
(862 KB, 720x1113, 16226047718883971509-720--0.jpg) (643 KB, 720x1113, 16239121301077528922-720--0.jpg) (632 KB, 720x1113, 16255730913238819186-720--0.jpg)
New thread as the old one just saged (much earlier than expected). This time around pls don't waste posts just to upload a comic already available in the links mentioned below. Use the links that are commonly used for posts in other threads and not banned by this chan's global rules. Also as mentioned b4 in the past few threads, do avoid the site mentioned below like the plague (unless u r planning to rip them off)

Given below is the updated collection of seriojainc and expansion fan comics (which is essentially the same as the one in the last thread due to the content famine caused by aforementioned site above) so far.


Hope u guys enjoy it and do be on the lookout for the comics above and the bloated bandit 3 comic from the previous thread. And finally, if u just missed the upload, no worries. Most of these are already available or will be updated soon in the sites mentioned below


Pls thoroughly check these sites for content before making any requests for new content or posting reups.

Here is the site where u can download the browser to view second link aforementioned.

Wish u guys a bountiful hunt. And don't forget to vote for updates every now and then for updates of your favorite bbw artist in the kemono requests section.
is this a stupid msg but what does (ASCII) mean, i get its a typeing standard but what does that want me to do.
Does someone have a zip of owrehl’s patreon videos?
Can someone update on LittlePieceOfCake kemono please.
Does anyone have tail-blazers Patreon to update the kemono?
Thx mate, will post this one in the next thread.
Does anyone have the new domino effect content from Belt Buster?
Does anyone have the new Swell Heist 2 comic by Expansionfancomics?
Does anyone have the last 2 pages of Pooh chan home alone?
Can we get the new Wendy Wonka?
I tried putting in this “ WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRreldsTTFNR0lvUWtsSExUVXAoQVNDSUkpUXprd1RGYzVVVlo2VVhsYU1FNVJVMFZ6UFE9PQ==” into base64 but didn’t get a link. How do aces these comics.
got to do it multiple times
I did it multiple times. And got something resembling a wet transfer link. But when I copy and pasted the link nothing happened.
Make sure you delete “()” and all thing in them.
anyone have the fatification app comics from the last thread?
I got aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bBIG-5 !1EYEh9EM after removing the parentheses but when decoding it I got this link https://wet.lD`H}
which is the same if I didn’t delete the parentheses.
Does anyone have DAkotah 9 belly vids if possible can you update her kemeno or even make a thread on her here.
There were 2 levels and each had a parentheses
Try again
>>62770 I’m sorry to keep ask for help. It probably getting on your guys nerves.
Can you just give me the link. I keep getting https://we.tlD`H}
Am I supposed to use that tor project thing.
God you're dumber than a fucking tree
I know I’m sorry, I really do appreciate that you were able to put up with me. Thank you so much for posting the link.
Does anyone have the Backside Hiyoko Sketch from Bluuegooey.
Can we get the Gain of Life [v0.14]?
I'm glad you asked, got some good stuff from that link.
Anyone have anything from Bedbendersinc? Like the Femmobiles, booty benders, or secret ingredient?
God news anons, somebody just posted the latest expansion fan comics and seriojainc works over at the 8muses forums. Get it while u still can.
It aint exactly hard to find it on the forums and plus it ain't encrypted so its easier to download mate. Would have posted here but since it is unencrypted it'll get taken down faster than a furry nsfw post in a bbw thread.
(1.2 MB, 1217x1800, 9.jpg)
Hello people present, does anyone by chance have the comic made by the artist OlympicDames?

I have looked for them everywhere and I have not had much luck, I hope someone is so kind to share them <3
(115 KB, 772x1200, Crime 1.jpg)
Mainly the alien pregnancy comic and this one called "crime"

I have searched Kemono, but sadly there are not the complete comics, in advance thank you very much for the inconvenience.
can't find the specific forum, where'd ya find it anon?
Yea I cant find it either. Either just post it here for the few that can get it or some how encrypt it
Having trouble finding it as well
Btw the anon who found the forum is Zephyr
Hmm, must have gotten taken down already. Expected it to be quick but not this quick. Anyways here is a reup of the link. Hope u guys enjoy it. It's definitely worth the wait.
Why do you people insist on using Wetransfer? The downloads only last a week max, so after they expire you get a bunch of idiots clamouring for a new link.
It's even worse that >>63374 decided it was a good idea to put a Wetransfer link in the opening post, which is going to expire TOMORROW and become useless. Then he decides to replace a temporary download link with ANOTHER temporary download link which will ALSO die in a week.

Don't use Wetransfer for downloads.

Besides, full ExpandaPanda/BannaGaklactic and Expansion Fan rips are already available on AnonGTS:
Does anyone have Candid Cameron by expansion fan yet?
Yo genius, links are supposed be up for temporary periods. Thats the whole point of making them for uploads in the first place. If u want to use another transfer link, its ur choice as long as it isn't banned by this chan's rules.

It is anyways far more better than wasting 10-20 posts for one single comic/work. We don't have an unlimited amount of posts in a thread.

Similarly other anons have the same right of choice regarding what transfer link sites they can use and for asking reups of works they missed.
Though it would be much appreciated if like u said they check the aforementioned links post in the opening post. So pls do refrain from discouraging the use of any transfer link sites without a valid reason.

Dude srsly check the most recent link over here >>63374, its there.
Almost forgot, u do realise that the latest expansion fan comics for the past few months have been paywalled by bondagecomixxx right. Pretty much sure new comic updates for expansion fan comics over at anon gts stopped after bondagecomixxx started acting like a beggar robbing other beggars. Though now I hope it gets updated soon with the news comics.
I really don't understand how bondagecomixx is still up. Why would I pay 16$ a month when I literally could just pay 25 on the legit site and get everything
Their business model essentially is based on exploiting desperation. And they employ a huge variety of tactics in this strategy in order to deflect any major attention to this fact.
>Yo genius, links are supposed be up for temporary periods.
What kind of logic is that? Why shouldn't file links be permanent? Why encode the links in base64, obviously a measure to prevent the links from being taken down, if they're meant to be temporary?
Besides, I didn't say "don't post links", I said "stop using a shitty filehost". There's Mega, there's siasky, even catbox lasts longer than wetransfer.

>We don't have an unlimited amount of posts in a thread.
Once a Wetransfer link expires, you'll get a bunch of spam replies asking for a re-upload which I would argue is much worse than posts that actually contribute to the site.

>u do realise that the latest expansion fan comics for the past few months have been paywalled by bondagecomixxx right
AnonGTS just did a full siterip of both Expansion Fan and Giantess Fan last week.

You're a fucking idiot.
Dude srsly u r missing the whole point I said to stop discouraging the use of any transfer link site without a valid reason. U start discouraging the use of one, ppl will start discouraging the use of others and it'll soon degrade into wasting posts for single work uploads. If u want wail on about why We transfer is bad, pls go over to the manbaby thread and do ur rant. This ain't the thread for it.

And yeah, I really don't do reups that often. Especially for stuff that I know is available easily on the sites in the opening post. I either refer the link to em or in cases like this one when they get taken down, I post reup links.

Also wasn't aware that Anon Gts had a major update. Thx for letting us know and posting the links to the site over here >>63396. Much appreciated.

Now going back to sharing content.
Try checking the 8muses forums. It might be there.
Give it sometime it'll get updated. In the meantime do vote for it on the request section in kemono. The higher the votes the higher chance it gets updated.

he has a somewhat decent point. I use wetransfer and myairbridge a TON but that's because I'm usually posting HD video...

sites like zz.ht or whatever other site aren't popular sitewide because they have a very low maximum filesize limit, but that filesize limit would be ideal for sharing comics.

which makes sense since most sites that refuse to accept the DMCA are a safe harbor for manga (or at least that's why their inventor created them).

I agree with zephyr though, DISCOURAGING is stupid and pointless. If you want people's behavior to change, the first thing you should do is change your own. ENCOURAGE the behavior you want to see.

as such here is a test of various filehosts re-upping zephyr's sweet drop. Arguing IS stupid. Why argue? We should be testing filehosts to see which ones are best (easiest to use for uploader/downloder fastest/slowest longestlasting etc). Insulting other people who are contributing is the height of foolishness (when you're not contributing) who is going to listen? Instead just showcase why you're right:

reup of



and since catbox has an even smaller file limit I split it up into three files instead of one.

Couldn't have said much better myself. Much appreciated for helping to find middle ground, anon.
Can anyone post squarewave29 art that was in the last thread?
(8 KB, 300x168, images.jpeg)
Anyone has that?
Can someone upload the ass expansion video with dig dug at the start


hasn't been updated since may but uh you didn't really even specify the title of what you're looking for... I actually can't find that preview image at all on dA or insta or wherever
Yeah I'm pretty much it doesn't belong here since the similar works contain futanari and preg and no bbws. Do make a request for it in the ee section.

I mean in that image, they are tube feeding that lady. That would belong here. If that scene image or animation was referred to by name? I think it'd be okay....

but yeah I went and checked out the guy's media websites and 0 bbws EXCEPT ya know what, I think this counts:



and it's what makes me think >>63536 might count too, but without a frame of reference? I doubt anyone is gonna be looking for it too hard from an artist that doesn't seem to favor bbws
Can someone be a homie and put cutiepopblue on kemono
(2.4 MB, 678x396, IMG_0683.mp4)
I was looking for the same thing in the inf section and someone posted this

what thread do people even ask for things on in /inf/ I couldn't find a thread with the word paid in it or pikotime or IMG_0683 hmm
Same here, does anyone have it?
Or I think so.....
I downloaded it days ago...
That has neither

that isn't even a link you posted....

it's here just a few inches up
Or is there a way to see the files from last thread?
(486 KB, 892x532, delete.jpg)
anybody have this by ExtraBaggageClaim?
You just use the one titled Beg Thread
does anyone have any packs from theamericandream?
Do you have
Madamemorgana parlor and tender mercy 6 or Wendy Wonka 2 issue 5
Do we still not have the latest Wendy Wonka?
(1.5 MB, 1800x3000, Cover.png)
does anyone have this from csmkynes patreon?
Alright gents
Here ya be

Can someone pls update themagmaman on kemono cause it’s been a while

There seems to be some characters missing
Can someone update Littlepieceofcake kemono page?
It hasn't been updated since April
This hasn't been released yet, but when it is, it's going to be free.

Source: Me.

Sorry, I don't use these boards enough to know how they work yet/

this is just a link to the anon files site. No download link
Undertaker33 Kemono anyone?
Someone have the last 2 pages of domino’s effect?
bumping this bcuz their paetron updated
My mistake
You made the mistake again, thanks for sharing though
Someone have Ration by Sizesurprize?
Someone have aweight gain comic where Jessie, from the team rocket, got fat, I don´t remember the comic´s name, help please
Thank you so much for this.
No... don't be dumb, this is not limewire.
Anyone have uncompressed/full size pics from GAIN-OVER? respects for the man, but at this point you'd expect someone to have an archive of his Patreon up or so.
Can someone download that comic on other platform because i dont want to download just look, like on google files

tell me you're an apple fanboy without telling me you're an apple fanboy
A strange and original tale of magic.
Tiiri the bandit and Golwyne the swordswoman go off on a quest to get to the bottom of some recent dissapearances. What they don't realise is what sinister magic is behind this.

Hilda makes a very special house call.
Of all of the people Hilda visits in order to perpetuate WG shenanigans, one of her biggest fans is a noblewoman named Velbellum Bortega, who employs Hilda's services for recreation and thrill purposes. In this new 8-part sequence, watch as Hilda and Ms. Bortega have a steamy night of constant feasting!

Do it right NOW!!!
Anyone one willing to update Aloy or xmasterdavid?
Whats the point of updating aloysius? It gets updated automatically.
I'd suggest u guys gover to the parychan section of kemono as well and make ur requests over there in the relevant thread. The more ppl post for updates the more its gonna get noticed though do take into account the rules of the thread b4 doing so.
how do even get this site to load, I can't get it to show up on any browser, it locks up at DDOS protection.

Sorry. Thanks a lot
(209 KB, 900x1413, FA183QLVQAUmAZF.jpg)
Hey, maybe some of you got this from sqaurewave?
Does anyone have Readyarts movies because its impossible to find his newer ones

verizon has them blocked, use a method to bypass the site block of ddosguard
Answer, Damn it! 😡😡
Can anyone get MyFetishSituation's Pooh-Chan Comic pages 3&4?
Can some update Expandinator’s kemono page, he has a new animation out. It’s called D.va’s beach day.
anyone have Themagmamans new stuff they wanna send my way or upload to kemono? thanks
Would really appreciate it if someone imported tonbelly's patreon to kemono.party; they've continued their Autumn series which is great but have paywalled nude versions.

Has anyone done or has my request yet
Anybody have zeiniku nouen/ hoikooroo stuff?
Anyone have Broomates by EBC?
Has anyone done my request yet?
Nice, do you have any more of squarewave29?
anybody have TheLustLords Caroline comic? or an update for Magmaman
someone have anastimafilia love trap?
any one have this?
Decided to finally shell up and give back to the chan. Here's all of magmamam's work that wasn't posted from his page on kemono (site's upload feature is down, will get to it as soon as it's back up)

thanks man. Do you mind resending the link to the magmaman content? It doesnt seem to lead anywhere
Anyone have an archive of owrehl’s patreon posts?
your using base64? Ive double decoded it and it leads me knowwhere
Add a 'https://' before the link you get from decoding it

I don't really know how people are still getting this wrong now that base64 is literally included on this webpage
Anybody have biroon jr's newest work?
3rd was posted on deviantart
Yes but is that really the whole page plus page 4 is on his subscribestar
Can anyone update Plus1B kemono party?
It would be great if somebody could put his stuff on Kemono. A lot of his DA stuff is censored too
Anyone has Swell Heist 2 by ExpansionFan?
Thx mate for posting the new pages here and updating themagmaman kemono page. And in the spirit of sharing, here is my updated jaytee faartist collection.


Hope u guys enjoy it. Sorry for the delay in response.
Anyone have anything from Owrehl?

he's totally insane and makes it virtually impossible to buy his content even if you want to, which has thwarted pirates quite well.
Does anyone have “Lord Altros #1” or “Weight Gain Wonders 1 & 2” by Lord Altros?
Does anyone have any of Annonnxyz's patreon content?
Someone have last pages of queen size sarah?
Anybody have Art of zeiniku nouen/ hoikooroo weich you cant find on e-hentai/imhentai etc. ?
Sizesurprise Mandy colored?
everyone, it's been too long since my last presence here, so
I'm gonna go straight to the point, i'm gonna go sleep right now and by tomorrow (depending on your location), i want an update on the following: magmaman, Annonnxyz, Owrehl, dr-black-jack, idle minded... some of them have been updated in the past few days, i want them updated everytime there is new stuff out.
i'm an old user of this site, i've shared without a doubt past tb of data over the years so don't try to play the card of share, i will in due time,

I'm calm and reasonable so I expect good news when i come back, until then...
i wish that fuckers entire library could just get leaked already
Can we get an update on Coastal Bunny, Magmaman or TheLustlord on their kemonos or upload them here. thank you.
Can someone update the fatpandabutt kemono page plz
Anyone able to update okayokayokok on Kemono? Looks like they’ve got some sort of Wonka (different than Wendy Wonka) comic going on there.

And do we still not have the latest Wendy Wonka?
Can someone make a kemono party for umiko-sasaki Patreon. He's been making alot of new content on it and I'm missing out big time. Please
(1.7 MB, 1280x1547, maddy2.png)

Someone once posted the first of these, a fact for which I am extremely grateful (though I think I may have forgotten to thank them, shame on me). Here it is.


If some kind soul would upload the second it would literally make my week. The first one was so cute.

Link doesn't wor
Work, sorry I misspelled
Did you put the address wrong? It keeps sending me to the search
He's asking someone else to buy vol 2, not posting it
Oh ok, I also thought that was a link, my bad, but say if part one was posted is there like a link?
Requesting a reup of jaytee's collection. Much appreciated, but please doublecheck the encryption. Last code had something wrong and couldn't be decoded more than once. Thanks once again.
Does anyone have the complete Junkfood Jessie sequence from TheKoudelka's patreon?
It’s on kenomo.party
Does anyone have any of the femmobiles in general?
you can get most if not all from gts on the onion board

Is Anongts down? I'm using tor but can't get there.
Can someone update huurin kazan on kemono?
Kindly /r/ing the-cupchan's latest two Fantia posts if possible
Does anyone have the second part of this
Anyone got maddy volume 2. I know it’s recent but hot damn it looks good.
Reup of the jaytee collection posted over here >>67586.


Also do request updates on the page over at kemono so that the new Jasmine's Secrets pages get updated.
Do you have his morphs as well? This one seems to only have the drawings :(
Does anyone have Littlepieceofcake's Naruto weight gain comic? The komono hasn't been updated in a month.
(255 KB, 928x861, димитреску1.jpg) (296 KB, 817x978, димитреску2.jpg) (262 KB, 916x872, димитреску3.jpg) (235 KB, 752x1063, димитреску4.jpg)
Hello everyone. I will try to be brief and speak to the point. A very bright comic about how Lady Dimitrescu is gaining weight from the artist SpicyPig came out quite a long time ago. The comic is called "Big Vamp Mom Weight Gain".Quite an interesting drawing and it looks like a funny plot.
But I do not know how to get it, so to speak. There are only 4 pages on the web-and they are all on the author's website. These pages will be posted by me below (if the site misses)- maybe someone will be interested. But the main thing is that there are much more pages! And I would like to see them). I don't know if anyone will react, but it would be great)
Link to this comic for viewing:

Not really interested in the morphs that much. Plus the bloke from where I got the new stuff said he didn't have em. Most likely he might have known someone who bought only the vintage comics tier. I'd suggest going over to kemono and requesting updates for the tier u want.
it was a pdf i hope thats alright

is this a deviantart rip or does it include stuff on his like patreon?
Anyone got the mady comics by cyorck?
Anyone got the link to the Selenabellyplay's demo of her new game?
Id prefer to not go to fucking .onion and deal with that
For reason this like doesn't work either
(327 KB, 1376x1376, FC-30x0XEAYo9RM.jfif) (113 KB, 823x290, jack co.png)
anybody got this doods stuff. particularly interested in this jack-o post
check kemono party
Test tubes with sound from patchyeah
Anyone able to add JuicyFlater to Kemono?
A lot of potential, great new Blueberry artist.
Coastalbunny or Sirmisters latest update of gain of life please. thanks
Someone have pig overflow by fatpandabutt?
Anyone have all of owrehl’s patreon videos? Most of them can’t even be accessed from what I assume is them removing the videos from their sta.sh
>>70704 (Dead)
Mate stick to drawn content only. We already have a thread over at the /bbwreal section for stuff like this.
Can someone be a friend and help me find BAD MAID PART 4 by GOSHAWG i’ve been looking around for weeks now and can not find anything
Can someone please post one of lewdsona's Patreon image of Kumatora? I believe it was made in March 2019 but I don't want to pay just for one image. Also it's named Kumator-Ass I think.
Someone have latests fatpandabutt stuff?
Does anyone have the overfuel comics by extrabaggageclaim?
anyone have the xmasterdavid's rangiku pic?
any chance we could get saxxon's ko-fi content? heard he has some good stuff on there

literally none of these posts should exist, ever, stop asking for this. "update kemono" isn't really a "thing". You're asking for someone to buy a subscription to a paid site for you. Yet somehow you think since you say the word kemono you're not endlessly begging for someone else to buy something for you?

PLUS there's already a thread meant to contain kemono related begging here:


although that thread is pretty pointless...

there's an official place to beg for kemono rips though here:


so go freaking post there instead or whatever. posting here is a) never going to work and b) totally ruins this thread for everyone by filling it with nonsense.
his fanbox literally has 15 posts only, its a massive rip off, I updated it out of spite and will make sure to unsub before the end of the month, their free content on pixiv is a million times better
Hoping someone has this
anyone have chandelar_witch's commission packs 146-160 and 191-200?
I know what answer I’m gonna get, but does anyone have parts 3 and 4 of Bad Maid by Goshawg? Honestly I fucking hate the guy and this will piss him off
Same. Or even part 3. For me this is just to annoy Gosha

it's essentially impossible to buy, that's why no one has it anymore.
anyone have maddie vol 2 by cyorck
(131 KB, 700x525, static.gif) (63 KB, 383x640, static-1.jpg) (163 KB, 800x677, static.jpg)
So bed benders inc has like 3 comics i wanna check out and im not paying thirty bucks for like 47 pages, with that money i can buy like 3 mangas and more content so if anyone has those comics please link a file or source to read it for free
Can someone post sunslept Os on kemono?
Kemono doesn't work anymore.

verizon blockade of ddosguard? if yes use vpn, or cloudflare warp or tor
I remember someone was asking for it a while ago so here is gluttony's comeback, if anyone can post the broommates or some other d e c e n t wg comic to keep this thread alive it would be appreciated!

Someone have others comic by g0d07?
Mind reuploading?
I Second this one zeiniku‘s Art is amazing (except for the one with the Girl getting isekaied By a Pig)
Isnt it in e-hentai?
can anyone get the jiggle belle comics?
being this is going bit slow im going to post flabby science 3 , hope somewon does carla kitchen aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW9kMXhyemJmYUU=
Can anyone get Sizesurprize Mandy coloured Comic?
Can anyone reup the latest Wendy Wonka?
Also looking 4 it
can anyone get sunsleptos on kemono?
(155 KB, 1241x1316, タイツの日.jpg) (172 KB, 1241x1313, いいお尻の日.jpg) (162 KB, 1241x1263, いいお腹の日.jpg) (148 KB, 1241x1304, いいおっぱいの日.jpg)
Can anyone try uploading the art from F91Marumaru, also known as Vvsbr91v in his Pixiv Fanbox?

But by upload, I do not mean uploading it or "updating" on Kemono.Party.

What I mean today is I am wondering if there is someone who can be able to upload these artworks here on this BBW-Chan thread like how someone was able to upload squarewave's art of Bea from a while ago, if possible.

Here are the links:
1. https://vvsbr91v.fanbox.cc/posts/2972809
2. https://vvsbr91v.fanbox.cc/posts/2999810
3. https://vvsbr91v.fanbox.cc/posts/3029996
4. https://vvsbr91v.fanbox.cc/posts/3037804

And here are the photos provided to help:
(560 KB, 533x456, Capture.PNG) (798 KB, 530x536, Capture2.PNG)
Does anybody have copies of these two recent posts from xmasterdavid?
could someone repost the maddy comics pls
this technically isnt paid content but more lost content, but since that thread doesnt exist anymore does anyone have the archive of mysterydad's deviantart
Actually its also for paid content not available in the sites mentioned in the first as well. Which is quite a lot considering the fact that a lot of their pages have to be updated.
Any chance we could get a reupload on this?
doe anyone have collection of art commissioned by greatdragonad?
(86 KB, 714x714, 20211107_014221.jpg) (63 KB, 1091x614, 20211220_081540.jpg) (96 KB, 896x896, 20211220_081529.jpg)
Anyone have the full images of these Girls Und Panzer characters drawn by Kaiga. They uploaded teasers of them but not the full images which are private on skeb cause they where commission.
(109 KB, 1200x675, FGw3uq4XsAMGldm.jpeg)
does anyone have the new tail blazer animation
An updated Mega file. That’s definitely in there
Where can i find it?
I’m such a dumbass lol I left the mega link out.
Here it is
Bad news. Mega.nz is banning porn. Saw the announcement on krekkov's kemono.party page.
Where is the Zelda comic in the mega file
yeah i dont think it's in there.

how though?

banning porn destroys their entire business model, which is predicated on the principal that they cannot know what you're storing on their servers if you use a decryption key that you keep secret.

if they "ban porn" they'll have to admit that they have all the decryption keys that they promised they didn't have, as like their founding feature and unique aspect that made them different than other hosts.
I think atm their main aim is just to limit the transfer of extreme hardcore porn. Most of the stuff we post here in this thread can be considered just works of art according to em.

As said over here >>75595 its bad for business if they go gung ho on this since there like a 100+ and counting no of sites that provide free file transfer links with less scrutiny and impunity.

>>75596 (Dead)
Nope mate, check out the post over at kemono for clarity

what subfolder would gerudo's hospitality be under? I can't seem to find it...
(209 KB, 630x500, SZYo9h.png)
Anyone have this?
Ayo anybody got this tho?

Anyone got a reup? the transfer expired
Anyone got orristeriosos first patreon exclusive?
here's a link to pendant of prosperity, enjoy
Can anyone ypdate the xmasterdavid kemono
Has anybody gotten some of zeiniku nouens new stuff ?
anyone have the comic where two elfs swap weight?
Can anyone get access to alixrosewg, they have a Patreon where most content is and seems to be high quality morph weight gain stories that often deal with weight gain refusal, communal weight gain and sexy weight gain acceptance
Uh no it aint, its still active.
if your talking about BOTW , I don't see it in there
(203 KB, 1024x768, 4534666F-507A-4F0C-83BB-5E401771A0C7.jpeg)
Merry (late) christmas
In return if any of y’all got all parts of legend of magna by rampant404, it’d be greatly appreciated.

sweet thanks, but uh, who's the author? I wanna save these in my sorted folder
is that all of the storys it seems incomplete like the second is only two pages

I don’t see it, I think he deleted it.
Thanks a ton, but do you have it in higher rez? (The plumpknight one)
Someone please have
FLU.X 3 and Madame Morgana’s Parlor of Witchcraft and Magic
New zeiniku nouen manga
Least anyone can do is translate it
Anyone got maddy vol. 2 by cyorck
Merry New Years bub
Someone have the part 1?
Anyone has acel rosered's end of year sketchbook 2021?
I know AnonGTS has most expansionfan comics but it hasn’t been updated since September, does anyone have Booby Trap 01? It was written by Aaron Farkas
Anyone got any of the Bed Bender packs? Femmobiles, Himmobiles, etc
I second this for Femmobiles specifically, please
is the onion site down?
i can't connect to it.
Chillax mate. The link was still working at the time it was uploaded in the OP. Will update the new link here in the new thread. Thx for posting the v3 version.
Can I get a re-upload please?
can you reupload it please?
i missed it.
Have you updated the jaytee collection?
Its been 2 months.
Someone Have Lord Altros OOE: Specimen?
Can someone just make a zip file for Bedbenders femmobiles or any of his comics
Does anyone have jaykuma’s 2021 patroon stuff?

I wonder if a mod has the power to edit the OP to fix the broken link? I'm not mad at you, so much as, mad at the fact chan's don't let the OP edit their posts. Like, there's nothing you can do about it. If you could edit your post I'd blame you, but well you just can't, ya know?

sorry if the passive aggressiveness blew too far towards you
No probs, anyways this thread has barely few posts left b4 it gets bumplocked. Even I feel its necessary to have a way to edit the OP and other posts without making an account since threads can sometimes last quite a while.
Can someone add them to kemono party?
(251 KB, 1894x1388, 20220113_213808.jpg)
Alright, Xmasterdavid dropped a good one
Anyone has it perhaps?
Yo same, it’s not on 8muses forums anymore cause the thread got deleted
Congrats. You pay for content from a nigga who traces.
Hey Anon, do you have the Sasha force feeding one from this too? I know it’s and one piece but literally the only one that takes my interest
Willing to update his kemono party?
Anyone got Muni’s fanbox.?
Do you want the whole sequence or the individual Images?
he most likely wants both

I've heard this a lot, but can anyone explain? what exactly is he tracing?
Making new thread. Will be uploaded soon.
Does anyone have the rest JASMINE'S SECRETS by JayTee-FAArtist?
Bumping this request in hope that one day some anon who has it sees it

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