
(596 KB, 736x1038, SC4_Ivy.png)
I never have any luck finding good Ivy Valentine art
TheAmericanDream has done a bit also there’s a few BWS colored sketches floating around I don’t got any on me though
He asked for something good, not nightmare fuel
(3.1 MB, 1825x2881, 1570112052100.png) (127 KB, 1230x1485, EE9f-WcX4AACspq.jpg) (183 KB, 1570x1662, Eg25m6eWoAgGEC0.jpg) (466 KB, 1240x1333, ddvh3mt-d7191886-41ce-4360-8859-5cd6d963fa1a.png)
A fairly decent amount, Juri was popular in SF4 and people have finally learned what she's good at and what she isn't in 5, so it's a little easier to get in and play her even though her medium DP will still whiff in weird places. Personally would love to see more stuff from the more underrepresented but reasonably popular SF characters like Laura, Karin*, and Kolin, and a bit less of R. Mika.

*Don't post TAD drawing Vegeta in Karin's costume, please.
(139 KB, 905x883, cm___frills_vs_ribbons_by_bimbosparkle_densq7c-pre.jpg) (62 KB, 771x1036, button_poppin_juri_han__part_4__by_bbjangles22_dam9eiy-pre.jpg) (40 KB, 813x983, ld___sn__01242021___lewdsona_by_codenamebull_decw8cl-pre.jpg)
I want to take a dip just to see how many fat arts of Juri I can find.
>Vegeta Karin
Fuck no, TAD artstyle looks like anime bootleg covers, you can tell who is who but they look totally different at the same time.
Weird seeing baiken with 2 arms
Sauce on fourth
It is distracting though

I wish it was other way, Karin being overweight because she's a snob.
Is that a camel toe or her fat?
You got it in higher res?
>>77839 (OP)
Has anyone bothered to make SSBBW fighters into Mugen, besides the furry stuff?
>>77839 (OP)
Who the artist for the first image?
Does anyone remember the name of the guy who made an overweight Chun Li model for SFM? I'm curious if he already uploaded his models for everyone to enjoy.

3 of them are drawn by the same user, I keep forgetting his name but he usually draws kinks when he feels like it.
we need more Millia Rage Fats in here honestly
For real. Thickest booty in Strive yet everyone just draws May and Ram
It's funny because she's thirsty herself.
>>77839 (OP)
can anyone edit axl out of the i-no pic?
>1st pic
Now why would you hide such perfection?

Cammy, is it a reference that you can see vaguely see her cameltoe in her SF4 model?
Felicia is the only kind of feline I'd be fine with fattening up, chonker style
>Spoiled little bitch
>Rich as shit
A no brainer for FA's, there's barely fat art of her specially almost immobile.
At least FFA crawled back on a high note.
>KoF by belt-buster
>King finally caught Ryo's attention and she's enjoying it
>Blue Mary being the shell of what she used to be
>Leona failing miserable at her daily exercise
>BJ pirate, enough said
Oh boy indeed.
If Mika goes absent, the alternative character who could use her fat ass to defend herself would be an out of shape Cammy, come on Capcom, fat representation please.
(138 KB, 2180x1494, FTeR9odaUAAzCpe.jpg)
For me it's Hamlethal, the best fighting game gal.
So. Much. Perfection. Her shorts or miniskirt are being pushed to their limit, I'd try to edit her belly bigger, she swallowed a whole cake.
Who will be the first to draw fat SF6 Chun-Li?
I want more Juri plz!!
anyone have the pic of chun li from the last thread

And it looks awful. Next!
Try drawing it yourself dipshit.
The picture is garbage; come to terms with that fact.
True that the anatomy looks funky, there’s room for improvement. But the color render is pretty solid. Maybe he should try it himself.
In all fairness, the game itself looks ugly.
man of his word well how bout that

not bad either
there are people who draw worse and think they're better, i'll give you that
This is so shit, worse than the jigglebits pic

No shit, I told you i aint an artist retard. but i bet i could pay an artist no more than 30 usd and get something better than anything jigglebits has done. jigglebits literally draws 1 body type and its fucking atrocious on top of those horrifying tumor faces
>i bet i could pay an artist no more than 30 usd and get something better than anything jigglebits has done
Anon that's like saying water is wet. You could get free pieces from artists that only take requests, or even edits, that will be infinitely better than anything anyone has paid Jigglebits any amount of money to draw.

Well you know, I like to reward talent and effort where it's deserved.
>>96997 Wtf why does female Rufus look hot, while original Rufus looks gross?
That's the magic of Rule 63, lad.
Uh...... source?
(725 KB, 2240x4096, 1655569524718.jpeg) (2.0 MB, 3883x2550, 1655569524706.jpeg) (1.6 MB, 2858x4096, 1655183588843.jpg) (3.0 MB, 2336x3292, 1655569524707.png)
I don't know how Capcom did it but SF6 actually looks good. Interesting and thoughtful mechanics, an aesthetic identity that V lacked, actual single-player, a sizable launch roster, good music that isn't just remixing SF2 for the third game in a row.

Of course based on the roster leak there's plenty of girls to get fat art of too. Chun's new outfit is gorgeous.
(1.2 MB, 2385x2022, chun_li_by_sonier103-d5xna24.jpg)
>I don't know how Capcom did it but SF6 actually looks good.
Probably because Ono got demoted twice and then left for other opportunities, as nice as Ono was he was the perfect example of the peter principle and SF5 suffered for it, really shows how damaging he was now that SF5 is ending its lifespan on an extremely good gameplay + balance note.
Really excited for Drive meter even though I think a lot of the nuance is going to be lost on a lot of people since the number of people who care to play it seriously is tiny. There's so much stuff to pull out of the gameplay footage about interactions with parry and drive impact alone. The returning SF5 characters shown so far (Ryu, Chun, Guile, Luke) kept all of the stuff about them that was good in SF5 and got more stuff to work with in SF6. Shows how consistent Guile's design has been since the World Warrior days that it's a shock he's getting a third special move (his VS1 from SF5 is becoming his third special).
(76 KB, 800x600, o.jpg)
Fuck Arksys for choosing Enchantress.

>really shows how damaging he was now that SF5 is ending its lifespan on an extremely good gameplay + balance note
SF5 got fucked by Capcoms heads above all else; from their throwing in with Disney to produce that abomination that is Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, to their joining in the attempt to make ESports not be a joke and neutering their games for its 2 IQ participants.
(1.2 MB, 2003x1446, 20220619_001557.jpg)
Seemingly there's a bunch of kof fats in this archive but the download they give is password protected

(586 KB, 3600x4000, FP8BkROWUAIw6UT.jpg) (221 KB, 797x1200, FRj3vJIVIAEEWtJ.jpg) (153 KB, 1411x1373, FUDPKptWAAA47_a.jpg)
That's cap. 5's neutral is really nuanced outside of some really specific interactions, but I can see where people have issue with it because you don't really get to play "neutral" really early on (rookie -> early silver) when you're up against some Ed player mashing 3P for ex upper during every blockstring or a Honda player just doing random hands & headbutt in neutral. SF5 exposed a lot of people who used to just wing it in SF4.
The same Ono who ridiculed himselft with shitty cosplays?
(891 KB, 1650x2550, 1488770524731.png)
The one and only. He's the producer for Melty Blood Type Lumina now I believe.
Go to CEO this weekend. Let's play.
We need Moar Juri please.
(322 KB, 1717x2048, 1621543448717.jpg)
Very interested in seeing how some of the leaked newcomers for 6 play. Also because once they have their trailer out people will be more willing to draw degenerate fetish art of the girls, of course.

Probably gonna main Marisa unironically if she plays the way I think she will but I don't think this is the correct website for content of her.
Petite baby
(610 KB, 2048x1943, FVRRW6OX0AEwDJ8.jpeg)
So this drive will end at 12/23, December 2023? Idk, enjoy whenever it's updated once in a blue moon.
Has anyone made dnf duel fats yet?
That's the only thing that's been driving the sudden uptick in Grappler fat art.
(904 KB, 1333x1794, image-2.png) (1.3 MB, 1176x1914, 99iu.png)
Comissions I got from baqua on twitter
>>100225 Grappler.... Has a nice ring to it. Hadn't heard thst word in some years. What I hear now is "scammer". Tomatoes, tomatoes.
>>101312 It's not easy to render me speechless. I can't believe that video is real
Why? It's an Onion video and more likely one from their early days.
(3.1 MB, 2800x3850, femaleGrappler.png)
Been on the look out for content to draw so here you go I might color later
Shermie is living her best pear-shaped life
(801 KB, 1271x1495, 082b7978fd31ca4fb5b6df1f5450a0e71bda35a4002fbc37dff9c3f90a4efa9b.jpg) (63 KB, 1017x786, _patreon_commission__naps_on_belly_by_nekocrispy_dbxxsgl-pre.jpg) (469 KB, 1212x877, 1ddd19840c77eba6619adef130c7e41d36fb9c8b5af82488e44130072548eb1c.jpg)
>Faust and Golddick
>SamSho in general

I'm seeing you like a good mix of zoning and rushdown. Closest thing I'd have to that though in my roster is Ky and Faust. I also forget to mention I was an Anji main for a good while.
(648 KB, 2000x2800, FWSwbALXEAAAQcg.png)
Most active to least active
SF5: Chun, Guile, Sakura, Birdie
Strive: Goldlewis, May, Leo
AC +R: Johnny, May
GBVS: Charlotta, Gran
Tekken 7: Armor King
KoF '02 UM: Team Ikari
(43 KB, 680x469, 0558831082f5c01be608666f7daf32e7fa404c622edb1873737ae817c95e5332.jpg) (380 KB, 800x800, dc2b636442b16d80f3938a55cd0748032ab7226c505bb982e07eb5927590571d.png) (498 KB, 1334x1264, there_is_no_such_thing_by_codenamebull_d4dnz1f.jpg)
>Ikari Warriors
are you better with Ralf or Clark?

Alex is pretty lit. How goes Troubleshooter? I main Inquisitor and Grappler so I've got no clue as to them.

In other fighting game shit, I'm thinking about getting back into Marvel 3, or Skullgirls but I have no clue which I'd like to truly fit into. Marvel 3 modding is popping off right now, but Skullgirls is getting really good support currently.
(381 KB, 1349x2048, FWG0zXNVEAAQ4mE.jpg) (661 KB, 1548x2048, FVP01GJWUAAiyK7.jpg)
I like playing both but I guess Clark was the one I started using the most since I'd find myself on him the most after messing up on Ralf. I don't play '02 UM anywhere near enough to say I'm good with any of them.

Starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel for pictures that haven't been posted already. Really wish I could start adding to the pile.
(4.3 MB, 4096x2471, Untitled15_20220720013553.png) (83 KB, 768x1024, celebrating_may_month_with_may__by_supersonicjuju_df6f4wo-fullview.jpg)
Idk how to describe this but I made this alt version of art by chumb0ii in which someone commissioned them a fat genderbend fillia I assume and so I made a female version cuz the og didn't felt right tho I don't hate male art but even then I just did it cuz why not. Also I might as well include this art of may I made!
definitely hope this image's high res version gets posted somewhere
(108 KB, 769x678, EVDVm5KXgAEefaS.png) (450 KB, 1024x1120, 1460241556552.png) (539 KB, 2091x1986, 1568478472632.png) (4.0 MB, 3716x3477, bf0ddbc1c716578534897a260e4b15eb-imagepng.png)
Juri and Kimberly were leaked for SF6 base roster based on a deleted Capcom Germany tweet. We'll find out for sure during SF5's Evo Top 8 today since there's supposed to be an actual announcement. It's rough trying not to repost anything that's been posted prior, hopefully we'll see some more SF fats after this.
(89 KB, 540x540, 1592776767013.jpg)
>We've reached the point where there are people into fighters that don't know Bridget's male.

If they don't make good use of the butt bump, I'll lose respect for the people who like traps and boys.
Boy do i have news for you
Oh man I cannot wait for manbaby thread to explode after the Bridget news gets out.
So, Bridget still doesn't belong here? I'm glad we agree.
"Celebrating a boy getting groomed into becoming trans after years of being forced think he's a girl by his village" is not the own you or other twitter retards think it is.
Would you look at that ass, god damn. Where's that chun li come from? It looks like Jaykuma but I don't think it's Jay.
(9.6 MB, 600x562, ezgif-3-7c0eefc5b7.gif)
looking forward to all the kimberly art once people start realizing how enormous her ass is
Unfortunate question but do you think if someone made a discord for this thread, people would join it?
/fgfg/ - Fighting Game Fatty General, something simple but a better name may come up later.

I was thinking since it wouldn’t hurt to have a few more people to play some fighting games with. Added benefit being able to share fats within the server itself as well.

Asking before I go out of my way to make it up.
The server would become a shithole in little to no time, I wouldn't even bother joining it lol
She got a face like the gerber baby
Bro why you gotta ruin the only character with booty jiggle physics for me
How did this not get a 3rd part? That's roughly a 400 pound gain between the 1st and 2nd parts.
(148 KB, 1303x1390, 20220822_062720.jpg) (1.5 MB, 4096x3757, 20220822_062730.jpg) (5.2 MB, 2673x2058, ldV8Qvj.png)
The rule of thumb with fefero is that anything he says he's going to draw actually becomes the literal *last* thing he will draw. I'm surprised he would do something so flagrant as encouraging people to donate for a drive and then just never finishing it, but maybe I shouldn't be
Yeah, you shouldn't. This shit is common among artists who do WG drives
>I'm surprised he would do something so flagrant as encouraging people to donate for a drive and then just never finishing it, but maybe I shouldn't be
I know he's slow with posting new content, but him not finishing a drive that he had people pay for is not something I would expect him to do.
Are you parroting his words? lol
No, I'm agreeing with him and saying he should be surprised.
Are you speaking only for booty physics in Street Fighter or all of fighting games?
It might be cool to have a place to get some for-fun games in but there'd have to be a hard-and-fast rule that if you're not playing a fighting game, you fuck off or get shown the door. It's easy to get too much dead weight in regards to people who exist solely to link images and music (or in this place's case, erp) but would have no clue what a shimmy is or what it means to cancel a normal into a special. Lewdsona saying that Juri "needs buffs" in SF5 on his SFW main with his credentials being around 10 games played on CFN is the type of shit I'd honestly want to avoid.
Y'all have any Dead Or Alive WG art? (Preferably not AmericanDream or Lewdsona's shit)
(39 KB, 468x510, 702ebc54d0cee4f4b1143221a32472425bcb94fbd8f8b98a166e4599c450c72b.jpg)
>It's easy to get too much dead weight in regards to people who exist solely to link images and music (or in this place's case, erp) but would have no clue what a shimmy is or what it means to cancel a normal into a special
Gatekeeping is always the best route to take but I imagine the vast majority of people who knows the lingo well enough only exists in the competitive side and that's the side where the brunt of the trash is located.
Ah yes, gatekeeping has always worked without any backlash
In my experience and based on the actual people I've seen in fat artist discords talking about the genre, the trash is more located with the casual audience since they're the audience that will devolve into not ever talking about or playing the game. I don't want someone who's going to whinge about any given 2D fighter being a "frantic button masher" because Player 2 will ALSO be pressing buttons in neutral to feel like they're welcome because the sub-topic of fat fetishism is there.
So y'all hate casual players, got it
(943 KB, 895x893, fg_month_5___cammy_has_cake__and_is_out_of_shape__by_belt_buster_dfcfe67-pre.png) (34 KB, 800x797, df9ufug-bf80dea6-67f7-4c46-9c5b-ba99712ff21f.jpg)
Check this out
>After SFV flopping, Cammy knew when it was time to departure
>She let it loose and enjoyed every cake she was missing from the UK
>Until she herd some youngsters signing to the next SF tournament
>A bittersweet moment as her last cake slowly went around to her tights expanding one more time while realizing the game isn't over yet.
God this artists Baikens are so good, there's nowhere neat enough fat baiken art in this world, but im grateful so much of what we do have is so good!
A bit late to that, but yeah
Too bad it ended up being another bottom heavy piece of his that goes overboard with ass instead of balancing things out. It's the only shape he does anymore.
Eh, he still does belly-focused pieces. But yeah. If one thing's for sure is that he's obsessed with asses: Mfer literally craves twitter fame lmfao
I'm not familiar with his other work, but it makes sense given her wide hips. If someone's drawing a fat Millia I want to see an enormous ass and thick thighs.
(256 KB, 1024x525, HpMXVo8.gif)
I wonder if Tekken will go down the same road towards ruination that every other fighter seems to have chosen for Esports.
You sound like you suck ass at fighting games bruh
(938 KB, 1076x1692, 1640742001622.jpg)
Holy shit, what the hell did they do to Street Fighter, it's like a bastard of Def Jam and Dragonball Xenoverse. Will be interesting to see if Capcom tries to challenge Soul Calibur for king of character creator but I can't see the open world (hub world?) aspect as anything more than a hollow selling point.
(3.3 MB, 2023x2861, better_in_hindsight_by_chriswithnoname_dfbatfx.png)
Everything shown so far feels like it was influenced by heavy focus testing, at the possible expense of the actual fighting game that's supposed to be the basis of it all. The character creation should be novel for the first few months just to see what people come up with, though the hub world definitely gives off NBA 2K vibes, which is concerning for what that implies.
(3.3 MB, 2835x3453, 1662612053422726.jpg)
>Everything shown so far feels like it was influenced by heavy focus testing, at the possible expense of the actual fighting game that's supposed to be the basis of it all.
Most of the WW characters (Ryu, Ken, Chun, Guile, etc.) got significant extensions to their gameplay and a lot of the decisions made for 6 are being influenced by what they had to fix in 5 with regards to balance and what they can do. I think the only WW without any significant-at-first-glance changes is Dhalsim. Juri got a massive rework that mixes what people liked about her in 4 and what people liked in 5. They gave every character more reach on their normals but also made whiff punishing more consistent. There's obviously going to be some release jank but the "actual fighting game" that you're not going to play is kind of exceptional based on what we've seen and how people ranging from top players to casuals have reacted to simply pressing buttons.

Most casuals have been clamoring and frothing at the mouth for singleplayer content since the last major FG to have actual singleplayer was GBVS. It's not like some dudes at Capcom ran a bunch of focus tests, there were plenty of real people complaining about the lack of fun content in 5 and there were multiple times where Capcom asked for feedback via submission forms following things like CPT and the developer presentations by Nakayama and Matsumoto. A matchmaking queue for minigames is also not going to come at the expense of the "actual fighting game".

>though the hub world definitely gives off NBA 2K vibes, which is concerning for what that implies.
What the hell does this even imply, microtransactions? SF4 had DLC and multiple "versions", SF5 as well. They're obviously going to be nickle-and-diming people for cosmetics and things for their avatar character but the fighting game part of the game is still going to be there.
They ignored way too many interesting characters when they made the roster for that game but I do wonder how they got Charlotta, Cagliostro, and Ferry past Sony.

>What the hell does this even imply, microtransactions? SF4 had DLC and multiple "versions", SF5 as well. They're obviously going to be nickle-and-diming people for cosmetics and things for their avatar character but the fighting game part of the game is still going to be there.
Meager options in the base game is a reasonable gripe, no matter how well they might end up doing with the fighting mechanics.
>>What the hell does this even imply, microtransactions
Wouldn't Dead or Alive be a better example for that?
>They ignored way too many interesting characters when they made the roster
What does this have to do with the singleplayer content?
>Meager options in the base game is a reasonable gripe
Did we watch the same presentation? The character creation segment showed that customization options are going to be through the roof.
>Wouldn't Dead or Alive be a better example for that?
What the fuck are NBA 2K vibes?
(84 KB, 596x900, 2023987_p0.jpg)
>What does this have to do with the singleplayer content?
>Asking what does character choice have to do with a game
That's the kind of thinking that helped greed kill Infinite.

>The character creation segment showed that customization options are going to be through the roof
You mean the couple dozen outfits that were palette swaps of each other, with what little that broke free of being bland name brand/rich bastard looking garbage, ending up looking completely ridiculous. I don't want to end up having to look like a nut or cosplayer just to stop looking like Johnny Cage.

>What the fuck are NBA 2K vibes
Dunno, only basketball game I ever gave a fuck about was Street.
>That's the kind of thinking that helped greed kill Infinite.
The guy I responded to (who apparently isn't you) is saying that Capcom's focus on the single player content is going to come at the expense of the actual fighting game, which is demonstrably false. You're bringing up completely unrelated rosterfaggotry.
>You mean the couple dozen outfits that were palette swaps of each other
There's a genuine variety of options even from just passing clips. If you want to look average in your singleplayer experience, there are t-shirts and hoodies so far. There's a very clear theme of what SF6's custom character flair will be like and it's not a negative of the game if you don't click with it. I don't have a huge investment into the create-an-avatar shit because I will be playing the multiplayer fighting game portion of the game.
(34 KB, 1740x1255, FQsJtfnX0AQqbNc.png)
Guess I could've explained myself a little better. I feel like despite everything they've shown so far, there's a slight chance that this could be one of those 'made for everyone, but pleases no one' situations due to unexpectedly severe snags at launch or due to other, unflattering details they might've glossed over prior to its release. The 2k vibes I got was meant more for World Tour mode, since 2k has something similar called MyPlayer, which is usually a total drag that involves a ridiculous amount of menial grinding coupled with a cornball story that sometimes finds its way into the forme to try and goad you to buying their in-game currency with real money to speed things along. While I'm aware they'll be making money off cosmetics, part of me worries that it'll extended to more functional things like damage, health or even moves.

Granted, much of how I feel is based in speculation, and there's still a lot they haven't said. While I'm not the biggest Street Fighter fan, I'm interested in seeing how this all plays out with a cautiously optimistic outlook, if only because it's definitely looking to have a big influence on how other fighting game series will adapt its ideas and features into their own titles.
(69 KB, 954x555, media_Ea6XDx8VAAAsjPu.jpg)
What's closer to a fighter, Super Smash Bros being played by yourself or Legend of Legaia?

>You're bringing up completely unrelated rosterfaggotry
You brought up GBVS and I wanted to speak my mind on that; not everything is gonna tie into whatever bullshit you're running with.

>There's a genuine variety of options even from just passing clips
Only thing they've shown has been shit that EA willingly gives out for free in Sims, a TV helmet, and that one gladiator guy; nothing that remotely feels like Street Fighter or some form of world encompassing competition, let alone a simple fight in the streets.

"Def Jam's Sim Fighter Underground"
Now I got a hankering for Tony Hawk again.

>don't have a huge investment into the create-an-avatar shit because I will be playing the multiplayer fighting game portion of the game
If they put actual effort into it and flesh it out more by the time the game releases, it won't just be single player; dunno if it'll be ranked but it sure as hell won't be restricted to you wanking yourself off.

With Capcom, you should be more worried about the gameplay being watered down to bait new players, ugly characters (looks like they mostly fixed what caused the monstrosities of RE), and sanitizing anything that might clash with current year sensibilities.

>it's definitely looking to have a big influence on how other fighting game series will adapt its ideas and features into their own titles
Hasn't everything they've done, already been done?
holy shit shut the fuck up and post fat bitches
(1.2 MB, 1935x1080, Screenshot_2022-09-18-01-14-29-1.png)
When I was browsing on my youtube's timeline, i found a video called "RU🅱️Y Episode 10 - The Day TheGamerLover Becomed a Fat Fetish Channel", and deeper in that video there's a fat Celica scene, that made me think there is no fat art of Celica Ayatsuki Mercury around after watching all these BB expansion pics.
(1.2 MB, 1935x1080, Screenshot_2022-09-18-01-14-29-1.png)
When I was browsing on my youtube's timeline, I found a video called "RU🅱️Y Episode 10 - The Day TheGamerLover Becomed a Fat Fetish Channel", and deeper in that video there's a fat Celica scene, that made me think there is no fat art of Celica Ayatsuki Mercury around after watching all these BB expansion pics.
Oh my! Sorry for posting it twice, I just wanted to correct that "I", i'm new on the site. Damn cellphone!
(4.1 MB, 3435x3127, 1643001475294.png)
>part of me worries that it'll extended to more functional things like damage, health or even moves.
Are you talking about player versus player? This is straight up the least rational assumption you could make given that Nakayama has been insistent on making the actual PVP a step up from SF5, would be insane for Nakayama to go "man let's make SF into a pure partygame like Smash" given how absolutely specific they've been with the Drive system. If you're talking about single player, SF5 already has that kind of shit with the roulette items you can use during that "boss rush" arcade mode they put in.
>You brought up GBVS and I wanted to speak my mind on that
Then speak your mind on it instead of trying to tie it into your schizophrenic take that there's some greed aspect at play that's somehow going to seep into the multiplayer. Say what you're going to say, don't move the goalposts.
>nothing that remotely feels like Street Fighter
It's starting to sound like you don't actually play or follow this game. Have you seen any of the stages? Hakan? Twelve? FANG? Birdie in either SF Alpha or 5? Necro? Urien? Blanka? Balrog used to be M. Bison because they wanted to riff on Mike Tyson. Ryu, the main character on the cover, can throw fireballs. The entire series is campy and goofy as fuck, has been from game 1, everything they've showed fits with the game's world and setting. Tekken is the exact same way, too.
>it won't just be single player; dunno if it'll be ranked but it sure as hell won't be restricted to you wanking yourself off.
I don't know what Capcom series you actually played that got raped, but you have managed to have the least coherent takes on 6 imaginable. The Street Fighter team got their shit together after Ono left and performed an incredible rescue operation on SF5, which has continued into 6. Capcom runs and funds Capcom Pro Tour and has a massive stake in making sure the game remains viable competitively. Letting any kind of singleplayer meme shit interfere with core gameplay would be an unimaginable footgun so powerful it would go down in fighting game history as one of the biggest developer screwups ever.
>artists only draw flavor of the month/popularity shit
>retards only vote for the same 5 series in artist polls
>the thread has multiple repeat images
You are part of the problem. Knock back a bottle of Tylenol.
(2.6 MB, 1100x1121, p.png)
Yeah, can't be more agree with ya
(820 KB, 3840x2160, 100936362_p0.png)
Honestly need more of Minerva attempting to carry a heavy Celica around.
Honestly need more of everything (Aside from Makoto)
(249 KB, 2048x1374, Fd6F4kuXkAAQ_YL.jpeg)
Is there fatart based on the most despised waifus? Like Ingrid?
Does anyone knows Who was the artist of a picture of a Fat millia and fat zato=1 of guilty gear?
(211 KB, 410x633, EL2_Tina.png)
e's laf 2?
Official chubby girl character
So who's this character and where is she from? The letters are just vague as to who she is and where she's from.
First piece of text is where she's from.
E's laf 2 or E's laf++
Which game is she from?
Take a guess for once, goddamnit
I didn't know the character. Don't expect everyone to be a fan with loads of knowledge of a franchise when people ask questions of who a character is, don't expect them to have encyclopedic knowledge of the franchise they talk about. I am unfamiliar with the character of Tina and which game she's from.
(86 KB, 1034x772, tubby_koko_by_royaloppai_deihsjj-pre.jpg) (38 KB, 1032x774, chubby_kokonoe_by_tempesttim_dexrz56-pre.jpg) (137 KB, 800x1000, surplus_of_sweets_and_silvervine__comm__by_hijinks723_deyjzbs-pre.jpg) (111 KB, 1077x742, makoto_and_kokonoe_by_royaloppai_degco0w-pre.jpg)
Reading comprehension, do you have it? The game's name was told to you several times. While I don't want to reward blindness, I'd much rather end the conversation.

The game is "E's Laf ++", the character is Tina.
And for good measure:

Now have some Koko
Sorry I didn't know that E's laf ++ was the name of a game. I misunderstood that the game's name was already given. I will not ask more questions on the subject.
Do hack and slash games count?
I'd say no. Maybe they posted her because of Super Smash Bros.
Finally, some good fucking sauce

isn't this the fighting game thread?
Do Anarchy Reigns count?
I though the same thing. But. I can let it slide just once. She was in smash and more importantly its good art
Rarely? What the fuck are you smoking??
Granted she got her 15 minutes of fame, but she's not drawn every 5 seconds compared to Chun Li
>every 5 seconds
lol. lmao. You're also expecting fetish artists to be aware of fighting games in general, let alone one of the more niche fighters, to want to draw them without it being a commission of some kind.
My bad, I should've known the games have to be THAT popular to break social media, it doesn't matter if their respective waifus are skimpy to naked, like Ivy from Soul Calibur. It's a miracle Mai gets some because of crossovers.
Didn't SNK kneecap it by making it Epic Games exclusive for a year, or was that just Samurai Shodown?
SamSho '19 was Epic exclusive. KoF wasn't.
took me a hot minute to unscramble

Even worse. They released what was a PC version on Google Stadia before actual PC.
>Juri reaching Chun Li's levels of popularity among chubby chasers
She only appeared so far in like 5 or 4 games, wtf
Makoto has been on 3, and Elena in 2.
Street Fighter IV was babies first Street Fighter.

Makoto's been in 2 games (SF3 and SF4(, Elena's been in SF3, SFxT and 4. Juri's been in 4, 5, 6 and SFxT
Shame a stick with big feet beats out big tits and ass in sf games
I thought that was the witch from Dragon's Crown
(1.2 MB, 2048x1823, 20221128_155500.jpg)
Makoto nanaya from blazblue @pacha2el on twitter
Blazblue is almost as dead as Bloody Roar; it's a miracle her and the squirrel are still getting any at all.
(533 KB, 1136x931, 1670617899187275[1].png)
Manon & Marisa shown for SF6
Tekken 8 trailer has Jun in it
We're gonna be eating good soon lads (at least I hope so, Kimberly didn't get as much art as I would've expected).
Any new Dead or Alive fat waifus?
>Manon & Marisa
If only they didn't both look like shit; the only good thing I can say is that Manon's fighting style looks interesting so far.
>Tekken 8
>We're gonna be eating good soon lads
Since when did Tekken get more than a small production of WG drawn out over years?

Jimberly as ugly as hell she aint gonna get shit for art.

Nobody draws DOA or Tekken characters because there's 3D models for people to fuck with.
(64 KB, 410x532, 6ae66c75a963804ac72fdf2a2850864db3f5ca25a1f60b5ec1e0585969b081f5.jpg)
>Nobody draws DOA or Tekken characters because there's 3D models for people to fuck with
Anon, that stupid shit means that all the series that get the majority of production should be practically barren of fat pics.

DOA doesn't get anything because if anything, it's seen was a hollow series before Tecmo beat it to death with DOA6.

Tekken is seemingly just that rare exception to the rule that popularity guarantees a flood of fat art. Maybe to get any traction in fat fighters, you either need a catalyst that people can use like Jam's profession, Mileena or whoever's kiss of death, and Sakura's short interest in competitive eating or sumo, or the characters need to be done in a more anime style.
DNF series anyone?
Between the avatar creator options and accessory shop girl we are eating good in SF6 bros.

Here's a fun experiment - Go on DeviantArt, type in Tekken, Soul Calibur, DOA, you know, the big names in 3D fighting - You are gonna get shit made in XPS, Gmod, SFM, MMD, etc, much more than actual original drawn artwork, much less any fetish art for these series. Nearly all of the fetish shit will be with the 3D models, and most of it is going to be ryona, feet/giantess related stuff.
That shit is like saying AI fags putting out the majority of art for a specific series is reason enough to believe it's what the majority of fans want instead of just being a cheap and easy method that most people find dull from its limitations on weight or shit from being filled with many blatant errors like clipping and distorted clothing.

If you can find something that hasn't been posted yet or was made by RunningWild.

I don't see anything but monstrosities coming out of that game to rival Elder Scrolls.
(384 KB, 1500x2000, FkRLcLCUoAAaoYs[1])
People love making monsters in character creators and SF6 has very few limiters on it. Its flexibility has the capacity for cuties though, I checked out Bafael's channel to see if he had any video about the gameplay of the beta and instead saw a video of him making a fat cutie in the creator.

Also the cute shopkeep is definitely made within the creator just like how Dragon's Dogma NPCs were made with the creation tools, so we can at least reach that level.
Blinded the character creator footage when I clicked on the vod of his Ken matches yesterday, his avatar genuinely caught me off guard lol
Missed opportunity to make her a bizarrely overweight waifu who somehow can fuck up her opponent, well at least an amazonian got confirmed, do muscle monsters need to gain weight in order to become, you know, monstrous?

Fighting game waifus are already incredibly niche as it is, the 3D stuff and now on top of AI art, people are getting lazier and looking for new ways to shit content and cut corners.

Plus it looks like AI losers are saturating things bad enough with popular characters from My Hero and Spy Family already to the point of overtaking any actual artwork.
My meaning was by complete accident and producing something completely unappetizing, which is why I said ES; everything that gets produced with its creator looks ugly as sin.

>Fighting game waifus are already incredibly niche as it is
I'm taking it that you meant fighting games are niche because half the fucking thought process is in developing characters as interesting and good looking as any other game; the thing that leads to production dying off before the numbers can challenge a popular Anime or JRPG, is the fact that there's nothing much to the gameplay beyond one on one fights to keep non fighting game fans invested enough to keep producing and paying for weight gain art after the initial boom.

>overtaking any actual artwork
A lot of the stuff it's overtaking can barely be called art if even.
Whelp guess we have to make another one, ladies and gents.

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