
(184 KB, 1500x1070, IMG_20210511_193232.jpg)
I have the most Camilla fats out of any fe girl by far and I'm resisting the urge to post every bit of it at once
It would be best to spread out how frequently you post so this thread has a longer life. Maybe only post a few per day.
Dump your fat Camilla folder on a file site.
That a lot of Camilla. You should still periodically post that stuff here to help give this thread some life.
What even happened to the last one? Not the one that got bumplocked.
(702 KB, 3244x4096, fucking diamonds.jpg)
God, any Severa art is incredible. Please share anymore if you have, anon.

Sadly all I have is an ass pic.

Sauce for the first pic please
That would be nice. I wish more artists would take advantage of Female Byleth's belly button window and the fact that she's able to eat 10 meals a day like it's nothing. Most art of her are either only chubby or by lower level artists, but there has been a few great ones.

I could post the ones I'm thinking of here if someone told me how to.
Yeah thats a good concept too.
Do you need help posting?
When replying to a post or a thread in general you can attach multiple files via the grey select section. Its right below the message part.
Hilda, Mercedes and Manuela have the perfect
personalities for good weight gains.
Says the file is using a format not allowed by the server. How do I get it to be a format that this server will accept?
(251 KB, 1280x1707, Byleth Fat 1.jpg) (2.2 MB, 810x810, Byleth Fat 2.gif) (217 KB, 1288x2048, Byleth Fat 3.jpg) (52 KB, 600x740, Byleth Fat 4.jpg)
(144 KB, 1280x931, summer_corrin_by_roundersofter_de7325l-fullview.jpg) (134 KB, 1280x1508, a_colossal_corrin_by_mochiistar_decgmrm-fullview.jpg) (283 KB, 1280x1411, collossal_corrin_by_mochiistar_defdvdw-fullview.jpg) (4.5 MB, 3986x1920, del5bov-5a938454-ff65-4d4f-b849-a6c1a5fc212b.jpg)
Glad you think she's a good eater too, though I remember how disappointed I was by the dr worm animation. It was the first time anyone played with the whole "10 meals" idea, but it's potential was held back by it being a stuffing rather then a weight gain. Not bad quality in the slightest, but she could've gotten huge from that.

These pics you posted are what I meant by "lower level artists".
Dleagueman has been doing art for how many years and he hasn't improved a single bit.
Honestly they should just stick to comissioning art instead making it. Their artstyle is extremely basic and it looks like it was made by a 10 year old
>> 59676
That isn't an art style, that's a lack of artistic skill.
Someone hit me with the fat Annette contenttt
Poor Tana isn't ever going ride her Pegasus again. Not without completely crushing it, that is.
(747 KB, 1167x1400, Corrins butt.jpg)
Well would you look at that, my patreon stuff is being posted earlier than expected. It's an achievement i guess :P
>People actually pay this man for pictures
That's because it's top tier. Keep up the good shit bro
I commission her a ton, infact 2 of those 3 are mine
(2.0 MB, 2800x1685, Severa's Soft Side 9.png)
Here's the full sequence in proper order.
It wasn't letting me upload some of them, so I had to take screencaps and upload those
They're the best part of a fatty other than her belly.
Any more?
More lucina
>>58809 (OP)
For whatever reason there’s such a disappointing lack of fat/chubby Mercedes art. It’s weird given that in the entirety of the Canon of FE, she would be the most likely to become a fatass.
And Lysithea too. Kinda died out.
Anyone has some fat Byleth?
I'd like to see more of her too, but I'm pretty sure all the noteworthy fats of her so far are already here.
Forgot about that second one, think it was on a thread here before this site reset last year. I know this ain't the thread to ask, but would anyone be up for coloring it?
Not sure. I would say it's because she looks like a loli, but that didn't stop Elise from getting fat art. Still, Beruka not getting fat art is no loss. I'm wondering more about women from the older FE games. Don't see characters like Palla, Micaiah, or Lyn much anymore among others.
(122 KB, 1000x1000, media_FBMNkJ0X0AU3nXA.jpg)
>I would say it's because she looks like a loli
World needs more assassin lolis but I figured it was because they didn't give her much story on top of them cutting text for her in the localization.

>I'm wondering more about women from the older FE games
Its spike in popularity was due to WaifuEmblem and I'm willing to bet they tanked the difficulty with the new games too when they got rid of permadeath. FEH probably would've helped had it not been them using all the old art styles instead of just going with whoever they currently have doing the games, for everyone.
(64 KB, 666x800, 13e9be19-77ed-40c0-8d06-18a625dfc09c.jpg)
I've no clue what you're trying to say regarding FEH. It pulls artists from various franchises, not just Fire Emblem. On top of that, it doesn't reuse any of the original game's art styles.
(334 KB, 878x1097, Fess-eirika.png) (1.6 MB, 1203x1878, Eirika_Heroes.png)
Here's Eirika as an example: The first image is her artwork for Sacred Stones, the game she's originally from. The second image is her artwork for Heroes. The two use very different art styles.
(681 KB, 1536x2048, media_Etv-jgyXYAYEja1.jpg)
I figured they were using some artists out of nostalgia purposes since some of the art I've seen looks like terrible bankruptcy bait but with some with no ties mixed in, like the Etrian Odyssey artist.

Nothing I can think of besides Magicstraw and a feeling that KDubs did something.
Any more edelgard
For me the hottest part is the fact she is tell me that she loves me.
Artist? Thanks.
Their twitter is chromwilson
This whole sequence is early access, and will all reach the public at some in time. Why post these? Rounder is one of the most fair artists in the community.
Then discipline yourselves, and learn which artists are worth supporting, because Rounder is one of them. None of his content is Patreon exclusive, and has a good rate of content output, especially since he doesn't charge much at all.
Were these just from a random thread or was it a specific FE thread?
anyone got manuela images?
(149 KB, 1022x782, 23856509.jpg) (63 KB, 910x878, 23856497.jpg)
anyone care to hit me with some more cynthia- or sumia for that matter? thanks!
I love it! Fatties lieing on their backs is really underused and her belly peeking out and pudgy face are adorable too!
Who’s the artist of this?
There's this image of Edelgard I've been looking for where she's class changed into an armor knight/general and gets very very fat as a result. It's by a Japanese artist and I'm wondering if any of you lads have it.
I meant Edelgard, that is.
rough indeed, but cute nevertheless
good job
Oh god, this is amazing!
Hey Hey donlot here. I'm a new streamer. Does anyone have pics of Meg?
Hey, good work man.
(3.8 MB, 3689x3000, 0167.jpg)
Any good Titania stuff at all?
As is the other Tellius women besides Mia.
True but at least Micaiah and Nephenee get get frequent art too, even if its not necessarily fats
I'm talking strictly fat art. I can't remember the last time Nephenee got fat art cause it's been so long.
Hey I wanna comision someone for Nina from Fire Emblem Fates
Hey I wanna comision someone for an SSBBW Nina from Fire Emblem Fates
Who is the artist of the last picture?
Yes, thank you!
These are very nice
who drew these again? Forgot their name
(3.8 MB, 2418x2550, nifl.png)
Why did you post all of these when they're right above you?
Does anyone has the Edelgard pic made by Ffanumber5?
Never mind, saw the artists name tag
oh fuck, I'm about to play that chapter..
Someone's gotta color this in.
Does anyone have the back alt?
(184 KB, 1095x1498, 73FA7D23-4D53-4059-A6D6-54241C00EB01.jpeg)
Does anyone have a four image wg sequence of Mercedes and Lysithea eating a bunch of sweets together? I saw it sometime last year but didn’t save it and now I can’t remember who made it. If I recall correctly it wasn’t done in full color but in a purple color palette instead.
That’s it! I must’ve misremembered the number of pictures and the color palette, thank you
What makes you think that over it just being festival outfits, besides Rinka?
(192 KB, 1024x1341, fat_lyn___fire_emblem_obese_edition_by_plumpchu_dc9qepg-fullview.jpg)
I'm not surprised there's so little fat art of Lyn. Her normal outfit doesn't complement her being fat, and she doesn't have anything to her character that would make for good weight gain content. Compared to all of the other female leads in the series outside of spin-offs, she's the least inviting to make fat.
I've got nothing against her, but it'd be nice if some other Tellius women got more attention too.
(2.8 MB, 1574x1940, lynturn0000-0100.mp4)
Was coincidentally working on this today so...thats convenient. xD Will turn this into a proper posed render at a later point.
(44 KB, 720x552, Screenshot_20220918-184750~2.png)
I found this exchange you had on one of the Marianne posts odd. Although it's extremely unlikely, I can maybe see Bernadetta getting bigger than Lysithea because she likes to sneak cake, but not Marianne. There's nothing in Three Houses that suggests Marianne would gain weight. She's not a big eater and she's not lazy, while Lysithea is Obsessed with desserts and hates physical activity. I think that's Marianne's popularity or bias for her that's talking.
(81 KB, 973x821, super_sized_songstress_by_igfu_dfcxaw0-pre.jpg) (81 KB, 809x988, massive_marianne_by_igfu_dfaf09q-pre.jpg) (70 KB, 825x968, edellard_by_igfu_dfats9o-pre.jpg)
In fact out of all the Three Houses women you've done so far it's weird that you made these three the biggest. Like Marianne, Dorothea has no connection to food or any kind of weight gain, and Edelgard only has one line where she wishes to "gorge herself with sweets" when lamenting her role as Empress.
(94 KB, 809x988, growing_ingrid_by_igfu_dfaaeyg-pre.jpg) (89 KB, 767x1042, fat_annette_by_igfu_dfa3ytj-pre.jpg) (84 KB, 768x1041, bigger_bernie_by_igfu_df9u5c1-pre.jpg) (74 KB, 816x980, lardy_lysithea_by_igfu_df9yvgu-pre.jpg)
What's equally weird besides Lysithea not being the biggest is how Ingrid is the thinnest. While she does train to be a knight, she's also the biggest eater of them all and is the most interested in food. Annette and Bernadetta's sizes are accurate because they're pretty casual about liking sweets, especially compared to Lysithea.
(47 KB, 820x974, 23768964 (1).jpg)
maaaan would you shut up
whining about an artist's headcanons about how fat a fictional woman should be can go to the manbaby thread. anyway thank you very much for the top tier dorothea content mister artist guy
Phew thats a couple of messages but I'll try to answer all that:

-Firstly the Marianne thing: That was moreso referring to the "stress" part of stress eating, as those two are consistently the most anxious.

-As for the sizes feeling weird...for Ingrid, a lot of her upper half uses armor, and armor is incredibly rough to sculpt around for me. It usually ends up all distended and distorted. Therefore I decided to go for a smaller size on her...And I just thought it looked nice.
It might be important to note that a lot of these were just me trying to practice different sizes and shapes.
Marianne is a sculpt I made for a friend and she's a size that person specifically requested, and similarly Dorothea was a sculpt I did for a person that I was showing how I usually do my edits so she was also tailor made to a reference.

Lysithea is actually my favourite out of all these girls alongside Bernie and I'm rather happy with the shape I got for both of them. I also didnt really consider character popularity much at all for these edits, not sure why that would impact their sizes in any way ^^'.
Why would I do that when the artist is right here? It would also be pointless to post there because of the current ongoing topics, and that thread will get bumplocked again very soon.
Hey man, do you ever think you'd be able to make a tutorial of how to edit character models like the way you do sometime in the future?

It would be cool to make stuff for some of the specific character franchises I like just like how you do for the Trails series
So you were doing what you considered was within your abilities while also considering their outfit to make sure they still look nice. Fair enough. As for character popularity, I was thinking about who I'd see get talked about the most or who gets the most fat art in the community, and out of the Three Houses characters you've done so far, that would be Dorothea and Marianne. That's what my comment was based on. They just happened to line up.
>>113130 Thank you! I'm glad to hear you liked how she turned out. I may make a post timeskip edit of her at a later point since the current one is of her pre timeskip outfit as that was easier to use for showing how I do my edits.
For the other thing: Asking questions is alright imo, nothin wrong with that. ^^
>>113134 I've actually been asked twice in the last two weeks by two different people if I could show them how this is done and thats what I did for both Minerva and Dorothea...maybe next time I do that I could record it or something, wouldnt be a bad idea I think. Unfortunately I don't know how soon that will be as I'll be busier again starting tomorrow. I'll keep it mind for when I have time again though!
This stuff isnt as hard as it may seem, though blender can be very intimidating for starters (which is literally why I started doing this, to make learning blender fun for myself ^^')

>>113136 Hmm yeah fair enough, no worries! I'm admittedly not too in touch with the community at large and mostly talk to individual friends and stuff as that is most fun for me. ^^
>Nephenee and Micaiah get something on occasion
That's only true for Micaiah. I haven't seen Nephenee get any fat art in years.
>Kinda weird how Ilyana is so obscure of a choice.
Her obscurity is a mystery. Other characters who I'm surprised I don't see more are Elincia and Jill.
Yeah, because seeing spoilers can get an anon REALLY nervous here...
(713 KB, 601x1239, SelenaArt.png) (296 KB, 1600x1920, Face_2.png) (274 KB, 1600x1920, Face_7.png) (213 KB, 2048x971, EuTUn3FXYAElm5D.jpeg)
I'm not sure if this counts, but I had a dream last night where I was playing "Fire Emblem: Heroes" and I was able to summon an SSBBW blob sumo version of Selena from "The Sacred Stones" (around the size of the 4th picture) and she was OP. She moves around the map by going "1 space" at a time, but she's so massive that she ends up moving in a 2x2 area.
(3.0 MB, 3454x3295, mercedes_by_mistko_de6hg2j.jpg)
By the way, there was an artist who drew all the fat girls from Fire Emblem Three Houses, does anyone know the name of the artist?
Thanks for sharing, this is a good collection! Nice to see Ingrid be so huge. For how much of a big eater she is, she gets overlooked a lot.
This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you very much
Could we perhaps get a re-up? I need my queen
Please re-up I need my queen
Shit I didn't know it posted the first one it gave me an error

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