
>>55126 (OP)
What’s the source on these? Googling metabound isn’t leading anywhere
(3.0 MB, 1654x2177, 87673739.png) (3.1 MB, 1654x2775, 87673740.png)
I guess I'll ask for a translation of this.
I can tell this is hoikooroo, but where is it form?
Name dammit, I need a name!
Maybe there shouls be a thread for it?
Got it off from a deviantart user henry2478, they got three hoikooroo folders. Recognized two of em except this one, hoping someone can translate it tho
Oh yeah and not that anyone cares but I fixed the last couple of pages' translations in the original sequence, as well as a few other errors and text alignment tweaks.
Great timing, was just about to request them for translation. Thanks!
I don't want to commit to translating the entire manga he's doing too because it's a lot more work, and I don't know that my techniques are going to hold up with much lengthier back and forth dialogue. That being said I can at least post the dialogue for these pages. Your post has them reversed, but I'm posting them in chronological order so image 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1

Page 1:

>Top panel


>Episode 17

>Bottom panel


Page 2:

>Top Panel

>You can eat all of this!

>Bottom right panel

>Wha... B-but... It's so much...

>I'm on a diet...

>Bottom left panel


>The skinny Ai-chan is also cute of course,


>SFX: Squishy

Page 3:

>Top right panel

>Fat Ai-chan is just as cute

>Top left panel

>C'mon, eat up!


>Bottom panel

>More, more ♡

Page 4:

>M-my jeans are screaming... Yamagata-san, no more...

>It'll be fine~

>Outer SFX: Swell, Swell

>(Can't tell what the inner SFX is)

>Top Left panel

>But, if I keep eating like this, I'll get super fat...


>Middle right panel

>I was the one worried about that, but

>You don't have to wear a belt

>Middle right panel

>...If you're sure, then I guess~

>Bottom panel


>SFX: Rumble Rumble Rumble...
(316 KB, 1280x1791, 003.jpg) (957 KB, 2709x3791, 02 preview.jpg)
Can someone please translate this one?, I know this is on the rough side but i see a lot of potential, i want to redraw the comic with hopefully a cleaner art style and maybe expanding the wg part
(254 KB, 2300x2400, CpBVTpnVYAAr31n.jpeg)
Could somebody translate this image from SaladTaste4622?
This pickled salmon is scorching hot!

Machine (DeepL) said
It's going to be a hot summer and I need to build up my stamina.

where was the error?
Link doesn’t work, what’s the name of the work?
(825 KB, 1200x1696, p15.jpg)
I don't remember how exactly, but I thought that translation tools were misinterpreting the text, a similar situation I saw with the previous image where "バイキグ最高!" was being interpreted as "Viking is the best!", "バイキング" being seen as viking instead of buffet. Maybe I missed a character or wrote one of them wrong, but I was convinced she was talking about "stamina pickled salmon", which now that I'm looking at the text again is clearly not at all close, but the images of it match up with the artwork so I probably didn't even second guess it. And then I cut out the stamina part because I thought it would just come across strange in English. Thanks for catching this, I made a new version of the image. Need to do a better job double checking that I have the raw Japanese correct in the future.

I don't think the text actually refers to summer though, just the weather getting hot.
That would make sense
Vikings is a higher end buffet chain
well shit lol. gonna keep that one as is because most people aren't gonna have the context anyway but at least i learned something.
(75 KB, 350x495, cover.jpg)
[Huurinkazan] Okina hana ni wa toge ga aru

[肉存主義 (風輪夏山)] 大きな華には棘もある [DL版]
(2.0 MB, 1373x1176, Fat_succ_FINAL.png)
A friend typeset this for me a while back. I posted it on /d/ but I guess you missed it

The text order might not come across super clearly here, so I apologize if you misinterpret something. I put non-bubble text in brackets and thoughts in parentheses to try and help

>Your boobs must be pretty heavy, huh, Hasuka?
>It won't even be a proper match like this. You can still give up, you know?

>[Play sword for sports and competition -->]

>Such a minor handicap is no problem!

>Just come at me already!

>And here's an opening


>Well, it's your loss, Hasuka!
>As promised, I'll give you my "Whole Body Plumpening Torture"!

>Wai-- Hold it!

>Quit it, pervert!

>(My clothes are stretching as my flesh spills out of them...)

>(Damn it! They're so heavy I can't support them...)

>Oi, oi, thrusting your stupidly huge ass at me like that, sure you aren't trying to tempt me? (lol)

>You're wrong! There's no way I'd--

>Then hurry up and cover it back up with your skirt, or oh, heh, I guess you can't anymore, can you?
>The way you are now, you're just a pathetic meat slave who can't do anything but droop her sloppy tits on the ground and wave your fat-filled ass around to seduce men (lol)

>(It's so frustrating, but being verbally abused like this is just so hot~
>The pressure of the fat in my boobs and butt swelling against my body feels so gooood~ Make my body even lewdeeeeerr~)

>Uh... Hasuka, it's a little embarrassing, so can I drop the act already?
>For a few minutes, your expression's looked pretty loose, and you've pretty much dropped your character entirely
>[Looking at you kinda took me out of it...]

>I-I do not look "loose"!

>...And so goes the perverted play these two engage in
It's merely an ojou-sama-esque greeting interrupted by a burp

>I know a great place to eat!

>Let's hurry on over~!!

>You feeling hungry?


>Wanna go to that shop again?


>Uwaah... This is getting pretty bad...

>Wanna go again today~?

>...I do

>It's even worse when I lift my shirt...


I'm heavily considering doing this, but it's gonna take a while
Thanks, so it's basically just her saying hello, or how do you do, in that specific polite way, and then burping, I assume. Again, thanks.
I took the time to add the translations to the all 4 uncensored variants.
Note they are smaller in Rez then the English translation image so might be some slight artefacts round the speech bubbles. Just try not to squint to hard.
(912 KB, 1200x1696, p16.jpg)
she be chuggin
>So sweet and delicious~♥ I want to drink more... more and more~♥ I'm so hungry~♥ Nn...? It's Yuuki~♥ I love you so much~♥ Come closer~♥ It's a little tough... but I want to drink even more~♥ Yuuki... do you want to... drink with me?~♥

Not sure if this site supports the ascii for the little black heart I used so I preceded them all with a tilde. Also took a bit of creative liberty with the punctuation to maintain her stilted, huffing speech.

The stats just match the English terms to their upper-rights, but their bottom-rights appear to little titles that would presumably change along with the bars. Respectively:
>Devoid of Reason
>Blob of Fat

Not certain on the charm one. Best I could surmise from searching it is a contracted onomatopoeia for bouncing tits
Appreciated, I could translate the stats decently but it was the actual dialog that was difficult for me to get in full, so thanks for the proper translation
(1.1 MB, 977x1376, 01.jpg)
Ohh, I'd like to know what that was about, kinda unrelated but the cover is imposible to find in a good resolution so I spend some time trying to fix it
Could you please reupload? Would be much appreciated. Can't find it anywhere else.
(928 KB, 1200x1696, p17.jpg)

sweet thanks, what's the english alphabet version of this artist?


yeah I'd really love to see this translated! I used to ask around here but no one could do it.

I think no one translated it because the cover and credits pages were only ever posted as like cameraphone pictures rather than proper scans, but if whoever does want to translate this sister complex by kato hayabusa I have the shitty pictures of the cover/credits if someone wanted to merge that alongside the high quality scans of the actual comic pages:


if you have no interest in shitty quality copies of the cover/credits then just use the scans from the ehentai site instead :)
@takayafu on twitter

Anyone willing? It’s fine if no.
I asked Malorne a while back if he was gonna take it since he randomly does Fusa works now and then, but he never responded, so whatever. Hopefully this doesn't cause either of us to waste our time


>The old, tiny shrine in the storeroom...
>I met a goddess there

>It has been some two hundred years since I have had human company

>I am a Goddess of Harvest, Mochio

>Since you have awakened me,
>be certain not to slack on your daily offerings

>One Year Later


>This aburaage is so very delicious, delicious!
>You have improved once again, Masamune!

>Well then...


>Maybe we should start cutting back on your meals...

>Wh... For what reason? Have I done something to offend...?

>I mean...
>Mochio-san, you're getting fatter at an alarming rate


>Th-There's no that can be...

>The amount you eat every meal keeps increasing...
>and so does the width of your figure...

>I am...

>A goddess after all...



>After seeing this divine figure, can you still call me fa-



>I am completely to blame!

>Please do not hate me...

>Ah, no no no!
>It's not that I don't like you...


>It's just... seeing you suddenly change like this made me worry

>Seeing you enjoying my cooking so much...
>It makes me really happy, you know?


>Of course!

>It is improper to make you worry

>Well then...
>I will try hard to diet!

>Although she's a goddess,
>She goes all useless from a little spoiling...

>You're doing it, you're doing it!


>At this pace...
>It seems like it'll take about a hundred years...

>At least try to finish within my lifetime!

She has a very ancient and regal-sounding dialect that's hard to translate properly. Someone else might be able to do better

Thank you so much
(701 KB, 1075x1518, 08A0EC9E-11E9-478E-B667-754BC7242A89.jpeg)
I really appreciate it, I really do so much. I guess to not disappointment bump I might as well post an image here, but it’s not an ask, plus I’d prefer if other people’s were done first since that last one was a lot regardless I’ll gladly wait for that.

Again, Thanks a bunch.
Do you by any chance have the rest of this set? Judging by file names there should be some more
(544 KB, 580x1030, standing fat.png) (976 KB, 729x1021, sitting thin.png)
Could anyone translate this anime episode, or just give an idea of what's happening and the position of the woman on her weight gain?

the animation is shit, and the weight gain is effectively instantaneous but this is a rare example of an attractive woman gaining weight in anime and both not turning into a gonk, and not losing the weight by the end of the episode.

all the weight gain is in the second half, and I don't really care about the other characters in this besides any comments they have on the weight gain.

if there's already a translated version of this out there that would be good, apparently it got translated into various languages but I haven't found an english translation of the series anywhere. translating the entire thing accurately would be a load of work, so I'm fine with just a rough rundown/explanation of character motivations and reactions.


I work on stuff that interests me, not whatever's chronologically posted first

>Haven't you gotten a bit too fat?

>Quite an indulgent body you've got

>Eh...!? I-Is that so...?

>But... isn't it you two who've gotten too fat?


>*Before Lockdown*

>We won't be able to meet during lockdown, but that's no excuse to start living sloppily

>'Cause if you let yourself go, I'm not gonna like you anymore (lol)


>*After Lockdown --- First Video Call in a While*

>H-Hey there...! You been doing alright? Absolutely nothing's changed for me!
>(If I just show my head, he probably won't find me out...)

>Senpai keeps desperately tugging at her shirt to hide her gut (lol). She's adorable...

>*Some Weeks Since Lockdown Ended...*

>Senpai, your body...

>*Munch*... *Gulp*... Mmph!? K-Kouhai-kun... no way... why are you here!?
>(He's totally gonna hate me if he sees me like this~!)

>*They Ended Up Fucking---!*

>Plump Senpai is too damn cute! Sinking my hands into this fat ass that's so big you can't stand and fucking you feels awesome!
>Please get even fatter! I'll even take care of you!

>F-Fattening up even more... Ah♥... I'll turn into a sloppy lardpile for you... Ah♥... so never leave me~♥

>I'm so glad he didn't hate me~.....

Thank you

Thank you
4 has already been translated before, I don't have it on me though.

I believe it was in the previous thread, I might have it but I’d have to look for it.
Thanks, anyone wanna overlay it?
(345 KB, 2437x1825, IMG_8875.JPG)
I don't even know who the artist is

It's by SaladTaste! :3

what's the romanized version of this artists name I wanna sort these into the right saved folder for posterity
(351 KB, 787x606, schoolgirls.png)
There was once a translation of this i really liked. Does anybody have it? It said something about her buttons popping
Girl 1: Senpai, your arms are so soft. Did you bring snacks from home again?

Senpai: A-again?

Girl 1: I always look forward to you bringing snacks.

Senpai: Actually, I’m kind of on a diet.

Girl 2: I also brought my own homemade snacks for senpai.

Narration: Soon after my uniform tore.
Artist is saladtaste4622 on twitter
Translation's not right. "Senpai" isn't bringing the snacks, the girls on the left and right are. It's pretty clear based on context and the way everything is worded.

correct translation is:


Girl 1: "Senpai's arm's sooooft <3. I'm bringing some sweets over to Senpai's house again today~."

Senpai: "Eh, Today too...?"

Girl 1: "I'm bringing over lots, so please look forward to it!"

Senpai: "No, I'll be trying to diet soon--"

Girl 2: "I'm also bringing sweets I made for senpai, so..."

After this, her uniform ripped.
Is this a part of a comic?
I wish

No, It's just a one-shot page.
(90 KB, 706x789, 1.jpg) (96 KB, 706x789, 2.jpg) (114 KB, 706x789, 3.jpg) (99 KB, 706x789, 4.jpg)
this is a really good one (as far as i can tell) that was never translated
Thanks, great work.
>numbers go up
>assorted gorilla noises and moaning
wtf is happening in this? is there a hole in the wall where she puts her belly through? did she transform into some weird blob of pure fat? why doesn't the picture of her face also change?
(765 KB, 1000x1413, p18.jpg)
Had trouble figuring out what the second word bubble said, so I more or less made up the second word bubble. I'm pretty sure she's exclaiming happiness so I ran with that but I'm at a loss as to exactly what it says.
good work as always

I wish there was someone dedicated to translating Honi Sans works he makes some great stuff but nothing aside from a few twitter posts have been translated
Hell of a guess lol. It's her saying 最高 corrupted by her chewing
Gonna re-up this one
Baked sweet potatoes sure are delicious~!

Maybe I'll buy another one later~♥

...Cynthia(Shirona-san), haven't you put on a little weight, recently?

ちょ ちょっとだけ… でもお腹が出てるワケじゃないんだしまだ全然大丈夫だもん
J-just a bit... But my belly isn't sticking out, so it's still totally fine.

(Are her breasts so huge, she can't see her belly...?)
Thanks. This is a really cute sequence. I know she isn't huge by an means but small weight gain is still very hot.
hey so this is a couple months old news at this point but back in July munikunikinoko posted a prequel to his 500lbs of no puu-chan comic on his fanbox and i have access. how could i get that translated? probably would need to be a professional/
How much pages, and do you care about redraws?
could someone translate the new heroherotom comic?
I know it's offtopic but god I fucking love cupchans
please does anyone have a complete set of this?
I can't find it elsewhere.
Cupchan has some of the best work if only more of it was translated
(1.8 MB, 2046x1447, kodama-track-translated.jpg)
Since Takayafu didn't update last weekend and nobody seemed interested in these I decided to take a shot at one of them. Worked on it on and off for the past week, might try the other black and white ones but I'm definitely passing on the other full color page, this one was a ton of work for my PS skill-level.
There is a hole in the wall, a girl puts her gut through it, others can grope it and do other stuff with it.
The painting is there so you can see what the girl used to look like.
(2.5 MB, 1771x1254, d.png)
Nice work.
Anyone else wanna take a crack at this one?
(718 KB, 800x1131, p19.jpg)
The most nuanced translation I've done yet.

(Also these images have been gradually getting smaller and it drives me crazy, have to adjust all the text sizes I use every other month)

Tysm!! You went the extra mile.
Thank you, it’s great to see their work translated!
(611 KB, 1063x1657, 1.jpg) (586 KB, 955x1791, 2.jpg) (500 KB, 1092x1463, 3.jpg) (556 KB, 1051x1466, 4.jpg)
Can someone please translate these
(379 KB, 1280x1791, 5.jpg) (555 KB, 1021x1479, 6.jpg) (497 KB, 1134x1637, 7.jpg) (489 KB, 1126x1523, 8.jpg)
these too
(548 KB, 1081x1644, 9.jpg) (491 KB, 997x1509, 10.jpg) (430 KB, 984x1101, 11.jpg) (468 KB, 1042x1526, 12.jpg)
and this is the last of it
Artist and location of site?
It's part of an anthology and only two artist are credited, morisoba and nerizou
This story specifically is towards the bottom of the page.
(509 KB, 1447x2046, Cup 1.jpg) (466 KB, 1447x2046, Cup 2.jpg) (561 KB, 1447x2046, Cup 3.jpg)
Forgive the crappy typesetting
Someone have these?
Not my work, just copied from 4chan

>[text box] The spell that forcibly constricted her flab into shape came undone.

>W-what the?

Thanks a lot, mate.
what are the translations for this?
(3.5 MB, 2150x3035, 87522365_p7.jpg) (4.2 MB, 2150x3035, Wanna touch belly.png)
Can someone translate these two pictures?
Here, I tried to write down the text:
First picture:

Second picture:

what artist is this anyways? these look like they're from pixiv but saucenao didn't identify them...
(692 KB, 1200x1695, 3.jpeg) (841 KB, 1200x1695, 4.jpeg) (767 KB, 1200x1695, 5.jpeg) (658 KB, 1200x1697, 13.jpeg)
here's a couple more that could use translations
(419 KB, 1200x1697, 35.jpeg) (544 KB, 1200x1697, 36.jpeg)
>Does the bunnysuit not fit you Hasumi?
>Its a bunnysuit?
>I think it would fit you

>Is that so..
>*Sensei* <3

>N-no there's no way..!
>(Too bad)

>Besides I've gained a little weight since earlier
>I wonder if there's a size that would fit
"look good on you" not fit you**
Here, translated your last two pages. I'm still learning Japanese so it may be a bit off.

Page 1:

"It... it went up..."

Page 2:

"But I don't even eat that much!"
"So why?"
"Why do I still put on weight?"
"I wonder where the fat went to..."
"The stomach I guess..."
"The boobs."
Anyone got #4 translated?
Can someone please translate this?
(878 KB, 1200x1696, p21.jpg)
Back after a textless week. Thought about changing the wording here since she's called multiple other foods "the best", but I think it's cute that whatever she's currently eating becomes the best.
Someone have this series of comic?

yeah it's only like 50% of the content in this thread... kind of an odd question
(592 KB, 912x645, 01s.png) (454 KB, 912x645, 02s.png) (210 KB, 739x966, 03s.png)
Can someone translate pls
(235 KB, 1188x1650, 1.jpg) (142 KB, 909x1473, 3.jpg) (285 KB, 1371x1942, 2.jpg) (177 KB, 1200x1744, 4.jpg)
Can anyone translate there epic art pieces?
(216 KB, 990x2048, 5.jpg) (140 KB, 1075x1833, 6.jpg)
(313 KB, 1863x1818, Masserz-1.jpg) (313 KB, 1863x1818, Masserz-2.jpg)
can someone translate these? (second image is the same but with a hyper fat face)
Both links, or just anonfiles?
Both anonfiles and catbox

unregulated filehosters are a great source of malware, the entire website is likely marked as suspicious by your "antivirus". not actually a useful measure whatsoever.

since the contents of the file are entirely determined by how reliable you find the uploader to be. not exactly sure what you want us to do about this issue. it's just a zip file with .png files inside it.
Have you already downloaded it?

yes of course, that was clearly implied, how else did I know the files were pngs not jpgs?, but I'm not going to post the pictures in this thread because asking people to post every image you ever want to view in a thread is an insane request.

the fattyloveranon blog uses these same filehosts for pretty much all their posts, anonfiles and to a lesser extent catbox are popular on /bbwdraw/ in general.

Like I said though, these filehosts I'm sure are also popular with malware creators. so your security flag is both entirely correct and entirely irrelevant at the same time.
(754 KB, 1000x1414, p22.jpg)
Couple days late this week cuz I was busy, barely changed the text on this one, was surprised when this wordplay basically came verbatim out of DeepL
(80 KB, 708x1000, D_BjhUZVUAEOOWS.jpg) (85 KB, 708x1000, D_BjhUbVAAEdhjx.jpg)
Not sure if it's correct:
1.1: Ah ha ha! Look at your body! It's so big and sloppy!
1.2: Eh? Ramen together?
1.3: Okay? I'll take a closer look at your exciting food (laughs).
2.0: *Few weeks later*
2.1: Hurry up! If we don't leave early,
that time-limited pork bone ramen will run out.
2.2: Ah... yes!
2.3: Well, you can think about the details after eating ...
2.4a: ...Is that?
2.4b: Is my body really this meaty? I wonder if you should order the second bowl today...
(731 KB, 3507x2480, ECOe2I_U4AE7-PR.jpg)
1: Wow, these jeans are so big (laughs)
2: I want to see how fat the woman wearing this is.
3: Eh?
(806 KB, 1000x1413, p23.jpg)
Shorai no Yumebuta-san ☆ I'm glad I liked it !!!
(1.4 MB, 2035x1438, Untitled_3.jpe.jpg) (1.2 MB, 2035x1438, Untitled.jpe.jpg) (1.3 MB, 2035x1438, Untitled_2.jpe.jpg)
I know this isn't the right thread to ask for this, BUT, I clearly remember seeing a catbox link of this in the last translation thread. So I was wandering if some of you guys have a copy/link of it. AND if there's any planning in translating this one.

Also, obviously Sunny3257
Could someone please tell me where the comic in the beggining of the thread is from?
Thank you...and merry christmas :)
THANKS!!!! merry chrismas :)))
(201 KB, 558x2048, FHgUv58aAAIJfpK.jpg) (228 KB, 610x2048, FHgUv6BaAAcollA.jpg)
Seems like a funny story but this handwriting doesn't play well with OCR. If a kind anon could help out.
I never knew anyone was translating this series, could you re-up the previous parts? Also, are you also translating anything else from the artist?
I will look at it later, but for now here is the original text:



(473 KB, 1200x848, p24.jpg)
Happy New Year anons.


I've noticed a couple other people in the thread ask about this too and keep being too lazy to rezip and upload them, but I grabbed both the original sequence and everything from the current one up to now and uploaded them.


Not translating his ongoing manga because it's a lot more work and I'm just using DeepL and a couple other tools to be as accurate as I can, and even with the limited text in this sequence there are times I really have to pour over a single line to figure out what's being said.
(787 KB, 558x2048, 2021-12-25 1.png) (844 KB, 610x2048, 2021-12-25 2.png)
Decided to give this a shot while I was messing around with other stuff. Not fully confident I transcribed the left girl's characters in the second panel of page 2 right, but I interpreted what I had and think it at least works.
Thanks anon! Happy new year!
(1.2 MB, 1771x2508, ol1.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1771x2508, ol2.jpg) (1.3 MB, 1771x2508, ol3.jpg)
Putting this out there

Is there any more of this?
He's not underrated, he just likes to put 80/90% of his stuff in paypacks alongside diapers and uglyfication
It's like Axel, if Axel had any talent
(810 KB, 1000x1414, p25.jpg)
(810 KB, 1000x1414, p25.jpg)
Whoops forgot to change the bottom banner before exporting
Link to this please
Thanks a lot :)
(13 KB, 188x268, 太る女.jpg)
Is this ever gonna get translated?
no one has. Good find
・身長176cm 体重57kg

Kurumi Takaya [Taka like "Hawk"]
-Height: 176cm(5'9"), Weight: 57kg(126lb)
-Captain of the Women's Basketball Team
-Admired by everyone as a strong and serious leader because she arrives before anyone else everyday for voluntary practice
-She was given the nickname "Bird of Prey" due to her sharp eyes that seem to pierce through her opponents and the appearance of her slender yet powerful legs running across the court
-She is popular among the opposite sex, naturally, but she is also popular among the same sex
-Because her breasts have grown rapidly over the past year, she has recently been concerned about them jiggling when she makes fierce movements like before

・自称身長176cm 体重57kg+200kg

Kurumi Butani [Buta like "Pig"]
-Self-Professed Height: 176cm(5'9"), Weight: 57kg(126lb)+200kg(441lb)
-Joined the Women's Basketball Team to lose weight
-Ostracized by everyone as a slovenly fatass because she arrives far later than anyone else and sleeps in the clubroom
-She was given the nickname "Penguin" due to her insecure eyes, narrowed by fat, and the appearance of her waddling around with her fat pig legs, thicker than a man's waist, as she mops the floor
-She is also known as "Slug" because the floor where she's mopped is soaked with sweat
-She has been concerned all her life about how her entire body jiggles
Who's the artist?
Man....it'd be nice to get to get doujin from Kato again. Esp after he gotten an appreciation for much larger figures
Did he ever do doujin of larger figures? All that I've seen from him has been standard BBW or chubby sizes. Never SSBBW or bigger.
he's been drawing some on his twitter
I recognize some of those. Didn't realize those were his, though the SSBBW and bigger sizes were all one offs and not part of any comics he's done. Speaking of comics, has anyone got the ones that Kurocaze did years ago? I think there were some on Ehentai, but was curious if there were others besides those.
(253 KB, 1048x841, 95373920_p0.png)
Anyone able to translate this? There's a version in Korean too if needed.
(796 KB, 1000x1414, p26.jpg)
That belly's just begging to be squished...
I swear I've seen this translated already
because you prob have being somebody all ready translated this
I’ve been requesting this a long time and haven’t seen any translation on this so idk
one of biroon's older ones
about time it was made public
would appreciate a translation though

Seconding Yaomomo
(572 KB, 800x1131, p27.jpg)
>Ai Aims For 100kg

Possible to have a reup of all the pages pls?
Thanks a lot !
Hot damn. Please tell me there are more of these translated.
Still learning the language, my translations are probably a bit inaccurate but still, enjoy:

Title: My body surrogate android

Page 1 (third image of your post):

And I can control it just with brain waves!
Woooow! I can princess carry myself! Nice!
Let's go to the toilet just like this!

Page 2 (second image of your post)

~A few days later~
I'm back!
Oh my, going shopping is so much easier with this robot body. *hee hee*
I'm hungry, let's eat this tub of ice...

Page 3 (first image of your post):

~A few months later~
I don't know how to move my former body anymore!
C'mon stand up!
Hey now!
I've put on too much weight!
I can't stand up...
This lump of fat, is it really...

Page 4 (last image of your post):

~A few more months later~
I bought a lot of my favourite food... ❤️
Amazing, it's worth it just to rub it...
Yo does anyone have a compilation of all the 100kg images translated so far>
Thanks a fuck ton for Momo. You're a hero.
DAYMN thats a nice sequence, who is the artist??
Sorry my last comment was supposed to be a reply to this
Anyone know the artist?
I was wondering for that translation too. I know some okeyish japanese, so I will translate them and for medical stuff just use a translator as a crutch.

The first image goes something like this:


Edema caused by obesity, a condition in which the body becomes swollen with fluid.

Initially, the skin begins to become uneven (cellulite)

-----Its getting bumpy and hard...

Deformation of the lower limbs becomes more apparent.

-----The color is changing and I can't walk...

The skin color changes and the deformation progresses to the point where daily life is greatly impaired.
I gave up with the handwriting, its just too hard for me to read some of the kanji, so take the quoted line very lightly. But page 2 goes something like this:

Primary problem of edema

"I'm just trying to get rid of it, but it's pressing against my flesh."

Strain on the heart from being overweight

The heart pumps blood throughout the body, and the larger the body, the heavier the burden (the larger the body due to being overweight).

If the strength of the heart is weakened,
the weaker the heart,
the more it interferes with circulation,
this leads to edema in the lower limbs.

Pressure from fat

The large amount of fat clinging to the lower limbs physically presses on the lymphatic vessels, which reduces the flow of lymph and results in the accumulation of swollen fluid in the lower limbs.

Aaaaand I give up, since its all just medical talk its torture for me to translate, but you get the idea of what the rest will say lol.
Thanks for the translation! Are images 3 and 4 similar to 1 and 2?
Yeah, I read over it and its pretty much the same kind of explanation from a medical point. Feels more like an analysis...
I would add that she thinks on page 3:
"I'm not eating much, but I'm gaining weight at an alarming rate, and my legs are getting bigger."

And sorry, about page 4 I just can't barely read it. I just haven't had any practice having to read non digital kanji... and its hard as hell lol
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I'm curious about what this one means. Anyone wanna try?
can someone translate these
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gotta love content aware fill
Than you so much for translating this it came out amazing.
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Can someone translate this manga?
So no ones gonna try to take a shot at this shame

Someone over at the Paid Content thread dropped this, entirely in japanese, can someone translate (bonus points for translating the dubs too)
Hey, thanks a lot

what's the artist's name on this one? I wanna sort it correctly for my collection, thanks
Anyway you can do his Robin comic or even the free Nami comic on his Skeb?
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El Negro Blanco
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requested this quite a bit ago, anyone willing to give it a shot?
christ alive, could you be more ungrateful? thanks , translator-kun
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Lookin' real big

can anyone post 28 i seem to have missed it
Give us the details.
I've got 4 complete and recent Sunny sequences. If they could be translated that would be fantastic, but if only one gets translated that's fine too (preferably the Persona one.)

Prisoner of Sweets (Persona 5 Ann/Futaba)

Changing Appearance (DQ11 Jade/Veronica/Serena)

We Are in a Dream (Love Live all girls)

Encounter with Memory (Fate girl, don't remember her name)
>We Are in a Dream
I got that one from a web.archive and already translating it. I could translate the others once I have time
It's already translated? I remember picking up the untranslated version. Would mind sharing it with the thread?

He's not done yet.
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I have no reading comprehension. Sorry.

Going to ask for this one once again, if that is okauy
So a few days ago these were put on ehentai translated for a hot second. Next day or so later they're gone so someone has em locked and loaded.
Who made this piece, I have seen his artwork in fairytale Alt but I can never find the artist.
They are still up on the cooler version of the site.

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