
(198 KB, 1280x2123, h-5.jpg) (149 KB, 1280x1289, h-2.jpg) (103 KB, 1280x1111, h-8.jpg) (75 KB, 1280x891, h-6.jpg)
I don't know when, but it seems to be that he's DEACTIVATED HIS DEVIANTART ACCOUNT
>>64129 (OP)
You're a little too late. Check the catalog for the last BA thread.
(78 KB, 1121x713, f.jpg) (94 KB, 854x935, f-7.jpg) (81 KB, 828x965, f-5.jpg) (72 KB, 1115x717, f-4.jpg)
Sorry if that's the case
But I searched the catalogue beforehand and didn't see any.
not all heroes wear capes
His love for ssbbw or ussbbws is definatly gone. now it is just run of the mill meh work
So what? Is this thread going to become BA's Free Rental Club?
He has clearly moved on, and so should the rest of you. If he's not doing the shit you enjoy anymore, find artists that are. It's not like he's gonna make some pity fats because people miss him/his work. Less so given the contempt he has for the FA community in general.
Give your attention to someone that's worth a damn, not a deadbeat boilerplate artist who can't communicate for shit.
@_sizemologist might have what jilted Bamboo-ale lovers want.
He literally posted SSBBW stuff in the last week. Are you still butthurt about being banned from his patreon? He sure is living rent free in that empty head of yours.
>Everyone I disagree with is friends with BA
500Mg of Copium
Thing is, for some deranged reason he's ((was)) the only artist my dick found hot, nothing I've seen so far can replace him
(95 KB, 577x432, 5okg4u.jpg)
Ok so not banned from his patreon. I just get free shit when it comes out and so far it has been meh city.

Check the id next time you think your being smart.
>Thinking your ID is permanent
>Absolutely no way it can change
His old stuff is still on hentai sites.
I don't particularly miss him much though, dude was a complete twat with zero self-awareness. I just find it kinda amusing how he practically sold his soul and identity to become a generic dime-a-dozen twitter artist.
Ah, yes, of course you don't miss him.
In fact, you miss him so little, you're informing me how little you miss him.
That's just the thing someone who doesn't miss someone else would do.

What I'm trying to say is "Rent Free"
I didn't know Bamboo-Ale shitposted here, I can't fathom anyone else being so blatantly assblasted over people not liking him.
Imagine caring so much about what people here say about you. >>65191

And if you aren't BA. Coming to this thread repeatedly just to suck his dick is even more pathetic.
>Everyone I disagree with is BA

I don't particularly like the guy.
I'm repeating myself here, and you can scroll up the thread and see for yourself:
He's an immature, deadbeat, boilerplate artist who cannot communicate for shit.
He's somehow worse than TrinityFate, and Trinity is a furry.
If you wanna get buttblasted at me, be my guest. Just do me a favor and don't put words in my mouth.
>>6469 (Dead)
Since your original post is not about me, your ID is still the same, you're still a dumbass and fail at life.
I mean half this thread is one specific retard's posts. Just sucking BA off like it's his full time job. Honestly pathetic
anyone have that immobile ochako he did in high res?
Anyone got the newest post?
(6 KB, 438x120, bamboo5324.PNG) (7 KB, 442x176, bamboo.PNG)
This is apparently why he deleted his dA apparently.
DA is shit and has been for years, but it's not supporting NFTs. It even has a system that warns an artist when their work is being used as an NFT in any major social media site.

TL;DR: He's either dumb, gullible, or lying.
DA is maybe shit, but is still the best site we have which says something about the other sites.
I still have no idea why artists choose twitter over DA
As an artist I can tell from my perspective that DA is useless now and I don't use it anymore. 1. 3 years ago I had a lot of commissions from DA and it is always was a new commissioners after I posting a new art. 2. DA had a lot of life and interaction with the other artists. 3. Now: almost no commissions from it, instead of artists new accounts is an empty ones just to fallow and never to commission. No interaction with the artists because they are leaving this dead shithole full of the empty lurker accounts and no money. No new artists because the same reason. I got a lot of commissions from the Twitter now. Probably the same for others.
As also an artist myself;
I disagree on the "no commissions" part. I'm still being contacted to this day on DA for commissions. I am just not acting on most of them due to being too busy with other artist work.

And any of the reasons you gave isn't a good reason to "not have a gallery".

The only good thing about twitter is the amount of users if one wants to focus more on short term viewers/like. But the artworks then just turns into "flavor of the day", vs on DA your works continous to being seen way later as well down the line. Due to way better system to get your artwork seen without relying on "retweets" from other artists. And its really no issue/big deal to keep up having both.

You just lose out by not updating DA/ or having a gallery at all.
NGL this fucking take lives rent free in my head by virtue of how fucking right it is. The site has a bajillion fucking issues. Infinite scrolling, which leads to memory leaks if you scroll too far down. Every month, a different part of the fucking site breaks, and it gets fixed in a week at least. The moderation is still every bit as assinine and retarded as it has always been. It's fucking plagued with kids, and you have no way to keep the stinking brats off of you.
BUT it also has the best discoverability features of pretty much any site like it, while also having a decently sized audience, as well as a gallery, which makes it easier to not only archive art, but for new viewers to bump you up in the algorithm by giving attention to your old stuff.
I fucking hate how fucking shit DA is because of how fucking good it could be.
I have both twitter and DA slightly past 5k subscribers, its not much but enough for a commissions, and art station for a non-fetish art. All my artist friends (non fetish too) abandoned or almost abandoned DA. I dont see a real activity anymore, tried to post a few time on DA not so long time ago and nothing happens. Every post on twitter gives lots of commissions every time. It is good that some people can still use a DA, for me it is dead from a money perspective and the artist community. Even lots of industry artists who I fallowed not posting anymore because it is a dead shit and much more easy to do Art station gallery.
I have a simple solution to your problem, do you know what it is?

Stop leaving DA. It's a self fulfilling prophecy if people go "I leave DA, since less acitivity" which in turn, turns into Less activity.

DA is still the best site we have, and if people had stopped being an idiot about it, it still would have been perfectly fine to be there.

It still has some problems here and there, of course. But you know, at least it's not twitter.

and why would you do Art Station? That's for professional who looks after industry veterans for people wanting to get pro positions in videogames/movies and such. That's not a good site for fetish/Fat art. That's a weird comparison.
Art station because fetish art is a side account, same for a many fetish artists. I'd never mix fetish and sfw art.
Alright, thats fine.

But my other points still stand.
So it's more to do with the social aspect rather than the layout of the website itself?
DA is much better because it's easier to find pics because everything is laid out in a gallery while twitter is a fucking nightmare of retweeting shit.
Twitter is atrocious when it comes to finding older art. You just have to sit there scrolling down for ages and you can't go too fast or else you might miss the image you're looking for. It doesn't help that some artists post more regular, non-art images than they do actual art.
What gets me about this is that you can use the 'moments' feature to create folders more or less. The only artist I've seen to do this was Chet Rippo, and i'm 90% sure the majority of his followers aren't even aware he's putting in the effort.
Tools like whotwi and nitter are great and do an amazing job at making the site more usable, but the fact that you have to use these external sites at all isn't a good sign. It just goes to show that twitter doesn't really give a shit about artists at all. Despite all this though, every artist still seems to cream their pants at the thought of their art being twitter exclusive to the point where they deactivate every other account they have on other sites, which just doesn't make any sense to me.
There's also the issues of twitter only hosting crusty ass JPEGed versions of images and not letting you see past the 3,200th most recent tweet unless you search "from:@artist has:media"
Both of which completely spit in the face of any and all archival efforts involving that disaster of a website

Speaking of archival efforts, this guy's been reuploading some of Baboo-Ale's stuff: https://www.deviantart.com/farcraw
Not too sure how extensive it is but I'm using gallery-dl to scrape the account just in case there stuff in there that's otherwise lost
Even with the shitty jpg compression you mentioned, Twitter compresses the image even further on top of that by decreasing the resolution. Thankfully, Twitter still keeps the less compressed image on their servers, but you can only get to it by opening the image in a new tab and then changing the last part of the URL to say 'orig'.

There is an add-on I would recommend for chrome and Firefox that will automatically get the original resolution for you whenever you click on an image, so you don't have to go through the hassle of doing it yourself.

Unfortunately, there is no fix for the crusty jpegs but at least this helps restore the images somewhat.
>It just goes to show that twitter doesn't really give a shit about artists at all
No shit, their bread and butter are "journalists" and the perpetually triggered. If they didn't think it'd make their site too bland, they'd have banned art by now.

>Despite all this though, every artist still seems to cream their pants at the thought of their art being twitter exclusive
It's from them becoming obsessed with their phones and getting massive egos.
>>64129 (OP)
Since Bamboo left DA due to supporting NFT's (Which DA didn't), I guess he will delete his twitter now for twitter only adding gallery support for NFT art, huh?
Hey can anybody repost the da archive. Every time I try to download from anon files it gives me a “bad gateway” error
Did anyone save the panorama? We can find the madefire links in the archive descriptions but they seem dead.
I'm just waiting for someone to point that out to him, call him out on his bullshit, and him trying to somehow deflect or double down.
Or, you know, he'll just do what he does best and 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦.
Which is pretty fucking telling coming from someone as outspoken as him.
Hey does anybody have an archive of his old Patreon post. His Kemono page seems a little light
can someone post endgain?
Does anyone have his newest art?
Honest i just wanna see his new art too
Any got the ramona post he made?
Anyone got his latest patreon post?
Can I get a re up of this? I've got the same problem with anon files
Does anyone have bamboo-ale's artwork with two elf's bumping their fat asses into each other? It's his background on patreon if you're confused about my request.
Damn checked his twitter, dude deleted most of his old stuff, so yeah, he unofficially moved on from the uhhhhh... genre
It's a damn shame, dude was one of the best artists for big to blob. At least his old shit has been archived to hell and back.
Agreed, mans had not only amazing skill, but great anatomical knowledge for the more out there stuff.
RIP big guy
He's still posting fats and the occasional blob on Patreon, but keep doom posting.

He's living rent free it seems.
gotta get a kind anon to back that up on kemono.
Okay, hypothetically, for the sake of argument, if he still posts "fats and blob" on patreon, would you share?

Here is a theory
He is just doing a purge of his works like most artists do from time to time.

Deleting all the art he made from before 2019 isn't exactly a "purge like most artists do from time to time". Just saying
Welcome to BBWchan. Half the threads are people whining about older artists not drawing the exact same things they were 3+ years ago.
or for drawing male art, or underage drama, or politics because the artist has something left-wing in their twitter bio
Bamboo deleted his Deviantart. What the hell is going on?
Gonna give you doomsayers and whiners a little treat.

Uploaded today.
Now it works. No idea why it didn't before...
Does anyone have any new art?
Could someboey update kemono?
Re-upload? Can't find any links that work
You got a high resolution for this one?
(6.4 MB, 3072x2908, Tae.png)
Not him, but here you go
I don't get how so many of the notable fat artists are becoming furries. It's not something you just suddenly wake up and decide according to the furries I've interacted with. There's always some kind of sign where you can tell it's kinda there.
Oh yeah, time to fap!
I don’t even think they are furries I feel like It just comes down to if it looks female and it’s fat it’s fair game to them
It's not just Bamboo, seems like he's sharing that account with Foxfire/Toroboro (who also stopped drawing fats until now).
Bruh, they're making alt accounts to post this stuff. And it ain't just ears and tails, they are drawing fur, paws, hooves, etc. This is 100% furry art. Some of them have already posted furry before like Bamboo but suddenly everyone's getting out of the furry closet.
>It's not just Bamboo, seems like he's sharing that account with Foxfire/Toroboro (who also stopped drawing fats until now).
I genuinely had to look way closer to see this. It's all really pitiable in a way, honestly. All that bitching about being into "thicc", swearing off fat, demonizing /d/ and their fanbases, now the convergence of their styles, and they about-face into drawing fatfur stuff in a squirreled-away alt account. The two of them are just so insanely insecure it's mindboggling.
Furries pay more. And in the case of this community, they ACTUALLY pay artists.
(364 KB, 492x504, 1622945083094.png)
>name of their joint furry account is Bamboo Fox

After four fucking years of FoxFire pussyfooting around under the Toroboro alias and going "No I'm not FoxFire ;)" he's gone back to his old alias while abandoning Toroboro like he's done in the past with previous aliases.

I don't even give a shit about them posting furry art since they've posted it in the past sporadically. It's more so the hypocrisy of them both that baffles me and why people continue to support them.
Pretty much, you think the Commission Whores we have are bad? You haven't seen how hilariously wealthy some of the furry ones are, anyone that wants to make money off art might as well start learning how to draw funny animals.
Sure, you'll probably suffer a few meltdowns from the people you have to deal with, but you'll make mad bank.

That's the thing I don't understand. If you have such a contempt for the fats community and/or are burned out on it, why would you get in bed with a community that's even more notoriously bad while still drawing fat girls?

I mean I get it. You start drawing something new, have fun with it, and it becomes your current focus. Your established audience will probably throw a hissyfit if you post, so you section it off to a new account. That's fine and everything. I've seen other artists do the same thing. Hell, I even like some of the furry stuff they've posted so far and it's nice to see them doing decent work again.

What frustrates me is that this is just another rung on their chain of wishy-washy, will they/won't they, delete-and-start-over behavior that's punctuated by this pervasive feeling of them doing it because they're "above the filth".
(771 KB, 1280x720, BambooFox.webm)
Wanted to have fun with this whole thing so I made this.
Foxfire's as much of a fag, let's not revise history that hard

Bamboo retweeted one of the pics from the joint account and even posted his deer girl on his Patreon so I don't think it's fair to call him a coward when he's actually advertising it and Fox/Toro isn't.
It's moreso pointed at the how he deleted all his big fat girl art so he could post fat animals when he could have left all his stuff up and posted it with the rest of everything and nobody would care. (Hard to describe exactly why in meme form haha)
He's done it before.
Him putting it on his Patreon proves my point. If he doesn't care about it there, they why nuke the normal stuff? Maybe he's trying to get that furry revenue flowing haha
(Appeasing to fat furries AND normies is a tough line to walk lol)

Less about what he's doing now, and more about the road he took to get here.

At the end of it all though it matters little. It was just a funny haha meme I made based on personal experience. Which is why I didn't meme on Fox as much. Don't have lots of recent experience with him.
I'm sure Toro still does "normal" art, but just hasn't had much time to dedicate to his own work, considering he's the artist on 2 games right now (one is fatty wank btw) He's been basically full on into Aria. Don't know if there's any fats but as I said he's the artist on the game, doing characters, CG's, and backgrounds. As soon as he was going to get some time off as the devs were moving Aria from RenPy to Unity, he got asked to draw some more CG's for the fatty wank game (Forks), and that's gonna take him an entire month according to the dev.

So he's pretty flat out with that right now and doesn't have much time to dedicate to stuff he wants to do, and it just so happened that when he did get time recently, he did some furry shit. Nothing about this indicates that he doesn't want to do human stuff though.
That's interesting to know as I remember him talking about a job on his Patreon he was gunning for. Wish he closed it down properly so people could get the perks they paided for haha

But it's nice to hear he's doing well for himself.

I don't doubt the human stuff at all. It sounds like he's busy with a more demanding job then drawing art just for the hell of it.
Game sounds interesting though. I'll have to dig around for it.
(204 KB, 625x1000, 8774b10f13abe4e2bc191025479f8b81cf79f188.png)
Current completed demo is from a year ago, but at the bottom of the thread the creator has uploaded a new incomplete demo that is just missing Toro's new CG's
Annoyingly the creator of Forks and Aria is the same person. Forks would probably be out by now or at least further along in development if he didn't start working on Aria as soon as the first demo for Forks came out. Apparently 99% of Toro's art for Forks is complete, he just has to do the CG's for the game when the creator asks him to do them. There's a full games worth of character art with *mulitple* weight levels just sitting on Toro's computer waiting to be released to the world that might not come out for quite a few years at the rate this guy is going with Forks. It's disappointing because it's one of the more interesting and more polished games to come out of the Weight Gaming forum.
Why do artists do that, anyway?
The thing is, that's basically what Fox has done several times already. He's had a few accounts before this and always ends up deleting everything and/or starting over. I know jobs and burn out are a thing, but it feels more like he didn't want fat art to be all people know him for, even though he still loves it. His Toro account basically became a "thicc" account that tried to toe the line, but it was always more heavily skewed towards FAs. The closer he got to drawing bigger and bigger, the more likely it was that he was going to disappear for a long period or decide to start over. There's also those periods where he tries to reinvent his style, which is incredibly commendable from an artistic perspective, but it always felt like a hollow attempt to distance himself from his own brand to me.

I've heard different things about this. One was that the writer for Forks was hard to work with/lost all the story they had written so it got stuck in limbo. Another I heard was that the guy working on Forks got the idea for the new TF(?) game and became focused on that. I want to say the CGs by Fox for Forks may have gone through several iterations too but I don't know if that's true and if it caused any issues or if it was more like a "Well the game's taking forever and I'm still getting paid, might as well try to polish the art up some more."

There's several reasons for this. Sometimes the artist gets burned out on the community or they feel guilty about their fetishes/it becomes toxic to their mental health and they decide to cut it out of their lives. Some also get "found out" and they go scorched earth. A few try to "take a break" and it becomes a permanent thing. There's also those who want to focus on their professional careers or break into the pro-art circle and they don't want their smut to be traced back to their RL jobs and cause issues.
I'm going off of what was said by the writer/dev of Forks in the forum thread. After the January 2021 demo dropped, the dev came up with Aria. I still don't know if it's about TF or has any fat content in it. It might just be a vanilla VN. Either way, he had some issue at work due to covid, and their child was born last year too, so they didn't have a lot of spare time, and what little they have is being taken up by Aria, so Forks development has slowed to a crawl. I'm just baffled that they decided to create another full length VN when their first VN only had a fairly short demo and was still far from done.

>I want to say the CGs by Fox for Forks may have gone through several iterations too

The dev recently stated that Fox was about to start sketching the CG's and would be fully complete and colored in roughly a month, so I'm sure that Toro had only done the character portraits, which judging from the current demo and the teasers on the forum for higher weight levels, each girl possibly has 10-15+ weight levels in the game. The one of Grace posted above is indicative, she only gets to weight level 2 in the new build and isn't anywhere near that big
And it sounds like they are switching engines for aria so add another year to that games demo release. If either game are released by 2025 and not abandoned I'll be shocked.
That’s sounds like an incompetent dev team that are just swinging their artists around like if they were just tools. They’ll burn everyone out if they keep making new VNs instead of just finishing them.
Honestly they should just drop Aria entirely. It was a terrible idea to start another project so large when Forks wasn’t even close to being done. Toroboro would be making good money rn if he didn’t abandon his followers and help those cretins in making a game that probably won’t ever come out. If I were Toro I would tell the writers that I won’t work for them until forks is 80 percent done minimum.
The issue in your line of thought is that Toro doesn't like Fork and prefers working on the second game.
>>81998 maybe so, however toro has left his Twitter practically dormant for the last year and a half, sure he has made a few posts since 2020. But he has practically finished the artwork for forks, and then they focus on Aria which has little progress also. Either he is locked into a shit contract, or he is a dumbass for abandoning his Twitter and not giving his followers a timeline on when he could be finished these projects.
I agree, I just wish he'd finish the writing for forks because how it sounds that's all thats left to be added. Which to me sounds like putting the cart before the horse. But from his latest patreon update he's going back to working on aria so looking forward to another year or two of no updates from forks. This is the worst thing about the indie game scene is people bite off more then they can chew and we all end up with blue balls.
Is there an archive of all his work?

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