
Comic is almost done. Said it will end around early next month.
Cool, I guess with this little test done he'll be able to move forward on other similar projects
Anyone want to repost the rest of the comic?
Is the Hinata picture out?
What Hinata picture ?
Damn this is a good updated Hinata pic
i got up to page 26 but it won't let me upload, lemme wait and see if that fixes it
If the comic is ending next month it seems it's shaping up to be 30 pages
Here the rest
Here's the rest of pages to the comic can't wait for the rest

One of the best part about BWS's art is how they have a perfect sense of growth with boobs.

It's kind of amazing how amazing they draw boobs getting fatter and larger without overtaking the focus off the general weight gain.
Wow, her waist and belly got so LARGE and HUGE and ROUND and FAT! She’s FAT! A really butterball from her fat ball like shape. And let’s not forget about those thick thighs of hers too.
does anyone have last week's page? I missed it
Not big enough. when she's the size of Lucy only then will I be satisfied
Facts but she's getting there though I just want see her immobile at the end
That's everything the whole comic is on this page
can someone put these pics of nikume and serena in chronological order?
(3.5 MB, 2886x2686, unknown.png)
Yeah sure why not. There's a few more sketches in the middle but these are the main parts.
dude your a fucking legend thanks man
>timeline split
Incredible analysis LMAO
He drew them thin again.
This is good for someone like me.
Thin relatively speaking
i love the 3rd pic her face is so cute
also can you find the sketches of the 2 please?
I want this to be updated with every new art, I am 100% for this.
Saw a drawing of a mega fatty sitting whose enormous belly is being held up by a strap and a thin woman is forcing a giant dildo into her. Anyone have it?
can't be arsed to find it but i'm almost certain that's an axel-rosered pic you're thinking of
Alternate universe weight gain.
better with salt lore:
(3.8 MB, 3105x3385, unknown-1.png)

Yeh, ok. There weren't too many left anyways.

Be glad I'm not dumping the full multiverse chart on ya
Can you post high quality pictures of the sketches please?
You guys think we'll see the brown haired woman with the glasses continue to get fatter, or do you think she's been pushed aside for good in favor of the redhead?
I mean there are several pics of her as a massive immobile blob I can’t imagine her getting any bigger
this nigga crackin the immobilati code
NEXT PIC PLEASE! It’s Tuesday after all
He hasn't uploaded it yet dipshit
(183 KB, 757x1215, Sammy_Sheet.png)
Somebody want to do a progression picture when the comic ends?
She went the full cycle of grief to acceptance, that's kinda cool, it's nice to see a skinny character go through it with good pacing rather than straight from denail to lust in like 3 pages like some people do. Glad Salt decided to do this.
Her tits are twice the size of her head at this point.
(19 KB, 300x289, thumb_frog-pepe-reeee-gif-frogpepe-reeee-ak47-discover-54271304.png)
At first I wasn't a fan of having her in acceptance of her gain, but now I think I prefer it this way, as oppose to having her constantly disliking get own figure. Salt has really outdone himself.

Also can you impatient fucks stop having an anxiety episode whenever a page is uploaded a minute late? Literally not a single time have we not got a page on the Tuesday (excluding the times salt himself didn't upload one) and somehow you retard coomers still manage to throw a bitch fit be whenever someone else decides to give it to you for free, just a little late.

Porn addiction, for real. Part of the fun of this has been waiting with bated breath to see what changes her weight gain brings.

I'm also in agreement. It's acceptance right now, but I love that sort of hint right there that she might start preferring to see herself as genuinely happy and cute as a fatty. I know happier people tend to be more attractive in most people's eye, but she genuinely looks so hot being a proud BBW.

And yeah, her massive tits are awesome. I can't imagine this character getting any fatter without her also growing absolutely gargantuan booba.
Oh what I would give for an alt with her zero suit on
Fuck man, imagine if the new Metroid is just about finding Samus after retiring.
I keep fucking thinking that's Jimmy Hopkins from Bully
oh fuck you, now i cant unsee it
I bet that Lucy will eventually be turned into fully finished art knowing Lucy guy.
That's Rebecca from Edens Zero and idk if lucyguy is into her enough to want to get her fully finished
Hey can someone colors these in?
Wait, will this be the final page or will it continue for a few more?
Was not expecting Pomu and Rosemi.

Bless you random anon.
BWS said that it would end in early February, so either 1 or 2 pages left.

This comic ended up being false advertising. Glad I never paid for this shit.
I wouldn't go as far as to say it's false advertising lmao. I would have preferred her to stay unhappy too, but bws never promised that it would stay sad, only that it was going to be about the girl snowballing out of control. Besides, there's still 1-2 more pages for her to get bigger and change her attitude again.
I couldn't take another moment of its actually-sad tone. Idm if a character has their priorities warped / mind broke / hypno fucked whatever but just the actual, rational and fully realized continual downfall of this one was brutal.

It's a piece of art overall and now she's fat as fuck but does its story actually do-it for anyone as far as fap material goes?
>bws never promised that it would stay sad, only that it was going to be about the girl snowballing out of control. Besides, there's still 1-2 more pages for her to get bigger and change her attitude again.
She doesn't seem out of control at this point. Only way we'll see her gain a meaningful amount now is for a timeskip to happen.

>It's a piece of art overall and now she's fat as fuck but does its story actually do-it for anyone as far as fap material goes?
I wouldn't call this comic fap material, too much story is in the way.

I wanted to see her snap. Completely lose control and gain an obscene amount of weight while becoming one of the biggest women BWS has ever done. Unfortunately the story and mental philosophy took too much time and focus away from the gaining itself, so that dream is dead now.
I mean I could do some of them, but all of them is a very tall order, since I don't even know who half of them are -w-
They both look very similar. Would not be surprised if he did.

Do you not realize how her behavior shows shes extremely out of control? She got so fat and wrecked her appetite that accepting it and continuing to rapidly gain is more reasonable and inviting than not eating family sized bags of chips as a one-episode snack. This is all assuming this new mindset doesnt come crashing down. Stop bugging out lmao the comic isnt even over
Well said. She's lost control to a point where she's giving it up entirely.

Plenty of people like darker-toned weight gain. Loss of control, whether it be through one of the methods you mentioned, blackmail, sabatoge or just plain lack of control and discipline, is one of my favorite aspects of the fetish. Even i have my limits, but this comic is pretty tame compared to some of the stuff you find skirting around the extremes of feederism as i do.
Could someone color the bottom left one cause I’m pretty sure that’s pyrrha
Working on that
I'm planning 5 more parts. Getting doubles is somewhat a matter of luck though depending on salt's pace and other projects he has going on, so that doesn't necessarily mean 5 more months

>unfappable because too happy
>unfappable because too sad
the duality of man
Don't get me wrong. I love it when a woman is able to embrace her weight gain, especially if she's able to enjoy it, and dislike it when a story is mean spirited or depressing. At the end of the day though, I'm here for seeing women gain a lot of weight and having their fat bellies be played with or smushed, and most times story gets in the way of that either by making the process slow, or the end result not reaching where I'd hope it would go. I've always believed sequences or comics to be the best time for artists to draw sizes they're not used to doing, but story usually wins in the end, and after a while, especially if the story is long, it's frustrating.
It didn't go far enough for me, I wanted to see her fatter huffing and puffing and hating it, but to lazy and with too addicted to food to stop. I can't say i'm disappointed with the sudden self acceptance, but i'd be lying if I said I wish it went darker.

I feel it'd honestly make more sense to me if it ended up darker, she's not a feedee or gainer she just lost control to her appetite and was too lazy to course correct.
Brah you're never gonna get it right, so just ignore it - some people love a girl embracing it, and some people love it when she hates it. Literally just don't fucking bother trying to appease them, the only way you could do it was to make two versions which is fucking dumb.
(1.1 MB, 3792x2481, $10 Sketches5.png)
Judging by his current stream I think he's going to redraw the first few pages of the Lucy comic
i remember he did the first page so im not suprised if he redid the others
Wow wouldn’t have expected Kronii someone willing to color that or is salt planning on coloring it?

complaining about free fat art because it's a blonde
This doesn not apply to this particular comic, which is in fact old content now. ;)
What does that mean. Of course we're going to post all of the artists art in the thread, if we didn't, this shit would prune immediately
It comes out in an hour thirty. Chill
(50 KB, 598x574, 677.jpg)
Yeah holy shit build-up payed off she's fucking huge.
BWS might've noticed some comments saying how big her boobs are getting.
Is that it? Was that the last page?

I hope this means they're going to get even bigger
>>80203 No, it’s not. There’s still more to come.
How many are left?
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This one is a little old I put it off the outfit is fucked but it was too hot not to color
that looks pretty good.
This but Lilly plz
hey, thanks anon, that was mine
do you happen to have the himiko toga one?
hey wheres a coloured version of toga?
can you post it?
do you have a kimono?
hey can someone post his new artwork please?
(102 KB, 1516x1063, bws2.jpg)
They better be blobs or else.
honestly BWS should do more plushie art
Fat people being confident and secure is the most attractive thing
Now get both of them in the same piece.
can someone update his kemono please?
Anyone knows what the newsletter says about the final page of Losing Control?
Last page is today
Anymore details like for example change in time?
(7.4 MB, 1080x720, zssdd.mp4)
Hello everyone! Time for me to give you all a little update on what's coming up this month.

Firstly, The final page of Losing Control is going to be posted tomorrow! This has been a very special project for me so I hope you all enjoy the conclusion.

Now to talk about pieces and poll winners.

The winner for this month's upgrade stream poll was Juvia from Fairy Tail. You can come join me tonight at 8PM EST on my Picarto to watch her get upgraded:

(insert drawings and wips I don't care about and am too lazy to download and post here)
ok shut the fuck up go to the manbaby thread to complain and stop polluting this thread
>Enjoys her gains for only the last 3 pages, yet doesn't gain much weight during those pages.
Underwhelming end for something that took 7 months to get to. Would've been better if we got to see her enjoy her gains for longer and have her gain much more weight. INB4 BWS fanboys get mad at me and say that I'm wrong.
Not bad I guess, considering my tastes I would've liked the anguish period to be stretched out a bit, especially if things like huffing and puffing, less mobility and more social interaction stuff was present. That being said its still top tier work from BWS.
Also like the references to his other characters present here.
And that’s the conclusion towards how a former healthy athlete become a big, fat, obese, large breasted hog/cow

The only problem I have is that the moment she snaps should've been a few pages back. Sammy accepting herself was like three pages out of thirty.

About the same for me. She was upset about it for so long, and then just suddenly did a 180 and started accepting and enjoying it over one page, so it really felt like BWS just got sick of the dark tone and changed it last second, when imo it these last few pages would have been better spent on another workout attempt or something, But at the end of the day, it is the most drawn out character gain I've ever seen, and all of it was top quality. Nobody else that I've seen has done incremental gains as well as BWS has in this, and he still managed to have gain pace jumps, etc that kept things progressing fast enough.
Fusa's comic Ayano's Weight Gain is the goat imo. You can read it on e-hentai. Way better than this lol.
wow you must have a great poker face if you can say that lie with a striaght face
Sadly, I like my WG comics where the protagonist doesn't transform into a gremlin as she gains weight.
Anyone know which tier are those in since I don't see them in kemono

Same boat. It was a fantastic comic but I feel BWS just fell into the same trap - like most other expansion/wg artists - of how to appropriately round out the tale with an ending that feels like a complete story. Pun intended.

Artwork was top notch, the autobiography was very creative and well done, but i feel the last couple of pages were rushed and lost the established plot which is why it felt so flat and unsatisfying.

There was no climax, no life changing event or epiphany, she just accepts that she has little willpower and shouldn't be miserable for no apparent reason, and moves on without figuring out why it happened in the first place which is why i think it feels so out of sync with the rest of the comic. If there were, perhaps, 5 - 8 more pages then this issue could have been resolved, but I don't blame BWS for ending it the way that they did.

If, after pg 27, there were a couple more pages of her gaining to the point where she was having proper maneuverability, breathing and over all mobility issues, like getting stuck in her car (I audible LOL'd when her breasts honked her horn), bathtub, bed, couch etc., would have really hit home the 'losing control' aspect. Which is where she could have figured out how much she disliked the effort she had to put in to stay thin, how food began to comfort her and then could begin to accept that she didn't have to be thin to enjoy who she was but couldn't reasonably keep going on the current trajectory would have been far more satifying.

I am, personally, a proponant and massive fan of the 'gain weight for reasons, lose some to self improve, gain way more weight for lack of willpower, change lifestyle to with intent to lose only to intentionally gain even more because the protagonist enjoys being large, then finds happy medium of being fat but not immobile' story, but lets be real, no one is here to see Sammy get smaller.

But, let's be clear - that last page is S Tier. I like how big Sammy got and would let her sit on my face whenever she damn well pleased. At any of her sizes.
She needs to get bigger. I'm sorry I just really like Lucy sizes
>There was no climax, no life changing event or epiphany, she just accepts that she has little willpower and shouldn't be miserable for no apparent reason, and moves on without figuring out why it happened in the first place which is why i think it feels so out of sync with the rest of the comic.
In terms of story, the last few pages felt very rushed. BWS himself in one of his monthly updates phrased it like he was ending the comic earlier then initially planned.

>If there were, perhaps, 5 - 8 more pages then this issue could have been resolved, but I don't blame BWS for ending it the way that they did.
That's exactly what should've happened. 5-8 more pages showing how she's enjoying her weight gain and adjusting to becoming heavier and fatter, maybe becoming as big as the brown haired woman in this pic >>78479 by the end of it.
Again, I should stress that besides how the story suddenly turned at the end, my biggest gripe with this comic was that it took 7 months just for her to be a size that's on par with what BWS draws most commonly. For how rarely he draws 600+ pound women, this was a missed opportunity.
>BWS himself in one of his monthly updates phrased it like he was ending the comic earlier then initially planned.
That's fair. They have bills to pay so work and commissions take priority over personal projects. Hopefully they can find time to do another comic like this is the future.

>my biggest gripe with this comic was that it took 7 months just for her to be a size that's on par with what BWS draws most commonly.
I don't feel a page a week was unreasonable, on top of other released commissions, even if it resulted in Salt's typical size niche. The pacing and incremental wg was top notch quality, and quality takes time.

That being said, let's take Kip for reference. She also has high quality art but christ fuck is her pacing crap. NLB was slow but mostly fine, but she has been releasing 3 pages a week for OSC since fucking APRIL '21, and only in DECEMBER did we see any results of Aika's constant eating with very little up-scaling and fanfare. Plump for 80 pages, ever so slightly more chubby for the next 20, then WHAM! 30lb heavier over a few time-skip pages. Kills me

>5-8 more pages showing how she's enjoying her weight gain and adjusting to becoming heavier and fatter
>For how rarely he draws 600+ pound women, this was a missed opportunity.
This is pretty well the nail on the head. Even if it resulted in another 2 - 3 months of spoon feeding, I feel that it would have created an overall superior product.
This post is based because it's straight to the point and doesn't try and dress it up as "The story wasn't good enough" or "It was rushed" like the other complaining posts.

I thought the story was fine, Expecting Salt to make her absolutely huge was foolish when we saw her biggest on the very first page. Plus she already basically tripled in size.
are you calling me or the the people who always complain about lucy that if me well excuse me if the "BOO HOO LUCY AGAIN" gets reptive has hell like i get it we're tired of bws constant pieces of her but like it still good fat art and complaining about it wont change anything
Maybe Salt will do a part 2 of this comic or make her bigger like Lucy is now
Yeah man she should had at least another 30 pages of her just sitting on that couch and gaining like another 1000000lbs until she became an unrecognizable flesh field. wasted potential
I wouldn't go to that extreme.
wow, now would be good for an admin to delete this dumb argument to clear up space so this thread doesn't get saged
>That's fair. They have bills to pay so work and commissions take priority over personal projects. Hopefully they can find time to do another comic like this is the future.
This may sound dickish, but the guy makes over $6,600 monthly from Patreon alone. I'd be surprised if money were much of a problem for him.

There hasn't been much arguing, and the likelihood of a new BWS thread being made shortly after this one gets bumplocked is high.
I think this ending is actually really cute. sure the attitude change was kinda fast but it's nice that she doesn't end in despair and I think it gives more room to do things with her as a character in future stories
This was overall exceptional, even if rushed. Probably one of the first good western long-form wg comics that wasn't a hackneyed fantasy.

Reading some of the comments here and on Patreon are retarded. No, faggots, not everything has to be Kip-level anthologies of shitty exposition, there don't need to be four or more recurring characters, the main girl doesn't have to become another generic immobile blob every fucking time.
>Phrased it like the comic ended earlier than initially planned
I don't think that's the case at all, from what I'm aware of the comic was originally supposed to be a few pages SHORTER than it turned out. However I wouldn't be surprised if the ending got altered at some point.
>They have bills to pay so work and commissions take priority over personal projects
Fat art is his full-time job thanks to what he brings in on Patreon, so despite it being a personal project I can't see any reason to cut it short for money reasons, it's basically been being funded by his Patrons the whole time.
For those who haven't read their stories and don't know, Sammy is part of his cast of OCs with Nat, Cloe and Halie. She'll likely get bigger over time but it won't past from a "can still realistically walk" size (seeing how he draws the other at least). Same reason why I never expected her to get that big here, Nat and Cloe are still supposed to be far bigger.
Well that ending was kinda shit
that ending was terrible. it just seemed like all of a sudden she was content with it and then it ends? why didn't we see her get even bigger? why didn't we have bit more fun with it?

this is the problem with those "slow burn" comics. its not just that people lack patience. its that they never live up to the hype.
Maybe he'll do more nat and halie stuff now that this is over.
I enjoyed the story for what it was worth. Should there have been more? Of course. Better to end it as it did then to drag on like a zombie

My only wish was that she could have gotten a boyfriend by the end. But that’s me.
Oooo I really hope so, I fucking love Nat so much. I think it's the inability to stop indulging despite noticing that she's outgrowing everything!
hype to see these colored and finalized
>. She was upset about it for so long, and then just suddenly did a 180 and started accepting and enjoying it over one page, so it really felt like BWS just got sick of the dark tone and changed it last second

Its strange I think part of the issue is that for one reason or another a lot people seem to latch onto characters, it could just be me but they serve nothing more than a medium for the fetish but with slight different flavorings. I could a fictional fatty being depressed about being overweight and hating every moment of it as long as it also focuses on the fetish aspect, but many times i'll go through comment sections and people will be genuinely angry or sadden by "depressing" stories. Maybe i'm just the weird one (even among this weird fetish community) thats just me, of course I don't need EVERY story to be like that but I like the depraved and humiliation aspect of the fetish(think to early Fusa stuff) just as much as I like the vanilla stuff i assume most like.

Different plots and styles, BWS's story was fine, better than most stuff we get, but I agree that Ayano's WG Diary is the pinnacle of the medium considering the tone is always consistent, Fusas great use of anatomy and posing to keep things erotic despite the manga itself not being overly so, and the most important aspect NEARLY EVERY PAGE IS DIRECTLY TIED TO THE FETISH something that he who shall not be named often fails at.
>fusa’s great use of anatomy
I’m fucking dying
Comic was fantastic- no extraneous stuff, just every page being focused on weight gain one way or the other, with it being a great sequential gain.

The ending and her going from not liking her gain to accepting it was a little abrupt- could have used 4-5 more pages. Maybe go a little beyond where she was on the first page weight wise.

Guess Salt could always do that as a sequel/epilogue or whatever.
Comic was good, filled with good shots of a chubby girl getting chubbier, I think the final page is just disappointing. Like we've spent all this time with her ballooning up and we end with just...a static shot of her sitting in the dark.

Kind of a let down, but overall it wasn't bad on the eyes.
Do y’all ever stop complaining
hey can someone upload the new art?
(3.3 MB, 2775x2481, Too Big to Wrap.png)
I'm just enjoying the fat art. Who really cares if the story didn't live up to anyone's expectations? The gain was fine and wasn't chubby to blob in 3 parts like most weight gain art.
Making the argument of "at least it didn't go from chubby to blob in 3 pages" doesn't work here as she never reached blob size, and she was chubby for most of the comic. Hell, she didn't reach USBBW size either.
Hey I mean, it's nicer to do it here instead of in the comments somewhere public.
That kind of woke shit disgusts me. There are only two types of fatties, the horny ones and the dillusional ones. And the later only deserve a gastric bypass and feeding on salad.
It’s a fucking fictional comic retard
It’s just a comic that you don’t draw or write stfu
>That kind of woke shit
What and where?
t. professional niggerkiller and kikery detector
What the fuck are you talking about you fucking idiot
That only tells us that the whole thing was a waste of time.
How the hell does that work?
Having there be a preview at the start of how someone ends up when a comic finishes is common story writing, however there are also stories that continue after that point. I'm saying the comic was a waste of time because BWS didn't carry on after the point that was shown at the start, to have her continue gaining.
This story ended up being the scenario of "Yep, that's me you're looking at. You're probably wondering how I got to this point, so I'm going to tell you how it happened.". Yet the story ended with no payoff, it played it straight and ended exactly where it began and she was no bigger.
why are you acting like there was any obligation for her to get bigger than she was at the start though?
I never said there was an obligation for BWS to do it like that. I'm saying what he could've done, and how it might've been better if he did.
i think this is the wrong thread the man baby one is below this
Forgive me if I don't know what's going on
But what is going on?
Based devilish Welrod-commissioner
The guy actually does lurk here. Go figure.
whos this guy were talking about?
Welrod-commissioner doesn't just lurk, he posts here, scroll through the thread.
But complaining is how we show we were even invested in the first place, its a time honored tradition to complain on this accursed site
I don't know that its complaining so much as stating that people didn't like it. tbh I never saw the hype to begin with but I stayed with it until the end. everyone kept saying "its a slow burn comic" and to wait for the payoff. people waited. the payoff sucked. that isn't complaining thats stating a fact. thats the issue with slow burn comics that no one wants to talk about. they very seldom measure up to the hype. 30 pages, one page a week, thats 7 1/2 months that people have watched this comic. this is a terrible ending for that long of a story. she isn't even that big tbh. we don't need a blob but seriously? this is "losing control"? I know people bigger than this in real life. and the final panel was her sitting in a dark room watching tv? why not her happy? why not a man asking her out showing she's beautiful at any weight? something cheerful? this ending was depressing. I'm sorry but the comic just wasn't good.

Wah wah you had to sit and get free comic pages and it wasnt exactly what you wanted.

I wish she ended up bigger and the darker tone was kept until the end, but that doesnt make it bad. She absolutely "lost control" and the only way she got any semblance of it back was to stop caring and let go without reservations. As for the payoff? Nearly every damn page was the pay off since she steadily got bigger throughout. This is being incredibly unfair to BWS just because it wasnt made with you in mind. If you dont like a page a week wait for it to finish before reading, and if you want exactly what you want go actually pay an artist to make you a comic instead of whining about all the early pages you got for free
>why not her happy?
It's The final panel is the first time it feels like she has a genuine smile
But she's happy in the end and the ending is supposed to be uplifting, did you even read it? She doesn't need a man to tell her that shit either, she already accepted herself as she is.

Seriously why does everyone go crazy when it comes to WG comics? Even crazier when Salt is one of the most active and consistent artists in the scene, if you don't like the comic he still makes enough content that you wouldn't feel like it's a great loss.
can someone upload his newest art?
>those legs
my dick is diamonds
Isn't this Marmalade Man's stuff?
hey can someone post his newest art?
Finally we get to see some other Fairy Tail girls
(536 KB, 1493x1285, Pyra.png)
hey can someone colour the nikume and sei sketch for march 2020's sketches please?
hey can someone post is newest artwork, now its officail that hes re drawing the lucy comics
Omg!!! Will do a remake of Lucy!!! Great!!!
Fuck my life. I wish he would just redraw page 6 and tell Lucy guy to sod off
>>82215 fuck i just realised he also has to the first 2 page packs
hey does anyone happens to have the colored sketch of that himiko toga lineart? from the stream sketches i think.
its on his patreon wirh the coloured sketches for jan 2022
honestly very cool of em to reformat the first pages into.. actual pages. if bws sold physical copies as a one-shot or doujin I'd buy it tbh
Anyone have the high res version of the Hinata pic that was just posted?
Is he redrawing the whole comic?
>>82206 This is like the "Last of Us Remake" equivalent a Weight Gain Comic.

Completely unnecessary but, shit it could be worse.
Beginning to think the Lucy guy is aware of all the shit talk about him that happens here and continues to commission for Lucy to spite everyone.
Does he really need to remake it like this? I mean, the old version of the late painting style has been very well developed, instead of redrawing some of these old pictures, he might as well just start a new Lucy series.
is it in anyone’s best interest to make a mega link or google drive of all the betterwithsalt pieces in specific folders depending on different characters/ weight gain progressions? i just feel like it’d be more organized and user friendly. more of a logical request than a beg if anything
By all means go ahead! Smart phones are good enough to do this, I believe in you!
Nah this shit kinda good though, don't know what everyone is on about
Absolutely agree
>saturation, noun, the state or process that occurs when no more of something can be absorbed
>oversaturate, verb, to saturate to an excessive degree

People myself included are tired of seeing Lucy, yes she’s cute, yes bws is a great artist, but we just want him to allocate some of his resources elsewhere instead of Lucy.
It’s BWS arts it’s gunna look good regardless but think about this for a second what if and I know this is crazy but what if it was a whole new character and not one we’ve seen so many times you could make a book out if it wouldn’t that be something
Second. Dont even care its the same blonde pigtail chick all the time, bws is getting paid and his art is noticeably improving
Y’all are probably the type of boring ass motherfuckers who eat their burgers plane
Y’all are probably the type of boring ass motherfuckers who eat their burgers plain
hey can someone post his new artwork?
Actually still super cute, tho.
>Boob focused art where the belly still looks better.
BWS has some work to do. Boobs look inflated instead of fat.
nice fat booba, nice fat belly

good job bws
do someone has the older sketches?>>79931
have you seen the original character, my dude? i give kudos to this for making those things look even remotely realistic on her
(896 KB, 820x532, Lewd2.png)
7 is winning. I just want 9 already.
How is 2 an option already?
She's not a fucking child calm down
So is this the voting for naked alts?
2, 4 or 10, or bust tbh
5,8,11,or 12 for me 7 is alright but compared to the other options don’t really get it nothing really interesting she’s just a blob
It might be because of Rhea not getting much fat art, and the lackluster ending to Losing Control.
Speaking of, there were a good amount of his Patrons saying the ending felt rushed. Unfortunately most of the other people were still being sheep saying "I loved it!", or "Even though I wished it were a little different, I'm fine with whatever you do.".
Yeah I have. I think they look too perfectly round, which is why I said they look inflated and not fat.
Acknowledging the ending wasn't great but still liking the product overall isn't being a sheep
Jesus christ do you ever stop bitching?
They weren't the only one bitching. Why single them out?
blob is everything to some people, tasteless imo
Eh, I think the outdoor lighting and tables would make it look kind of awkward. Honestly though I'm okay with all of these except 4 and 6
i don’t have them tho lol
lucybro has unironically been keeping bws' mum hostage for the past 7 years

Anyone who plays Fire Emblem Heroes knows what I'm talking about.

I really like 1 and 11.
At least it has Rhea
It's a nice piece but this character design is fucking trash and the people who are really into her are some of the most annoying motherfuckers in both the fetish and anime communities.
Uh oh found a twitter user
(792 KB, 744x695, 1638488758963.png)
I don't like her for her breasts

I like her because she's a child
Lord give me strength.
what a shit character design, at least bws made it work
Can you imagine a comic of her after Lucy and then she will put both? They do not believe?
(411 KB, 876x1653, Illustration.png)
What if we get a continuation of the Lucy comic where she becomes blob sized and adds other characters getting huge? Everyone wins.
(847 KB, 820x510, 666110a56a1d35328778a29d187e416867f44e10017dc18d802ccecebccaaeaf.png)
Anyone got the current standings or results for the remake poll of pic related? As much as I'd love #11 to get a proper remake that adds proper fat distribution to her face. I know that competing against anything with Pokemon or Fire Emblem is a longshot.
is it me or lucy become overrated?
I don't think she's overrated iirc it's literally just one fucking weirdo who somehow paid BWS enough money to ensure they'd keep drawing her for as long as they're both alive.
That would be awesome
Bro I don’t give a fuck about the character I just think it’s ironic that people like you who autistically whine about the character don’t realize that you’re being just as obnoxious as the people you complain about
Don't worry bro, Edelgard was winning at the start but we've managed to push her back to 2nd place. Cuckgard fans may have enough autism power to drag her into the top spots but never into 1st place definitively
6 is winning by a landslide. 4 and 12 aren't actually even close
wait, then is salt doing a sequel or a remake of pic 6?
It's part of a remake poll.

I feel bad for Rhea. Surprised people would want big tit dragon again immediately after she was drawn instead of an immobile who does get much fat art because of spite towards who she's with.
It's part of a remake poll.

I feel bad for the people who like Rhea. She doesn't get much fat art, and is now losing her chance because of people's spite towards Edelgard. Surprised people want big tit dragon again so soon after she won.
I like Rhea myself but at this point I'm so sick of seeing Edelgard that I wouldn't feel good with having her there too. Also allowing her blind stans get a win is something I couldn't let happen (as an anon said above, people that play FEH know this feeling VERY well).
Ilulu's piece is really good so I'm absolutely ok with her getting the explicit edit
I don't like Edelgard either, but I think the voters could've done better then Ilulu, or BWS having a rule in place so she wouldn't be on there soon after she won a poll.
The pieces that are added to the poll are decided by the 9$ tier and above subscribers so it's really on them that she was added to the poll to begin with
I hope BWS includes an extra panel of that breakfast she was having as told here >>80070
hey can someone post his newest art?
hey can someone post the new sketches?
whered you find the lucy art?
also there seems to be a theme with plushies this month
found it in color thread
(345 KB, 958x893, 20220228_103324.png)
Here's another from the color thread. Her hair color's slightly off in this one.
>Subtly making an Ivy wg sequence
Holy fuck
(391 KB, 960x907, Lucy BWS.png)
Here the one who did the coloring, I made this version with the colors of Lucy, I hope you like it :)
I respect the Lucychad grindset.

Hey, thanks a ton for the improvement! I really loved the sheer imposing size of her gut here, it's great to see it in colour. APpreciate your dedication.
It would be really cool if someone could add a navel to that one
If you look at this:
You could get some connection with Lucy's situation.
I think the Kronii sketch has already been colored either in the colorization or hololive thread
God, Nat is by far Salt’s hottest character
She is the one who got me into bws's art back when she was known as "the girl from impending disaster drawing" (God I wish that drawing would get a redo soon) plus her somewhat airheaded personality makes more attractive to me.
(424 KB, 1429x1000, chako.png)
since when can we post 6 images at a time?
damn we got 2 redos this march, i love it
anyone got they re8 lady d one?
hey can anyone post this month's newsletter?
can someone post his newest art?
even more booba and belly, bless the lord
It's actually more boob and less belly, especially with the apron blocking her belly. Still feel bad for Rhea and the others who wanted nude immobile size.
(1.5 MB, 3862x2481, 10 Sketches (Colored).png)
It's actually more boob and less belly, especially with the apron blocking the view of her belly. Gets a 3 out of 10 from me, one of my least favorite works of his ever for making it somehow worse then the normal version. The score would be lower if it weren't for the environment looking as good as it does.
Can someone post the colored version of these sketches?
Will never get how Dragon Maid is so popular among the community honestly, this one is pretty recent and still won the poll despite not having much potential because of the angle.
I'll never understand why the voters felt like robbing Rhea just to spite Edelgard. I don't like Edelgard either, but Rhea didn't deserve to be fucked over like that.
(8.8 MB, 2550x3300, Tubby Tohru.png)
Just be lucky we didn't get another Lucy again. Dragon maid barely gets any art from him.
Dragon Maid still gets more then enough from other artists in the community. Got sick of seeing Lucoa and Tohru after a while, and Ilulu is a poorly designed character.
That Tohru you just posted, Tohru with Elma on a beach, some old Lucoa drawing, Lucoa sequence, Elma sequence and now Ilulu. What do you mean by barely exactly? Lol. For the record I don't really care that much about it, I just find weird how much focus it gets among fat artists considering there are series which are a lot more popular and that specific lewd edit feels kind of wasted because she's not that big and doesn't show too much from that angle.
It has a lot of girls with big booba, prompting people to imagine "what if the rest of them was big too?"
i think you're just not a shortstackfag, this is probably in my top 5 all time from him. the expression and angle really sell it
The only thing this angle sells is how terrible of a choice it was for her. It doesn't complement her shorter frame because of how her boobs are the only part of her body that's a significant size, plus her arm and apron block a large chunk of her body. This also negatively effects her thighs and butt because they aren't big enough to stand out to make up for how low they are on the pic, which is because if her shorter frame, and because her belly is completely blocked.

I think you said that it's a top 5 of yours just to be a contrarian, because that always happens whenever someone speaks poorly about any piece of art.
Or maybe... and stay with me here... you're overexaggerating and the reasons you don't like this might not actually be issues for others? What if the boobs are the part that matter to them most? What if they don't care about the ass and thighs, don't mind that the belly is slightly blocked by the apron (which doesn't even diminish the perception of its size, because you can still see the outer shape)? You're not the holy arbiter of taste, my dude.
Or possibly... and bare with me for a moment... not everyone is going to be on board with every single piece of art and you're trying to downplay or prevent any kind of negativity towards it? I'm indeed not any kind of arbiter of taste as I've never claimed anyone else sharing my opinion, nor the possibility of such. You're not the fat art sheriff, my guy.
>This also negatively effects her thighs and butt because they aren't big enough to stand out to make up for how low they are on the pic, which is because if her shorter frame, and because her belly is completely blocked.
This is literally what's so hot about it to me. Seeing that little pooch of gut still managing to sag out despite her tits being large enough to smother a tiger in is a great tease for how fucking fat she is, and that little bit where you can see her underwear disappear into her folds is golden. If it were head-on it'd just kind of be there, like that thing where hinting but not showing is the fundamental technique for building eroticism
>This is literally what's so hot about it to me.
"How convenient that the thing he's critiquing is the thing I find hot". FML
>anon discovers what personal tastes are for the first time
How would it be the first time after I bought up the contrarian and convenient points? That shit follows me like a bad cold.
Arts good and the boobs are good. Apron's unfortunate belly considered though. Seems strange to include it.
oh holy fuck fat arezu?? LETS FUCKING GOOOO
Jesus fucking christ, it never ends.
i dont need a nude version i need a version with her ass tbh

Anon, >>85527 , is salty because popular character gets drawn.
I mean I sort off understand where he’s coming from. I really don’t get the appeal of the character, the design is mid as hell even for Pokémon but I guess to all their own at least it ain’t Lucy
Is there no character you're sick if seeing?
>Character known for eating lots of food and wear tights and is in a popular franchise
>Somehow surprised there is a lot of art of her
A character being known for eating a lot of food doesn't guarantee anything, and neither does being from Pokemon. You forget that no one from Gen 7 got ludicrous amounts of attention.
Bro if you jack off to drawing of fat girls so much that it upsets you when you see too many of the same character, I think you should chill out.
You listen to me. We do not shit on fat redheads. That shit is my jam.
>>85527 If you want to shit on something actually worth shitting on, shit on the Minecraft Alex thread that’s somehow still here.
Her being a redhead is fine.

That is a shitty thread, but the over abundance of Arezu is also shit.
>being from Pokemon doesn't guarantee a mountain of art
How new?
How new? What do you mean?

>Wicke and Lusamine
Neither got that much fat art, or at least nowhere close compared to others from different generations. Do your research.
okay yeah you are actually just shitposting now. hopefully this will be the last reply you get from anyone in this thread.
>Can't tell that someone's being genuine with their displeasure towards something and is trying to write it off as shitposting.
You're a fucking idiot.
>always on time
>always high quality
>reasonable tiers

I swear I'm not a paid shill, why can't any other fetish artists be as good as salt on patreon? I swear these fuckers will make a $10 only tier and then never release shit on time or a bunch of low quality slop compared to what they were doing before.
>saying things that aren't and clearly only saying them to get people mad.
ya your a shit poster
>Chooses to willingly be in ignorance to join the bandwagon and to gang up on the one person who dares to speak up against trends.
You're a parasite who clings to the crowd.
Dude it's not a "crowd opinion" or "trend" that gen 7 got a lot of fat art. There's a good amount of it. Maybe not as many characters that really took off, but quite a few characters that got a decent amount. Nobody is being "trendy" by calling you an idiot and a shit poster. They're just stating a fact that you can't accept.
Expect an explicit version of this. I hope it wins. And if it doesn't you're all gay.
Excellent. What I would do for an alt with Tifa or Yuffie.
i'm more into fat bellies then fat asses so if there's a good one that competes against her then aerith wont be getting my vote. there's also the possibility that not everyone here is a patron of BWS to be able to vote.
>Motherly looking waifu getting a backwagon
>Stuck, can see panties through her dresa
Perfection at only 5mb
If you dont mind me asking. I know how much you people don't like lucy. But does anyone have the comic dub for 2019?
Not the one by snide and sniff right?

I think I’d rather delete my DA account than watch one of their videos.
No the one by AmpleExpansion
They mean AmpleExpansion's dub.
And I agree, snide and sniff just... well they don't do a good job as voice actors...
he's been drawing a lot of bare boobs recently
i laughed my ass off after seeing one of their vids, they are not fit for dubbing female comics
also can someone update his kemono page please?
Wish this pick better exemplified her being stuck in the tub
can someone post intimate detail please?
Ayo wtf is this.
Is BWS becoming a lost cause too?
It's a commission. The same guy commissioned this shit a while ago too.
It's actually not a commission. And Salt did the drawing of Halie with the Nat plush because two of his regular commissioners got drawings of girls they commission commonly with plushes as well. This exists because they decided to get lewd edits of those pieces, which you can see clearly above, and for shits and giggles he wanted to do his one as well, even though he knew it wouldn't appeal much to his audience. He said as much in his patreon post, which obviously none of you can read because none of you are paying him.
nah it's just a not good streak, he'll probabl post something better this saturday
what would you consider as this "not good streak"? Everyone's just complaining about this one piece
This one's begging for a sperg-less edit
So he gave two of his regular commisioners a freebie even though he knew it wouldn't do well with the majority of his audience? What's with all the pandering over this last month?
"wouldn't do well with a majority of his audience" motherfucker how do you know that? Did you poll them? Also, they payed for the edits. Salt offers commissioners the opportunity to pay for lewd edits of their pieces now when they get the piece.
Weren't you the one who said that he openly admitted that he didn't think it would appeal much to his audience? What I said was based off of what YOU said. Or were you lying?

It also doesn't seem like the kind of post that would be popular from him. The skinny cyborg girl he did wasn't received well on DA, and shit posts historically don't do well no matter the artist.
It also sounds like you weren't here when all the arguing about the nude Ilulu art and the end of the Losing Control comic happened before the mods did cleanup. Both of those had very mixed reception here.
I wasn't lying, I was referring to the other two. They were payed for and seem to be doing pretty well. The edit of Halie and Nat is the one he admitted might not do that well in his post. So no, I wasn't lying, you just aren't really good at understanding.

Also, so what if it doesn't do well? He wanted to do it. It isn't stopping you from getting fat art from him, because he posted 2 other pieces that are fat today alone. Why complain, why say "oh he's losing it, he's a lost cause"? It was one post, you all need to calm the fuck down.
>mixed reception here
ah yes, the 10 of you fuckers on here who complain make up "the majority" of his audience.

Also, what ABOUT the nude Ilulu? You know that was voted on by people, right? What was he supposed to do, not do it?

And yeah, I WAS here at that time.
Holy fuck why are you people like this.
Beyond me...
I'm just here for the art...
kek what the fuck
idk for me its when he doenst post alot of the really fat girls and more smaller size or characters im not a huge fan of
someone said something about most people not liking the fat boobed short dragon girl thing and im here to say i am not amongst that group.

more seriously, however, it is important to remember that no matter how numerous those willing to larp on this board, we are ultimately beggers for this content, not choosers. if bws went and started drawing things not up my alley, im outta here fuck larping
same man im just here to pleasure myself to early art
Does it seem odd to anyone else that’s despite the rest of her being fat her head and neck seem kinda skinny in comparison I dunno the proportions feel kinda off
Welrod guy, is this your doing?

Not my doing. Do you think I'd ever commission a non-Welrod? I have standards!

Y'all just gotta realise salt is a wild memester with no regard for the rules. Next thing you know, he's gonna be drawing a fat girl kickboxing against shadow the hedgehog.
Wow that was difficult to read even when I knew you were being sarcastic.
>Y'all just gotta realise salt is a wild memester with no regard for the rules. Next thing you know, he's gonna be drawing a fat girl kickboxing against shadow the hedgehog.
That would be a slippery road for him to take as he's arguably the most popular fat artist right now.

Same. There's also been a lot of boob focused art lately.
>a fat girl kickboxing against shadow the hedgehog.
Do it, Salt. I double dog dare you!
Shut the fuck up, we don't need that.
>we don't need that.
The completion of this task is of utmost importance for mankind.
>The completion of this task is of utmost importance for mankind.
No it's not, shut up.
only thing better than good bws alt is seeing people seeth over an artist doing what they want, how dare bws not cater absolutely to your taste. like shut the fuck up you lucky that bws ever agreed to pander to your tastes to begin with
It's surprising that you can even see your keyboard, what with your face being so far up BWS's ass.
Hey, that's not very nice! and it's not fair either. BWS alt is at least very unique and not only does he not follow trends like everuone else, and not only is his stuff not a copy, but it does not look lifeless and robotic like so many other artist's work.

And even if BWS alt was not as great as it is I believe there is something to be said about an artist who is a pioneer because that is what BWS is. BWS is an actual leader in the art movement community, plus the works are some of the best there is. BWS is so young but makes works like a seasoned professional.
Who's the artist?
the artist is What YouDeserved
(2.1 MB, 2277x2000, 10.png)
I edited it a bit to look like the sketch
can someone post all the flat color art that he posted last night please?
>2nd row
>1 and 3
Those look like they'd be nice if colored.
Row 2
4 and 5
Row 3
2 and 3
My go to if they’re ever colored
>>86686 who made this??
I'm down to color 1 or 2 if u guys pick which ones
(282 KB, 1009x969, chunkosen.png)
I should probably post this so repeat work doesn't get done
We’ll since the choco sketch has already been colored it’s a toss up for me between
Row 3
2 and 3
But if you had one in mind go for it man

Is there some kind of voting associated with these sketches?
This is a fine redo. What else is getting redone?

Naw, they're from the 25 dollar patrons. They get a sketch a month, each.

Every so often there's a poll to upgrade one of them into a full colored piece tho
(183 KB, 1200x899, unknown.png)
Colored in Nora (Top Row Furthest Right) on the latest sketches, decided to play around with her clothing colors, enjoy!
I'm so sorry, I didn't realize we were at lock limit already!

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