping vimeo videos with a password
Like owrehl for instance has videos on his patreon that have that vimeo logo in the corner however they are privated on vimeos actual site I believe so you can't go there and effectively download them I imagine
I've never encountered that before. Maybe try using youtube-dl on the patreon link and with your username and password?
I still have to get around to that but I will admit I am not that tech savvy
youtube-dl has stopped being updated. I would recommend using yt-dlp instead, which is an updated fork of youtube-dl.
So this Firefox extension works....however it's very selective on quality of video and which video will have audio or not
Let's see.
>Mythra eating ice cream for almost 5 mins with no weight gain at all.
>A "Tracer" animation where she gains nothing herself but makes D.va massive, to the point where she stops getting fatter and grows giant instead.
>Zelda containing her weight and failing, but doesn't gain much across 5 videos.
>Pyra gets a good weight gain, but is made to lose weight in later animations.
>Does teleportation instead of properly animating character movements in some videos.
Think this guy is more interested in playing around with sizes and trolling his fans instead of trying to improve as an animator.
how exactly do you use yt-dlp to download private vimeo videos? i've tried but haven't gotten it to work.
Animators like Baronobeefdip3D and Owrehl are both better than him without wasting their potential like he does.
Write the command like "yt-dlp www.video.com --video-password password123"
How do I get that password though?
This guy on deviant art called McTomsc
damn...…where'd you find that?
If you don't have the password you are out of luck.
Go fuck yourself you goddamn scaly motherfucker. That doesn't fit in to the theme of the thread at all.
bro... /bbfurries has a thread for that y'know
Seems like it was just a preview for the whole thing. Though he does still have a problem of making characters stop getting fat after a certain size and just makes them giant instead
In the Trish animation, I thought her legs would snap before she fell as they weren't getting fatter along with the rest of her body for a while. The way he favors hips in general makes the anatomy in his videos look weird. He's got potential, but definitely has bugs to iron out.
Yeah, I noticed in the mythra vid there were gaps in some places on her when she gets large. Practice makes perfect, I'm willing to be patient
>Practice makes perfect, I'm willing to be patient
Agreed, and I believe he'll improve.
(482 KB, 960x576, dekjjas-0cb7ac83-59f2-4f52-9083-3eba9e77feee.webm) (539 KB, 800x720, ded3vqa-03817382-4b96-4afd-83f8-ba3513d8b66d.webm)
Its probably due to the limit of tris/quads in certain areas of the model, if there's too little there isn't enough to work with to have good transition into larger sizes (then there's problem of too much over lap with other faces). Nonetheless he's become one of my favorite 3D weight gain art, especially since I have a bias in favor of "stylized" 3D (i.e anime/cartoonish stlyed models as supposed to more realistic 3D ones).

As a tangent I feel the one who has set a high bar for this would be Jellnill, but unfortunately they've dropped off the face of the earth, and likes futa (its like a god damn monkeys paw, aside from some basic information he's given out I would've liked to probed them on how exactly they got their set up.
are there other edits of other vids?
His style just creeps me out, same with most other cartoony characters. Its some weird uncanny valley feeling that I only get with certain art styles and this is one of them.
For me its the opposite more realistic looking 3D models look weird to me
I just keep on searching "Weight Loss Drink" and sometimes include the word "Gif" to try and search for the video/gif but I can't find it.

It features a fat woman, and once she drinks out of a cup she skims down... Does anyone know what this ad was called?

I'm only interested in the part where she is plump in the ad/gif.
This was an unexpected but good find, who's the maker?
nice find guys. I wonder if he will be the Imapovi of WG?
He still has some bugs to work out, but he has potential.
Futurama was definitely the inspiration here lol
(10.0 MB, 1280x720, s21a.mp4)
Is this ok to show?
I'm not so into the burping or the vore, but pretty much everything else in Lachevite's catalog is pretty tight.
/bbfurries/ has their own gif/animation thread, lost anon
I'm remembering a 3D animation that was like a Christmas themed one where the character was in like a factory that made cookies and they were messing things up and the conveyor belt or something kept feeding them and they kept blowing up. I can't remember more than that but if someone remembers, that'd be awesome.
does luxurious-blue have any channels on any website at all? like kemono party or nitter?
You're probably thinking of Owrehl's Christmass Elf animation.
Anyone got DenselTorrington's paid content perchance
Thirded. Man, I wish he'd post some of the paid stuff a couple months after they've been posted like how other artists do. The abrupt period of dead air after silently shifting over to Patreon exclusives really stings.
It's an animation of her being fat, so yes. Jiggling counts.
You're looking for ChristMASS expansion or something by Owrehl on deviantart
There hasn't been any confirmed animators here, so I'm against there being requests like these. No point in having them posted if they'e likely to never be fulfilled. I also dislike the idea of there being content of real people here, cause there's an entire board for them already.
anyone got any idea who made this, it looks way too good

Itadeiki seidekai, Ep 1, Season 1
can anyone post these please?
Got to know who made this,
I’m an idiot. It’s already watermarked
thats not the sauce does someone have the actual sauce?
(391 KB, 1076x1076, wg ganyu nonanala.mp4)
some Animation I made I hope you enjoy it
now we HAVE to see the final product
nice, what's the state of the cartoon right now?
They're from over 2 years ago. Don't think there'll be more.
Manyuu Hikenchou a tragically underrated eechi series
It irritates me that they didn't really go all-in with that concept. It could have been taken so much farther than what we got.
Yeah there's only like...4 or so scenes of Breast Expansion, and none as good as the first scene. You ask me they should have done a magical girl thing where her tits get bigger whenever she needs them to be. And we get to see more exquisite clothes ripping.
nobody asked this at all but who made this?
Anyone have that sketch animation of a chubby Ryuko from kill la kill it had audio and everything I forget who made it, it was on deviantart and they posted it on YouTube can’t find it anywhere it was from a few years back
>the big signature in the bottom left

Anon, how the hell did you make it this far in life? You cannot be this fucking stupid.
I can clarify why, other anon did not experience post-nut clarity when he posted this. Speaking from experience.
Fuck yeah, I thought nobody remembered this series lol
I wish they would never ban me but...
Anyone got the new bb2 animation by trailblazer
who's the animator? this is really well done.
Does anyone have Bombshell Barista 2?
BB2 = bombshell barista 2
Check the link in the post above
Is there more weight gain like this in the rest of the video?
No, just some expansion, shrinking, and weird tf for one girl. It does reverse in the end but leaves it in a to be continued kinda way for the brunette barista girl with body morphing abilities. Wish it had more than one scene for the fat girl tho.
Looks like LordAltros's style but I can't be assed to find the origin of it. Other guesses I have are Berryduke or Seriojanc (I think that's quite unlikely)
Anyone have XTENSE/MMDFun’s peach and daisy animation?
That's Inflation, not Weight Gain. Go ask in the Inflation board if you want it.
Does anyone have Nurico’s stuff archived, seems they nuked their accounts
I have my Curly Brace commission and this small pyra loop and that's it unfortunately. That's a shame he nuked his stuff. I really liked his animations
Agreed. Had so much potential, but I think people noticing the flaws of their work got to them.

Sadly, no. Retard uploaded everything to YouTube, which got scrubbed when he deleted his account.
does anyone have the Two of Everything animation by Kamaugraade?
>Furry, Bursting, and it looks like shit.
Not happening.
Shit. Now that you mention it :(
Does anyone have Nurico's videos and works collected?
someone made a thread about just that, I think. There's a few over there
(7.4 MB, 1080x1080, TimeCut_Video_2023-01-15_14_43_19.mp4)
Does anyone know where the creator of this animation went, I followed him on Twitter as "Stream_tiemp" But I changed my account and now I can't find him. If you find him, please share the link of his profile.
Does anyone know an animation of a black woman trying to wear big sweatpants and then gets zapped so that she can fit them?
(117 KB, 800x800, 20020-03ed2.gif)
does anyone know who made this?
>>489 (Cross-thread)

made by karannie chan, but the tumber is down and there is only a couple of images on rule 34 and a twitter account abandoned back in 2017, unless there is a archive of the tumber, there is really nothing left, sorry
oh no what happened to karanni chan? did they do something wrong?
More lewdlemage?
(2.6 MB, 960x906, LucyBAnim.mp4)
a request from fellow anon
A good animation, but that's water inflation and not her getting fatter. Doesn't fit the theme of the thread.
Does anyone know what happened to BaronOBeefDip? Did he go on a break or something?
>>140144 Yup. Early retirement. He got tired of being used by the rich.
I don't know. I'm in his discord server, he's active. He made a video for Christmas and makes custom models for vr chat. Perhaps he took a break
Holy fuck, I didn't think you could improve perfection. Somehow made the best Salt pic even better
This is amazing by any chance can you do another?
I made one too but it's in the inflation animated thread.
What’s the best way to download videos from Twitter?
yeah I'm trying to do that too, WITHOUT SIGNING UP AND GET BANNED OVER AGAIN.
(mad at twitter not you)
(9 KB, 246x205, seemsgood.jpg)
Just google "twitter video downloader." It will bring up multiple websites where all you have to do is paste the twitter link. Are people really this technology inept these days??
Yes, what makes you think anyone on the internet is half-competent
It'll be out when it's out?
And we like that, it'll be out when it's out.
Based OneyPlays posting
That’s ok….
BUMP! Quick save the threads! They're back and going to kill the whole bbw chan threads!
boys, i have very very good news. It seems like Nurico is back in the scene babyyyy

Great. Just what we neated. More art that is useful only for subliminal messaging.
Where’d you find that out?>>143987
His YouTube account is reactivated it seems, as well as his links.
i was randomly searching weight gain animations on tiktok and his tiktok came up, i thought it was just old posts and then i saw the time of posts were recent, clicked on his linked youtube and found out from there
I can confirm, he replied to my message I sent to him a while back when he initially deleted everything. He linked his new YouTube channel and he even touched up my old commission with some new lighting and effects. Nothing major but still quite nice of him to do.
N_Nurico on Twitter, Nurico on YT. Glad he's back
Wasn’t there also a pixel crime video game where not one but two women get tied up and fed in one of the criminals dungeons?
(1.3 MB, 1620x1562, a.mp4)
(228 KB, 828x617, 0A0CE1FE-F344-432B-9DE9-BE9B3CBDCB36.jpeg)
Can y’all just dump a bunch of LadyLuckFate’s animations?

Especially this one

Whenever I try to watch they’re animations and click on them on Kemeno, it sends me to a dead end Vimeo page. If I’m doing something wrong can y’all tell me how to actually watch them? Lady’s Kemeno page gets updated pretty good so people HAVE to be using it
Most of what they do is Inflation and Transformation stuff. Not a good fit for this board.
Still is there a way I can get it working on Kemeno?
(1.5 MB, 2700x2378, blake_belladonna_drank_lots_of_water_6_com.jpg) (2.1 MB, 2700x2700, blake_belladonna_drank_lots_of_water_3_com.jpg) (2.4 MB, 2700x2700, blake_belladonna_drank_lots_of_water_2_com.jpg) (2.6 MB, 2700x2700, blake_belladonna_drank_lots_of_water_4_com.jpg) (2.2 MB, 2700x2700, blake_belladonna_drank_lots_of_water_5_com.jpg) (3.1 MB, 2700x2700, blake_belladonna_drank_lots_of_water_1_com.jpg)
Can anyone make a animation or at least a dub of this?
This is not a request thread.
maybe have it as an mp4 that would help
Damn this is some god tier shit, you don't find many high quality voice acted animations, or maybe you do and I'm looking in the wrong places.

I would very much like to see more of this person's work posted here
Gonna have to back him up. Even if all their animations aren’t like this, I’d like to see more.
The trick's simple. Just add "player" and "video" to the link.

For example you got https://vimeo.com/12345678
to get the video working, simply modify it into
do note it doesn't work for all links tho
(4.8 MB, 720x904, 0aca55b80ab203614f06db17376efa82.mp4)
>>79296 (OP)
so this is kind of a schizo reach but would anybody happen to remember this twitter where somebody with a kurotama animated vtuber avatar like picrel just did weight gain roleplay vids? she had one where she was talking about like, the calories in a donut and the calories in an entire factory line's worth of donuts
Who made that animation?
Pretty sure you are thinking about Krabopolis.
On a side note, man I miss these animations...
Could I get a link to their page? I'm stupid. I can't seem to find it under any of these names
we were talking about two separate people but if you mean the person who animated >>150299 then you can find them now at twitter(.)com/kurotamadev?lang=en but afaik they deleted most of their old stuff so you're better off namesearching them on places like r34 and shit
I still don’t get why they deleted all their old stuff, can’t really find much of it now
Also, the whole video was much longer with weigh gain and had an alt where the tall got fat too
Does anyone have OWREHLs Patreon videos? His Vimeo links don't work when you use the player/video workaround.
That main issue of kemono.party.
Go to rule 34 or other websites fir owners videos
(1.5 MB, 2550x1650, IMG_9745.png)
Can someone edit out Cassie?
Besides Rule 34, what other sites do you recommend?
I'm also looking for the vr videos from owrehl but rule 34 doesn't have their vr videos?
This needs sound ASAP
(895 KB, 452x360, more inflation [tSrrZQMLT84].webm)
>>79296 (OP)
If possible, could a moderator (or whoever creates the next thread) add this info to the OP?
First of all, if you have a .mp4 file, you can use a command similar to this one to turn it into a .webm:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 30 -b:v 0 -b:a 128k -c:a libopus output.webm

CRF stands for constant bitrate, adjusting that value lets you lower the filesize at the cost of some quality loss. Secondly, if you find it too hard to lower the filesize to something of acceptable quality, you can just upload it to services like anonfiles.com and files.catbox.moe and then repost the links in this thread.
If it's stuff that you're getting off of sites that keep multiple file formats (i.e. youtube), you can also use yt-dlp with the -F (or --list-formats) options to pick .webm and the appropriate file size.
Occasionally, you might try and upload a file and it will fail, that's probably because some header information is not working right with the specific settings of this imageboard, so you'll have to run this command on the file to strip metadata:

ffmpeg -i input.webm -c copy -map_metadata -1 output.webm

Vid related (spoiler as it's inflation) was 1.1 MBs as .mp4 and got reduced without much loss in quality.
*I should have mentioned, I'm putting this info here as the admins have had to cut .mp4 support due to server costs
As OP of this thread, I second this idea. Also thank you for spoilering the Inflation.
Dose anyone have Belly Bundle 13 by Stuffedbellygirl93. Please share it.
(266 KB, 828x916, IMG_5494.jpeg)
Does anyone have this from EightXL?
Not trying to be an jerk, but the guy is asking for the version without the pop at the end, that's exclude to the Patreon page
(167 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)
How can I start making my own wg animations on blender?
Already there, now where's the "make feederism porn" button?
Anybody have any of Owrehl's paid stuff?
General advice I've heard from other animators- First learn to animate in blender in the first place. Then focus on the wg animations.
WG stuff isn't too hard once you've learned the basics. The tricky part is learning said basics
Somebody should upload Bmabmaxxx's animations. Links to the mega.nz in his Patreon are not working.
>>161178 Mr. Hotfudge, and the Whore
Problem, most sites don’t have complete archives and it looks like they’re going out of their way to issue takedowns of their old work
keep this thread alive.
I'm pretty sure you can still find some of his old animations on his Kemono page (KurotamaArt).
And I was Making sure the Thread Didn’t Die!
Her theme in The Fractured But Whole was far better than it had any right to be. Also she’s got a pretty big fat ass that can easily crush a man. Which I must admit I find hot. So she’s a guilty pleasure to say the least.
She needs more fan art.
Hot as fuck. Needs more fan art along with Sheila.
I know she was likely designed to be off putting. But god I can’t help but find her hot despite that.

Anyone know who's the artist of the 2nd animation?
Anyone got any of Owrehl's paid content?

here is part 1 anon, when you got that ill upload part 2
Can anyone find a way to upload burger kurger's stuff? What hasn't been put up for free on their twitter, I mean.
I love to share from the archive I have, enjoy anon
i coundt open the first one ,can you sen it again
did you need me to reupload it?
sorry been busy but here ya go part one again

sheer drive and coincidence lol. i just go to youtube and search up weight gain animations, put the filter on by upload date and boom the latest weight gain animation related videos are there for you to witness although a small warning, you will see a lot of Male Wg animation which is just an abomination to my eyes but you can just ignore them and continue scrolling down and find some hidden gems like this so yeah have fun
Sorry to bother. Any chance for a reupload?

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