
>>61675 (OP)
His style is dated and was the type of artist to give his girls sphere bellies and try to act like they're fat, even though it's more accurate to think they're hyper pregnant or hyper stuffed. Not a big loss.
He occasionally did some okay stuff, but generally I agree. The way he wrote was painful to read.
i miss his Nanachi drawing...
Aw, this guy's style was real cute, though.
>Error 404 page not found
Is it my internet, or have I missed the final opportunity to download his work?
Well, something.
Cringe text edit
i personally find the text cute, and not everyone is perfect so hush
You're too good for us, man.
Does anyone have that one drawing of Rosalina he did. She's inflated and trying to pull a radish out of the ground, and her dress is slipping so you can see her big fat ass. Since his DA's gone that picture is gone to the four damn winds
That's the one. You're a real pal.
Can someone fetch the Nanachi drawing out of his account? It doesn't work for me.

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