
Again: does someone have an archive of the non-comic images that got posted on the other threads?
Check kemono.party, 4k versions there
Thanks for the heads up.
You know what? Good on Tessa for taking a measured and responsible course of action to healthily correct her misguided lustings!

... Is what I would like to say but we all know that this bird ain't gonna fly.

Love how kip is handling Tessa. After all his other comics ending up wholesome its nice finally having a character who doesnt like the gain and is consistently embarrassed/anxious about it
(338 KB, 1280x1800, FNN27XL.jpg)
Wonder if we are heading down this route.
Gonna post here6a coloring from the comic

Headed down that road? Lots of pages of buildup then only a handful of 'getting down to business' i.e., sexy stuff? Probably.
>I swear Cindy looks so much like Tessa that I thought this was a new page
I posted the comic coloring in the colorization threat, for some reason I can't post it here, but the way kip makes the black and white now makes it harder to color
You triggered R9K... Just remove 1x1 row of pixels from your colored picture.
Anyone got that one christmas comic with both the no lunch break and the BWS cast?
Put a black dot in the top right corner or something so it's no longer the same file, or just crop it the tiniest possible amount.
First of many feathers gone for Tessa. Is she even in a bra?
So is it the point where Aika finally acknowledges Tessa, ruining her attempt to get back in shape? Cause if not I have no idea where it's going.

Tessa being a bitchy popular girl likely never worked out for her body, so out of shape skinny girl + a bunch of weight means her attempt is gonna be embarrasing and pathetic, so she'll quit and either get baited by saiya again, realize she did damage to more than her figure (appetite, willpower, etc) or a combination of both.
Second. She'd make a good fatty.
It took a damn long time, bit we're finally getting to some good stuff. And the goid stuff is really good holy
(202 KB, 1125x1575, improved2.png)
little improvement
So far the pacing follows a curve instead of a sinusoidal so it should only get better, unlike in NLB where it was constant blueballing.
First 40 pages were an absolute slog though, hope in the next long project intro get condensed to 20 something.

>>77090 (Dead)
Please stfu memer thanks.
we got some humiliation right until saiya walks in the room. watch tessa go out and gorge herself right after she sees saiya.
>slightly tan Tessa

Also very nice coloring anon
Christ it's been ages since embarrassment fat art got me off this fast, good fucking god

Gym Girl jiggling and messing with her belly nonchalantly, Tessa trying to deny it and getting smacked down IMMEDIATELY without any real effort, the blushing and shame apparent on Tessa's face while her stomach sags out and her tits are THIS CLOSE to almost popping out of her... sports bra? top? who fucking cares at this point but godDAMN

if Kip actually follows through on this and keeps up this kind of flow with OSC, I might actually give him money on his Patreon
Im hoping this is the beginning of a stress/comfort eating issue for tessa, or at the very least a diet attempt since the gym deal is clearly a trainwreck. That way saiya isnt the sole reason for the gain, too. I really hope kip goes qll in on the unhappy fatty thing this time, so struggling against appetite is a must.
I'm much more interested in tessa and aika in this pic than saiya. I love that tessa got the huge breasts and aika is all belly. that front angle of saiya isn't working out so well imo.
It's because she's not actually fat. She's verging on full body inflation shit.
Considering Cindy originally was going to be in Tessa’s spot (but through the events of Cindy’s comic she drifted from her original concept, hence why skip made Tessa to replace her) it makes sense why
yeah I'm trying to be nice but saiya destroyed an otherwise good pic.

I'm still waiting for cindy to make a cameo appearance. kip could do it. maybe make cindy tessas sister or something. have tessa get a random call from her sister cindy. I seriously doubt anyone would complain. they'd just be happy to see her in the story.

I dont care what anybody else says, that page is legendary in wg comic history.

I kneel as well.

If she starts getting hungry in the middle of this 12/10. Still going to be a godlike set of pages regardless.
I'm sorry, but what makes it "legendary?" It's good yes, but it's nothing beyond what I've seen plenty of times.
>it's getting good
>and it's not backing out of the good part immediately after introducing it

Judging by the look of her in the last panel we're gonna get the nip slip thats been teased since she put on the tanktop

You guys have whined about how slow the comic is since day one, and what do you do when kip starts bringing out the good stuff? Whine about previous pages

Combination of things. Tessa just has a hot af character design, and the way hes drawing her gain so far is properly flabby looking. Even her arms! (Arms & shoulder noticably bigger & less toned than sports girl's)

Its also the bitchy popular girl comeuppance trope. Its a lot of people's favorite and imo not a lot of people get it quite right, but so far kips doing great with it. Its awesome to see kip lean even further into the fetishy side of things with more belches, tummy noises, lack of fitness, humilition, etc while still having a fun plot going on with it.

Besides, what do you expect? Sub-par 5 page fit-500 pound comics are a dime a dozen, so of course people are gonna go nuts over q kip girl with floppy sweaty tits struggling through bqsic exercises.
>Its also the bitchy popular girl comeuppance trope. Its a lot of people's favorite and imo not a lot of people get it quite right, but so far kips doing great with it. Its awesome to see kip lean even further into the fetishy side of things with more belches, tummy noises, lack of fitness, humilition, etc while still having a fun plot going on with it.

we haven't gotten a lot of belches yet, sadly.

im thinking that after this tessa and saiya may go out to eat. I'm not sure but saiya is doing recon and theres no doubt she will not only be hungry but also want to stuff herself since saiya is there. maybe well get some nice good belches and shell get even bigger.
Can we just timeskip to Tessa having become a mukbang streamer with a properly massive ball gut.
Keep doing what your doing my good sir
Two huge belches from tessa plus the little ones she does while talking after the secone bloat and the stuffing, considering those are the only times tessa has stuffed with us "seeing" it its fine. Kip said the comic is escalating from here in their new years post so im sure we'll get more

I know kip will push the tessa/saiya relationship forward eventually but i want to see tessa flounder and struggle with her gain as much qs possible. Let her put it on all by herself, save the mushy wholesome talk for the end. Or dont! Let tessa end the comic off bigger AND sad, and give us a sequel!
This is wonderful, please keep doing this great job.
>Two huge belches from tessa plus the little ones she does while talking after the secone bloat and the stuffing, considering those are the only times tessa has stuffed with us "seeing" it its fine. Kip said the comic is escalating from here in their new years post so im sure we'll get more

Dude, the main focus of the comic is stuffing/weight gain, that's where the escalation is going to be.
I don't know where in your crystal ball you read there will be more belching. I mean, if you think more stuffing means more belching then maybe, but that's a stretch.
Indeed, she got just the right amount of arm softness to fit the chubby profile without them looking gross, was especially noticeable in 111. And these hips and thighs are great. Still room for improvement on the butt though. Best case scenario she sticks with sports and get a nice perky butt without losing weight.

I hope we get a 180 turn and Aika starts being the one chasing Tessa and tempting her while she tries to lose weight, that would be hilarious.

Ah yes my favorite room in high school lifeless white void

(Not complaining just saying)
I see the opposite, people who had issues with the comic suddenly going nuts and sucking Kip off just because there have been 2 good pages.
So how likely is Saiya gonna have a fling with Tessa? The fat nut she's holding in honestly makes me hope for one.
"Lifeless white void" describes how I remember the gym hall pretty well
If this scene maintains this level of kino, I'd be very appreciative if you kept up this level of splendid colouring. Thank you.
"kino" is German for cinema right?

what is the other meaning?
People use it to mean high quality art in general.
It's one of the current internet funnywords for "thing I like."
Can y'all stop speculating about when Tessa will burp or whatever, this is already a degenerative comic, no need to get all "she's gonna have to burp in the next page bro really big one"
>boobs literally pressing against the pull up bar
I am cum
I predict Tessa will somehow trip and twist her ankle or wrist, preventing her from doing further exercise
I'm not sure that we'll see this, but I like the way you think!
this aint Tessa tripping, it's Saya running off.
Tessa is bare foot.
I know, but when Tessa comes in the storage room, I'm thinking she might trip on and possibly land atop the fallen Saiya, possibly spraining something in the process. My predictions have been pretty wrong so far though, so idk

From the dialogue, it sounds like the trainer is going to discover Saiya first, and we'll have an interaction there.
Tessa could peek in afterwards, and put the pieces together that she's being spied on, which encourages her to keep gaining.
However it plays out, I'm hoping Tessa continues to try to hide her gain. Kip has plenty of comics where the characters come to terms with their weight fairly quickly, but I prefer it when the fat is a dirty little secret. It seems sexier and more taboo that way
I was hoping this went the other way. I was hoping she realizes how much saiya likes it, she finally has saiyas attention and this working out aint working out anyway so they go out to eat and she just goes all out and gorges on food.
Would be a bit of a shame since that's what happened to Sydney in NLB
It'd be fine if she pigs out around Saiya, but still hid her gain in public and around others, especially her manager/friend, whatever her name is
didn't sydney rupture her fucking intestine by falling while trying to exercise while stuffed?

Jesus anon you're spoiling us at this point
Saiya also has her crush on Aika, so she wouldn't start going out with Tessa yet.
thats what I'm thinking is going to happen. saiya is already there so what else could they do?

aika also sent her there to find out some info. them going out "to talk" is very plausible at this point and saiya aint thinking straight since tessas belly is out and jiggling everywhere.
(131 KB, 1058x1200, E_54ZkMVcAUj-gV.jpg)
Speculating the next scenario's be like...
it turns out it was all a massive wacky misunderstanding and none of the characters have a fat fetish, they just liked being humiliated and putting beachballs under their shirts. timeskip to 3 years later: all the characters have lost weight to average/slim size. aika has just won the rat eating contest by eating 50 rotten dead rats and dies. saiya and the other one at her funeral get totally lesbians with each other and it is true love, the end.
if kip does this as an april fools joke I will give him $200
Genuinely curious about Kip's thought process with the rat situation. What compelled him to have a character eat a bunch of dead rats? Was it pseudo-vore?
>Was it pseudo-vore?
That's exactly it, I think. I'm a vorefag and I thought it was pretty fucking hot. Kip is a vorefag that's cultivated an audience that doesn't match up to his powerlevel, so he has to tailor his content to their tastes to make maximum Patreon bux. It took him until just a couple years ago to realize that, though, before which he often waffled on where to take the future of his community.
would tessa and aika be happy if saiya gained weight? I'm thinking half her appeal to them is that she's thin. it seems like tessa only piled it on because she had the hots for saiya and saw saiya is obsessed with bellies. aika just eats at all times.
Kip's art has been on a downward spiral ever since the LWS Hiatus. Nothing Kip has done post Hiatus has been as good as the art they did for LWS 30-45
That's nice, anyway....
I actually think the art has improved a great deal. Particularly kip's anatomy is much better now (especially in these last few pages). The writing on the other hand...
Welp so much for the exercise routine, now Tessa is definitely gonna make herself balloon
Or is she gonna ask Saiya to join her?
>>78074 (Dead)
we all knew it was coming. kip has like a 5:1 ratio of filler to fats. at least saiya has a nice ass here
>>78074 (Dead)
Tbf the last scene actually feels like it got to actually end and it went on for more pages than these scenes usually do. Idk if that means Kip's learned anything or not, we'll see if this next arc comes with some sorta payoff (i.e. Tessa or that other fat chick shows up and the sister starts fat-shaming her). I don't expect it to, but lightning can strike twice.
At least Saiya and Tessa can bond over their shitty moms together
I’ll trust Kip’s plan for now
Really now?! Why should we care about her mother and sister? Nice ass tho
Saiya looks fatter but I guess we're in Kip's large margin of error.
Well, cya in April when this shit probably starts to get back on track. lol
Minor nitpick, but am i the only one who feels like kip has same face syndrome? I can barely tell some characters apart
You're not alone I sometimes have trouble the characters apart sometimes too
This has been a known thing for years. But kip clearly isn’t going to change and his faces aren’t egregious so at this point who cares. There’s people who do way worse looking sameface like a0iisa
(429 KB, 892x676, bluhh.png)
Who is taking the crown for the best OC design Kip has made? Grace and Tessa are my personal favorites. Between the two, I'm picking Grace over Tessa.
Although I adore Grace,
Man, you can't say that if you haven't watched the last three chapters of One Service Choice!
(128 KB, 486x444, bluhh.png)
I'm sorry, Grace still remains top tier imho man lol. Tessa still has plenty potential to outshine Grace since her story is currently ongoing.
Just what this shit train needed; more fucking useless characters.
For sure Syd's the best one so far

I'm hoping at least that as we're spending time with these characters, Tessa is actively gaining, and we'll get to see the staggering results when Saiya meets up with her again.
(17 KB, 569x126, you need help.JPG)
Do NOT look at the poll suggestions on Kip's patreon, worst mistake of my life
That doesn’t seem so bad
Kip's anatomy took a nose dive after the hiatus, recovered a little bit with DWS and then hit rock bottom with NLB that they are still trying to dig themselves out of.
honestly I miss the art of the b/lws era. it felt like peak kip. everything now feels too samey and artificial like metalforever
What was wrong with his anatomy the girls still seemed hot
Back on the day, Kip used to make different shapes for the gals, and different sizes, nowadays it's just belly focus with minimal differences in butt and breast size
To put it in a crude example: all girls would probably use the same 3-4 pants size without too much trouble from start to end, cus 90% goes to their bellies
Ah Well yeah that’s fair but the bellies are why we’re here
It's why you and those who still care for it's art are still here. Most everyone who prefers normal wg art it used to do doesn't post here anymore. Since it's a lost cause once it discovered it only likes unrealistic ball bellies.
uncommon ≠ unrealistic
Lmao the salt
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that might not be bad if he does it right. is she going to get bigger breasts and burst out of her clothes?

were only going to get a big belly then.

this might not be so good.

I thought everybody liked cindys design in fnn and tessas design here in osc? and hasn't aika been growing in the chest area over the break?
Sydney had a lot of stuck age moments which is S tier in my books
agreed, stuckage is great. I hope we get to see Tessa get wedged sometime in the future
Welcome to bbwchan. All the the angry sweaties who whine and complain when an artist doesnt cater to their exact tastes for literally nothing come here
im not entirely sure thats a sound argument for knowing she's lesbian. I mean, one could argue her sister is lesbian just by how she's dressed.
that again...
Isn't everyone in kips stories besides Cindy a lesbian? Like isn't this par for the course?
thats what makes this even more frustrating. I'm trying to stay on topic here and not complain but seriously, this is unneeded. every single comic he's made has lesbians. we don't need aika going to church asking if its okay to be lesbian and saiya asking her family, whom she never once mentioned any sort of connection to, if they are okay with her being lesbian. this is the kind of thing that makes people complain. hopefully thisll end soon and well see tessa even bigger than when we left off.
>every single comic he's made has lesbians
Wrong. Full Night Nanny was between man and woman.
I'm aware.

>Isn't everyone in kips stories besides Cindy a lesbian? Like isn't this par for the course?
I was responding to this and yes, you are correct. every comic except for full night nanny featured lesbians which proves my point. this is nothing new for kip.
It’s 11am hon, time for your daily its ok to be gay propaganda
Back to a couple dry months of no fetish material in a fetish comic for some reason.
I wonder if Tina would get wedged through a hole...
(5.3 MB, 3693x5771, EC5BC251-49A1-42F2-8DA0-1ADBE0C145CF.jpeg)

I mean considering the latest artwork of Tina by Kip from a month or two ago, she’s clearly even fatter than Cindy was by the end of FNN so at least as of this image I’m sure she would.

Sydney definitely looks proud of what she’s done to her GF, and who can blame her. Tina looks fucking incredible! Hopefully we’ll see more of the two of them sooner than later…

Was hoping Kip would draw Makoto someday. The commissioner has good taste. :)

Side note, I’d also love to see some more Connor & Cindy shenanigans soon. Like perhaps the two of them at the film club or going to the pool together, and him feeding her far more than what she ate in FNN. We all know she can eat more, she said so herself… also FNN was supposed to get a printed copy released by Kip and printed in Estonia then distributed but it unfortunately hasn’t happened yet. Perhaps it will this year…
I wouldn't buy it in print. id consider in it in pdf form only to support kip and id do that if he followed up the story just as you said and maybe added some color illustrations of a fully stuffed cindy.
sortof a random question but what characters do you guys think would look good in kip’s style? like what characters do you wish they would draw. for me it’s all the chars from Evangelion
His own OC, I'd rather people stay in their own lane unless they're the type of artist that obviously is actually emulating the style. I'd be nice if people put more effort into their OC instead of being the 65106501650 artist to do fetish are of flavor of the moment characters all the time.
The next one I commissioned from them, of course!
who do y'all think she's going to make her move on? tessa or aika?
Aika. Since Tessa noticed Saiya salivating on her fat, she'll probably go back to tease her. It's clear Saiya has feelings for Aika, for Tessa it's just lust. So we're back to square one. Hope we get a plot twist soon cause scenaristically it's underwhelming.

Aika being the dimwit she is, it's not impossible she tries to get the two together. That would be the best case scenario.
So what exactly did those four pages add to the plot? Normally I'm okay with slower pacing in a long-form comic but this really felt like needless padding.
Lol its classic kip, I haven't touched this comic past the first few pages. Just going to wait until its done and read the good parts. I've learned my lesson at this point
>doesn’t read the comic
>still checks the Kip thread
It’s not that I don’t believe you but please explain your thought process
It added direction; since the comic is a love triangle, Kip wanted to have a scene where we understand the main characters motivation. From the last scene, we absolutely know where Tessa stands in that she's going to double her efforts to gain and thrust herself onto Saiya, but we haven't gotten a glimpse into Saiya's thought process on both Tessa and Aika since she just blanches anytime there's fetish fuel.
While it did drag on for a while, the scene was successful in setting up the fact that Saiya is conflicted, and unsure whether to approach Aiya with her feelings which could potentially ruin their friendship.
If I had to criticize Kip on execution, it would be not using the medium to its full potential:

If you're watching a movie that doesn't feature narration, or monologuing, it's necessary to have character's confessing to each other because it's the only way to convey their innermost thoughts.
But with a comic? Thought bubbles are there for a reason - we could have just dedicated everything that happened between Saiya and her sister reduced to a single page wherein she's walking home alone following the gym scene, just thinking the situation over to herself and reflecting on where she stands with Aiya. It would get the same message across without eating up as many pages.
Not to mention the fact that her mother and sister popping in and out like they did illustrates how bare bones the concept was.
"Hello there - I'm here long enough for exposition. Whoops, see you later."
I agree with the intention, but I think it could have been presented a little better.
its a very badly written love triangle. in fact I don't even know that we can call it a love triangle. a love triangle is something like archie, betty and veronica where archie is head over heels for the two women and can't choose. this relationship between saiya and aika is friendship at best. I see kip trying to force the relationship but it isn't believable. the one time we actually got them spending time together and bonding was in that time skip and aika "kissed / licked" cotton candy from saiyas face. no one will argue aika loves food but does she like saiya? the best hint we got was her going to church asking if its okay for a woman to like another woman. otherwise its completely out of left field. now tessa? we see tessa actively pursuing and showing that she wants saiya. we see saiyas obsession with tessas belly. that is believable. that was well written and we have been beaten over the head with it. thats really all we have to go by here. saiya can't go with tessa because thats lust but what is there with aika?

it almost feels like aika is her love interest "because plot". the last time they spoke that was nothing but exposition and then she sent her to check out tessa. who cares what stacy meant? seriously, who cares? yet aika found it necessary to send her on this quest. instead saiya ended up watching tessas fat bouncing everywhere and running out of there embarrassed. we know tessa saw that so now tessa is about to ramp it up. if she weren't so ashamed of her weight gain id expect a mukbang stream that very night because she knows saiya is tuning in. meanwhile saiya goes home and txts aika. that makes sense as they are friends. her never before mentioned mother and sister visit only to "approve" of her lesbian relationship that she has never shown interest in. if we cut to tessas house and her mother came that would make sense. it make no sense for saiya.

my problem with this isn't that its wasting pages. Its that the pages wasted make no sense when you think of the entire plot. there is a such thing as good filler but kip has never done it.
I think Saya's mom and sister were mentioned and shown in the very early pages of the comics, but they haven't had much relevance since. I agree that aika and Saya's relationship leans far too heavily into just average friendship stuff, but I'd let that slide more if this story had better pacing. I don't mind the slow burn aspect, in fact, I prefer it, but all the filler just isn't particularly interesting
I’ll agree the filler has been dragging on for a bit, but I’ll play devils advocate for a minute: Saiya’s romantic interest in Aika has definitely been established at this point, from the dream she had of her, to her trying to confess (and failing to do so) after her and Aika went out to eat pancakes. You could argue that it seems very one-sided, at least romantically, but that’s exactly what Saiya fears as well, so there the writing fits
saiya was going to confess what? when? her dream was of aika in tessas clothing. I guess we can go with that but every time she's going to confess anything to aika it involves tessa and her weight which she doesn't tell her lest things become awkward. that can go either way. are you really going to confess to your big-bellied friend that you like bellies? it'd make things uncomfortable from then on out which is clearly what she was trying to avoid.

I think there was two times she went to "confess" to aika and it revolved around tessa gaining weight and how she acted around her. thats not really confessing her feelings. even then its still forced. what feelings? how do we see them? we see tessa literally throwing herself at saiya. how is saiya showing anything besides friendship? we have that dream as our only example. aika? the montage where she licked the cotton candy off her face. its just not believable. and tbh I don't even see what they're supposed to see in each other. that hasn't been laid out either so really I'm rooting for saiya to get with tessa not only to watch tessa get bigger but also because shed be more of aikas caretaker then her lover. she had to get her to stop blowing her food money on video games, her house is a mess so she had to clean it and the last time we saw her saiya had to take her to get clothing. I mean seriously? can aika even take care of herself? what does saiya even see in her when she's putting together all of the pieces that aika can't be bothered with? none of it is believable.
It's called One Serving Choice because eventually, Saiya will have to choose between Aika and Tessa.
Things have been very Tessa-Saiya heavy so far, and with the latest developments we've been able to establish that Tessa knows that she can rope in Saiya following her sleuthing stunt, and that she's going to double her efforts.
Tessa will be the wedge that drives between Aika and Saiya, we just need to arrive at that point. Once Aika sees that Saiya is starting to drift towards Tessa, and she puts the pieces together on why exactly that is, we'll have some development on her end.
It's set up to build into an unspoken rivalry between Tessa and Aika where they're both gaining to outdo each other, but it'll be some time before we start seeing the direct confrontation in the comic.
Wait why did she change her shirt to a top tank?
I still like to see people bitch about kip from time to time, but i'm at the point where even that has lost its luster. Like I said prior I literally have no idea whats happening in the comic aside from the first few pages and will just wait until its all done in like 2 years. The last time I commented in this thread was probably months ago if at all
Holy shit kips losing it
aika can't even bother to clean her room. aika had a giant gum creature because she couldn't bother to throw it out. aika couldn't even manage to go out and get herself clothed. you really think she has it in her to take on tessa for saiyas affection? I get that is the idea but come on. thats what I'm saying. we know thats where kip is trying to go. we always knew that but it is not shown in the story and thats the problem.

im not even trying to bitch. I'm serious. i was trying to come here, read the comic and throw out ideas as to the next one. I wanted to keep it polite but since it came up I kept the convo going.

right now I'm not sure whats going on either. the love triangle hasn't been defined at all. I've explained that. the only thing I think we know is that aika somehow sympathizes with tessa and wants to know what stacy meant when she said she has no idea what she's talking about during that project. remember when aika called her tessas lackey and she said she has no idea what she's talking about? aika sent saiya undercover to ask tessa what she meant by that. instead saiya saw tessa working out and ran out of the gym blushing giving tessa the ammo to continue gaining. the actual plot is confusing because who cares about stacy? all we have seen is her yelling at tessa whenever possible such as about her weight recently. now were to believe that tessa runs the show? after she got chewed out by stacy and her own mother? it makes no sense. I feel like stacy is something like tessas manager which is why she's always mad at her but the whole "go in and find out whats going on" was just stupid on aikas part. aika is just handing saiya over to tessa plus we never see her and saiya doing anything worthwhile. thats why the love triangle makes no sense and no one knows whats going on.

I'm curious as to where it goes next. will tessa come to school even bigger? or will we have another useless scene with aika?

I never even thought it was going to be Tessa vs Aika. Aika genuinely isn't interested in Saiya, found that out in the church scene. Aika is braindead so she meant it literally when she said it was "for a friend." She thinks Saiya has a crush on Tessa since Saiya always gets blushy/awkward when she's brought up, and wants to set them up which is why she sent Saiya on the mission maybe. Saiya is pointlessly chasing Aika, Tessa will keep pushing herself to outdo Aika as she keeps gaining, too.
At the rate you autists are debating. We are going to bumplock the thread by tomorrow. STFU
(1.3 MB, 1125x1575, Patreon post image-7.jpg)
Fingers crossed we get to see tessa squeeze herself back into her party dress, if not she's still gonna look great in it.
I think you have it spot on.

I assume kip just didn't want to bother drawing it that big when it would have been covered almost entirely by the desks.
A. She could be sucking her belly in to actually fit the sweater.
B. All that junk went to her trunk.
C. No belly why, because fuck you that's why - Kip.
>>79223 (Dead)
>went to her butt
Aika wasn’t bloated or anything last time we saw her, she was just already that fat. If the fat has already gone to her belly it’s not magically gonna go from there to her butt
Kip's inconsistency due to laziness shows itself again. Continues to bullshit out of refusal to draw bigger sizes.
I can agree with that. aika has no clue.

im thinking this is her confessing to tessa. she can confess to aika at any time when they're alone, she doesn't need some party when that aint even aikas scene. aika doesn't do parties. Im thinking this is proof that saiya wants tessa.

y'all are gonna have to wait for the party for her to be bigger. don't know why she would be when she has yet to really eat around anyone but saiya.

hopefully tessa goes there, stuffs herself and bursts out of whatever she's wearing.
Based on aikas interactions in the church scene she likely never considered being with a girl. If saiya confesses the way she intends to with no complications she’ll still likely turn her down.

This will probably lead to saiya giving into Tessa’s attempts to hit on her without feeling the need to “stay strong for my love aika”
>don't know why she would be when she has yet to really eat around anyone but saiya.
It was revealed about 15 or so pages ago that Aika's mom cooks too much and is why she eats a lot, even had a short stuffing scene there.

Lmao this completely ignores the sizes Sydney reached in NLB, and one panel where most of her gut would have been blocked anyways isn't a big deal. Kip puts out 3 pages a week, that's a lot of work, so I'll give him a pass for some lazy looking backgrounds and an inconsistency here or there. The sky isn't falling because Aika doesn't look quite as round as she should in one non-fetish panel where she's surrounded by other people and objects.

Doubt. I think she's either going to chicken out, or Tessa will do something to get her attention and Saiya won't get the chance and go back to waiting for the right moment. Or maybe she will give in and feel bad and go back to avoiding Tessa.

The only reason for Tessa to push herself further right now is to get Saiya, taking away the obstacle (Aika) would make no sense right now.
I'm going to bet this won't be resolved before Tessa stops chasing after Saiya. Saiya is obsessing over Aika because she was the first being friendly to her in a while and because she's sexually unavailable. Tessa is making herself the opposite of that by chasing her. Saiya and Tessa had great chemistry at the party, it all went to hell when Tessa started acting sexy around Saiya. If it was just a matter of fetish, Sayia would have already switched interest by that point. She's a romantic chicken.
The Harley image is pretty good, but would be improved by her huge belly intercepting one of the laser beams, triggering the alarm
Because the whoever posted the squirrel girl art posted a cropped picture, most likely a screenshot from instagram, so I'm decided to post the full Pic
Gyus, does anyone have the No Lunch Break colored .zip in HD that was on yiff.party?? that can upload it please??
This gives me hope for Friday’s page, probably a full body shot of Aika trying to fit into a dress
the corset is coming loose already?

clearly we need an all you can eat buffet and a hungry aika.
Oh, I love this. Tessa using a corset to hide her gut is so hot. My prediction: she pulls Saiya aside for a striptease in some side room to show her belly off, and can't get the corset back on afterwards
One party plate sandwhich away from exploding, let's gooooooo!

This is what I'm hoping for, too. That still means she'll be able to legitimately outgrow it/burst out of it later on.
maybe aika will walk in on Tessa showing off her belly and/or saiya trying to squeeze her back into her corset and misinterpret it
You get my vote, a wardrobe incident would be too previsible.

I'll never get used to how glorious Tessa's milkers are. They're at that limit of being absolutely massive while still barely being in the realm of the humanly possible. Back pains would be a nightmare though.
Ironically, the ribbed corset she's wearing would probably be very helpful for taking the strain off her back. If she was clever. she'd use that as an excuse for why she's in a corset all the time
Just an issue, with how tight it looks I can't imagine her walking up a flight of stairs without passing out. It will be a miracle if she doesn't faint in the hour.

Only took me 123 pages to realize Saiya is probably half asian.
Oh yeah, she's totally breathless in that thing, especially if she's going to dance and sing on stage later. Girl's gonna need an oxygen tank once the night is over
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>imminent corset bursting
FUCK. YES. Those are so fucking underrated and, while I'm cautiously optimistic, are ripe for so many potential tasty situations (pun intended).
That's too predictable. If we get an humiliation scene here, I hope it will be something more surprising, not her bursting out of her corset in public we can see coming from a mile away.

That guy is onto something.
I hope she does burst out of her corset, but hopefully much later in the story, giving her a chance to get a lot bigger before her gain is revealed to everyone. I'm guessing she probably will have some wardrobe troubles at this party, but maybe not a full scale blowout
Well now she's jealous of Aika... I guess she's going to eat herself out of that corset to catch up?
You have a point; we don't want the scene to blow its load too early. I was just saying that there's potential for how it works and how exactly she'll bust out.
That dress is just about ready to pop
What does the number you said mean? when I click on it is says call this number
anon are you actually 12 years old?
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>>75573 (OP)
I remember really liking Kip however his latest comics are are bla-bla shit then anything valuable.

If you look at his first comics the action starts immediately or 3 pages in now it takes 30 pages to get it even started.

I think Kip did go downhill hard. Sure his drawing improved however the comics are really bad.
So what, just enjoy it while it lasts
How? Not much happens for a while when sexy stuff happens its only for a moment.
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Nigga, it seems like you don't have any patience.
I know we are all +- permahorny coomers here, but building up some resilience would help you on the long run.
Like, you know, quick comics (or sequences, be it this way) don't have enough context up to them, be it a crappy story or badly written love triangle. I think it's preferable to make up whatever story there is, so you don't end up with a bland sequence instead. It helps with humanizing a character, instead of some cringe banality where's the character on the third page for example is a lard balloon.

Id say its fair to say the pacing was a bit off for OSC since it was just stuffing for 90-something pages, but the build up was worth it. I really like where the comic is at & where its going right now. Plot still isnt perfect but a definite improvement over the writing in NLB.

Im totally with you on the character depth. Characters with at least some level of depth provides context for the gain and lets you really see how it affects and/or bothers them. People here are just salty kip doesnt blow the characters up over 5 pages so they can get to "the good scenes." There isnt even that much space between fetish scenes even in NLB, people just sperge out because kip is only human and can only put out so many comic pages per week. Glad they dont let these threads get to them.
the more this comic goes on the less I understand what saiya sees in aika. I mean, seriously. oven spray? that isn't funny. the only good thing about this is that maybe aika will accidentally get drunk and stuff herself but I doubt kip will give in and let that happen.
Lowkey, I think it's a missed opportunity Kip didn't have Aika said it tasted like "rats."

I think that's kind of the point of some of these last few pages. Saiya looks pretty unamused in the last panel, and you can tell in panel 2 and her reaction to Aika trying to skip out on the party and having more clothing issues, that she's getting kind of frustrated.
She's attracted to Dumbo because she doesn't challenge her self-confidence.

If you check page 54-56 you can deduct pretty easily Saiya actually has a crush on Tessa and not Aika, but isn't confident enough to acknowledge Tessa is hitting on her so she discards the possibility.

Meanwhile Aika is nice to her, so Saiya got the idea she's in love with her when she's just emotionally dependent (the fact Saiya has the hots for fatties made her especially susceptible to that confusion). Even her dream sequence was suspicious as hell, Aika's body turning into Tessa's. Her face didn't turn too because then any retard and their dog reading the comic would figure what was going on, as would Saiya herself, but that's still not much of a stretch.
She's attracted to Dumbo because she doesn't challenge her self-confidence.

If you check page 54-56 you can deduct pretty easily Saiya actually has a crush on Tessa and not Aika, but isn't confident enough to acknowledge Tessa is hitting on her so she discards the possibility.

Meanwhile Aika is nice to her, so Saiya got the idea she's in love with her when she's just emotionally dependent (the fact Saiya has the hots for fatties made her especially susceptible to that confusion). Even her dream sequence was suspicious as hell, Aika acting like Tessa does and her body turning into Tessa's body. Her face didn't change too because then any retard and their dog reading the comic would figure what was going on, as would Saiya herself, but that's still not much of a stretch.
I was going to just use the slight slob fetish angle cause of that gum snowman or whatever and her room being a mess but you gave a much better psychological reason.
Aika is the worst girl Kip made, she'd be repulsive as fuck irl
The slight slob aspects are what elevate her for me. Not a fan of full on slob specifically, but this is neat

Keeping my fingers crossed Tessa picks up some of Aika's bad habits beyond weight and appetite. (Messy eating, always eating too fast, etc.)
I remember seeing a lewd version of the Lucoa image. This may be a very well done edit as I don't remember there being an official lewd done by Kip, but I'd love to see it again if anyone can post it.

Speaking of, how does his lewd tier work exactly? Artist like BWS charge a few extra bucks a month for access to monthly lewd, Kip has it as his most expensive tier and just seems to do it when he realizes he hasn't done any lewds at the end of the year. People should start grilling him to make that more worth it, or just take lewds out of his patreon all together.
>>80398 Chad energy right here!
>>80414 same! Gluttony Tessa would be the best!
spent some time away from kip comics/web series, anyone willing to give a quick rundown of things? or just bite the bullet and read whats there
The best way to go about it is reading en masse, but give yourself time to space it out maybe. If you read it as they come out, you may feel a bit disappointed since things can cut off.
literally nothing has happened you're good
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well aika got drunk quick.

I think kip is well aware that people are only reading to see who gets drunk and bigger faster. surely tessa is going to stuff herself once she sees aika getting huge. the question is how long will it take?

I was just thinking that we have four more comics until valentines. you think kip might do anything special for valentines?
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>A fucking bucket of KFC at the party
Bruh, just no. I don't want a reedition of BWS where all the characters ended with the same copypasted habits, the only difference being their size. Here we have the messy eater and the kinky eater, and that's fine by me.

I want to optimistic and hope Kip found something slightly more original to put Tessa on the spotlight. I wouldn't mind that kind of "competition" if it had been foreshadowed, but dropping it here out of the blue, in a setting anyone expect it will happen would be scenaristically lazy.
Bruh, please no. I don't want a reedition of BWS where all the characters end with the same copypasted habits, the only difference being their size. Here we have the messy eater and the kinky eater, and that's fine by me.

I want to be optimistic and hope Kip found something slightly more original to put Tessa on the spotlight. I wouldn't mind that kind of "competition" if it had been foreshadowed, but dropping it here out of the blue, in a setting anyone expect it will happen would be scenaristically lazy.
>I want to be optimistic and hope Kip found something slightly more original to put Tessa on the spotlight. I wouldn't mind that kind of "competition" if it had been foreshadowed, but dropping it here out of the blue, in a setting anyone expect it will happen would be scenaristically lazy.

you're right. I'm hoping to see tessa busting out of that corset with a loud belch and belly slap but you're right. I'm totally forgetting that tessa has been actively trying to cover up her gain and stacy is already mad at her for it. it wouldn't make any sense for her to go wild and bust out of that corset but aika might.
“where all the characters end with the same copypasted habits“

The irony of saying this for a kip comic

Thats the whole point of bitchy girl come-uppance stories though? Popular "perfect" girls ruining their image. Tessa isnt even a kinky eater, she just knows saiya is into it and likes having her attention. The second shes gone (or even when shes there in the of her belch) she clams up and is incredibly embarrased.

It would make sense too since shes clearly actively competing with aika now, at least in her mind.

Or the whole fetish in general.
Does anyone know what happened to that Cindy Halloween game Kip was making? Saw it on kemono
bet you are about a dimpixelanimation's Cindy pregnancy game, you can check it on DPA kemono page
ah, a great stuffing scene where the belly is out of frame the entire time. I can't help but feel this comic would be a lot more enjoyable if it was only about Tessa. Idol girl developing a feeding kink but trying to hide it while doing idol stuff is all you need for a fun comic. Everything about Saiya and Aika is boring. Aika is generic quirky Kip fat girl #17 and Saiya is just not very interesting as a main character. Cut all their scenes out, and the comic improves significantly
Comics and sequences are better when it's only 1 character that's doing the gaining. Have that one character get real big, have the others react in various ways, allows for good size difference shots, and most importantly, the gains don't spread out too thinly across multiple characters.
I mean, you can have multiple girls gain and have it work. The Domino Effect is doing it fairly well so far. It's just a matter of pacing and having interesting characters, both of which are lacking in this comic
Nope, she's 100% into inflation. Check the streaming scene.

If you think that, you have pleb level of knowledge of fat fetishism. Non-exhaustive list:
Inflation - Fat shaming - Stuck - Weight gain - Size difference - Guilty eating - Kinky eating - Messy eating - Rebound - Outgrown clothes - Loss of status - Public overeating - Feederism - Mutual growth - Fetish conversion - Hiding fat / inflation - Fattened for revenge - Fitness loss - Health issues - Turned on by self-gain - Overeating to sickness - Athletic thick - Fit taking cheat days - Eating frenzy - Vore - Facesitting / crushing
Why are writing essay's on a site for coomers
almost as if it's a website for discussion fag?
kys proud retard
let's discuss your habit of smoking cock, then:
please stop,
Let’s see what this leads to
aika walking in and interrupting.

something is bound to happen. no way saiya is about to confront tessa about her weight gain right now.
nah, saiya's gonna ask about whatever aika asked her to ask about a few pages ago when she went to the gym probably. I'm hoping Tessa's corset doesn't break immediately; her hiding her gut gives her more room to get even fatter before she explodes out of her clothes
>You know, I actually had a question for you-
>Oh yeah?

Saiya is going to ask Tessa if the comic is going to have more pointless filler.
And Tessa is going to tell her yes.
oh god, i've been waiting for this
my dick is dismonds
Corset is fighting for its life
Saiya channels her inner bitchiness and becomes unlikable in 3 frames.
she was kind of bitchy to aika >>80260
here too. she's at a party with her alleged crush. you'd think she'd be happy about it, but I guess not
maybe this is what pushes her over to tessa?

I don't know what she was expecting though. clearly aika has never left her house.
I hope we get a valid explanation soon, cause if there is one type I absolutely despise, it's the plain Jane suddenly acting like a diva when she realizes she's not the clumsiest person in the room.
This happens in literally every comic Kip has ever done. Every. Fucking. Time.
It's building up the the reveal the Stacy was the one in charge all along.
I'm sure more astute readers figured that long ago but, in kip's defense, it's REALLY hard to know how obvious things like that are before sharing your work with others.
Just realised how low stacy's bottoms are, lol
she showin' crack for sure
oh we all knew something would come up. that wasn't the problem.

I mean I think its a given that absolutely nothing is going to happen with tessa right now. we might get a drunk and stuffed aika bursting out of her clothes at the very most but I've already given up on the idea of tessa busting out of that corset.

"the reveal"? it was a given from the start with how she acts around tessa. I thought she was more of her manager or something to that effect which is why she's always annoyed with her and now getting on her about her weight gain.

I'm pretty sure kip has never shared his work with others because I don't know of anyone that would have given this story taking this long to get anywhere the green light. were finally addressing a plot point that was brought up almost a hundred pages ago and this is just to take our minds off of aika stuffing her face and us wanting to see how big tessa will get. whatever this is that he's calling a plot is only here to buy more time and its not interesting. surely someone would have told him that somewhere along the line.
dang, now that kip knows people like corset Tessa, he's making sure she gets as little screentime as possible, huh? Get ready for five pages of Saiya and Stacey arguing about nothing of interest
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>I guess a redneck fuck like yourself is too ignorant to know or care.

How did we get to General Lee Oliver so quickly?
Fuck the shitty comics this is why I follow Kip for
Yeah I theorized that on page 47, but now I'm almost certain it was an incorrect assumption. Pretty sure Kip got that thing dragged for so long because it's in fact not that, and he plans on dropping a bomb. That new Stacy monologue was a fuck-up though cause it made me curious enough to double-check :P

My new theory is Tessa had bulimia and Stacy helped her out of it. Stacy's assholish personality is just a cover-up.

Page 82: Stacy worried about Tessa overeating
Page 86: Stacy concerned about Tessa making herself sick and angry against Dumbo (who sets a bad example by stuffing her face)
Page 94: weight gain lecture
Page 96-97: Tessa panics
Page 110: Tessa wants to lose weight
Page 115: except not really because Saiya

Funny that I initially thought Dumbo was the one with an ED when she's just a slob and Tessa has one. Makes me regret Tessa isn't the main protag, would have been interesting to explore her ambivalent relationship with food.
I'm predicting something similar. It seems like Kip is building Stacey up as a bitchy manager type, only for it to be revealed she has a more genuine reason for sticking around Tessa.

Eventually I expect Tessa to reconcile with her inner fatty, learn to overeat without making herself sick or doubting herself, and gain some extra weight while still remaining a curvy hottie. Probably with the assistance of Saiya boosting her self-confidence.

Obvious reasons being Kip isn't in the misery porn business and Tessa keeping her impulses in check would go against the theme of the comic.

And with any luck she'll end streaming mukbangs, which everyone has been waiting for 70 pages.

Also maybe she'll befriend Aika once the imaginary rivalry dies out? I can't imagine Kip is going to drop Dumbo in the trash where she truly belongs.
thats a decent theory. id be surprised if kip went that angle because a lot of people might take offense with him bringing it up in what seems to be a lighthearted wholesome comic but its a good theory. wouldn't that be the climax of the story though? where would kip go from there? once we find out about this eating disorder and how tessa is going the other way would people be happy or would they be concerned that she went too far in the other direction?

and kip aint getting ready of aika any time soon. she's a fan favorite on deviantart. I have no idea how or why but she is. maybe shell show tessa some really nice spots to eat.

any of you think these ladies are going to get really big before all of this is over? I'm beginning to think they won't.
If Stacey does just turn out to be the bitchy manager with no depth, I hope this somehow culminates with Tessa and Saiya (and maybe Aika too) force feeding and fattening her up in revenge
kip proportions are still kinda weird overall but the titty game is on point lately
Ok I’ve bitched about Kip’s page layouts before but this takes the cake for confusing. The first 4 panels are a complete incoherent mess, the only thing that lets you know what order to read the panels in is the text. How has Kip been making comics for so long without improving in this area?
Well fuck me, Tessa was a fatty AND Sandy is her manager. I doubted my first theory too quick, it was both.

Eh it will probably just be implied Stacy helped Tessa to lose weight. I mean, Aika is already eating like a pig and everyone acts as she doesn't have compulsive overeating issues, she clearly isn't into the fat kink. As long as you don't name it, it isn't really there, amirite?
>tards on DA saying Tessa looked hotter like that
pack it up bimbobros, we've lost
forced mukbang stream with Stacy when? I feel like this is setting up a kind of 'revenge of the nerds' type situation, and I hope it ends with Stacy getting stuffed
I actually think she did look kind of hotter like that. im looking at the massive weight gain she had. everything on her was bigger including her breasts. its funny that kip had Stacy talk about noticing her "potential" with a close up on her breasts. is kip about to let her get back to that big again?

this could also be saying something like she's predisposed to gaining weight which is why she's putting it on so fast.

If stacy is her manager doesn't that mean that she's making some of the money that tessa brings in? so if tessa becomes a disgusting fatty and tessakitz falls through that means stacy loses her income right?
Bro take your ED kink somewhere else out here wanting to see these bitches purge jesus
reading this again and thinking it over even if she did make tessakitz that changes nothing. she's a manager who's clinging to tessa because of her popularity. if tessa blew up weight wise and people lost interest stacy may lose out on some money. she has an interest in tessa staying thin due to the funds but I doubt shed care about her any more if she ditched the whole streamer thing, got with saiya and became a fatty. if thats the case she really is only there because of her fame, right?

btw, anyone think were going to get aika in the back with a stuffed belly ripping out of her dress any time soon? I'm expecting absolutely nothing from tessa and everything from aika at this point.
Do you mean at this point of the story or for the comic overall? There is absolutely no chance this comic ends before Tessa's corset bursts, and I'd say it's unlikely the party ends before that point either.
DA is full of progressives, no surprise there. Cindy was a test run for Tessa though so I'm not too worried.

It's not about purging, you philistine, it's about loss of control. Why do you think slim stuffers are so populars? PC people really can't face reality. If you're lean and you're into the kink, you're in to watch others lack of impulse control. It's projection.

I'm annoyed Stacy is back to be the mustache twirling villain. I get we're supposed to hate the antifat character, but her showing some actual concern for Tessa was making her more interesting.
Do you guys think that Tessa and Aika will change rolls here?? That after a time Aika will become a popular girl as Tessa and Tessa will be back to be fat and unpopular
I think there's a chance Stacy might go after Aika to try and turn her into the next idol after Tessa's secret comes out, but I doubt Aika will go along with it

I hope so, but aika may be too weird for that.

I want her to be bigger before she busts out of the corset, fingers crossed she just ends struggling to stuff herself back into it after eating and showing off to saiya like someone said a few pages ago
"changes rolls" lul
Nah... Aika is already weirdly popular for a clumsy fat girl so that wouldn't be a change. And Tessa wasn't characterized as a villain, so Kip isn't digging her a grave. Most likely she's heading to be a fat popular bimbo. I hope Kip will refrain from getting her tits back to their nerd dimensions though because as much as I like massive jugs, twice her head size is just bad proportions. If they get any bigger than they are now the suspension of disbelief is going to drop off a cliff.

Kip gets a lot of flak for "bad" writing but I can't imagine it ever gets that far.
>DA is full of progressives
What does that have to do with anything? I'm sorry if you can't appreciate a quite shy girl but don't blame someone else's political views on your failings in life.
nerdy shy tessa's cute. Kip nailed the expression and look. The frazzled hair is a good touch.
this party? I don't think tessa is busting out of that corset. I've given up on all hope of it happening. tessa isn't eating and aika is all but gorging herself. tessa is in the middle of a photo op plus we have to remember she has shame. no one has seen her with that big belly except saiya. she wouldn't reveal it here and now. if she did I'm not sure where kip can go from there.

that makes me wonder. where can kip go from here? now we know that tessa used to be a fatty nerd. that explains the obsession with the pokemon knock off and why she likes saiya so much. she was never cool with streaming and saiya reminds her of who she used to be. with tessas big secret out where does he go from here? is she going to stuff herself senseless, burst out of the corset and go back to being fat? I'm actually kind of curious to see how he continues with this story and the things he's going to use to buy time from here on out.

how would aika get popular? she brings absolutely nothing to anyones table and she's a boring character overall.
I appreciate we are actually getting bigger tits with the weight gain in this comic. Normally it's always just a giant ball stomach and nothing else changes. Huge titty hype.
I think Tessa will burst out either at this party or her next big event (hopefully her next event so she can gain even more), causing Stacy to abandon her, which will somehow lead to Aika, Saiya, and Tessa forcefeeding Stacey to make her gain weight. I'm not great at predicting stuff in this comic though, since Kip always manages to have some random twist to dodge fanservice as much as he possibly can
I do as well. I thought I spotted some growth on aika when she came back from the break but this proves it. I'm hoping that tessa continues to grow. I don't much care about aika.

why would they force-feed her? I understand her busting out of the corset at another gathering. I understand busting out of the corset later. not here but say saiya pulls tessa to the side and they leave together? I understand them going out to eat and her busting out of the corset there. I understand stacy abandoning tessa but force-feeding stacey is a bit much. I don't think tessa, aika or saiya have that in them. they just aren't that mean. saiya wants to be left alone, aika wants to force-feed herself and tessa just wants to get as big as possible, as long as no one notices, for saiya. I could see them force-feeding her in a nightmare dream sequence but thats about it.
I'm not sure, it just feels like they're setting her up to be the villain, which means she'll probably get some kind of comeuppance by the end of it. I can't really think of a way she'd get fattened up other than forcefeeding since she's so vain. idk though, i'll see where things go from here
since ive given kip some shit about the comic before i think it's just as important to point out that they did really well with this page
A fair amount of progressives tend to get butthurt about bimbos because patriarchy, male gaze and all that jazz. Also some of them immediately feel offended and resort to personal attacks when you call them for what they are, as you just demonstrated. Which is fucking hilarious, because a moderate or a conservative would never take poorly to be identified as such.

Compare to >>81723 who stood his ground for liking nerdy girls instead of throwing a hissy fit like you just did. Now that deserves respect.

I do too, but if it gets to the point she needs a walker it's kinda eeeeh.

Just one forcefeeding wouldn't make her fat, so that theory seems unlikely to materialize.
A fair amount of progressives tend to get butthurt about bimbos because patriarchy, male gaze and all that jazz. Also some of them immediately feel offended and resort to personal attacks when you call them for what they are, as you just demonstrated. Which is always hilarious, because a moderate or a conservative would never take poorly to be identified as such.

Compare to >>81723 who stood his ground for liking nerdy girls instead of throwing a hissy fit like you just did. Now that deserves respect.

I do too, but if it gets to the point she needs a walker it's kinda eeeeh.

Just one forcefeeding wouldn't make her fat, so that theory seems unlikely to materialize.
>A fair amount of progressives tend to get butthurt about bimbos because patriarchy, male gaze and all that jazz.
source: my ass

lmfao right wing losers creating strawmen to cry about

what page is the second panel from?
I thought this was a possibility for the longest time, but the fact that both of them don't recognise a childhood friend/don't recognise their names + saiya not recognising Tessa's house (yes, she could've moved I know that) would make this so incredibly dumb and unbelievable, even for a kip story...
What if Tessa isn’t her real name?
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That’s what I figured too.
Besides, Tessa might’ve recognized Saiya but hasn’t said anything to her because she didn’t wanna be reminded of her being a sperg. It would also explain why she suddenly warmed up to Saiya after the first party

Or this could be a schizo theory and I need to take my meds
Nah it's not you being a schizo, that makes sense Tessa wouldn't want to mention her past to Saiya since at the time she wasn't popular, and Saiya could rat on her being an ex-weirdo.

Go figure what the hell is going on with Saiya not recognizing Tessa's name though, that's the one thing that doesn't make 100% obvious she was the other kid.
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Would've been a good one if she wasn't fucking green
It would’ve been better if you didn’t give your terrible opinion and let us enjoy some green girls

Nah I agree with anon on this one.
Green woman bad
take bets on how many more pages til we see tessa again. I'm betting 5.
actually, instead of placing bets on how long until tessa comes back, how about we bet on how this party unfolds

a. saiya turns around to find aika stuffing herself at the snacks table and bursting out of her dress.

b. saiya turns around to find aika is sick and takes her home, leaving the party behind

c. saiya runs into tessa, who drags her into a side room to show off her belly (bonus points if saiya actually remembers her questions here and develops plot in a meaningful way)

d. tessa's concert starts, leaving saiya to not interact with her again for the rest of the night

i honestly don't know which is more or less likely at this point
a) will probably happen but much later. we need another distraction first. remember kip avoids fan service so well see aika stuffed and then something else will happen.
b) possibly. that would be a wonderful distraction. aika drank way too much.
c) no. tessa isn't stuffed.
d) tessa is having a concert here?

I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see her again for awhile. I'm thinking something is going to happen as before mentioned and saiya will leave. then well have more pages of saiya and aika discussing this "revelation". maybe after that well see tessa again but well have to wait all over again for her to get stuffed and find saiya.
Calling it now. Saiya will oust Stacy and become Tessa's new manager. Throughout the comic we've seen that:

Saiya doesn't have any particular direction in life after college; she's smart and has a head for numbers; she's also demonstrated pragmatic responsibility in dealing with Aika's foibles, effectively managing her.

Tessa's not exactly a slouch in managing herself and her image so between the pair of them I think "TessaKitz" will do just fine... Or perhaps the stream will head
in a mellower, cozier, mukbang-focused direction in the form of "TessaPigz"?

Without needing to maintain such a striking persona, Tessa can afford to let hair down and become more comfortable with her more modest self, and so Saiya, Tessa and Aika will become a fast trio of friends and live happily ever after in dowdy cottagecore bliss. Bleh, I know how saccharine it sounds..
i had thought she was doing some kind of performance at the party, but idk where I got that from. it might ave just been another comment speculating rather than the actual comic
Can't believe this board figured out the "Tessa is Saiyas childhood friend" twist like, 100 pages in advance
I'm all for a slow read but there's slow reading and then there's just plain directionless bullshit like why go in depth in these things we have no real background info on any of these side characters to really care about what there doing
This some chekhov's gun type of shit turned up to 11. The intro 100% felt like some fluff to establish Saiya a background.
this actually makes me wonder, how many pages do you think this comic will be in total? it's 130 pages in, only about 30-40 of which are relevant to either the plot or fanservice, and yet it feels like it's only around the halfway point.
I noticed you have aika there.

im kinda curious to know how tessa feels about her. I feel like she doesn't care about her either way.

it wasn't a bad guess. I mean she did vanish in the last party for a concert.

it wasn't until we saw "nerdy tessa" that people put it together.

I think people are just trying to find some direction in this comic since every single page seems to be wasting time.

halfway? you think so? I feel like once tessas back story is addressed by saiya its just about over. I'm not sure where kip can take it once saiya confronts her. are they going to become a couple? is tessa going to stuff herself? how will he continue to write it out after that?
You're not wrong. Saiya is still very much the linchpin in their friendship, but I'd imagine that with Tessa dialling down the diva tone and embracing her original self, the two would eventually learn to get along since they share a bit more common ground outside of Saiya.
No way Saiya is becoming Tessa's new manager. The job requires to order people around, and Saiya sucks at that. Also I can't imagine she can be her lover and her boss at the same time without it turning into a complete disaster.

I'm pretty annoyed Stacy is indeed the evil manager, I had hopes I was wrong on that one. There are still chances she's not around Tessa for purely selfish reasons, but the odds are seriously dwindling.

Because people like to try to figure shits out, the whole mystery genre lies on this premise. If this comic was pure fanservice like Tassel's Ayano's weight gain diary, it would have a tenth of the posts. You can only say so many interesting things about how fat the characters are getting.

>it wasn't until we saw "nerdy tessa" that people put it together.
Lol no, we got Saiya flashback playing chubimon with a random friend and three seconds later stuck-up Tessa starts talking about chubimon. And Tessa and the kid have same hair color. People didn't comment because no one had an explaination as to why Saiya doesn't remember Tessa's name (we still don't).

Also it's nowhere near done, nothing is resolved. Saiya and Tessa aren't a couple yet, Stacy is in the way, Tessa is still conflicted about turning into a fatty, we don't know what's becoming of her stream once she does, where the hell Aika is heading and so on and so on...

How does anything Stacy said relate to Tessa hitting on Saiya? Saiya showing a big case of smooth brain here.
>The job requires to order people around, and Saiya sucks at that.
I'll have to disagree on your point here. Saiya has demonstrated capable leadership, not only in spearheading and delivering on the group project, but also in turning Aika's situation around.

Saiya also wouldn't need to order Tessa around so much with a relationship built on more care and compassion than what Stacy can foster. Saiya clearly likes Tessa at the end of the day, so any potential professional relationship would reflect that.
>stuffs herself on entire xl bucket of fried chicken, and who knows what else
>belly looks exactly the same as it did before that
Kip never fails to find new ways to be a total letdown
I like how she strolled in like a drunken lalia, slapping her belly and all.

you're right but did you notice that her dress is starting to rip in that fourth panel? saiyas about to pass out. tessa better step it up but she's nowhere near any food and aika probably ate it all.
What do you mean it’s starting to rip? There’re no rips
Yeah, that's just the cut of her dress. No rips (yet).

Better look forward to that hot mess to clean up, Saiya!
I was looking at her belly in that fourth panel. now that I look again I think thats just light glaring off the material. I apologize.
looks like sauce or something since she's sort of a fucking slob
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hmm, belly is def a little more stuffed in a direct comparison, but I REALLY wish Kip had gone bigger :/ I think her hips and boobs are a smidgen bigger/wider, but otherwise not sure why this smaller change got that reaction

then again, it could just be a badly posed perspective shot - Kip's done that too
>>82332 The dress could be holding the fat back like a corset, but I wouldn't hold my breath on this being true.
Saiya has been Aika's nanny, not her boss. And mixing work and relationship when both parties aren't on equal footing is asking for a disaster to occur.

Return of Saiya the lust goblin. Can she stop drooling on the not-lesbian already? What a waste of time.
>Return of Saiya the lust goblin. Can she stop drooling on the not-lesbian already? What a waste of time.

I was just thinking about this earlier. what is saiya going to do when she finally gets her hands on her belly? just massage it and drool some more? I mean she's had plenty of opportunities with tessa and just keeps running for it. we can see that saiya is progressively getting worse but what is she going to do when she finally gets her hands on one of these ladies bellies?
>Saiya the lust goblin
On gob
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Will Tessa:
A: attempt to drown her sorrow in booze and accidentally ruin her corset
B: deliberately break her corset in a last ditch, desperate attempt to claim Saiya for herself?
this looks promising. Although I'm hoping she doesn't blow her corset at this party; I want her to get even bigger before the dam bursts.
> I want her to get even bigger before the dam bursts.
Same. Would be a shame to ruin potential happening like this.
If Tessa causes a huge, reputation-tarnishing scene here, caught for all to see, then I think we're gonna see Stacy's true colours and see her bailing on Tessa as the piece o' shit manager that she is. She'll want nothing to do with the embarrassment that Tessa has become after effectively destroying the "TessaKitz" brand. The parasite will move on to find a new host.

.. Enter Saiya to step in to the rescue.
How many more months before Tessa actually busts that corset
Do I really need to get a commission of it myself
>It didn't work the first twenty times, but surely this time it will.
Tessa idiot mode activated.
thats not entirely true. saiya has finally done something. all of this time we've seen her drooling and running away. this is the first time she's ever done something about it so maybe tessa can get just as much attention if she gets her belly bigger.

and remember it isn't like saiya isn't interested. tessa just caught her spying on her when she was working out. saiya ran out of there blushing and tessa saw. it isn't that it didn't work. its that saiya is losing control and unable to fight any more.
nah man Kip's gotta milk it for all it's worth - Stacy's gonna catch Tessa and stop her from doing too much damage to her figure.

But not before Tessa drunkenly kisses Saiya in front of everyone.

Boom - now the plot progresses without further fanservice (Kip DOES enjoy dragging it all out after all), throws some miscommunication with Aika in the mix (as she thinks Saiya is into Tessa, maybe encourages it? while Saiya is heartbroken-ish), and delays further corset shenanigans (booo)

do I think this will happen tho? nah, it's unlikely
I thought saiya was into tessa? I'm thinking that she's confused. she's into tessa because tessa is cute and keeps stuffing herself plus they get along personality wise. they can literally sit and talk for hours. she 'crushes' on aika but I don't know that she does. she thinks she does because aika has the bigger belly and stuffs herself more frequently. the problem with her logic is that she isn't thinking that they just aren't compatible at all. aika needs a mother not a date. I'm surprised she's at the church volunteering when she can't even take care of herself. twice now we've had clothing issues with her and saiya has been shown getting visibly annoyed. this really wouldnt be a bad time for tessa to slide in and claim her for herself. even if saiya were into aika like that aika hasn't reciprocated at all. I don't consider that one incident of licking cotton candy off of her face reciprocating love. this story has gone on way too long for that to count.
Saiya ended not asking the question so nothing changed, it's business as usual. There is no reason another Tessa tentative would lead to anything new unless an exterior element intervenes.

And I get that Tessa is young, in love and secretly a weirdo, so it's not out of character she would try the same shit again and again, but Saiya has been completely tone deaf so far and the whole affair looks like such a lost cause it's becoming tilting. There is so much possibility of character development for these two, this constant stalemate is a pain in the ass. This comic is turning into an anthology of Road Runner cartoons.
Just noticed that Tessa's hair bun type things move like ears on an animal. I can't unsee it anymore and it's pretty weird lmao
It’s not unusual for hair things like that and even straight up accessories characters wear to be used to emote in comics/animation and stuff
what is the question at this point?

I thought saiya was about to relay that information to aika? is any of this important? does aika even care? and is tessa aware that aika ate all the food so there will be no drunken stuffing for her until after the party is over?
Aika and Stacey are the worst things about this comic. Aika is just a stupid character with no real purpose beyond making sure there was belly content before the actual belly content (in the form of Tessa) started. Saiya has no reason to be into Aika beyond her fat ass, as Aika has the brain of a four year old
this may surprise you but go check this comic out on ehentai. I go over there once in awhile to read comments. most of the comments are complaints. there was a recent update and a new post a few days ago where the person claimed that they just started reading it and fifty pages in they care about the characters. how is that possible?

I care about tessa. I feel bad about tessa. I don't care about aika. she annoys me. I get tired of her strolling in and being a literal plot device. she seems to be only there for, as you said, belly content before the content started. she was there to keep people interested because as long as this went on many people would have been dropped it with no belly to speak of. now she's a plot device sending saiya on random errands. not even good errands but errands such as "I need clothing". I don't know how deviantart readers thought of her as wholesome when she can't even take care of herself much less be a good friend to saiya. she's always needing something and saiyas only attraction to her is that belly. I can't root for them to get together because that relationship will end horribly. saiya is already sick of her. I think the question is how long will it take saiya to realize she doesn't want aika and go with tessa? what does tessa have to do to get saiya to stop trying to force this with aika? why is saiya being so stubborn?
Idk why those names kip gives his characters sound so funny. Is he Finnish or something? I notice some similar sounds here.
>is he finnish
Why did you just now figure this out
You could always stop reading if you feel that, but you probably won’t so there’s that
>people can't criticize things they read because they read it
>there was a recent update and a new post a few days ago where the person claimed that they just started reading it and fifty pages in they care about the characters. how is that possible?
For us secondary characters are padding because of the rate at which we read the comic. For someone absorbing it all at once, having something like Stacy monologuing for two pages brings context (over-the-top context but still).

And yeah Aika was a good filler to bring fetish content while Tessa was still out of the picture, but now she's just in the way of the plot. At least make her interact with Tessa for character development, this is getting painful.

I want to see Tessa get drunk and cry herself to sleep now, this comic is driving me in weird directions. I bet she's a cute crier. Bonus points if someone comes in to comfort her.
I think what doesn't help the situation is that we can see the "twist" coming from a mile away.
The final reveal of Aika admitting "Oh, sorry, I'm not gay" and/or Saiya realising that things aren't going to work with Aika is only going to be with a "Well fucking -finally-" from a fanbase desperate to move on.
Me a page ago: I want to see Tessa get drunk and cry herself to sleep
Me now: YES! YEES! YEEES! *Skeletor laugh*
I always had this question at the back of mind of how is Tessa suppose to get bigger?

A: She will recieve criticism from those around her and her fans

B: She's self conscious about gaining

C: Her manager will actively work against her gaining

I wonder how this is going to go and if she will actually gain or if Aika is suppose to fill that role?
The power of love.
this isn't really realistic imo. tessa just so happens to hear them talking about aika? they ran out of food. she's done stuffing. tessa couldn't stuff herself if she wanted to. let aika dance to the music. now aika is embarrassing saiya yet again. I don't know why tessa finds it necessary to drink instead of going to talk to saiya and aika.

thats what I've always been saying. I'm all for tessa stuffing herself and busting out of that corset but the amount of shame she would suffer just wouldnt be worth it. it appears right now she's just drinking to ease the pain.

thats what I think is about to happen. no stuffing here. just tears. she may go home and stuff herself but I doubt well see it. theres no more food. maybe kip will have someone deliver pizza or something? but then we have the issue of tessa trying to cover her weight gain up. its completely out of character for her, even drunk, to stuff herself here.
I'm going to have to agree. Still a sliver of hope that Saiya will have to leave early to get drunk Aika home. Then after that she will run into Tessa after the party for shenanigans
So Tessa got cold feet for the 10th time and this entire party is going to be a waste of time now? Thrilling.

You're acting like these are well adjusted people when god knows what is going on with Aika and Tessa has been shown to have extreme anxiety issues, and Saiya had had anxiety and self confidence issues since the first few pages.
I feel the characters are nearing a breaking point. Saiya is going to snap at a drunk Aika and cause a scene, meanwhile Tessa, emboldened by drink, is gonna pluck up the nerve to talk to Saiya but her corset will give way, causing another scene. A complete fiasco that sees Aika storm off and leaves Tessa's reputation in tatters.

In the aftermath, with Saiya and Tessa at their lowest, they confide in one another - Saiya was a fool for trying to make it work with Aika, and Tessa was a fool for coming on so strong. The childhood friend backstory resolves and Saiya re-evaluates her feelings and sees Tessa in a new light.

Cut to a future where Saiya is working with Tessa to rebuild her stream brand, taking it in a new direction now free of Stacy's influence, and Aika is a mutual friend to both. One upset isn't going to shake the friendship bond Aika and Saiya share after all.

Theee ennnd
I reckon Saiya will end up being Tessa's new manager.
She'll become a mukbang streamer and Aika will do... something

There will either be alcohol bloat, or she gets drunk and still stuffs herself. I'm guessing Saiya will go somewhere to take a break from managin Aika and Tessa will corner her there, Still hoping she just shows her gut off and can't get it back on, I'd like to see her bigger before busting out of something and exposing herself in front of everyone.
god I need tessa with a big round gut from a liquor bloat in my life
I don't expect Tessa to take any initiative here. Everytime she did so far it failed and right now she's in depression mode. And having her showing vulnerability will score tons of sympathy points in the audience. Also holy batman, the clichés...

That would be a mega crutch to Tessa's issues and would suck in regard of her character development. Most likely she gets to a point where she's her own manager instead of needing someone else to rely on, notwithstanding the lesbian shenanigans.
>That would be a mega crutch to Tessa's issues and would suck in regard of her character development.
I agree, the co-dependency would be a little toxic, but Tessa and Saiya becoming lovers / business partners is where the story seems to be going.
I can't figure how Aika figures other than to tempt Saiya's lust and drag the story out.
Wait. I think I have it sussed.
Aika is gonna be the one to stand up to Stacy.
Meh it is alright
kip is good at keeping people in suspense. no one saw this coming.

what is tessa doing? she doesn't want attention from simps. she wants saiyas attention. saiya only cares about her belly. how is getting her breasts wet going to get saiyas attention? that belly needs to get bigger than aikas and bust out of that corset if she wants saiya to pay attention to her.
she's trying to get saiya's attention without revealing her belly, she doesn't want to humiliate herself like aika as seen in the previous page
Good guess, would fit the narrative so far.

Oh ffs... Tessa stop trying already, give the initiative to Saiya. What a dolt.
Fingers crossed she fails, two frames of alcoholic depression ain't gonna cut it.
It's always funny seeing posts that just spell out the obvious like this.
Say what you will about the plot but these titties have been consistently great
there you go. more breasts for your enjoyment.

I'm here for the belly.

it aint working. I have no idea why she's laughing when it clearly isn't working.
Probably thinking Saiya is having the same reaction, she also gets off by being the centre of attention

Next page will show Saiya still focussing on the belly and Tessa will grow increasingly annoyed
Kip has a hard-on for humiliation scenes, so now that everyone is focusing on Tessa's tits, her corset is probably going to give way. Then Stacy will lecture her for being a cow, Saiya will finally get the initiative and Aika will exist, somehow. That's my prediction for the next 5 pages.
You fucking wish kip would move things along that fast, it's going to be another fake out followed by filler and then maybe finally the real Saiya and Tessa one on one moment
You guys bitch an awful lot about a free comic that no one is forcing you to read.
Free comic? We're wasting time reading it, time is money KEK

One on four so far, let's see if I ace it.
You know what, you're right. I should have bet on 15 pages.
There is nothing interesting or attractive about the fat bitch with the mind of a four year old
So this could be the start of some wacky disaster, or just Aika realising just how bloated she's become. At this point we're still just noodling about here until this plays out.
tessa already knows whats going on. if she wants saiyas attention she needs to get that belly bigger. aika over there knocking tables over because she's so big. as I had predicted saiya didn't even so much as look at her while she flaunted her breasts. she better call up grubhub and start eating.

I wanted to go along with what you were saying and I agreed but heres my problem with that. theres no reason for her corset to burst. when we think about it tessas belly isn't even that big. at most she has a potbelly. she's slightly chubby. it looks like aika is about to bust out of that dress and I'm very sure tessa isn't even going to try to compete with that at this party. we want tessa to get the hint, run somewhere and stuff herself. kip knows that but we also know kip refuses to give people what they want. people might even be content with aika ripping her dress but I doubt he'd allow that. it looks like kip isn't going to allow any belly to be shown in this scene and I'm beginning to wonder just how big he's going to let the bellies get before this story finishes. think hell let them get any bigger than aika is right now? tessa might get there during a private moment with saiya but I don't know that kip will go any bigger.

whats interesting about kip is just how he continues to pull these fake outs. no one ever expects them. they expect him to switch it to something else but no one ever knows what hes going to switch it too. I never thought aika would run for the food table and her belly would bump it. I thought they just said they ran out of food. I'm expecting aika to get sick from drinking any minute now. why is she running for the food table? how is tessa going to compete with that? the only answer is to eat but she won't risk shaming herself so how will kip get her to get saiyas attention or end this scene? what is tessas next move? what is his next fake out? I have no idea.
>>83774 man i’m seriously getting a headache over a fetish porn comic
if it's a slow burner, it's safe to say the characters are going to gain quite a lot, as we've seen with NLB, which featured maybe the biggest character Kip's ever drawn, despite him saying he hated how big the characters in BWS ultimately got.

Just for the sake of the coomers, I think he'll let Tessa get to Sydney levels (to also compensate for the lack of a early gain), whereas Aika will probably float around Kip levels. Just my two cents though.
(54 KB, 333x250, 1ZKD.gif)

If Aika floats around Kip levels, does that mean we might see her gulp down a whole lobster?
Yeah, this comic sucks so bad.
I really don't like Saiya tbh
Eh she’s just the typical retarded kip protag
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finally some good fucking food
I mean, there hasn't been a single good character since grace.
>if it's a slow burner, it's safe to say the characters are going to gain quite a lot, as we've seen with NLB, which featured maybe the biggest character Kip's ever drawn, despite him saying he hated how big the characters in BWS ultimately got.
>Just for the sake of the coomers, I think he'll let Tessa get to Sydney levels (to also compensate for the lack of a early gain), whereas Aika will probably float around Kip levels. Just my two cents though.
I don't think that's gonna happen. This comic has been going on for a while now, and I predict that realization Aika had will have her stop eating and this be the end of her growth for the rest of the comic. Tessa will likely end as the same size of that woman from Full Night Nanny if she tries going for Saiya's attention, and will not reach Kip or Sydney's size.
Prediction: Aika will lift her belly up onto the table so she can reach more food, and Saiya will melt into a puddle.
>and will not reach Kip or Sydney's size.
Bros... I don't feel any good.
Lol got my post agreeing with you deleted. Someone is seething moderating this thread :D
As long as this comic doesn't end in some torture fantasy about kidnapping and abusing, fine with me.
Comic still sucks though.
i just want their arms, neck, legs, and ass to get proportionally fat. it looks like aika has a beach ball shoved up her dress, rather than her gaining weight
Never gonna happen. This is Kip we're talking about here.
yeah lol. kip really isn't a standard fat artist, they have specific tastes and don't draw outside of that. I think a lot of the anger and salt in these threads is because people are expecting something they will never get from kip. If kip wasn't one of the only western fat artists drawing a long form "weight gain"/fat comic with a developed plot they'd be free to draw the same beach ball gut girls being lightly humiliated over and over and never gaining a massive amount of weight.

If you're reading this comic expecting significant weight gain, even the character's guts getting significantly larger outside of temporary stuffings, then just give up. I gave up a long time ago and stopped following an artist that didn't draw art to my tastes lol.
So this was a comment I made to test a theory. Every time I post calling out people complaining about a free comic they don't like it gets removed almost immediately. A random baseless comment saying the comic suck stays. The mods here a clearly biased against Kip. I know this will get removed but at least I know I'm not crazy now.
We’ve gone over this a billion fucking times, not every chick gains as a flabby blob, there are women who primarily gain in their gut, and that is what kip likes, and it’s what he’s going to draw
I agree they could use a LITTLE more fat on their face and arms but it’s not completely unrealistic that the girls look like this
There’s a billion other fat artists that draw the shit you like, go look at their shit instead of Kip’s because it’s clearly not to your taste
That's what you get for being a fanboy using one of the laziest excuses for a comic taking an excessive amount of time to progress. We're all here to see women get fat, not a comic that meanders because of a love triangle.
that comic was good for the first 30 or so pages, then it started going to shit. turned into a yuri comic (I'm not even against yuri, but it's unneeded in that story), girl started getting too fat too quick, artstyle progressively got worse, etc. It had a few good moments, but lost my interest a while ago
>that comic was good for the first 30 or so pages, then it started going to shit. turned into a yuri comic (I'm not even against yuri, but it's unneeded in that story)
Why do you think it's unneeded?

>girl started getting too fat too quick
For the first 30-40 pages, fair enough. Since then however, the gains haven't been happening much until she started cheating on her diet.

>artstyle progressively got worse
How? More recent pages look far smoother and cleaner the the first 30-35 pages.
the yuri feels out of place in that story. it feels like the main character became a completely different person when the author decided they wanted yuri to happen, and the whole feel of the comic changed too. maybe just me, but i would have preferred it to stay just a revenge story, with the main girl getting progressively fatter and more gluttonous while staying in denial about it, as the other girl continued to sabotage her weight loss attempts. changing it to a romantic thing just feels terribly forced and awkward, plus the goth girl is just a shit character.

yeah, the visible gain slowed a bit for a while, but that's mainly because she got too fat right off the bat.

the art got cleaner, but the faces got uglier imo. the early pages were sketchy, but the faces were more attractive
Dear god this is the worst thing, one of the greatest examples I've ever seen of Kip's inability to draw more than one type of face
Kıp has a bad case of sameface
>>>/crybaby thread/
>>>/anywhere else/
If you don't like the content of the thread then don't look at it. Fuck off.
At least his sameface is tolerable unlike a lot of other artists with sameface
You fuck off, I can say whatever I like

Honestly, in this case, it's not tolerable. It's very distracting how much this does not look like the character. It just looks bad.
If her name didn't get dropped I wouldn't have known it was her.
Are we not allowed to criticize how inconsistent and mediocre Kip's work has been? I understand not everyone here is paying for the content, but those who are, aren't they entitled to give an opinion or review of what they think?
If I was looking for thoughs on Kip's work, I'd go to the Kip thread, not the crybaby thread
Does... does Kip know what Elma looks like or was this done based on fan art?
You are just ignore that guy as he should ignore comments he doesn't like, everyone wins
It’s clear to see that you don’t know what giving critics are and just flat out crying over something you can’t control
We got some of Kip's fanboys here, acting as though size inconsistency never happens. Bet you're both the types who would leave contrarian comments if there's something said that you disagree with.
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I told y'all. you never know what kip is going to do next. I thought the table would flip. instead aika puts her belly on the table and now everyone loves her.

we could hope this means well finally get a face off where tessa stuffs herself senseless to compete with her in front of everyone to get the attention back on her but I'm very sure kip isn't going there.

"Everyone loves her" nope just saiya people were making fun of aika just a few pages ago
I predicted two pages ago Aika was going to be in the next 5 pages for more filler, and 70 anons before me predicted almost infinite stalling which we're closing too. Kip went from blueballing us on fetish content in the old comics to blueballing us on story progression in this one.

Also I'm tired to see the same clothes trying on and the same belly drop scene again and again and again and again and again...
I swear if we get a "pillow under the t-shirt" scene next I'm drowning a kitten.
I read over this a few times just to be sure. It says "I love her" not "everyone loves her"

I know it's easy to shit on Kip but you don't have to make shit up just to say Kip bad
I think he intepreted Saiya's monologue in the last panel as random people saying those things

?? Was responding to the fella who posted the page
"I love her". "she's so beautiful". I think that kip is trying to give the impression that things have changed and people are cheering for aika. just a few pages ago the dude was mad that aika ate all the food and saiya was getting annoyed with her drunken antics. tessa shows some breast, aika waddles off to the table, drops her belly on it and now people like her? it doesn't make sense.

I'm just hoping this turns things so that tessa will finally eat and bust out of that corset. if she's going to she needs to get bigger than aika and we all know tessa isn't about to stand for aika being the center of attention.

Where is kip blueballing rn? I always love a good belly flop and theres only so many ways to do one so i dont blame kip for his getting repetitive. The clothes shopping was one page, and other than that kip has been branching out with the exercise scene, bloating, public wardrobe malfunction, strongest humiliation/dom themes of any his comics yet, and the voyeur angle with Saiya.

As for story this is obvious set up for saiya to get denied starting what i think the WG loop will be which is saiya tries to get bigger and grosser to put off saiya, she only gets more attracted to her, tessa keeps makong a pig of herself.

Its a comic of course itll feel slow just chill
thats my mistake. you read it right. I interpreted her inner dialogue as people cheering for aika. I'm confused because just a few pages ago she was ashamed of her for drinking oven spray and then getting drunk. she stuffed herself and now she's in lust. I get that but for her saying she needs to confess her love? its a bit much. I hope she does so aika can reveal she doesn't feel the same and we can finally get over this.

aika is getting on peoples nerves. I think people have picked up on the fact that aika is really only there to kill time and keep people reading this comic. her antics aren't funny and she's an annoying character overall. saiya was just about sick of her. whenever the story gets really boring it seems that kip will slide her in with some stuffing right quick just to try and keep people interested. he uses her to keep people reading. we have had the same issue repeating itself this entire time. aika stuffs herself. saiya is overcome with lust. tessa wants saiya. instead of letting them actually talk this out kip keeps having something happen to interrupt and thats whats frustrating. it wouldn't be so bad if we got some decent stuffing scenes but even those get interrupted. once the story gets good for even one page it gets interrupted. I'm waiting for the new interruption right now.

you know what would be a nice interruption? cindy from full night nanny doing a cameo. if she were stuffing herself and took all the focus off everyone. that would make a welcome interruption but that isn't going to happen.
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After she gains more
hmm, how will kip drag shit out further now...

ah, got it - one of the dudes suggest a game of spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven, in the hopes of getting it on with Tessakitz

if it's spin the bottle, we get 12 pages of build up until the make out scene between Saiya and Aika (with Aika going 'nah I don't like girls go for Tessa), or between Tessa wherein there's a brief corset malfunction maybe??? like Saiya getting so into it she tugs on the corset strings wrong (already got loose once so why not) and exposes a little too much, or accidentally breaks the strings and it schwoomps open or smth idk

and if its 7 minutes in heaven, we either get 17 pages of buildup with Saiya and Aika, only for Aika to pass out in the closet or reject Saiya (leaving one of the dudes to get in the closet with Tessa, insert corset shenanigans there), OR... Aika finagles Tessa and Saiya in together (maybe just tries to wingman for Saiya, casually breaking her heart all the while) leading to 23 pages of the two chatting in the closet, making out, corset shenanigans and then public humiliation and so forth

God I'm good at fetish comics - except for the art, but eh who needs it
Feel like having the fetish character Aika being the most boring character is counter productive to what your follower base would want.

Tessa was always the most interesting character even before the backstory reveal(s). Just has a lot more going for her from a popularity/fall from grace perspective.

Aika desperately needs character depth besides nonsensical slob, but that ship has sailed at this point.

Also find it interesting Saiya is only into Aika because of the belly lust. Previously we thought she was only lusting after Tessa in that gym scene cause of he belly size and she had an emotional connection to Aika but I find that really hard to believe at this point. Saiya entirely into whoever has the largest gut. Hope Tessa figures it out.
>Saiya entirely into whoever has the largest gut
Finally, a protagonist the audience can relate to
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this page feels like every other page since the party started. i hope something happens. but I also hope tessa doesn't take her corset off yet, becase i want her to get bigger first
If you read No Lunch Break you know Kip favorite game is to blueball the audience. He just found a way to make it less obvious with One Serving Choice.
No surprise, cause No Lunch Break ending met such outrage he had to make an epilogue only focused on the fetish to cover his ass.

Also lol at the mod making it personal and deleting even my most innocuous comments in this thread. See if I care enough to change my IP.
That someone would even bother wasting their time doing that gives me a good laugh.
she went from resting her belly on the table to feeding herself and slapping her belly. saiya is literally monologuing and tessa is fuming. nothing has changed. we know aika is going to eat until they run out of food. that dress ripping won't stop anything. how long is saiya going to monologue? how long is tessa going to stand there staring at them and looking angry?

I figure we have a few more pages of this back and forth until a distraction kicks in. maybe aikas dress will burst causing saiya to run over, cover her up and escort her out. tessa isn't going to do anything but stand there and stay mad.

>Finally, a protagonist the audience can relate to
not exactly. I seriously doubt anyone is relating to saiya right now. most people would have done something. before it was understandable. its gone on too long. now its annoying.

thats the sad part. kip is literally repeating the same thing every page.

people actually got mad and kip had to go back and fix it? what happened there? how did they make it known? the only place I have seen giving good reviews is deviant art and he may be deleting any comments he doesn't like. last time I read some comments there they were fans of aika so I know better than to think they're going to tell him this is bad.
They delete any post that gets reported for mindless bitching. And I'll keep reporting them until you niggers fuck off.
"wahhhhhhhhh I can't handle people not liking something I like this thread should just be an echo chamber of Kip dicksucking wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Go be a man baby in the manbaby thread.
We all dissapear, fruitcake. You're too busy watching and copying from everyone else to notice.
lol I bet you think you sound so fucking cool saying that
You're a dumb nigger who thinks that everything that is ever said needs to be cool? Needd to be the coolest thing ever said? I do always speak fir a purpose, but not always to sound cool
that'll do, cracker.
that'll do
Say what you will but he was right.
I predict that one of the characters is going to start a fire or something and cause some wacky hyjinks that'll make something sexy happen in the Middle of the bonfire.
Thread’s gonna be at bump limit soon cause you dumbasses always have to ramble on and on about nonsense
Anon said, adding another bump to the thread
Good, the thumbnail image for this thread was the worst possible choice for a Kip thread
We've got some crazy Kip apologists around here. Let people talk about the person and content the thread is dedicated to
wow out of all possible scenarios “tessa flirting with aika” was not on my One Serving Choice bingo card
this is flirting? I thought she was trying to insult her.

she's doing everything she can except progressing the plot. this is real skill right here.
Tessa ain't flirting with Akia. She's insulting her, basically calling her fat. Aika's too wasted to spot the insult but Saiya isn't, hence why she's so glaring in the last panel.

I smell a catfight going down, with Saiya going to town on Tessa - I suspect this will be where the corset fails (or gets released by a livid Saiya) since it'll be poetic justice. Pot calling the kettle fat as they say (possibly).
sorry i should’ve worded it better, i think Tessa is trying to fat-shame / insult Aika, but based on Aika’s facial expression and general obliviousness I think she probably took it literally and will interpret it as flirting. i could be wrong though
I can see it play now: a massive fight where Saiya airs all her pent-up frustration from Tessa's weird (occasionally gross) stalking, going for the kill by releasing her corset in front of everyone, or mocking her for its untimely failing. During her tirade she tells Tessa to back off as she loves Aika who, in a moment of drunken lucidity, bluntly rejects Saiya simply saying she ain't gay (probably passing out in the process form the booze).

Tessa's humiliated in front of everyone, her reputation destroyed by Saiya; Aika passed out as the drunken mess that she is; and Saiya's left holding the bag as the fiasco unfolds. With Stacy bailing the scene, Tessa is left abandoned and Saiya's sympathy for ruining everything for Tessa kicks in, allowing them both to have a heart-to-heart, apologise and find a means of patching things up.

Cut to the future as I had mentioned in >>83027
I can see how it possibly plays out now: a massive fight where Saiya airs all her pent-up frustration from Tessa's weird (occasionally gross) stalking, going for the kill by releasing her corset in front of everyone, or mocking her for its untimely failing. During her tirade she tells Tessa to back off as she loves Aika who, in a moment of drunken lucidity, bluntly rejects Saiya simply saying she ain't gay (probably passing out in the process from the booze).

Tessa's humiliated in front of everyone, her reputation destroyed by Saiya; Aika passed out as the drunken mess that she is; and Saiya's left holding the bag as the fiasco unfolds. With Stacy bailing the scene, Tessa is left abandoned and Saiya's guilt for ruining everything for Tessa kicks in, allowing them both to have a heart-to-heart, apologise and find a means of patching things up.

Cut to the future as I had mentioned in >>83027
thats what I was thinking. she's trying to fat shame her which makes no sense when she's clearly gaining weight to get saiyas attention.

what I don't get is why tessa would resort to this. everyone knows saiya loves bellies at this point in time. I mean the woman is literally drooling over aikas gut. what was the point in spilling liquor on herself? the belly is too small. now she resorts to insulting aika? its immature and I thought tessa was better than that. she needs to go home, stop at every buffet on the way there, regroup and return with a much larger belly. she knows that. the audience knows that and she is doing everything but.

you know kip by now. if you think its going to happen it isn't going to happen. that also seems to be ending the comic and though kip said things would "ramp up" I have yet to see that happen. I wouldn't be surprised if this went on for another year or two as slow as things are going.

kip has talent and that is avoiding anything that furthers the plot. maybe some food will be delivered? maybe aika will shrug and go eat a sandwich? if you think its going to happen it aint going to happen.
I think Tessa's just using mean girl tactics to try and drive off Aika. Tessa sees her as a rival at the end of the day. Also worth noting the whole bitchy "TessaKitz" persona is artificial - it's a fabrication created by Stacy and not a true representation of Tessa's character. Her attacks against Aika are therefore something that Tessa can feel guilt for, which lends some credence to both Tessa and Saiya both having things to talk about and apologise for once the bubble bursts.

But as you say, this is after any and all padding provided by Kip.
Saiya's a bit of a bitch, but I don't think she'll rip off Tessa's corset in front of the whole crowd. At least, I hope she doesn't. that would be a dick move, especially coming right off the heels of the revelation she just learned a few pages ago that Tessa is actually very insecure. I can see Saiya firing back in some form, but I think exposing her like that would be a really shitty thing to do
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I'm just imagining Aika puking all over Tessa in the next page with this expression. It might happen.
We’ve seen how good Tessa is at sucking in her stomach. Saiya ripping off the corset now would do very little. It has to happen after Tessa is particularly stuffed for some reason
That eye spacing. Fetal alcohol syndrome game going strong. lol
This will be the second time a character has puked in this comic. Is kip a pukefag?
they're into anything that'll humiliate their characters. since puking is humiliating they're probably into it (same as eating rats)
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Thank the heavens no puke.
I'd wait till she sobers up before celebrating.
Kip'll fucking do it, I swear.

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