
This is a Megami Tensei thread. We have other all-catch threads existing alongside specific threads and I want to see fat Idun.
Fat pixie is such a fucking blessing
I think it'd be better to coalescence everything into one big thread actually
(17 KB, 375x250, media_E7e7vPNVIAIXV6C.jpg)
But Anon-kun, Megaten barely got any fat art in its lifetime so it should just be posted in Persona, it's mainlines thread.
(240 KB, 1684x2900, neko.jpg)
In case I ever comm for an artist should I go with Lilim or Cleo?
I like Pixie but i wish other demons had art too
Definitely Cleo, she’s arguably the hottest demon
That’s a piece I commissioned from RounderSofter
So who made this
Looks exactly like Sunny3257's work
Thank you friend, this was awesome!

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