
Does anyone have Bee-lly from fraap? 'Cause i can't find it.
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Does anyone have the hanekawa sunny drew awhile back?
Anybody at all?
Who drew the third one of catgirl stuck?
Who made this
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Hanekawa that I drew. I might scan it later for better quality
You planning to do any other of the girls?
Sweet! Great work!
Yeah Senjougahara or Kanbaru probably
This looks great!
Do you have a gallery somewhere?
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Sengoku getting a little too comfy accepting offerings
>That Karen image
I haven't came this hard in forever.
Nice! You should definitely post your Monogatari stuff there (and if you feel up to it please draw Ougi she makes such a great fatty)
I wish this guy's paid stuff was available somewhere
Saw the big snek today on Patreon. absolute madlad
did you also commission that Kiss-Shot that they did?
Who drew this and is there a version without color
I swear this is the only place on the internet with bbw Sengoku artwork.

Literally all the other female characters but her have bbw artwork.
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my contribution and art then I upload the colored version
Anyone have the colored version of this from the better with salt thread?
Bumping to keep it alive.
Bumping to keep this alive
Desagradable a la vista, pesimamente dibujado y aparte esta mierda es inflation, posteala a >>/inf/lables.
Damn how I would like to hug and lick my beautiful girlfriend Hanekawa's tummy
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thread keeps dying so here's a full version of something posted here earlier
800x244, smaller than a thumbnail.
>Full version
You could just click on the image and it would be bigger

But yeah, the quality is shit unless someone has a more optimized image. The only one I could find is locked behind a paywall
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I'm the same guy who did this.
Lately,I've been watching Monogatari and Monogatari AMVs while stoned, and have been enjoying it immensely.
Monogatari might be the ideal digital anime. The directing is strange and strangely fitting, the colours are somehow dull and vibrant all at oncenand they blend the CG backgrounds/objects in with unusual skill.
Anyway, here's Kissshot, based off that one shot where Araragi is holding up her mangled body.
Great artist that sadly no one seems to care about. Also he puts his stuff on fucking Booth.
@ConcertDrill on Twitter
Do kind of wonder whether it's possible to find his Booth stuff in high quality elsewhere, but I haven't found much so far.
>>51049 any better quality yet?
(110 KB, 900x473, 9h2Dy6FC.jpg)

Been searching for months and this is the best I can dig up. Sucks because I liked the second phase the most.
Any more?
(452 KB, 1600x488, 228723_0_auto_x2.jpg)

Gave up and just ran the image through an enhancer tool. Here's the end result
I reported 4 or 5 posts that tried bumping this thread without any art in hopes of not keeping a dead thread around, then you finally did the right thing and decided to post art instead of bumping with nothing. If you want this thread to stay, post art. Otherwise, let the thread die.
why is there so much vore recently
Anyone got any Tsukihi?
Looking for this Comic where Senjougahara asks for her weight back but than gets fat and says something like "this is too much"

Anyone know??
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I'll be honest I was bored as fuck and horny so I did this, taking advantage of it is also my first full nsfw xd enjoy it my dear friends 🥵
Is this a alien pregnancy thing?
That artist stopped a long time ago and the oekaki and archive sites his work was posted got shut down.
They says they are going to be posting fat art in line with events from the show. This year might be a good one for monogatari fat art.
Seems like this person has been absent for more than a year before this post, would they really keep up with the schedule?
>>86639 that's why I said might. We can only hope for some more monofats
Repeats, sorry
(1.5 MB, 3400x4600, SR3.png)
Kemono and mofu are blessings
I would staple staple my face to her ass.
I just fucking realized. He's posting the pics according to the actual show timeline.

First pic - Kizumonogatari, End of March
Second pic - Nekomonogatari Kuro, End of April
Third pic - Bakemonogatari 1 Hitagi Crab, Beginning of May

So if he keeps this up we'll be in for a long year, plus some notable gaps like between bake and niso.
Heard of kemono but not mofu, what is that
wow, good observation. I would have never caught that
dang, was honesty disappointed on the most recent few but this one's great
>>7757 (OP)
Genuinely surprised there's not that much fat art of this series. I mean, this is pretty good so far, but compared to "nintendo girls" and "dragonball", this forum hasn't changed much in a few years, considering the series has a large enough fanbase, you would think..
>>104972 its a decently niche series, it's mainstream enough to get this many fats though.
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>Protag is an unrepentant lolicon
>Even the lolis get the lewd
>That toothbrush scene
Those along with the fact there's no readily apparent idea to grasp upon in a short span of time, beyond slice of life harem anime; I don't think you're not gonna get much of anyone to jump on it. I never watched a single episode or read a single page and even I know that much.

I don't think you know that word means; just having a couple beautiful women doesn't make it anywhere close to any meaning of mainstream. That thinking is Kodomo no Jikan tier denial.
>I never watched a single episode or read a single page
That's all we need to know, move along guys
(6.0 MB, 4359x4558, July%202022%20Hanekawa-min.png)
I was hoping finding more Monogatari stuff here. I guess I'll have to draw some. I'll post it later. In the meantime, have this.
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You guys have more Tsukihi stuff?
Is there a colored version of this?
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I corrected my eyes tomorrow I will do a weight again or inflation of my pretty little vampire
>>140478 this isn't monogatari dumbass
>>155157 (Cross-thread)
I have thought about it but honestly it does not call me at all I say the one I like the most is shinobu and if I make another character it would be by commission
Sure, as long as you don't open a Patreon and crap like that...
Genuine Surprise there isn't more art of tsukihi. She seems like getting fat is right up her alley.
True. Wish there were more art of her. I should draw her later.
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I will be responding to requests from monogawaifus leave your craziest and hottest ideas shinobu I'm bored already so I have a lot of time to draw if you like you can pass references I will be doing everyone regardless of the girl also be creative here a drawing in progress
Very crazy idea, hanekawa but she's very fat, a blob you could say
You don't need to show us the progress every time, you know? You can just send the sketch once it's done
Very nice man thanks a lot, keeps he good work!
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With this I put some tsukihi I'm going to try to make at least 5 requests that they do here monthly. the file is too large so I lowered the quality with twitter
I just want a nice, simple Nadeko before she became a god
Don't take it the wrong way, friend, but you can be more specific. I don't know if I explained myself, I mean, with references and that.
Ah sorry if I came off as a bit crude. Wasn't my intention at all.

I want a fat Nadeko (design from Bake) that's towering over Koyomi as reference to her size. If you don't want to you don't have to draw Koyomi, probably replace him with Shinobu for reference
No hay problema solo quieres la nadeko con buen tamaño supongo
Good shit, again thanks man!
(5.6 MB, 9654x2054, Tsukihi_Donut_6.png)
Well, I drew some Tsukihi. Took me a while to finish it. Hope you guys like it.
Amazing job, anon, especially love how you depicted most of her looks through the series. She and Karen really need more fat art.
I know thread has been dead but are you still taking requests?
Are you still doing requests?
Retarded literally asked about requests twice in the hopes of keeping this thread alive
How nice of you to think I'm doing this to keep the thread alive.

Guy offers requests and I was wondering whether they are still doing it. I ain't getting Twitter to ask since it's being run like a shit hole. If the thread dies it dies, but I'm not passing up on a free request.
I'm the one who did >>159363

I could draw something for you if you want. Just won't draw the lolis like Mayoi and Shinobu in the series.
>I could draw something for you if you want. Just won't draw the lolis
So what? He ain't obligated to draw shit like lolis, you know

Yes but.. Loli's sort of..... life right now

Yes but.. Little Girl's sort of..... life right now
I'm the one who did the 4 drawings before the tsukihi
Senjo sequence would be nice
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I'm currently working on a part 2 of the Tsukihi sequence with Karen in it. Should be out in a few days, I hope. I'll do a Senjo sequence when I'm done with it.
To whoever made this image, I was wondering if you're willing do do another Nadeko, but something that is like the "Nadeko pussy fat and warm" meme.

Like be this image of her but from behind, and she's turned around looking at her massive rear
Anyone got new Nadekos?

His old stuff was so good. Even a decade later it's still some of the best fat art out there.
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This fucking thread is deader than shit, it's my turn to try to revive it like almost the entire fucking year, I leave this to you, my dears, just finished shit.

hey, can you open dms on twitter? would love to comm you.
ready now you can send me a message
oh hey I'm the commissioner of that one, lost it in a computer change a while back. Thanks for posting it here!!
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Thinking about making a Google doc archive of this thread in light of the recent news

Though no promises because this thread is long
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This thread some how stood 3 whole years despite the series not having much art as most. It's been an honor posting fat art of mono girls with you all.
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Am I blind or these have not yet been posted
>>176665 GBF thread is still going since like what, January 20th of 2020?
>Blueberry AND AI

You are a special kind of retard huh?
why did you repost this dogshit you idiot
Aren't you ashamed to bark like a dog on a forum dedicated to pornography? You just look like a retard with a lack of attention span
duhhh duhh im retarded duhhh im retarded as fuck. thats what you sound like
You dumbass, this is the wrong board for both of those. AI has it's own board, and Blueberry goes to either /inf/ or /bbwalt/ boards.
Go back to your own board, blueberry fucker.
Go fuck yourself, nigga
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I've been working on this drawing for months and I felt sorry it was going to get lost, so I'm publishing it here.
I have open commissions
Exclusively about monogatari
If anyone is interested I don't have any limitations in terms of fetishes and preferences
I notice you're still drawing Monogatari, have you ever thought of drawing another Nadeko? I really liked the one you drew above
Actually on second thought just noticed the other discussion above, ignore my autism.
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I can but I would do it under commission
I have more preference for shinobu and hanekawa or well they 2 would be the characters I always use.
I can give you 10 usd for monogatari with everything already included color etc. I have no limitations on girl fatness.
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You fucking idiot, she's from Doki Doki Literature Club
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Keeping thread alive, don't think this Hanecowa has been posted yet
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I'm gonna be honest, was hoping a resurgence in Monogatari fats with the new series coming out, but so far we've barely got anything new, especially any for the characters in the current arc.
I mean...this cartoon as a whole is pretty frickin' complex, and very few people will bother watching it from start to finish. It's probably why there is still little to no fat art
Woah, we finally got a fat Sodachi. A pleasant surprise tbh.
Rare fat Sodachi?! About time!
Yeah, freaking finally someone drew her.
Wish we had more art with her

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