
(546 KB, 990x1449, SHANTAE.jpg)
All the girls from Shantae go here.
Never saw that sequence before also now the pirate master has no skull
When is Skye and Rotty art appearing?
Everyone excited for Shantae And The Seven Sirens's release today?
Source on the first image?
Any more rotty?
Any risky boots
I did get a picture of her today
It won't let me
you on mobile? i also have trouble posting images on mobile maybe switch to a computer if you can.
does anyone have the shantae pic susfishous posted? It seems to be down now.
More skye
Is there risky?
Source on that Risky and Rotty?
Any skye?
More shantae
Is there more shantae?
Any skye art?
anyone got anastimafilia's new shantae pic
got a higher res version of that 3rd pic?
So much obesity, what about the chub and pot bellies?
Saw this one Twitter. Artist is a man of good taste. Hope he does more plump Shantae
So many toothpicks. we need more hyper immobiles.
Also more SSBBW sizes. That's one problem I have with Shantae art, most art of her are of chubby sizes and rarely much bigger. The other is that people want to incorporate dancing with her gains, so there's not many dedicated weight gains of her.
People want Shantae and her friends to actually look pretty. Less hyper blobs is a good thing.
Can't get past that face.
>if only you knew how bad things really are
All up to personal taste my friend
Any risky?
To me it's the eyebrows and lack of eyelashes. The chin looks fine.
The issue is literally the entire head and face. It looks absolutely nothing like Shantae and more like a middle aged man dressed as Shantae.
And risky?
(152 KB, 720x407, Shantummy.jpg)
This is peak Shantae form. You may not like it, but this is as perfect as it gets.
Hard disagree from me. She doesn't look much different from her usual size, and there's not much to shake. Why bother changing her if the difference is so slight?

THIS on the other hand, is fucking great. She'd have so much jiggle and bounce going on, plus you'd feel the weight of her movements. Panels 4 and 5 are the perfect bodies for dancing (maybe 3 as well, but hard to say without a front view).
@dxart_ on Twitter
Any new skye
(279 KB, 1949x2048, E94BrVOVcAAMSJS.jpeg)
This is a much better size for Shantae then the chubs that she usually gets.
Architect Rottytops.
Any skye
(1.3 MB, 3740x4310, fatgenie.png) (1.5 MB, 3300x3382, antea.png)
Here's some from Lewdsona's Patreon
so who made this one? ^
Any more mermaids
Wamu is the only one who draws Shantae with the ideal gut size. All other sizes are invalid. Pot belly superiority
You said you begged to differ, yet posted nothing in relation
Its because you don’t always need a character to be a massive blob of fat for it to look attractive. Small bellies are hot af too.
The pic I posted speaks for me.

They can be, but there can also be people like myself who values women with even more mass. Sexy is subjective.
>GBC era Shantae
(73 KB, 375x302, 375px-Shantae.png)
forgot who the artist was, they nuked their account
Almost definitely solitaryscribbles
But also WOW dude, that pic is small as fuck.
Really cute! Sauce?
Shantea threads are pretty surreal, you get MSPaint circle tool to something out of a museum.
(2.1 MB, 2960x2800, IMG_2076.PNG)
From Lewdsona’s Patreon.
Really good pixel art edit.
Morbid curiosity, could you do one of just slightly chubby/pot bellied Shantae?
Sure, that's super easy I should have it up within the next day or so.
man of taste, I see
Very cute! Left boob looks a little too wide but very nice anon
Could you do stuffed belly Shantae?
How is what I did for anon any different?
Didn't realize there was more parts. Thank you anon!

I have a request. Would it be alright if you made an edit where Shantae's belly is resting on the floor from her being USSBBW or immobile size?
(7 KB, 324x240, sonic_mania_xl_by_tocinin_dbc1qb7-fullview.png)
How about this, I will make an entire Shantae WG sequence that will be like Sonic 2 XL so Shantae will go from lean to to absolute Immobile blob, and I will upload it to my Twitter within the next month or so, it will take some time which is why I say "within the next month or so" what do you lads, say?
I like that idea. That way everyone gets what they want.
Now imagine if someone makes that into the game, would everyone take it as a joke?
(121 KB, 1024x582, full_genie_hero__fat_mode_by_emperor_siderite_ddsml96.jpg)
If wayforward were to put something like that into a official Shantae game, god only knows how the fans would react.(I hope I am understanding you)

But funnily enough I made these sprites because, It was always a dream of mine for there to be some kind of Fat Shantae fangame or for Shantae to have some kind of fat form like in metal slug or something. yeah so me making the sprites is a way for me to make it a reality in some way.
(15 KB, 192x366, 1580.png)
Dude, that edit is amazing.

I'm reminded of fat(ter) Wario from Wario Lands 2, 3, and 4. Could you imagine if they did a nod to those games where she had his fat power up for a brief section of a game? Completely invincible, can destroy obstacles she's otherwise unable to, defeats enemies by walking into them, and can shake the whole screen to stun all grounded enemies by jumping, but is very slow, and has pathetic jump height.

Spoilers has Fat(ter) Wario sprites from Wario Land 4.
Heck, they could even add the little detail of making her belly jiggle when she bumps into an enemy like when Wario did.
just to be clear the edit is not mine, you can find the original artist in the title of the image, only posted because because it is an amazing edit and it was appropriate what we were talking about.

Also I bloody love Wario Land 4 it's my fav GBA game, good mention anon.
What I meant is that the Sonic mod became famous because of its absurdity, although those detailed sprites show it was meant to be a deep dark fetish and not a gag, also the fat Coco Bandicoot mod is gaining popularity.

Shantae basically filled that void that WL left, but with waifus, imo there should be a mod or fanmade game with mechanics such as:
>Gain a certain amount of pounds in order to open gates through a gigantic weight
>In some places she'd need to be agile but there are sturdy enemies that need to be pushed or buried
>If she's stuck she has to cast a spell to hide her weight, not loosing it if she wants to she must do it the old fashioned way.
>Bosses find her as a diminutive afterthought, make sure she ate enough to fill out the screen while crushing them instantly
Kinda like WL3 where Wario had to learn how to exploit cartoon gags on his favor, but focusing on fat and lots of it. Also throw muscle abilities, you need fat to gain muscle right? Make the game kinky but fun for all who are curious.
Ok, well in that case I think people would see it in the same light as Sonic 2 XL, people would know it was our kink It's very hard to hide stuff like that.
also had no Idea that there was a Coco bandicoot mod, why do furries always get the good shit?

Secondly I love all of you're ideas, especially the third one it would be cool to put a time limit for how long she can stay "thin" so the player would have to do any platformer quickly for some extra challenge. I also had some Ideas for how a fat Shantae would play.

>+x2 the magic
>+x2 Health
>-cannot crawl only crouch
>-can't only walk and sprint (Like Shantae 1)
>-can't dash
>-reduced jump height
Also bringing puzzle ideas from Wario Land,
>Certain food with calories can make go to her hips or breasts
>Fat breasts = Can damage quickly by just pressing left and right
>Fat Belly = Shield or block foes
>Fat Ass = Can demolish or sink cracked stones or fragile floors
>Can shake the whole level if her fat body is wide enough like
>First bosses can be outmatched or interrupt their attacks if she shakes her huge body
>Middle bosses can be only damaged if Shantae catapults herself beneath them, or using her body as a wrecking ball.
>Final boss, impossible to deal with but a total breeze if she mastered all techniques and finish it off by Shantae hoovering high enough and let gravity do its work and fall like a meteor. Best part is from thin to tremendously overweight, again if she ate basically everything around the island
Ohhh, I didn’t see that until now. Looks cute! I like bigger than that, but that’s fine tbh.
Hey does anyone here have this gif of shantae belly expending it was animated in I think in blender or some kind of 3d animantion program
(11 KB, 1361x275, ppshanseq.png)
Okay, it's FINALLY done!
I'm going to do a NSFW version a little later with her clothes getting torn as she gets fatter but for now this is it.
Stage 6 looks like she's overly squished which looks odd compared to the others, but the rest of the sequence feels like a natural progression that I like a lot. Her belly starting go lower in Stage 4 which leads to it hanging in Stage 5 is my favorite transition.
This is really cute! Who is the artist?
I understand where you are coming from about stage 6 but there is a reason why she is so squashed, she is sitting on the ground and In real life fat doesn't prop people up like in drawings, but rather it squishes out, Mayra Rosales is a good example of real life immobility, I only intended to make it somewhat "realistic" in that way but if you guys feel it's still too weird then I'll be more than happy to change it.
Other than that I'm glad you enjoy the sequence
Jeez you guys don't need help at all. Perfectly sound of mind. If only this site could get better though, that would be nice
It's okay this site wasn't intended for minors.
You are very funny
You have no Idea
Can you make me laugh?
Sure, what makes you laugh?
Funny makes me laugh but you already knew that
I would rather you describe the video to me, but thanks anyway mate
>there is a reason why she is so squashed, she is sitting on the ground and In real life fat doesn't prop people up like in drawings, but rather it squishes out, Mayra Rosales is a good example of real life immobility, I only intended to make it somewhat "realistic" in that way but if you guys feel it's still too weird then I'll be more than happy to change it.
I guess the realistic approach just caught me off guard as it's something not done very much.

...I think it should be up to you if you want to change it. Part of me would like to see Stage 6 changed so that she's propped up so we can see more of her belly and breast fat, but another says I should just accept it as is because of you doing this to be nice to begin with.
>but another says I should just accept it as is because of you doing this to be nice to begin with

Thanks, man I really apricate that just because you said that I'll throw in a plumper Immobile Shantae just for the hell of it when I upload the NSFW one.
Mods, are you asleep or something? >>89338 has crotch hair. Doesn't that count as something that should be in the Alt board?

You're joking right? Normal pubic hair isn't Alt worthy, dumbass
(128 KB, 1018x1143, IMG_20220417_172226.jpg)
I believe this is an alt that someone user named Bucket made

Hey, are you doing okay?

You don’t have to respond I’m only hoping.

Stay safe.

Would love to see how this would look if it actually moved.
Damn, imagine how would that worked in the game.
the sever lack of rottytops fats make me sad
Very cute tummy
Source on the right drawing?
sauce on the first one please?
seeing rottytops art is so rare, especially at bigger sizes like this.
The Right side, not the left side.
no i meant the first one, the one where rottytops is carrying shantae.
idk what you're point is but ok.
Is that Plump_Pixels (ixels_pp) person from earlier in the thread okay??? Sort of hella concerning to deactivate after saying they needed to take a break to sort out personal things.
Can't get enough out of Shamtae
I'm doing good, I just fucking hate twitter plus I had been employed for a few months and haven't had any time to do or think about "art".

Thank you for you're concern
It's good to see you back. Glad you're employed. If you ever have some free time, I'd love to commission you for some sprite edits.
(33 KB, 1339x955, aufwiedersehen.png)
I wouldn't say I'm "back" just come out temporarily to detour any gossip, I still browse BBW-Chan form time to time, and saw the post >>109599 made and wanted to clear things up.

As for commissions I appreciate the opportunity but I must decline my passions in the art world lie elsewhere, not in pixel art

I sincerely appreciate the love I have received from the Shantae community but I want all to understand that Plump_Pixels was done for fun, I am very used to obscurity when my account on Twitter started to gain traction I got an influx of requests and I got intimidated, it wasn't fun anymore it, began to feel like a business, not a hobby account.

I mean no offense, it's just how I feel.
Once again thank you.
OR of >>109599 and that’s great.

I perfectly understand, minus the gaining traction part which I haven’t I can relate. I quit Twitter thrice due to what felt like increasing internal pressure to be someone I never want to be.

I apologize if my expression of concern was inconveniencing. I wanted to make sure it was apparent someone cared outside of the art you made but I get if it could come off as one of those parasocial people who think they know somebody.

Whether you get out there again or don’t, it’s nice to know you’re okay. Glad to know you’re still creating.
I wish you luck with your endeavors, no matter what field they may be. I know ‘creating for yourself first’ has been my life’s greatest journey.
Well, thank you for being genuine it sincerely makes feel good knowing that something as small as my sprite edits left an impact on you guys.

I do plan on "getting back out there" with a different project (it has fat girls in it)

But best of luck to you in whatever do.
(2 KB, 128x148, shantae.png)
As long as we're posting sprites, guess I might as well post this old edit of mine.
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