
>>67068 (OP)
Whatever reason being that this artist rarely posts art once a month and doesn't deserve a dedicated thread here.
I agree with this. The last thread for this artist was around much longer then it should've been. We don't need this thread doing the same thing all over again because of the artist's low activity.
Anyone got the new post?
I love the personality IG gives these characters! The cute blushing faces makes it seem that the girls are all twee and delicate when actually they're refreshingly peppery and downright sassy!
Even with low activity it helps to have a dedicated thread to just have stuff on hand
Does anyone have the post yet
Anyone got the new post?
Do you have them in a higher quality?
It be easier to update Kemono.
Wow, thanks! Is there a third page by chance?
Quick bump, I just had a look at their patreon and it seems like its a 3 page sequence of sorts? Does anyone have the pics?
Its not like I dont want to spend the money, Im just really cautious in regards to privacy
If instant girl posted a lot more often would they be competition for people like kip?
Does anyone have all the parts to the recent post yet
A this point kemono will be updated before someone posts the third page here
(2.0 MB, 1942x2200, Hotdog_NSFW.jpg)
Had to upload my favorite. Easily my favorite artist right now. Should join their patreon fam.
This artist has a lot of potential and sometimes they can already nail sexy body-proportions, but MAN I wish they'd work on how they do faces.
Sometimes they're passable but it's a bummer to see how underdeveloped that part is in a lot of the images. A pink circle with a smaller black circle on it for a "mouth", droopy eyes, transparent circles on the cheeks and nose to show what is supposed to be "blush", etc.
I will be honest, I don't know why she would go on ahead and do that for a blushed expression instead of doing the other common ways of creating a blushed face, other than that we might as well wait and see if they get better with time
Are the first two images supposed to be black and white?
Since the first and second page are in black and white do you guys care if I post a colored version I’m making
(5.5 MB, 1556x2200, color ig.png)
Here's the first page I'll finish the other later
(5.5 MB, 1403x2200, IG 2.png)
here's the second
(2.2 MB, 1737x2200, Dine n Dash.jpg)
New patreon post, just dropped

Just 20 min ago she just posted something new involving with chole
Do you have the post?
Nice to see them improving their belly quality. Look at that shading on the navel
Where’s the post at?
Much appreciated, anon!
New post out, anyone got it?
Yes, it is indeed
(2.4 MB, 1592x2742, saffy.jpg)
new piccy
Thank you kind sir
(6.7 MB, 1900x1900, IG.png)
Does anyone else here think instant girl drew faces better before versus the way they look now
damn just noticed that, i was starting to not like the style tho
Now that you point it out
he simplified the whole face except for the eyes, which are now too big in all the wrong ways
Is there anything new?
New post out
Does anyone have the new post yet
Does anyone have the new post yet
In the seconds pic it looks like the legs are a bit too far apart
Does anyone have the new post yet
New post?
Has anybody the last post?
Yep, anyways thanks XD
Something about her face kind of looks off
Anyone has the new post?
For me the eyes looks off and I don’t know why, I get this uncanny feel when looking at them.
No offence, but the resolution's literally a potato.
Maybe find a higher res version?
It came straight from the patreon
The resolution doesn't matter, thanks for the pic
>The resolution doesn't matter, thanks for the pic
Your standards are so low I bet you’d still eat food that fell on the floor because food is food right?
what small ass screen are you even using that the true image size being about 4 times as big doesn't matter
Bump to save thread from page 10.
you’ll get used to it with this artist i’m afraid, lol
I hope the thread doesn’t get bumped because the artist ghosted for a month
I hope this thread doesn’t get bumped because the artist was gone for an month
It's just that we can't upload to kemono, as the Patreon importer's being worked on.
How about letting this thread die because there's barely any traffic here? A pic or two every month doesn't deserve a thread slot.
Anyone got the new post yet
New post
Let the thread die.
There is a new post
Anyone has it?
There's a new post, anyone has it?
That image is already on this thread. >>69396 Let this thread die.
You’re a dumbass
Even though I provided proof that >>87579 posted an image that's already on here. I don't get why people think this thread is worth saving when the artist barely uploads anything.
Oh my god he doubled down
For your information, Anon, that was a video I once downloaded from a dub thread, A DUB THREAD.
Yes, it's based on the picture you've shown us, but if I really were uploading a clone, R9K would prevent it. Also, despite Kemono still working on the Patreon importer, the door's still open to upload their latest art here. Also, your plan's backfiring, so long as you keep bumping this thread.
I didn't bother clicking it to see that it was a dub.

Me posting tends to not backfire because when the mods do their clean up, they made sure to get my posts as well.

Seriously, why are you guys so hellbent on saving this thread? Instant Girl only posts once or twice a month so it'd be better to use the Weight Gain General thread instead of keeping this around. Consolidation, you know?
Because have you checked their patreon?
Also, Kemono's fixing their patreon importer, so we have no other choice but to upload here for now.
Then post her art that's already on DeviantArt then, retard. I don't care about her enough to save this thread, so one of you fuckers should do it. Otherwise accept that this thread should die.
I'm not going to pay her for something that I don't think is worth it.
I'm sick of the month long gaps between content being added here and people stalling it's death just long enough for one pic that's average at best.
If you don't like it, why are you even here in the first place? Find something better to do than to accidentally keep this board up with your rambling.
New post?

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