
I'm looking forward to tomorrow's page when everyone on the board collectively shits in anger, regardless of the content on the next page.
Yep, I agree, as I tend to only find out the new page has been posted due to the thread always being at the top.
I like how Kip draws bellies
Me too. Especially belly buttons
at this point one thing we can rely on is kip disappointing us. im thinking we won't see anywhere near any glimpses of belly until at least next week and then well jump to the right hand, as another poster said in the other thread, tessa, or the church just to make everyone really angry.

thats cindy. cindy isn't in this comic.
I know. What I'm saying is that I would've wanted a comic about her.
(3.9 MB, 2823x3992, BulletBlazblueXL.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2181x1219, FILIA2.jpeg) (546 KB, 923x1470, Jarrcomm.jpeg) (677 KB, 1619x1188, Rias by Kipteitei.jpeg)
This, I love how he makes them deep like a mini ravine. I'm usually not a fan of his ball bellies, but when he gets it right, he gets it right- especially with rolls and shading that makes them look even softer.
Who's in the new waifu poll?
Exactly this too. I just want to finger them

Tracer is leading the poll by a mile
Didn’t he already do all the overwatch whores like 3 times over?
Why the fuck did he allow that garbage in the poll
(6.4 MB, 4274x6047, FoxgalXL.jpg) (1.3 MB, 932x1335, Dailysketch5.png) (1.4 MB, 742x1175, Jeanne.png)
Love how this thread is off to a much positive start the other one. Who gives a crap about Kip's story? We can all agree we love Kip's fat bellies

Here are some of my favorites

(btw fuck the board bot it won't let me upload a pic but won't tell me which one)
It makes sense. Feeding can be casual and playful between friends. Aika doesn't know it means something more to Saiya, obviously, so Saiya can get away with something so intimate.

Just because she's eating more doesn't mean she's trying to outdo Aika just yet, just naturally trying to get Saiya's attention more, and then giving them an obviously jealous look since Aika is getting so much attention.
She gonna ask her friend for a fishstick too
I’m cautiously optimistic here, this again seems promising
Girls with chubby abs are delicious.
Alright I'm about sick to death of this reporting shit and you are losing the vote so this is what we are doing now. Instead of bitching in this thread, move your bitching to the thread in /gen/ instead. Complain about kip's comics or gender or eachother or whatever you want, I don't care, just do it in /gen/. And to whoever is reporting everything, reports for the /gen/ thread will be ignored so fuck off it's their thread. Here you go:
Yo anyone have that makima pic. Too lazy to check if it was in the previous thread
Literally the coolest person. Thanks mate
Has it been a long time since he updated the HD package? Or has no one updated it on kemono?
She can’t keep getting away with it!

But fr this is a good page
We are getting some burps from Tessa which is new, she's really stuffing herself hard now. Also she's in school now with that bloated gut.
is there a higher quality of this?
(43 KB, 152x153, 1420776232573.png)
Bet she's going to lose the belly in 2 pages. It's just going to be a constant tease of her actually keeping the weight.
its about time we got something even though she looks more pregnant than stuffed.

I'm wondering if aika will round the corner with an even bigger belly since it seems like saiya left her there stuffing herself to go to class.
Here's what I think is going on:
Tessa is the girl from Saiya's flashback and they used to put pillows up her shirt as a 'game'. It's obvious that Tessa has a belly kink and somehow knows that Saiya does too.
I have no idea what Aika will do yet, other than make Tessa jealous.
The turnaround on this was a lot quicker than I expected.
She saw Saiya with Aika when she was stuffing herself a few times, also Saiya was blushing seeing Aika stuff herself. As a bonus Aika has a belly so Tessa figured out what she's into. Saiya confirmed that blushing hard seeing stuffed Tessa.
I think we may be seeing a chnage here though. First she started with the liquids to increase capacity and now we are seeing her switching to to actual foods. Hopefully this leads to weight sticking
Another request. The picture of may being annoyed that she is being challenged to a pokemon battle. Because her food will get cold. That would be great
I changed my message midway though as I expect it wasn't it, but still went ahead and posted it. I don't currently have any others.
Yeah I swear I've seen it before. Thanks for the help
Can someone post Maya from Ace Attorney and CC from Code Geass? Those ones are my absolute favorite!!!
Thank you so much! Oh I'm remembering the pic a bit more, it's the CC pick where she's stuck. I love that pic so much
Doing God's work mate. Thanks
A few dabs of liquefy tool and the editor feels Kip doesn't even deserve to have his signature on it anymore! Wowza
real talk kip does stuckage really good ngl
What a big ol' belch. That's pretty hot.
Love how Tessa has burped quite a lot. Very hot
Just realized this is the first time kip has drawn someone burping in someone’s face. Even left food pieces on her face. Gross...... but hot.
Did Tessa lose the belt?
*cooms and dies*
Well. THAT'S gross.
>>67527 (OP)
On a completely unrelated note that mercy just hits different. One of my favorites from kip
kip delivered and then she ran away. I'm curious as to where hell take it from here.
Imagine if Tessa nibbled those pieces of food off Saiya while pinning her with that full belly...
ewww come on kip what the fuck
This shit is so ass bruh
I dont understand why kip felt the need to do this. everyone was happy with the burp. everyone was expecting him to cut somewhere else. I figured aika would be somewhere in the next scene with a stuffed belly but no one asked to see tessa vomiting. is he trying to see how gross he can make his comics before people start complaining?
Wow, this is … awkward
How do you continue a character after something like this?
I hope Kip thought of something beforehand.
>bingeing and purging
oh so THIS is the route we're going down
It's the chocolate mouse all over again.
First the Rrats and now this??
Damn, Kip just hates its fans
So know he's got her binging and purging as an excuse to not gain weight? Jesus he is really trying to drag this out as much as humanly possible.

Going to be 100 more pages before she is even 5lbs bigger at this rate. The art quality can only carry this deadass comic so far before everyone just gets bored.
Yall are a bunch of sissies lmao. She isnt purging, Kip made it beyond obvious that tessa ate too much and got sick, nothing more.

And to the guy who asked how this can continue afyer this, serioudsly? She puked. Big whoop. Forget about in and move on, save the energy so you can get vein-poppingly angry when kip breathes again on sunday.
Tone-deaf considering his usual audience, but personally I love shit like this. Can't wait to never get it again once he's eviscerated in the comments
Doesn't matter if its purging or not, there was no need to actually fucking show it cause it's disgusting as all hell. What's next, showing her taking a big ol' shit after eating a ton? And yes, I know there are degenerates on here who would actually like to see that, no need to remind me.
Bottom line is: what the hell is this dude even doing anymore?
You retards really think the throwing up wasn't for anything but comedy? It even has flowers drawn it ffs.
Those are butterflies, my man
How many times is aika getting stuffed going to be skipped? Opportunity for her to get big and it cuts to Tessa again.
comedy? where's the joke?
That joke works a lot less when it's in black and white. Especially when you don't even change the shade, and just have one color.

To someone not thinking of the rainbow puke joke(which isn't hard to do), it just looks like normal vomit with oddly shaped chunks.
I'm beginning to realize that, in addition to his general lack of writing skills, kip's biggest problem seems to be his odd sense of humor.

This, the rat and lots of other little oddities are probably his attempts at comedy that most other people just find strange at best and slightly disturbing at worst.
I think he's making a comic
It doesn't really translate well here.
ahh me maya fey fats (there are like no good ones)
TBH, I came as soon as I reached the puke panel. There's something about a girl stuffing herself so much that her body ca't handle it... One of my favorite Mochii videos was her McNugget stuffing challenge where she puked. My ex-wife used to puke a lot, but my current girlfriend only really pukes when she drinks (rather than from stuffing her gullet). She puked the other morning from eating a big breakfast way too fast, but I was not in the room. I jerked it after cleaning up the mess, though.
Honestly my favorite thing about kip is his penchant for putting his weirder kinks into everything, just because of how much it pisses off his normie fanbase, every time.
There is gonna be some Tunnel ride or Ferris Wheel escapades, I'm sure.
>another complete page of unfappable garbage
I think everyone knew he'd go back to boring immediately after tessa ran away. we may get a stuffed aika before this is over though. maybe well see her nice and stuffed before thanksgiving.
Feels like Kip is making less individual pieces. Or are they just not all getting shared?
Still makes one every week, although there wasn’t one last week now that you mention it
Finally some good fucking food
Now that is a shiny gut holy shit

lovely cocogoat tum :D
(1.2 MB, 1125x1575, one_serving_choice__page_88_by_kipteitei_detyk75.jpg)
I think Aika is snacking like mad because she feels threatened by Tessa. If she puts on even more weight it'll be harder for Tessa to catch up.

And given how out of practice Tessa is with stuffing herself, the plan seems to be working. How could she hope to reach the sheer mass Aika has? I have a feeling she won't give up though. This is a contest to win the heart of Saiya and boht girls are willing to put on as much weight as necessary to win it.
I feel like Aika is just oblivious to Saiya's belly fetish. That scene with the priest showed that she is aware someone likes someone (maybe she knows Saiya likes her or Tessa likes Saiya etc) but I think she is a big ol fatty just doing her thing.
Ahhhh yes, the canonical cocogoat whose fat ass choked a dragon when it tried to eat her

She's licking the cotton candy off Saiya's face, the writing is on the wall here
I hope you're right. A girl trying to be the biggest, but failing because of another girl who isn't even trying is super hot, IMO.
I really want Saiyaka to get a big belly of her own. Shes super cute
Heartwarming, still hope there’s stuffing involved when they head home tho
I wish this comic were more like this instead of only giving boring filler. I don't know, I just liked this moment, it's wholesome.
i will say I criticized kip for some of her recent comics, but this has actually been good. I felt like she had been trying and failing to go for an actual manga-like story, but she has succeeded here.
i want to make my praise as loud as my criticism.
Prediction: Saiya is gonna ruin everything by making an unwanted advance at Aika by groping her belly later, with Aika totally misreading how turned on Saiya is recanting how much park food she ate.

Thankfully, Aika is a fairly grounded individual and will ultimately forgive her friend, but not before the angst of Saiya thinking she ruined their friendship.
Dude, I'm just glad we're done with barf shit. Sadly we're getting increased burping. I get the irony of writing this in a BBW board, but if we could just keep it to burping a bit that would be cool.
What's wrong with burping? I know everyone who likes chun and stuffing doesn't like them but I'm personally not into farts so...
Stuffing and burps kinda go hand in hand tho

That and they make my dick rock hard, especially the way Kip does them

Farts on the other hand, nah keep that stuff away from me
>fat ass choked a dragon
technically it was her "waistline", however you want to interpret that.
Based off a Patreon post I saw from a week ago on kemono, Kip contributed to a Halloween game or something. Anyone know what game Kip's referring to?
Maybe five nights at fatty's 2
im not too keen on this. it just seems so forced. all saiya and aika have done is gone out to eat once, the other time was in school, and now they went to an amusement park. now she's crying because she's just so happy she has friends? she's spent more time with tessa than aika and tessa isn't as nasty. lets not forget the bubblegum creature. I just think this relationship needed more buildup, more time with them together and bonding. I haven't seen them bond at all. its more like saiya is fixing her screw ups. I want to like this but it needs work.

I'm curious to see where kip takes this. now that he finally got his relationship going how is tessa going to take it when she returns? will she dare try to push past her boundaries and get a bigger belly? as for saiya and aika, aika is clearly not done stuffing herself. just how much larger will she get this time? we haven't really seen her try yet so this ought to be nice.
It is, comes out of fucking no where, there hasn't been the slightest hint that her past life before college was bad, surely not bad enough to fucking cry like that, you'd think her parents tortured her and locked her up in a cage with no electronics (she clearly played games thus her "Chubimon" love). I'm guessing Kip couldn't think of a bridge for Saiya and Aika and instead did this shit while Tessa and Saiya got the more natural "Oh you like thing too?" link.

I know someone here had to haved commissioned this?
In August? Where the fuck does Kip live?
what just happened?

weren't we about to head to the movies?

how much time has passed? I mean, doesn't school start in august / september? when did the last scene take place?
Finland scares me

My theory is that Kip meant to say 'Autumn', but accidentally put 'August'. They wouldn't be attending school in the late summer, and such a jump wouldn't justify how little either character has changed over such a long stretch of time.
We're clearly just moving into fall, and we're obviously going to get a page where Tessa returns from her Christmas break having gained a substantial amount of weight.
in finland, in this shithole there's always cold as fuck
Tessa still looks the same. First WG comic I have seen where the characters gain weight slower than in real life. lol
it almost looks like she already gained a bit of weight in her thighs but no one is looking for that. were here for the belly.

who will come back from Christmas break with a bigger belly? well find out come New Years.
God I hope so. Burning all my patience here waiting for some payoff
At least that's something, here in Ireland it's just wet and mild all year
Theres a bit of extra belly sticking out in the bottom left panel. Just enough that she can still suck in though, which is why she looks the same as before in the previous panel.
Ah, that would make sense.
But it could also be the Scandinavian academic calendar, which I know nothing about.
Excuse me while I go to wikipedia real quick
so its the next school year then? we missed thanksgiving and Christmas of the prior school year? we literally just jumped from the beginning of a school year to year 2 just like that?
No, School in Finland starts on the first of august.
We are 2-3 weeks in
I have to give credit. There's currently less toxicity here than the Lewdlenage thread. Actually genuinely impressed anons, good job.
Its not naturally occurring. A mod got pissed off and sent all the complainers to a different thread on the general board.

if you mean which media is it from, that's Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club

I meant like from where?

either Kip's Patreon, or maybe it was a private commission for someone is my guess.
It's from the Doko Doki Literature WG Visual Novel. Monika's Special Day.
judging from the art style looks a bit old by a few years
It was roughly the later half of 2018 that it was drawn
(67 KB, 640x480, 834599.jpg)
So out of curiosity I went back to No Lunch Break to compare pacing: in that comic it took until page 18 to get the ball rolling with Syd's first major weight gain. This comic is on page 91 now. On top of updating 3 times a week instead of 2. So just fantastic pacing. well done. Braaavo. At least it looks like finally things might start picking up.
is it even a weight gain comic? did kip ever directly state "there will be weight gain in this comic"? I'm not going to follow along with this, but if in 2 years it's finished I'll skim it to see if there's anything that actually turns me on.

pretty sure kip hates that most people follow them for weight gain lol, are they even turned on by it? I think they only like bloated bellies and humiliation tbh - which is why I don't like their art. I have no idea why kip is the most popular artist in this community
I'm trying to understand what tessa is doing. she keeps stuffing with this tiny little belly and running up on saiya. shouldn't she have realized that saiya needs much more to care? tessa stuffs herself and her belly might be as big as aikas is on a regular day. shouldn't she be trying to get bigger? is that what kip is leading up to?

if thats the case this should really get interesting around halloween, with the tons of candy, thanksgiving or christmas. I'm expecting them to come back from the break with ridiculously large bellies.

if it isn't then what is it? thats clearly all tessa is there for. this would be a simple lesbian love story about a woman who likes to eat and her friend if tessa weren't in it. instead we have these constant panels of tessa gorging on food and going up with this tiny little stuffed belly.
We’ve had this same sense happen like 3 times already
i thought it was impossible to do, but he just summarized the entire comic in one page, and even with no dialogue.
When will Tessa get Saiyaka to atleast touch her belly?
Enough of this quirky interuption that makes Saiyaka leave nonsense
Its now become the slowest Yuri I've ever read
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Whatever happened to Porofield? They used to commission Kip alot for art of their FFXIC character

(had to edit these a bit so the bot would let me post them, but the full versions on Porofield's DA page)
The last time art of this character was drawn was in July, so I assume they're still a patron of Kip's. There might be another piece of their FFXIC character soon, who knows.
I didn't even know Kip accepted commissions. I assume they either aren't cheap or he only does them for very specific people
There’s 10 50$ pledge spots on Kips patreon, but those are always taken. Then there’s the 100$ tier pledge if you really want a commission spot anyway
were just about christmas time now. I guess he's reading here and agreed that saiya and aika needed more time together to make this believable because thats all we got.
Literally no belly.
Wow what a shock.
I was just thinking. does saiya like aika or aika when she stuffs herself? I get the purpose of this montage. its giving us all this "quality time" with saiya and aika but what is it that she likes about her besides her belly getting so big? kip hasn't really made that clear yet.
I hope to god the time skip is an excuse to have Tessa gain a bunch of weight in just a few pages. Please kip dont be retarded.
(503 KB, 923x1470, TRACER.jpg)
Here's Tracer that was recently drawn, I hope there'll be more Overwatch honestly.

Ikr? It'd be wonderful if Kip drew D.va in her Waveracer skin, to name one. ;)
Pretty sure Kip has already done D.va once, so chances of it happening again outside of commissions are slim
Is it just me or has most of the Overwatch art lately been tracer, not that I’m complaining though I wouldn’t mind some of the other girls as well
All her weight gain goes to her tits. Feels bad.
I mean the gain just started. Can't really say it's all gone to her boobs. Plus the hiding of that lower half has to tell you something
I swear if it shows her lower half and her belly looks the exact same...
I think we have more than enough evidence to see her lower half is exactly the same in that final panel.

I'm more curious to see aika and if she put on any weight.
>All her weight gain goes to her tits
Actually, I would welcome some BE for a change.
Here's hoping Aika is a bit more bottom-heavy for the sake of variety, too.
It was nice to see in Full Night Nanny that there was significant growth in that department with the increase in weight. I hope to see that with Tessa as well
This was obviously meant to precede a 'reveal' shot on the next page, but I think Kip screwed up - if she has a significant paunch on the next page, none of that is hinted at here.
This fits because in The Inferno, Cerberus inhabits Circle 3: Gluttony. I bet Lucifer put them up to this.
Best belly piece he's done in so long. Smaller condensed bellies like this one are perfection. I hate when he makes guts that just disproportionately look like the size of a cow and just hang out
Good. Having a character whose meat just keeps evening out to the tits/thighs/ass rather than staying solely in the belly is a good change of pace for Kip

Very noticeable ass gain. Hips are wider than shoulders now
I just want more Aika stuffing, or her getting a little chubbier. Tessa sucks
I forget who that is. Why does she give a shit about her body or her streams?
Actually when you put the comparison up it's a little more obvious
>>71330 (Dead)
She could also be sucking in for this page, too.
That heart belt buckle got turned into a triangle.
Yeah, the shape of her belly suggests she's sucking in and we're in for a big reveal
Hi, does someone has the No Lunch Break Colored? but in HD please, i'm trying to translate it into spanish
Absolutely, I'm expecting a massive panel of her desperately trying to do up her shorts. It might take up the majority of the page.
If they lock eachother in the stall and Saiyaka gets to touch Tessa's belly that'd be awesome!
Alright Kip, you have my attention. I'm really curious who it's gonna be in there, BOTH Tessa and Aika?
I know the odds are slim, but I really hope this all leads up to Tessa wearing a girdle or corset to hide her gain, and it eventually ripping open to reveal a huge gut later
All three main characters have gained a little bit even the main girl has a bigger butt in thighs in all of these time skipping pages and she even admits she’s just been sitting around and eating all break. The other two will start to grow even more soon I think.
Yes, the twist is that Aika is trying to set Tessa and Saiya up together.
When Aika was talking to the priest of the winged one or whatever, she really was asking for a friend (because I don't think she would lie to a priest, and he already gave her his blessing anyway).
Aika has noticed Tessa's and Saiya's mutual attraction and is trying to get her friend what she wants.
100% chance she is purging. We already have seen her puking and god knows Kip can't let the gain/fanservice go too quickly. Need another 100 pages for that.
If this puking shit happens again, I'm done funding Kip for good dude.
supposedly that was played for a joke hence the rainbows and butterflies in it. I didn't think it was funny but hey. I really don't think kip would go there because this is supposed to be either a weight gain / fap comic or a "wholesome lesbian love story" with two women whom just so happen to like stuffing themselves. kip would risk off pissing off a lot of women with eating disorders and triggering way too many people to try that again.
kip can only draw one character design lmao
ill say were getting close to a pay off. this was a pleasant surprise.

speaking of, anyone else think that tessas belly is just about as big as cindys was after that pan of lasagna?

seeing as how this story is nowhere near done I think we can assume she's going to get bigger which was my main gripe with full night nanny. I think we also still have aika to wait for and if tessa blew up like this aika might be even bigger.

Always something to complain about, even when the weight gain finally gets here lmao. Two fairly pear/bell shaped girls, an apple, and an at least currently hourglass girl (hopefully changes later.) They all have different designs, even if tessa/cindy share a lot of similarities. I dont see the issue.
finally. big round tum
She's still not as big as cindy was, but I'm expecting there to be at least another 150-175 pages left, so she'll surely gain.
Also, I'm pretty sure kip won't draw anything as big as Sydney, which is funny because they rejected Kip because she "got too big" which was followed by a girl that wound up being way bigger than Kip was.
I love how kip drew this belly; it's a bit flabbier and more realistic than normal.
I reckon kip's been watching reiinapop lately
(202 KB, 1280x732, no_lunch_break____sydney_s_weight_gain_by_mahbonah_ddmizqx-fullview.jpg)
Kip: Very belly heavy, good chest. Could also be because she's just so fat. Started the series with a beer belly at most.

Sydney: A bit more bottom heavy than the other girls, the smallest chest for sure. Started off the series normal sized, if a little soft.

Cindy: Boob and very belly heavy for her size, a fair bit fat from the start of her introduction.

Tessa: Very boob heavy, it's a toss up between her and Cindy who has the biggest tits. She started off the skinniest while still giving Cindy a run for her money in the chest department.

She isnt even as big as cindy at the beginning of FNN, at least belly-wise. Her tits are equal, but i dont think they're really getting any of the weight.
Nah it's too hardcore, no way it's happening. And it would go against the gain.

It's not recent, he was already following her before her anorexic phase. She's a good ref for general body shapes, although she's past ideal balance when it comes to proportions now (not that's going to matter much to most FA).

Alright prediction of the quarter.
_ Saiya invites Tessa to hang with Aika and her out of pity
_ Aika drops her dumb prejudices and get friend with Tessa, amical fatty rivalry over eating capacity ensues
_ Tessa becomes more accepting of turning into a fatty
_ Random drama
Absolutely nailed the prediction.

The thing that prevented Full Night Nanny from showing the full potential of a massive transformation was that all of the gain needed to happen in a single night.
it's not really an issue, i just find it funny that he has made 4 comics and all of the MCs look very similar
funny thing is that reiina admitted to being a huge kip fan during an Instagram live session.

really? not even at the beginning of the story? tessa has a long way to go then.

>The thing that prevented Full Night Nanny from showing the full potential of a massive transformation was that all of the gain needed to happen in a single night.

maybe? I don't know. I didn't really get into him until full night nanny. I knew of breakfast with sister, lunch with sister and no lunch break but I never read them in their entirety. were they spaced out like this?

I guess the plus side is that since tessa is now chubby we can look forward to belly shots whenever she appears.

now that I'm thinking about it, why is she cursing so much? I mean last page I assumed she was struggling to button up her pants. here she's doing what? struggling to hold her breath?

>now that I'm thinking about it, why is she cursing so much? I mean last page I assumed she was struggling to button up her pants. here she's doing what? struggling to hold her breath?

She's swearing because she's panicking - she knows that she's going to have to show up in class without any way to hide the damage so she's filled with dread and dismay at her situation.
Just freaking out about her body. Even sucking in her gut doesn't completely go away, her shirt won't cover her gut, and her jacket is tight too. She clearly doesn't have the stomach muscles to suck in for any serious amount of time anyways, so she has no way to hide her gain in class.
BWS series was way more focused on the gain, with only a few pages here and there for plot.

Honestly really enjoying this one even with how late the gain has started tbh. Slow af, yes, but Kip is pumping out 3 pages a week. And if how he shows Aika is anything to go by we will be getting plenty of Tessa shots now as well, at least until she get's a corset or something if she ever does.
Love how embarrassed she is, even by herself.
Kip still looks the best to me of those characters.
Yeah Kip just samefaced the design for them. I doubt it's something THAT deep
>now that I'm thinking about it, why is she cursing so much?
The reality of the situation is hitting her. She's panicking.
Their personalities are fundamentally different, anon

Actually, there is a real reason Cindy and Tessa look so similar. Cindy was originally designed to fill Tessa's role in the university comic in addition to her role in Full Night Nanny, but as FNN progressed Kip decided to change her personality so the planned dynamic w/ her and the other university characters wouldn't have worked anymore. So, Kip created Tessa to fill the role that Cindy originally would've had, presumably basing her off Cindy's design as well.

Here's Kip's post about it if you wanna read what they said word-for-word:

"About Cindy: Cindy was actually designed for the University comic, she was supposed to be a character there and she was going to be a lot bitchier which might be apparent from her design. I was thinking about early 2000's fashion when it was really common to wear very unflattering clothes that exposed a lot of midriff and cleavage, so it always ended up looking really trashy on chubby girls. There's a certain design element about that time period that I absolutely adore though so I really wanted to go ham with it. Which I'm glad I did, Cindy's style is entirely based on that aesthetic. I decided to do the babysitting comic on a very short notice (because nolunchtakeout ended and the next comic script was way unfinished) so I just used Cindy there as a character. I imagined that I could just reuse her for the university but I had NO idea people would like her this much, still don't quite understand how she is so well liked, part of me still thinks it's just because she has big jugs...
Anyway, Cindy quickly grew up to be an entirely different character than I thought she would be, mostly because I just kind of let the characters in the comic interact with each other as felt natural to them. It's crazy how fast they defined into their own personalities. This meant though that the dynamic for the University comic would not work with Cindy anymore and I had to completely redo the cast for that story. Story stayed mostly the same but it became an entirely different interaction for the main characters. Also the setting changed from a fictional early 2000's to modern day. "
Kip is still my favorite but Cindy is a close second.

She deserves to be drawn again/ I don't even care if she loses weight. I miss seeing art of her.
Very VERY late Halloween piece, I presume
OOOOOO yes! Would have also loved to see Syd stuffed up into a costume!
people will really believe this instead of just coming to terms with the fact that kip just really is not a good character designer
No way she manages to keep it sucked in throughout an entire class
we still haven't seen aika yet. what if aika comes in with a bigger belly? what if the teacher is passing around some candy or something, tessa has one and her belly just bursts out? either way this may lead up to a very nice scene of her belly flopping out in class and saiya passing out from arousal.
I like to think "pushed me into this" isnt peer pressure but literally Tina couldnt fit without Sydney pushing her in lmfao
So how much do you guys think Aika managed to gain over the break?
Fairly safe bet that this is a wardrobe emergency and she has nothing that she can wear outside.
We're going to waste a page getting over to Aika's house, and then the next page after that should be the reveal.
You forgot about the page of her at the door with aika trying to hide it without showing anything
Panel 1 is an establishing shot.
Panel 2 is her knocking on the door.
Panel 3 is the door opening with Aika seen peeking out from behind it.
Panel 4/5 is going to be an exchange between the two.

That's the page.
I knew aika gained.

maybe well luck out and get more of tessa first but yeah you're probably right. either way I'm sure aika getting "a little softer" is an understatement. she's probably gigantic.
Curveball: there’ll be another page of Saiya just thinking before she even goes to Aikas place
The next page we will only see Saiya go to Aika's apartment. Page 100 will be a great revelation.

I hope so...
I was thinking that kip might have a special page 100, maybe well get aika bigger than tessa can ever dream and in color?
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
this gonna be good
hope that aika will be fat fucking whale, and only then it will be worth of much waiting
and fat lesbian threesome ofc
I think so only because of how saiya is reacting. remember how she's acted all along whenever she's seen tessa? this is the biggest reaction yet.

I may have been right because it seems kip set himself up for a perfect reveal.
>Panel 1 is an establishing shot.
>Panel 2 is her knocking on the door.
Got two right.
Everyone getting excited for the Aika reveal, I'm just here appreciating Tessa finally getting embarrassed enough to attempt to cover her stomach.
Same here. However I'm trying to figure out where she goes from here? How will she continue if she is so self conscious of it? She has to be getting a carrot from Saiya in one way or another to keep going
Do you really think such a hopeless fatty has a hope of dieting?
Maybe she's just increased her stomach capacity too much already, and will just naturally eat more even while "dieting." Maybe she'll be embarrassed by her stomach growling more often and eat to keep it quite in class.

I also remember one of the first teasers with Tessa had her stream name as "Tessapigz" or something like that, so she might find feederism sites and go all in on it to also try and get Saiya. Who knows, guess we'll find out soon.
its funny to me that whenever tessa stuffs herself she looks pregnant.

thats what I'm thinking. saiya keeps running from her so sooner or later she's going to get sick of it especially with others noticing and commenting on it.

you must be thinking of aika not tessa. aika is going to continue to grow. tessa is self conscious about her weight. tessa is trying to get saiyas attention but that is almost impossible when the woman she's in love with is, as you put it, a hopeless fatty.

possibly but that doesn't even make sense because tessa isn't that big. I mean lets be honest. she has a muffin top at most. she might've gained ten or twenty pounds. aika, however, more than likely ballooned and we can already assume her belly is out in the open from the way saiya reacted.

this is tessa right? no way thats aika.
Yeah thats tessa i might do aika later depends on her reveal lol
Youre thinking way too hard about it, its a weight gain story. Shits already removed from reality somewhat no matter who is writing it.
Good drawing anon
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Holy shit!
Page dropped early!
Good one anon, had me rolling

That.....actually feels like something Kip would do, just to troll everyone. xD
new page is out
yeah, >>73065 already posted it. what a redundant post
Alright Kip I fucking kneel
Only took 8 months and 100 pages to get here. Christ.

This page is great indeed. Hope the girls keep getting bigger.
Truly the One Piece of WG comics
Aika or Tessa? I prefer Aika. I mean she's huge. She has the potential to reach Kip levels. A man can dream.
I'll take it happening to any of them at this point.
I'm personally rooting for both to get huge
Decent page, probably the best so far, but I gotta ask...
Why the fuck did the skirt rip like that?
tessa. tessa had a far better reveal imo and aika isn't much larger than she is.

I really want to see tessa pile it on now.
It’s a porn comic
"Kip levels" isn't much these days, as Sydney got much bigger than Kip at the end of NLB
Tessa. The popular girl trying to hide how fat she's getting will never not be hot. I hope she goes to even further lengths to hide her growing gut
Not a great argument on its own, made worse by the fact that if it ripped like an actual piece of clothing it'd probably be hotter...
This. Ever since binging Breakfast with Sister for the first time, I'm now hoping for another fatty threesome going for Saiya with Tessa + Aika.
thats kinda what I was expecting aika to look like. she's nowhere near as big as I was thinking she would be.
Grossly overrated size. Kip knows he's best at pot bellies

Aika doesn't look any different than I remember her. Of course it could be that generations have been born and died since the beginning of this comic and my memory ain't what it used to be.
Her tits are practically the size of her head now. Give it 30 pages and she'll have bigger breasts than Tessa.
Not that I'm complaining.
Aika is l a r g e
this seems to be a regular thing for aika. she's always ripping out of clothing.

I know tessa is in class but im curious to see her reaction when she stumbles across aika again. it almost looks as if they are equal in the chest area. will tessa start overeating to get as big as or bigger than aika?
now lets see, next pages are probably going to be:
-Next page could be dedicated to them trying to get the curtain dress on, but that would be too much content so they are probably going to skip straight away to the mall
-After that, next page could have an interesting scenario of Tessa at the mall too, looking at Aika and getting even more confused. But its probably going to be her manager-owner-lackie chick wondering for a whole page or two pages why is tessa gaining weight and trying to connect the dots
-After that, next page could be a montage of Aika trying different clothes that are too tight, but again that would be too much content together so they are probably going to go to church, because we forgot about it and we need to be reminded about that important world building moment (kip on an alt in the subreddit said that he was amazed of the worldbuilding the church page was developing). The idiot with the hat will be there too and he will have 3/4 of the page dedicated to him
Kiptards are always like "Worldbuilding" like shut the fuck up bitch, I just wanna see Fatbuilding on these chicks
Normally don't join the bandwagon but this is something I 100% agree with
>Kiptards are always like "Worldbuilding" like shut the fuck up bitch, I just wanna see Fatbuilding on these chicks

Why don't you worldbuild some fat onto some bitches

Comedy gold right here.
1. there has been worldbuilding?

2. who gives 2 shits if the worldbuilding isn't relevant to the reason this comic exists lmao
This just gets me hyped for a clothing try on page. Kip is always good at those IMO.

She could have hid her weight if she tried hard enough, now even loose fitting clothes will drape over that gut.

Maybe tessa will be clothes shopping too? Or maybe, fingers crossed, we'll see her pig out on her own for the first time while Aika and Saiya are away.
*if she tried hard enough before the gain
you're doing a good service, anon. it's always so uncomfortable to me how kip's girls would be divine with just minor touchups like this, like the horniness version of the uncanny valley
I agree but I feel like I’m able to see though fingers with the skinny arms to appreciate the (no pun intended) bigger picture
whats up with saiyas facial expression? she loves bellies, she ought to be happy. besides that tessa looks pregnant every time she stuffs herself anyway.

possibly but remember they're cutting class. tessa should still be in class right?

Should, yes, but shes obviously very self-concious & embarresed with her tight clothes so she might skip to go size up away from her manager chick.

Either that or i think she'll get too hungry and eat a lot at lunch even though she was just panicking over her weight and saiya isnt there to "show off" to.

Would imagine its awkward to go clothes shopping in the maternity section for an 18-22 year old woman, belly fetish or no. Also just blatant set up for people to mistakenly think Aika is preggers. Has to happen at least once per kip-fatty i guess.

Would be hot if she has that expression due to being flustered at the idea of being around more big bellied women in the maternity section, but that's probably not the reason. Maybe she's either flustered at the idea of Aika wearing maternity wear or that she's so big she needs maternity wear.
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Huge pot belly + big tits with thin arms and no double chin. This is an irl example of what kip likes. I'm a fan of this body type too, it's rare imo
>>73726 (Dead)
I dont think kip will ever touch a pregnancy comic even if someone commissioned him to do it. has her ever drawn pregnant women?

I know tessa constantly looks pregnant but has he actually drawn pregnant women?

>>73979 (Dead)
I think thats the main appeal as well but most people who love pregnancy really can't seem to tell why. I don't see why its so bad to like pregnancy. its a big belly that keeps growing bigger along with big breasts that keep growing bigger. don't even get me started on lactation.

kip will probably turn tessa into something like this before its all said and done. what he needs to do is add some considerable weight gain to her breasts as well. have her bursting out of her bra too.

Disagree. Nothing better than bitchy popular girls getting really unflattering gains. Belly focus or pear shaped for Tessa all the way, Aika can get the tits.
ideal gain for Tessa is almost entirely belly fat with high visceral fat content so once she gets big enough everyone starts speculating that she's pregnant and calling her a slut
I want to go along with that but pear shaped? tessa already has some nice breasts so you want. just gain in the behind? I know a woman thats kinda pear shaped. all her weight gain went to her hips, thighs and butt. I want her belly to keep getting bigger.

I agree on aika though. aika can get some huge breasts before this is over. hopefully he's headed that direction already as we can see she's gaining in her breasts.
What's the odds that Tessa is attracting all the staff?
I like the way you think
I want to argue that but you could be right. she was having trouble stuffing herself into her clothing before. she was struggling to cover her belly with her tiny jacket when class ended. maybe she cut class and she's there too.
I know it’s been forever since dinner with sister, but such a direct comparison still shows how much Kip has improved over the years
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Dinner With Sister on the left
One Serving Choice on the right
Also this appears to be the only person working in Dinner With Sister dunno if Kip might retcon that

inb4 that happens to be the very day that Kip was getting fondled by the inebriated clerk in DWS. xD
i dont know that kip thought that far ahead. my thought is that he just likes the name and thats his clothing store for his characters in his stories.
I hope the drunk pervert clothes shop clerk is back and gets a feel of either of our soft girls, that original sequence from DWS is one of my favorite things Kip has ever made. I love that shit so much, DIAMONDS
I could see a couple of possible scenarios here:

1. This is in fact the same day that Kip was shopping for new clothes with Kat, Grace, and Bella and she's getting her big tummy groped by the clerk right at that very moment.

2. The clerk who fondled Kip is still working there, and has had some time to mull over her new kink for a good while, and is about to get her hands on Aika's gut(maybe even Tessa's too, should she appear)

3. The clerk from DWS was fired between then and now, and now a new clerk is working there(only time will tell if they're as much of a pervert as the previous clerk or not)
Please tell me the clothing store lady returns with a huge belly from drinking too much. Would be awesome to see her fat. Maybe Kip corrupted her. She seemed pretty enamored by her massive physique.
Decent panel, Kinda sucks the store part is going to be over so quickly
milkshakes as a reward? shell probably burst out of that in no time.
Eeeh i think its fine. Tessa gets more detailed and numerous money shots when the focus is on her so i suspect the better shopping scene will be with her. Makes sense, at least in the beginning it seemed like it was supposed to be more about her and saiya with aika just being there to get the ball rolling.

Say what you will about the comic but kip is doing a pretty good job making Aika more personable than their other crazy/quirky archetype characters.
Fuck, I love a nice waistband snap, especially with her smug face, if this were animated I'd die
lmao why is her ass down there
As she should ;)
I agree, I hope there isn't a twist like there was with the girl from No Lunch Break

Would be nice to see her continue in semi-denial for a bit before hunkering down and getting a corset/spanx to bandaid it rather than actually sizing up, too.
only if she goes out, eats and bursts out of it. otherwise I wouldn't be interested.
I'm hoping for the corset thing too. I think it'd be great if Tessa continued to gain, hiding her gut with a corset all the while, only for the corset to fail during a big performance show or something
if we dont see a full on weight gain montage on the next page or two im going to rip my own hair out im so excited
I brought up the idea of one of the girls having a chubby mother who will be shown at some point. And here she is. Kip finally made a fat milf OC.
Too bad it wasn't the fish bitch from the With Sister series...
Would be epic if for some reason the main cast goes to aika's place for whatever reason and the mom enables Tessa and Aika to eat a fuck ton. Have to keep my expectations low tho
Maybe kip'll do something like that for the christmas special
that was a pleasant surprise. a quick stuffing and that was it. I was expecting pages upon pages of setup.

why is saiya telling aika about tessa weight gain, exactly? was she not conflicted about saying it earlier?
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made some small improvements, I think Kip has a problem with belly button positionning

Because she just got reminded about it and is just blurting it out. Probably going to cut herself off next page, or think of some lame awkward lie.
Good fix. I think it's just an issue with perspective drawing. It's like Kip is trying to draw a side view and a 3/4 view at the same time
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Got bored and made Tessa slightly fatter
I’d say just wait until the new page comes out if Saiya goes into detail about Tessa
Respectable attempt anon but I feel like the original is more fitting here, she’s not supposed to be fat yet, just chubby

stuffed Katsu-nee? Yes please. :D
Finally, Kip does more Senran. How has he not done Haruka yet? Her outfit is literally begging for it

because none of his Patrons on his commission tiers have asked for her, sadly
This. I noticed this since the early days where the belly button always seemed too high up. It's gotten better over the years but you still see it from time to time.
Huh, does this mean Tessa is being extorted or smth by the other girl? (literally could not care less what she's called)
my hunch is that Tessa and her friend probably have some connection that runs deeper than her celebrity factor. I'm guessing her friend has a hidden, caring side to her we haven't seen yet, but who knows.
good call. horrible save by saiya.

"she was late and it was really embarrassing"? thats the best she could come up with?

I feel like we were going good and this is kip trying to force a plot again.

there is barely anything to get from that. the other girl is a jerk but I think tessa runs things on her own.

the only good that can come of this is seeing more of tessa stuffing herself. I would assume saiya is now "going undercover" to hang with tessa so she might just stuff herself senseless first. will saiya get some information? doubtful.
It was inevitable. Spent a decent chunk of pages revealing Tessa's first real gains, got half naked Aika, small clothes shopping scene, and the milkshake.
Also hard agree, Saiya turns into a mess around stuffed Tessa even more than Aika.
Another burp, neat
She's such a bright and happy creampuff. Must protect TwT
they're sending saiya in undercover.

maybe there'll be a new tessa stuffing scene incoming? saiya will ask to meet tessa, shell stuff herself and then saiya will anime nosebleed and pass out before she can finish her mission?
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Finally, Kip draws some really good shit. It's stuff like this why I even follow them
High quality, too bad I don't play Genshin
We may be degenerate fat fetish Losers, but we're not pedos
Gayshit ain't have fat bitches, so whatever
Do anyone could provide an archive with the non-comic pics from the previous threads? Please?
I had them, but lost my archive.
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wonder what Tessa is planning
aw. I was hoping Tessa would try to hide her belly with a corset or something, but it looks like she's just going to try and exercise to work off her gut. Which will probably backfire somehow
That one FFXIV OC returns. Glad to see her
Saiya comes in and hard baits, Tessa ends up doing her exercise thing stuffed, embarrasses herself and gives up, or she just keeps gaining while broadcasting her workouts. Those are my guesses.
somebody suggested Tessa is going to use the sports girl as a body double for her abs during her streams. I doubt it'll happen, but the idea sounds kind of hot tbh
It’s for a thing on her channel which is particularly odd.

She could claim she gained weight on purpose to work it off on camera (for some reason idk)

Best case scenario she’s doing a muck bang/epic meal time thing and eat a fuckton off food then do exercises to work it off later
Aye I'm suspecting either some photo or video editing shenanigans. Deep fakery to slap her face onto a body double.
maybe not the whole body. I don't think gym girl's chest could quite pass for Tessa's impressive size

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