
(379 KB, 320x678, 1556062141724.png)
Idk what happen to the pervious thread so second times a charm
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Does anyone have that meme from 4chan where it ranks how easy it is to fatten select fictional characters. I think it was arranged in a grid. It basically encompassed if they'd be happy about, neutral to, or unwilling to get fat.
I remember seeing that stonetoss meme, but vore as the inbred.
Blob hater? Opinion discarded.
Inflation, blue berry or just circle tool bellies in general should go over the deformed guy IMO
You can edit it as you like. I just hate the pics where it's just a ginormous saggy face.
>it basically encompassed if they'd be happy about, neutral to, or unwilling to get fat.
Seconding this. It sounds neat and useful.
Pewbutt deserves to be where Bamboo is.
Not a single name in that picture is cultured or chad.
Make a better version, then.
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Looked him up; I'd seen his art before but never paid much attention to it because it's not my taste. I'm an ass man and am more into round SSBBWs (if you couldn't tell by the image), so "skinny anime girls with a moderate beach ball gut" doesn't really do much for me.
JayKuma might be up your alley then, since I don't see him in the meme
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I made this meme myself. It's The Architect from Xenoblade as Pierce Brosnan.
Were you in that /v/ thread?
I didn't post there. But I lurked it on an archive site.
Either way, bless ya
I was the guy who suggested it there
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Not a feederism meme.
But does anyone know who drew the girl
Vore is messed up
He is good but it always bugged me the way he just makes the girls have disproportionally huge ass & thighs and a tiny head and torso, so that instead of just looking very fat the skeletal proportions themselves are off. But overall good stuff, and I think he's gotten better about it.
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You've heard of Goth IHOPs, you've heard of Tomboy Outbacks, and you've most definitely have heard of Femboy Hooters; now get ready for...
Oh hey that's the cosplayer lewdoole! Been desperately searching for free stuff of hers.
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Does anyone have an image from a previous thread were enbie gain weight from trying to eat all the food and close mc donalds?
Can somebody explain this?
Like, i know most of the artist but dont know them enough to understand.
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Creator here, I can explain my thought process:
>Bamboo-Ale is a very talented artist who has garnered a lot of success, and he is also very self-aware, having made a number of meta-art/meme pieces and posted on 4chan. So I thought a smug pepe in a tuxedo would be fitting.
>Better-With-Salt seems to be one of the most broadly-liked high-quality artists, at least on here.
>RidiculousCake has pivoted strongly to a very successful YouTube channel that draws a large Zoomer audience with a lot of high-quality content mixed in with some self-aware meme stuff.
>Pewbutt generally talks in a weird innocent cutesy style that just makes me think of Apu.
>CozyNakovich is very moody and definitely considers himself to be a "real artist;" he also has drawn a lot of self-portraits of himself sad, smoking cigarettes, and wearing a beanie.
>Sickstar is an old dude (his Twitter bio just says "Old") and has been active forever; his oldest stories on bodyinflation.org are from the late 90s IIRC.
>Pixiveo was kinda just space filler, I just drew the connection to the 2049/waifu thing because of how strongly anime-inspired and cutesy his art is.
>ekusupanshon is a successful and growing (no pun intended) up-and-coming artist who seems very optimistic - he's new to the scene, doesn't do any self-aware/meta stuff, and sticks to pretty standard and (relatively) mainstream inflation/weight gain fetish art.
>BedBendersInc is a tranny
>Some of Saxxon's weight gain stuff is so extreme as to be borderline Lovecraftian (e.g. girls the planet or getting so big they crush countless cities); as they say, "Come for the fat girls, stay for the existential horror."
>ExtraBaggageClaim has this rather grotesque art style, very baggy, slobbish, wrinkly, and cellulite-intense. He seems to focus on a lot of usually shunned or ignored aspects of the fat fetish like health issues or slob/messy stuff.
>MysteryDad started some petty drama with RidiculousCake over the latter getting mad over BLM protestors tearing down statues of George Washington.
based cringe

>he is also very self-aware, having made a number of meta-art/meme pieces and posted on 4chan
I did not know this, can you share some the meta-art he created?
(1.8 MB, 3000x3992, the_fat_of_lucy_by_bamboo_ale_dci3mru.jpg)

They were unfunny memes flinging shit at artists/fans and seemed more malicious than the "epic indictment of the fats community" that some praised it to be.

One was making fun of Better-with-Salt drawing the original Lucy comic and also making fun of the fact that BWS was drawing minors when Bamboo himself was drawing characters below 18 a few weeks prior. If he was truly self aware I think he wouldn't have wasted his time with shitty memes, would have understood the commission grind and not mocked BWS for drawing something the client asked for, and not have cast stones from his glass house a la "drawing minors is cringe".

The question is if it was good natured ribbing or not, and judging by the number of people genuinely asking if Bamboo was okay when he posted this and the number of people thinking/saying this seemed pretty mean-spirited, I lean towards "no".
Bamboo has a lot of resentment towards the fat community it seems overall. A case of drawing fats, but not liking the people who enjoy what you do.

An artist I know got blocked by him when they questioned his thought process around deleting his DA/old discord suddenly.
Yeah, I made the meme before Bamboo threw his little tantrum, so it would probably be different now.
Thank you very much sir.
Sorry for being such an uncultured swine.
Saxxon and the Creepy smile wojak is perfect, i really think you nailed this.

If i gave you a list of other artists would you make another meme? :D
>The question is if it was good natured ribbing or not
Bamboo just wants to talk shit but he doesn't want the bad rep of associated with being a shit talker. He picked easy targets that wouldn't produce too much backlash and then if he miscalculated he hid his malice behind a layer of irony. It's by far the easiest way to explain his behavior. All the logic that applied to MysteryDad being soyjak can be applied to Bamboo.
I know the artist if that helps
Well don’t be shy, tell us
Does anyone have that meme image of Nessa in a pool drawn by TDookus and some guy did an edit with a bunch of math equations and stuff on the side?
There is a continue of this?
Does anyone know where that Zelda can be found?
No. Was a April fools post
sauce on that Junko?

My dumb ass just realized you mean the name of the artist lol fuck

I’m pretty sure it’s Jaykuma
Lmao calm down, most likely meant to write "this"

thats ann takamaki not junko
Let's get BBQ and more?
Love Going to Barbeques with Bbws and Qanon
You made it worse
Are these comics or videos?

where can I buy these comics then?
These are meant to be parodies of youtube thumbnails dum-dums
No offense taken. I'd be fucking him too.

But from this Bi's perspective a fattie is better.
This with more firearms
Holy fuck libertarian fat edits
For some reason lots of libertarians like fatties
artist is ESL IIRC
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Part of the reason I became sort-of libertarian is that I like fat girls. It's too complicated to explain. Pic unrelated

based on what exactly? time to science this shit up.
to be unabashedly into fat women is not only counterculture, its counter-intuitive. To prefer large women is to also prefer, implicitly, larger consumption of food and resources in order to facilitate and maintain a partner. Theres no way that feeding a larger lady isnt less expensive than an otherwise normal woman, however, in the name of sexual and personal satisfaction, anyone with the resources to do WILL do so.

Doubly so, any partner who can be indulged would want to be, if only because of the security and resourcefulness that such a partner provides proves valuable in not only surviving but thriving. As such, it is the responsibility of the feeder to fulfill for the feedee.

that or im overthinking all this
>Not into blobs
Source on purple dress?
Artist: toroboro
Holy mother of cringe
consider suicide blobfag
>>98356 Just curious, is Baki the Grappler any good manga-wise?
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Old Baki scans have really bad translations, but once you get to the more recent stuff, it's a good read. Tbh, just watch what's animated then started reading from where it's left off
>>98455 Honestly, that was me with the Berserk Black Swordsman Arc where the translation was so bad, I ended up dropping it when it was about to get interesting. Didn't come back to the series until I bought a Deluxe Edition like two months later.
Belt-buster should go on here.
Fat talk is just cringe 99% of the time tbh. Feels way too fake, like that goofy porn moaning. Saw a video from Veronika Jade eating fast food in her car while talking about random shit and it was way hotter than any of that "Look how fat I am" crap.
>>98729 Which meme though? Smiling pepe?
That or a winking pepe, but yeah I'd say that works.
death feedist? like that one movie?
Oh boy, is this shit... But I'm guessing it was made like this non-earnestly
my sides
hola soy david tenison y me gustaria ver el contenido de aqui
we speak english here boy
sauce? or what board was this posted on?
where's jeetdoh
>What would you do?
Ask her out immediately. Fat chicks are looked down on where I live. It's a win-win.
Likely /trash/, a fatposting thread
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I finally found it!

"Gut slut denotes being fat and absolutely loving it, just in ecstacy over it.

Tummy Dummy is oblivious to their growth and just pretty much has no sense of self in regards to her size.

Belly Machiavelli is where the ends justify the means and while they hate it or are displeased with it, it gets them closer to a larger goal."
Creator here, in hindsight I should've made Bamboo-Ale the soyjak. Fuck him and fuck the Dutch ong 🚫🇳🇱🔥💯
>>104285 You should make a part two to this.
He said "Hi, I'm David Tenison and I would like to see the content here."
Lazy bastard wanting to bump a thread without contributing fat girl art.
>>110204 We got an architect in this one boys
I genuinely think that colleen FULLY understood the intent of the drawing( she has a link to his deviantart page for gods sake) and she deleted the tweet as a way to backpedal so people won't remember her as "that voice actress that likes fat fetish art".
Ah yes, that time Bambooale bullied bws and other fat artists despite the hypocrisy of it all and when people called him out, he backpedaled like the bitch he is and said that he was shitposting. I don't even think he apologized.
Uhhh no, some people are just innocent souls, not everyone knows about feederism
Usually i'd agree with this, but once i say, she had a link to magicstraw's account. I'm pretty sure anyone with a brain who looked there for more than 5 seconds would know that the drawings there aren't simply innocent, they're very clearly kink fueled. Maybe she was just clueless, idk, i just find the situation odd.
>>110410 >>110427
Some people can't comprehend anyone being into fat girls. They can comprehend any other kink existing except for that one.
I know, it's odd double standards. I just find it fucking hilarious that a semi-celeb would accidently tweet fetish art of characters she played. That's like if Justin roiland using that "you have to have a high iq to watch rick and morty" as a compliment despite it being made fun numerously.
"made fun of numerously"
hopeless HAES is hotter
Anyone got that meme of Walter white telling Saul Goodman to call the "fat girl hotline" anonimously?
too accurate, post that in the wrong board and everyone starts losing their mind
I wanna eat the HAES sweaty and unwashed asshole
pretty neat, I'd watch any continuations if you made them.
end of the first episode in a throwaway line. the weight gain is very slight, present for a brief period, and not focused on/sexualised in any way. it's a funny moment though lol

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