
Threadly reminder that faggots can stay on their containment board or make their own site
Last thread still has 4 responses left and this would be the third thread.
Yeah, I don't understand why we're even having a discussion about male content. This site is called BBWchan, enough said.
I don't want male content in threads here, but the reaction to male content is more cringe than the misplaced content itself. I can easily ignore male content (or fap to it thinking it's female, no homo) but when the entire thread gets derailed by homophobes and anti-homophobes and people stop sharing content and just rage at each other that thread is effectively dead until a mod cleans it up. if people learned to just ignore femboys threads wouldn't get derailed but they feel compelled to rage and counter-rage
The problem with ignoring male content here is that it would likely open the gates for more BHM content if left alone, and as stated many times by various people on this board, this is BBW Chan, not BHM Chan or Plus Size General Chan. I think their reactions towards those who blatantly ignore the No Male rule is fair.

>>I can easily ignore male content (or fap to it thinking it's female, no homo)
Then what's your reaction once you learn the truth? If you're going to claim "no homo", then you must still feel lied to, because what kind of straight person would feel fine about being tricked, and realized they fapped to something they're not attracted to? When I had that happen to me, I felt disgusted and betrayed.

Just to get this out there: I'm a straight male, and have no issues with anyone being gay or bisexual. What I do have issues with however is having content be in places where they don't belong, and I will contribute to having them be removed.
I think the anti adblock on this site is annoying, and I think people should use the image board as an actual fucking image board instead if just pasting onion download links.
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>because what kind of straight person would feel fine about being tricked, and realized they fapped to something they're not attracted to?
one that isn't that insecure about what their into? like, its fat art, its not some defining thing of you. Like, if I ended up doing that'd, id just be "oh shit that was a dude? huh. didn't even know. anyways," and moved on, because its not that serious lmao. Although, i do understand WHY people don't want it here. i think there should be a specific BHM board tbh, because im not gonna lie, i kinda feel bad for the people who like bhm being relegated to /ee/ which gets damn near no activity. it probably wouldnt be a very active board but still. Its just the way people overreact about it is fuckin weird bro, its just pixels on a screen, if seeing a drawn fat dude makes you physically ill or some shit, you need to calm down lol. literally just scroll past it and ignore it, its not that hard. and i saw people on the other thread being like "oh more people are drawing bhm, its taking over, all of our artist are becoming gay blah blah blah" when you know the VAST FUCKIN MAJORITY of people who do art for this shit are drawing women. like, a couple of people have draw a dude or 2, ok whatever. niggas were spazzin over jeet drawing lio and himself or whatever, when thats like, 2 drawings of dudes in his entire gallery, which is 99% women. yall need to calm down about this shit

Couldn't have said it better, myself.
>i saw people on the other thread being like "oh more people are drawing bhm, its taking over
I don't agree with the people who think it's taking over, but it has been bleeding into the BBW Art community more in recent years. Twitter is proof of that.
> i think there should be a specific BHM board tbh, because im not gonna lie,
Before the website was rebooted BHM had it's own board and was very self contained. Idk why this isn't the case this time. Probably the same reason why a board for morphs doesby exist anymore
>waah why do people get mad it’s just pixels on your screen
Because this isn’t the place for it and I don’t want to see that shit
I’m so sick of you cancerous faggots that demand the ability to post your crap everywhere, stay in your damn containment zones
If /ee/ is already dead, a /bhm/ board wouldn’t be any more lively
I’m also sick of this gaslighting notion that “if you don’t want so see something you must be insecure about it”
Imagine telling a normal person that doesn’t want to see gore that they must be an insecure necrophiliac because they don’t want to see it
>I’m also sick of this gaslighting notion that “if you don’t want so see something you must be insecure about it”
I agree. It's overused in the argument against people who dislike BHM content, and they don't understand the concept of there being people who know what they do and don't like.
I don't like bhm - I report it when I see it in /bbwdraw, but it doesn't make me physically ill. it doesn't offend me by its very existence. I don't think people like you are secretly gay because you have a visceral reaction to bhm, but I do think you're weak kek
Nobody said it makes them physically ill, it’s just really fucking annoying seeing that crap when I go out of my way to not see it on a board where it’s not fucking allowed
Same goes for vore, but at least the people that post that garbage generally have the mindfulness to spoiler it
>a /bhm/ board wouldn’t be any more lively
I beg to differ
>>73482 (OP)
I find it hilarious how Newgrounds goons had flash animations shitting on this place, but when their place started bleeding internally they had to open the gates to every circle tool MSpaint autist, those mods can't pleasure themselves enough. So much for being edgy hotshit.
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>Ignore it
We did and then they started not even bothering with the spoiler and we've been getting furshit, inflation, and preg creeping in too.

>niggas were spazzin over jeet drawing lio and himself or whatever, when thats like, 2 drawings of dudes
>does non expansion
>has been known to do inflation and furry from time to time
>who has a low production rate
>decides to dilute the pool even more with male
>on his Patreon
That's why a lot of people had a problem with it; they were either forced to support a majority of shit they didn't have any interest in but put up with it because they liked his stuff, or they see an artist they really like dipping into other shit while being in a community that has lost dozens of artists to furshit, diapers, inflation, slob, scat, Akira blobs, and not wanting to lose him too.

When it was around, BHM didn't get much traffic, which is why they decided to get rid of it.

You see anything wrong enough, you start to get pissed; just look at all the reaction that idiots who make threads for their waifu, some series they know has all of two pics, or is just filled with flat out ugly as sin characters.
>Ignore it
>We did and then they started not even bothering with the spoiler and we've been getting furshit, inflation, and preg creeping in too.
This is exactly why I think ignoring it would cause more problems later on. People would take it as a pass to post stuff they're not supposed to.

The only reason why the MetalForever thread is still around is because the people there have been good about spoilering all the vore and pregnancy he does, and he (at one point) did enough vanilla weight gain to justify it. I think that'll change once the current thread dies, as the amount of vanilla weight gain he's done has dropped considerably in recent months due to him doing more hyper stuffing instead of weight gain while keeping the vore and pregnancy output high.
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I am sick and tired of all the trannies, enbies, and other genderspecials infesting this community. They're obnoxious, insufferable, and talk like they came from a hivemind of tumblr-addicted teenage girls. Every time shit gets stirred in this community, whether it's artists getting cancelled over off-color remarks and political differences, or declaring jihad on anyone drawing kink art of underage characters, it's always because some tranny decided to shit his diapers on twitter.

Granted, Takamoom's not as bad as most, but I still cringe every time I have to wade through the quagmire of unfunny/repetitive reaction images in his media section or read his zoomer humor brainfart tweets just to find his art on twitter.
Yeah I kinda wish Twitter had a gallery mode or something, specifically for porn artists who don't have their art anywhere else.
Or those ones that made one good fetish pic once and never again, and if you forgot to save it you have to go on an hour long odyssey to find it.
Coomers become trannies, it’s a simple fact of life
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>gore is the same thing as fat dudes
lmao ok bro
and never did I say we should be able to post whatever, wherever. I literally said there should be a bhm board so this shitd be contained if it ruffled your jimmies so much man
I dont know what's worse: your utter rage at fictional fat dudes or your lack of reading comprehension, but you should work on both lmao
The problem isn't doing an oopsie once in a while, it's that it's becoming easier and easier for that to happen, to the point where you have to start questioning more and more content and it starts to impact your ability to enjoy things. People can like what they like, I don't care, but when stuff I don't like starts to flood my inbox/feed, then I start to have an issue.

I get that femboy is just the new meme kink, but I don't like when people just draw a girl and slap the male label on it and the only way to be sure is to do some digging. I don't like it when artists I used to like stop drawing the content I follow them for just to chase some new fetish that I don't enjoy and I end up unfollowing them. I don't like being told to ignore it, that I'm insecure, that the problem is me, etc, when things I don't like are forced upon me, when I had been doing a pretty good job of avoiding them until now.

Like what you like, draw what you draw, I'm entitled to nothing, but I at least want to be able to bitch and vent about it in some inconsequential way.
I just dont fallow tranny people. It is much more easy for any person from a non-woke country where we are dont see a tranny as a human being and "bi soft femboi prefer girls" as a human creature.
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It pisses me off when twitternigs get mad at an artist for drawing someone like Momo Yaoyorozu "oOoOh ShE'S a MiNoR!!1" But we ALL fucking know she was designed to be hot. REAL 15 YEAR OLDS DONT LOOK LIKE THAT! On the other end of the spectrum some people will legit draw 8 year old kids as fats and use the "hurr durr just a drawing" argument. It gets to a point where sometimes a character is technically like 17 or something with the body of a 20 year old. But if you draw someone who is a kid and has the body of a child too, please either keep that shit on the loli boards far the fuck away from here or just kill yourself. Sorry for the autistic rant
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Accept the pudgy balls of cuteness into your heart, Anon

It's possible

>hurr durr just a drawing
Why do you have such a problem with a fact? Their faces look nothing like real childrens, they don't act like real children, and they're made out of ink or pixels.

>keep that shit on the loli boards far the fuck away from here
Maybe if the loli generals weren't banished to alt, we wouldn't be having such a massive problem with people posting dudes and Twatters deranged cultists.
>all of the problems are caused by loli being segregated to /alt/
Oh fuck off
As someone who likes loli sometimes there is nothing wrong with it being on /alt/ and that’s exactly where it should fucking stay
And it gets plenty of traffic too
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The 5th noble truth:
>do not obsess over the ramblings of shartmerican niggercattle
they are animas in semi-human figure
you must hate loli on bbwdraw cause you are secretly a pedo
Okay but who is the most bro tier artists?
It's not coomers, it's porn artists in general. People who go out of their way to share their content with the public instead of just cooming to it in peaceful isolation are automatically at higher risk of becoming attention whores than the average netizen, and that's a slippery slope that can lead to all sorts of fucked up behavior and mental disorders
How do you explain lolifags who are pedophiles? John K. is one great example.
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Dranthule's a cool guy. Doesn't get wrapped up in any bullshit or drama and sticks entirely to posting art. Sadly, the tradeoff is that he rarely ever posts.
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There's no better trigger against the Rainbow Reich and their loyalists; there is nothing that repels them more. There's only a small handful of their ilk that I've seen that are immune.

There's always exceptions to the rule. Why John K. instead of Mistystuffer?
How the fuck do you actually type out 'rainbow reich' and not feel yourself shrivel up from embarrassment
You and I both know it doesn’t actually trigger them, it’s just something for them to virtue signal off of when not in anonymous spaces
They’re all obvious chomos and that’s exactly why they feel the need to call everyone into it pedos, confession through projection
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Can retards fucking learn instead of posting ANYTHING but bbw. Fucking thin girls with a big asses/futas/inflation (a THIN fucking girl being stuffed) and rest of the alt shit in the bbw threads.

BBW = FAT girls.
you missed the point, I am pointing out how using the argument that people who say "if you don't like X then you must secretly be into it, therefore it should be allowed on the board." are using an argument that could apply to almost any other type of content.
How do you explain the hammer and sickle photoshopped onto a lgtb flag?
"The BHM board is dead so I should post in a more active board instead"
Kind of self defeating innit?
It's almost as if removing /BHM/ was a mistake
There's over 8 different types of BHM threads over on the /ee/ board. You have a place to go for male content, so bitching about there not being a dedicated board is pointless.
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Related to that, I may as well post another grievance with the rainbow crowd
>artist draws tons of fetish art
>sexually charged fetish art at that
>lots of emphasis on huge asses and groping
I just wish I understood why Dookus in particular was like this. Is it plausible deniability so people don't drag him for drawing tons of underage Pokegirls (and boys)? Like, in this case I'm not even hating, I'm just confused.
I think asexuality is a spectrum. some people are just disinterested in genital intercourse, others feel no sexual desires whatsoever. I think asexual people can have fetishes. I'm not sure though, all these terms and labels are super confusing and poorly explained to the average person
You pretty much nailed it.
Before I was thinking that asexual means no sexual drive at all and fetish stuff/masturbation is a sexual thing.
Basically most asexual people don't like sex. They may get horny, might even masterbate, but wouldn't have sex, or at least wouldn't enjoy it. They also may not like genitals or intercourse. TLDR: Can get horny and have fetish, doesn't like sex or genitals.
Honestly the amount of asexuality among fat fetish artists (including furry ones, god forbid) makes perfect sense when I see how little genitalia there is in both male, female and [insert gender here] art.
The Asexual label obviously won't appeal to you guys but it's pretty clear a lot of people just prefer soft tummies more than raw dickings.
yeah i feel this, im not sure if i would label myself as an asexual but i do not really feel any like sexual desires but i jerk it to fat women

All people have to masterbate one point in their life’s.
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I think it’s time I talk about what happened days ago. Some of you might have seen it.

Someone, no start a fucking Big City Greens thread WG. This was not like the Yo Mama threads of yesteryear, where people make these threads just for trolling.

The BCG one was completely unironic.

OP literately wanted fat art of the characters, including the children.

When that got removed, he made another one. And then that got removed. That’s all I can remember.

Let me give you some advice before posting that kind of shit here. It’s not allowed because posting fat art of children is not fucking right. If you want to make a thread like that. Just go to BBWALT or something.
Yeah that happened? What about it?
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>if seeing a drawn fat dude makes you physically ill or some shit, you need to calm down lol. literally just scroll past it and ignore it.
then i guess its fine to post stuff like this on social media if thats not too much to ask.
attention seeking faggtory is what that is.
the thing is people like those tend to destroy or stir up shit that had already been established
they know can't create or contain on their own thats why they piggyback on whats draws in more crowd than convert them down the line.
The attitude that just because someone isn't into sex makes them gay is such a weird leap. Especially when it's discussed that they would still get off to girls.

Not everyone is monkey brained all the time. These guys aren't asking for anything other than to create pictures of fat girls without guys fucking them and that's gay???
It was funny seeing a manchild with a short fuse shitting himself because nobody on this site digs his autism. Not even /co/ is rock bottom, despite having heated arguments to see which Fairly Odd Parent girl is the best.
I don't draw guys because I don't need to see a fucking slimy dick near fat girl to masturbate on the fat girl. Naked guys with they dicks is the very thing that I want to see the least. I'm not attracted to them.
Well that's something we can both agree to, I'm not a fan of guys being in my porn at all, real life or drawing.
Again, attention seeking faggot. thats how it is. the alphabet soup crowd loves'em for that.
Shut the fuck up nerd
Being trans is trendy right now. Twenty years ago everyone was "bisexual", now they're "non-binary", and twenty years in the future they'll find some new dumb fad.

Reich is Nazis, hammer and sickle is Communists. Granted, they both suck.
The Nazi party was a Socialist party, the people that are running around with the hammer and sickle are calling themselves socialists. Socialism is just a mask Communism wears to lure the weak and ignorant into giving it the power it needs to choke a nation to death with the power that would've been used against it.

>twenty years in the future they'll find some new dumb fad
In twenty years it'll be Bible thumping again if people don't mellow out in middle from the establishment hasn't destroyed the viability of both sides extremes.

I've never masturbated once in my entire life. All you really need to do is make it through most of high school not really hearing much about it while having something that takes up most of your interest and you'll never have any real interest in doing it.

>including the children
They're the least ugly.

>If you want to make a thread like that. Just go to BBWALT or something
They had the father, the mother, and the grandma fattened up too in what little they posted.
>I've never masturbated once in my entire life

I find that very fucking hard to believe considering the site we're on.
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You think that's crazy, I've also been one of the main reposters to dozens of threads and like to find ways to allow fattening to happen.
I'd say you picked the absolute worst place to be in terms of the fat community then if you're that virtuous then. You'd probably get along with the actual artists and artist circles more who often feel the same way and practically never jerk it to their own stuff and just love talking about ideas than the rabidly horny consumers that lurk here.
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Jeetdoh coming back to the fat community so he can dedicate most of his time to drawing fat boys and self insert feedee stuff is some real Monkey's Paw bullshit.
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I've been in every community since the Yahoo groups until the social media age.

>actual artists and artist circles
Most of them have their heads too far up their own asses and the artist circles are absolutely atrocious.
To be fair I never masturbated until I was 21 so its not impossible to consider
Honestly I have no desire for sex or being with partner of any kind, if it weren't for my fat fetish i probably wouldn't masturbate either
you say that as if he really left, he just "left" to attention whore, as goes for anyone else who "permanently leaves" for a grand total of like 3 months
the skype groups were interesting at times

I've lurked hard most of my time in the community

rarely commission because at some point someone else will commission the exact same thing

I've also never bothered to save art because i get a new pc every 4-5 years and the HDDs never last
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Why not just use USB's? I've lost a couple computers and not a single flashdrive.
My main concern about them is what if all of the sudden they get obsolete and every computer refuses to read them.
Treat your shit better.

I have USBs and HDs that are upwards of 15 years and they still work fine.

There's only so much you can do with modern SSDs. They're like everything else these days, planned obsolescence. They have infinite readability (in theory) but each cell can only be overwritten a certain number of times before it just doesn't work any more.

Contrast that with yesteryear's hard disks; actual PHYSICAL, MECHANICAL products that could be repaired or at the very least recovered from. If your SSD or MicroSD wipes itself or becomes corrupt you are S.O.L. my friends.
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They're far too useful; the only way they'll become obsolete in the forseeable future would be when computer manufacturers force people to use computers with their storage soldered into it and removed the slots for external storage to force you to buy a whole new computer when it dies or fills up.

It's only about $20 for a 120GB USB if you live in the states.
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Some niggas want to see tummy and nothing else, genitalia and sex is a huge turn off, simple as
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Sounds like something Apple would do. They removed floppy drives years before USB drives made them obsolete.

Nazis and Communists are both socialists, but they also hate each other more than they like themselves. And our "woke" crowd already reminds me of the fundamentalists of my youth.
That's not a very realistic concern, their ubiquity means that they'll be around forever in some respect. And when they do finally fall out of common usage, they'll still make hardware for them so you can keep using old drives. You can get plug-in readers for floppy disks, they'll be making similar readers for USB Type-A drives eventually.
as someone who's mainly attracted to guts and doesn't care that much for sex or genitals in art, I can still say I'm pretty solidly heterosexual because I'd totally raw dog my ideal fat chicks irl and don't care for dudes
they're just looking for snowflake points or are genuinely retarded
no one is saying asexuals want to fuck dudes or are interested in dudes, what are you talking about dipshit
Sounds like a shite country, fr
Yeah, Apple does anything to force people into buying their accessories and upgrades but I remember hearing about another company having started doing the soldering thing, and then there's big techs push towards cloud storage and locking things down for easier data mining.
Dudes, traps are better then girls. They are guys, but they are attractive and girl, but have a hot sexy dick. But they are guys... you can do guy things with them, but still enjoy them as girls.

Thus they are best girls in the end.

Unfortunately, Americans and Europeans look terrible trying to look cute.
When the fugly artists have Kemono pages and updates but actually good artists who make art that doesn't make me want to pour bleach on my eyes get rarely updated or ignored entirely. Case in point, lipdo. He has ugly art but gets updated constantly.
Never have I read something more wrong on this site. Dicks are an instant nope, and traps ought to be taken to the gallows for their crimes against humanity. Trap characters are one of the worst things to ever happen in the fats community.
Not my thing at all. I respect you and assume your probably female like most trap lovers but this is not something I enjoy.
Best thing about girls is no dick
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I thought the best thing about girls is their tits and ass, but passively not possessing a penis is also a good quality I suppose. how do you feel about inanimate planks of wood?
lol yeah, if u wanna post shit like that on social media, go ahead. imma scroll past that like i scroll past fat dudes i dont wanna see. because i dont wanna see some weird edgy frozen shit. do you not understand how easy scrolling and ignoring shit is dude
>I don't like when people just draw a girl and slap the male label on it and the only way to be sure is to do some digging
i agree, thats lame as shit lol. as for the rest of it, thats understandable
>So many people fall for obvious bait
That's what tomboys are for.

Even reverse traps?
based tomboy appreciator
Which characters you would draw if you are was an artist?
off the top of my head?
>Alyx Vance
>Mikasa Ackerman
>Cinder Fall
>Telepurte's Nila
Reverse traps arnt great, no one wants a girl who can easily pass as s guy.
I feel like a broken record talking to a brick wall about this but I am really sick of ideologies mucking up this community. From model's opinions, artist's posting ignorant takes to other anons here taking pot shots at strawmen, I came here to just see pics of fictional fat people (mostly women here, chill fellow anons) and half the time my little escape to turn my brain off is ruined by fucks telling me to care about shit they only acknowledge for social credit among cliques I've either been kicked out of or can never join.

So from one Anon to the Meatspace community: STFU and just come here to enjoy morbidly obese people like the rest of us.
how does it make all you homophobes feel to know that the average person finds fat fetishes far more disgusting than being gay?

The gay community took their sweet time convincing megacorporations that they needed to be included in all advertising and media production, but they eventually got the job done.

The time of the fat brainwashing (oh, sorry, "body positivity" movement) is upon us. It may take time, but eventually we'll get quality commercials and media perhaps not outright pushing fat people down our throats but at least including attractive ones.

Everyone deserves to not be treated like a second class citizen, as God intended.

Except furries. Those animal-fuckers will always be in the shitter.
I'm not homophobic you're just heterophobic

Actually pathetic how much some of you want to feel victimized by the sight of anything gay
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>doesn't get the reference
go be a fag somewhere else
I don't go posting women in your shit, stop posting men in mine
You're implying gay people are fatphobic? You know fatphobia spread by MAGA chuds and smooth brained gop apologists? Yikes, Nick Fuentes arrived.

This is the shit I am talking about. Can you blame someone else (hint: Look in the mirror) for this shit other than strawman rightoids? God, get a fucking life.
Nobody is more "fatphobic" than a Bush-era or Obama-era liberal. Also I hate the word "fatphobic". I miss when fat women didn't think they were oppressed. They were nicer and much easier to date.

I have no hope for this. I try to be tolerant and try not to be homophobic, but having extreme gayness shoved in my face everywhere doesn't help. As for fat people, there's still a rule against cute fat girls being on TV. "Body positivity" is so anti-beauty that the only way a cute fat girl would get in is by accident. I expect a backlash against all the gay/trans stuff from people who are sick of the aesthetic. If we start getting unattractive fat girls everywhere there will be a backlash against that too, and we'll never get cute fatties on TV. Not that it matters because I don't watch new TV or movies anyway.
Can you people stop acting like being fat is a perfectly fine thing? As someone into fat chicks myself, I’m completely aware that it’s not a healthy endeavor, and completely understand why it’s not a normal thing and never should be regardless of how much I would enjoy it. Body positivity is stupid and the people acting like there’s no problem with being a lardass even more so. Should people be allowed to be fatasses if they’re fully aware of the health risks and side effects and either don’t care or are too into it to care? Yes. Should it be encouraged? Hell fucking no. Now stop acting like this should be fucking normalized.
More pre-Awakening Fire Emblem characters.
Lots of great girls and designs that go underused or completely neglected in favor of Tharja/Lucina/Camilla #987334
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Holy fuck I didn't think anyone was actually dumb enough to fall for the ok hand sign meme. For context, the first (now deleted) tweet was them complaining about liking then having to unlike pictures of cosplayers because they were making "white supremacist gestures"
I expect better from slob fetish artists!
How fucked is twitter that you can't even like a picture with a gesture in it without bending over?
Typical tranny behavior
This is why I dont fallow any trans person.
Sounds like a based, sane country, fr
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>I've never masturbated once in my entire life
>He says on a literal pornography website
Nuclear cope
I may have a degenerate, deranged fetish, but at least I'm not gay lmao
>hurrdurr I'm a faggot
>lol fag
>joke's on you I was just pretending
Real funny
How does it make you feel that there are more fat people than gay people?
Dude, if it makes your peepee big, just fap and move on. Jesus Christ, you don't have to let your porn preferences define yourself. Living in this constant state of paranoia isn't doing you any favors, and it's much easier for you to change yourself than ask a whole community of artists to change.
Bad news. Mega.nz is banning porn. Saw the announcement on krekkov's kemono.party page.
>dude just be gaslit into being a faggot by all these artists because they’re incapable of not creating garbage
Please find the nearest rope and use it to suffocate yourself
Says the dweeb who's scared of porn
>don’t like it so I’m scared
Yes dweeb, you're scared, that's why you think a bunch of artists can "gaslight" you into being a faggot by drawing stuff you don't like
Am I the only one who deosn't really like slow burn wg comics? I just don't see the appeal ofwaiting 40+ pages to just see a character barely get a muffintop. Wg sequences already exist so I don't understand it's existance. With that said, Belt-buster's comic is actually pretty good and seems to be picking up the paste compared to "Better with salt" and pixivio's which seem to just waste time and they're clearly just trying to get more money out of people's pockets.
I at least appreciate BWS for always being about the gain, even if slow paced. More than you could say about Kip No Ippo
Its because everyone equates a slow burn to kip's garbage.Ayano is techincally a slow burn comic too but most people don't shit on it because its actually good.
kip will always prefer drawing bloated beachball bellies to everything else. when their characters gain weight it won't be distributed well across their entire body, it'll be a round bloated beachball gut: never double bellies or anything interesting to me. they usually include some ok thick thighs and biggish boobs I guess. they will never draw properly fat faces or necks or arms or any other features because they're just not interested in that. kip is not interested in drawing weight gain I will like so I am not interested in their art. I wish people would understand this and stop expecting things from kip they don't want to make, but people will keep begging kip for things they will never do and rage at kip for creating what they've always created. you'd think idiots after so many years would learn to have more reasonable expectations from kip, but nope. kip's stories do suck though and I wish they'd have better character writing and story progression. I could treat kip's stuff as a hot story with mediocre visuals if the story was actually hot lol
I was talking about comics aside from kip, I already know he/ she's a lost cause who will never go beyond a belly. I'm mainly discussing about "Better with salt" and "pixivio".
has he even drawn a female not Bea since he pulled that stunt?
He drew morrigan, tifa, and ramlethal but outside that he out of the blue just started doing self insert fat art (one notoriously being his femboy bbw art that he drew some time ago).
I want you to repeat that in your head
I'mma be honest with you anon, if you don't like Salt's comic you are a coomer beyond redemption. Chasing instant gratification and shit.

That comic is by far the best thing produced by this community and I'll stand my ground.
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Aren't most reverse traps in Animu and Mangos from the dudes being small framed enough that a female can just put on pants and cut their hair short and they'll pass for a dude?

Aren't there a chunk of the gay and tranny community that are fat?

>I expect a backlash against all the gay/trans stuff from people who are sick of the aesthetic
There has been backlash for a couple years now; all of the Western entertainment industry has allowed itself to be destroyed by Japan or is starting to lose ground. Why do you think they've been trying so damn hard to resurrect old properties?

If we're gonna be stuck shooting our own feet off, why not have a nice view while the world burns?

A mixture of big names that somehow don't get the content they should and stuff no one ever does. I'm hoping the Dungeon Fighter Online fighting game has Pandemonium since its time as New York floating through space picking up random alien species and them all cross breeding over all those countless years on irradiated rock has lead to a lot of top tier females.

BBI is a tranny, their emotions are too wild to think rationally.

>He says on a literal pornography website
I wouldn't qualify 98.99% of human fat art as porn. It's all either straight slice of life, stills of them standing or sitting around doing the same thing, or are badly drawn/written.

Took em' long enough with Australia stopping with the facade that they stopped being a penile colony.

I don't like WG comics at all; not a single artist in this whole community can write a decent story, and it's a rare sight to see any of them follow the show not tell rule of comics which leaves everything either feeling like a sequence or clogged with text.

He; Kip only ever cross dressed.
TheStarTraveler Sucks. Plain and simple.
Why is half the thread about homosexuals and other sexualities when this site is literally named "BBW-chan"? Like can someone bring me up to speed as just found this site a day ago.
They're not real anon.

Just like your god.
your spinal cord won't be real soon, nonce
I only wish the users of this site were cooler: real nerds instead of fake nerds, boob lovers instead of booty lovers, honest men who treat women with love and attention instead of possible trans-lesbians who absorb every facet of their being or personality from others and can not think or speak for themselves. Cool people with funny things to say; that's my one wish for this site.

That way maybe we could make fat women great again. With the users of this site being what they are, however, we stand no chance because they give us a bad look. They make all of us look pathetic, weak, evil, queer, and the rest. I fear that we will never make fat women cool at this rate.

I just want fat women to be cool. Is that so much to ask? In real life fat women are cool and they are friendly with me. The only problem I see is the young ones are tarnishing the group with their nerdy shit, and most of the older ones married or have children.

Listen, I just want fat women to be cool and not cheesy, that way my dick can get hard again. I will always love fat hoes aswell as young, thin, beautiful busty girls above anything else on this Earth. Fuck you nerds and thanks for destroying everything good
Two things: Some users have started to post fat men even though it's explicitly against the rules, and jeetdoh has started to draw fat dudes and a fat self-insert, therefore alienating a good portion of his audience
If it's based on a real life girl, would you still defend the lewd artist?
Post an example of a "cool" and "uncool" fatty right now.
Example: Your Mom
I thought it didn't need explanation that nerdy is not cool. By cool I mean not nerdy. And by nerdy I mean the stereotypical hollywood nerd. And by stereotypical I don't mean a generalization, I mean an archetype. And by archetype I mean not real. By not real I mean based on fictional characteristics. By characteristics I mean features unique to what we now call the nerd.

Happy Holidays btw. May there be a white butt underneayh your tree this year.
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The multiple capeshit threads were a mistake , begging someone turns on their brain to just create a general , hell same goes for fucking waifu threads
>Popular thing, usually shit that breaks Reddit
<Marvel or DC
<Star Wars
What to expect from an audience that get easily impressed by seeing some douche shaking his car keys. But I want to point out the elephant on the room and that is: Fetishizing politicians, who the fuck gets turned on by AOC's horseteeth and irritating voice?
Same goes to celebrities I would say , there's definitely a line that gets incredibly buried when it comes to the fetishizing actual people , which sure , fap off to Elizabeth Olsen being 500lbs whatever , but when it comes to people in the office? Shit like that???? I'd rather take the 2d bitch in my screen.
(132 KB, 1280x722, KimetsunoYaiba-Yuukaku-Episode1-95.jpg)

There is no reason there should be anything more than straight DC and Marvel threads for the big two. Both companies ran their shit through the ground, so the only thing that can gain any traction are characters from shit like Spiderverse, while other cases of weight gain that aren't sparked from rare situations like that are barely trickled out and that's including artists like Ray Norr who still have a spastic devotion to the trash heaps they've become. The A-Force thread itself shouldn't even exist when everyone in Marvel has been an Avenger.

The people who commission and make capeshit art never even go beyond scratching the surface for characters which leads to the same dozen getting made for years. Besides KDubs and said Ray Norr, I don't think anyone has read any comics.
For me every irl related is a creepy thing. Here is a pretty normal people around the anime bbw art, but a fucking creeps in the irl sections of bbw Chan.
You mean the creeps who doxx the models because they rejected them?
This too but literally everything else no less creepy. Just read anything from the /gen/, mainly people who are into the irl stuff
bro if you can fap to it i'm sorry to say, but that means you're attracted to it lol
I had a dream about an SSBBW AOC once. No idea why but I thought it was pretty hot. Something about a big deal, super-skinny, "girlboss" liberal Millennial politician becoming a fat, greedy, morbidly obese blob who gives up on all of her principles for moar food.

oh wait, it's a complaints thread. uhhhhhhhh JayKuma's weird body proportions throw me off and mess up my suspension of disbelief, even though I like Saxxon art (I am based).
>Gaining weight while fucking over her supporters
Really makes you wonder if those young
and hip politicians are popular thanks to their stalkers.
>JayKuma's weird body proportions throw me off and mess up my suspension of disbelief, even though I like Saxxon art (I am based).
Because JayKuma likes asses too much and makes characters too bottom heavy without compensating belly or boobs properly. Saxxon works on impossibly huge sizes normally, so the expectation with anatomy accuracy is non existent with him.
(791 KB, 943x655, 6175cf2f29ccd0c41fb75f941728759f6c41b0f92adceedfa73a56c501057741.png)
>Then what's your reaction once you learn the truth? If you're going to claim "no homo", then you must still feel lied to, because what kind of straight person would feel fine about being tricked, and realized they fapped to something they're not attracted to?
I shrug and move on with my life. Fiction has some key differences with reality.

The thing is, art (even fattywank) at it's core is meant to be interpreted by the viewer. This means that at the end of the day, your imagination trumps whatever the original creator of the character in question had in mind when they designed it. The only one who can take this authority away from you is yourself. You can't lose it retroactively either. When you fapped to obese astolfo or whatever, were you imagining that character fucking you in the ass? No? Well, good news, you can go on being a proud straight male and no one will give a fuck.

Most of these japanese "male" designs are deceptive to a point of being memes. The creator draws a girl and calls it a guy. Then this usually gets emphasized even further in the eventual fattywank version. And if the character gets screentime in some anime adaptation, the voice actor is usually female too. When the only male quality about a character is their wiki page's gender section and a few lines of exposition in the series, it's such an absurdly pussyfooted attempt at featuring a feminine male that it comes off to me as the creator tricking themselves rather than their audiences.
(1.9 MB, 400x279, laughter to shock.gif)
Had my first and only interaction with cutteramjam today, as funny as it was seeing him do his damndest to hurt my feelings his behavior does concern me, he seems unhinged.
Same, I really want to know what the fuck his deal is. As far as I know, you can't set up notifications for someone else getting comments on DA so does he just spend all his time trudging through Axel's comments to find the meanie-weenies to scream at?

And to what end? Few professions needs a PR guy, let alone a fucking fetish artist. Having someone else answering your comments isn't a great look either. For anyone who doesn't know the connection, it just makes Cutter look like an obsessive white knight, and for people who do know, it just makes Axel look petty and weak. All Cutter is doing is making both him and Axel a meme in this sphere and giving Axel an even worse reputation than he already has.
I am still convinced that axel has just been using cutter's account to vent and cutter lets him for whatever reason
Axel acts like a spastic cunt that's well in line with cutter's behavior, and he's been in the community for almost 2 decades so it would check out
>gives up on all of her principles for moar food
What principles?

Jaykuma's issue isn't the huge asses overpowering the belly and the boobs, it's his blowing up the lower body while doing nothing for the upper which leaves the character with T-Rex arms and an ass that's eating up torso.

>he seems unhinged
These days, that's most artists, and there's the consumers with twatter accounts.
god you people are fucking losers
>>73482 (OP)
Is it ok to add pedophilia innuendos but no edgy jokes?

>Different opinions: The thread
A crime worse than murder.
>catboymech thread mysteriously disappears
What did you fags say this time
Limited commissions slots were a mistake, especially if it’s few enough that the same 3 assholes can keep a monopoly on them for all eternity and literally keep commissioning the same character over and over

Yes this is about BWS fuck you
(198 KB, 342x382, 1638845083703.png)
Unless someone said that catboys can't pilot mechs, after I left, someone called the artist pedo and another pointed out she did the same shit that has led to Jeets to break out in mockery and arguments.

The fact that it got deleted so quickly instead of getting posts trimmed, makes me think it might have actually been Cat who made the thread.

The recycled blonde shit?
it's only 2 so it's even worse
aren't they the same two cocksuckers who have been on the slots since BWS first started his patreon?
fuck even kip has 10 slots and those have people going in and out every once in a while
She has a pattern of practice of going on the chan websites and being absolutely dumbfounded when she finds out not everyone here sucks her dick like they do in her discord and on Twitter, the fact it got deleted was definitely suspicious

Salt uploaded his Patreon teaser to DeviantArt today and I couldn't help but notice that like 60% of that image was Lucy
(521 KB, 775x1100, de5dd427715bd7c17b16e58f1ff0dfee.jpeg)
Working with limited slots isn't even that bad. Much better than artists that bite more than they can chew and keep piling up commissions.

The monopoly stuff though sucks.
Can confirm as a former server member of hers, she checks all the chan boards for people (rightfully) badmouthing her and then cries to her server about it for asspats, it's really sad to watch lmao
(9 KB, 256x222, t_cdf95e39b56618c80aa9ca75f12bb38b0ea829f8a1b5c15aeb84bd37be3c6e8d.jpg)
I understand the frustration of not being able to get your custom made cummies, but let's be honest, it's incredibly convenient for the artist to have these regulars and work exclusively for them.

Every time you take a commission from some new rando as an artist, you risk getting your ass scammed and doxxed. And there's dozens of other ways a customer can be a nightmare to deal with. The FA community is giga autistic and that comes with all kinds of mental disorders and cluster B personality types. Why sell your ass on the street to unpredictable strangers when you have the option to just enjoy pleasant dinners with your sugar daddy?

I doubt that any of you would operate differently in his position.
I won't commission lewd artists because they got this bratty teenager who refuses to value his income let alone they must police the kind of person they're working for.
Commission european artists. They are dont care what to draw and they are draw for living, so they are nice with a clients.

I had a problems when commissioned a western artists because "I will not draw this/that, I dont like this character/I draw only ocs (!)/this character too young". Fuck them.
>I doubt that any of you would operate differently in his position.
Cope so fat it tried to stand and had a heart attack on the way up
>>73482 (OP)
Someone posted today unspoiler-tagged vore on the Steven Universe thread. This is Bbw-Drawn! Vore is in BBW-Alt! And the worst of all is that some anon keeps posting vore (spoiler-tagged) on other threads! It just really... grinds my gears!
It's true that euro artists give way less shits about drawing girls below the age of 18 since the age of consent is lower than that across most of europe, but an artist being selective about what they wanna do isn't a nationality thing, it's a supply-demand thing. Most artists will rather draw things they enjoy than things they hate, especially when they have 50 ppl in line asking for comms.

>can't refute a single point
>c o p e
award winning post
The post is fine
The absolute lobotomite take of "You'd all do the same you have no right to complain", though, is somewhere between the fattest crock of bullshit that's ever smothered my eyeballs, or anon having the biggest cope because they know it's bullshit but don't want to admit it
Either way it's headass beta shit
sure buddy but you can't actually give a good reason why you'd go out of your way to take commissions from as many different ppl as possible and deal with the risks involved
>anon having the biggest cope because they know it's bullshit but don't want to admit it
sure buddy but I did list the issues involved with going out of your way to take commissions from as many different people as possible instead of playing favorites

you're the one not willing to admit that you have no argument, aside from screaming c o p e like a zoomer that just learned the word
>don't want to admit it
lmao you're the one not willing to admit you have nothing to say, you can't even elaborate a single good reason for an artist to go out of their way to take comms from as many new ppl as possible and deal with all the bullshit I listed

keep screaming c o p e like a zoomer that just learned the word
(10 KB, 240x240, cringe.jpg)
what? when did they say you had no right to complain? they simply said it makes the most financial sense to have a stable source of income from reliable commissioners. stop hiding your lack of an argument with strawmans and angry cuck terminology
(49 KB, 700x513, 1629501754737.jpg)
You stick to a couple of the same people and you'll end up doing the same thing over and over until not only your skills stagnate but also your brand, so if anything ever happens to your small handful of meat wallets, you run the risk of having a hard time finding replacements.
in bws case, he already has a professional level skill , and i doubt he would have any problems finding more comissioners.

There is a lot of "lucy guys" out there that can and would pay him on a daily basis.

BWS just found his comfort zone, and at this point the only thing I see fitting to stop with the spam of the same characters over and over, would be to exclude them from the nude edits, color upgrades, sequences, polls etc. so other characters get the chance

ALSO there is the option of putting somekind of rule for the owners of the comission slots to ask for different characters every month but that seems impossible , specially when the mob mentality on his patreon vote over and over for the same things.

and tbh, the only tiers that are worth it are the ones that are sold out, why pay for content that gets leaked here, in a matter of hours anyways
Ok Ok OKAY I am done of listening to this shit discussion rage on. Lucy guy, Welrod guy, Undertaker or who the fuck ever commissioner does not 'support' Better With Salt in the way that keeps being discussed.

1/10/2022 breakdown of BWS patreon:
Patreon total: $6,575
Total $ from the sketch or comm tier:
($25 * 15) + ($50 * 2) = $475
Total $ from the $1/$5/$10 tiers:
$6,575 - $475 = $6100

These sketch and comm slots are 7.2% of BWS's patreon monthly pay. Do these veteran supporters put up extra on the side? Probably not for the sketches, I really hope so for the two full rendered comm slots though. But any way you dice it, the majority of money in BWS' pocket will always be his non-commissioning supports.

We can definitely question why he does this stuff for these veteran patrons at this point - it's not for the money. As is said over and over, everyone would jump to flip these '$50' seats into probably $250 seats. Compare to Kipteitei's $50 tier (10/10 sold out) which if you've never read it, is a confusing round-robin commission slotting where you 'maybe' get a comm every few months so $250 sounds comparable for a single character fully rendered comm from Salt. No one would blame him for booting Lucy guy. He would make more money. His content & patreon would be more appealing with more varied content potentially increasing non-comm pledges.

So I think we have to summarize: it's just what he wants to do. OR is it an obligation? Why would he feel obligated to do this, seriously? I vaguely remember him writing a cheek in tongue comment like "I just love drawing Lucy." or something of sort.

Let us ponder and discuss this conundrum, without these binding chains of 'money' justification holding us back. It is not about money, Salt is leaving a lot of money on the table for sure with what he does.
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lmao ok, name one (1) fattywank artist that has gone broke like this

the masses don't give a shit about variety, they want consistency. ironic that you posted todd since bethesda is a perfect example of a game company that reached success by essentially putting out the same thing over and over (way before the era of 100 skyrim rereleases)

>It is not about money
big part of the appeal is in the reliability and predictability of these veteran commissioners. it equals convenience, which a lot of ppl value just as much as money. even you probably know guys IRL who prefer working an easy, low stress job for shit salary rather than a stressful shit job that pays better. and dealing with new commissioners can potentially be both shitty and stressful for a number of reasons

if you were sitting on 6k monthly $$$ income, how driven would you realistically feel to replace your loyal, easy customers and risk dealing with assholes in return if the only incentive was a couple more percents to your income?

>His content & patreon would be more appealing with more varied content potentially increasing non-comm pledges.
yes, there are people who highly value variety and experimal stuff, and some of them make great fans and supporters, but I fucking guarantee that they're a small minority of those patreon numbers

and yeah, bws probably unironically enjoys drawing lucy. just because you're a good artist doesn't mean you can't somehow feel attracted to entry level anime waifus
It also sucks that these 2 or 3 weirdos are all fixated on one specific character each like I get having a preferred character but Jesus how do they not get tired of it. I feel like most people would at least once in a while commission something new. Also the Lucy guy couldn’t have at least got addicted to a character with a better design? dude had to choose the most generic basic looking ass waifu out there
Lol at this point since so many people are SEETHING, BWS should KEEP the limited slot and have some special slot highest bidder shit where people like you can put their money where their mouth is. It'll be really interesting to see just who has the cash to back their talk and who is just bitching without any substance.

Fat art is a niche genre (maybe who knows at this point) and most people talk a big game but never put any money down. Thats to mention we don't even know if BWS has a different job in addition to doing art, for all we know this could be a side profitable side hobby in addition to what they do IRL.
Lmao dude, are you just completely unaware of the fact that the two besides Lucy guy get a variety of girls? One gets that GFL girl Welrod, his OCs Serena, Nikume, or Mika, and occasionally a random girl that strikes his fancy. And the other, Undertaker, gets plenty of girls from different series that he writes stories about. Open your damn eyes
From how I see it, those with the money will be known. As they not only can afford the commissions, but be preferred over one-off commissioners. There is a reason why some artists has commissions, but never makes them public until you see the art some where on da or twitter.

Yes, bws draws Lucy... a lot. I do get tired of it, but I would be a hypocrite as I have a small roster of characters and OCs I pick to be drawn by artists. Now I would try to mix it up, but that's me. At the end of the day, Bws has the patreon, its his rules, and the lucky ones who has the commissioning monopoly is Undertaker and the Lucy commissioner. There ain't much we can do.

At the end of the day, this is a really profitable hobby for him and thus, does his best with the art he got time to make. Maybe a solution to the problem is if he had a, "If you commissioned me recently, please wait until next time so I give others a chance." But its very unlikely as the Lucy and Undertake commissioners must pay bws a good penny for the commissions, so I don't see him changing how he does things and as a artist, I don't blame him.
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>in bws case, he already has a professional level skill
The guy is good but like every other artist in this community, he isn't professional. He still needs to work on his joints, his heads are just barely past simple circles and will be hell to work with if he ever gets a commission for sizable cheeks, and nothing has allowed me to believe he can draw a voluminous ass outside of a sitting position. Also, the most I've seen him do with hips looks flat >>77272 (Cross-thread)

>i doubt he would have any problems finding more comissioners
You do something enough and people will leave; whether they find the character/series annoying or not because repetition eventually becomes boring. Whether they come back or not depends on how long its been going on.

I never said they would go broke, I said they run the risk of having a hard time finding replacements for blind loyalists that regularly pay out the ass. The only surefire way of going bankrupt in WG art is being a shit artist and getting on the wrong side of the IRS.

>a game company that reached success by essentially putting out the same thing over and over
Each Elder Scrolls had things added and things taken away, drastically different worlds, and new characters and monsters. The only way you can conflate the two is if we were talking about an over reliance on weight gain and not characters.

Also, the thing that led to Bethesda's fame was them not having any competition in the open world market and what kept them at the top was the modders fixing their shit for them and adding to it.

>the masses don't give a shit about variety, they want consistency
Only when it's something or someone that they like.
>There is a reason why some artists has commissions, but never makes them public until you see the art some where on da or twitter.

I dont post around 95% commissions which I draw so its true. I know other artists who do the same.


>if you were sitting on 6k monthly $$$ income, how driven would you realistically feel to replace your loyal, easy customers

I`d have no reason. It is a fetish art, a fap material and not the actually "meaningful" art (even a comic with a plot for example). So no reason. BUT personally I`d prefer to draw a different characters to attract more customers or to draw my fav characters instead of the same shit.
What do you consider "professional?" Considering BWS has been open about having done art in a professional setting, I'd say he counts as having a "professional" skill level.

Oh yeah, and the picture you used for your post makes you seem like an autistic manbaby with a hyperinflated sense of self-importance
(114 KB, 853x837, URRP.jpg)
>heh I see youre making more money than a surgeon with your art but the way you draw these couple of details doesn't appeal to me that much so you cant be considered a pro heh tough luck kid better just keep practicing maybe you'll make it someday

most pretentious post of 2022 so far. so no one is a professional until they do photorealism? ever heard of stylization? holy fucking shit, ask me how I know you've never made any interesting content in your life

>You do something enough and people will leave; whether they find the character/series annoying or not because repetition eventually becomes boring. Whether they come back or not depends on how long its been going on.
name one (1) wg artist that this has happened to

>Each Elder Scrolls had things added and things taken away, drastically different worlds, and new characters and monsters. The only way you can conflate the two is if we were talking about an over reliance on weight gain and not characters.
the core formula and game engine of a bethesda rpg has remained largely unchanged post daggerfall. they're extremely cookie cutter, repetitive and bland, with a very few memorable NPCs and monster designs. and a major contributor to their downfall was them straying from this only formula they could handle, in favor of shitting the bed with multiplayer projects in pursuit of more $$$
I think the only thing that's truly intolerable/irrefutably negative about the general uptick in quality fat art and fat artists is that getting a comm from someone that isn't either learning as a beginner, awful, stuck in an overly-cartoony style because they're simultaneously running a SFW and NSFW twitter, or without extreme preferences is genuinely impossible. If I could blame it on lack of trying I'd take the L and not post about it until I gave it another shot, but shit.

Some easy examples: Dookus has hard biases to comms with Pokemon characters. Jeet favors people with OCs and Pokemon characters as well. At this point we're all well aware of the BWS situation despite how devilish Welrod guy is.

Also, the "age range" shit is now just being used as an easy way of saying "I don't want to draw your character" instead of actually being a wall against drawing underage characters. I'm getting frustrated to the point where I'm genuinely thinking about sinking a few years into learning how to draw just so I can make my own fat girl art to whack it to.

>name one (1) wg artist that this has happened to
I don't agree with the dude you're replying to but this totally happened with Toroboro/Foxfire. I don't think it really matters to him since he's an artist as a profession for real money, but he totally dipped after "she's not fat just THICC" image #308 didn't move the needle after he took another work hiatus and came back from it.
(26 KB, 505x444, toroboropatreon.jpg)
dipped in terms of what? the general appeal to fat fetishists who prefer bigger sizes, maybe. the only reason we don't see toroboro enjoying larger support is mostly because of these long hiatuses, ofc ppl are gonna start walking out if you don't actually post anything for months lol

just ask his senpai bamboo-ale if defaulting to posting the same pear anatomy over and over hurt his wallet. toroboro would be enjoying similar support if he actually rode the wave like bamboo
>I'm getting frustrated to the point where I'm genuinely thinking about sinking a few years into learning how to draw just so I can make my own fat girl art to whack it to.
forgot to add that you should unironically do this. it's a tough pill to swallow but the only person who can make your ideal content is yourself. reaching an acceptable skill level doesn't take years. sure, there is an intuition aspect to making soulful stuff that takes time to polish, but a lot of the process is just basic instruction following
Oh, he retreated to Patreon like Bamboo did, that makes sense. I was basing my take on just not seeing him constantly retweeted in my porn twitter feed. It's funny that you describe Bamboo as the senpai because if I recall correctly, Bamboo went out of his way to link up with Toro in the first place, which was when Bamboo began his Patreon retreat.

>the only person who can make your ideal content is yourself
That's the truth. I really do want to make my own stuff and hopefully fill niches that are underrepresented, but mainly just make stuff that I want (which is what other fat artists are doing anyway when they're being picky).
>a lot of the process is just basic instruction following
Do you happen to have any pointers for getting into it, is there something like DJT but for art? I've heard about the books that Loomis put out but I don't have much context, and I've heard that /i/ and /ic/ on 4chan proper are not great sources to get starting advice from.
Loomis is a fucking shit for a people who are already know how to draw.


Michael Hampton- Figure Drawing - Design and Invention - everything about understanding construction.

Gottfried_BAMMES-Wir_zeichnen_den_Menschen - deep anatomy stuff, you can just look it sometimes for a specific details.

Mainly look at the video guides like this, here is everything: construction, shapes, etc.


Learn proportions first. Never try to learn how to draw a human without proportions. Anime proportions can be slightly different.
I appreciate the thought because you clearly know what you're doing and what you're talking about and I'm guessing that nothing you've said is wrong, but I think you're giving me a lot of out-of-order materials and information I don't have any foundation for.
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if you're like me and don't have a lot of patience for theory or grinding anatomy parts from references and just wanna go with a hands on approach right off the bat, I recommend picking up a pencil and paper, pulling your favorite images from your favorite artists on the screen and then just start copying. never trace, tracing stunts your growth and it leads to an artistic dead end, it's acceptable for some background drawing but not much else

as you draw on the paper from these references, observe and pay very close attention to how the artist did each detail, hands, ears, eyes, hairstyles, etc. try finding patterns and stylistic choices that you might be interested in replicating and incorporating into your own visual library and personal style

when you feel like moving on to something grindier, look up real life reference photos for figures and anatomy and try drawing those, this'll improve you quickly and effectively. every once in a while you can try improvising and stylizing some feature if you feel like it, I'd usually do that for faces when I was starting out

drawing basic 3D shapes (and combining/bending them) is also extremely helpful, it creates a strong foundation because -anything- can be constructed to look decent if you get good at these

after doing this stuff for a while, eventually you will reach a point where -you- have to be the one to guide yourself and decide what aspect you'll start looking into and improving next. the amount of options seems absolutely overwhelming at first since you suck at everything. but an artist is self selected and self taught, asking for advice on some very specific things is valuable but you shouldn't go asking around for opinions on the next move on your artistic development journey because the answer will always be biased around the instructor's own experience and journey which vary heavily from artist to artist

I haven't read any of the resources that >>77763 linked but there's probably good stuff in there. and I agree that youtube guide videos are massively helpful for quickly finding answers to specific things that you struggle with

deciding what to practice becomes much easier after you start developing your own style and begin to clearly see your strong suites and shortcomings. also, studying art works similarly to studying music, even when you feel like you're just practicing one very tiny and marginal aspect, it's actually improving so many other aspects of your art which you don't realize until later

also, don't put too much emphasis to just waiting on 'inspiration'. you gotta have the mindset of a gym goer. the artists who are most inspired are the ones who also do it when they don't 100% feel like it all the time, inspiration is something you can cultivate

also, when it comes time to color, my personal pro tip is to look into color theory at least very briefly. just half an hour is enough for you to learn some ridiculously valuable and simple to implement things

gl anon
>Download favorite artist's stuff
>Find a pic you like
>Trace it to get a feel
>Get a poser app. Daz/Poser/Design doll, doesn't matter
>Make pose
>Import posed image
>Use any photo that intrigues you from artist you traced from as reference
>Apply knowledge from tracing to posed photo
>Successfully copy artstyle
>Add your own flavor later
(78 KB, 1017x786, laylatrace.jpg)
>Trace it to get a feel
the only thing tracing gives you a feel for is moving the pen on a predetermined path. observation of details and how they work together gets compromised because you become hyper focused on the tip of your pencil moving along the line, it requires hardly any concentration so you'll keep succumbing to doing it mechanically without thinking.

use references unless you wanna join the hundreds of ms paint tier tracer hacks who shit out pics for years without ever improving on anything. the action of rotating your attention between the reference image and your own separate working space forces you to filter the information through your short term memory, which will help you build up a visual library much more efficiently
Listen to this person.

Also, something else to practice on is making confident line strokes with your pen. A single quick stroke. Your initial sketch can be messy, but your lines want to be clean. Having confident lines is a part of what helps separate acceptable artists from DeviantArt meme quality art
terrible art advice, dont do this
art is about shapes, learn the shapes and proportions, tracing just teaches you to draw lines
Honestly it is enough to do a commission. I was surprised when some people ordered a commissions from the artists who cant even draw a face proportions almost like a Sophie Labelle. It was a cartoony faces, not like anime ones but with a circle nose, "0 0" eyes. And they had around 1-2k likes per art because it was a futa or transgender or whatever shit.
(169 KB, 1280x1550, trcr.jpg)
cuz the demand for comms is huge. even the guy who made pic related gets customers and he asks for 45€ per pic

but I argue that even if someone wants to get in on the action purely for the profit, it'd still be better to actually learn to draw without tracing so you can start charging those really juicy rates

if you're someone that actually wants to feel good about their handiwork, resorting to tracing is just going to make you miserable

you risk trapping yourself in a situation where you have a decent following, but pursuing any further improvement by giving up on the tracing habit would immediately lead to your art quality dipping, and some would take notice. then you'll just become a bitter fuck like xmasterdavid
He should just stick to morphing lol.
With this skill he can easy draw from scratch
(17 KB, 204x304, hnd.jpg)
(17 KB, 204x304, hnd.jpg)
hi david, great argument but you wouldn't be a tracer if you could, btw how does it feel knowing you'll have to start from scratch under a new brand if you ever wanna shake off the tracer label :)

david understands how shading and textures work from his experience as a celeb morpher, but he has no grasp on fundamentals, the way he went out of his way to freestyle this hand instead of going for 1:1 trace tells everything there is to know about his so called skill lmao
One thing is using references but that's literally someone's waifu photoshopped onto a model and it's behind a paywall, whoever thought NFT were a new thing it's because they didn't browse enough Deviantart.
>your picrelated
Alot of people are tracers, including alot of modern manga authors. They literally trace over 3D models that they play doll house with.
(190 KB, 1280x1704, FUPA YUM.jpg)
scummy industry has scummy practices, doesn't mean anyone should aspire to mimic that

I unironically love deviantart garbage for the motivational value, looking at it sometimes makes me mad enough to create content of my own
I love the art advise being clipped with atrocious deviant art posts. Something about the weightless line art and deformed faces is hilarious given the actual good advice being posted.
That art looks objectively awful. You should sincerely feel bad about posting it.

It's standard modern drawing tools. Clip Studio Paint comes built in with fully posable 3D models and user made assets that are shared to ease the process of making manga.

Meanwhile your post contains a terribly poorly made disgusting drawing from some American deviantart user with zero concept of anatomy or style.
(174 KB, 1280x1280, DIMIDRESGU xD.jpg)
>Meanwhile your post contains a terribly poorly made disgusting drawing from some American deviantart user with zero concept of anatomy or style.
and the absolute brainlets like you ITT assume I'm posting these as some kind of an ideal to aspire to instead of as warning examples of the foundation you build when you start off as a fucking tracer

the state of this fucking board I swear, please tell me you're just baiting

name one (1) competent artist that vouches for recommending tracing to beginners, mong
I do have the patience for theory and grinding, all of the stuff I do for work and fun is strangely enough about grinding/dedicated practice. To be honest I was expecting some theory and then grinding associated with it.

>I recommend picking up a pencil and paper
I have an ancient Wacom tablet I bought for a completely unrelated venture about a genuine decade ago, diagram drawing because I hated using the mouse in Paint. Is pencil/paper the recommended standard for starting out, or is it fine to start digital?

>as you draw on the paper from these references, observe and pay very close attention to how the artist did each detail, hands, ears, eyes, hairstyles, etc. try finding patterns and stylistic choices that you might be interested in replicating and incorporating into your own visual library and personal style
I think WhatYouDeserve did this with BWS's artwork, I remember he got a lot of flak for it on twitter because the style was there but not the craftsmanship, so everyone thought he was just some hack just trying to copy BWS.

If it's a matter of just copying to understand everything step-by-step like motions, how details were applied, etc., that sounds easy enough and applicable across SFW/NSFW. I could probably make that happen.
(569 KB, 211x350, 1625688593129.gif)
I think there is a confusion with what they really meant by tracing art from other artists.
tracing is legitimately a good technique to improve your drawing but it is not about copying every detail without resorting to drawing basics like xmasterdavid this is legitimately lazy and you will not improve as a result.
On the contrary, if you use your brain in the process, copying art from others can help you understand the reasoning behind their style and technique, as well as breaking down the drawings to their basic geometric shapes or study the behavior of the line as well...
I personally recommend tracing only using your sight and inverting it like a mirror, this requires space management skills as well as a lot of concentration on your part but I assure you that you will improve as a result.
(701 KB, 1101x1270, fu.png)
>Is pencil/paper the recommended standard for starting out, or is it fine to start digital?
If it's a simple screenless tablet and not a pen display, I wouldn't recommend doing raw practice on it when you're just starting out since the hand-eye coordination works differently from pen & paper / pen display drawing and takes some time getting used to. and you're very likely to consider switching to a pen display eventually anyway if you keep on drawing. of course, since you plan to make digital art, it's good to start getting comfortable with all that jazz early on but don't do your first couple of practices on it, digital tools are nice but pen and paper feels less awkward when you're a beginner

>I think WhatYouDeserve did this with BWS's artwork, I remember he got a lot of flak for it on twitter because the style was there but not the craftsmanship, so everyone thought he was just some hack just trying to copy BWS.
I saw a bit of this drama from the sidelines and some of the criticism was kinda unfounded imo. since the guy was at least honest about what he was doing. but yeah, I thought I was looking at old BWS works when I saw his stuff for the 1st time, so can't deny that the resemblance was pretty blatant. if you don't want those kinds of kneejerk reactions, just don't upload practice pieces where the references can be recognized easily, I guess

where the fuck do all these tracing cultists keep crawling out of, it's like I'm on DA

anyway, name a competent artist that vouches for recommending tracing to beginners, please
>On the contrary, if you use your brain in the process, copying art from others can help you understand the reasoning behind their style and technique, as well as breaking down the drawings to their basic geometric shapes or study the behavior of the line as well...
this applies better to drawing from reference than tracing

and I already addressed the issues with the tracing approach >>77813

sure, you -can- pay attention to how the lines interact etc when you trace, but the longer you do it, the more likely it becomes for you to have a lapse in concentration and just start doing it mindlessly without realizing, and for a beginner this happens even faster

you can't put yourself on an autopilot and stop taking in knowledge like that nearly as easily when drawing from a reference
"Tracing" from sight is not tracing. In fact I don't know why that anon called it that. That's just copying, and it is useful enough for very early artists who are just starting and barely know how to draw bodies or unique shapes in general. It just has to be done critically, and not blindly, and obviously should not be posted publicly as one's own work, or posted at all really. It's also a phase in the learning process that is to be grown out of.
>In fact I don't know why that anon called it that.
probably true, now that I reread his post

kinda funny because he started off with
>I think there is a confusion with what they really meant by tracing art
then proceeded to immediately insert confusion of his own
>Tracing cultists
Calm down, the guy is right. There are art courses that in order to learn muscles, you literally trace over the muscles on an image. It's to familiarize one with how things work, and isn't meant to be done for a long period of time, but it IS a valid method. Everything that person said is true. Tracing to discover how an artist uses certain shapes is very helpful.
(13 KB, 432x272, FISNCabXwAANfDT.jpg)
>Tracing to discover how an artist uses certain shapes is very helpful.
and drawing from reference isn't?

tracing also happens to be a massively destructive crutch that has stunted thousands of beginners so should we really recommend it to people that are looking to get into art just because it's totes a real exercise that you do for a few minutes on a fucking art course

I'm fucking done dying on this hill, should have just spent my time drawing instead
People get stuck on tracing because they don't work on their creative drawing skills in tandem, or rather because they have zero urge to.
Tracing isn't some addictive drug that kills motivation. Serial tracers more than likely would not be bothering with art at all if they weren't tracers.

You're barking up the wrong tree by going after tracing and copying as a general introductory method of learning how to draw lines and shapes for utter beginners, instead of just insulting tracers for being hapless losers.
>And drawing from reference isn't?
It's actually fucking not lmao seriously, drawing the shapes over the original artwork is a much better method for breaking it down and trying to find how the artist built their drawing than trying to do it all mentally. It also is good for muscle memory, as long as the person after tracing over the photo or artwork then tries to replicate what they traced on their own. This is a VERY popular means of learning that tons of very great artists will recommend.
You're wrong, fucking deal with it
>>78002 (Dead)
Literally go to youtube and type in something like "why you should trace" and you'll get a lot of results
Anyone else find Comicalweapon's art good....until you get to their cheeks when they eat looking like two Kirbys in their mouth?

Also I feel like certain artists are plagued by fetishes some won't like/care about.

Axel is a big one for this.
Cakecatboy is into traps.
Lewdlemage/Dr Worm is big preggy.
Certain artists draw mildly messy pics but also farts like assthethick and Hexalt.
Plagiarizing is also common among professional artists in order to not lose their job, does that also mean we should encourage everyone to profit from stolen artwork?
(103 KB, 714x411, db949qc-376dddac-aae0-43f8-9aa4-90dc70c06add.png)
thats pretty cool but why not use kisekae???? its free and theres alot of options for pose and clothes and face

its really easy and fast cuz u dont even have to draw, u just save them as images when ur done

pic related its a wg sequence i did with rin i hope u like it
The topic of commission prices is one that comes up not too infrequently. What do you think artists should be charging for their commissions? Obviously higher quality stuff deserves a higher price

Then there's stuff like this that people are charging $45 for. Hell, Dleagueman charges something like $60.

So what's a fair price? Feel free to give examples.
Around 50 - 70, more for a detailed pics with a good shades.
>Also I feel like certain artists are plagued by fetishes some won't like/care about.
I think it's a bit more pronounced than "certain" artists, and personally I think it's a little damaging to my enthusiasm for an artist's work, but I guess being into multiple things means you can get comms from multiple audiences. Example, would love Lewdsona's work a lot more if he focused on fat art instead of descending into... bimbofication? Sumo transformation? Pig transformation? I think he'd get the NSFW tweet traction he wants and be a much better artist overall if he just stuck to practicing/producing fats and the work from his SFW twitter, he's got his attention in a million different spots.
The whole sort of art conversation went down a pretty big tracing tangent. But if anyone here is still interested in advice, I can give a bit.
The most important thing I can say is to just start drawing, with whatever you've got, and do it as much as you can.
If you make something and aren't satisfied with it, good. That feeling will motivate you to improve, try new things, experiment.
Don't worry about making finished pieces to start, it's much better practice to spend time making 30 sketches than it is to make 10 finished pieces.
Focus on learning one thing at a time and then implementing what you learned into what you already know.
Always look for new reference material.
Watch Sycra on youtube.

And the last thing I'd tell you to do is have fun and don't take this too seriously.
Art is a cool hobby, and if you're able to make something that both you and other people enjoy, then that should be good enough.
Try not to get caught up in drama and focus on what you like to make. Don't let others get in the way of that.

I don't know how good of advice this is, but I must be doing something right if I'm able to get randos on discord to commission me or trade art with me.
Just looked him up and he's got a beginner's playlist. The first vid is a theory video that's basically "grind these fundamentals until you die if you want an industry job" which reminds me of my current job, but everything else looks solid just from the titles alone. Nice!
His videos on anatomy, in particular, are fucking insanely good. He's just got this weirdly effective way of articulating and demonstrating the fundamentals of that stuff that helps it stick in the brain in my experience
I honestly think this isn't a new issue, we've just hit the turning point in the community where artists are more and more comfortable with weirder kinks or side kinks in general. As someone who used to know and still knows a lot of artists, back in the day many simply chose to hide their more taboo/weird fetishes on obscure websites or otherwise kept them private to friends exclusively... it's how we got the Slob Cabal meme for a long while, with the only Slob Fetish content being posted was reposts from private circles, shit was a legit drought back in the day.

So y'all probably got monkey's pawed, as there genuinely doesn't seem to be as much private content any more but artists are getting more confident about all the kinks they have/are curious about... so now everyone's probably a little too open and doing more cartoon slapstick/transformations, slob, diapers or whatever else.
Guys did the pokemon thread just disappear? I know i shouldn't ask this shit here but was it just archived?
It's still here. >>72989 (Cross-thread) Glad someone was smart enough to ask first instead of making another pointless thread.
Don't forget that you can check the Catalog. Click or tap the icon that's 9 small squares towards the top of any thread and it'll take you to the Catalog that shows all the threads on the board you're currently on.
>point out worm
>complain about preg instead of his incessant voreniggery
>hates preg
>likes vore
Thanks for confirming your dogshit taste to me, opinion discarded
(3.5 MB, 498x375, big-brain-lateralus.gif)
You fool, you absolute buffoon. I like both pregnancy and vore! I am more autistic than you could ever possible imagine!

Anon, I hate to break it to you but we all have shit taste.
(452 KB, 1440x1948, IMG_20220124_205034.jpg)
>Hasn't been active on her own server in a month
>Hasn't posted any art there since the end of November
>"Prove you're not a chud or be destroyed"

She really is a complete schizo.
Ana got some competition.
(416 KB, 970x2554, Pour one out for Cherri.jpg)
You know it's the darkest time line when Cherri has to quit due to low support but XmasterDavid still exists with ample support.
Where does this say anything about 'low support'?
Yeah, this person is a bitch of an asshole.
lmao try calling her out on her tumblr and she'll pretend like none of the horrible shit she's done ever happened
I just sorta figured since they had at max 20 patrons. Doesn't seem like it was paying the bills.
Oh damn, any lore masters want to sum this up? I had no clue
The TL;DR of it is that she had a feedee boyfriend who was 500lbs and he wanted to break it off or at least lose some weight because being that fat was affecting his mental health negatively (A lot of people don't realise just how debilitating being that large is IRL). She took to twitter and vented about how much she didn't want that to happen. It made her look extremely controlling, possessive, and really made it look like she only cared about him for his body rather than for him as a person.
The one I know about is that she also runs an FFA page with her boyfriend. And she spilled a lot of bullshit on her twitter when he wanted to start losing weight, and she didn't want him to. And since they're still putting out content it's safe to say that she got her way, despite the fact he ain't into ti anymore.
(185 KB, 1439x1758, 1643095495514.jpg)
>artist with 10k+ followers on their NSFW twitter who was once pretty active disappears over the past year and posts art intermittently before going radio silent
>all of a sudden weird art with lame "so mysterious ooooh" captions appears on my timeline
>it's from that artist who decided to rebrand and shift away from fetish art completely despite already having a SFW account
>nuked their entire account including their old likes without any warning

I'm totally fine with artists wanting to move on from NSFW and rebrand but when they go about it in such a scummy way by deleting their old content AND SFW account to try and take advantage of their more popular, disparate, account they can fuck right off.
Ooh, and who's this now?
Why are you vagueposting on an anonymous imageboard. Just fucking say who you're talking about.
For people who didn't check the link, Cozy's complaining about the people who say stuff like "her boobs could be bigger", and the "bigger is better" mentality that DeviantArt has.

Regardless if he's right or not, he has no room to talk given how he rarely ever posts on DA anymore if at all.
I agree with Cozy. It's still a Twitter take that nobody asked for, but I agree with him.
Anyone else hate weight gain drives to an extent?
More often than not they turn into blob by panel 2 or even 3, or become too fat for my liking.
That's bullshit and you know it. There's been a lot more drives over the last 2 years where they have the gaining conditions be something strict like "10 likes equals 1 pound", and there's been more times recently where the artist would cut the drive short early to stop them from doing a size that's bigger then what they normally do, which is supposed to be appeal of a weight gain drive. What's the point of a weight gain drive if the character's size or weight doesn't surpass what the artist does normally?
Why are burps persecuted on this board?

I don't see the problem since I see plenty of topics on here with burp pics. If people find it gross well guess what, I find Huurin repulsive but let his fans have their fun.

In other words I feel burps are a suitable for this board. I feel that the anti-burp rule is never enforced.
Because burps are technically slob.

>If people find it gross well guess what, I find Huurin repulsive but let his fans have their fun.
I find their work disgusting as well, but they're not breaking any rules.
Then why are people allowed to post pics on here with burps unabashedly? If what you say is an enforced rule then I should never be seeing burps in any topic on here.
>Then why are people allowed to post pics on here with burps unabashedly? If what you say is an enforced rule then I should never be seeing burps in any topic on here.
Because they're not common at all in the treads they're posted in, and not part of a dedicated thread that's made out of spite of another board.
You're lucky I'm not a mod, otherwise that thread would've been gone the moment I saw it.
Well it is now. I refuse to use the thread on alt though. I'll make my own.
What was he even responding to?
Softon drew a Mako (Kill la Kill) comic/sequence and Cozy made that bitchy comment because it didn't have enough substance to it for his liking.

When people rightfully called him out for being an asshole (especially to a new artist), he went on this tangent about how "I endlessly believe in your ability to create something beautiful and more than huffpuff fat without purpose :^]" and that's why he's so harsh and condemning of the community.

Oh also he's stolen commission money and to this day still hasn't completed the projects or given refunds out.
>Draw whatever you want, guys
>Lmao shit art
Don't you love it when fetish artists are put high in a pedestal by their personal echo chamber?
(334 KB, 1741x2048, FHZ5qRbVUAMgKNs.jpeg)
People who prefer pants over the belly instead of under the belly have poor taste. Bellies should always be free.
Agreed. I miss hip huggers. Cute bellies poking out above the pants, cute muffintops, and cute buttcracks showing. What's not to like?
Cozy's such an asshole and his weirdly smug self-deprecating schtick is annoying. I still haven't forgotten him running off with a friend's commission money. He used to be CuprumRus but he'll deny it if you bring it up.
I say, love seeing bellies under pants but for the next panel just to see them freely hanging, tight pants are still hot.
(298 KB, 474x340, 3.png)
my brothers...
Oath of the Peach Garden when??
literally this we're all here for fat bitches so whats the point of nerfing them
It really is aggravating because you can tell he thinks he's better than everyone because he's a "tormented artist" with aspirations of making "real" art. Motherfucker, if drawing fats for money makes you miserable and doesn't pay the bills, get a fucking job and do art you WANT to do on the side. You'll probably be happier and you won't have to resort to stealing.

I get the sentiment but sometimes being clothed can be much more erotic than bare naked. Some outfits are meant to tease and entice, and being clothed can really show off how soft the girl is or how massively they've grown when they try to cram themselves into something that used to fit or would otherwise be considered unflattering at her size. You also get the added benefit of wardrobe malfunctions or the girl getting to the point where they just have to disrobe/adjust/unbutton and let everything hang free.
>Some outfits are meant to tease and entice
>You also get the added benefit of wardrobe malfunctions or the girl getting to the point where they just have to disrobe/adjust/unbutton and let everything hang free.
I'm the kind of person who prefers things being straight to the point, and teasing ends up being empty promises most of the time. The only time wardrobe shenanigans work well is in weight gain sequences, cause we at least see them give up later.

>being clothed can really show off how soft the girl is
Having pants be over the belly is one if the worst ways to do that, and there are better ways of doing showing off a woman's softness which don't involve obscuring bellies. Stuff like tight underwear hugging a woman's butt or a bra that causes her boobs to try and spill out or being against her back fat to make it squish out is sexy.
She's one of the best. Just wish someone would upload her Patreon work.
I hate how Mizz-Britt now only draws furries. She always has have a furry streak, but I feel ever since the new FNAF game got more popular all she does now is to draw furry shit.
Yeah weight gain drives are unfortunate. Prior to the final step it's honestly quite a nice weight gain sequence and the progression in terms of size is also fairly realistic too. First steps have a nice average of 39.23lbs per then it suddenly adds
885.2 pounds. lol

The ending step's art isn't even bad, the quality is good but it just doesn't fit the sequence. The size ramp up is inexcusable. Slapped the numbers in a calculator and going off the previous step averages, there should've been 23 (rounded up from 22.56) steps. That wouldn't have been too realistic of an ask out of the artist but it sure would've been one fantastic sequence if it went all the way.
I'd rather have the sudden spike in weight happen instead of it not happen at all.

Does the "10 likes equal 1 pound" complaint not matter or something? Does no one else find that overly strict?
I dunno, but I actually like how the first steps are really modest and shows her feeling uneasy and uncomfortable about the changes her body undergoes. And then - BOOM - a sudden spike of 900 pounds with no mercy.

This is why an exponential apporach would be better. The second part would need 10 likes for a pound, while the last one would net 2 or more pounds for every like or retweet.
I'm no artist, but here's what I'd do for a 5 part weight gain drive in terms of converting likes, comments, and retweets into pounds:

Parts 1 and 2: 5 likes equal 1 pound, 3 comments equal 1 pound, 3 retweets equal 1 pound

Part 3: 5 likes equal 1 pound, 3 Comments equal 1 pound, 1 retweet equal 1 pound

Part 4: 3 likes equal 1 pound, 1 comment equals 1 pound, 1 retweet equals 3 pounds.

This set up makes it so there would be more weight gain in later parts, so the people who want to see the gaining process will get just that in the earlier parts, while there's still a good chance for immobility in the final part, and no one misses out on what they're wanting.
The other solution is to only do one round, have it last 3-7 days, then make the sequence based on the end result. The higher the total is, the more parts the sequence will be.
(18 KB, 588x416, lul.png)
the troon dicksuckers in this community are pathetic

On the topic of Wg drives, thestartraveler is the worst one to me because they basically do this I think Weekly. I’m just making a guess cuz I don’t really frequent their DA a lot. But yeah. It’s basically the same shit everytime, it’s always that Character X and Character Y either eat, sumo wrestler stuff, or having Star’s mega man ocs Feed the characters.

They aren't furries they are robots.
Anon, I have to ask, whys this person even on your watchlist/radar? lmao, scraping the bottom of the barrel of the WG community here.
God I hate tranny fetishists
Shit like this and art of femboys are some of the worst things to happen in this community. All they do is allow people spread their lies, and when someone tries to talk shit about them, they counter by trying to gaslight them.
They're robots shaped like furries, fuck off with your semantics
She’s always whining so it’s not a surprise, especially when it comes to character age.
It's a shame, honestly
Her work's pretty great otherwise
Why she now concerned when this has been around for years? This is just probably projection or something.
meh, you can grow more concerned over time. I'd say this is probably 60% genuine belief that lewd drawings of technical minors aren't ok and 40% dealing with this so it can't be used against them later if they get into an argument with one of those history-scrubber types. ik people here will rage against this and them for moralising art or whatever but it's just good practice not to have this stuff out there to be used against you imo

Funny thing is they drew Kasumi from DOA and she's also 16.
Wait a minute, Tohru is supposed to be 16?
What the fuck she looks and seems like a grown woman
Why are people getting their panties in a twist over Japan’s retardedly low ages for fictional characters
You say that, b Kasumi is actually 19 as of DOA 5 and 6 so they'd probably not be too bothered by it.
16 physically anyway. Wiki says she's somewhere between 500 and 1,000 years old.

Was wondering if someone managed to save that.
One thing I don’t get with the artists having problems with characters age, like it’s not like they draw them in a sexual manner or them having sex or naked or whatever, they just draw them overweight. Beside when they look like adults, what’s the problem, of course if they are like child and etc I have a problem, but like if they are 16 and above and look older what’s the big deal.
They're drawings. Who fucking cares.
The age discourse is an interesting topic but it's also one that's been poorly treated because in the end people jumped on it because of Jeetdoh, or to hid their own shady stuff, and some others uses it as a cover up to go against other artists for their political opinions, like Puntthepoodle or Ridiculouscake's cases.
I think fat art is inherently sexual for being made with a certain purpose behind

Not saying that portraying a fat person on something = the autor's poorly hidden fetish.
(215 KB, 274x249, Rotten Day.gif)
Fuck Jeetdoh. That cowardly faggot's the reason why moralizing over fictional character ages has become such a hot-button topic in this community, and everyone's too busy sucking his dick to call him out on his hypocrisy.

>So I was drawing fat 10/15 year olds not even a few weeks ago but YIKES it's heckin wrong to lewd them!
>Everyone agrees, heckin' awesome! I'm glad we had this conversation :)

He doesn't even have the balls to commit and delete his fat art of Peni/Lillie/Lana/whoever, and every now and then I look at his likes and see scantily-clad obviously underage anime girls every now and then. I'd have some modicum of respect for him if he'd actually practice what he fucking preaches, but he doesn't even bother pretending to do so. I can't wait until the day he becomes a target, and the twitter mob rips him apart. He's digging his own grave by selling out to them.
(8 KB, 168x300, bea school uniform.jpeg)
Probably his waifu bea is underage too, looking at the obvious hints in the games, but hey! as long as she doesnt have "canon" age, its okay right? Lets ignore all the facts and fluff of the games because i like this character. Hypocrite.
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At least when shit like this happens I can see which artists I follow, or have forgotten I've followed, specifically vague tweet about this in an attempt to be morally superior and unfollow them
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I beat my meat like a mother fucker to Hilda. I usually just mentally age them up in my mind since they're often drawn with the proportions of adults.

Wait whos fucking with Punt the Poodle. Dude is pretty talented and from my knowledge doesn't interact much with the rest of the "community"

True but it could just be me but I don't really fantasizing myself having sex with these characters, I'm practically asexual, I just find the scenarios really erotic.
After a while you learn to tune out and ignore their bullshit and just fap to the works I like from them
I forget who cast the first stone in the callout but the deal with Punt was that he used to have a SFW alias as a YoutubePooper called Fawful/FormerallyFawful and during this time he really went out of his way to make racist jokes and bully trans people on Twitter... of all fucking places. It's one thing to do it on an anonymous image board but Twitter's a site that goes through your past with a fine comb so they basically had a banquet of evidence and incidents to work with.

In the end, he did a now-deleted apology video where he pretty much owned up to everything, said that he had changed since then and took a really short break... and nothing's happened since.
I had to look up this PuntThePoodle guy. Uh, yeah. nobody gonna miss this fart shidder faggot after finding out what a pos they are.
I knew about his youtube poop history (still funny how mainstream never made the connection that one of the greatest modern YTP creators now makes fat and brap fetish material lol) but I didn't know about him shitting on twitter trannies, so thats makes him very based to me. That being said unless you want be a paraih either parrot the mainstream leftist ideals that is the majority of twitter or just interact as little as possible. I still remember the bullshit that was going down around the whole riot stuff about 2(?) years ago. I don't really agree with 90% of the shit the artists I follow say but I just keep my mouth shut and fap. Considering the nature of the content "conservative" fetish artists will never find a platform that isn't leftist since the content is considered degenerate and no conservative will openly accept that shit.

Pretty much

Seems based to me (granted I could do without the brap stuff)
The same Fawful who made "Uncle Phil visits to the lost woods"?
His worst crime is not animating Lara Croft jiggling her tremendous fatass, fucking rightwing looney.
>Hillygon and other DA autismos being the human equivalent of a ebay sniper bot
>Periwinkle having "quirky" or "interesting" ideas and original characters
What's worse, first come, first served commissions, or artist's preference?
I always find it funny when these people screech underage when the character is 16 because they aren't "an adult" or something, and since most of these people are american, they should realize that the age of consent there is...16 years old. but the thing that bothers me the most about these kinds of people is that they push their morals onto other people and argue that they are the source of truth. In Japan, the national age of consent is 13, so when a character is made 16 in Japan, they should legally be fair game (including the USA). So who gets to be right? It's always annoying when these people adamantly claim moral superiority over another entire culture and legal system just because it doesn't match theirs.

also, they don't realize that age of consent is literally just an arbitrary line drawn in the sand. what's the actual biological difference between an 18 year old and a 17.5 year old? 17 year old? 16 year old? the way I see it, as long as the subject isn't prepubescent, moral issues shouldn't even cross your mind.
>>73482 (OP)
This might sound off putting, if a lewd artist gets a girlfriend would she be overweight or fit? Because kawaiidebu posted a picture of him with his gf and she looked thin, meanwhile Saxxon got like two and they outweight a small cow.
I'd rather talk about how the many slippery slopes Saxxon's relationship with Reenaye went to the point they ended in the divorce road.
So it's a bad idea to engage with a model, any kind? What happened to his other fiancee?
Ngl I'd love to know which artist even got a gf/bf in the first place just to see how it relates to their art. It's hard not to see them as loners.
Anyone else feel like the character variety stagnated hard?
Like, every few days someone draws another variant of fat Hex Maniac, Samus, Lucoa or Cynthia
Fat art really used to go to more varied characters I feel like
Hex Maniac, Cynthia, Tohru, Lucoa, Daisy, Tharja, Lucina, Camilla, Pyra, Mythra, Nia, Tifa, Crossdressed Cloud, and most recently Arezu have been overdone. There could be some more variety.

Anyone else noticing the increase of furries and non weight gain hyper stuffing being posted recently? Tried combating the recent furries here to get them to go to the furry board, but it failed.
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Not a rant but more of a slight ven? This fetish makes me feel like shit sometimes, like genuine shit and it's not from like "oh I'm jerking off to a woman who will did of obesity lol" it's more like, I can't enjoy things because this creator is now so and so, drama here drama there, etc and it really gets lonely when the only people you're talking to are people on the internet with the same likes yeah, but you hardly know them and even then with your particular interests aren't spiked it's like well fuck who can I talk to then? The anime PFP who has a hard on for shit , with just the littlest of shared interest? I don't know what I'm trying to get across, but man sometimes it really feels like you're pushed into a corner of all things, I just want to talk about guts, now feel horrible.
>but like if they are 16 and above and look older what’s the big deal
I can't speak for anyone else, but small numbers make my dick shrivel up. I don't care if she looks like an adult, I'm just not interested. So many characters would be more attractive to me if they were 25 instead of 16, or 35 instead of 25. Is it a dumb, trivial gripe? Definitely, but it's no dumber than every other age-related take that gets posted here

from a CONSOOMER perspective, first-come first-served comms are definitely better because at least you have a chance of scoring a slot, even if certified autists often grab it first. Artists who constantly choose favorites are way more irritating, but I totally understand why they do it. If you're an artist who manages to find a whale that you get along with, it's about as close as you can get to a steady, low-effort paycheck

keep in mind that artists who cater to prolific commissioners usually aren't crazy about what they're being paid to draw, they're just getting paid a ton which makes it worthwhile. If they really got along, they'd likely do it for free

popular characters get the most Twitter clout, that's just how it is. Most people don't want to see art of an obscure '80s anime character from a show that only boomers and hardcore otaku are aware of, they want to see more Daisy and Tifa
Don't forget the corporate waifu that everyone goes ape.
>Anyone else feel like the character variety stagnated hard?
This has become a common refrain recently, I've complained about it for a while now but I think everyone else is starting to catch on. Nintendo girls, Dragon Ball girls, Sonic furshit, and FF7 girls occupy the spotlight to such a strong degree these days it's annoying and one of the reasons I want to learn to draw.

I get Arezu getting a spike because she's the new girl on the block, and I don't mind Pyra & Mythra getting treatment since it means the Xeno games are getting recognition. I definitely agree there used to be way more variety, I can distinctly remember it too and you can see it if you go "back in time" for various artist's Deviantart accounts.

My pet theory, without any other substantive evidence except looking at some of the polls on the Patreons I paypig for, is that we now have a large population of genuine autists who will praise artists and keep paying in the hopes that they keep doing more of the same one or two characters/series that said autist is infatuated by.

>Anyone else noticing the increase of furries and non weight gain hyper stuffing being posted recently?
Yes, and elsewhere as well. It's leaving "manbaby whining" territory to the degree that it's happening.
I know that feel bro
>but small numbers make my dick shrivel up
why does it matter when they're not real
people grow up retard
(627 KB, 498x498, thinking.gif)
>why does it matter when they're not real
I think you're missing my point and looking at this from a moralfag angle, which isn't what I'm getting at. It's my fault, I barely elaborated on why I feel the way I do

I couldn't care less about what other people crank their cocks to, it doesn't affect me in any meaningful way. In the sense of legality and morality, I don't give a shit when it comes to fictional 2D Mongolian wall scrolls, I'm not the janny who's going to ban you for cunnyposting on /v/


it matters to ME because different ages convey different personalities and varying levels of maturity. Just rattling off a seemingly-arbitrary age leads ones' imagination in certain directions. It helps paint a mental picture of how a character carries herself, and opens (and closes) doors for a trillion different scenarios

let's use the old "she's actually 400 years old" trope as an example. Normalfaggots see it as a pedo cop-out, but I think they miss the deeper implications of someone being that fucking old. Keep in mind that's almost four times older than any real person has ever lived. Can you imagine meeting someone who's seen that much shit? What would it be like to sit down and have tea with someone who's experienced more in one lifetime than four, five or six separate people? How about managing to seduce someone who thought they'd heard it all? Seen it all? Touched it all? Plunging yourself dick-first into four-century-old puss-puss? Are you still paying attention, anon? Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

said hypothetical 400-year-old woman might LOOK like she's 16, but she wouldn't ACT like she's 16. The same is true of >>80423 's 16-year-old that looks like she's 25. She might LOOK 25, but she won't ACT like she's 25. And that's the problem. I don't draw 16-year-olds because characters who act like little girls make my dick soft. 16-year-olds act like 16-year-olds, that's just how it is. It doesn't matter whether she looks like she's 20, 30 or even 40, I already lost interest when I read "Age: 16" on her Wiki page

thanks for reading my schizo lecture about the ages of fictional characters, please donate to my KoFi if you enjoyed it
Can we talk about why the fuck Aka-fa thought that making his most recent oc, a young woman ghost, a trans character?

Did he even stopped for a second to think about the awful implications?
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>act so obnoxiously woke that you accidentally loop back around to being bigoted
Many such cases!
I also got a good chuckle out of this OC.
Girls who don't like being fat is one thing, but an asexual OC who hates fat fetishists? Seems a bit odd. What's the appeal?

Sorry, what? Surely that's not what it sounds like.

>What's the appeal?

There is none, it's a character born out of ticking the right boxes to earn good boy points from retards.
>Fat fetishists
Is she from r/imsingle

What's the deal with drawings of fat bitches sporting pride flags? Wouldn't that be offensive because they're stereotyping the fact that people who are into that shit are unfuckable blobs?
"unfuckable blobs" is not really two words that go together in this community.
It's a power fantasy of being a fuckable blob.
>make fat fetish character
>hates fat fetishists
is she supposed to be some "le strong independent woman" or some shit
Maybe the artist is indirectly saying that they're moving away from immobile/blob sizes?
Imagine making an OC that hates you.
I think like most people who support it, they really don't want to go beyond a surface level understanding of sexual identities.

Having a 'trans' ghost at best makes no fucking sense and at worst, plays into the percentage stereotype/meme.
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is the ghost trans or do they just have a pride patch
The pose really makes them look like this though
I know this is a chan site, but you aren't required to be retarded.
>the awful implications

you could say that about literally every single ghost oc lol. who's gonna want a ghost oc who's a senior citizen lmao
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It doesn't matter if you're pro-jab or anti-jab, fetish art is the last fucking thing you should be using as a political soapbox. >>80939 is one of the most embarrassing things I've had to look at in a long time, and I've seen literal "Eat the rich" anti-capitalist vore art.
You could turn this into a meme about a fatally obese person getting the jab since they're obviously so concerned for their health.
you wouldn't dare posting that
Holy based. Fatfags who cannot seperate themselves from their bias should not critique art.
Its beyond ugly. Why would anyone commission this dude when so many good artists are available?
The coloring is great, the things that fucks Aka's style are the proportions and perspective.
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someone who is involved in the artist side community here and will remain anon.
This community sucks from an artist interaction standpoint, the groups bleed together and people either shit talk behind eachothers backs or they police your behavior with pc reasoning or just to be controlling. The worst part is snarky people or emotionally immature ones who act on insane whims in discord or dms. Dont get me wrong there are some genuinley nice artists who arent batshit insane. But you can usually tell right off the bat based on their replys or reactions. I was warned about this before i even started and i thought id be immune to it, but you can tell its emotionally draining you when the artists you liked and followed are now 65% accounts you had to mute.
any examples if you are willing to share? those you have muted on twitter or the ones who act on insane whims in discord/dms? examples on the things you complain about?
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Wish I could tell you I'm surprised but I'm not. Between the FFANumber5 saga and people like that Moist dude who have long-running public mental breakdowns, CapnFapin's existence, Bamboo's existence, etc., all this does is confirm my suspicions about how much of a racket this entire thing is.

There's one incident that still takes the cake for me in recent memory. The planets aligned for me when I was browsing my porn Twitter feed and Dookus posted the attached pic of Ashley, was because the new WarioWare game was releasing or had been released, don't remember. Dookus was really happy/excited about it because brushes or something made the image come together, I don't know I'm not an artist yet. At the time I was following Dusk as well (who I didn't know was just barely not underage) and no less than 10-15 minutes later Dusk puts out a tweet about "people" who draw Ashley aka Dookus being sus/cringe/etc. for drawing underage characters. Dookus glasses the tweet and puts out a pic of Mona way later in the day. Can't fathom why Dookus did that.... I genuinely believe based on his posts and art that Dusk is a lazy little shit who can't stand seeing people who put in work do better than he does, definitely think that little event was a purposeful lash-out at Dookus.
i would divulge but i know other artists read these boards and i dont want any possibility of any fingers pointed at me. All i can really say is that alot of interactions ive had on discord have either been awkward, people blowing smoke up my ass, or emotional immaturity turned up to 10. I mainly wrote my first post because i just needed to blow off some steam
I feel you, I'm also an artist in this community, over 1K followers and I gotta say outside of a handful of people, they're all fucking neurotic.
I see. But I feel the same way. I'm also an artist in the community, one of the bigger ones. But all of my headache inducing moments have always been other artists rather than the 'fans'.
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Dusk is an insufferable zoomer faggot, but I didn't know he shamed Dookus into deleting a good fat Ashley. Like this self-righteous cunt as any room to talk since his claim to fame is drawing fat teenagers from Kingdom Hearts.

I may not be an artist but I've been in a couple of discord servers with a large congregation of well know fat artists and that's accurate as hell. Doubly so with the talking shit behind each others backs only to pretend like they're good buddies with each other and a sprinkling of contempt for their fans and bingo, you've got the modern fat artist community.
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Because I forgot to post them earlier, here's some of Dusk's underage art of canon teenagers. Much like Jeetdoh, I hope the Twitter mob comes down on his ass since by his logic, he's cringe or whatever for sexualizing underage characters.
I've been able to gleam that much from Twitter alone. That, and the time when Jeetdoh, Kip, Bamboo, and some literally who all went to Japan together and acted like they were above the community by posting a cringy meme. Like, I know the community definitely has its fair share of creepy spergs, but a lot of them are decent people who are mainly guilty of being socially awkward. As a fetish content creator who isn't even a tenth as successful as Jeet Kip or Bamboo, it doesn't feel right to just shit on your fanbase as a whole like that.
Too bad we can’t make callout culture work for us.
>Won't somebody think of those poor fictional drawings?

People really need to learn to differentiate fiction from reality.
>i would divulge but i know other artists read these boards
Reasonable and it's also true, if you know how to use a search engine you can see some of them bitching about this site on Twitter because bitching about any chan board publicly nets you "good boy points". It's probably the same people you're talking about.

Certain artists are much more vocal than others when it comes to voicing their contempt for other artists and fans and treating the more oblivious of the latter as living wallets on Patreon, I learned to be wary of anyone those types regularly associate with such as constant OC drawings/art trades, and their circlejerking on Twitter.
That said I'm rather thankful to some other people who make those DMs and other private bitchings more public as I won't support anyone like that.
For all the talk about lucyguy and the discussion of what people in the community think of each other, who would you say are some good commissioners?
I rather like Undertaker 66. So long as you don't mind DDLC, he pairs his comms with writings.
That Hex Maniac commissioner isn't too bad either.
There are no good chronic/repeat commissioners. Not one.
Yeah, Repeat Commissioners are more of a boon for artists than any of us who just want art, which means this discussion's not really gonna go anywhere unless artists just drop in with their own personal anecdotes... and most of them would only throw dumb praise at those guys for being "good customers" and "easy to work with" anyway.
Was worth a try to change a heated topic into something positive, too bad it didn't work. Was trying to go for which commissioners you think has good taste in what they ask for. Not just character selection, but the body types they go for.
The question was aimed more at those who browse art.
The problem with Lucyguy isn't the amount of Lucy, it's that they are always linked back to his shitty self insert story. Even having his shitty OC in the images themselves.
I only mentioned them as a reason for asking my question, I didn't say any specifics about them otherwise. Was hoping people would move on to talking about commissioners they like.
I hate coming on this site and actually saying stuff but, as an art guy in this "community" with over 10k followers, the main thing keeping me away from drawing more often is definitely the weird fake niceness other artists give to others. like it comes off as disingenuous and kind of insane. this exists in other art circles but is doubly annoying for something as dumb as fat wank
what a chad, the balls it takes to accuse someone of copying your ms paint circle tool tier art
similarities: they have dark hair and clothes

differences: our good friend BlueHairBoy2015 has drawn what appears to be a mix between donkey kong and xmen's blob
Same here, but as someone with just 1k followers. Sometimes, I think I'm missing out by not actively engaging with other artists or drawing the 'right' characters (mostly Nintendo and seasonal anime characters), but then I see the glad handing on Twitter and Discord channels that make me happy to be a nobody who just posts their art and calls it a day.
>>81334 I'm kinda in the same boat, close to 1k and just kinda posting what I feel like. I barely interact with other artists at the moment, I've only really talked to 1 recently which is enough for me. I see enough Twatter BS on a daily basis anyway.
I'm a fairly known artist (1.5K watchers on DA, about 600 on Twitter) but I'm basically a hermit and draw what I want; only going on Twitter to post my stuff. I'm just a guy who likes drawing fatties, I don't have time for drama. I got real life shit to focus on.
>these posts
Is this some kind of combination trick-astroturf-flex? If there are, surely some group can start drawing a line in the sand.
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if youre implying this is a psyop artist hate group its not, i just wrote my initial complaint because since joining this community and being an artist the people i thought were cool keep turning out to be emotionally stunted weirdos or very sycophantic. and i guess others feel the same.

Rarely do they ever directly attack other artists but they love to bitch behind closed doors or make bumrush attempts to blow smoke up your ass and then move onto another person and do the same after. The most in depth example without giving anything away is that ive had several artists literally drop all conversation if you dont just "jingle keys" of fat scenarios or art at them and try to talk seriously, perform super socially awkward things to you, fake smugness, bitter to others, or literally not giving a shit about you or your opinion until you show them if you draw better than them or your follower count.
Oh and alot of people like this run in the same circles and you see them in every private server. They also either come in the flavor of super depressed self deprecating, egotistical smug, or hairpin trigger angry. Not everyone is like this mind you infact their are some people who have turned out to be very kind. But being in these groups, the crazies tend to speak much louder, which tends to make someone like me cynical and angry after a while.

Ill admit ive had bad experiences in the sfw communities too but nothing to this extent of people being as emotionally unprepared as fat fetish twitter circles.
ill end on a light note of saying, this was mainly to vent and blow off steam. The most sane and healthy way ive found to deal with all of this, is to just be a good person, stay outta drama, and draw what you like when you like. More recently ive found even more peace in softblocking mutuals who act like what ive described. Or if i know they probably wont notice i just unfollow if theyre really being hardass annoying.
>>81071 >>81079 >>81103 >>81134 >>81358
I have no following, I don't post, and barely share among friends, but I've found myself in the company of some well known names and notice a lot of these things come up. Groups and cliques forming in any community is a given, but there's this air of exclusivity and smugness that I notice with a lot of the ones in this niche. I'd say this probably did more to turn people away from the community than some of the things that are bitched about in that stupid "Who Shot Hannibal" copypaste.

Artists who started off so amicable and receptive to their fans start to become colder and more distant as their skill and their name grow. I do think all the attention and interaction can eat away at you. I also think some of these artists become way too mean-spirited in response. It's amazing the number of times I've witnessed artists get set off from single, innocuous comments, or how many have admitted to changing what they were going to draw just to spite a single person/comment.

One of my personal favorites is watching a group of artists that are very pro-LGBT+/mental health/inclusivity/diversity mock people who leave cringey and stilted comments on their work. Doesn't seem very progressive to me to mock fans who are obviously ESL (if even) or have mental disabilities, but I guess I'm just not woke enough.

I guess noticing the people I respected/looked up to becoming jaded pricks turned me into a jaded prick myself. "Never meet your heroes" and all that.

That said, I have made a few good friends from these communities and these complaints don't apply to all artists. Hell, I have to wonder how many are just playing along so they have a place to belong and are rolling their eyes behind the screen.

I feel like the "good" commissioners will largely go unnoticed because they'd have such a variety of characters and franchises that it seems like a multitude of different people, as opposed to the "bad" ones people notice because they get the same thing every damn time.
>Hell, I have to wonder how many are just playing along so they have a place to belong and are rolling their eyes behind the screen.

judging by all these complaints id say alot. I used not not have a following but was in some of the old cliques but as time went on i finally made an account and got a good amount of notoriety. But now it seems like a ratio of 3:1 when it comes to new "exclusive" discord servers or adding people. Generally i find those who are quiet on twitter are actually like the nicest, and those who either gush or just chronically are on that site can be social trainwrecks.
>bad typo shite

But now it seems like a ratio of 3:1, being toxic/annoying people to genuinely nice people. Also this becomes very evident in distilled areas such as "exclusive" discord servers or adding artists and dmming them.
A good commissioner would not be identifiable by the average consumer. The only reason a commissioner's name could ever become common knowledge is for bad reasons, like being very repetitive, hogging an artist, being obnoxious on social media, etc. Can YOU name any, and explain why they piqued your interest?
FFA is an idiot, don't listen to her.
I’m aware of that. I was talking more about SneetSnirt
It's like the people who don't know that Clover from Totally Spies is over 18 and attending college by the end of the series.
>they were once a child so I can’t draw porn of them
This is even more conservative than most hardcore Christians jesus christ

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