
god it's too sad that kemono page is not updated...
Oh right, there was an artist worse then Axel about "big belly, twig limbs". This artist is trash.
Does anyone have the new Patreon pics?
AdjectiveNounCombo has been MIA for a while now.
.>>79028 (OP)
search 'craving control' over on ehentai. all of the series have been uploaded there.

hes not MIA. he's back on patreon. the problem is that he doesn't do this any more. his real love was always his vote series, zoey, and thats what he's doing. he did drop a lalia pic a few months ago but thats it.

I always thought he was one of the best. I'm curious as to what you consider to be good
>I always thought he was one of the best. I'm curious as to what you consider to be good
In the context of "big belly, twig limbs", no one. Looks awkward no matter who does it.
Stuffing is based and you're a whiny faggot.
does anybody have Sena's Loud Meal?
The Kemono page has finally been updated!
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Does anyone have the Morton - Bursting Loose comic?
First of all, thank you to whoever finally updated the patreon page. Finally got to see what he's been up to these past few years. I will say I'm a bit sad he's seemingly moved on from handling CC, but I'm glad he's still doing his own thing. Still, would've loved to see that Lalia 'Sleepwalking' comic he planned on doing,
Again, thanks for this. Much appreciated.
The left image is better then the artist's other work one this thread so far, and is far better then the right image. She's not fat enough for her face and arms to visually clash with the rest of her body.

Are there actually people who think that low quality shit on the right is good?
You don't think it looks odd at all when the belly is big but nothing else is? It'd make sense for non weight gain stuffing, but for what's supposed to be vanilla weight gain, it doesn't work.

>>I honestly don't like the fact how some people instantly deems an artist bad.
It wasn't instant, and it's not just because of "big belly, twig limbs". I don't care for how he does facial expressions or expressions in general either.
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It may look odd, but again, it's a fantasy fetish for most people. The people who enjoy CC (like myself) go for cartoony balloon bellies and stuffing.
>It's odd sure, but you know what, liking big belly in general is odd buddy.
There are far less conventional and/or worse fetishes/fantasies that are more mainstream then liking fat women. Furry, Vore, Pregnancy, Incest of all kinds, including Parent/Child romance, you name it. Liking fat women is more tame by comparison then any of those.

>I just like these body type more than the "My 600-Lb life" body type.
That's excessive for the artist we're talking about. I'm not saying "give them the kind of limbs that TheDookus does", but something that's not completely devoid of fat.
Why are you so pressed about this? Just don't click on the damn thread and stop wasting your time on nonsense weirdo
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I was a huge fan of craving control but my main issue was that her breasts never got bigger. I never cared about bigger arms but it bothered me that her clothes always miraculously covered her and her breasts never grew. I would have loved to see her just explode out of all of her clothing. in this comic panel 7 on page 28 is the biggest she ever got but you can tell he had no idea what to do with it at any point in time. he did make her breasts bigger but that was it and then she just mysteriously deflated afterwards.
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see what I mean about not knowing what to do with it? he couldn't do any good angles, barely showed her and then stuffed her in the back of a bus. the comic took forever to get to the payoff of her being this massive and we got four pages and that was it.

body wise though, I was so happy to see her this huge, breasts so massive and I was just anxious to see what else shed get into or struggle into. this is what we got instead. it was a colossal let down.
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this was done by arthur in the olden days. as we know noun took over after arthur quit. I believe one reason arthur quit was that he couldn't continue to draw the bellies so big and bigger without her looking stupid. his fear was lalia getting so big it would be stupid so that led to him quitting.

I believe noun quit because he never liked lalia to begin with. his thing was vore. he preferred doing baby fat and people wanted craving control.

both of them had the same issue. I don't know that adding any sort of fat arms or double chin would have changed anything. the problem was the plot. I still believe that noun should have worked with some deviant writers and just done one of their stories which did include massive weight gain for lalia which didn't mysteriously go away over night and her dealing with it. those were very good stories yet we got these stories where the plot made no sense with depressing conclusions, like trevor losing jane, sleeping with lalia despite him protesting and lalia somehow coming out squeaky clean. this was a terrible ending and I don't think anyone liked it.

tl;dr the body physics were an issue but the real issue was the plot.
still wish arthur stuck to trying to tell a story instead of diving into pure fanservice. we got some good stuff out of that, but i’m not surprised he got so burnt out quickly
did arthur ever try though? I mean the last we saw of him was lap of luxury where she had won that eating competition and was on the boat. at that point he tapped out right?

few years later noun picked up. he said he had arthurs blessing and that arthur really did want a plot in it. we got double dip which was a steaming hot mess. it isn't the characters that were the problem. they had a nice setup with Jane the unsuspecting best friend, lalia only stuffing herself in the background getting bigger and bigger whenever she appeared and trevor being smitten with lalia. that was a decent set up but it went so far south so fast. having jane find out and leaving him there, lalia coming in stinking drunk, having him feed her despite his protesting the whole time then blaming him for everything, it was just wrong and I could argue it destroyed craving control. were supposed to be happy for lalia at the end as she ordered that pizza, grabbed the pizza man and clearly had sex but I was over the whole thing. lalia is a drunken slob who has sex with feeders. she destroyed her one and only best friends friendship and she is now alone. they added a plot and it resulted in lalia being alone. thats not the way that comic needed to be. she needed someone, mr. e, jane, to be with her during her adventures because people will get bored. I don't know that there is any coming back for the series even though I saw noun had done a drawing of her on his patreon. if they did anything it might have to be an entire reboot ignoring the stories that we already have. lalia can be a glutton but shed never do jane that dirty and I'm very sure shed have noticed trevor before he even protested. everything about that was wrong.

also I think arthur had said the story was taking over is life. I dont know what he meant about that and I don't know that well ever know. I always thought craving control was to be a fun light hearted story of a woman stuffing herself to ridiculous sizes. anything else is completely uncalled for.

Agreed. Though, interestingly, on his patreon ANC said the ending (or at least the epilogue) was how Arthur intended it:

>"Yes, Lalia sheds her weight, save a few pounds. This was how Arthur wrote it. If you wanna nerd out about it for a second, Double Dip was all about all of the characters finding a balance. So, this is the most fitting ending for Lalia: still binging, but a little more controlled... although, a double-decker pizza really is two pizzas."
>>57868 (Cross-thread)
the story coulve gone on longer and the 'too big to look not rediculous' concern had, from the outset, her gain been more carefully plotted. I can easily imagine some redrawing or redo or whatever where she didnt balloon to massive sizes early on, and had where the story would focus more on incremental differences rather than "boom theres a blob now enjoy". Admittedly my taste skews this take, but looking at what BWS has going on with their story, i think being able to satisfy both the chubby and whale fans is possible, with some planning. still a hard balance to follow though

also nothing past lap of luxury 4 is relevant to me, just didnt care for it
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From what I remember hearing, Arthur didn't want her becoming a BBW-type character and having permanent weight gain. She was always meant to have more of a cartoony, belly-stuffing style (which I personally enjoy more).
That said, I could've seriously done without the whole relationship drama in Double Dip, and I do agree the ending was a real downer (and somewhat OOC for Jane, Tyler, and Lalia). Plus, I'm STILL disappointed that Lap of Luxury was never continued. I really wanted to see Lalia "rock the boat" where ever she walked.
I also never really understood the reluctance to show her burping. As much as she glutted herself, I think she only did it three times throughout the entire run. Loved her hiccup fits, but seriously, hardly any burping at all? Very odd to omit a staple characteristic in a stuffing/WG series.
Can y’all whining just shut up it is fucking fiction if you can comprehend vore, unbirth, women with Jupiter sized bellies filled with food why does it matter if someone draws a fat bitch with thin arms? It’s fiction, not reality, dumbasses
I remember jerking it so many times to panels from that page like a decade ago; the series peaked right there.
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So... does anyone have the full Baby Fat series? (Preferably in chronological order)

Also, what do you think of the ending? I mean, I think it would've been better if we got more before it, so to explain why Zoey suddenly grew gigantic.
I do know how because I personally asked ADN in his comments, and it's basically because the teleportation device thingy made her gigantic. Though at first I thought it was a Fly situation and both Zoey and Morton fused to become a giantess.
Oh wait, the megalink is right there. I feel stupid.

I thought maybe they merged, too. Or that something from Morton was infused into Zoey or something. Does Morton just vanish, then?
All I can say is this shit got extremely weird (even for a fetish comic) and I kind of lost interest with it when the drama started to set in. I much preferred the shorter, self-contained vore comics over the semi-serious, overarching story line. Same thing kind of applies to BigBig's stuff as well.
Tfw you'll never get to see a Babyfat game with actual weight gain. Those flash games were such an absolute gem at the time, I just wish the dude had put in at least one legit weight gain path. We got one or two comics featuring the concept but seeing that idea brought into an animated interactive would have been incredible.
I believe Zoey simply swallowed her whole, and seeing how ADN persobnally told me that the teleporter made Zoey huge, and that he likes vore with size difference, that checks out.
I'm probably in the minority here, but I like me a good story with my fetish content lol.
But the way ADN did it here came out messy and confusing, I admit. Methinks part of the reason why was because the pressure was on him to make more Craving Control, and I think he didn't have time to properly make a more coherent story.
I think that was most of his problem. people liked him for craving control. he came out with craving control. he never wanted to do craving control to begin with. his passion was baby fat so when he went over to that people kept requesting craving control.

iirc he had said that he wanted to add vore into craving control and arthur wouldn't allow it.
That would be really hot, ngl.
I hope he eventually makes a full comeback to DA or somewhere outside of Patreon, maybe drop a journal entry saying he won't ever do CC. I'd be completely fine with that.
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Personally, I'd love it if Arthur came back and tried his hand again at continuing CC. I'm just glad that there's still CC art being made every now and then by other people.
arthur? I don't know if id want him back. nothing against him but he wanted to add a complicated plot to the story. Imo craving control shouldn't have any sort of plot. it should just be lalias random adventures in an attempt to stuff herself.

there are some fairly good stories on deviant art but none of them are illustrated.
One-off adventures involving Lalia is a super fun idea, though I'm not opposed to plots involving her.

If Arthur wanted to do a long-term story with her, I'd support him.
Anyway, what else did ADN post in his Patreon?
so far the only luck we've had are random deviant art stories. I really wish some artist would pick them up. it'd be awesome if someone like arthur or noun collaborated with them because a lot of them were really good. clearly neither arthur nor noun can write a plot so they should stick to the art and let the writers write.

mostly baby fat from what I saw with a sketch of lalia dropped in to get people interested in him again. I have a theory that he knows very few people care about baby fat so when he wants people to get interested he brings lalia back into it then once he gets peoples attention he goes back to baby fat. I don't know why he keeps doing that because clearly people came for lalia and they will want more lalia not baby fat. if he wants to do baby fat thats fine he can do that but he needs to ditch lalia altogether.
Agreed. I mean, I prefer Baby Fat, honestly.
>there are some fairly good stories on deviant art but none of them are illustrated.
Any offhand you'd recommend?

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