
okay... and?

I hope you realise this OP but i'm here to wank
With all the Manbaby threads and shitty dramas going on in artist threads I'd say this is probably the worst place to try and rub one off honestly
>>78576 (OP)

so everyone says he shouldn't be followed because he traces but i've never seen anyone explain to me, what is he tracing? is there an example? what do people mean specifically?
Oh so he’s trying to make a shit ton of money by using the likeness of existing copyrighted characters? This’ll go well
How long you think this will last before it's taken down?
He literally just traces over various model pictures and other drawings to produce his work. Like it's not even subtle.

if he's tracing over photos of celebrities i'm not sure what's wrong, if he's tracing over someone else's artwork then yeah that's represhensible
Well damn I guess if he has his dumbass monopoly money he won't need any real money from me.
>Wendy sketches will never get finished because of MisterMan refusing to see his own shadow
Thanks for reminding me.

>>78576 (OP)
>Must buy NFT 'cause muuuh dick
Must suck being an eternal coomer
This doesn't even surprise me anymore. Anytime I hear from David It's some stupid shit lmfao.
Do you have the source for the third pic?
(24 KB, 601x265, Screenshot_2.png)
Dont forget the tweet where he backtracks saying he had no idea what he was doing was wrong and tries to rid himself of any accountability.

If he doesn't get completely crucified for this then I'm willing to believe this guy is immortal at this point.
(319 KB, 595x569, traced 10 or 20.PNG) (64 KB, 597x510, Traced Only 1.PNG) (35 KB, 594x301, me no english.PNG)
The classic, admits to tracing 10-20 artworks. Then next tweet he only traced one. And his classic, the "MEEE NOOO ENGLISH GOOO GOOO GAAH" when things don't go his way. Dudes beyond pathetic.
(9 KB, 425x260, xmstrptrns.png)
He's fairly radioactive already, his patreon numbers are pretty abysmal when taking into account how much he puts effort into marketing his brand and putting out content (167 patrons is not that many with those tier prices).

Most artists know that he's a tracer by now and I'd imagine he commands very little respect in those circles.

Even though his stuff looks pretty high quality at first glance since his shading and coloring carries it pretty hard, obviously a lot of people are either familiar with his reputation by now or can just intuitively tell how soulless his traced works are. Gives me a bit of faith in the consoomers of the community.

It really is kind of a tragic situation for someone who cares so much about his profits and branding, knowing that one of the biggest factors stunting his growth is his bad reputation and his options to deal with it are all shit.

>"I haven't traced for months, but when I tried to learn how to draw proportions and all that stuff, I needed a lot of time that I didn't have"

Dunno if david realizes how big of a tell this is about his tracing habits. If you only traced 1 - 20 images, why would you need to suddenly start learning proportions lmao

lol at him expecting ppl to go track down every single photo and artwork that he traced when there's fucking millions of bbw photos, proof of his tracing has been laid out in front of him with different pics many times, yet he still keeps defaulting to "only one traced drawing".

Also, david implying that he hasn't traced for a year is such a load of bull, I went to check out his DA gallery and spotted at least five blatantly obvious tracejobs with just my photographic coomer memory alone

Guy's got one hell of a snake tongue
(9 KB, 425x260, xmstrptrns.png)
He's fairly radioactive already, his patreon numbers are pretty abysmal when taking into account how much he puts effort into marketing his brand and putting out content (167 patrons is not that many with those tier prices)

Most artists know that he's a tracer by now and I'd imagine he commands very little respect in those circles

Even though his stuff looks pretty high quality at first glance since his shading and coloring carries it pretty hard, obviously a lot of people are either familiar with his reputation by now or can just intuitively tell how soulless his traced works are. Gives me a bit of faith in the consoomers of the community

It really is kind of a tragic situation for someone who cares so much about his profits and branding, knowing that one of the biggest factors stunting his growth is his bad reputation and his options to deal with it are all shit

>"I haven't traced for months, but when I tried to learn how to draw proportions and all that stuff, I needed a lot of time that I didn't have"

Dunno if david realizes how big of a tell this is about his tracing habits. If you only traced 1 - 20 images, why would you need to suddenly start learning proportions lmao

lol at him expecting ppl to go track down every single photo and artwork that he traced when there's fucking millions of bbw photos, proof of his tracing has been laid out in front of him with different pics many times, yet he still keeps defaulting to "only one traced drawing"

Also, david implying that he hasn't traced for a year is such a load of bull, I went to check out his DA gallery and spotted at least five recently posted, blatantly obvious tracejobs with just my photographic coomer memory alone

Guy's got one hell of a snake tongue
(154 KB, 1052x741, dvdskll.jpg)
this panel gives pretty good insight on david's actual understanding of anatomy & proportions
(154 KB, 1052x741, dvdskll.jpg)
this panel gives pretty good insight on david's actual understanding of anatomy & proportions, like yikes talk about dipping
What really sucks is that his morphs were honestly some of the better ones on DA and he’s almost dropped them completely for art that really lacks any substance
>Not only he traces an unfinished image and puts it behind a paywall
>But he also had use one of the worst videogame girls
What happens if you illegally repost his shit elsewhere and play dumb?
The dude should’ve stuck to morphs

He was good at that, not saying he is shite at art but the fact this dude just traces and then goes on a tirade when people call him out, and the fact he puts his traces behind paywalls is really telling
I still remember a clickbait site that said he was making a bold statement with his morphs, not realizing it was fetish art
Just keep updating his Kemono party page lol. Make his patron even more useless.
>Update his kemono

Or maybe don't and stop giving this tracer your attention, let alone hard earned money. There's nothing on that patreon that you won't find anywhere else on the internet.
Lmao that dude is retarded. He’s pulled dumb shit like that for years
>"like yikes talk about dipping"
Wait, was this one of his recent ones?
Where I can find his Patreon content free??
i hate the dude. he traces from other artists n tries to make money from it. i always share his stuff that is behind paywall. i have his morphs n some of his drawings saved if anyone is interested. post his stuff so that way he doesnt get any money.
Spicmasterdavid should be put down
Kemono party is the best way to find its art, but ... the "daily sketches" are to small. Even when expanded, there still small
cringe asf
i saw where xmasterdavid is trying 2 keep his art from not being stolen by making his art smaller n low quality.

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