
>>73222 (OP)

Sorry lads, I have nothing that isn't already on DA. His Twitter can be downloaded with Gallery-dl or Twitter media downloader If someone has access to his account there.
>>73222 (OP)

Dook locked his Twitter because some retard doxxed his girlfriend
Is that what happened? That's lower then low.
Get that Gladion out of here. This isn't the place for male fats, even if it's part of a mutual.
Makes me wonder if she's aware of his chubby chaser tendencies, why was she doxxed?

Don't know the reason why. He was receiving weirdly personal questions about his girlfriend and made a tweet asking people to stop. It didn't stop and a day later someone messaged him his girlfriend's name and address.

Unless the doxxer reveals their motives, I don't know why they did it
actual psychopath behaviour
That, or the doxxer is just that hateful of a human being.
You're too good for us. I love you man.

Mutual...is kind of hot sometimes...
>Mutual...is kind of hot sometimes...
Only if there's no men involved. People forget that Mutuals doesn't have to be a man and a woman gaining, it can also be only women who gain, like what Dookus has done multiple times with Skyla and Elesa.

On a side note, why doesn't reporting male weight gain work sometimes? Between Gladion here and that character Jeetdoh drew for his November poll on his thread, there's definitely something wrong here.
Gladion is the minority in that pic, not only isn't the attention focused on him, there's also two fat females to his one male. I'm guessing the Jeet thread just has its reports thrown out from his fans reporting anything negative said about him.
>Gladion is the minority in that pic, not only isn't the attention focused on him, there's also two fat females to his one male.

He's not the minority in terms of focus. The main focus of attention is split between him and Lillie, as they're both being overfed by their mom, who is the most visually obscured character of the 3 in this pic. Him being outnumbered by gender doesn't matter, he's still a fat male on a board that's supposed to be purely focused on fat women.

>I'm guessing the Jeet thread just has its reports thrown out from his fans reporting anything negative said about him.

That thread was on the verge of getting bumped out until some retard decided to post that male on there. It was saved by content that doesn't belong here, after one of Jeetdoh's least active months of female content since his return to the community. That thread should've died.
>why was she doxxed
Internet spastics
People post male fats on here sometimes because /ee/ is in no way a suitable replacement for a bhmdraw. No one wants to see irl fats when looking for fat art, it causes blueballs.
in a perfect world malefats would be an instant ban
Anyone have the one from this character that she's huge and immobile and has a fat forehead?
Is there anyone on this board who doesn't go completely braindead over male fat art?
I don't I tend to just ignore it
I heard the doxing incident was somehow related to Sora fans being butthurt and begging every artist to draw him or get doxxed.
I know this, Professor
The moment that this makes it into an actual school standardized test paper will be the ultimate madlad moment, I just know it.
I don’t think this dude realizes how much weight a 1000 kg is
>Kingdom Hearts fags
No need to say more, they're the rock bottom of all RPG fandoms.
Nessa's body resemblances to Juicy Jackie's, not that absurdly fat like Echo's, she must be 700lbs at best.
(1.1 MB, 1600x1400, Mars.png)

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