
>>64125 (OP)
Why is that first image so damn hilarious?

I was hoping to see some FP in this thread and I am not disappointed, thank you for all this and if you have more, I would be super grateful. She’s so underappreciated and deserves more art.
sauces for the first, second, and third as well as the first picture of >>64597 ?
(1.5 MB, 1667x2578, 5.jpg) (1.4 MB, 1667x2578, 7.jpg) (1.7 MB, 1667x2578, 6.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1667x2578, 8.jpg)
(1.2 MB, 1667x2578, 9.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1667x2578, 10.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1667x2578, 11.jpg) (1.4 MB, 1667x2578, 12.jpg)
(1.2 MB, 1667x2578, 13.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1667x2578, 14.jpg) (1.4 MB, 1667x2578, 15.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1667x2578, 16.jpg)
(1.2 MB, 1667x2578, 18.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1667x2578, 17.jpg)
I think he will never make the second part
Thanks m8, been looking for this
Do you have the one where pb is twerking?
Does anyone have cats of Marcys mom
(2.1 MB, 1280x2107, colour.png)
I made a quick coloured version of this one.
There's a lot in this thread I haven't seen before, thanks for sharing everyone. :)
so much new stuff in this thread, yeah. I think about 30% of the stuff in this thread I haven't seen before, and a lot of that is good quality. I wonder how much of it was made recently and how much is years old and was made during AT's height of popularity.

surprised how long it took for bloopity's stuff to be posted though, their AT art is A tier
(161 KB, 898x499, frfp.png) (60 KB, 657x499, fbbfp.png) (92 KB, 922x1023, nwgfp.png) (171 KB, 1024x876, ofp.png)
by solitaryscribbles, reedited by roquemi
(362 KB, 970x678, f13.png) (283 KB, 970x678, pg.png) (275 KB, 970x678, sssp.png) (302 KB, 898x600, cfps.png)
sequences by roquemi - deviantart
(319 KB, 958x600, ffpr.png) (297 KB, 888x592, ffp.png) (155 KB, 1100x1200, ff22.png)
by roquemi - deviantart
(194 KB, 1000x1150, nfp11.png) (307 KB, 1000x1200, pfp9.png) (126 KB, 1500x1700, pfp7.png)
more by roquemi - deviantart
(485 KB, 980x1200, fp1.png) (402 KB, 1000x1050, nffp.png) (164 KB, 1000x1200, pfp4.png)
more flame princess by roquemi - deviantart
The last one isn't PB, it's Any Malu.
(199 KB, 1000x1200, mm1.png) (181 KB, 1500x1500, m09.png) (198 KB, 1820x2000, vm1.png) (220 KB, 1500x1550, m07.png)
Fat Obese Marceline by Roquemi - deviantart
No one wants to see Roquemi’s bullshit
Holy shit that’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen! I’m jizzing everywhere from all of that sexiness!
I know, right? Lsp is like tailor-made for blob
Sir, this is a Wendy's
(365 KB, 1280x1183, 28C890DE-A692-490D-B01E-D7E843D6FA23.png)
She is very underused but so are many other princesses when it comes to weight gain. I’m suprised nobody has made a scenario similar to the ‘Nice King’ episode where ice king basically had all the princesses willing to do anything to be with him. Except you ask them all to gain weight. And thus, a chaotic rivalry fueling kingdom spanning gaining takes place.
I really wanna see if I can find that one comic from solitary scribbles in higher quality, so does anyone still have his dropbox link?
Looking for a lost pic I remember seeing a long time ago, a picture of a bottom-heavy FP by kaboodle that I saw on tumblr before it went to shit. I’ve tried finding it elsewhere with no luck and considered asking the artist for it but I’m a massive coward, so I’m coming here to see if anyone managed to save it before it was lost. Huge thanks to anyone who can help.
If anyone has it, I'm looking for a specific image:
A Flabby obese Huntress Wizard, next to a screenshot susan strong, next to an equally obesely flabby Finn.
(171 KB, 800x1069, fpz.png)
Anyone have the picture of FP by Kaboodle? It was on tumblr years ago until the nsfw ban, I think made as a birthday thing for Bloopity, and I’ve been trying to find it since with no luck.
(1.7 MB, 3300x2550, deviantart_903245186_Bubblegum.png) (1.4 MB, 3300x2550, marcyxbub.jpg) (1.2 MB, 3300x2550, marceline.jpg) (1.4 MB, 3300x2550, bubbline (1).jpg) (2.8 MB, 3300x2550, bubbline.png)
Is their blog still active? If it hasn't been deactivated or it was reblogged by an active account you should be able to find it using Cascadr. It's a Tumblr scraper site that lets you see NSFW posts. Flagged posts are only hidden from public view, but you can reblog them to get access on your end. You can also use the export blog feature to download raw images that you've reblogged, which handy for getting access to images that aren't available elsewhere.

Tried Cascadr, Kaboodles’ blog is long-gone, but I remembered a blog that reblogged the picture (thefatshack) and tried that. I scrolled through for a while, until my crappy old computer stopped loading the images and I had to quit, but couldn’t find it. It would be nice if cascadr had tags or something so i could try finding it easier, but beggars can’t be choosers I guess. You could try it yourself if your computer’s better than mine.

Also, I should probably mention, and maybe should have asked this beforehand, but the picture isn’t on thefatshack, as in, when I look at the actual blog using tumblr, I assume it was yeeted by some tumblr bot around the time of the ban. Would this mean cascadr wouldn’t have it in the first place?
(627 KB, 2500x2000, Princess_Flame.png)
Cascadr shows what's hidden on Tumblr. Can you describe the picture and can you remember how long ago it was posted approximately so I can have a look out for it?

I have no clue about how long ago it was, I found the picture only a few weeks before tumblr starting getting rid of stuff.

As for a description, my memory’s a little fuzzy but I think I remember enough to be useful. The picture was full-color, reddish background, lines were more sketchy than solid, she was drawn wearing the “default” dress most art depicts her with from her original episodes, somewhat pear-shaped, with a double belly that almost took on the appearance of 4 parts from having that “ω” shape at the bottom of both rolls. That’s all I can remember for sure, hope it helps.
(2.1 MB, 1567x2500, taste_testing_blues_by_pewbutt_da1ae52.png) (1.6 MB, 1400x2166, youre_all_a_bunch_of_perverts_by_pewbutt_darfp2l.png) (620 KB, 762x1200, shocking_exposition_by_pewbutt_da1ae35.png) (1.7 MB, 2000x2247, e38.png) (703 KB, 918x1250, some_adventure_of_some_kind_at_some_time_by_pew_pew_pow-d7ii3pn.png) (392 KB, 2288x3012, pewbutt-1084634874902802432-20190113_211440-img4.jpg)
Holy shit what a great thread this is, needs more Fionna though.
>>92097 these are so fucking good do u have source??
We've dug straight through the trashcan and are hitting dirt.
Sauce? I like the look of that
What is this anon? I need this for research purposes this is important.
Anyone else think that AI generated art should be banned? What's the point of having it here when there's no effort put into it?
(9 KB, 256x256, m1.png) (8 KB, 256x256, m2.png) (456 KB, 1200x1350, df6jaxc-abf56de5-e45b-410f-a6ca-d5cc3e6cc345.png) (498 KB, 1200x1350, df6kgvc-48db36fd-1003-4c22-8d39-cde582d8de2c.png)
>What's the point of having it here
It's cool. Bear in mind Dall-e mini is a drastically reduced, older version of the architecture. Search "Dall-e 2" to see what is currently possible.
This is an absolute game-changer for all kinds of 2d-art. At a minimum, this is basically a mood-board generator; even looking at >>97522 has given me some ideas for shapes/poses.
(I included some actual art too, just for you :) )
Its new content either way.
It's content that has no heart put into it.
Where did you find that at?
It's not actually creative. The poses featured in the AI generated photos come from human-made fat art it found on the internet. It's even possible to tell exactly whose artstyle it's copying. Just use genuine art for inspiration instead of showing this low-effort shit.
(1.7 MB, 3022x2311, Fat Fionna.jpg)
Another Fionna Shitpost. Meh, why can't I find any good ones since the others are all taken? Just only a shitty post. (sigh)
Dabble and Bulumble-Bee are great artists for this subject
That t u m m y. Sauce for the second one?
that other dude's a fuckin idiot, its DabbleDoodles.
Bump for more FP art if anyone has any
couldn't PB regrow limbs? what may happen if she gave him a blowjob and took a bite while she was there?
Rainicorn's not allowed here, dude.
Where you got the first one, Aaronfly hasn't posted it yet on his pages.
Source of the animation Edit?
I made that a long time ago with a guy named bean.
Hey I'm bump
(1.3 MB, 3000x3000, sketch_page_2__gay_by_scarletshnoz_delxxk7.png) (1.7 MB, 1800x2400, sketches_6_23_2015_fionna_by_metalforever_d94t2ym.png) (87 KB, 800x764, _comm__fat_princess_bubblegum_and_marceline_by_cvetkanille_dbxt25f-fullview.jpg) (122 KB, 1280x1339, re_draw_by_pinkpoison67_dep1l57-fullview.jpg) (326 KB, 1920x1500, request_time__fat_fionna_adventure__by_kingofilliterature_d88tiqf.jpg) (386 KB, 1267x1238, fat_princess_bubblegum_by_bigfatbellies_d6odvf6.jpg)
>>69729 Sauce of 4th image?
same as the other 3, bulumbebee
(98 KB, 1000x1000, ITB4zqs.png)
For whatever reason, this pic was REALLY hard to find.
(158 KB, 1390x1048, fionna_the_human_blob__com__by_gussiekins_dfhadow.jpg) (94 KB, 912x1200, fionna and ice queen.jpg) (764 KB, 1077x1152, fiona_s_halloween_by_ambrosiafawn_dfg94br.jpg) (638 KB, 929x720, adventure_time__fionna_vore__vore_commision__by_blueyduncanvore_dfg3odf.png) (567 KB, 929x720, adventure_time_fionna_digesting_mass__part_2__by_blueyduncanvore_dfg442p.png) (514 KB, 929x720, adventure_time_fionna_girls_gotta_eat__part_3_vore_by_blueyduncanvore_dfg5g8j.png)
(1.1 MB, 2592x1944, art_trade___fattened_fiona_by_ssbbwcartoonlover_dfd40xg.jpg) (1.0 MB, 2425x2314, Frankie and Fionna.png) (1.4 MB, 1024x1326, fionno_and_cake_by_cerealstuffer_dfacdde-fullview.png) (150 KB, 1600x640, forced_shipping_princess_aftermath_by_indigo81_dflxvc6-fullview.jpg) (145 KB, 1280x1646, princess_bubblegum__princess_plus_size__by_quokkamitas_dfkysy1-fullview.jpg) (375 KB, 3590x3985, princess_bubblegum_eating_breakfast_princess_by_gameboy199_dfcouvz.png)
(215 KB, 611x730, princess_bubblegut_by_spaghettiz_dc91y5g.png) (210 KB, 684x763, princess_bubblegum_by_spaghettiz_dc2e52c.png) (817 KB, 1476x1991, princess_bubblegum___patreon_unlocked_content_by_sweetandsofty_dfja309.jpg) (117 KB, 999x800, princess_bubblegum_and_marceline_by_yuna_mere_dfd5eo0-pre.jpg) (199 KB, 929x720, adventure_princess_bubblegum_huge_body__weight__by_blueyduncanvore_dfg9jg0.png) (1.6 MB, 2560x2400, princess_bubblegum_by_flangirl_dffr67o.png)
Who's the artist of that last one?
Any of you have any Cake, she has so much potential with her shapeshifting abbilities, but yet they're almost never utilised
(121 KB, 1204x949, Untitled-2.png) (176 KB, 1257x820, Untitled-3.png)
made colored versions of some old solitary scribbles sketches
(4.7 MB, 10000x4000, 1 - Flame Princess.jpg) (4.6 MB, 10000x3714, 2 - Princess Bubblegum.jpg)
I've done a handful of Character TF / TG+WG pics recently themed around Adventure Time, currently 4, there may be more in the future if my commissioners want to get more.
With the new fionna and cake special coming up, I imagine that there's going to be some new material to work with.
(248 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_6099.jpeg)
So much potential with Fionna in this outfit ( and her being a bit chubby as it is) but I haven’t seen anything yet

Maybe it’s only a matter of time?
I think most of the fandom is too busy reeling from the constant emotional whiplash to draw porn atm
The interest of its fandom died during all those years between the series ending and Warner reviving it to try and make money.
(583 KB, 4096x2745, F5opp7EWMAAZuCg.jpg) (512 KB, 4096x2745, F5otCBHXUAAxn_i.jpg) (390 KB, 1952x2048, F6HTB9NXYAAXdFz.jpg) (334 KB, 1890x2902, F65PZZAXIAA88y7.jpg) (394 KB, 1536x2048, F66dmCdbIAA3DpL.jpg) (433 KB, 1536x2048, F66e1mya8AEaJ6b.jpg)
Who made human cake the cat?
Do we have some fat arts for Candy Queen?
Credit for the Fiona’s?
not the guy that posted them, but the credit is in the doc name. marshmall0fluff, she's on twitter.
Anyone got the art of Prince Gumball by this same guy?

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