
Someone have the new domino effect?
Bumping for domino effect pages
Looks like Nikolai is unknowingly amassing a Harem. Pretty boy seems to deliberately trying to make that happen though.

Best comic, want to see this girl much fatter, i’m waiting so bad for other panels
Same... I only found out about this comic a few nights ago and I love it, can't wait for the next comic... which might be out today, seeing as they just updated deviantart.
Anyone got the new page
Why would you post this unhelpful nonsense? We can all see the blurry preview pics, you're not cool by screenshotting them on your phone and uploading that garbage here.
A llorar a la lloreria perra
May I get a bump for new page?
Thank you. Wow this was worth the wait...
Man if she was already stuffing her face hard, now after seeing him at a Cafe I wonder how big is she going to get
The comic is actually really good so far. but I have a serious question:
if I recall correctly this dude has been drawing for years now, and his coloring got better but his anatomy is still wonky. Is he just not working on this or what? As an artist who draws this stuff occasionally myself, he doesn't seem to have gotten better there. Idk just something I noticed.
i don't spend as much time making sure anatomy is correct etc when i have to finish these up.

I've gotten better at doing these faster with the later parts and if you have looked at the earlier parts, you'll see how rough they were compared to now.

But I'm still trying to get used to the speed and nail the anatomy easier faster, I spend from Monday - Thursday/Friday working on the chapter on the week of release. :) So I don't spend the whole 2 weeks on each part for release.
I have seen how much you improved, I recently recommended your comic to a friend of mine and reread it and man the change it's so noticeable, how much you improved
I'm a huge fan
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Oh damn, that brings memories! I did that art trade with Belt yeeeeears ago! My trade for it was quite terrible, but I did try my best doing 2D art though! I'm a 3D artist after all lol
What happened to all the pages? Isn’t anyone here gonna upload the new page here? It’s already out on deviantart
66379 posted the one pateron one from the 10th. So we're only missing one. Were still one ahead of deviantart
So what’s your point? I’m listening. I’m just saying if it’s already out now on deviantart someone should just already post it. What happened to all the other pages as well?
I'm saying, every page has been publicly posted to deviantart has been here. Publicly on dA it ends at page 17. Patreon and Deviantart's Payed Subscription has 18 and 19 No one posted pages 1- 14 here as it's pretty pointless to, when they're on dA. We have 18 on here, no one's posted page 19.
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Man that last Tanya pic... So worth the wait thanks.
Sorry to be the "yall should support the artist" dude but his patreon has a goal thats at 70% where he would start posting weekly comic pages, so if you can donate there and thats something ya want theres that
I don’t usually sub to patreons but belt has a pretty consistent output and seems like a normal person so I was actually planning on subbing to him as well as a few other artist later this month coincidentally
If he doesn't draw any fat males on there then sure.
90-95% female, 5-10% male. Most of the males comes from commission blob tier when they appear.
Those odds sound manageable, and it does look like his content output is very frequent right now.
Any news for the comic?
>"oh shit, this anon baited me into reading some discord bullshi- oh wait nvm it's the actual comic."
Can't wait for today's comic... man this comic is one of the best.
nevermind, it was actual discord bullshit I don't care about and a disappointing comic page
at least that page was from the 6th so we've got tomorrows (I thought it had been posted on the 5th oops) page to wait for.
was it disappointing since it was bad overall or was it just because it didn't show anything fat in this part?
I like it it builds anticipation
From what I can see from tye deviant art preview next page looks straight firw
Okay, so either Dryad and Elijas are the same person somehow, or there's more than one person doing all this. And considering what Kai said, Dryad is also likely the same person as the unknown third friend of Lene's.

It still looks like they're trying to set up a Harem for Nikolai. With the exception of Lene, they've all been tempted to gain weight for the purpose of attracting Nikolai to them.
* Tanya relapsed into eating junk food and became more open with doing so after Nikolai said she looked cute.
* Mari began chowing down hoping Nikolai would notice her, and upped the intensity after seeing him with Tanya at the cafe.
* And now Emma has been convinced Nikolai likes em bigger, and seems resolved to give up her diet after both seeing Nikolai watching Mari and Lene, hearing him tell Elijas he likes woman who enjoy themselves, and being desperate to be closer to him than he is with Kai.

Lene is the only outlier, just suddenly starting to pig out after talking to Elijas once, and falling for Andre instead of Nikolai. And whereas whoever this is took a more indirect approach with the others, they had a more direct hand in setting up Andre and Lene. Though, if Kai is right in that Lene is "Patient Zero", it does make sense to establish a control group to see if the results of the others pan out like they did with Lene.

So of course, that still just leaves one question: WHY? Fattening the girls up alone could be seen as Elijas and Dryad just getting a kick out of it, but they seem to specifically playing matchmaker, and aside from Lene and Andre, it's specifically for Nikolai. Why him though? Aside from being the protagonist, why him in particular?
Does anyone know when the next domino effect part drops
Pretty sure today or tomorrow... Feels weird that it's not on patreon yet.
Anyone got any older art from him?
Someone's gonna hate me, it just dropped 5 minutes ago on Patreon
I really liked that we saw more of Andre in this part, I really love this comic
>>73604Gonna be honest, this is the only plot line I'm interested in
When can we see the girls of the comic at this size?
in 69 parts.
remember, realism.
Well it doesn't help that it's only a part every two week, but there would be more if the goal on patreon is reached
I think this is the best part yet
Holy shit what a fucking payoff
I usually like his art but what the hell is that first pic? Her legs are disproportunate compared to her stomach that it ruins the pic for me.
Disproportionate in terms of size/fat or fucked up leg length? (As in they should have been placed higher up, or?)
Both actually. the legs and stomach are damn near separate from eachother. Another gripe I have with some of his art is that he really overdoes it on the fat and makes his characters blobish with unappealing.
Everyone has their taste if ya don’t like it you don’t gotta look at it
Am I the only one that thinks that this is the best wg story comic? compared to the others, this one seems to actually have an interesting story that's actually moving forward and doesn't take too long in getting to the exansions. Compared to pixivio's which is just keeps getting slower and is trying to be more than what it is.

This and Losing Control are up there for sure. Good balance between character and gain.
I'd say this comic is fine as the gains are noticable without being slow, but Losing Control feels like it meanders, and is more like "will she snap or not?".
Anyone got the new page?
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So when's the FF month stuff going to be posted publicly?
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I made it by my self. (Just image tifa blonde pls) I hope someone find it usefull, i'm not an artist btw.
Belt still has about 35 images he needs to post first before he reaches the FF month stuff, so maybe they''ll appear around Feb-March.
To be fair she's already at class 2 obesity and has trouble doing things normal thin people have no problem doing and I think there's still over 10 pages left
Wow this sequence was godly. Seeing her going from a tiny little muffin top to being a literal pile of flab is so ggod.
New page just dropped, I liked it
Yeah don’t post it then I guess
those edibles ain't shit-
Looks like Nikolai suffers from an anxiety disorder. Makes sense why he's largely a loner nowadays, it's not that he doesn't like hanging out with people, it's that he CAN'T without having an attack.

Still, so far Tanya seems to be the best one for him. Obviously this will end up as a four way with Nikolai, Tanya, Emma, and Mari, but it's nice demonstrating actual chemistry between the two.

So I'm guessing that this woman with Elijas is "Dryad", or just another girl he's fattened up to hook up with someone. Since this is the first we've seen her, it's probably the former. Maybe the two of them are an item and the ones working to fatten up other women out of a sense of giving other people the same happiness they have?
>Literally the only thing the Nier franchise is good at
That's the stuff
Decent fat Esdeath art? I’ve ascended
I really liked this part, whole comic has been great, Emma and lene face to face 10/10
I hate to burst your bubble but that's not Emma that is face to face with Lene
OH shit you were right, I went to reread and it all makes sense now
Anybody got the next comic?
Bump for new chapter
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>Guy's fine getting cockblocked by plot.
You're part of the problem.
Yeah I'm that weird guy that likes plot in his porn, as long as it strikes a good balance between story and porn, I'm fine but when porn is put in the backseat (looking at you kip) then we have a problem.

I'm somewhat into weight gaining unlike you fellows so I'm fine with the pacing so far.
>I'm somewhat into weight gaining unlike you fellows so I'm fine with the pacing so far.
I don't think Belt Buster's pacing is bad at all, but that guy taking the brownies away from her before she could go to town on them was a blatant cockblock moment after what the previous page implied might happen.
I dunno about you all but I was always here for the plot and nothing else.
There's lots of porn on the web, no need to throw salt at the author for not having enough.
he took the brownies away because they're spiked with drugs. If she had too many she'd probably have gotten sick. She's got the munchies now though, so she'll probably pig out on other snacks at the party
His pacing is very good, my golden rule when it comes to fetish work is that as long the page in question is at least focused somewhat on the fetish at hand or then its not wasted. Blondie getting the munchies and already full on pigging out fills that out. Having interesting dynamics is just the cherry on top of that. I could compare this to another artists who does the opposite constantly but that would be in poor taste
I think we all know who your talking about tho
There was an old Kinomoto Sakura pic he drew back then. Anyone still has it?
Hate to break it to you but that 2nd pic is male. 1st pic is very ambiguous, too much to the point that we maybe shouldn't keep it here.
Shysho used male tags for that character in the 2nd pic before.
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Kind of hard to tell if you don't know the artist and find fanart for them made by people who mostly make female art. I hate boy tits.
I think he only do male if paid to do so.
That's why you do research and not post stuff without doing the research beforehand. Please do us a favor and get rid of those boy tits now that you're informed.
That male is still up somehow. Are the mods asleep, or did they stop caring? Had a few male reports not work in the last few days. What am I supposed to put in as the reason for them to register that that's a male? Putting in "Male" doesn't work.
Anyone got the new page?
You're the type who would eat literal shit if it meant saving your own life.
hold on, how is that a bad thing?

and i dont mean it like the fetishy way, i mean it like wouldnt you do what it takes to live?
dont care, jacked off to the male pic just to spite you
new pic anyone
I'd much rather die with my standards intact instead of doing something vile or otherwise awful just to survive.
Got the new page tho
Take it easy dude, I’m just here to jack off
Did anyone post the new page and I'm just missing it or?
new pic anyone
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Page 27. No weight gain in this one, it's purely plot.
The fact that Sara's eyes are being deliberately obscured leads me to believe she's gonna be relevant. And considering how Nikolai even knows about this in the first place... that heavy woman he was on the balcony with I'm guessing is Sara after she dropped out, and Nikolai found and worked his magic on her. Probably got contacts and dyed her hair darker to distance herself from the victim of Tine's.
Elijas, not Nikolai. Damn wish this thing had an edit button.
Quite a nice page thanks
Hmm yes.
Character development. Drama.
Any predictions as to what happens with Tine from here? Now that her past has caught up with her and her bitchy behavior was made known, this is likely the end for her. I personally wouldn't miss her.

Something I would love to see is Tine's fall from grace. Being isolated and bullied to the point of having low self-steem and only being able to cope with it through food, making a parallelism to what she did to Sara with the difference that Tine has earned everything bad that happens to her. To me would be awesome to see that.
Is isn't completely necesary to waste lots of pages on her tho, her character only consists on being a piece of shit. Only with a couple of appearances would do the trick, but a mini arc of her social decay as an excuse to a descent to fatness would be cool in my opinion. It could have the participation of the misterious feeder (or Dryad) to integrate it to the plot.
Gets to go through what Sara went through but with no one waiting for on the other side, just a depressed fatty ostracized by everyone and with no sympathy
gotta say, i love bitchy girls getting their comeuppance and getting fat. I hope she tries to hide how fat she's getting at first, before she completely spirals
>The fact that Sara's eyes are being deliberately obscured leads me to believe she's gonna be relevant.
Accurate prediction so far.

>Yea, I'd be devastated if something like this happened to me.
Nikolai, something tells me this won't end well for you.
Welp, wrong about it being the woman on the balcony with Elijas, but it looks like I was right about everything else. Grew her hair out and wears a beanie now, but the fact she's at the party strengthens the idea she told Elijas about what happened and he agreed to humiliate Tine.

Doubtful. Elijas seems to be trying to set Nikolai up with a fatty harem, so unless destroying his reputation would help that, I don't think Elijas has any reason to do to him what he did to Tine. Hell, it feels like he did that to Tine more to help Sara and Lene, by humiliating their tormentor to give them more time to focus on fattening up.
yall think Tine gonna get fat too after this?
I hope so. I love seeing girls who tease fat girls wind up fat themselves. although I do kind of feel bad for her after that. I know she's a bully, but still
I'm a sick fuck who likes seeing the bully get mind broken and then fattened in a depressive state, best part is that she'll get literally 9 sympathy for the most part too, it'll be DELECTABLE... maybe...
Fuck your nonesense pussy. suck my dick
does anyone have last saturdays page
Anyone got Domino Effect page 28?
Someone have the new page of domino effect?
Someone post the new page?
Could anyone post the new page please?
the kemono page is missing alot of the recent Daily pics
Anyone got the new page?
What did you expect bozo, and it’s not a shitty page at all it’s just aftermath
The new page is already out so is someone gonna post it
The new page is out now
hmmm, seems one of them was someone double asking like, two minutes between messages... interesting.
holy shit that was a dope page. when does belt buster usually drop pages?
calling it now, other girls will see pics from Nikolai's photoshoot with this girl and start gaining weight to get his attention. Since this is basically a harem manga with Nikolai as the MC, which girl are you rooting for? I like Tanya most personally, but I'm guessing Emma will win since she's kind of the main girl and also Belt Buster's profile picture
You feel better after being edgy? I swear one page without any fetish/fap material and you idiots go ballistic
Clearly showing off the one brain cell rattling in your head

Its a site full of porn addicts man every thread with an ongoing comic in it ends up like this other than F & H
anyone got the new comic page really curious?
I don't know how people have an issue with this page, it adheres to sill having it be dedicated to the fetish especially with that last scene.
Nothing stopping them from forming a polycue
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I'm running out of dailies. Could anyone update his kemono page?
This girl is simply wow
goddamn this is everything I wanted from this comic.
There has to be a catch somewhere. This woman is too perfect, and Elijas has been supporting Nikolai since his introduction. Props to Belt for making things interesting in the story and for giving us a fondling scene.

That sneaky fuck is gonna leak these photos to make the other girls jealous so they balloon up too.
Why is everyone gobbing all over his dick?
Yeah, I'm almost certain that's where this is heading. why do you think Elijas is fattening up all the girls tho? It's not for his own sake, since he's sending them all after Nikolai. My theory is that when they were kids, Elijas was picked on at school (possibly for being fat) and Nikolai stood of for him like he did with the redhead girl, and he's doing this as thanks
Because he's the protagonist. What else?
Good fucking shit
Probably trying to set Nikolai up with his sister too.
I believe elijas got a bit salty of how much Nikolai was enjoying his time with his sister.
I mean most brothers would.

I low-key think he is trying to make woman bigger so his sister is getting accepted more, and Nikolai is a good tool towards that
Anyone got the new page?
more and more i am convinced tanya is the top tier choice for nikolai
same. Tanya is best girl
"Broaden people's horizons"? That reenforces my feeling of concern back when I said, "There has to be a catch somewhere." from >>85946.

What is Belt scheming?
It's weird so many people like Tanya, I don't know if i'd "ship" anyone with Nikolai per say but if I had to Maria or Emma seem like they would make more sense than Tanya, also similar to how Andre got Leanne we might see the other males getting hooked up like Kai and Elijas himself, the elephant in the room remains why Elijas or Dryad is doing this and if it is a vindictive or helpful manner.

The story is called "domino effect" which implies that something started all this and that's what's leading to the rest, I find it interesting that Elijas sister thus far is the largest character but we have no backstory as to why she is, also that Tine had bullied one of their classmates (who got bigger over time but was happy to see Tine suffer) as well as Leanne later on. There is definitely back story as to "patient zero" That belt wanted readers to pay attention to with the party.
Could someone plz post the new page
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idk, I just think Tanya is the hottest and has the most likable personality. I'd wager Emma probably will win in the end, considering she's BeltBuster's profile picture
new page?
So a new antagonist it would seem, Nikolai has fangirls now, and that girl with the glasses and twin tails seems to be Sara, the girl Tine bullied for awhile and Elijas exposed her doing so at his party. She doesn't seem to be crushing on Nikolai, at least not yet, so she might be keeping on eye on him for Elijas.

Nice that Nikolai is keeping the new haircut. Looks good on him. And both Emma and Tanya are being less subtle about their feelings for Nikolai... it's just his crippling anxiety and low self esteem is stopping him from realizing it.

This really is a Harem series.
I hope that it actually tries to make the harem tangible if this is so. Itd be retarded if everyone just fell on his dick all at once, let it spill out over time.
what about the colored page?>>88702
Anyone got the new page?
Said he's skipped last weekend because of Easter. Next new page should be this weekend.
I think Belt said that he's not gonna upload a new page in a week or two because he's taking a vacation
Check his DeviantArt page, says there's a new page but I might be wrong.
No there is a new page now. He said before that he was taking a week off for easter/break. Also that thus new page should he 6 panels more
Does anyone have the new page of domino effect
After Belt's "No OC's" rule for blob tier patrons, I wonder if there will be even any more males posted, Since most of them were OC's from blob tier.
Anyone got the daily pics,
Ngl I kinda like Emma's new love interest, if I can call it like that. I was actually getting bored of Nikolai getting all the bitches for himself
Anyone got the newest page of domino effect? I think a new oage comes out tomorrow.
Homie are you gonna ask every single fucking week i the exact same way? Wait for it to be posted or put in the cash and post them yourself, man, fuck.
2 euro/dollars is very expensive you see.
this shit gon get gooooooooooooooood
So she's blackmailing him into making her fatter for Nikolai? I hope she gets massive for how aggressively turned on she was getting from talking about it.
yall need to signup for their patreon, they deserve it. so far imo this is the best running comic this year. The Pacing and Plot are in its own league.
Motherfucker literally hasn't published new art in three months,only Domino Effect pages. I'm getting sick of this, and I wonder if those who are supporting his Patreon think the same. He started that Alice Nakiri sequence back in January and promised he'd make a new part every month, but like hell is going to do that. What a twat he is
What are you talking about?
Alice Nakiri sequence is one of DrBlackJack's Story Projects with Belt as far as I can tell.
man you are dumb. lol

I'm guessing you are only looking at the kemono from what you are typing, since he have posted a shitload of images that havent been uploaded to kemono.

Ur cringe dude.

Imagine complaining about someone's art output when giving them absolutely $0.
Because y'all pay for his art, right? No you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be in this damn place. Hypocrites at their finest
Ill have you know, I pay for his stuff but still come to this shithole because I am a patriot
>>93424 Chad shit right here
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>“belts thread is on top again, must be a new page!”
>”oh its some spaz who wanted to tard rage again”
bros why does this keep happening? like can these retarded dogs just stfu?
Look who's the retarded dog lmfao
I'm lookin, bro. Where he at
Does anyone have the new page for domino effect
Can you share it plz
Can anyone update the kemono page cause its missing ALOT of the daily pics?
Ty for whoever updated the kemono. Those pictures are how you say, very nice.
Anyone got the new domine effect page (plus my men to whomever share it with us)
Thx king, as always best comic i’ve ever seen, guys go to support Belt
character's name?
>>94929 Mrs. Fortune from Skullgirls
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>tfw no hot big titty girl who interacted with your weird self, but instead get regular sized titty bri'ish blond girl does that instead

It was my first year and my soon to be friends drove her off for some reason. Should've kept talking to her.
congrats ya played yourself
Do anyone have the new domino effect page
Okay, these last two pages really making me relate to Nikolai. Hits a little close to home honestly.

He probably does suffer from an anxiety disorder of some kind, and it seems like Emma was one of the few people he was willing to lower his guard around since she bothered trying to reach out to him at his own pace.

Dammit, both Emma and Tanya have good chemistry with Nikolai, so I'm really hoping this goes the poly route.
Bump new page?
Eat the sauce. Lean nothing behind. Lick it clean.
Bread rolls exist for this very reason.
Anyone have christmasgirl new page?
>Wearing a facemask so nobody would recognize her
God damn, didn't know I needed this.
Anyone got the new domine effect page
Anyone got the new page?
AnYoNe gOt ThE nEw pAgE. If they have it they'll post it jeez stop asking like your life depends on it
it's rough times, not much to look forward to in life
Does anyone have the 6th page of "Alice's Appetite?"
Anyone have the new domino effect?
Who the hell cares about Domino Effect? lol
for example me
I quite enjoy it myself
Been enjoying it so far.
Its beats 90% of any comic by western artists
Much better than Kip's shitty writing that's for sure
Legit the only comic in this space I actually get excited for everything else is pretty shit compared to it cough cough kip
It's the best feederism comic I've ever read, and the other replies here are right, kipteitei's comics are shit
I enjoyed Full Night Nanny by Kip, but Domino’s storytelling is far superior.
Full night nanny was straightforward and much shorter than usual kip stuff...all in one night. Weren't a bunch of side plots, new characters and triangles to potentially bitch.

Excited for new domino page
That’s kinda what made it enjoyable for me. It’s straightforwardness and the duration of the comic like you said. Kip has a tendency of making his comics unnecessarily long to a point where I lose interest, which is mainly because of his overall shit storytelling.
Without a doubt, most of the pages of Domino Effect are ACTUALLY DEDICATED TO THE FETISH, instead just wasting time going on some tangent that largely goes nowhere.

Honestly Kip didn't have this issue in the beginning and its why even to this day his first 2 comics are his most well recieved ones. Then came NLB and it had so many pointless tangents that just dragged the plot and took away from the fetish (which is like whats the point if you want to make a comic focusing on characters do that, if its a work for a fetish then the fetish should be the main focus)
It's the "when you start masturbating but the plot is really good" meme exemplified.
Thought Tine would've been gone for longer or gone for good.
Bully gets fat and ends up sweet trope? Yes please
I'm not really interested in Tine's story arc but I'll see where this is going, anyways I'm more interested to know what happened to Mari (the muscle girl) and I miss Andre and Lene tbh
The Lene dinner date pages were the best so far imo
You're not interested because she's not fat (yet)
We're not interested because Tine's relevance to the story is gone, and no one in the comic wants to see her come back after she was called out for her past actions. Personally speaking, I don't like her because of how much of a bitch she was before, and while it was unfortunate that she was cheated on, she deserved it.
That and the photoshoot scenes are the best ones so far.
I feel bad for Tine tbh (I know I'm alone in that)
Speak for yourself, after her role in the story, I really wanna see her get affected by this

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