
Can I make a joke about how overpriced his Art Packs are?
I think it's two or three of the OCs mostly, and it's the most androgynous ones.
Plus whatever nonsense seems to be going on with Rebound and her kind of pointless extraction from a different character.
See where's this shit been? It's characters we like, it's a big fat ass, and it's a different pose from usual. How hard was this for him?
Any marvel stuff, like Gwenpool, Spider gwen, Ms. Marvel?
Everyone likes Shannon though, she's the best.

Annette's pretty great, too. So's Melissa.
I like Kate and Shannon design-wise, but that's about it.
Less talking, more getting the pack.-_-
Julie and Grace have potential...

But Shadee was only seen for 1 pack....i would love to see that OC make a return
Shadee was like the tall genie chick right?

She caused trouble and shit, I could see her making people fat just to mess with them. That has story potential.
I think a big problem with Axel is that he'll do packs with themes but not really explore them or do anything creative. Like the swimsuit packs were alright but they were especially good when we saw the girls playing volleyball or interacting. Just the flat pinup would've gotten old.
That gif is amazing. I fucking hate Dobson.
>He has every right to charge you 50 dollars for a shitty sketch
Seriously though, Andrew Dobson is just scratching the surface of inflation/weight gain rabbit hole.
I would love for him to do more Annette.
Anyone have the picture of Irina from assassination classroom?
Does anyone have that one sketch he did of the Genie chick exploding after being filled with water?
Nobody even cares about the new pack lawl. I think Axel Rosered interest has hit rock bottom. This chats are dead af until he drops a new recycled pack.
Yeah I think a lot of people only stick around these threads because once they get saged and deleted the packs are lost unless Morke puts them on E hentai. Axel would have people in a pretty nasty compulsion loop if his packs were better. Instead only 2 or 3 of the years pack's are even worth buying, and by the time they become public it's been 2 years.
I think he really needs to improve his business strategy. Other fetish artists are doing fine, but Axel won't listen to his customers and stays isolated with RollingCutter kissing his ass.
Her name is Aliya.
Why does anyone even support him at this point? He seems like a stuck up boomer
The link doesn’t work for me, won’t provide a secure connection, is there another way the pack could be uploaded?
This is the most autistic one yet
damn you said it
Since when was getting your butt burned a fetish
You can tell all that was added in an attempt to save this thread
This is his worst pack yet. This shit belongs in the trash can. The amount of other weird fetish shit, low effort art, blatantly reused, uncreative poses and setups, and the amount of these shitty OCs and stupid fucking fish. I think this pushed me over the edge with this guy.
Axel peeked for sure but he's still better than Tubbytoons
For real though, his old sketchbooks and fan-tastic packs were the best, even if they featured some weird stuff at times. Real shame we're never getting that artstyle back, would make axel worth commissioning.
My favorite pack is actually Panty and Stocking vs Harley Quinn, just because of the police outfits they wore in it. Anyway, he should really make an alt account or something for the macro/spanking/diaper stuff, it would probably benefit him in the long run. I miss when things were just consistently about fat girls. Although sometimes we'd get an old woman or one of those three headed things. *shudder*
The beach packs and the Bulma comic were both pretty good, so Axel's clearly still capable of doing good work, he just chooses not to for some bizarre reason. Like, besides the bizarre fetishes only he has, why does he keep trying to push the shitty dragon girl OC for preg pieces? She's no Nurs that's for sure.
As the guy who bought the pack, I honestly kinda regret buying this.
(128 KB, 1024x762, juliet_starling_weight_gain_pt_2_axelrosered_by_andrew5459_d9zvjlj.jpg)
Man even if his stuff was back to being like the good ol' days his prices are insane. $30 for a sketch seems alright, but then it jumps to $130 for a knees up pin-up that's chubby only, and a wowza $200 for a proper illustration. I don't care how good his stuff is, I'd rather pay 7 different indie artists for that amount jesus christ, it's approaching YCH $750 levels of insanity.
I thought Axel abanndoned Annete before the simplification but i think he tried once to bring her back before what I assume is just drawing zero suit samus for ease
Does anyone have edit of Princess Lum without Captain N?

Can we… not complain? And put our complaints in the man baby thread where it belongs?

He's been drawing furries since the beginning of time, what are you on about?
Eh, it's just a commission.
To his credit the girl furry thing has a decently cute facial expression. He can't salvage the other one though.
I think that's one of Axel's best qualities as an artist, his style of faces is very appealing, when they aren't ugly crying that is.
>A simple drawing of an underrated waifu struggling with her shorts, panty shot and thiccness
Bullshit, someone edited an image from his packs, he can draw but goddamn he really must use the same fucking characters:
>Forgettable Street Fighter cunt
>Panty & Stocking
>Harley Quinn
>Mediocre OC
But if it's something out of his diverse cast of characters, then he has to draw them on some weird shit that nobody not even from DeviantArt would get off to.
I miss Annette, Shannon and Melissa
(3.0 MB, 498x211, me-too-me-too-kid.gif) (604 KB, 1240x1754, gut_buster___annette_spanked_by_trainer_by_axel_rosered_db2lrxz.png) (562 KB, 1650x1041, bountiful_bulging___belly_of_the_wild_by_axel_rosered_dcfhxyc.png) (656 KB, 2550x1650, halloween_sketches_2_by_axel_rosered_de8tw87.png)
Welcome to the party pal.

Heck I'd gladly accept having a shit ton of male expansion and transforming into inflatable objects like parade floats and pool toys if it meant Shannon, Melissa, and especially Annette got more focus and more body expansion stuff instead of his bizarre fetishes. Like I'd be down to see the guy spanking Annette get big if it meant that we'd see less of his bizarre fetishes.

That's not saying much
Didn't know mediocre side characters like Harley Quinn or forgotten animes are the new black.
With that said, did anyone happen to have any harley quinn pictures?
True, for those who not aware Axel is only better because though his commission prices are ridiculously high he won't steal your money and will still do your request
Anything new for Marvel?
Toothpick legs with beach ball ass cheeks never looks good. It's when he distributes the weight proportionally throughout the rear and legs that the drawing becomes kino
Question for you all,

Would you rather have Axel swap his bizarre fetishes for inflatable object transformation and male expansion if it meant we got to see more of Annette, Melissa, and Shannon?

I mean I would personally, I think the guy spanking Annette is fine looking and I'd like to see him plumped or puffed up but I'm curious about the rest of you.
I’ll be for real. I wouldn’t mind that actually.
He already does male garbage
That said no
There are SSBBW with godlike asses who could work as reference (Foxxie, Jackie, Shannon) hell I still have the Shantae sketch whose body is one of those picsets by Boberry and can still make anyone hard. My other complain by him has to be the simple circles with fat faces, they're not that difficult to draw.
Hey can anyone post this
It's probably on e-hentai
Nah dude, it was deleted

I may be wrong but i'm pretty sure the ones he draws like that are due to his diaper fetish.

At this point I don't think I really care anymore. Axel was great at the beginning when there wasn't as much to compare to but his art is kind of meh, so I just take what I like from him now and largely ignore the rest.

I thought his art was meh at best even in the earlier days. Hes gotten a little better at fat chicks (whenever he actually draws them) but everything else is about the same as it was when i first saw him almost 20 years ago.
Saw a drawing of a mega fatty sitting whose enormous belly is being held up by a strap and a thin woman is forcing a giant dildo into her. Anyone have it?

This one doesn’t look bad. But I’ll pass because I’m not a furry.
I ain't no furry but...Rouge in a monokini doesn't sound too bad
(639 KB, 1650x2550, Patreon Rouge.png)
It may be furry, but can someone still get it?
"this file type is unsupported
it's a zipfile
Just use an extractor
looks nice specially blaze i hope some one have it
maybe someday people will learn to use anongts
>> 79658 I just saw this. Thanks!
where'd you find this?
Anyone have the newer Total Drama pics?
(2.8 MB, 2550x3330, Blaze Spanked.png)
Blaze Spanked
(8 KB, 182x276, download.jpg)
Here's to you, bro. Hugs and smooches.

Do yourself a favor and escort yourself into the nearest looney bin and file your complaints into the man baby thread where you belong, you extra sized, smelly fuck face
Is he talking about me or the person who complaining? >>80258

The dude complaining, don’t worry about it
How did the reports fail? There's a Sonic Girls thread over on the Furry board where those images can go to. Mods, you don't have to get rid of them, just move them over there.
When did he draw more total drama pics?
Do you know which characters?
The newest pack isn't bad I'll give hin that. You get exactly what you pay for.
Why and How the FUCK has he not done more stuff like this, Fuck WHy has he not even Done a continuation pic?
I think that one was a commission. The OC is Kimberly I think.
(1.0 MB, 2550x1650, 5 Limbless Harley.png)
He's going even further beyond diapers and burning ass
Kinda creepy... (just my opinion)
That is the correct opinion

Let me just say that the people in the reality whose Axel got off to inflatable object transformation instead of this are lucky. (Depending on who you ask)
oh no
packs will be insufferable now.
Axel's anti-piracy measure: make the next pack about the worst OC so no one will pirate it
Most generic one yet. I hope the pink thing dies, such a boring design
You know, Dr. Worm's Winona is a lot like this OC in that she's pink, but otherwise her only non human feature is her worm like limbs. I've never heard anyone complain about her design being boring though, so is that really the problem? I agree I like this OC a lot less than Worm's, I'm just trying to figure out the reason.
Not another one of these...

Literally all he has to do is anything besides this, and he'd make bank.
Worst part is that some of the pics are things I want out of actual GOOD characters.
Is there any reason why he's been cycling through the same set of 20 characters for the past 5 years?
Same reason he keeps using the same poses.
He's lazy.
For me, it's because we get to see Winona's personality more versus Ursula and Oliver who I'm not really sure of.
(102 KB, 746x1071, CIV5jLQUAAADpl8.jpg)
Does anyone have the pic of classic roll poking the belly of this version roll?
Is it bumplimit time
I'm not certain what the viewer is supposed to get out of that one. It looks like they're pinned to the wall by the backs of their dresses, while they're legs are weighed down so they can't sway or anything.
On patreon he says he wants to do more with this idea, so I guess expect more in the future,

Really fuckin weird, at least we get a nice look at their legs. Guess that's where the bar is.

unless the weights are meant to cause their clothes to rip from the downward pull, leaving them in their undies when they come loose.
Draws nice looking fat girls.

They're doing weird shit.
Why not just....draw them taking off their clothes. Brevity is not one of Axel's strong suits.
God that’s beyond accurate when it comes to his art
Wait where’s the first part?
I like that Megaman one. Variety with the poses, goes a long way.

Did anyone catch the Picarto stream on saturday? Did he draw anything good?
So, no one was able to buy the pack huh?
in due time my freind
These 8 part sets of a single character are starting to get a tad annoying
It's padding to say the least. There's technically variety but they are all in essence the same picture. Kinda wish he'd more comics where a character is inherently changing over time.

Maybe the new one he's making for patreon will be good.
Oh UUNNFF 🥵 I’ll Always take art of my number 1 wife Merrill
(144 KB, 1050x1725, FD47FDcUUAY-6HK.jpeg)
Padding aside some of the images in this pack are pretty good.

However I know we shit on Axel for doing Harley or Panty and Stocking for the 50th time and really shit taste but I think this takes the fucking cake
Deanna Fucking Troi? I didn't even know a boner killer like this could exist, who in their right fucking mind thought Troi would be a good sexy character to draw ffs.
did she really need 8 color images :l
I mean at the best of the times any character doesn't really need that many, but somehow this is even worse, to me anyways.
Who is the Lady with the Butt expansion?
An OC?
Catwoman from Dark Knight Rises
There was nothing there but thanks anyway
Axel is fucking gone and has been for years. Just stop following the guy. His mind has become tossed salad and scrambled eggs. Few years from now I will not be surprised if he ended up in the fucking nuthouse.
Y'all really hate Star Trek that much, huh?
Wait there are Star Trek fats?
(112 KB, 484x349, desu.png)
This is what I've been waiting for.
I swear to god if Axel doesn’t reference this I’m gonna snap
Its not on there
>An entire pack for Star Trek
<Deanna Troi
This is a slightly late April Fool's joke right? No one would actually do that right?
This is actually some pretty decent stuff
Not bad at all, just...why Deanna Troi?
>axel makes decent fats
>it's a literal who
i guess the monkey paw had to come in somewhere, eh
Shiiit this is some good stuff but it’s wasted on this nobody of a character. Axel finally does something other than his shitty OCs, Harley Quinn, or panty and stocking and it’s this
I wish the redhead got fat too :/
it’s a good pack. but yeah...Deanna Troi???

Nice, some Kaoru Tanamachi. :)
Honestly I'm just glad that a character from an IP I like is finally getting more fats
I'd say I hope he does this for other shows/games/movies/etc., but this the same guy who spent the better part of a decade drawing Panty and Stocking over and over again
I mean its not a bad pack but why a charcter that I only now know of from these comments? Why not Kill la Kill girls or Nintendo girls?

But whatever I stand by my statement that Axel's been turning for the better lately. Hell I actually like his Kate and Sarah OCs.
Fucking zoomers
Got any pictures of Squirrel Girl getting stuck through a vent?
Like if he wanted to do a literal who, he could’ve brought back Annette since he wasn’t using her as much as he did before so using her would’ve been a collective, “oh yeah I kinda forgot about her.”
(176 KB, 719x1112, squirrel_in_undies_2_by_axel_rosered_demg4f3-pre.jpg) (221 KB, 825x1275, de24jrj-0665056a-8a02-4436-814c-85a725b3f8f7.jpg) (142 KB, 719x1112, squirrel_in_undies_by_axel_rosered_demg4eo-pre.jpg) (221 KB, 1280x597, 1653995-013_Harley_Quinn_Vs_Everyone_Else_Pages_1_2.jpg) (263 KB, 825x1275, de24jpl-b5267361-38d1-4505-ac56-9b185f84bd4e.jpg) (189 KB, 825x1275, de1uyj0-08e943f3-d820-4472-b2ef-0dc1cf1deedd.jpg)
Does anyone know where to find a complete collection of these EUF sequences? I have a good amount of them, but I don't know what to search to find them...
(306 KB, 1650x2550, b35a8b45cd56529aa0bfaae2499a89721fcf72f08e589c970829d8c770c6e76e.png) (270 KB, 1275x825, de24lny-954916b7-955a-4540-94e8-d15f78feea25.jpg) (300 KB, 1650x2550, 8a3c8f00d6249ffb0be34ae3c475bee6a7ad1b919ac1ce2b4444bb63dcc484a6.png) (321 KB, 1650x2550, 16e885153f66996ef7b83830316e16b94987caa90c9191b685d5c9a2b5576dcd.png) (271 KB, 1275x825, de24leh-aab05cc3-da1c-4133-8546-eab1e247a603.jpg) (317 KB, 1650x2550, ff07aa3c216b132676bf23122245fc3e17f165f165919990085577e342e8a459.png)
Real quick....what does EUF mean,if you dont mind>>91329
(307 KB, 1280x1978, 1435.jpg)
Embarrassed Underwear Female.
Similarly, ENF stands for Embarrassed Nude Female, which Axel has also dabbled in.
It's a shame that both of them are rarely done with overweight characters.
(1.6 MB, 1342x1098, Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 3.16.05 PM.png)
After watching his latest stream, it appears this months image pack is going to consist of micro/wg stuff. And more of these stuck orb things. I also saw some fat art in the works for it, maybe it'll be good. Who can say.
(188 KB, 1024x638, FSF3ORuWUAIDKvR.jpg)
New pack. Mondo May. I spy some sketches of tracer.
He does fat stocking well I’ll give him that.
Anyone got the new may pack plz
That last comic was kinda lame, but overall not a bad pack. Fuck I'll take anything over the fucking jars again.
Is it just me, or is this adorable Momoo a little low res? Anyone have the full size version?
Damn, the desk thing would be even better if it was literally any other character. I guess that's Axel for ya. Oh well
>>93110 Wow dude you're really talented and you no look like you trace or copy at all. You should work for a real studio like be a real professional artist or something.
I like her cause she's fat and wears a two piece.
He came up with her, used her a few times, and then did NOTHING with her. Perhaps if a character is consistently chubby customers will know what to expect and not be suckered into buying packs they don't want.
Yeah he's very neglectful of his OC's he did it to Annette then Charlotte and now he's doing it to Shannon
(366 KB, 808x528, 8834053d75e47237de3eb725429f707012fcca70541fba4869ce2acbe04071b2.jpg) (450 KB, 981x1754, 8c92c55825fc69152dbe722018201ea979b81c434e98090be1711a7e7902443d.png) (720 KB, 2550x1650, Makowiec Reclined Patreon.png) (741 KB, 1650x2550, Patreon Medea.png) (713 KB, 1650x2550, Patreon Makoweic (OC).png) (91 KB, 1111x719, 238f79568f7550b23e40b1389354788a62b4ccc6e7a72c3938c4eb1ea7377c10.jpg)
More art of i'm is cool... So post more art, even if it's old... As long as it's HQ...
Does anyone have that tetra pic called booby trap or something like that
Don't Piss on the Floor Piss on the Commodore fetish sketches confirmed?
I like seeing Grace as Rebound.
I hope he does more with the character.

What y'all hoping for next pack?
I hope he does an Roly Poly pack...
it's not very good, like 95% balloon butt shit
nothing really interesting from the preview image
Looks like crap yeah, at least he had the decency to make most of the preview images terrible. I'm real excited for an all new pack using the same 10 static poses everyone's sick of. And they're all OCs in case you thought he'd learned anything.
(114 KB, 1318x1576, Capture.JPG)
kinda similar to axel but im not sure if he drew this or not
(87 KB, 1299x1568, robin v2.JPG)
found an alt version as well
sorry bro, don’t be surprised if it takes a minute to go up, this pack looks lame as fuck
>changed Grace's qt hairstyle to something objectively worse
At this point I shouldn't be surprised
Look for a pic Axel did of Babariccia that involved her inflating two other final fantasy girls.
I mean hey, there's always next month right? Right?
I say go for it...pack looks decent
welp, that sucked, see you guys next month
Why does he keep using the same three characters
>no Panty & Stocking
>no Scanty & Kneesocks
It's just what he's comfortable drawing I guess. He's done these characters so many times he knows how to draw them from any angle, so he might as well do another pack full of these instead of taking a risk with something new. So enjoy another pack of trying to fit through a door. Cause that's all he feels like doing. Honestly I miss the Panty and Stocking packs.
I'd prefer he draw them over his mid fucking ocs
Honestly I dont mind those Kate, Sarah and Juliette characters of his but can't he do a Kill la Kill pack for once?
That would be awesome. Straps digging into a fat Ryuko, I could see it now. For some reason he never does Kill la Kills, and when he does it's either diapers or something really weird.
I hope we get another comic pack like Harley Quinn at large sometime. That pack was better than it had any right to be.

The one sequence where Ryuko, Mako, and Sukuyo became pig girls wasn't terrible. At least it had some stuffing in it.
Well sure it did but then he wrecked it. They started as fat girls but then became spheres in the next page, it's like he just didn't wanna put any effort in.
Anon, Axel hasn't been putting effort in for years since he started shilling full-time.
Anon,Some people like spheres
But you can't start with reasonably plump girls and transition into spheres for no reason. Surely if you liked spheres you'd prefer the entire sequence revolved around them, no? Not just randomly veered off in another direction while you were getting into it.

Oh wait, it's Axel. Nevermind.

She is my number 1 favorite OC of his and it is a shame that she is so underutilized despite how much potential she has, and where did you get those new Tina sketches?
Does anyone have Axel's A Little Too Round?
Can someone tell Axel why the fuck he thinks these OC's are better than Annette and Shannon tell him he's stupid and to go back to drawing them instead?
Does anyone also know the name of a certain user who was able to make a 3d printed model of Rei Ayanami Inflated in Axel Rosered's artstyle?
But bro, bro, in this one...it's Gwen Stacey and Squirrel Girl. Yeah, you heard right. 5 bucks please.
This is why people pirate things.
I'm genuinely curious if anyone besides axel and cutter actually finds these images hot
I think the ass cracks actually make these worse. Once you start thinking about how they basically have no butts in this state it's game over
Inflation fags but they’re even more autistic
I think it's more diaper shit honestly. If they were wearing panties we'd see the holes for the legs, for some reason their panties transform into minnie mouse esque bloomers when they turn into spheres.
The only one that's remotely interesting is the one with Robin and Nami, cause there's groping. You'd think if they liked these at all they'd change the damn formula up once in a while, unless they're that autistic.
Genuine question, is Axel autistic? 80% of the content he pushes out is very clearly only done for his own interest. No one cares about the spanking or round inflation or any of that. People want to see chubby bitches.

He did sketch Cerebella there though but as much as I love her I hate how he drew her face
>male sketchbook
Well I mean at least he’s making it obvious instead of concealing it
What a fucking waste

I ain't buying any male inflation shit from Axel unless there's some cock and ball expansion in it and it's a character that is very clearly a female but with a dick.
(36 KB, 663x579, c2d.jpg)
It doesn't even look like all the characters in this pack are men, I can see Palutena and a few others in there. He can't even keep that straight.
At least we know upfront to not bother with it.

In other words, you like futa, you disgusting piece of trash.


I’d rather this then get more mediocre content he’s been posting as of late
(93 KB, 792x1008, Raffle 2013.jpeg)
This one seems to be pretty rare, not sure why
Anyone have the chubby Bayonetta ones?
Who even is Axel’s customer base at this point?

There's people on this site that get hard-ons for furries, slobs, diapers, and other weird shit, you're no exception faggot.
Does anyone have that Sakura picture he made?
There are a few....which one
The Ganbaru one
Does anyone know how many drawings this Axel Rosered made about Dark Magician Girl and Tea?
(153 KB, 1280x1978, CD472E2C-D88C-4A38-80D4-E7C475F44C14.jpeg)
Does anyone have the Axel’s other art of this OC? It’s of her with a big butt wearing plaid pajamas. Her name is Gabrielle according to the file.
>Multi in one of the preview images
Axel strikes again with making a image with a good scenario but finding some way to fuck it up.
This pack looks good otherwise
Are you talking about the PSg one? I hope to god it's not another two headed thing, I see another pair of boobs behind Panty so it might just be lazy perspective, maybe he didn't wanna draw the rest of stocking so he just drew her head.
Probably just a perspective thing
I wouldn't worry about it

Ooh, Is that Dusk from Arknights I spy? Cool stuff.
you people want any of the pics from the male pack?
(161 KB, 1280x890, Axel_RoseRed_150.jpg)
I mean I would but I bet most of the anons don't and don't think it belongs on the board. Link to an upload maybe?
post a link to an upload or something because I don't wanna see it when I'm scrolling through this thread later
welp, it actually was multi
damn. Wish axel would stop picking up new fetishes and forcing it into his art
>1 body 2 heads
>new fetishes
He’s been doing this shit for years
He's done multi before, it's true. At least it's one small part of the pack and not the god damn theme this time.
I sincerely hope Axel is just a lazy jerkoff, and all this weird shit is Cutter's idea. "H-Hey, why don't we do m-more two headed pictures? The patrons'll love it!"
is it weird to say that I'm kinda disappointed by the male pack?
>Panty and stocking S2 was announced
What does this mean for the next coming packs?
(6 KB, 236x245, um01h0wr7h461.jpg)
Maybe now he'll actually try.
I feel nothing but shame in knowing that I found out about this on this board.
>>100199 Is it weird that I wanna say I kinda like this?
(267 KB, 740x604, Gigachad.png)
It means no stop Panty and Stocking packs.
Does anyone have any Axel Rosered packs please? (Other than on E-Hentai)
God, spanking is so autistic
I like spanking but I don't like Axel's brand of spanking. There is never any ecstasy in the facial expressions, and the way his asses react to physical punishment is never pleasing to the eye. I don't know why he can't make an alt account for his shitty spanking and abdl fetishes, at least then we'd only have to worry about spheres and ass expansion from his monthly packs.
Spanking is super normal, what the fuck are you on about?
Anyone has a Picture of a Big Belly Atlanta (Alter) from Fate/Grand Order done by Axel
Dude dont like AE surprising....and spheres are ight to.

I like Axel's spankings but only if the character is fat,he seens to show more expression of the character and the body of the victim with Booty shakes and more things
You know I ALMOST spent $450 on Axel by commissioning fat scanty and kneesocks being spanked. Dodged a bullet there.

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