
(1.4 MB, 3400x4200, Elma Big Belly.png)
I just finished this drawing a few days ago so I don't see why not post it here since it meets the theme of the thread.
Awesome Elma drawing
Sauce on the first pic here?
Thank you my guy
catboymech and jeetdoh
Can we get more Kobayashi herself?
Mammaries share space with flame sacks
(392 KB, 2500x3000, FPUZ2OmVQAEY0FD.jpg)
SongOfSwelling did a picture of Kobayashi (Who I find hotter than Lucoa) and it's the last one he did before a hiatus.
More Kobayashi brother
I recognize those bodies. These are all traced Foxfire bodies.
Pretty sure foxfire did the lineart for these, the coloring was done in an old coloring thread.
Needs more Kobayashi
then find/draw it, smartass
Sorry dude IDK I had this image for while now
Anymore Kobayashi? Been looking.
A man of tastes
Nice, you got the source?
Damn, entire sequence and nothing in return
Buddy it's been, what, 21 hours since you posted the sequence?
There really isn't much left to post. Give the scavengers some time to find new shit
Okay no it's 32 hours
Damn I REALLY suck at timezones
My point still stands

Ah, sorry! Did see it a long time ago but it is a banger post, thank you!!
your point is fucking stupid. Bringing old ass senquence will not bring you any new content.
I'm pretty sure I'm not anon 56bc12
Could be wrong though
Apparently I'm also not anon c7d48c despite being pretty sure I am
I might as well just PGP sign my messages if the site's gonna forget who I am constantly
i know LWB is probably watching...but can someone post his lucoa art from his patreon?
(125 KB, 1280x1070, lucoa_lounging_by_tummygraspin_df71esv-fullview.jpg) (89 KB, 944x847, lucoa_2__part_2__by_elpacha2_df5t10g-pre.jpg) (78 KB, 1465x1729, rq___lucoa_s_happy_bloat_by_creativitymaster_df5lsa5.png) (404 KB, 1048x1506, morbidly_obese_lucoa_by_softpolygons_df6okco.png) (214 KB, 1280x1630, poll_winner__1__lucoa_by_bombusbimbus_deophlg-fullview.jpg) (980 KB, 1080x979, lucoa_from_kobayashi_s_dragon_maid_by_pewbutt_by_fred228_dez87ak.png)
Who coloured the last one?
Just when I thought ComicalWeapons art couldn't get any more retarded.

>Pacman ghost possession.

Good fucking lord...
Anyone going to upload the first pic's comic?
I’m just an idiot who’s incapable of clicking properly
Anybody have that art of Torhu piffledoodle made and deleted for some stupid reason?
Who made the first one?
Wait, really? I can't seem to find it anywhere else...
(433 KB, 1024x1449, fun_with_dragon_maid_by_paogordo_dfceqtp-fullview.jpg) (481 KB, 1024x1449, fun_with_dragon_maid___01_by_paogordo_dfcequp-fullview.jpg) (456 KB, 1024x1449, fun_with_dragon_maid___02_by_paogordo_dfcv6eh-fullview.jpg) (493 KB, 1024x1449, fun_with_dragon_maid___03_by_paogordo_dfdcp7p-fullview.jpg) (476 KB, 1024x1449, fun_with_dragon_maid___04_by_paogordo_dfdnm60-fullview.jpg) (495 KB, 1024x1449, fun_with_dragon_maid___05_by_paogordo_dfe9h9k-fullview.jpg)
(750 KB, 4096x3798, Tohru by RynChanx.jpeg) (290 KB, 1920x1261, dragon_maid_beach_by_roxas617_df8rx7m-fullview.jpg) (1.3 MB, 3313x3472, lucoa_weight_gain__sequence___part_1__by_elrochete_dfayk8y.jpg) (1.3 MB, 3313x3472, lucoa_weight_gain__sequence___part_2__by_elrochete_dfayk9l.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2513x3472, lucoa_weight_gain__sequence___part_3__by_elrochete_dfaykj0.jpg) (1.8 MB, 4285x3472, lucoa_weight_gain__sequence___part_4__by_elrochete_dfaykja.jpg)
She deleted it because "Tohru is 16." Like that's gonna stop anyone from drawing her 🤦‍♂️
Well that's retarded since in addition to be not being real she's actually much older than 16.
The main mango; only other Dragon Maid mango I've partook of was the Kanna/Saikawa one.
(960 KB, 3508x2480, dragonpileZ.jpg)
I remember there being a pastebin story called Tohru's Massive Mistress based on the 5th part of Jeet's Kobayashi sequence, but the last time I went to read it I found that it had been taken down, would anyone happen to have a backup of it?
(5 KB, 225x225, images (6).jpeg)
Does anybody have this in higher quality?
The official guidebook says that Tohru is 16.
(181 KB, 1600x1132, kobayashi_s_tasty_dragon_maid__1__by_cvetkanille_dfgkimb-fullview.jpg) (225 KB, 1600x1132, kobayashi_s_tasty_dragon_maid__2__by_cvetkanille_dfgkimq-fullview.jpg) (243 KB, 1600x1132, kobayashi_s_tasty_dragon_maid__3__by_cvetkanille_dfgkin1-fullview.jpg) (146 KB, 1600x1086, kobayashi_s_tasty_dragon_maid__4__by_cvetkanille_dfgkino-fullview.jpg) (120 KB, 1600x1086, kobayashi_s_tasty_dragon_maid__5__by_cvetkanille_dfgkio7-fullview.jpg) (210 KB, 1600x1086, kobayashi_s_tasty_dragon_maid__6____end_by_cvetkanille_dfgkiox-fullview.jpg)
Wow, I am speechless, except for these words.
>Unironically posting Robot001

Consider sterilizing yourself.
Just as worse as the guy who kept on posting his bullshit of a drawing
My eyes, my beautiful eyes!!! Why did you post it?
You deserve to be burned alive
>>131545 Let me guess..... because I'm retarded?
Does anyone know which artists drew those ones?
I meant artist names. The only thing I remember was that were drawn before Novel AI.
First and third anastimafilia, second y dunno
Do you have the vid? I can’t get it to work
Does anyone have more of this kinda stuff? Where Tohru fattens Kobayashi on purpose?
AI has it's own board now, you know this. Beat it.
>>154129 Open up your mouth and feed it!
Can someone post the entire Lucoa weight gain drive made by plump knight?
Stop deleting my messages! I just want this thread to live.
>>158055 Then post art. Simple as.
artist for the first pic?
That's actual body horror what the fuck.
Ah the 16 year olds are freaked out again.
Well, that's what you get for posting fucking vore in this place. Maybe try /bbwalt/ next, eh?
>>163452 Nishiki guy, I can drink alcohol wym
(315 KB, 533x630, image_2023-08-08_130351845.png)
anyone know the artist/source for this? found it earlier and i've been trying to search for it but i'm having no luck
Isn't that an old piece by Dewsh? Looks familiar and as I remember they changed users a while back. As I remember their name was dewshlawd, dewshland, or something like that. Been too long to remember.
Source for the fourth one?
sauce on the fourth pic?
(103 KB, 944x846, IMG_7509.jpeg) (221 KB, 828x1189, IMG_7507.jpeg)
Does anyone have that Iruru picture that oda-lee made? I can’t find it
anyone got chubbystuck-lover's dragon maid comic
Anyone have the sequence from a few years ago by comedian2 aka skelesoda for some reason only the last pic is in his gallery
someone who'd enjoy basic-ass AI art with cringy captions is about how I imagine the average bbwdraw poster
Go fuck yourself, AI art slop ain't allowed here
The way it's so bad I could tell it was AI before I even opened the image
Loli art ain't allowed here
(260 KB, 1000x1414, 1509370604790.jpg) (808 KB, 1024x1247, 1576471538674.png)
Why do people spout that nonsense as if it isn't observably blatantly false, just by glazing over the threads on this board; hell, there's a dozen Kanna pics and a couple Saikawa in this same thread and not one person gave a shit whether they like it or not (even the pictures made with garbage level skill).
(343 KB, 768x723, image(17).png)
here's part of 1 of jeetdoh's without its background

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