
(363 KB, 1748x1971, 8c7be2f6-7726-4c01-b501-28619009698f.png)
New thread as last one just got bumped. Here is what I have of Habutton, hope u guys enjoy it.

Here is the site u can use for decoding. Just follow the instructions and erase them when decoding.

If anyone has the entire new series of his (both raw and translated),do post over here. Will do a reup of what I have on Fusa later on since the Ayano series was just re-uped in the previous thread here

If u have just missed the reups, don't worry since most of em is available over here.

And finally here are the sites where the authors upload their works along with the pages on kemono.

Do vote for their updates on kemono from time to time
Also will be posting the new translated page of Ayano by this week's end.
I missed page 194 on the previous thread. Could someone reup it please?
Mate it gets updated on e-hentai and its sister sites every time the new pages are translated. But here is a reup of 194 in case its not available in the original resolution.
Can someone reupload the folder that had all the Ayano pages (black and white and in color) up to date from the previous thread? I was 2 days too late
(1.4 MB, 1683x1781, 76237764_p0.png) (912 KB, 1209x1307, 85052419_p0.png)
All Ayano's pages are already on e-hentai, you can download them in full quality if you have an account.

Here some Habutton's arts.
>>56220 (OP)

what is F&H? aka what's the subject theme of this thread?
Posting of both raw and translations of Fusa and Ha Button's works.
New After School Page is out!!
Could someone please upload it?

so this contains everything from the previous thread?


sorry but I missed the previous thread, despite being a fan of this in 2020... or are there other works besides the one I just linked to? also is there some rule against linking to e hentai?
The new page is wonderful, do you think we can have a zip of all the current up to date pages of after school?
Here's higher res and translated page 10 of aoba

Thx mate, will get to working on AF asap. Also do u have the previous 9 translated pages as well? If so pls do a reup when u can. Couldn't do a reup of the series in the opening post since my archive was incomplete.
fuarkin hell sage-chan is gettin MASSIVE
Anyone got After School page 62 cause I'm missing that one
Anyone able to post all relatively recent After School pages? Haven't been keeping in up for a while and i'm missing all since 57
Someone can reup afterschool? I missed some page :/
Anyway, ty guys for sharing

what does aoba stand for?
I think that i have everything.
Sorry wrong link. AF:
Here's translated page 9

Name of the girl from new series
Thx for the upload mate, but yeah I meant the previous 9 pages weren't archived, not that only the 9th page wasn't saved. Luckily I had managed to find upto 7 pages of the aoba series. So all that is missing now is the translated page 8 of aoba, do post if u have that as well and once again thx for the reup and will be posting the new translated AF page soon.
Fuck me I'm dumb, sorry.
Here's the page 8

does that make the chronology of releases then

Ayano's Weight Gain Diary
then after school?
then aoba's storyline?

or has tassels worked on multiple series concurrently?

also I grabbed 195 images of ayano off exhentai but zero of them were in color, do color versions exist anywhere? or did I misread any comments about color in this thread?
followup... uh....

is tassels "Fusa" or "Ha Button's"? or neither and I'm confused?

my current guess is that "tassels" is "Fusa"? yes?
For starters yes tassel is fusa and some threads back someone had colored and posted some pages of the Ayano series which I had managed to collect and reupload in the previous thread.

Thanks for the translation!
Reup of fusa collection so far.
Hope u guys enjoy em.
Im sorry, but are you certain this is correct? I tried decoding it thrice in base 64, but I only get https://we.tl/3Ta
(5.5 MB, 4299x6071, WG 87.jpg)
Is it me or does the first and last text box has a lot of empty space here like they miss text or something?
aoba 11 raw is out
Not sure, this was done b4 I started with the translations. Could be just bad spacing but can't say it's just that for sure without the raw.
It’s gonna be better and better
It's just bad spacing, can confirm
It’s a shark

They also come from the sky

... Aoba’s body temperature is so high. She’s like a hot water bottle… It’s summer though.

*tap* *tap*
I want a nugget…

…Open wide

Nn -

“Ha hi ha ho” (not sure. Maybe nuggets were hot)
Sh-she ate up to my finger...

epic drop! thanks! Did the artist never actually color 35-82? or did we simply never find them?
Those pages were never colored to begin with.
That's "arigatou" with a full mouth.
Moemi arc is over pog
New Page of moemi please
(3.8 MB, 3568x4495, 綾乃196萌美17h.jpeg)
New page of Ayano with text same with both high and low resolution pics enjoy.

Bonus comparison pic for you guys too

Hopefully she gets some of the spotlight going forward. Messy, uncontrollable gluttony mixed with embarrasment over the results is the best wg dynamic.
Ayano will start back up now. Moemi still hasn't reached her previous highest weight of 81.2, so that's still coming.
Both look very sexy, but Ayano is and remains the best of them all.

Especially here I think she looks like a sex bomb.

Thank you for the pictures.
Wonder what Fusa has planned for Rio.
Hopefully nothing.

Leaving her skinny for contrast is way better than wasting 20 more pages and 6 months of Ayano for a tiny 10kg weight gain.
Yeah, I'm not interested in the contrast. Give me fat Rio. I'd be surprised if she didn't get her own spinoff.
Honestly agree with this >>60272 . It's not like she's been given any significant characterization thus far that fattening her would get in the way of. Regular passersby can serve plenty find as reference points, and I'd find Ayano's corrupting influence spreading significantly hotter than the alternative
To each his own. But IMO, a background character for contrast is way more interesting than another pointless small weight gain that takes more focus from the main story. Even if the character is fleshed out. She doesn't need to get chubby. Add in something different for once. Make her a feeder or something new.

Might as well just start a new comic if you want to wait 6 months for small chub again.
>another pointless small weight gain that takes more focus from the main story
For fusa, me, and a lot of the audience, Miyuki and Moemi WERE the main story during their respective arcs. Believe me, I understand the audience that's just of the UNNNGG THICCER mindset, but Ayano herself has been incredibly boring to me for a long time. The shift in mindset and buildup is leagues hotter, and it's what fusa specializes in
Much appreciated dude especially that comparison shot. Moemi's such a babe, her weight gain has been great. Ayano is a big cutie and I like how she's been influencing her friends.
New Ayano page same as always enjoy you guys.

In my opinion Ayano doesn't need to gain more weight, it would be better to show more everyday life and other situations with her new weight.

Like when she goes on a study trip, for example.

I still think there's things to do with Ayano. If Fusa wants to push into USSBBW there's plenty of more changes in store for Ayano besides just being bigger. That being said i really loved the Moemi arc and hope she plays a "big" (HAHAHAHAH) part in the story.
Whew what a page to start a new arc of Ayano. Thx for the post mate. Will be uploading the new translated pages this coming Sat and Mon.
The bigger the better, I say.
I love how that old dress is now a shirt... and a shirt that is getting too small for her as well. This lardlass sure is pushing the growth as far as she can.
I liked the idea of Moemi eventually becoming bigger than Miyuki.
Also I agree that Rio should stay skinny, and she should turn out to be closeted perveted feeder awakened by her obese friends. If she does gain weight it'll be a nice little bonus if anything.
The art improved a lot during Moemi Arc, anyway, I don't think Ayano can stop her weight gain at this point
At this point i want her bigger out of pure curiosity, this around the biggest we've seen Fusa draw a girl in a realistic scenario.

Same Moemi is a natural fatty and seems like a bit of a slob also its interesting to see someone so petite become the 2nd fattest, and yeah Rio should just stay skinny for the stark contrast, like the inversion of the fat girl in the gang, she'd be the skinny one
Interesting how her measurements and BMI have changed since she was last at that weight. Bigger boobs and hips and smaller waist
I'm with you, I guess we're built different the mindset that every character needs to be fat is mind numbing and predictably boring. Not having a contrast defeats the purpose of everyone being fat, if they all become immobile blobs what's the point? The "Syndrome syndrome" "If everyone is fat no on is"
I really hope this series ends with an immobile Ayano, it would be a first for Fusa, but it seems like a possibility now, and I would be able to die happy after seeing that.
Can someone put a link to download all the pages of aoba that came out? Thanks
Here's all translated pages of aoba, pls reupload it if the link is down.


Hmm… How much do I weigh…?
It’s hard to see...

Um...59.7 (132 lbs)…?
It went up a little…?

My new underwear is tight...

My boobs seem bigger again.



...what am I even doing?
L-let’s delete it...
Can someone reup this?
When does Aoba get updated?

wait so is the aoba series by tassels or ha button? I'm trying to get the two sorted into two different folders (but I've foolishly dumped them both into the same folder)
It's made by habutton

the one doing After School and that other one
Translated page 197 of Ayano & reup of page 63 of afterschool.
Do let me know of any errors noticed.
Bro I’m begging you please stop writing “more fatter”/“more hotter”/etc. That doesn’t make grammatical sense and no one talks like that. It would just be “hotter”/“fatter”/etc
Ok will keep in mind. Will be careful with the usage of the comparatives from now.

"Even fatter" would be more apropos which is probably what Zephyr meant to actually convey, since it adds a level of incredulousness to it.
Where can I see the color version of Ayano's Weight Gain Diary?
By any chance is there a downloadable archive of all the Ayano stuff so far?
A good chunk of it is on ehentai. Other than that you can wait for the next version of this thread since someone always re-ups both then or hope a kind soul will do it for you now
any updates?
(1.1 MB, 2480x3508, 64-1.png) (1.7 MB, 2480x3508, 64-2.png)
I think we've finally reached immobility bois
Anyone got After School pages 61 and 62? Im missing those for some reason

Can someone translate this?
Can someone reupload the translated after school, please?
Yup currently on it.
Someone hero can reup after school? I missed some pages, sorry guys😅
>>63785 you sirare doing the lords work!
Could someone re-up page 63 of after school
new ayano out
im subscribed to his fanbox - how could i post it without personally identifiable metadata
here's the new anayo page same as always enjoy

Ayano looks so cute with her long open hair.
Not to mention her very beautiful body.
Ich genieße es wirklich sehr, vielen Dank.
Afterschool reup?
It would be nice if the flavor text/ sound effects were also translated in Ayano.
The reason I don't think Fusa is gonna fatten Rio up is that Moemi's weight gain was hinted at during Ayano's arc while Rio has been absent from both instances.
and I think it's better to keep a thin character around for more contrast
New ayano is up
Here's the new Ayano same as always enjoy

Thx for the upload. Will be posting the new translated pages this Friday and next Wednesday.
Could someone re-upload Ayano's entire folder, please?
My backup disk crashed and I lost the folder :'')
I'd appreciate it a lot if you reup it
Could someone re-up afterschool page 63?
New Aoba is up
Same, someone have Af and Aoba?
For the thousandth time, just go to sadpanda
Where is Sadpanda located?
I never heard that name.
(2.1 MB, 1748x2481, 3dc87f49-9885-4939-8839-9c2cbe2cd36b.png)
Sadpanda is the other name of ex-hentai, but you can found every thing on e-hentai (which is easier to access). You can download in full quality with the button at the bottom of each image.
Aoba 13 untranslated

sadpanda = exhentai.org

is part of ehentai but has a lot of content that can't be put on ehenti due to legal reasons.
you need to have an ehentai account to access exhentai and do a few other things.
search how to access exhentai if you want to enter
Homie's gonna be as big as Ayano after you've finished spoonfeeding them like that
… I somehow feel your gaze today but….
Ah- no, um...

*whisper* So you’ve noticed…?

I just passed 60 kg
So of course you’d know I’m fat...

*cough* Hm! R, really?*cough*
She surprised me...
No offense but why exactly did it take you this long
Really bitch? The guy is doing free translations and you're "wHy DiD tHiS tAkE sO lOng?"
Yeah what the fuck. These translations have been quick, free, and high quality when a lot of stuff doesn't get translated at all.
I specifically mean "in relation to previous ones" which usually did not take this long
Did you ever stop to think that life can happen and people can be busy? He doesn't live by your schedule. And it's none of our business if he had to take longer. Just say TY and don't be a cock. Otherwise do it yourself.
I'm really hoping Fusa doesn't dwell on the exercise at all, I'm looking forward to seeing Ayano become an immobile blob.
I disagree can't wait to see her hot sweaty and out of breath. Also I doubt this will go into immobility
He gives it about a week or so before translation comes out.
Ya before I usually did it within a day or 2 but the translations usuallly get uploaded in a lot of hentai forums quite often within the day itself. A few threads back there was discussion regarding whether the author would be put off by this and discontinue Ayano all together. In the end, it was agreed we needed a delay of some days between the posting of the new raws and translated works. So I decided follow a latency of one week because once the translations gets uploaded it would be out of our control to ensure a proper delay.

Chillax guys, the first thing he said was no offense. A lot of ppl at this point don't remember the reason why there is a delay.

Will be posting the translated page 199 this Wednesday.
(53 KB, 1178x630, Ayano progress2.JPG) (52 KB, 1015x640, Ayano progress.JPG)
I did the same thing with some mistakes, I also estimated the evolution of the measurements according to the weight. We can do the evolution of the weight for Miyuki at the beginning only too. For Moemi we can only have the measurements, but there is a big incoherence with her measurements before her diet, it doesn't correspond at all to her current evolution.
maybe the translations should take even longer, then they'd actually be better
You're doing great work Zephyr.

Moemie seems a natural glutton unlike Ayano who made the active choice to get fat an Miyuki who's patterns changed slowly. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up the second fattest 720f91
I'll kill you for him
Sorry for delay in posting. Will be upload the translated page in a few hrs. Also the upload could be my last post depending on what the mods decide regarding the flame war in the skylar thread. In case I get banned b4 I make the upload, just wanted to say it was a pleasure translation ayano and af for u guys. Hope u guys get more translations in the future.
Af reup? I’ve lost the files on pc:(
>flame war
I hope you won
Don't care abt those guys anymore. From now on I am just gonna them report for harassment in the global posts. Also hoping I don't get banned for my part in it but at this point thats for the mods to decide.

Anyways here is the translated page 199 of ayano along with the reup of the translated pages of ayano and afterschool so far.

Hope u guys enjoy em and do let me know of any errors u find in the both present and past pages.
Don't worry about i., I think you're doing a great job, friend!
did it finally happen? is the beast slain?
If the ban does go through, fingers crossed we get Malorne to come back with some quality translations for Ayano after they stopped doing them when you started distributing rushed translations for Ayano back in the day, especially since a reasoning for the delay in translations for Malorne just so happens to be the reason you've started delaying translations for Ayano.
Does anyone have the correct link for the code? Because it doesnt work for me and all I get is https://we.t5A

Remove (Big-5) and (ASCII) when decoding.
Hey man for all its worth, yo da MVP in my eyes, thanks for all the Ayano translations
Failing either eventuality, I will take up translations in a heartbeat. The only reason I haven't already done so is because Zephyr is so consistent and more proficient at typesetting than me
t. TL thread anon
*Looks at 1.8 GB*

Yikes. Would it have hurt to post the new page separate? I've been keeping up and downloading the whole thing Just for the new page is a hassle.
Has anyone had trouble accessing ehentai for the pass couple of days? Every time I try to load the website it just shows a white screen.
Can someone upload the new page translated only?
delete your cookies
I wouldn't count on Malorne ever coming back
I dunno, he released some fusa twitter shorts just a couple months ago
lmao, just delete the cookies and reset your router, dumdum
(39 KB, 1066x805, 1631951255308.jpg)
You were one of the few contributors on the board. I'm gonna' miss you, bro.
thank you for your service
Ok, I wasnt sure if I should ask this in the art request but can somebody try making a drawing of Miyuki at the current weight Ayano is at the moment?
Where can I find all of After School?
Thank. It looks really good
Ngl, I think you massively missed the mark on Miyuki's character.
somebody pls translate aoba
is Zephyr actually gone? he usually takes a fair while to get to these anyways, and i got the impression he was overplaying whatever scuffle he got into with the administration. i guess if i don't hear anything in 24 hours, i'll take a crack at it
Can I get a reup from after school, please? I am sorry, if I am bugging.
New Aoba is up
Here's Aoba 14 translated, I think


I'm a total beginner at typesetting, so let me know if you have font or redrawing suggestions
Someone have translated aoba 13?
Looks decent to me, thank you!

You could make the font a bit smaller in some of the bubbles so they don't touch the edges/have some margin in there.
Someone can reup Afterschool or Aoba? I’m new to the game, i missed some page pls
Thanks anon, even though there will be ofc tl from fanbox and I'm gonna post it eventually.
Much appreciate someone will keep the fan tl alive in this thread.
Good translation and typesetting. Thanks
Honestly I hope at the end of Ayano she's 400kg and immobile and bedridden with a lot of health problems, and she is content with herself up to that point, but then she has a last page epiphany about how she's given up her only life to perverse sexual desire and just breaks down and cries. That's how I want the series to end, the whale realizing this and on the verge of death. I would bust such a fat nut.
(1.8 MB, 2150x3035, Teeth.jfif)
Here's some
Yeah no, Fusa unfortunately doesn't do much sadistic stuff anymore, that being said its already foreshadowed with Ayano's mother that she'll reach peak mass and then lose weight settling around relatively chubby. That being said I wish Fusa would make some short stuff with some malice to it similar to his old content, but I doubt he will anymore
Yeah and also by then this thread would have moved on to the immobile section.

Anyways I am back guys. Thought I would be banned for good but it turned out to be a time ban which just expired. Will be continuing on translating Ayano and After School.

And along with that since nikutsuki got updated, I will be doing on the side translations for the robin series. Will be posting that as soon as its ready.
Here you need this
It'll help you not leaving pages partially translated you can also look at how many strokes a Kanji has too on wikipedia there's a list of Kanji by strokes (lines) although radicals will still fuck you up regardless because they're outside that rule for some reason.
Is there any new ayano page?
Nope, latest page is still 199. Though in the meantime, I'd suggest posting requests for updates of the kemono pages of both fusa and ha button over at the partychan thread in kemono.
Fusa is righting new Ayano now
Fusa is writing new Ayano now
Any predictions on how Ayano will turn out? Here's mine

>one day Ayano slips while getting out of the pool
>breaks her ankle
>due to her size she has to be bedridden
>drops out of college, has to be cared for at home
>spends all day eating
>balloons up to a point where she'd be immobile even without a broken ankle
>keeps getting fatter even though she doesn't want to anymore
>dies at a weight of 450kg
Can you guys with the death fetish try not being absolute creeps?
Ayana grows as big as a football stadium, but takes up fishing and purchases a deluxe RV with the money she gets from baby sitting.

She then stages a multi state tour to show off her world record breaking love handles but falls madly in love with an out of work Irish violinst and body builder who is saving up his earnings to one day go to college and drop out before becoming a humble welder.

Incidentally Ayana can no longer take the pressure of the limelight and retires to a life of inhaling vast amounts of hydrogen and working as a zeppelin.

She travels to China where a freak accident occurs and she single handedly destroys the communist party, this inicident is covered up by the American East Coast Avengers and solemnly referred to as the Great Fireball.
Personally I want to see Ayano die in an abrupt way.

I like to imagine that she reaches a plateau in her weight gain, and she quits school in order to break it. She begins eating increasingly massive meals each night until she's in physical pain. Her capacity continues to increase each week, but something feels off. Regardless, she continues to eat.

One night, she feels a little *POP* in her stomach area. It takes a minute for her to start feeling anything, due to the fat surrounding her organs, but she has just burst part of her small intestine. The food gradually begins to flow into her abdominal cavity until she dies of septic shock.

Since she lives alone, her corpse is not found until weeks have passed. When discovered, she has the appearance of a boomer from L4D.
Facepalm... Facepalm...
Why do you want her to die?
I personally don't care about anything else, but I don't want her to die after me.
Do you guys a have a link to after school? I cant seem to find anything after page 185
new Ayano up
Any 1 have the raw?
new ayano upload Please
You, uh, you wanna talk about, Shamus?
It's alright, I got the fertilizer if you need it.
here's the new ayano page same as always enjoy

Thanks a lot, Ayano looks very sexy, looking forward to the translation.
Thank you! Ayano is gonna be one of those fatties who can only wear muumuus.
The men around Ayano are already getting horny for her.
New Ayano page is up
When is Ayano-chan's 200th and 201st pages likely to be available now?
Here's the new ayano same as always enjoy. Also was page 200 ever translated?

What size?
Can anibody reupload, the translated pages of after school, please?
Currently working on it. Will be up in a few hrs also thx for uploading new page, will upload the translated page 201 next week.
Translated page 200 of Ayano. Can't believe its already gone past 200.


Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors
Calling it now, the skinny friend is going to be an employee at the plus-size clothing store, entirely to feed her hidden obsession with fat girls.
bump for the new habutton comic
What happened with the after school comics? Is it finished?
It feels like Habutton is sick of it, he just keeps starting new stuff instead of finishing After School
>skinny girls working at a plus size clothes store
the looks she gave might explain it
can someone reupload the translated After school pages? I can#t find the newest pages translated.
Reup of the afterschool series.
How do i decode this, i am stuck at BIG-5, sorry for asking xD
i like the way you think
remove brackets and letters between them
Can someone re-up ayano 200 and 201
(862 KB, 2748x3609, Ayano and Miyuki.jpg)
These two look fucking huge compare to what their orignale weight and figure were before.
Does anyone want to see Rio San with extra weight?
No. Leaving one of them skinny makes the others look fatter.
ehentai only goes up to 199 for ayano. can anyone be so kind as to reup 200-201?
Yes and the opposing faction has strikingly limited imagination in regards to how the gap could be conveyed in other ways

exhentai.com is blank
Would you like ayano's story to end? Personally, I would like Ayano to reach his obesity limit and live comfortably feeling comfortable and making his life. not like other people who want me to die and suffer.
I feel the same way. bro
not like other people who want she's die and suffer(That is what I wanted to say)
Exactly what I mean
Same could he said about your lack of variety. They don't all have to be the exact same thing. In fact, it's already happened 3 times. Why not make one of the friends a feeder/enabler.

Would be retarded to introduce more new characters this late into the series just for that contrast like you are implying. Or only do it thru flashbacks like always.
Nope I want her to be the skinny friend, if Fusa wants to spice things up make her a secret Fat Admirer

It'll just be like her mother (who is canonically the fast food girl) in that she'll max out at some top weight then there'll be a time skip and she's still fat as fuck just not super morbidly obese and in a marriage of her own with her own child probably going to do the same thing
> Would be retarded to introduce more new characters this late into the series just for that contrast
Thus, lack of imagination. No one's asking for this, least of all me.
Also a little baffled at you calling Ayano, Miyuki, and Moemi "lack of variety" when they've all had strikingly different gaining triggers and reactions. Are you even a fatfag, or are you just into the feeder/feedee dynamic?
Someone please reupload page 200 and 201
Ty about to update it on ehentai
It's now been 26 days since Ayano updated, and on one hand I want to stop supporting him for becoming less and less consistent with releasing pages, but on the other hand, I worry that if too many people end their support he may end the series.
Fusa has been releasing two pages only at the last two weeks of the month. But this time the first page seems fairly late.
He said on his Twitter today that he is finishing some other work and then he will start on Ayano as soon as he is done so probably either tomorrow or the next day
What's his twitter link?
>hedonism and laziness are making her stupider
my fucking dick
Someone with a good heart can reup Aoba comic?
Can someone share a link with the full series please?
Damn, she became such a fatty
What happened to the creator of ayano? it is very slow
new Ayano out
Here's the new Ayano page with both high and low rez pics and a text page to help with translation enjoy

Thanks man, your are the best.
Holy shit, that angle of Ayano eating is soooo good :O
Amazing, a question, when will you publish the translation? I hope it will be soon ^^
what I would give to bury my face in her belly....
Gonna be a bit later than usual this time. Currently out of town.
It was a damn long wait but thankfully this page was excellent

Another page is on the way soon!
new Ayano out
Man, I still can't get into Ayano working out for strength, I liked it more when she was getting more and more pathetic and less mobile. I really hope things turn around and she can't overcome her weight so she becomes nearly or completely immobile by the end.
Dude there was no way that was ever going to happen. She'll max out and then lose weight like her mother did before
Here's the new page enjoy

At this point I’m only in
it for the side characters,
nice to see the return
Same. Been a while since we had a Miyuki page though, wish we could get another arc featuring her. Maybe with Rio?
That seems like a really stupid way to end a story like this, he'll probably just end it when she's at her max weight. I saw an artist do something similar in a weight gain story and when they nuked their account and reuploaded everything later they omitted that ending because absolutely nobody liked it. It's better to leave it up to the reader's interpretation what happens next. I just want to see Ayano bigger and more appropriately pathetic.
There's even less of a chance of that happening. No one wants a blue balls ending where she ends up losing weight instead of gaining.
Reminder that Fusa is known for writing bad endings for the girls in his short comics. I don't think he'll turn this into like a drama or whatever, but at the very least, the cliched status quo ending where everyone is still mobile and happy in the long term isn't 100% guaranteed
Exepct those shorts were from years ago and Fusa has considerably lost his edge, even more so there's no reason for such a light hearted story to go down that path, hell there isn't even any nipples shown in this manga.

That being said while I don't want it (nor do i see it happening in Ayano) I would like Fusa to make some stuff with more edge to it like he used to
All but like two(?) of Fusa's comics have good ends, go look at his Pixiv gallery even back in the day.
What would you like to see happen to Rio in the future?
There was a lot more than 2, and its only around he started gaining a presence on twitter that he stopped making those (rather focusing on cutesy gain which I don't blame him since people eat those up)

There was the warrior who was given the fattening drug and then mind broken

The explorer who was caught by fattening plant and force fattened and mind broken

The girl who had the disease that suddenly made her fat

The girl who was fattened and then hypnotized to eat like a pig any time she sees food

The girl who was slim i a society ranking at the highest, but through her hubris ended up getting fatter to the point she could no longer stop and was labeled as no longer human

The idol who would constantly binge than starve before a shoot, but then she couldn't control her eating anymore and kepting getting fatter and fatter, than became a shut in lost in her desire to eat despite wanting to be thin.

The one with the chick who was abducted by aliens and was drugged and fattened to turn her into a subservient pet.

The one with a scene of a chick being fattened in a bikini before bursting out.

and these are just from the ones that were actually translated, there were more from his pixiv page but i can't really remember them
Nothing, at most maybe make her a fat admirer but I don't really want her to gain
I'd really like to see her intentionally and openly become a feeder to Moemi for a lewder dynamic than what Ayano allows.

Then I'd like to see her gain 700 pounds just to piss this guy >>73539 off since no one can even so much as murmur about Rio without him screeching about not wanting her to get fat
Where could one find the hypno one?
(289 KB, 849x1200, Cute_1.jpg) (296 KB, 843x1200, Cute_2.jpg) (313 KB, 854x1200, Cute_3.jpg)
It took me some time to find it on e-hentai because it was in an old compilation under the name of Tassel and the new one (Fusa Collection) did not incorporate everything
Can any reupload after school ( and the "new one") i recently know about it and the links doesnt work
Not sure if the author released another page of afterschool. Though if any 1 has it or has any news abt this, do upload/let us know. Currently working on the 2 new pages of Ayano. Will post em along with a reup of the afterschool pages translated so far.
Translated page 202 and 203 of Ayano. Sorry for the delay.

Hope guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors found.

Also as requested here is a reup of the AF series so far.
Ooh thanks dude^^
First time I've ever uploaded but here's the most recent page of the after school, a couple recent pages of the girlfriend gain and a random one shot
Thx for the upload. Just checked the archives. The latest pages of AF have already been translated and are available in the reup. Hope a new AF page gets mades soon.
Okay, let's try this out. Anyone know where I can find the RAWs for Fusa's comic (Pochakuma). SInce it seems nobody is translating it, I'll take a crack at it. But I can only get the latest chapters for free from the magazine website. Anyone got the raws?
I have the raws for volume 1. Was going to translate it myself but shit got in the way.

If you want, I already have a system for editing the pages to include the text, and there was a guy who was willing to do redrawing and cleaning for the pages. I can do all that stuff and you can just focus on the translation part. I can also post it to mangadex afterwards 'cause there was an audience for it there.

just a suggestion. Up to you if you want to do that. If you do, let me know and I can get things set up for it again.

Anyway, here's a link to the vol 1 raws
The man the myth the legends. I still want to say thanks for all your translation work. I remember the old days of ayano where we'd get batches of them dumped once a few months
Actually, that sounds fantastic, I was thinking of asking if anyone would be up to do the typesetting
We got translated chapters up to 3, right? Or was it 4?
Ah, wrong, we got up to five.
I translated the first one. I also have some translations I never released for the second. The rest are someone's translation of a spanish translation or something. They seemed pretty good when I looked, but you might want to check them.

Anyway, I'll contact that cleaning guy again to see if he's still up for doing it. If not, I'll just deal with non-cleaned pages for the time being.
Women get fat
Alright, might be a bit before the guy gets the pages cleaned enough to send them my way, but we're getting the ball rolling.

In any case, would you be willing to get in contact via email just so we don't have to communicated via bbwchan? I have a burner email I can give you so you don't have to post anything here. Just a suggestion. Your call.
again The next page of ayano chan will be released very late again I think
Can we get a reup of pages 202 and 203?
thanks mate

This is fantastic. Love the soft colors.
The new page after school has been updated, so please upload it.
Got it from kemono. Translating the pages atm. Will upload when completed.
and to think all of this started from a trip to the ramen shop
New Ayano page please
Here's the new Ayano same as always enjoy and happy new years

Fusa says in the enty post that he wants to post more frequently in the new year. Here's hoping!
Could you reup again? thanks
Thanks Man and happy New Year
Translated pages of AF 65.
Hope u guys enjoy it and do letme know of any errors. Also wish u guys a Happy New Year.
Happy New Years
thank you for the effort
I come bearing bittersweet news. Pochakuma is over.
I feel bad for Fusa, but perhaps this will result in more content for us? Unless he doubles down and spends lots of time presenting new stuff to magazines so we get even less. I would expect more stuff, though.
That's a bit sad but I hope fusa will be right more for Anayo now but I did really enjoy Pochakuma, but I guess we will be get more smaller content now maybe
Wait was it cancelled? Or is it simply over over, like he ended the story and it was supposed to be a short thing? It sucks for Fusa, but it was impossible to find anything on it, especially in english which seems to be how these sort of fetish manga's take off (but I could be wrong)
Well, it just said it's the last chapter, but it probably got cancelled, it's the kind of story that can just go on and on.

Maybe it would have caught on if it got more translated chapters earlier, but who knows.
Could someone re up page 204
Pochakuma felt both extremely vanilla, and tame compared to his previous works.

Obviously, 450 pound shortstacks like Ayano aren't going to appeal to normie magazines, but Pochakuma felt too off-brand to Fusa's previous work for his core fanbase to help carry it. Or rather, that's my impression of the situation.

I'm not sure what audience he was trying to capture with Pochakuma (it seemed more popular with Japanese women ironically enough.) But I'm not surprised it failed to take off.
aoba new
Anyone have page 14/15/16 of aoba translated?

I seriously can't get enough of Ayano's fat fucking face, holy hell.

…This is the second time this month.
The fifth in the past year…

I’ve been getting confessed to more…
Text: I'm sorry
SFX: Disappointment sound

…It began when I started gaining weight…

Is it because my boobs are bigger…?

I must look more womanly…
So it should be okay for me to be more confident in my figure right?
You got a point, not a lot of fat artist realize that chubby cheeks are important
is there a place where all the translated pages for ayano or posted up to date? nhentei is behind to 194
If Fusa only uploads only one page again this month I’m unsubscribing.
I hope we see an obese Miyuki soon
New aoba bump
Please upload 2 new Ayano-chan pages
Wow big upload right at the end of the month I hope fusa starts doing these more often. Here's all that he posted and some, as always enjoy

Thx for the upload and as always will be posting the translated pages by next week.
How long is Fusa going to try convincing us that she should still have full mobility?

She weighs 212.9 kg at 150 cm. That's equivalent to a 165 cm woman, the average height for an American woman, weighing 260 kg. She should still be able to walk at this stage, but she should be extremely hindered. Yet, she walks around town like any other girl, goes shopping, and even had a job not too thin ago.

I get that immobility isn't really his thing, but it's definitely time. He's trying to forestall it for as long as possible with her "building up muscle," but this is just getting unrealistic.

In my opinion, she should lose mobility around 230 kg and have one of her friends, maybe Rio, care for her. She'll balloon up after that to 300 kg, ending the manga, and have a timeskip where she's lost maybe 100 kg and is living happily.
Just let Fusa do his thing man, and enjoy the ride. Even assuming you "predict" the end already, for my part I'm going to Ignore that prophesized because I'd rather her not lose weight.
> but this is just getting unrealistic.
I mean... this it is a fictional medium...
His old work used to be very dark, I was kind of hoping he would go there (immobility) for this one
I traced Ayano's BMI and found out by reversing the formula that she must be about 22 years old.
Is his older work available anywhere?
Yeah the difference being his old darker works were short sequences and already had the premise set up, which Ayano definitely isn't. That being said I'd looooooove Fusa to make a modern darker comic since most of the stuff he makes is just fluff (wildly more popular)
They're on his Pixiv, but many of them have also been translated which are up on Sadpanda
I would be pissed if he ended the story by showing she lost weight. It would be stupid to end a fetish manga in a way that goes against said fetish.
Has Fusa said he's finishing Ayano soon?
Nope would have made an announcement if he did.
That's good I don't want it to end just yet
Isn't it still like her first year out of high school?
She is in college
Could someone pass me the full manga called Maru's Fat Growth Journal please :)
Translated page 205 & 206 of Ayano.

Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors

Check the guy's kemono. Its all there translated.
Ayano officially states she's purposely making her friends fat, at least Moemi but we'll see where the others go
Yeah she has known for a while now how much of an influence she has on her close friends' eating habits and waistlines. Would definitely love to see future pages focused on her taking a more active role in her friends' weight gain.
Same, also this could me that Rio could for sure be her next target too which would be great because it's like coming full circle when Ayano was skinny

What the fuck kind of brainlet are you, BMI and age have no relation whatsoever. The only point that age ever factors in is "what is the cutoff for being considered obese and morbidly obese" (children are supposed to have lower BMIs). The number itself doesn't change, it's literally always weight/height^2. No age. Anywhere. And once you hit 18, the obesity cutoff stops changing.

I have no idea what fucking fake-ass calculation you looked at but I just wanted you to know that I think you're fucking stupid
We got a new afterschool, and from the looks of the preview it's a good one
Can someone upload the new AF page, please?
Do u have it in the orginal full res image?
if possible can we get a full reup of both AF and Ayano, neither are up to date translated on SadPanda
Translated page 66 of afterschool

Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors.
Check out e-hentai for the eng translations and kemono for raws. Pretty sure all of it is posted there.
Does anyone have AF 64 and 65?
New Ayano page with the same as always this one was worth the wait, enjoy you guys

Sorry to ask but how do you use this link
I've been imagining what she looks like in a bikini ever since she wore a swimsuit.
She just looks sexy.
>worth the wait
looks no different than the past 50 chapters
Yeah she's looking massive, also that tailor chick is either into fat chicks or just really taken aback by Ayanos size

To be fair she's about 450lbs at this point a few pounds won't really make much of a difference too her fat swaddled body for a while
Ayano's fat wrists and hands.
Here's AF 64 I got

Could some kind gentleman help out on AF 65? I'm missing that one too, much appreciated!
Translated page 207 of Ayano along with the reup of the translated pages of AF 65.

Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors.
Thanks !! you can also send it by we.tl
Wanted to but wetransfer was offline. Didn't know what time it was gonna come back online and don't like delaying unnecessarily.
New Aoba
Haven't seen the recent Aoba pages translated
Here's a re-up of all Aoba english pages, including the LAST japanese pages

(Base 64 Double encoded)
Would anyone be kind enough to upload this on anything other than Mab? It's the only downloader that never works for me.
Could Reupload Ayano 207?
New ayano Page ^^
Who's gonna upload ayano 208 though? It's been out for 2 days.

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