
Fucking plump. Love it.
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Does anyone have the colored Nessa sequence?
It's on Tumblr. Problem is, the image quality is poor when zooming in.
(1.9 MB, 3508x2480, addylines.png)
someone has the colored version?
I know this isn't the coloring thread, but it'd be fantastic if someone would color that Nessa.
can someone color the bea and nessa birthday one, its gotta happen someday
this week's been fucking wild with the gifts, at the start of the week some guy redid my reddit PFP for me and now at the end of the week, i get a coloured version of one of my favorite jeetdoh works, it comes full circle, thanks man
>Forced feeding their no. 1 fan
>They get monstrously fat
Really makes you think
(1.1 MB, 2327x2480, gyro.png)
Finally, a good comm. Big W for Team Ikari.
Metal Slug fans rejoice.
fuck outta here
Damn, now the rest.

Is it okay to draw her as a diabetic blob, but he crossed the line when he whitewashed her?
I think it's just the lighting. You could probably fix it by messing with the levels

Magilou looking good! 👍
>draw her as a diabetic blob
bro we're on bbwchan tf do you expect to see here
Ah fuck, here we go.
You got the popcorn?
I like it. Good job.
So you're either a racist or you're being a contrarian for the sake of trolling. Either way, get out.
Can we have at least one Jeetdoh thread without Twitter bigots?
>culturally appropriating this hard
Nessa is a deliciously brown cute 2D girl
not a shartmerican pavement ape
>Not liking Nessa in all flavors

My man, I don't think anyone outside this place has the same views on overweight people, hell, those shock websites used a lot of photos showing 600lbs fatties on hospital beds just to scare away normies.

I'd would worship that symbol on her belly.
Because her original flavor in fine as is. If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
thanks for fixing it bro, dark skin just kills my boner tbh, it just looks stupid af.
Found the racist.
Y’all are loosing your minds over this. Despite the fact that this is bait and y’all walked right into it, this is no different then when people make dark skinned alts of other characters like guilty gear it’s just fan art get over yourselves
hey i know im a month late but which character do you hope jeetdoh draws?
in general? i-no or blue mary. I’d love to see more fighting game stuff in general from him tbh.
im honestly hoping some OCs like areku aleku's OCs nikume and serena
>Shakes his fist at outrageous post
Racism btfo
wait is that clip from the new RE film?
That's technically male weight gain because of Jeetdoh self inserting himself.

He's gone downhill quickly over the last half year.
>People on a board dedicated to FAT WOMEN don't want to see or hear about men

Shocking. Truly.

Go back to twitter to suck Jeet off.
I rest my case.
(3.4 MB, 4172x2480, pig_out_by_jeetdoh_ddujqe8.png)
its a board meant for straight guys. We just dont want to see that shit. simple ass. its a major turn off and purely differences of preferences
im just gonna pretend she's feeding nessa or sonia. or some other bullshit.
>its a board meant for straight guys.
Or lesbian women.

>im just gonna pretend she's feeding nessa or sonia. or some other bullshit.
Running from the truth will only make it worse.
I'm starting to think that there's a new mod who doesn't respect the rules.

Not long ago, I reported a mutual weight gain between a male and female that showed up on the Precure thread, but the mods decided to hide the pic behind spoilers instead of outright removing it, or transfering it to the Mutual Weight Gain Thread in /Alt/.
There's been no updates to the rules since last March, so there definitely a mod that's fucking up.
>thread is about an artist
>art from said artist gets posted
>autists throw a fit instead of hiding and ignoring things they don't like
>mods remove the autists and leave the art
Seems right to me.
To whom ever is “moderating” this board: ENFORCE THE DAMN RULES
>leaves furry and male art up while deleting complaints
Why do you have to be the biggest fuck up on this board? Get a moderator that can actually moderate - hell I’d be able to do it in my free time.
Somehow I am skeptical you've ever done anything right. Shout as loud as you can though. Something is sure bound to change, eventually
Yes, I'm sure insulting the mods will make them more likely to listen to you. You're that sperg from the MetalForever thread aren't you?
That wasn’t to convince anyone. I wanted to insult the mods, I’m not that guy in the Metalforever thread, I get where is is coming from, passionate about things most people care about. No, I just download anything new then leave.
(4.4 MB, 3508x2480, ang.jpg)
Post art fuckers
>Yells at us to post art, all the complaints were deleted again, then the male fat gets hidden behind spoilers but not removed.
You're the mod whose failing that their job aren't you?
>spaz bitches about a drawing containing half of a circle
>bitching is ignored and deleted
>spaz bitches again
>bitching is ignored and deleted again
>spaz bitches a third time
I wonder what happens next.
funny enough for some reason i've been imagine jeet drawing junko and mukuro fat and junko is offering a soda to the viewer and shes holding a popcorn bucket while mukuro is holding her own cup of soda
He simply discovered that he was bisexual. End of story.
He started drawing fat Pokemon.
Yo, I've never seen this one before. Is this from his Patreon?
How are the results looking on the poll?
Doesn't matter because March's poll was a male poll.
>>81075 can we get this removed from here?
doesn't feel needed
You don't feel needed
why you gotta be a jerk about it.
That baiken is godly
didn’t even realize he did a poll wtf
this is godly but i’m kinda sad i-no was left out AGAIN
He usually announces who the poll candidates are on DeviantArt and Twitter, but he didn't do so this time for whatever reason.
he did on twitter i checked i just never saw it >>89600
So he did, and it was only DeviantArt that he didn't post the announcement to. What a bastard, especially after Baiken was the first fat female he's done in 2 months, after skipping February then doing a male poll for March.
>kinda sad i-no was left out AGAIN
I don't care for her, but she would've been better then having Testament whose non-binary. Non-binary characters being an option are just as bad as males.

That first one holy unholy hell! <3
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I don't know why people think this thread is worth keeping around. The amount of fatty female content Jeetdoh has put out has dropped significantly this year, not posting any in either February or March, and has announced that he won't be doing more polls for an unknown amount of time due to personal reasons.
Yeah I dunno why this thread exits he only puts out like a handful of really good pics a year at this point
has jeetdoh made any danganronpa art?
I think he either really wants to do fat sissy maid boys, or he's burning himself out with how much he's putting into each individual picture. I think if he just released small ones, where the weight gain is the content, not the polish, he'd be set. He could even do male wg every now and again, but as long as there's a consistent source of fats he's better off.
Can’t put my finger on it but for some reason I just don’t find these appealing at all maybe it’s the overly simplistic flat look art style though I’m not sure
It's their faces, they're not as cute as his other pics. The shit eating grin is not really helping either lol
His OCs have always been meh.
Who is that character?
shoebill from kemono friends
You guys ready for him to trans out tomorrow? 100% he’s going non-binary or fucking tranny mode during pride month.
Can we kill this thread if no art is getting posted? Enough of the necroposting.
Why the fuck do you care.
>>95846 because its annoying
like we get it , now be quiet
enjoy your month or whatever just
know the companies dont give a shit about you
like at all
I'm feeling the same way. Just toss him in with art general crowd.
idk if its me or not but the clockhead goons on that last one remind me of the cut camheds gang from manhunt
Because it’s annoying seeing the billionth artist do the same thing because they’ve either cooked themself gay and/or want to score brownie points.
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>ITT: imageboard brainrotted morons complaining about twitter brainrotted morons instead of posting art
"Ooh, he go le troony because le groomy on le ebil twitturs!!!"
Or maybe it has far more to do with him being from Thailand.
What does him being from Thailand have to do with anything?
You could just say "I'm a terminally online loser and I'm sure it's the fault of these rainbow people somehow". Gets the point across a lot easier.
Ever heard of ladyboys?
I forgot the average user here has barely left their mother's basement, let alone their country of birth.

About 8% of Thailand's population is LGBT and a lot of that is made up of trans women, AKA "Kathoey" or "Ladyboys". It's definitely the highest proportion of any Asian country, and probably one of the highest in the world.
No I haven't, that's new to me.

I don't look up stats like that because I'm not one to judge nationalities that I'm not of.
>I don't look up stats like that because I'm not one to judge nationalities that I'm not of.
Not much of a Channer then, are you?
There's a big difference between judging someone for their nationality and judging them for being an idiot who makes poor decisions. Jeetdoh fell into Twitter's sensationalism with all of his femboy garbage and is shamelessly pandering to the Twitter crowd. Along with how he's handled his Patreon, those are what I judge him for.
Nigga you're dumb, stop embarassing yourself.
no no no. he's got points
Dude is whining because artist is doing not so straight stuffs.
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>Artist is from country where ladyboys one of the biggest national stereotypes and has been since the 70s
>Artist experiments with their gender
>Clearly Twitter is the cause

Nah, I don't think he does somehow.
Ayo?? Jeet is gay? What a shock
Does this guy even draw anymore?
He's been sticking with his robots for the last month. I don't know why >>100357 thought bumping this thread was a good idea, but I hope the mod deletes this thread as it was on the verge of dying but there hasn't been any art posted.
Yeah, this thread is fucking useless nowadays. He's been dripfeeding us new WG art since January and I'm honestly baffled by how he prefers robots and ladyboys. How the mighty have fallen
So why did you bump this thread after 2 weeks of nothing despite knowing that?
So the mod deletes the entire shit storm that happened on the Kip thread, but doesn't do anything here. How does that make sense?
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someone has this pic of his patreon?
that better not be blueberry inflation
It's likely that new octopus oc of his. She's blue normally.
Jeet has gotten stale. Those wg sequences were the last interesting work he's done,
Well that’s a big “meh” right there….
Why didn't you let this thread die?
Oh, what the fuck? Even more art of his octopus OC? I'm sick already. He stopped drawing actually good art months ago, he's kind of a lost cause now lol
He's been a lost cause since he started his maid shit, yet people here are too retarded to let this thread die. Nothing good will come from him anymore.
People should just stop uploading his shit here, as it's obviously not sexually appealing in the slightest
Nah his art is still excellent, keep going lads
Since it’s unlikely that we get some new stuff that’s actually good in the near future, who’s up to do some edits?

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