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You can just hear the Godzilla theme playing in the background, huh?

Artist is ExponentialMass on Twitter. Stumbled upon this one day and it became one of my favorites, which is saying something because I have a LOT of favorite Diane fats.
This series might be garbage, but man I wouldn’t mind seeing more blob art of Diane. She’s cute. Also wouldn’t mind seeing blob art of Melascula, she was cute as well.
Are you watching the anime and the anime only? Because I’ve been reading the manga and it’s actually pretty good from what I’ve read so far. I would also love to see more fat art of my go-to waifu Merlin, she’s literally represents the sin of gluttony.
I watched some of the anime, but I primarily stuck with the manga. Read the entire thing in fact. If you’re wondering why I did that despite my views of the series, sunk fallacy cost. How far into the manga are you? Also, I can see Merlin being a good catalyst for fat shenanigans. With all her magic and what not. Just how fat do you want to see her become?
Either sumo-sized or blob-sized, I'm also about to start volume 26.
I’ll assume sumo-sized is big, but not as big as blob. And 26 eh, well I hope you enjoy the rest of the manga. Also hope that you get more fats of Merlin as well man.
Man, I'm also really into sumo stuff too but my go-to waifu is Diane, though Merlin is also extremely hot. I'd kill for art of them wrestling at sumo sizes.
You know, Diane would probably make for a cute sumo wrestler. Though just how fat is sumo sized exactly?
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Yeah, there are a couple of good pieces of Diane as a sumo wrestler, but they're far and few between and she's the only Sins girl to have them. There's never any art of her wrestling another sumo-sized gal, and I'd love to see that fixed.

As for that, good question. I've always defined it as being obese, but not to the point where mobility is out of the question. Just like, a hulking, moving (however slow) mountain of fat and potentially muscle.

Alternatively, y'know, as big as actual sumo wrestlers.
So around the SSBBW range then huh. I’d probably go around the barely mobile range personally. I assume the fatter the sumo is, the harder it be to push them out of the ring. Speaking of sumo, I find the idea of Diane becoming a sumo wrestler to be an appealing one. I’d like to imagine such a role would suit her well. But anyways, which other gals did you want to see her go up against?
she wouldn't be barely modile the sumo diet is actually quite active, sumo isn't just fat its fat and MUSCLE
Yeah, sumos are pretty strong and move around a lot. Still, up to personal taste I suppose.

Yeah, seeing how she's already a giant AND the Sins' muscle, I think she'd take to the role pretty well. As for that question, Matrona's probably the default on account of the fact that she's like, the only other giantess in the series. Yeah I know about Dolores but she's not really all that prominent until the sequel, she's not a fighter, and despite actually being fat, for a giant, she's pretty tiny (not to mention she loses all that weight during the sequel).

That being said, I know that this would count as alt shenanigans but seeing some of the other, smaller girls gaining a lot of weight and somehow turning into giants would also be neat and leads to a lot of possibilities. Diane and Elizabeth are already best friends, Merlin could make a potion to grow big so she and her fellow Sin could be sparring partners, Melascula could find out how to make her human form as big as her snake one (and so we'd have the serpents of both the Sins and the Commandments as rivals), so on and so forth.

If I could pick one, probably Matrona, though Elizabeth and Merlin are very close seconds.
That’s the beauty of fantasy for ya, anything is possible. I know IRL a sumo wrestler wouldn’t just be 100% fat. That’s just what I prefer.
Yeah, being so tall and fat would make it hard for most people to take her down. And Matrona could potentially make for a good opponent, especially compared to Dolores. Who yeah, I couldn’t see getting into sumo either. Even if she did, she wouldn’t put up much of a fight. As for Merlin, I can see her being able to do that. Could lead to some neat match ups.
Gentlemans talking about sumos, i love this thread. Sumo Diane is best Diane
Can’t say I disagree with that. Diane becoming a sumo wrestler would’ve been a better direction to take her character in. Also since I’ve been asking everyone and their mother this, just how fat would you want her to be?

Im a big blob fan itself, but i can see her in any size and i would like it
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I was originally on here to find some Elizabeth, but there isn't much here. I'll start with this one.
Bruh really traced Banna art.
Does anyone have the rest of the images that go with the Elizabeth one?

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