
(1.1 MB, 850x864, c6c0698ab028969a8bae0ef97277c94b5b085d796fa85198e64abab4a101a6fb.png)
2019 was a bizarre year with unsettling events (Sharknado parody, Bollywood, and a tumblr rewrite by trashtier translators), so lets wash it all away with fat waifus of every flavor along with Cygames other IPs with too few art to support a thread!
Probably not the place go to but. Grandblue fantasy versus has got me interested in the series. Were's a good place to start the series
(158 KB, 635x1025, 9fa3013297dfce829e0b4acb6baa988865671a780ddd3b6b464974277d208a76.jpg)
Holy shit, the scam is actually working!
Until ReLink comes out there's only the two seasons of anime and the gachashit game unless someone has been translating the mangas.

If you've already sold your soul to the devil and picked up any of the other gacha games that people into fat plays, you'll only be doing better with GBF.
(356 KB, 630x2760, f17ad24c59ca700a157d48aaf65bd491.jpg) (1.6 MB, 575x1390, Orca.png) (133 KB, 640x688, Shafa.png) (416 KB, 488x456, lyria easter egg pose 2.webm)
Since I wanna procrastinate Guild Wars away, I might as well go into detail.

The anime sticks to the main story of Granblue which a lot of people didn't like since they figured it would've been having fun with gacha jokes and the like but they didn't do that until two extra episodes at the end of the season that swapped out Gran for Djeeta (the episodes people always suggest watching if you don't want to watch the story). Also that shit takes too long to get new episodes out so it's not a good way to stay up to date.

Been in development for a long time but nothing is known beyond those two trailers and the one of Katalina walking through a town.

Why do I call Vs a scam you might be thinking; well it's because the roster is so fucking tiny with two spots taken up by characters not many care about (Ladiva who they allowed the translators to turn into a Tumblr character and Slutera) and threw the female version of the main character in as DLC along with the only female Draph but they threw a bunch of items for the mobile game in so that they could lure the whales over. One other thing; the English VAs of Lowain, Ladiva, and Charlotta are all horrendous while the rest just can't scratch the Japanese VAs.

They didn't even use any of the loved fighters with Soriz being kneecapped by Cygames desire to keep the games females toned down: https://youtu.be/giLYL1iW_es

As for the mobile game; it's pretty much modeled after the pre Final Fantasy 7 games with the artist that worked on FFTactics and Final Fantasy 9 along with one of the two guys on music having worked on Final Fantasy 5 or 6 and with Monkiigate having happened, Cygames got scared scared shitless into becoming one of if not the most customer friendly gachashit makers with them giving out tons of free stuff such as draw tickets (single, 10part, SSR) and enough crystals to perform at least two 10 parts a month and an end of the year roulette that actually made me question if it was too much during the last one that gave me a bunch of great SSRs and the final day where everyone got 200 free draws.

As for the state of the games events and updates; 2019 was fucking weird. Rambo and low tier Cenobite classes, a Jaws parody event that got followed up by a Sharknado parody event, and a Bollywood event. Shit's getting too goofy for my tastes:

Also, Bubs was modeled after a female by Granblue God: https://gbf.wiki/Helel_ben_Shalem

If you are willing to sell your soul and start playing, it is heavily suggested to use a Chrome browser or one of the forks of Chromium (I like Iridium since it gets rid of all the spyware).

As for expansion fuel, they tend to only do it with the lolis like Lilele except for Amira, that island where it's illegal to be a skinny male, and Europas fate episode where it has a little bit of inflation fuel.

I haven't seen both seasons of the anime yet, but they're a basic rehashing of the main story of the mobile game, so you can probably glean enough about how the world works through that, as well as the main cast of characters.

If you want something with a bit more substance, I'd suggest the mobile game. It's like a mix of a loose, turn-based JRPG with a visual novel for the story bits. There's a plethora of characters and stories to dive into, ranging from the silly and whimsical to the epic and tragic.

The game has it's share of problems (story pacing, MMO-levels of grinding, being gacha, etc-etc) but I found the writing to be entertaining and quality for the most part, and the artwork, music, and voice acting to be incredibly strong, especially considering this is a mobile game.

The game systems might seem intimidating at first, but they're easy to pick up once you get the gist of team and weapon grid building, and you can play pretty casually. Also the game is quite generous with free rolls, weapons, and characters. There's even several systems in place that allow you to get the character you want, a rarity in most gacha games.

GBF isn't too bad and you might like it if you give it a shot. If not, no harm, no foul.

Also can we get some more fatass Erune girls please for the love of god I need them.
yo bro. Thanks. Really appreciate it.
Yo bro. Thanks. I appreciate it.

No problem! I think >>4074 brought up some good points but they might be lost on people who aren't overly familiar with the game, so I wanted to chime in. The English wiki has a lot of good resources and is regularly updated.


The mobile game itself has some in-game translated comics that detail how some of the game systems work, and even has suggestions for team comps and grids. Lately the devs have been trying to make it more and more accomodating for new players.
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>can we get some more fatass Erune girls please for the love of god
This is Draph country and I'm not kidding, seems you give people into fat a race of short stacks that have ever growing tits since birth and they'll latch onto it and ignore everything else, even someone that gives an opening like Illsa. It's appalling when compared to Charlottas numbers.

Think the only real consistent thing that people do with Erunes is giving Nier huge breasts.

>they might be lost on people who aren't overly familiar with the game
That reminds me
>Never draw outside Legfest or Flashfest (SSR draw rates raised to 6% plus strongest characters in the pool)
>If you go for Eternals, dickpick or Threo for slime blasting (grinding levels)
>Do your Arcarum runs
>First class to make a run for is Chaos Ruler
>Find a girl and do it for her

>suggestions for team comps and grids
Don't bother with most of their grid suggestions, outside of the Magna (F2P) and Primal (Whales) grids that people knew about for years, their suggestions suck.

>devs have been trying to make it more and more accomodating for new players
Lotta giveaways with the next event letting you pick an Eternal (some of the strongest characters in the game) and getting half of the weapon breaking items you need to 5* it. I think I might go for either Tweyen or Niyon.

I still haven't picked last anniversaries weapon.
(1.1 MB, 2077x1543, socie_by_burning_core_d9qd3ho.png)
I became interested in GBF because of a few friends and all the Narmaya/Danua fanart. After starting the game and settling into it a bit, I realized how many other great girls there were, and Erunes quickly became my favorites.

It really is a shame how so many girls and races get overshadowed by Draphs, so it's been making me want to get off my ass and start drawing some GBF fats myself. It'll probably be a while before I ever do anything so hopefully GBVS will help remedy the situation within the community.

(artwork done by Burning Core on DA, not me)

>Don't bother with most of their grid suggestions
That's fair, I've never looked at them myself, but I thought they might help give new players an idea on how grid building works. Again, it's easy once you understand the basic gimmick behind grids.

It feels good to finally get a fatbait character that's actually pretty hot and not some little girl or Harvin.

>Lotta giveaways with the next event
Yeah now's a great time to start playing, with the upcoming event and the anniversary freebies rolling in. The free single rolls will get bumped up to free 10-rolls after March 10th.

I haven't claimed my weapon ticket yet either. Probably gonna grab Anubis Axe just to be done with that raid for good.
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I became interested in it from GBF because it looked like a game and looked like it didn't force you to whale after I looked around for information .

Draphs overshadow everyone else in weight gain while Humans and Erune overshadow Draph and Erune in the gacha but Harvin fans are the truly most suffering of all.

I just used this and listened to and saw other peoples grids which led to me learning about the Magna II grids, Primal grids, and the Highlander grid. I love enmity though so I always lean towards self destructive grids like Tiamat guns, Egg Sacks, and Gislas (what I went with after 3 years worth of gold moons and normal Medusa being released in the gacha sans the great booty pic).

I went with that before learning about the strongest grids from other players before I started using my own judgement on auxiliary weapons (Multi Atk up, DMG Caps).

>feels good to finally get a fatbait character that's actually pretty hot
Beatrix inexplicably makes everything she cooks taste like candy and that shit that happened to her in the first Platinum Sky event was worth a good couple fat jokes.
Illsa has mentioned she has a big sweet tooth and in the last Society event has alluded to maybe gaining weight.
Monika also has a sweet tooth and sneaks snacks.
Summer Izmir and Summer Almeida are always eating food during their win poses (normal Almeida too).
Lamretta should've gotten at least one pic of her with a sizable beer belly by now since her mechanics are drinking beer and avoiding getting puke faced drunk.
Threo, PERIOD (fighting and eating with one scene of her talking about eating a giant dragon she killed).

>hopefully GBVS will help remedy the situation within the community
I won't see any real movement happening until ReLink hits short of even more Naru picks and a few for Metera and Katalina. I should try to write GBF fats or start practice drawing too.

I'm gonna be grabbing either Alexials axe so I can jump on her anima grind (I really should've took advantage of Baalfest) after I'm finished getting the last two Avatar animas I need for unlocking Nier or one more Ancient Ecke Sachs for my fire gird.
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There was a period where it felt like anything new I was running into was usually Harvin, but that could just be me. It's certainly more varied when you can look at everything in one place.

I've always felt the FA community had a strong interest in fighting games so I'm hoping for an upswing from here on out. One thing is that the Narmaya DLC will release pretty soon after the western release so she might take the spotlight again. As much as I love Narmaya fats, Katalina and Metera are personal favorites of mine and I really want them to have their moment, but they're not terribly popular.

Also I should've phrased myself better, because there's a lot of good fatbait characters in GBF. I was just happy that a character that looked as good as Juana ended up being such an utterly explicit fatbait character.
SS Izmir and Ilsa are high contenders for characters I want to see more of, especially Ilsa because she is so goddamn good on so many levels.
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How I measure the race numbers:
Havins not only get beaten out by all the major races, they've ended up getting slapped around by Primals who only started really getting characters about two years ago and with Unknown races about to move past them too.
Last Harvin event was either Sevilbarras or the fighter event; Sevilbarra only got an SR and for some reason the Draphs that looked like they were gonna replace Agielba and Ardora didn't get a journal entry while Al-Khalid got nothing.

>I've always felt the FA community had a strong interest in fighting games
I dunno, there's a couple big names into fighters but most seem to only find interest in indie meme games, Nintendo, and whatever AAA game is currently most popular.

>SS Izmir and Ilsa are high contenders for characters I want to see more of
I've found myself more and more focused on the courier angels which is probably why I was so much more pissed about the sharknado event than I'd expect of myself. Only singular character I have a huge interest in when it comes to weight gain is Yaia.
She'll be my right hand man with fattening up all the females on Grandcypher.
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Oh I was talking about my experience in finding fat art. Yeah no, in terms of game content, Harvins always get left by the wayside. Speaking of Al-Khalid, I'm still bummed he didn't get a playable.

>I dunno, there's a couple big names into fighters but most seem to only find interest in indie meme games, Nintendo, and whatever AAA game is currently most popular.
That's true. I guess you don't have to be much of a fighting game person to want to draw characters like Mai, Morrigan, Chun Li, etc-etc.

Cygames gives us that Chef outfit/class for MC you cowards.
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>Oh I was talking about my experience in finding fat art
Oh yeah, there was a point where RemRamWaluigi was putting them out and the Japanese do favor Charlotta so it wouldn't be impossible.

>Speaking of Al-Khalid, I'm still bummed he didn't get a playable
All my money was on that bet. I also figured they would have reran Thousand Reasons around the Japanese release date of GBFVS.

I thought that was gonna be Alchemists EX-II but now the only things left can only be Break Dancer and Gigante Armor or Mech.

Give it with an eating focused event.
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Oh yeah, that's from HeroHeroTom and that doujin is a gift from the gods. He got into GBF about two or so years back and was drawing quite a bit of Katalina.

Those first Katalina images I posted are much bigger than what she appears in the doujin, sadly, and as much as I love it, I'll always wonder what could have been. The early Katalina pics were around the time his style was shifting towards a more homogenized anime look, and he wasn't drawing as fat/wide as he used to. I think his newer style looks good, but there are qualities of his older stuff that I really miss.

God what I wouldn't give for him to draw a Rosetta or Ilsa doujin. Or another, even fatter Katalina doujin.
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Naru looks like she's going to be fun to play, but I don't think I'd do well with stance change characters. I'm pretty scrub at fighting games and didn't win a single set during the open beta.

I really love her CG for the mobile game trying to replicate her GBVS moveset, I think that's a really nice touch. I was afraid the outfits would be inventory/home screen pose only, like those old TCG ones.

>I'm gonna miss Katalinas original outfit
Me too. Always wanted to see a giant potbelly jutting out of that midriff opening. Her full armor could be fun to mess around with, but the open version lends itself to fats and scenarios much more easily.
I wish there were an English translation for this one, it's very good
(256 KB, 1707x1000, DnDNFjlVYAApNjf.jpg) (151 KB, 670x1000, D-PDwxVVUAACguo.jpg)
>I was afraid the outfits would be inventory/home screen pose only, like those old TCG ones
They won't be able to heavily milk the whales with just new character art.
RemRamWaluigi really outdid himself with Cordelia.

>Her full armor could be fun to mess around with
I dunno, only things I can think of is sharp chunks of metal exploding off of her while she's surrounded by monsters and the struggle she'll need to endure to put it on, even with help.

GBFVS hits steam on the 13th of March but no crossplay and promotional codes.

Also, why do we have a Broly now?
(469 KB, 2000x1667, ER7W8_FU8AMWzpD.jpe) (361 KB, 2048x1229, ESA9VeXU8AA_hGS.jpe)
>artist draws fat Sutera
>also shrinks her
... it hurts.
At least there's a fat Arulu to ease the pain.

Sparking is the only way.
We should be getting Roulette around the 10th too.
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The one Harvin that transcends her height for you?

I really wanted Rei but only because she's like the second Harvin that you can get a good view of her butt. Surprising even me, I wanted the summon more than anything else but my alt was the one that got not one but both of them, I really need ditch that thing already.

Without ever sparking, I've gotten almost every character I've wanted but Monkey keeps alluding my grasp.Only 4 SRs left before all I have left is SSRs
What use is a roulette outside of legfest?
(576 KB, 1667x2000, ESG_EafVAAAKSdR.jpe)
>The one Harvin that transcends her height for you?
Arulumaaya, Nio, and Zahlhamelina (pictured) are my top 3 Harvins. Bridgette and Milleore get special mentions for being waifu but not characters I feel the urge to see/draw lewded or fat (not that that recent Bridgette wasn't super good).

>Without ever sparking, I've gotten almost every character I've wanted but Monkey keeps alluding my grasp.
Feels good to whittle away at that collection doesn't it? Only problem is that most of the things I still want are locked in Seasonals/Grands. Been meaning to save up to do a Flash Spark but something always comes up (or I leak rolls for a new character).

>What use is a roulette outside of legfest?
Free stuff's always nice, plus the roulette should extend into Flashfest like last year. We should be getting the off-season Summer character during that Flash too.
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Mimlemel, Balurga, and I think Robertina just replaced Leonora for my top 3. I like Milleore too but she's been a packaged deal with Sahli Lao with me.
I don't have a waifu.

>Feels good to whittle away at that collection doesn't it
I just enjoyed the gambling too much and getting Monkey for free without a spark would be massive gloating points that I could annoy my guild with but now that I've gotten enough moons to get a 4th Gisla and FLB it or whatever, I'm just gonna hold and do my first spark for monkey.

I've found that either wanting something to a sick degree or voiding any and all desire from my being helps sway RNGsus towards my cause.

>extend into Flashfest like last year
Oh god, if my luck for Legfest is as abyssmal as it is while being the draw period where my luck is by far the best, I shudder to think what I'll roll for Flash.

I wonder if they'll ever do something that allows you to swap Gran/Djettas race.
(337 KB, 1536x2048, C9yEcsJUwAAtwNH.jpe)
>spoiler text
Anon if that's true and you still play this game, you are a stronger man than I and many others.

>I'm just gonna hold and do my first spark for monkey.
I hope that your Spark is fruitful. If it wasn't for that system and Suptixes, I probably wouldn't enjoy GBF as much as I do. The saving and waiting to use a Spark sucks, but the results always felt worth it for me.

>I wonder if they'll ever do something that allows you to swap Gran/Djettas race.
I don't know if I'm ready for megafuckripped Gran with horns. Probably would look a lot like Uriel.

Oh the final character for the GBVS Season 1 DLC roster got leaked.
It's Zoi.
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Closest a character got was Almeida but her obsession with Vaseraga and Cygames never really doing anything with her allowed it to evaporate instead of gaining strength.
It's not just Granblue, I don't have a single waifu, period.

>I hope that your Spark is fruitful
How about using your jinxing powers that jumpstarted the Harvin rush to bless my rolls?
>If it wasn't for that system and Suptixes, I probably wouldn't enjoy GBF as much as I do
God bless Monkiigate terrifying Cygames into becoming the most generous of all gachashit makers. Feels good not having to worry about bankruptcy like FGO and FEH but then I'd probably not have picked it up if it was that bad.

>megafuckripped Gran with horns
Think he's too young to be any further ripped than what he already is.I'd say a light skinned Agielba without the tattoos.

>GBF fighter has barely any of the martial arts characters
>Decide to put in the Sword/Spear/Gun user
>No Aliza
>No Claudia
>No Sen
It wouldn't be nearly as bad if they had went with Feather and Ghandagoza over Ladiva and Soriz.

There seems to be some kind of Harvinication fad going on with the Japanese to go with the surge in tiny doughballs.

Would you the 4th pic?
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For anyone who is somewhat interested in the Granblue Fantasy mobile game, the main part of the 6th Anniversary celebration has kicked off, meaning now is an excellent time to start up and stock up on some free shit and get a ton of free rolls. The final day of free rolls (March 31st) will give everyone 100, and this will fall on a day when SSR items are doubled from 3% to 6%.

There's also the 6th Birthday Draw Set, which is available until March 31st. The set costs around $30 and gives you a free 10-roll you can save, plus a special ticket that you can redeem for almost any character in the game, including Limited/Seasonal items.

Normally I wouldn't talk people into spending money on a Gacha/mobile game, but this comes around only once a year and even F2P players usually grab it. It's not necessary for the game or anything, but having that one character you really want generally helps you enjoy the game more, and being able to grab a limited character easily is a huge boon.

If anyone does plan on buying it, I highly suggest waiting before the deadline to redeem it, in case you roll/win the character you wanted with freebies.

Even if you don't have a lot of time to play/learn the game right now, you can at the very least start up an account and grab the daily freebies and then enjoy them later.

Here's the English Wiki for more:
(266 KB, 2048x1034, 2018 Holiday Gibmes.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2000x1667, 76793954_p3.png) (307 KB, 1500x2142, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_CotaRusVMAA6FGt.jpg)
>The final day of free rolls (March 31st) will give everyone 100, and this will fall on a day when SSR items are doubled from 3% to 6%
>Thinking that monkey faced bastard KMR would allow that
Every anniversary people think it's gonna happen; never does.

Along with the roulette, we got that scratcher event that lasts til the end of the month that has the chance of giving a Siero ticket which allows you to pick any character in the game including the promotional releases tied to shit like Blu-Ray, Credit card, cell phone cards (limited characters can only be obtained when they're released into the draw).
You'll only get inflation fetish fuel.

My draw luck has been atrocious so I'm hoping this means I'm gonna end up with one.
(2.4 MB, 1600x1200, wide_view_by_miramiraclerun_dd29vtz-fullview.png)
>Every anniversary people think it's gonna happen; never does.
Normally I'd never believe it, but they announced it during the stream, and the English fan twitter is saying it too: The 100 roll will be on 3/30 and Legfest will start on 3/30.
(1.2 MB, 1200x1600, 79191346_p0.png) (715 KB, 3000x2500, 75821247_p5.jpg) (508 KB, 2000x1667, 75821247_p4.jpg)
So best bet is that it happens 4am EST. If it does happen, I'm gonna be pissed it took them so long to put monkey back into the draw rate right before the Legfest that gave 100 free rolls.
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My prayers for fatty Erunes have been answered. These are all really good picks too.

So far my luck's been pretty good/okay with free stuff. Best thing I got from Scratchers was Hades dupe and 3k Crystals, and my free rolls got me Michael dupe, SS Rosequeen and SS Satyr dupes, Raphael, and a couple of Gold Moons. Only new character I got was an SR (Friday) so that's a bit of a letdown, but hopefully things pick up for that final 100.
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>Cat thief who found herself having splurged her waistline beyond the thresholds of windows
>The result of someone who only buys sugary refreshments and actually mains Anthuria
>Results of always getting invited to the weddings of her customers
>Always bed on SEN
Themed and Summer Jessica, Summer Vira, Mugen, Summer Cagliostro, Summer Lancelot/Vane SR, Philosophia SR, and light Light Clarisse.
Slyph and Poseidon for summons.
I always get Summer shit even though I only ever wanted two and when those two came out, I had to wait a year or two to get them. Now that I have Philosophia SR, I only have the yuri route left before it's all dudes and limiteds.

Scratcher gave 12k crystals that brought me close to 1/3 of a spark, Europa summon, and 4 Gold Moons along with a bunch of mats and one time with Lineage Rings.

Found another character from giving journal characters White Day gifts.
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>expect nothing out of Summer Alexiel
>end up with two instances.
I expected this out of Hal&Mal but not Alexiel and Europa.
I don't get why people treat Sens giant metal claws as bendable fingers instead of pokers for shish kebab.

I was really hoping they'd handle Egg Sacks well but they dropped the ball and now I'm not expecting much out of Ios 5*.
How this thread allow?
(247 KB, 1618x1613, media_EaKm1R9U0AAtPrp.jpg)
How did Lyria lose in the first round?

Think I might start posting Princess Connect characters that were in the crossover here.
Is there no zooey art?
(214 KB, 1234x1000, Butterball Zeta.mp4)
I wonder what everyones method would be for fattening their crew would be.
Sauce on that second and third image?
(133 KB, 723x896, 82117947_p0.jpg) (96 KB, 825x868, 82117947_p1.jpg) (687 KB, 575x693, Voracious Risette.png)
Guess the reason we've been getting crossovers rather than actual collabs is because they were trying to get Demon Slayer.

Press F for Princess Connects Western release. Cygames laziness or greed has left it in the hands of Crunchyroll.
(156 KB, 740x837, 82117947_p2.jpg) (363 KB, 1447x1071, 82117947_p3.jpg) (1.5 MB, 572x1389, Nomone.png)
Almost gib season again where our supremacy over FGO and FEH is most apparent.

Pray that Zodiac Cow is fat fuel.
(300 KB, 1239x1621, media_EpVKuIjVgAIoc65.jpg)
The half breed dragons are really starting to crop up.

Zodiac cow really pissed off twatter; whoda thunk they'd get pissed over a girl wanting to eventually get married except everyone?
(1.8 MB, 1694x2313, media_ErDm2SeUUAYA7nd.jpg) (772 KB, 573x695, German Chocolate Knight.png)
Be warned, he's been falling hard into the furry shit with his most recent Granblue pics being more animalistic Erune and mixing species that have a strong relation to something else.
Him and Honi are the only ones who have ever had any real focus on Harvin meatballs.
(1.4 MB, 2600x3742, 1611958946441.jpg) (861 KB, 576x694, Supersized Seafood Noodles.png)
I'm surprised by how gluttonous Anila actually is, I always took her for the Zodiac that'd gain weight from lazing about but she was giving Lyria a run for her money.
(423 KB, 1233x1331, 614c6e4f6574d0334c6f53eb74564303.png) (348 KB, 630x2760, episode_1632.jpg)
Anniversary single roll gibs of nothing have started and the conclusion of the Society events that will finally answer a big question; what is Juana like.
Is there anyone who has a drawing of a sumo Djeeta (the blonde girl in pink) by Issou?
(203 KB, 1369x1700, media_EvUu1TCU4AUaxZ9.jpg) (806 KB, 572x1610, Cheeky Smile.png)
Anniversary gibs are in full effect; free draws and gibs out the ass. It seems they have succeeded in putting out horseshit that it's all over the place now.

They killed the big titted eater moon chick. I wonder if FEH and FGO have to suffer this type of shit.
(271 KB, 1163x1965, media_EwSMKx2VcAE58gg.jpg)
Now that the Society's pretty much dead and the moon is thousands of years away from trying anything; now's the best time for Ilsa's sweet tooth to get the better of her.
(181 KB, 1280x1457, 1616863228017.jpg)
Gibs season is over and withdrawal begins!

I can't believe they weren't joking about a Bobobo collab for April Fools. Sadly no playable Beauty.
(401 KB, 2917x2609, media_Ex12SmkWQAAmiJK.jpg) (681 KB, 576x696, Fluffsandwich.png)
Zodiac event was weird, one character wanted to force them into an easy life of pampering, muumuus made them all look a little fatter, and monkey loli admitted to molesting the big beefy Draph women while they slept.
(155 KB, 850x1200, media_EysSM_WU8AQHkIv.jpg)
Leave it to Narumaya to get a fate episode of her turning young and have all of the lolicons too distracted by her adult form.
(1.6 MB, 3500x3500, media_E11yakrUUAI3ca3.jpg)
She's gonna need more piggyback rides to get around if the pampering continues.
(1.2 MB, 2400x3200, media_E1--wbrVoAAu7SW.jpg)
No need to bump the thread, I always have at least one pic just in case.

Since there seems to be a spike in interest, who do you guys want to see fattened the most and what bodytype?
(511 KB, 733x800, media_E24xbbcUcAUz-Kq.jpg) (504 KB, 677x800, media_E25ZEU2UYAIpp4w.jpg) (523 KB, 762x900, media_E29_iRTVkAAAbEY.jpg)
With Naru getting the brunt of weight gain pics for Granblue characters and being the only character with an actual large amount of fat pics, I don't think I've ever seen a single person use the gutter tier self esteem issues she had up until finally finding Octo.
(1.3 MB, 1677x1800, 85166235_p0.png)
Almost time for actual swimsuit season and the largest surge of new units out of the whole year.
(154 KB, 1440x1920, media_E47RnbpVoAESR79.jpg) (176 KB, 1440x1920, media_E4_mp_NVUAAyonZ.jpg) (462 KB, 596x682, description_1040615100.jpg)
Sauna event that didn't have a summon get get, no character or outfit to get, and the main character doesn't get a SSR. Dangerous precedent is being set and that's ignoring the gacha within a gacha within a gacha that replaced the Summon.

Got a rare shot of Harvin booty from it, though.
(417 KB, 566x800, media_E6SwfhwVEAQk7Ai.jpg)
Charlotta suffering the effects of replacing her Little Skyfarer meals with plates of rich food.

Only two things to Lilele's character; being an idol and eating ramen until she's fat.

I think Philosophia's only exercise is standing on the giant top she uses to move around and thinking.
(128 KB, 1024x823, media_E6ZE5LWVUAAPrt6.jpg) (3.9 MB, 2108x2972, 89879529_p0.jpg) (25 KB, 300x500, media_E6RF2RvUUAI36Ij.png) (685 KB, 576x700, Bad Stew.png)
Zombie event for summer that takes some good jabs at Resident Evil. Slutera finally gets to not be mediocre but adds yet another to Earths list of broken ass characters.

Kolulu got too proud of how useful she became from her ability to harden her skin into being steellike and accidentally ate zombie shellfish.

Stop; if it dies, it dies.
(2.2 MB, 2480x3508, 1.jpg) (2.0 MB, 2480x3508, 2.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2480x3508, 3.jpg) (1.0 MB, 2480x3508, 4.jpg)
Weight gain of Grea from Manaria friends that parodies Kim Possible's Grande-Size Me by Jed Soriano | Seriojainc

The commission I requested from White1st
Dude, they straight up just traced it.

Hope you didn't pay for this.

That's what I wanted, it is intentional
(4.2 MB, 2749x3888, 91298197_p0.jpg) (4.0 MB, 2749x3888, 91298197_p1.jpg) (801 KB, 576x698, Throwing weight around.png)
Damn, the Japs were able to push Cygames into giving free Tier III lotto tickets after dragging everyone for two weeks. You just know Naru's gonna end up the most owned Grand character, over night even though she just came out a couple months ago.

Another relevant weapon got added: https://gbf.wiki/Tahar_Masala
(274 KB, 619x887, fde847a60ae41f45e28f2a48bc6fc599.jpg) (891 KB, 572x2391, Bad Times Create Hard Women.png) (337 KB, 2560x1440, media_E9ZOw4cVEAAlZf8.jpg)
With all the stuff involving the Erste Empire calmed down, things between her an her father being better, Orchid back with her group, and her hanging out on the Grandcypher a lot more from having been given a 5*; I'd say it's about time she started slipping and finding herself putting away more and more food than she usually does because of habits born from fond memories and the voracious company she keeps.
(153 KB, 1375x1375, media_E9XBgyXWQAUbmgV.png)
An event that's looking like it might be about the different unknown races but still finds a way to include a bunch of new Erune. They better put dragon loli or the big boobed dragon lady in the second half of leg fest instead of the Erunes.
(186 KB, 869x1228, media_E-SU1oQVQAQxeRg.jpg) (193 KB, 640x688, 3992305000.png)
Leave it to Cygames to fuck shit up by dangling a lich dragon with thighs thicker than hell and a cute, good natured yet clumsy half dragon loli over everyones heads but throwing Grea into the gacha instead, who can't even keep her own event from being usurped by delinquent fujobait.

Fediel honestly feels like someone has been binging Maid Dragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU9r795jYec
(766 KB, 576x700, Rich coming from a lich.png)
Sunny never released it outside of his patreon so you'll have to go about getting it like everyone else does. It's criminal Illsa hasn't gotten a butt pic yet.
(189 KB, 1179x1793, media_E9RYsc3VoAUCblp.jpg)
Wait, you actually bought it? I figured you'd just do what every one else does to get them on this site.

Now that the Society is gone and the Moon is centuries away from setting up another attack, all she needs is a strong willed romantic patisserie of a boyfriend to really get that waistline going. Either that or end up with Beatrix making her meals since Beas cooking is an surefire way to end up with a gut bursting out of all her versions shirts/torso area by the end of a month.
>wait for someone else to get it

This is bbwchan. Everyone's a beggar and wouldn't spend a dollar on art
Wouldn't be waiting, it was already up on Kemono when I made that post.
(184 KB, 1500x1238, media_E-GuOl4VIAI-e7X.jpg)
They really make it hard not to believe shenanigans are going on when we get a bony Lich instead of the thick Draco Lich. https://gbf.wiki/Lich

Feels like Metera's trailer damned her to vore because that's all I ever see out of the West. One of them was really good though.
(249 KB, 1301x1745, D8nT3eLUYAEFYIJ.jpg)
Well the collab is scheduled for the 15th and reason would have you believe it's Lupin the 3rd but it's clown world so it's more likely the movie Airplane.

I swear, if they pull that same bullshit they did with the Persona 5 collab and only give us playable Lupin and no Fujiko...
(84 KB, 930x1280, 450548054d75fe9c80509e48a5674d2d.mp4)
It was actually Gintama. If they don't give us Kagura so I can put together a team to put every all you can eat buffet on every island I visit, out of business; no matter how funny the collab is, I'll always hate it.
(1.0 MB, 500x281, w2crG8z.gif) (1.4 MB, 1567x2126, media_E_nOe4AVQAEdkZq.jpg) (1.4 MB, 1567x2126, media_E_nOfp3VcAEMt7m.jpg) (706 KB, 575x700, Seaweed Vyrn.png)
Second half of the Gintama collab is up and they somehow found a way to fuck up the Yorozuya so that you can't put Kagura as the face instead of being stuck with Gintoki's mug. You can do it with the Shinsengumi but fuck allowing the only female in the collab to at least show her face outside of the third skill and win animations. Fuck the fujos.
(560 KB, 1044x1136, media_E-cy1WPUcAM7u7t.jpg) (288 KB, 924x1395, media_FBaJ5BNVUAkoiQ0.jpg) (234 KB, 900x1229, media_FBVLO_zVIAEaAvz.jpg) (148 KB, 919x1000, media_E6MeZ6WVIAQQrFj.jpg)
Think the vast majority of big eaters are Light element and the only thing keeping it from being 100% is Kolulu being in Dark and Threo and Redluck being in Earth. Maybe Diola for Earth if you count her as a real part of Diantha.

Light's also the element with the biggest pool of health you can get, along with a lot of healers, so I guess it shouldn't be surprising.
(211 KB, 1456x2048, media_FCw8gHPUYAIXDLJ.jpg)
Looks like the final collab for December will be Doraemon. Every collab this year has been a comedy with at least one expansion episode.
Every event this year has been comedy
(487 KB, 2684x1950, media_FDNvHI-aQAAlTbz.jpg)
Besides Lunalu's, Summer, "Summer", and old man Sauna events, the closest thing would be Nectars but only because it has that stupid talking bird mascot that ruined the mood they set by starting it out with the loli being tortured to death and the rest of the story devolving into Goblins were made by Skydwellers and their new queen wants to genocide everybody.

This years events were all letdowns but the better ones did have their varying amount of moments and there was a boon of weight gain fuel. I'm hoping they'll actually spend money on the events stories now that they're talking about how slow they are with the main story. Hell, maybe they'll finally stop recycling characters and start putting out new people.
(351 KB, 1325x2048, media_FDnmyykWEAITjLX.jpg) (1.3 MB, 1820x1393, 94128056_p0.png) (829 KB, 574x699, Glutton Kolulu.png)
Looks like the new event before the Doraemon collab and the month of massive gibs, is gonna be about not Bea from Pokemon and expand upon the users of the low tier Moon weapons.
(101 KB, 559x1199, media_FFj8ymXVkAENTn7.jpg) (845 KB, 576x700, Well she is.png) (119 KB, 849x1200, media_EnEk6_3VEAETG3U.jpg)
Event filled with a load of huge breasted characters and almost all of the characters shown looked better as lolis, including not Bea from Pokemon.

Couple days til Doraemon collab and I figure a little after that, the gibs start flooding out.
(139 KB, 715x1000, 94164159_p0.jpg) (267 KB, 2048x1499, media_FFwNVU4VQAQuf1j.jpg) (1.4 MB, 1147x698, Little People Big Thighs.png)
Doraemon collab hit and the raid boss for its first half is a giant Cagliostro that you fight with a shrunken down team. I like to think that her time with the crew blew her up to the point that she had to force herself into her favorite chair to examine Doraemons gadgets and grew past that last inch of fat that would've kept her from squeezing in. The thing that finally gets her to fall back in her chair isn't your attacks but losing her concentration while creating dozens of meaty doppelgangers to annoy and tease the tiny group trying to take back Doraemons gadgets, but being surprised by busting her strap tightly cutting into her belly.

They're releasing the rest of the dragons in their humanoid forms so here's hoping that Wamdus is also as thick as Fediel if she isn't a loli.
artist on the 1st pic?
(611 KB, 2150x3035, media_FFXnZ5WaMAMgnjv.jpg) (833 KB, 575x699, Tall Bags.png)
I don't know how they figured out how but they somehow fucked roulette. What's the point of playing a game of chance if everything is rigged from the start? Every time they massively fuck up, they scare themselves shitless.

New event is a war between two groups over their favorite sweet and you fighting for whatever side you want and occasionally getting the groups favorite as drop.
Sauce on that 1st image?
(167 KB, 1500x1023, media_FHapjXCaIAUIJ-Y.jpg) (150 KB, 1500x1000, media_FHb-jHWakAQT70n.jpg) (243 KB, 1276x948, 86693398_p0.png) (823 KB, 576x700, Infinite Tank.png)
Can't remember much beyond the artist having done a bunch of preg art. Will keep an eye out if I ever come across the source.

Even the dragons are a group of weirdos; Fediel is still obsessed with mortal relationships and her Draph form is 6 feet tall, Galleon fused Erune and Draph for her mortal form and kisses literally anything, Wamdus is Kanna Kamui but with her appetite amped up to 11 from lonliness, and Ewiyar decided she wanted to be a cute cat because nothing gets more attention.
(187 KB, 1500x1000, media_FHdYsaVagAEihdN.jpg)
Communism ruined one of the biggest gibs seasons of the year for everyone but somehow allowed my terrible luck to leech off of everyone elses and left me with a ton of new characters.

I would've had Fediel too but I held off on using my gold moons for the Seiro ticket just yet. Feel there might be something attached to Re:Link or something.
I wasn't expecting the twins to be a couple of perverts; one of which even has a stash of hentai.
(278 KB, 2150x3035, media_FHjS7u0aMAIb93o.jpg)
Forgot to ask; what characters would you most want to see a fat fic of?
(358 KB, 1330x2030, media_FH7-h6JaQAA8tpr.jpg)
Weird turn of events; Lich gets breast expansion and Fediel gets an ass that outgrows her breasts.
(200 KB, 1536x2048, media_FKWKCG0UUAAzZpQ.jpg) (845 KB, 575x699, Sweets Island Eating Contest.png) (832 KB, 576x700, Plump Tator.png) (181 KB, 430x607, media_FKYMqs8aIAM9AaX.jpg)
There's even a island covered in sweets shops where people who can eat 10 servings of boulder sized whipped cream wrapped in dough get a card for free food anywhere on the island to add to the Valentines island with living chocolate sprites and the one that forces males to get fat if they don't have any bodyfat.
(113 KB, 906x1200, media_FKu40yTVUAMRTX7.jpg) (981 KB, 2500x3700, media_FKhokAeaQAEnPVC.jpg) (796 KB, 575x698, Giant food.png) (662 KB, 576x609, Gwynne's Big Butt.png)
Umamusume crossover has started and it having happened after that ramen event that was bursting with bait, makes the 3 occurrences seem anemic for something with as many stuffing scenes as horse girls.

Holy shit, Goldship is sooooo far from how I pictured her character.
How about posting less screenshots that only exist to tease and post more shit where weight gain actually happens?
I thought that's what commissions were for. Commission some characters you'd like to see drawn more, then hope those pics plant seeds in people's heads so they would do the same.
He can't commission art dumby..

He spent all his money on gacha.
(48 KB, 380x415, media_FGlpAu_X0AUVaQd.jpg)
None of the ones I like do commissions.

>then hope those pics plant seeds in people's heads
That only works with canon putting int in peoples laps or a popular series.

You can call me tasteless but you can't call me a dumb ass, that's part of the reason I jumped on GBF; I haven't spent one red cent to get who I wanted.
(839 KB, 2410x3562, media_FMmSUp0agAACiOO.jpg)
Looks like there was enough of a backlash towards the commie shit they pulled during new years roulette because they didn't even wait a year to jump back, albeit giving the choice of a wheel with only 20 and 30 draws. They even put in an event for getting a free grand character ticket just for logging in.

The planned personal islands which became guild islands, looks lame and not as easily twisted into fatbait.
(2.7 MB, 2800x2200, 6309f8916b152c8470b87c28034589c2.png)

Forgot one other thing in my last post, Final Fantasy XI collab in May; best chances for playable character is the usual representative Shantotto or a Mithra because cat girl.

True gibs has finally hit; Roulette 10 part draws for the rest of the month, 100 draws on the first day of both fests, and the free Grand character ticket for doing the daily roulette draw that will most assuredly just give me another dupe of Rackam's weapon.
(435 KB, 885x900, media_FNuNvH6aIAACfG-.jpg) (2.5 MB, 572x2243, Awoken Lyria.png) (6.4 MB, 568x5546, Cats love fatty fish.png)
Never thought Cassius getting fat could end up as a catalyst causing someone to gain an interest in seeing someone fattened up but I can't say the same thing for the Erune doing everything in her power to make her part fish girlfriend happy, even if it leaves Meg's muscular legs so swaddled in fat that the bulges engulfing the straps carrying her weapons are leaving her wrestling her weapons out from under it.
(198 KB, 1034x1898, media_FPd1EZzaIAEws34.jpg) (131 KB, 394x700, media_FOlPR69aIAMI7GP.jpg) (6.5 MB, 568x6294, Oblivious Feeder.png)
Seems all the female budget moon weapon holders are all high octane fat fuel; Kolulu's a complete glutton, Cupitan's a notch away from becoming a feeder as shown by her insistence that her friends eat her treats and will dote on people to the point of leaving them incapable of eating another bite, and Tikoh will complain about her fat thighs but rationalize her issues away onto others:
Where'd you get this from?
(98 KB, 577x1100, media_FOP2mXcVIAI9pld.png) (258 KB, 1536x2048, media_FJiT5lXUUAIzz77.jpg) (649 KB, 575x609, Devourer of Dragons Threo.png)
I can't believe how disgraceful Grea is looking now; even the Odajumoki (Mad Max gang of brain damaged Harvin) can get to a third event without being hijacked while Cygames hates Harvin.

Two weeks til the FFXI collab

I don't know, either someone posting it on 4chins or someone ripping it off Twatter. It should be from his video at the 6:55 point
Goddamn, FFXI. I racked up over 1000 days of playtime in that fucking game. I loved it and hated it. I might still have some mods that make the gurls fat on a backup HDD. Will check this weekend.
I had an interest in playing it but I never actually did. My only real time with FFXI characters was through Dissidia before it went to shit and died in a single entry.

Just one collab between giantess's with egos bigger than Saxxons women for raid bosses.

who is the artist of the firt pic?
(1.2 MB, 1326x1348, 95459354_p0.png)
They aren't even trying to hide the double standard they have against Harvins, with this event.

Elea looks like if she had a comfortable life without organized crime, she would've ended up pudgy.
(364 KB, 984x1200, 99490838_p0.jpg) (7.7 MB, 2972x3906, 99512698_p0.jpg)
I'd kill for another one of OVing's Draph Dark Lord Lyria hentai. I wonder if he kept going with it, would he eventually have her turn some into bloodhounds/bait for others or if that would've been something to happen if she became jealous of any of the other races.

The degenerate loli twins were the best and one of the few good parts of that Zodiac camping event.
(225 KB, 1342x1803, media_FZPL_JhUIAEwA0_.jpg)
Summer gibs has been atrocious this year and it sucks since it has the most things I want out of any Seasonal banner and now I might have to decide between the new Summer characters or Wamdus.

It looks like the first real pirates (Sig doesn't count because she does nothing but fish now) that'll get introduced to GBF will be One Piece with Luffy as his own character and Nami and Robin as a dual unit.
(262 KB, 1536x2048, media_FbkB4ZeUcAAnXty.jpg) (767 KB, 2480x3508, media_FbBXMFWaAAEf2R9.jpg) (703 KB, 576x700, Senbutt.png)
I can't believe Cygames stole the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II for an event but you're not dreaming because you're stuck in a pod, you're just suffering from heatstroke.

Summer gibs was hilariously bad this year with almost all summer units and most units overall gained during my saying fuck it and throwing all my single draw tickets at a wall. My spark surprisingly threw Wammer into my lap early on but it was already crowded with the five Summer Jeane D'ark's RNGsus threw at me as salt in the wound.

Thanks to Magisa's summer unit, I found out that even without a weight gain fic manipulating her, she's still highly likely to end up fat: https://nitter.kavin.rocks/granblue_en/status/1553579815633948672#m

I can't believe the fujobait delinquents not only stole Anne and Grea's event but also Anne's 5* fate episode.

**Why are we cursed with artists becoming furries? Thanks to the six dragons and the facts they're characters I have almost every unit of, at least I can imagine how'd they look like and the weird shit they'd end up doing along with their motivations for getting so large along with encouraging others to join in; except for Zeta since she's too normal.
(259 KB, 1536x2048, media_FcmiHFracAEB1-I.jpg) (233 KB, 960x800, Npc_zoom_3040418000_02.png)
One Piece collab somehow ended up with Luffy with his 5* uncap putting him on the same level as the most powerful characters in the game. Worst part was Robin and Cagliostro not having any real presence until the last half of the event where they always rush through the story.
Forgot to say that Robin actually looked good in Rosetta's outfit but Nami ain't the type for the outfit of a cat thief, though it'd be a better outfit for showing off her softer body.
(383 KB, 973x1300, media_Fe7L-d0VsAAP_Ec.png) (203 KB, 1024x1200, media_FfQgcI_UYAALCiG.jpg) (1.2 MB, 576x1058, Macaroons.png)
I can't believe Light went from absolute shit to being able to murder Super Ultimate Bahamut in 4 turns, with just Halloween.

Halloween is beating on a monster with a single multihit skill for giant plates of macarons that you need about 500 of to cram a character up to lvl 80 and a couple extra seconds of movement after they've stopped walking. It's also them putting out a bunch of Harvin focused cutscenes but not putting out a Harvin for Halloween.
(121 KB, 1280x720, film_comeandsee.jpg)
>>499 (OP)
>2019 was a bizarre year with unsettling events
>January 20th, 2020
If only you knew how bad things were about to get...
(2.0 MB, 1700x1204, 98322500_p0.png)
This year has been nothing but pissing people off by an awful lotta bait and switch event character releases and everything being so shit that the slice of life heatstroke event might actually be the best out of them all.

Those bastards better bring back Guillota and Zarazustra with the new addition to main story.
(130 KB, 1178x818, media_Fgng3dHUUAEnYBC.jpg) (121 KB, 1178x818, media_Fgng3dGVIAA2vBZ.jpg)
I can't believe how big of a boon Halloween Lich was for this guild wars; the only negative besides it being guild wars, has been the fact she's stuck raining candy down upon fujobait digivolved from a snake.
(1.1 MB, 1200x1392, media_Fg975MLVQAEIzds.jpg) (6.8 MB, 572x6291, Dellusional Gainer Halloween-2.png) (282 KB, 1590x1985, media_Fh1UE1qUcAA_csV.jpg)
There's no way they can't do what they did to Cassius but to Tikoh; she's always such a fucking gold mine!

They wasted another great character design to feed Death.

I hope the Arcarum event isn't as much of a soulless grind as the actual Arcarum shit are but even worse from combining it with Rising Beasts Soulcore droprates.
(257 KB, 1536x2048, media_FkfrOonVUAAm5tc.jpg)
I think Haasalia would be the easiest of the female Evokers to fatten since she seems focused on being an assistant to her brother as she manipulate things towards getting her revenge while everyone else is a lot more active or would kill you.

I was expecting gibs and disappointment but I wasn't expecting that everyone would become King Arthur. Would've preferred a different element than fire for my Excalibur, after I just finished making an Unsigned Kaneshige and gotten dragon tits summon.
(400 KB, 671x881, media_Fj7p68GUoAAcFz_.png)
I'd be pissed about the extra layer of grind they stuffed into the game yet again and the horrendous gibs draws, had it not been for the free Friday outfit and flying Fried Shrimp skin, the degenerates getting a second outfit, and their plans to rerun with 5* uncaps, Cardcaptors, Code Geass, and Persona 5, meaning that Sakura might finally at the very least usable instead of stuck on the ship, full of food, with Tomoyo.

(38 KB, 350x402, media_Fl9PJXDaMAIkaJp.png) (144 KB, 1200x1600, media_Fj_e2mrVEAEnOXl.jpg) (7.2 MB, 567x6283, Can only end in more profit.png)
Imagine taking full advantage of the holidays and bringing Tikoh along for the ride, just to end up with a couple of months in bed because Tikoh blew her top at you tempting her into doubling her size. As a doctor and as someone who'd feel sorry for what she did, she'd be the one nursing you back to health but you're totally okay with the situation since the reclined position is giving you the perfect view of her huge rump jiggling with every movement as the bottom curve of her cheeks peeks out from just beneath her strained skirt; occasionally brushing up against your arm as she absentmindedly moves about the room making sure everything is okay and that you're comfortable. Her feeling the need to make sure you have a full recovery, leaves her staying on the ship and only leaving whenever the ships docked at an island with a particularly delicious sounding treat; leaving you noticing the little exercise to tamper down the calories quickly building up against her straining skirt and the pot belly she seemingly has been too worried about her fattening legs to notice it's starting to peak through the opening to her shirt. You'd say something about it but you don't want to end up in a coma and miss everything.

I can't believe Cygames screwed up Guild Wars so much they felt the need to give out 3k crystals.
(201 KB, 780x750, Narmaya.png)
Changed text for this cause the original text was...not great
I have no idea what "smurfs" is referring to in the original pic.
(422 KB, 1000x1399, 104753684_p0.jpg) (230 KB, 1438x1100, media_Fk2w0cuakAEbKJy.png) (160 KB, 1000x1276, 41a74667-d0dc-4c10-278646c69d.jpg)
With the collab rush starting up with both Cardcaptors and Code Geass uncaps; the only suprising thing isn't that Sakuras uncap only made her usable at best but instead that the gun from the Code Geass event was the only thing that came out ahead. Gonna be interesting to see how Persona 5 fares.

They finally put in the housing update but the only edible thing is coffee; awful. I always know to expect nothing but I still end up disappointed but here's hoping they're more proactive with keeping it updated and stuffing it with items since it's something they can use to bait more money with if they attach things to characters.

Cursed rabbit zodiac.
(848 KB, 2700x2101, media_Fi_POyWaAAAwdZB.jpg) (358 KB, 1240x1754, media_FoiPkgdagAI7nY0.jpg) (590 KB, 2480x3508, media_Fns4QeYaIAAhw1s.jpg)
With the last of the collab reruns up, it has been confirmed that all but Lelouch is worthless so Ann Takamaki will be joining Sakura Kinomoto in being stuck on a ship full of cooks and a large stockpile of fattening snacks.

Sens hopes of being able to waddle off the ship outside of walking cats, seems to have been dashed from the bad habit they've been developing of putting out garbage seasonals.
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Anniversary event gibs so far are weak as hell, the event story is pretty dull but I would've forgiven it all if they had Fif as one of the Eternals that kill you in the simulation; no matter what they went with, it would've been adorable.
(371 KB, 1400x1890, media_Fqsid5-aEAA4T3G.jpg)
I like to think simulation Silva having joined the Imperial army left her regularly well fed enough as a sniper that under all that armor and loose cloth, she's noticeably chubbier than the real Silva.

I never expected Mugen of all people to nonchalantly suggest someone put on some weight.

RNGsus is an ass who right when I'm about finished with stoning the last Primal, I get a dozen useful summons and the last of the high value summons from the roulette.
(215 KB, 1000x1501, media_FrpO0IpaEAYbPYy.jpg)
Another Lowain and Bros delusion event right before the April Fools event; My money is on fat Cassius being one of the free skins.
(144 KB, 597x757, media_FtRh7uSakAADJn2.png)
I don't know what's more hilarious, that Sakura Kinomoto is lesser than Hello Kitty's friends, or that not only has it been given a bit of credence that Yaia does in fact have a habit of overfeeding the crew of the Grandcypher but that Ardora might be a cohort.
(124 KB, 1089x1668, media_FrmMFN4aUAEY90g.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1414x2000, 107146213_p0.jpg)
I don't know what's more insane, that I finally got my SSR Yaia, that a western VA is openly a fan of her, or that Cygames showed Yaia's mother.

The little ball of cuteness was worth the 150 Gold Moons.
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I can't believe Cygames outlewded summer Monkey with Lily's new unit; it's like every time something makes it look like Cygames might be getting rid to pander hard to the West, they throw out even lewder lolis than the previous lewded lolis. Both reactions for and against it was great entertainment.

Also, I guess I can't say I'm surprised that Nier, one of the most prolific serial killers in Granblue, is actually one of the few units that I'd say would make great housewives including being a good cook.

It's so rare to see Cags depicted as fat in any of her many outfits besides her original; it's nice to see. I wonder how'd Cags would've went about it had she also thought a fat body was a form of perfection; how would she have used her alchemy to put everything in place for see her point and have the ability join her.
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New art for Ardora, Temperance seemingly getting the deaging treatment, and an event that was Anne of Green Gables mixed with Casper the Friendly Ghost that ends with the Anne proxy getting herself a body while the womans raging spirit that created the Anne proxy cools off and ends up addicted to cake. This year may not close to the weirdest but it's still weird.
This board is supposed to be for fats, not big boobed girls with nothing else going for them.
Yeah, it was about fucking time someone pointed it out. I get Granblue Fantasy is niche like most of Cygames' franchises, but...c'mon
(14 KB, 480x480, 1650913227502.jpg)
Not only are the Harvins with knockers that size on their very tiny statures, practically fat from the body fat percentages from their chests alone; everything else pretty much got green lit by Barclay saying big tits are okay since they're just fat.

That all being said, I don't bother with any boob images that are their natural size and I try to post something that isn't just tit, unless I'm desperate because I wanna see just how far I can take this thread before it dies.

>niche like most of Cygames' franchises
I'd say they're more mismanaged than anything; they all end up gaining traction with their animes with large increases in it being spread over the net but those live and die before their games come out, Versus and Re:Link never get any interesting characters while seemingly also being dragged down by Sony censorship, Re:Link is vaporware, and all their other gacha keeps getting outsourced to death row whenever there's an international version. When it comes to WG attraction, they all had particularly big fat asses, Grea and her large tail, the Gourmet Guild, all the horse girls are practically descendants of the third horseman of the apocalypse, and Amira is practically a black hole but Rage of Bahamut went under everyones radar.
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With them releasing Summer Cupitan and Pholia and causing a crisis of want; I read Cupitan's fate episode, hoping that she'd end up talk more about her feeding habits with Tristette if I couldn't get one of her latching on someone else to fill that roll, just to no longer think count it against Tristette for getting the fuck out of Dodge.

Tikah, Cupitan, and Yaia could cause an obesity epidemic on the Grand Cypher if put their abilities together.
(621 KB, 2650x4096, media_F0nLRPrXwAMCBYD.jpg)
Jujitsu Kaisen collab next month; will they be as broken as One Piece or as useless as Cardcaptor Sakura?

Sucks they didn't have any real fat bait in the Resort Island besides your ownership and hand in the development of said island.
(558 KB, 1448x2048, media_Fz3Ne72aIAIE9M8.jpg) (504 KB, 2000x2533, media_Fx73QLQaIAcvtwf.jpg)
Thank god they didn't ignore the brown haired female for the Jujutsu Kaisen collab.

Thank god that all the free tickets from the collab made it possible for me to spark Rabbit.

Thank god I was wrong about them trying to get rid of Claudia's lolicon interests which also lead to her stuffing the mouth of the black hole that is Lyria until the girl had point it out and take the opening a distraction caused to chew and swallow. They even gave it the nice little ribbon of Claudia stating she enjoyed a girl who could eat.

Thank god that RNGsus blessed me with big gains with the new summers of Fediel, Cerberus summon, and Claudia and Dorothy (hilariously Luffy is apparently still better than a double dose of limited waifubait), but fuck him for giving me a double dose of Summer Yurius brand tentacle rape instead of at least one Summer Aliza.

And finally, thank god that the current events sumo shit didn't spark anything though I'd have been happy with an uptick in just fat pics.
(582 KB, 2837x2128, media_Fyf2eW7acAEDPN4.jpg)
This collab event may very well be the worst they've ever done; they're just fucking around in the most worthless way possible before they rush out to an island to kill the villain. Guess it's worth having suffered through for Nobara so I can picture her filling out like the rest of the crew.

Sucks they stuck dino loli as a summon but put out yet another summer seasonal for Anila, though she really deserves one with the more graphic ougis.
Nigga, this is a fucking thread for weight gain art. If you just want to talk about the game and complain, then you should do so in /gen/
(209 KB, 1536x2048, media_FjdXIeFUoAAlgHF.jpg)
Call me crazy but the load of crystals and mass of time limited tickets felt a lot better than the Roulette, even if gambling's fun; I even nearly got a whole full page of new units.
(1.0 MB, 3700x3400, media_F4Ma3XmXYAAvv4Q.jpg)
Everyone who went out of their way to 20 box the event, had Djeeta constantly ending up with another large plate of cookies pushed upon her by Cupitan; and the way Cupitan makes pancakes, it ain't unreasonable to think that Djeeta's ended up with a pot belly with a nice bounce it, extra large boobs bugling out of her tops, or a meaty rear that's accidentally bumping into all the Harvin within her broadened range of turning, depending on what class you main. God help the poor fucks who spammed through all 20 at the same time.

I can't believe the most interesting event this whole year is the one where they're blatantly aping off of Witch of Mercury's rabid shippers.
(646 KB, 2507x3541, bWVkaWEvRjdNaS1GcmFJQUFzWExMLmpwZw==.jpeg) (182 KB, 662x944, bWVkaWEvRjV1blpfS2JnQUFtX1BELmpwZw==.jpeg)
49 draws for Kaguya's busted ass weapon gets me nothing but a gold moon and SSR Ippatsu but throw 3k crystals down on and get racing suit Catherine, that I only wanted because her fat ass is crammed into the thing.

RNGsus really has it out for me during Flashfest.

P.S. 5* Razia's gonna be as strong as Forte; worthless after you get at least Magna II/Tier I weapons. I am hopeful I'm wrong though, and it'd be great if they actually used her for something so there'd be a chance of something to fuel her weight gain with so that she'd have a lot more being constricted by her antics of accidentally getting tied up.
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Even though every new Halloween unit short of Rat is garbage beyond their use as skins, I still wanted them Tikoh thighs the likely fuel of her being so focused on her growing thighs during free candy season; maybe Tikoh finally snapped and started medicating everyone towards her looking normal or skinnier.

If only they'd have made her as busted as Florence I'd throw a Siero ticket and my arm at her.

One other thing, do you think the treats that can only be used to gain experience for weapons and summons are super dense in calories since the weapons need a lot of power to take down god like beings and Primal Beasts are usually giant mother fuckers? I wonder how many bites it'd take before eating the wrong batch of food would a unit need before they'd end up awakening the next day having spontaneously developed a heavy waddle overnight.
(1.3 MB, 850x1200, 1678671154716311.png)
It sends me just how rare fat art of Djeeta is. You'd think that being the MC girl would get her more attention, but she's just not very common overall.
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I think it's because people spend so much time grinding with her as a voiceless self insert, that their mind starts twisting Djeeta into a feeder, and all the option to stuff units with tons of calories to max out their level doesn't help. I think the fattest Djeeta I've ever seen was Acid Snakes but at the same time he made her a blob of fat, he also turned her into a dragon. Maybe with Rising putting in costumes, there might be an outfit drives people to increase production.

I will say I'm surprised nobody has used her link with Lyria to have Djeeta end up unable to keep her weight from rising from being subjected to the same the same influence that black hole of a stomach Lyria has.

Cygames has really been cranking out a bunch of expansion Grand Blues lately; maybe if we're lucky, there will be another boom for December.
Honestly, not entirely sure how I'd depict it, but I honestly might just take a swing at that myself if I can figure out how I'd pace the sequence. I'm not the best when it comes to art, but hey, something is still something.
(681 KB, 2896x4096, media_F-AjLhVbQAA06wv.jpg)
I can't believe how worthless Halloween Tikoh's fate episode was; just a long irritating situation of her trying to figure out if a Harvin in a costume was a doctor or not. Could've just had it be about her desperate struggle to survive the night where the world is bursting with high calorie snacks whether you have money or not, without any damage to her thighs and hopefully including other female crew members for her to drag down with her when she fails.

This about the soul link thing?
(5.3 MB, 2500x3000, image0.jpg)
Yeah. I'm not sure how I'd do it, and it'd probably take me a good while to do, but I would love to do it. Because that is a genuinely solid idea.
(3.8 MB, 2600x4250, September_26th_Smiling_Crew_Member_Djeeta.png)
Not using words in a single pic would mean just having them simply happily gorging together with Djeeta's face showing pleasure with a hint of pain as she wolfs down her next handful of from her hand not busy massaging her taut aching belly, next to a Lyria with a belly completely dwarfing her captains with no signs of slowing the pace both of her hands are keeping her mouth well packed with food.

In a sequence you can have Lyria mentioning that she's hungry with a shocked faced Djeeta behind her mumbling that she is too and with every subsequent page, the captains belly looks even more stuffed than the last when Lyria comes around asking her if she's famished too, and every time she's met with Djeeta agreeing and them both heading out for large heavy meal as the captain walks off with her while rubbing her already full gut, with each instance having her hand sinking less and less in her flabby gut from its constantly increasing capacity making it hard for her fat to hide just how engorged she's starting to constantly be.

I'd suggest using something like a pulse like what you'd see on a heart monitor behind her head to show something triggered within her but that only really works in bust pics and panels. It could work in a sequence if you put a panel at the top of the page with her having a normal expression or something that helps feed more into the feeling of an abrupt change, and then under it show them both heading out drooling at the thought of feeding her hunger or give her any expression you can think of that conveys a hungry person.

Hey Anon, what are you favorite units you wanna see fattened and with what body type?
Hey guys, how about posting proper fat art instead of just thick girls? The start of the thread also says "Cygames other IPs", so I'd recommend finding some Princess Connect and Uma Musume drawings
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>Princess Connect
Lets be serious, Princonne fats are about as dead as Crunchyroll made the games in the west.

>just thick girls
> just
With how much massive blobs and slobs are getting thrown around, chubby chicks give a bit of variety and the ability to imagine how they'll grow. That being said, this ain't among the popular gacha shits, so if there's any renewed boom in GBF fats beyond the Japanese usual chubby limits, the best hope is everyones sudden interest in Anila after how goofy they made her reactions in Versus.
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With the start of the Christmas units, I can't help but notice with Yuni and Illnott kicking it off, this might be the first time I can't see all of the new female units gorging themselves up a dozen sizes as anything but ending up with the same body type (pear or bean shape).

Just picture Illnott having absolutely blown up and tagging a good spot she found in a narrow alleyway on the side of a buildings second or higher floor, using the absolute massive size of her ass to keep herself propped up against the wall or windowsill of the next door building while she works; something that would've had her falling back down to ground level before she fattened up.

Yuni hanging around the wrong crowd that is the living black holes, Lyria, and Wamdus; with a normal at best, metabolism. All the constant huge gorgings drowning her lower body in so much fat that she can't float around straight in hallways like those of the Grandcypher because every time she takes a turn, her huge ass drags her off angle and leaves her drifting into walls with her meaty sides and bouncing slowly off into the parallel wall and et cetera; doing nothing to correct it anymore because its become such a constant issue.
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Not only have they really been pulling stuff out of their ass constantly, but they've really gone death crazy. It does give the insatiable captains playing GBF, a way to fatten not only the skies but an entire multiverse and a slew of Djeeta's filling out in many different shapes.

I hope this season of gibs will actually start paying out, I've been having pretty bad lucky lately; hope it means my luck with getting the Zodiacs for free without a spark or siero ticket is at least back.
Damnit, mixed up the pages.
(648 KB, 1106x1294, media_GD3nZgFbEAA1qbd.jpg)
What's it about Chickens tummy that's strong enough to distract the Japanese from growing Harvin breast meat?

I didn't give two shits about the My Hero Academia collab but in hindsight, it kinda sucks that we didn't get Ochaco's thick thighs as a unit. I was surprised how cute Toga is, I can actually a bit of what got people obsessed with her.

I hope Cygames will break their habit and buff up the numbers of everything that isn't Human or Erune when they start adding new characters to Re:link
(542 KB, 2062x3188, media_GFBlQ7QXoAAgfyp.jpg)
Europa's 5* continues the trend of the Magna IIs being products of Primal Beasts cannibalizing themselves to create another Primal Beast. Really makes me wonder if there had been a successful Terminator new movie, would we have had a Skynet parody event.

In a surprising turn of events, the Harvin who's always giving out snacks is the first of the Orchestra characters; beating out the Eurnes and Humans within the group.

Am I the only one who looks at this picture and can't help but see the blades edge being positioned against Narus belly?
I thought for sure they'd get the same treatment as Diantha/the idol group if they ever got anything new, but now my dreams of SSR Cecile and Augusta may finally come true.

(and no, that was the first thing I noticed too)
(126 KB, 1000x750, media_GFdhvEibEAA0Dmw.jpg)
>I thought for sure they'd get the same treatment as Diantha/the idol group
Diantha's group looks to have been a complete failure, whereas the orchestra thing seems to have done well enough to have multiple performances; from what a guildmate said, the only reason they haven't done anything with the Orchestra characters is because snack tator's original VA retired right after they got everything done, and you know how Cygames drags its feet whenever it does anything.

You and me too; her and Robertina had by far the most fat fuel out of all the music characters while still being the most interesting.
(1.1 MB, 2816x4096, GGe0D0MWAAMgmTT.jpg)
Hopefully with Relink doing well it'll mean more fat art down the pipeline but man do I wish the roster didn't suck. Katalina/Rosetta would be amazing but I don't see them getting much of anything compared to the rest of the girls, and for some dumb reason (probably Sony) Metera got cut out of the game.

>Diantha's group looks to have been a complete failure
The only good thing about the idol group was the manager lady with glasses.
>and you know how Cygames drags its feet whenever it does anything.
I can't believe we actually got playable Primarch finally after what, 5 years? Only thing they were quick about was Hekate, thank god.
(473 KB, 1805x2658, media_GFDKYtpWkAAxzc0.jpg)
>Katalina/Rosetta would be amazing but I don't see them getting much of anything compared to the rest of the girls, and for some dumb reason (probably Sony)
They're not Io and Charlotta. Charlotta has had a big uptick in expansion since the new games.

>Metera got cut out of the game
Future DLC

>playable Primarch
I've been really wanting Gabriel but she's been avoiding me like crazy to the point I think I'll have to spark or throw a Siero ticket at her to get her weapon to make buying a Shishio not sound half crazy. Now I only have 150 of the moons left after Sieroing the degenerates, though next roulette should take a chunk out of the 54 Gold Moons I need for a second emergency Siero.
Since we got two frickin' Granblue Fantasy games for PC/consoles, can artists like Better With Salt and Belt_Buster draw the waifus? I'm tired of all those niche Japanese drawings. Kthxbye
(470 KB, 1500x1600, Patron 1-24 Narmaya.png)
>Charlotta has had a big uptick in expansion since the new games.
Yeah I figured it'd be a lot of Charlotta, Narmaya, and *maybe* Ferry.
>Future DLC
I feel like anything they've developed or planned for Metera could easily be reworked into Song, who was announced as DLC, so I feel like Metera's dead in the water. Can't believe the roster only has one Erune...
>I've been really wanting Gabriel but she's been avoiding me like crazy
I got absolutely fucked on her release banner and ended up throwing a Ticket at her. Didn't even get SSR Volenna and I went like 100~150 rolls deep.
>can artists like Better With Salt and Belt_Buster draw the waifus?
I was told by a friend that Belt took an interest in GBF a while back but I think it passed.
Salt drew this Narmaya for his January set, and I think he drew her once before and also an Izmir back in the day.
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I don't know how she got so little; she didn't have much interesting to say?

>Metera could easily be reworked into Song
That's why they'll have both and if Soyny actually had a problem, they would've nixed her when Versus first released, though if they wanted to kowtow, they'd just swaped her outfit out for her Wind version while adding more fabric like they did to Zeta's shorts.

>I got absolutely fucked on her release banner
I always get fucked hard for Flashfest but that fest at least netted me Barawaa and Sarya.

Wait, you want to know what the real kicker is with my inability to get Gabriel? Europa is always jumping into my lap.

>I was told by a friend that Belt took an interest in GBF a while back but I think it passed
Lucky bastard couldn't stomach the grind.
>Lucky bastard couldn't stomach the grind
I mean...it's a frickin' gacha game from 2015, possibly one of the earliest in the genre alongside FGO. They introduced grinding to mobile games
Nah, back then was low tier pick up and drop grind, now it's no different from aged MMOs where the devs only really make new content for end gamers with a bone thrown to everyone else, once in a blue moon and when it happens, it's Replicard Sandbox Evoker grind, Transcendence, or that Alchemy lab shit. He got saved from that.
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I wanna say I can't believe Sandals got another Grand but that'd be a bold faced lie and now it's a waiting game for Jeanne D'ark.

Anniversary event has been as meh as the last few and it's pretty much attracting only with its gibs but it's nice seeing them taking influence from FFIX.
Anyone have any fat or stuffing art for Nier?

Hey! Do you know where the other Narmaya drawing from BWS is at? I know that I've seen that sketch before but I'm not able to find it anywhere.
Surprisingly nothing beyond that pic Acid made that was posted earlier up the thread. The years of Hex Maniac must've really drained the fuck out of peoples interest in darker looks because everything written on the wall said Naru numbers.

Dunno how you'd be able to fatten her up without gambling with your life, I mean, if you can successfully talk her into it without having her think you think less of her, she'd give her all towards porking up.
Where's Acid's? I can't seem to find it.
(347 KB, 2311x1468, media_GI6n5EjXcAAhAD9.jpg)
Any characters you guys ever wanted to see a weight gain story of?

RNGsus is fucking weird this gibs season; what little it gives me is just stuff that strengthens my grid except for this like Gabriel because that would be a huge help. That being said, them throwing shit out like free upgraded Ultimas and Revan weapons for the anniversary, was a big help because fuck end game raids.

Speak of the devil; looks like Igfu_ has gotten around with playing with Niers model. I don't really care for these things, they always go completely overboard with it to the point it starts to easily clip.
I wanna see a wg story of Djeeta or Charlotta
(1.8 MB, 3475x5265, 115785916_p0.jpg)
>Anniversary event has been as meh as the last few
I haven't read an event in years, save for one or two. I keep wanting to get to it but I get lazy or feel like I need a refresher on some thingst. Playable Enneads and Magus was an incredible surprise though, but a shame that the hot version of Phoenix is a no-go.
I'll try to dig it up later since BWS has a ton of those sketch sets.
>RNGsus is fucking weird this gibs season
I've been doing pretty well this year, but sparking twice also helps. Might end up doing a third on Legfest depending on how I feel about it.
>Any characters you guys ever wanted to see a weight gain story of?
I generally have trouble getting into stories and there's a billion GBF characters I'd love to see fats of, but Metera and Arulumaaya seem like they'd be fun to work with. Ilsa also feels like an easy choice because of her love of sweets, and I'm going to toss Heles into the ring because she's my #1.
(604 KB, 2480x3508, media_GHwlerQaEAAUEz6.jpg)
>Playable Enneads and Magus was an incredible surprise
Huge understatement; the Egyptians weren't a surprise short of the seasonal tag, especially with how most of them were goofballs and friendly short of trying to kill you.

>a shame that the hot version of Phoenix is a no-go
For a second there I thought you were a lolicon or a furry; I can't believe I totally forgot she was running around with Draph sized titties on a human body.

It ain't happening now but it can easily be done since the Phoenix ain't really much of an enemy and it has a habit of losing parts of its body when someone's throwing around Gods power, so all Cygames needs to say is that a bigger chunk than Fenie got blasted off and took the persona as its own.

>sparking twice also helps
I don't really spark outside of making sure I get the new Zodiacs. Right now I'm just hoping for at least 12 Gold Moons if RNGsus refuses me new characters, so that I can recover enough for an emergency Siero ticket after I blew over half my load on Shishio.

She's that rare character that part of you kinda feels like it wouldn't take that long for her to start shrugging it off and dating men into bigger women. I do wonder if her confidence will be able to hold out when she has found herself able to fit three of her old self between her waistline.

She was made to end up fat. Hell, it wouldn't be even slightly surprising if Cygames said that Arulu had actually been a telepath too and had been using the power to make everyone think the tiny Harvin who flies around everywhere on her crystal ball to the point of even fighting on it and whose day job is sitting around telling fortunes, is skinny when in actuality she weighs more than a grown male Draph.

Honestly, with the Moon having been pushed back to the drawing board while also having to regrow their heavy hitters for another attack hundreds of years in the future, all female Society members waistlines are gonna explode with no replacement for that military life. There isn't gonna be a single calorie in every pastry that passes Ilsa's lips that won't end up on her hips.

Is there really anything anyone can do with her beyond the restructuring of her country from a monarchy leaving her with no time to exercise and a schedule loaded with tea and cakes with dozens of government officials until the final touches are being made while she finds herself shifting her weight to find more room for her huge ass and hips starting to engulf the arm and backrests. Maybe when they put out another Irestill event, they'll give something juicy to use.

Did they give her a personality in Re:Link/Versus?
Cygames wrote the start of one in her cross fate with Melissabelle. Her event where she's trying to kick the little skyfarer meal monkey off her back, could've easily went bad in the end with how much it looked like she went for that small meal; who's to say her tiny body can handle a real meals girth without captain eventually finding her bursting out of her 3rd set of dress armor.
Frank stole all my night wages. Thats why I fucked up to let him fire me. Still had to pay me FUUUUUUCCCCK EM.
Audit his payroll from last 12 years you will find so much stolen wages cock sucker
(422 KB, 1300x1300, BWS SS Izmir.png) (187 KB, 640x720, GIconj-bMAAx8ae.jpg)
Sorry anon, I checked and it turns out he didn't draw another Narmaya, but here's the Izmir if that's any consolation.
>I can't believe I totally forgot she was running around with Draph sized titties on a human body.
I was denied choco mommy thickness and I will never forgive Cygames for this. Pretty cool of them to lean into making playable Primals though, some of the best designs are stuck as summons or raids.
>I do wonder if her confidence will be able to hold out when she has found herself able to fit three of her old self between her waistline.
She'll at least have an excuse to go clothes shopping when even the skimpiest, most forgiving outfits of hers won't fit anymore.
>she weighs more than a grown male Draph.
I'm noting that down somewhere.
>There isn't gonna be a single calorie in every pastry that passes Ilsa's lips that won't end up on her hips.
What the Cassius ramen event could've been...
>she finds herself shifting her weight to find more room for her huge ass and hips starting to engulf the arm and backrests.
If the royal women are becoming extremely doughy that just means the kingdom is prospering.
>>194241 Oh thank you! I was eating my mind believing I saw a Narmaya sketch before. Thanks for confirming there wasn't one!
(138 KB, 897x1200, media_GIF55KraUAA9CYK.jpg)
>I was denied choco mommy thickness and I will never forgive Cygames for this
I wonder how long til Cygames throws out their no antagonist unit like they did Grands originally being locked to main story characters.
>Pretty cool of them to lean into making playable Primals though
Honestly I hate that just because they've allowed Primals to completely outnumber Harvins and Draphs

>She'll at least have an excuse to go clothes shopping when even the skimpiest, most forgiving outfits of hers won't fit anymore
I wonder if Erunes had a culture that glorified being fat, would their love of backless sunbathing have evolved into low body covering or skin tight clothing becoming the norm with them.

>What the Cassius ramen event could've been
Grand and Djeeta being completely, Lyria getting a list of good places to eat from the Society members, and Vyrn's big mouth fucking it all up.

I wonder if they're ever gonna touch more on Beatrix having been from a family of nobles.

I hate when that happens; one of the few times you can't help but hate your own mind even if you can use it to get something started in your own mind.
>Grand and Djeeta being completely
Gran and Djeeta being completely speechless
I'd say that she's gotten more of a personality in Versus and Relink, given they're not expected to be mute protags anymore. There's even differences between Djeeta and Gran, so they're not just completely interchangeable either.
>given they're not expected to be mute protags anymore
Eh, they started to give a slight bit of a personality with the forced story clicks a good couple years ago. You can even shove "Sincerely, Your Dearest Friend" events personalities on them..

With a story about fattening Djeeta, I can't see most going any route other than everyone forcefully doting on the captain whose anime metabolism and hard work skyfarer lifestyle being completely unable of keeping up with a shipload of people constantly pushing a new tasty morsel down their captains throat and god help Djeeta if her habit of pushing past her limits eventually leaves her incapable of feeling the pains of a stuffed tummy and leading to her heading back to her room each day with a bigger and bigger taut gut until everything evens out leaving Djeeta hobbling to bed, cradling her huge swollen gut from the weight of all the food throwing her balance off, before crashing on her bed to sleep the days gifts away. As would be expected, Djeeta's stuffed belly issues fade away as she finally acclimates, just to be replaced with her surging waistline leaving her barely able to shimmy past crewmates as she moves through the corridors of the Grandcypher, whether it's her huge hips and butt slamming people around or both her and her crew having to work in tandem to wiggle past one Djeetas massive belly.

I'm reminded of the dark Lyria hentai and I really do miss that nut.
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Decided to go through with the Legfest spark since it would only cost an extra 120 pulls. I got a decent amount of GMs and two new characters plus a few useful summons, then grabbed Grand Percival for the sword. Pretty nice anniversary.

>Honestly I hate that just because they've allowed Primals to completely outnumber Harvins and Draphs
I've never thought of it that way, but I guess that would explain why I don't have a ton of favorites for either race compared to the others.
>backless sunbathing
Erune backrolls......

My bad, I was the one who put the idea forth. I thought for damn certain he had drawn her at least one other time.
(1.1 MB, 1604x1500, media_GKIjrOSaEAAMWdc.jpg)
>I guess that would explain why I don't have a ton of favorites for either race compared to the others
I thought most in weight gain had their interest stolen by Draphs.

>Erune backrolls......
The size most would want to fatten a character would leave any Erune caught, with a backrolls that look nothing less than thick overstuffed sausages, and if the skin on their backs are as loose as it is in the same area on cats, all the food vendors will know when to start heating up the Erune favorites by the slapping of the Erunes back from a good distance.

The greatest problem with Re:Link and Versus is figuring out if you want the mods or the codes.
(1.5 MB, 3441x4096, GKgclJda4AAa-wv.jpg) (730 KB, 1400x1600, thebreadguardian Yuel.png)
>I thought most in weight gain had their interest stolen by Draphs.
I think they fit WG stuff better, being shortstacks and all, but there's something to be said about tall, slim Erune girls absolutely blimping up. My interest in GBF was initially sparked by Draph girls (especially with all the Narmaya/Danua fanart back in the day) but my preferences shifted pretty heavily towards girls with ears and tails a bit after starting.
I do like a fair number of Draph girls, but I don't think about wanting to draw them as much as Erune girls.
>all the food vendors will know when to start heating up the Erune favorites by the slapping of the Erunes back from a good distance.
Vendors know it'll be an exceptionally good business day when they hear those slapping piles of flab waddling their way... and that it's a good idea to bring out the extra wide, extra reinforced seats. Can't have their poor furniture and prophets suffer from all that extra Eruna ass.>>196753
(1.5 MB, 1438x1883, GFVCMy5b0AA-DkQ.jpg) (534 KB, 1500x1300, thebreadguardian Yggdrasil.png)
Realizing just now my old message got eaten and the one with typos got posted instead... ah well.

(can't believe those jerks reran the Nemone event and didn't release Felluca for Flash)
(411 KB, 1916x1310, media_GKwUauQWoAAOaVI.png) (580 KB, 2894x2941, media_GKxfJo0aIAAd82Q.jpg)
>I think they fit WG stuff better
When you honestly think about it, the Draph races ability to gain weight should pale in comparison to Erune and Harvin since one is a race that stopped being separated from civilization just 10 years before the start of the game so the first taste of the refined yet fattening, delicious foods of civilization should've led to many addicted Erunes who only had just moments before only had natural foods with very little varieties from being stuck with just the diet a forest can provide and leaving characters like Metera, Sutera, and Aster being labelled as the pot belly sisters instead of the bow sisters from their large firm yet soft bellies constantly distracting everyone with every step they take causing their soft middles to bounce just under their waistlines; characters like Tikoh being focused not on all female Erune thighs being thin except hers but instead that all female Erune having thick thighs but she's allowed hers to become massive in comparison, and Catherine who would likely be on the smaller side of the worldly Erunes since she makes sure to keep in shape for her thieving albeit still unable to end up with a very filled out body that when crammed into her racing suit which leaves no curve to the mind, with thighs that look like the armrests of a soft leather chair, thick love handles and a small rounded gut that made it even more impossible to zip up her suit than it already was with her larger than average Erune sized rack which also exploded past Draphs and close to the likes of Sig and Magisa. Harvin on the other hand is a race that avoids close combat like the plague because of their tiny bodies and end up either stuck inside for their job or going for magic while floating around everywhere, so while they may not be able to be turned into a race of gluttons like the Erune, the Harvins low active lifestyle will leave them capable of gaining weight even from small meals which only causes issues when they're in positions of hanging around the other races most of the time so people like Siero being absolute balls of fat whose small body is somehow still capable of waddling about though in Sieros case she ends up as a kind of Buddha among Skyfarers because of their love of her and after some coincidentally had good luck after being allowed to rub her belly because of their curiosity; leading to many giving her food they found on their travels as a gift after they get their good luck rub and unintentionally causing the little Harvin to further widen as she uses their gifts to try and figure out new items to sale. Balurga who being of the peanut brained Odajumoki would end up joining in the revelry of the bigger races more wild members and stuffing herself with food out of competition and leaving her waddling home with a belly bulging forwards, half her height, and leaving her becoming one of the fattest among the Harvin but with her constant bar fights keeping her strong enough to shimmy her large Harvin through "small" doors to do everything again the next day. And then there's Arulumaya who'd be among the Harvin who's grown too fat to move from sitting on her fat ass all day reading fortunes and snacking heavily between customers, which has left her needing to squeeze her huge crystal ball into her large belly and have it turn in midair to help get her immobile body off the ground and onto it so that she can float over to her next destination where she'll use her magic to set up things before moving into position where she'll have the crystal ball turn in midair so that she'll slide off onto her massive ass before grabbing a heavy snack to gobble down while her body still jiggles about from the rough treatment as she waits for her next customer.

>Can't have their poor furniture and prophets suffer from all that extra Eruna ass
Unless the massive Erune is famous like Heles, the Divine Generals, or Alliah, which any of them crushing a chair under their huge asses or having a table buckling under the weight of their massive belly after the customer heaves it up on the table so that she can reach even further for the food on the other side of the table, forgetting to attempt asking for help from her gluttony having completely clouded her mind; can lead to the broken pile of wood becoming a collectors item. not only worth more than it was brand new but also worth more than the large feast resting in the Erunes big gut.
(693 KB, 1450x1400, thebreadguardian Fediel 1.png) (973 KB, 1450x1550, thebreadguardian Fediel 2.png)
>Metera, Sutera
With how naive Sutera can be, I can see her thinking Metera packing on the pounds but still being capable of clearing missions as some elaborate type of training. With a bigger frame, Metera has to become even better at dodging incoming attacks, and all that extra weight just means she has to expend more magic to keep afloat. Little does Sutera know, Metera's natural genius would explain her battle prowess despite the added heft. Metera's growing figure is simply due to her becoming an absolute glutton who loves to stuff herself with whatever, whenever, and especially if it's on someone else's dime, like Danchou's.
>Catherine who would likely be on the smaller side of the worldly Erunes since she makes sure to keep in shape for her thieving
Alternatively, if a detailed description of Nightsmoke gets out, Catherine could clear all suspicion by blimping up. It'll be hard at first, trying to expedite her gain with serious stuffing sessions on the Grancypher, or staying late after work and trying to clear out the cafe's leftovers, but gaining weight will become easier once her stomach capacity starts stretching out. No one would ever think a portly waitress could be the same phantom thief that can slip in and out of any vault, stronghold, or bank without ever being seen or heard. Being a cute, curvy waitress probably isn't bad for her day job either. If the waitress can't help sampling the shop's food around the clock, you know it's good. Catherine will have to be extra wary of tight spaces and fits if she continues her phantom thieving job at her newfound size, however...
At that size you'd have to wonder when she has to upgrade her crystal ball just to deal with all her flab... It'll cost a pretty penny, but thankfully it won't eat too much into the food budget. For some reason people think bringing food to the hefty Harvin will increase their odds of better fortunes. Arulumaaya never started the rumor, but her and her belly certainly won't complain about the extra eats. It does break the facade of her being a serious, mystic fortune teller at times, though. It's hard to ask for quiet when she can't stop her belly from groaning and rumbling, begging for more or desperately trying to process everything that's been crammed into it.
>Unless the massive Erune is famous like Heles . . . can lead to the broken pile of wood becoming a collectors item.
If it doesn't become a pricey collector's item, it'll at least become a symbol of prestige and luck. Imagine an eatery having food so good, the princess of Irestill herself, Heles, gorged on so much of it that she broke a chair. Customers would be crazy not to want to try some for themself, wouldn't they? The food stalls, restaurants, and cafes probably do their best to get Heles to stay and eat for as long as she can, hoping it's their shop that is blessed with the broken chair. Free refills, complimentary platters and desserts, extra fattening ingredients, family serving sizes... all of it ending up inside of Heles' fat, greedy belly. Just an endless binging session with Heles waddling and wobbling from eatery to eatery, her pace slower and her gut bigger after each stop. Eventually her enormous bulk and the heft of all the food she's packed away is going to cause one of those seats to give, and it'll take a good number of staff and guards to help heave her bloated form up... and hopefully over to the next shop.
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Are there any decent fat mods for Versus and Re:Link on PC? I've been wondering since I'm planning on getting the PS4 copies for the codes even if I don't even think I want them all.

>Metera's growing figure is simply due to her becoming an absolute glutton who loves to stuff herself with whatever, whenever, and especially if it's on someone else's dime, like Danchou's
Every island she visits leaves one guy surprisingly happy even though his bank accounts been drained down to a few hundred rupie at the end of the week she leaves.

>Alternatively, if a detailed description of Nightsmoke gets out, Catherine could clear all suspicion by blimping up
Honestly, now that I think about it, with all the weird shit left over from all these different civilizations, she just needs to luck out on is an artifact that magically shrinks your body fat down so she can go out robbing with a trim body, walk around town too fat to second guess who she might be, and then end up collapsing into her own bulk when she rushes home before her mana runs out and she's stuck laying around until they refill because she abused the artifact too much and ate herself into immobility long before she realized it.

I really need to get off my ass and do her SR and Wind SSR's fate episodes.

>At that size you'd have to wonder when she has to upgrade her crystal ball just to deal with all her flab
How do you mean? That you think the crystal ball will start to crack or that she'll need to get a bigger one so that her flab spilling over and hiding the crystal ball won't get her mistaken for a jellyfish monster?

I'd kill for a sequel to the Mercs event; there's just something cathartic about seeing someone capable of bullying Sturm with no backlash while the Draph embarrassingly takes it.
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>Are there any decent fat mods
Only 3D stuff I've ever seen is from @Igfu_ but I don't know if he does mods or not. Also there's this notice on the wiki about Rising codes.
>Every island she visits leaves one guy surprisingly happy even though his bank accounts been drained down to a few hundred rupie at the end of the week she leaves.
Hopefully it'll be a night he remembers, because the financial recovery is going to sting for a while... At the very least Metera won't forget it any time soon; those pounds are never going to be coming off.
>she just needs to luck out on is an artifact that magically shrinks your body fat down
That sounds like it'd be incredibly handy for someone like Catherine... up until the point where it gives up mid-heist and she gets her blubber-laden body stuck in a vent. Hopefully she stole herself one of those comm devices so she can call Danchou over to help squeeze her fat ass out.
>How do you mean?
Arulumaaya is going to need a bigger one eventually with her growing appetite and body. If she uses her crystal ball to get around, it's going to get harder and harder to balance that shifting, wobbling mass of fat on such a (comparatively) small surface area. If she starts hitting sizes where there's a very real risk of cracking it, however, she might as well invest in a forklift instead.

>I really need to get off my ass and do her SR and Wind SSR's fate episodes.
Same man... but it's such a slog. I cleared out like 10 pages of Fate episodes the other day spamming skip and it still took a few hours. Thank god they were mostly new so I didn't have to do a battle every step of the way. I do wish holiday fates were logged in the journal, some of them are really nice or have good ideas. Could've sworn one of Metera's Valentine episodes was Gran getting her a shitton of chocolate because he didn't know what she liked or something. I should probably do a refresher if I ever need any fun drawing ideas as opposed to actually finishing anything.
(236 KB, 1650x1650, media_GLp4VfiaAAEEbD-.jpg)
>Also there's this notice on the wiki about Rising codes
I know about the code expiration date, it's why I've actually started moving my plans forward. Really sucks that they're doing this before they finish with the Evoker rebalances but it's Cygames so it's to be expected.

>That sounds like it'd be incredibly handy for someone like Catherine... up until the point where it gives up mid-heist and she gets her blubber-laden body stuck in a vent
Dunno, feel like things could be worse; like if she found out the artifact was flawed or had an actual spiteful purpose beyond hiding a persons weight, and it was releasing pheromones and sending out magic energy to warp females minds and bodies into stuffing their guts regularly and putting on weight as easily as breathing, or it has turned Catherines' body into a conduit that's sending her own gluttonous impulses and mapping them to the brains of any females who she touches.

>I cleared out like 10 pages of Fate episodes the other day spamming skip and it still took a few hours
I've fallen into only doing them when something might demand a character be at full power, it's a character I really like, or there has to be fat fuel in it (Halloween Tikoh still annoys me; can't really expect a seasonal fate to really give you anything anymore)

>Could've sworn one of Metera's Valentine episodes was Gran getting her a shitton of chocolate because he didn't know what she liked or something
Close, it's the 4th White Day:

>I should probably do a refresher if I ever need any fun drawing ideas
I used to screen cap anything with even a hint of usefulness before my computer went to shit. That one island that exists that's so centered around fat men that they imprison any male without a lick of fat has been stuck in my head ever since; if there's an island that's obsessed with fat males, surely there's a sister island where a long time ago some of their own people left to because they felt that the fat female form was superior.

I've been wanting to try writing something for years but I always get distracted and never get anywhere.
(301 KB, 823x617, GLw4nt4bwAA5AHo.jpg)
>but it's Cygames so it's to be expected.
I blame Sony more than anything... getting real tired of their shit, and it's their fault PC doesn't get codes or a fucking PC demo for Relink.
>releasing pheromones and sending out magic energy to warp females minds and bodies into stuffing their guts regularly and putting on weight as easily as breathing
I swear there was a Primal Beast that made people give in to their vices/greedy nature in one of the events. I think it was the Jewel Resort Casino one with Mammon? Either way, an airship full of fatties really sounds like a dream come true... so long as you can keep up with the food bills, repairs and remodeling.
>Close, it's the 4th White Day:
Ahh, much obliged. I completely forgot the wiki tracks the seasonal lines too. Metera really feels perfect for that "It takes x hours of vigorous sex to burn off the calories from one piece of chocolate" meme. I can imagine her spinning that line to Danchou before she devours the entire spread right in front of him. Unfortunately for her, she misjudged their libidos and how much harder bedroom antics are when it looks and feels like she's heavily pregnant. At the very least, once it all digests she can put her newly developed love handles to good use.
>I used to screen cap anything with even a hint of usefulness before my computer went to shit.
I did that too, but everything is scattered among hundreds of folders. I should really sort and backup my junk.
>That one island
What could have been...
Writing is an entirely different beast to drawing, but I find jotting even the simplest stuff down can be very fruitful. I have a billion WIPs laying around that I still pick at every now and then. Either way, good luck bro.
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>it's their fault
I always thought it was Valve who didn't allow the code distribution on Steam.

>I swear there was a Primal Beast that made people give in to their vices/greedy nature in one of the events
Wasn't a Primal Beast, was the Kleshas that the Divine Generals used to purge every year; that being said, there was an entity in the event of Andira's year:

She might be able to be used like that but the event only made it look like her corruption only really went for owning material possessions. Maybe I'm forgetting something.

>Metera really feels perfect for that "It takes x hours of vigorous sex to burn off the calories from one piece of chocolate" meme
Thinking about this made me question if Metera is actually a virgin who's just really good with relationships and talking.

>once it all digests she can put her newly developed love handles to good use
If that "all" doesn't include "more".

>everything is scattered among hundreds of folders
I think I posted most of what I put together here

>We never got that all you can eat candied apple shop event where Zeta, Beatrix, Illsa, and Gwynne get trapped in a pocket dimension along with danchou and Lyria, made out of irresistible sweets along with the monsters by some Moon failed experiment that escaped recycling in the last major fight and followed them home. An event where they'll need to fight the growing hunger that never weakens no matter how much of the scenery or monsters they cram into their growing stomachs, so that they can destroy the linchpins keeping the dimension up and defeat the thing that created it all. Once they finally get out of the predicament and back in the Skyrealm, there won't be any celebration from all that weight not having left with the pocket dimension; Zeta stuck between shock and rage as she looks at the huge pot belly and muffintop hanging off her frame and threatening to slap her large thick thighs if she made any sudden movements, Illsa completely dead on her feet from the sight of her body still massive in every conceivable area with her fat ass and meaty thighs having exploded her jeans off of them and turning her leggings into sausage casings as her massive chest gains full domain over her shirt and stretching it beyond all reason as they eclipse her view of her feet, or they would have had the thing that left her unconscious on her feet hadn't outgrown them, her massive creamy double rolled belly being a stark contrast from the dark fabric surrounding it on all sides except her big love handles. Beatrix breaking the silence with banshee tier shrieks and flailing causing her bulbous belly and huge rack to create even more of a racket as they smack against each other and her thick thighs as they jiggle like mad, while Gwynne is having a panic attack over the sheer size of her massive legs and butt leaving her lower body incapable of any kind of walking and only a very strong waddle that leaves her constantly reminded of just how fat she's become from the jiggling of her legs never being able to die down before she her next foot moves forward.

Djeeta watches the chaos with a worried smile and chuckle as she absentmindedly continues her futile attempt of repositioning her dress even though her ass has grown far too large for it to do anything but rest upon the shelf if the dress wasn't already busy hanging on by threads to keep some semblance of coverage over her huge belly heavily bulging out from beneath it while Lyria who being the only one in a great mood, is playing with her monstrous belly as her mind is completely focused on reminiscing the all the delicious treats she got to stuff herself beyond reason with and what possible delectable treats she might be able to find in the future now that she has completely lost to her appetite.

>What could have been...
I do wonder who would be in Lancelot's shoes had the script been flipped; I'd think Katalina had the side quests focused more on the non main characters.

>Writing is an entirely different beast to drawing
I've made attempts in both and both I had something stop me.
(299 KB, 1530x1990, GIyy1ltXsAA2p5E.jpg) (236 KB, 1530x1990, GIyy-RmXYAAy68g.jpg)
>I always thought it was Valve who didn't allow the code distribution on Steam.
Oh right maybe it was that so people didn't redeem codes and quickly refund.
>there was an entity in the event of Andira's year:
I completely forgot about that.
>the event only made it look like her corruption only really went for owning material possessions.
I knew the main thrust of it was monetary gain/possessions but there must've been something I twisted in my mind because I distinctly remember Mammon being notable. I guess it still counts as a kind of unabashed greed when the girl is more obsessed with filling her belly rather than her wallet.
>Thinking about this made me question if Metera is actually a virgin who's just really good with relationships and talking.
That'd be pretty cute honestly. I think the ending of her Summer Fates was her and Danchou talking the night away.
>If that "all" doesn't include "more".
After the first mishap she probably learned the joys of screwing on an exceptionally full stomach and having her growing flab fondled. Eventually Metera will hit a point where it's straight from the dinner table to the bedroom, possibly bringing some snacks along the way.
>trapped in a pocket dimension . . . made out of irresistible sweets along with the monsters
That reminds me of an old GW that fell around the same time as White Day/Valentine's Day where you fought giant chocolate animals so the villagers could make their holiday chocolates. Always wanted to do something with that idea but I couldn't help but think that might lean more towards vore (not that I'd complain).
Quality fatty Ilsa/Bea descriptions btw.
>I'd think Katalina had the side quests focused more on the non main characters.
I wish Fatalina was more common, her OG Grand outfit just screams for a huge chest and gut, and I always thought her voice sounded like fat girl voice at times...
>I've made attempts in both and both I had something stop me.
Understandable. The small snippets you've provided have been great food for thought.
(533 KB, 2880x4050, media_GGwCJYWW4AEMSik.jpg) (549 KB, 2880x4050, media_GGwCalXWMAAFf8O.jpg)
>possibly bringing some snacks along the way
At this rate, it's only matter of time before she dos away with the bedroom and just use the half of the reinforced table she already polished off, to fulfill her urges.

>Always wanted to do something with that idea but I couldn't help but think that might lean more towards vore
In Christmas Narumaya's fate episode, she hunted down a special one to make chocolate a cake that absorbed her feelings for a better tasting cake or whatever; it ended up creating a bunch of customers who were practically zombies who could only think of eating more, before she made the attempt to weaken the love. Another event that could've led to widespread obesity that got preempted by another character.

>I wish Fatalina was more common, her OG Grand outfit just screams for a huge chest and gut
There really is something about a huge gut escaping from the small opening of a set of armor, and there's wondering what kind of weird forms it might take as Katalina makes strong excessive movements as her fat belly gets smooshed and nudged around from her armor fighting for move space to move (I wouldn't wanna be Katalina if she ended up with a massive muffintop or very thick love handles.

If I can break past my indecisiveness, I'd like to try to fatten every single female member of the crew and if I can stick with it, have them go out to lay waste to the waistlines of the skies females.

I got reminded of something I forgot to link yesterday; I have no fucking idea how Gwynne and Tristette aren't fat. One is a human who got raised by Draphs and the other practically got force fed by Cupitan to the point she was on the ground trying to find a comfortable position so her completely packed round gut could digest the massive load of Cupitans special calorie bombs. Just imagine the Biblical tier destruction Cupitan and Beatrix could do if they ever teamed up to start up a restaurant or sell cookbooks while giving out free samples on every island the crew visits.
(829 KB, 2956x4096, GIqB-C_XwAAXarF.jpg) (791 KB, 2956x4096, GIqB-C_WMAARJ5C.jpg)
>At this rate, it's only matter of time before she dos away with the bedroom and just use the half of the reinforced table she already polished off, to fulfill her urges.
Clearing off just enough space so she can lean over and gorge on the rest of the spread while she has Danchou deal with her other end. Metera better pace herself because it's one thing if the table legs buckle under her weight, but it'll be another if it's the bed legs.
>Christmas Narumaya's fate episode
Kinda cool they brought that idea back, though I would've expected that for the Valentine's unit that I still don't have and it's pissing me off.
>There really is something about a huge gut escaping from the small opening of a set of armor
That reminds me of a sequence I wanted to do back in the day of Katalina with her standard form being labeled SR and then changing to an SSR label when her armor bursts open and her fat gut surges out.
>I'd like to try to fatten every single female member of the crew and if I can stick with it, have them go out to lay waste to the waistlines of the skies females.
Godspeed you madlad...
>Just imagine the Biblical tier destruction Cupitan and Beatrix could do if they ever teamed up
It's a shame we've had a few cooking/food related events but still no Chef class (Sushi Chef skin doesn't count).
That makes me like Gwynne a little more honestly. She's fine but felt like a random addition at the end of the Society/Moondweller arc.
Also it looks like we're getting another part to the Marionette Stars story this month. I heard those were decent so maybe I should go back and read them.
(797 KB, 2650x4096, media_GLPAYQ1akAAq567.jpg) (2.5 MB, 180x180, 1669343206804468.gif)
>I would've expected that for the Valentine's unit
Not as fattening of a holiday, so this is a lot better; hell, just imagine how much weight the members of the crew will put on, who belong to multiple organizations or groups, or have a job where they gotta head to multiple places, and on top of it all, they're among the few lucky ones to still have a family they need to go back home to for the family feast. At the end of the day, they'll all end up in bed incapable of sleeping because they're so stuffed their massive mound of a belly is hogging all the cover by itself.

>that I still don't have and it's pissing me off
That's the only luck I have during Valentines; netting the SRs. Besides constantly getting them, the only SSR I got without a Siero was Vira (I don't see Nehan as lucky).

>Katalina with her standard form being labeled SR and then changing to an SSR label when her armor bursts open and her fat gut surges out
That's a great idea and could be the only possible reason for the upgrade with Lyria stuck to her.

Everyone shall find themselves fatter whether their own gluttony was the main cause or outside influence! From Ardora to Rosine, the Grand Cypher shall be pushed to its limits! And if I ever truly go insane, I'll have everyones favorite porky alchemist do what she offered to Deliford, and turn all the male crew members into females.

>no Chef class
It's an inevitability at this point and far more likely than the Super Sentai or Kamen Rider outfits that have been dangled over our heads for years.

Until then, we at least have weapons like this, where its ougi animation is dropping a comet sized portion of fattening food upon the enemy:

>he's fine but felt like a random addition at the end of the Society/Moondweller arc
I think they really wanted to do something with a new Society member to show that it isn't just them, the people at the top, and an army of red shirts. I like Gwynne but they've had her lean too much on her brother to properly develop as her own character.

>we're getting another part to the Marionette Stars story this month
>I heard those were decent so maybe I should go back and read them
Gif related; you if you can't handle Tikohs skill fate episodes on a wider scale. I really wonder what the fuck was going through their heads when they created Ferdinand; the only character on the same scale of mass murder as the Evokers.
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>New Colo raid
>best weapon is once again a staff
Magna Fire will never escape stick and twig hell...

New event didn't look like I'd enjoy it much outside of Metera and Utsusemi cameos so I skipped it, but these lines certainly caught my eye.
(370 KB, 480x270, 89c19abfa4ef5cc25d52eda33d25d1d88ea33d02ba9ac0b32662bc4475edba28.gif) (285 KB, 1367x1257, media_GMejGL3WQAAmMtu.jpg) (139 KB, 1367x1257, media_GMvz-I1W4AIjqI0.jpg) (877 KB, 3534x4096, media_GMmPHzwWQAEDWd6.jpg)
>New event didn't look like I'd enjoy it much outside of Metera and Utsusemi cameos so I skipped it
Dude, the story may not be much but damn is it dripping in fat fuel; the main groups habits will undeniably doom them all to obesity if they really start hanging around together constantly whenever the moo cow and her friend joins the crew.

Lamouralla and Kolulu eat their carbonara drowned in cheese which triggers my old memories of Mabinogi and leaving me stuck picturing both of them steadily rising higher as the sit there packing away plate after plate of the mountain of cheese and carbonara.

Manamel stress eats and even told Kolulu that stress worse for a person than calories before her and Kolulu ate a whole cake she got to feed her stress away from having to deal with Lilico.

Lilico herself is constantly eating fatty ramen with extra fat and oil. In the bio they gave her, it explicitly says she can't help herself from taking advantage of free upsizings of her food orders. Her new outfit at the end of the event is so much better than her original outfit and is even better to watch her grow in.

I know I'm forgetting something.

>these lines certainly caught my eye
Utsusemi starts poking fun at Metera after she wore that dress. The contrast is so jarring that I doubt anyone would be able to keep themselves from messing with her.

The hell is with this surge in GBF fat art?
(1.1 MB, 1062x1500, GM-O2Baa4AAA95m.jpg) (678 KB, 3777x2894, GMG6jjYbEAMOvmJ.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1600x1135, F477YT00N-1001569-(CM)+katarina+and+vira+Vore+ssbbw.png)
>Dude, the story may not be much but damn is it dripping in fat fuel
Metera and Utsusemi aside I don't like any of the other characters that feature prominently so it's hard to get into, but I might try to dig through later.
>Utsusemi starts poking fun at Metera after she wore that dress.
I especially want to see this.

I really hope this uptick keeps up, especially if people start looking into the mobile game roster. Hopefully the vore side of things picks up too (spoilered image).
Guys, don't you ever get tired of talking like this? And how is this fucking thread still alive since 2020??
(133 KB, 1290x1554, media_GMs_fvpXcAE-4kn.jpg) (90 KB, 1173x902, media_GMb1rNIaMAAjwUR.jpg)
>I don't like any of the other characters that feature prominently
How can you not like Kolulu, she's precious; like a mint chocolate chip Lyria, except more likeable since they don't really let Lyria do anything but tag along.

Everyone else I feel indifferent to at worst which is surprising since I always thought Manamel and Chloe would ride my nerves. I honestly can't figure out why they keep using Chicken in the events when all the other Generals would be far more interesting when the event doesn't need something built.

While I like Lilico's final design, it makes me fear they're gonna throw her in the same hole they did Lilele; idol who if she loses focus for just a second, she'll eat herself fat off of ramen. That'll be her whole fucking character, singing random lines of songs and occasionally putting away enough ramen to end up with a thick muffintop and a lower body so large it's oozing through the openings it created in her new pair of jeans.

>I especially want to see this
Purely out of curiosity of the scene or are you picturing the scene of Utsusemi poking her finger deep into Metera's humongous belly and commenting how such an elegant form fitting dress really shows how grandiose Metera's beauty really is?

2:35 and 4:18: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVuwaoNrIAw

> if people start looking into the mobile game roster
Only way that'll happen is if Cygames actually puts some interesting characters in Re:Link/Vs instead of just focusing on the usual groups that usually get the new units in the mobile.

>Hopefully the vore side of things picks up too
I don't really care about the vore side, it seems rare that they ever put out anything that leads to weight gain after eating a whole person or dozen.

>Guys, don't you ever get tired of talking like this
I do not subscribe to the weird cult of Mutism that pervades this site whenever someone posts something that isn't kissing someones ass or jumping on free requests; talks like this helps get ideas flowing, whether it's put to paper or stays as a simple little situation a person can play out in their head with their imagination.

>how is this fucking thread still alive since 2020
I was gonna let the thread die and restart it to explicitly cover all Cygames properties but I saw how long it was around and wanted to see just how far I can go with it.
(190 KB, 2274x1844, GM0Zpx-W8AAWtSj.jpg) (188 KB, 2647x1835, GNCeMv6XgAAsg0t.jpg)
The back and forth makes the thread fun and I enjoy discussion/being able to read things. Plus, like >>>201040 said, this has been great for ideas.

>How can you not like Kolulu
She's just kinda "there" for me. Maybe I'd feel differently if I did any of her story stuff but I can't see her becoming a favorite or anything.
>I always thought Manamel and Chloe would ride my nerves.
The only two female Erunes I actively dislike.
>Lilico's final design
It's a massive improvement.
>That'll be her whole fucking character
This is why I usually don't like the "big eater/fat" characters. 90% of the time it's attached to a character I don't like, run into the ground, or both. Blue Archive is the exception
>Utsusemi poking her finger deep into Metera's humongous belly and commenting how such an elegant form fitting dress really shows how grandiose Metera's beauty really is
Finally Metera is getting a taste of what being "big sister'd" is like. I could see Utsusemi starting their dress up sessions by lifting Metera's flabby gut and saying "Now how should we dress up all of this today~?" before letting it flop back down. She'd take her time checking measurements, pinching and jiggling Metera's pudge here and there, before settling on her fat chest and making a comment about how she doesn't think even a Draph's top would fit her at this point. You'd think that's a compliment, but there's just something about the way Utsusemi puts it that sounds more like teasing...
(thanks for the timestamps)
>interesting characters
Versus did okay for a bit and then it didn't, and Re:Link might (surprisingly) be done with DLC. I respect them for not wanting to milk the game for DLC but at the same time it feels like a missed opportunity.
>I don't really care about the vore side, it seems rare that they ever put out anything that leads to weight gain after eating a whole person or dozen.
So what you're saying is that it's a market just waiting to be cornered.
>Maybe I'd feel differently if I did any of her story stuff
That last hororscope event was stolen from her by Cupitan and Tristette.

>The only two female Erunes I actively dislike
Only female Erune I dispise is Selfira; something about her and Elta just pisses me the fuck off to the point where their events are one of the few that I actively skip through.

>90% of the time it's attached to a character I don't like
It's only really hits the character I'm mostly indifferent to.

>dress up sessions
>checking measurements
Sounds like she'd be Korwa's assisstant in that scenario, because the ships tailor has grown far too fat to properly measure people from her bulbous form keeps others pushed just out of proper arm length for measuring and with the crew of the Grancypher all widening , it's only gonna be two times the forced distancing along with deal with the now cramped moving space.

>Versus did okay for a bit
I don't see it

>Re:Link might (surprisingly) be done with DLC
Seeing the bullshit they're doing with Rising; the original team's done with the game but Cygames sure a hell isn't done milking it.

>So what you're saying is that it's a market just waiting to be cornered
I dunno if I'd say that since there's not much of even the stuffing focused GBF vore, even on their own site.

I don't think GBF really attracts anyone as hard as the other gachas, for whichever expansion you can think of.
(3.2 MB, 5000x2900, fat_beatrix_by_acid_snake.png)
Let it be known, every time you played through Arcade mode in Rising, Bea puts away 14-16k calories. I doubt even Bea's insane metabolism will be able to do much of anything when she's handled by someone who plays the game all the time and mains her for the hundreds of fights they play everyday; Bea wouldn't last a week before her body is not spilling but pouring out of every gap and opening of her armor. Breasts having ballooned to such massive proportions that they completely outclass even the humans who have surpassed the Draphs as their and Bea's upper belly's combined fat busted open her torso armor and warped it into fitting better with their sheer size and rate of growth. Bea's large belly has warped the sides of her armor upwards after her thick love handles ripped through the sides of her leather undersuit and her belly itself is drooping enough to to start covering the top of her thighs with its jelly soft lower roll as it jiggles and bounces between the little resistance her upper armor still has and her surprisingly durable belt that is holding up that large draping of cloth that's perfectly molded over the curve of her gargantuan shelf of an ass that's turned her strong pair of small shorts into something no better than a string bikini being eaten up by her rear oozing over and under it, on pair of thighs that have become so thick with fat that even warped at least 2x its normal size, Bea's fat thighs still have enough mass to bulge almost a fingers length past her armor.

That's just Bea after about 3 weeks with her absurd metabolism, imagine just how immense any of the other females would have ended up becoming if they had been a part of Society with a Society Donut bonus with every fight they won (and all of them aren't as dumb as Bea so if they find themselves really enjoying the taste, they'll up their reward to at least a dozen of the things); I don't see any of them being able to properly move within the same timespan outside of Metera, Zooey, and maybe Cagliostro if her alchemy can allow her to strengthen her body enough.
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>Only female Erune I dispise is Selfira
It's been a while but I think she came off kinda bitchy in her first event and then didn't really have much to do in the art/music event. Thank you for reminding me though I need to do something with her one of these days.
>because the ships tailor has grown far too fat to properly measure people
She's only taking her job seriously. Can't dress her fellow fatties without knowing the struggles herself. I could see her considering bigger girls being "more canvas space to work with."
>I don't see it
That's fair, I think I was just utterly shocked they picked characters like Metera, Soriz, Ladiva, and Anre, who aren't all that popular.
>I dunno if I'd say that since there's not much of even the stuffing focused GBF vore
Some chad commissioned this so I'm very happy about that at least.
>Let it be known, every time you played through Arcade mode in Rising, Bea puts away 14-16k calories.
Can't believe they'd tease us like this...
(268 KB, 1125x1500, 1707189874961551.jpg)
>kinda bitchy
She wasn't "kinda", she was a bitch.

>more canvas space to work with
Oh shit, you reminded me that Ms. Miranda makes a ton of costumes; I need to figure out how that works stuffed with pounds upon pounds of fat.

Fanservice and gives the sword fighting a little variation.
They wanted an obvious fighter with some history but not a blatant chinese knockoff ?>Ladiva
Western pandering.
Sucks they didn't go with Meg or Cupitan. I like Meg and Cupitan is a character who'll forcefeed you if you're not careful.

He was the founding member of the Eternals and everyone anyone would like were blade users, already scheduled, are stuck with bounty stacks which are something they don't even know how to use in their gacha letalone a fighter, already have a bow, or they wanted a character who used Staffs but the only other Eternal would've gotten Sony down their throats.

>tease us
I like to think of it as them giving us an attack vector; have her go through a shonen tournament arc of fights which will leave Beatrix upwards of 500lbs, but all throughout the fights, she was giving her Society Donuts to all the girls and unintentionally getting them addicted because of all the sugar she packs into them, so while she's pretty much the biggest, all the other females are at various sizes with the least of them being 2x their original and still packing their bellies full of the decadent treat, and god help them if Cagliostro liking her and everyones growth a little too much.

Her headbutt is no longer something you can dodge because she no longer has good balance and will just end up with her bulk dragging her down on top of you.

I had a thought while playing Re:Link or the gacha game and seeing how much more durable Djeeta's Rebelwear outfit looks and how there's a lot more fabric covering her than her original; maybe that's not to protect her, maybe Djeeta's packed on a considerable amount of weight and the gear's enchanted to constrict the fat and lessen the weight which when cut by an enemy, will leave a thick roll of fat bulging out through the gashes or if part of it is completely destroyed, like her leg armor, her tree trunk thick legs will bulge out to normal. That all being said, it's a wonder what happens when a certain amount of damage is is caused to it.
No tara link up. Steam her
>Ms. Miranda
I just thought of it days ago; lets say Ms Miranda either doesn't mind the weight or simply accepted it since she can't lose any of it after it surged when the new batch of students had more and more leaving their teacher tasty snacks to butter her up but only ending with Ms. Miranda getting bigger and jigglier, with her sedentary job only helping to increase her gains exponentially and keep her massive hourglass form widening every day with the many fattening treats her newly formed large fan club made for her after the teachers and Anne's (any female finding themselves travelling on the Grancypher won't be able to keep their bodies from sporting anything lesser than a large pot belly or equivalent) weights exploded and caused many of the students interests to warp, with her humongous soft rack weighing heavily on her students backs whenever she checks their schoolwork at their desks and her large rear and hips constantly knocking around her students and pinning them against walls and shelves accidentally from Ms. Miranda not knowing the amount of space her body keep taking up, the poor students can only find them or their friends being swayed into encouraging their teacher or joining in the changes themselves.

Ms. Miranda, with her love of cosplaying, finds herself making costumes based on the colorful crew of the Grancypher, but wanting it to be as close to the original person as possible, she has found herself enchanting all the costumes she makes to deal with her monumental weight, but as everyone knows, there's never magic to decrease fat, so she goes with the best alternative. Squeezing her shelf of an ass into whatever pants or skirt modelled after a crewmate along with cramming her gargantuan breasts in top of the same kind, as her large pot belly and love handles droop over her waistline; the enchantment takes effect and rearranges her fat placement to replicate what the crewmate in questions body would end up with if the person found themselves at such a huge weight.
(602 KB, 3072x4096, GMeX2uHbgAEX_4I.jpg)
>She wasn't "kinda", she was a bitch.
Could've sworn she nicened up towards the end at least. Either way she's someone I need to do something with, always thought she'd look good as a pear shape.
>she was giving her Society Donuts to all the girls
Was there every any interaction that implied Ilsa liked Bea's cooking because I always thought that should be a thing.
>Oh shit, you reminded me that Ms. Miranda makes a ton of costumes; I need to figure out how that works stuffed with pounds upon pounds of fat.
Maybe her and Korwa can get into the business of dressing all the fatties of the Grancypher. They'll certainly need all the help they can get in finding outfits that actually fit, not to mention stretch...
>leaving their teacher tasty snacks to butter her up but only ending with Ms. Miranda getting bigger and jigglier
"Butter her up" has a different meaning when copius amounts of it are used in the apple pies her students leave for her, not to mention all the other baked treats she's gifted at the start of the school day.
>her humongous soft rack weighing heavily on her students backs whenever she checks their schoolwork at their desks and her large rear and hips constantly knocking around her students and pinning them against walls and shelves accidentally
Most teachers would space their students out accordingly so they can't cheat off of each other's work. Ms. Miranda's classroom has to space the desks apart so she can still manage to waddle down the aisles and not jostle the students around too much with her growing flab. Her chest, butt, and hips are one thing, but her gut starts to become another collision hazard when it's gradually getting bigger and fuller throughout the day, being packed with the mountain of treats that are left upon her desk every morning. Thankfully Ms. Miranda doesn't have to worry about many mishaps after lunch period; she's usually too full to do much walking by that point.
(383 KB, 973x1300, media_Fe7L-d0VsAAP_Ec.png)
>she'd look good as a pear shape
While I can fault you for who you're liking, I can't fault you for your perception.

>any interaction that implied Ilsa liked Bea's cooking
Ilsa's hobbies include sampling desert and pastires and everything Beatrix cooks, tastes like sweets, EVERYTHING.

>Maybe her and Korwa can get into the business of dressing all the fatties of the Grancypher
Dunno, can't see a cosplay designer mixing well with a fashion designer and neither seems the type to start up a competition to show who's better by designing outfits and cramming the fattest crew members inside them, with the best outfits and most durable which is shown by how much crew member is pushing it to the brink; leaving both of them finding the crew members easiest to fatten to make half the competition easy.

>not to mention all the other baked treats she's gifted at the start of the school day
And god help her poor stomach when she's working on the Grandcypher, where the young crew members are following the older crewmates examples but overdoing it to try to make their teacher the happiest they possibly can since they only get a couple weeks with her before she heads back to Mysteria for a long while.

This talk of Mysteria got me wondering how the Delinquent Spirit summon born of Lowain and bros dillusions would end up had this highly fattening reality been made real. Would they be content on packing it away and gaining among themselves, would they feel the need to make their underlings pack it on too, or could they have found great use in literally throwing their weight around and not only make their underlings pack it on but any new students they spy that they feel would make great additions to the gang are forcefully fattened.
(1.8 MB, 4116x4906, partaking_in_pancakes_plentifully_by_hypnagogum_dhi4y86.jpg) (127 KB, 960x800, Npc_zoom_3030026000_03.png) (155 KB, 640x628, Summon_b_2040325000.png)
>While I can fault you for who you're liking, I can't fault you for your perception.
Her design is kinda begging for it. Plus I can't help it, Selfira's SR has that simple, classic look that I really like.
>everything Beatrix cooks, tastes like sweets
This is why I think it's weird they never leaned into it with Ilsa even once. Seems like the perfect way for Beatrix to smooth things over with Ilsa, especially during her training days.
>And god help her poor stomach when she's working on the Grandcypher
The amount of damage that can be done to Miranda's waistline after a short stay is staggering, but that's to be expected from a fully staffed, fully stocked kitchen that caters to a crew of fat girls. Wouldn't be surprising if she shows up back to her teaching job the day after, her stuffed belly protesting at the sight of an even bigger payload of sweets left by students wanting to welcome their teacher back.
>Delinquent Spirit summon
Every time Ejaeli looks in another student's direction in the cafeteria, they for some reason offer their meal to her and make a hasty retreat. The poor girl wasn't glaring at them trying to shake them down for their food, but she eats it all the same, feeling guilty about it going to waste. Her dimwitted followers take Ejaeli's rapid gain as the new standard look for all female members and follow suit, with all prospective and current members needing to hit a certain BMI to be allowed a place amongst the ranks.
I can't believe we never got more of those delusion outfits as costumes or units...
(147 KB, 708x1000, media_GDQG4JiaEAAIugo.jpg)
>Selfira's SR has that simple, classic look that I really like
The clothing or the fact it was put out back when the artist still had a good bit of his Final Fantasy Tactics days still on show?

Honestly though, I'd hate forcefeed her until she's too fat to properly play her violin and so much of a wide load that she becomes a shut in aboard the Grandcypher where she'll never find the self control or help to slim back down and will only find her clothes stretching wider and wider. Obviously I'll have something read to wipe the fact that I did it to her, from her mind.

>I think it's weird they never leaned into it with Ilsa even once
That's because she only really exists in the serious Society events but at least you get this: >>4231
Besides all that, Bea seems too beyond the rule of never doing your own drugs and has gotten too into cramming unworldly amounts of her own product into her own belly.

>standard look for all female members and follow suit, with all prospective and current members needing to hit a certain BMI
Now that I think about it, did they ever mention a gang behind them? I only remember the three of them since it's the summon I always use as a skin.

>I can't believe we never got more of those delusion outfits as costumes or units
I know, it's hilariously fucked up; I remember there were people in my guild who wanted the the Pajamas. With Orologia having become a unit, it may actually become a reality in the next Lowain event and if this shit actually does happen and Orologia says that GBFs multiverse contains realities that are close to what people randomly ponder about when they have "what if" on the mind; it wouldn't even be that hard to believe if I'm not mixing up Pajama Jeanne with them and when they were shown, they were shown to be lazy fucks who just want to lay around all day and eat snacks.
(1.7 MB, 3256x4495, rotundly_round_roselady_by_hypnagogum_dhj5db1.jpg)
>The clothing or the fact it was put out back when the artist still had a good bit of his Final Fantasy Tactics days still on show?
A bit of both. I like the uncap art for the SSR a lot but the simplicity of her SR works incredibly well for "fantasy musician character". Some days I miss those simpler times...
>That's because she only really exists in the serious Society events but at least you get this:
The moon needs to be destroyed so Ilsa can finally become the wide bride she was always meant to be.
>Now that I think about it, did they ever mention a gang behind them?
I'm not actually sure... It does make it funnier if they think they're badass hotshots that no one else takes seriously, not even their lardy "leader".
>I know, it's hilariously fucked up; I remember there were people in my guild who wanted the the Pajamas.
As much as I like new characters there's too much stuff Cygames has left on the table. I'm still waiting for Mariah, Ejaeli, Arusha, and Sig to get out of SR jail, and I'm still seething over that Volenna Swimsuit design not getting used. At least Orologia became playable pretty quickly.
(634 KB, 1200x1600, media_FvCpaT9aIAAxqqA.jpg)
>The moon needs to be destroyed so Ilsa can finally become the wide bride she was always meant to be
Eh, the moon's been set back a couple thousand years before their main shit gets kicked back into gear, so she has ample time to get her ample rear out there on the market since they've also been dead for all the small stuff that might cause an event for a long time now. Society even looks like it has collapsed, which leaves her with no job training rookies, though she'd probably fill her time researching any other ways the Moon might attempt in the future with Gwynne and Arusha as her assistants fetching her books and replenishing the huge plate of pastries they're all gobbling down while doing nothing but reading. Ilsa having by far the least amount of foot work since they started would balloon the most with her old pre-tattered jeans having been rendered as strips of denim digging into her doughy thighs, her pants many buttons blowing off pretty early on from the constant stuffings leaving more and more room to fill with each day and creating a small but growing pot belly to cram into that subzero amount of space, and leaving her with no choice but to go with a loose pair of sweat pants that now cling to every curve of her thighs and rear end with the stitching looking to go the way of her old outfit. Her shirt being the only thing to survive, has been rendered little more than a belly shirt as her humongous breasts steal more and more fabric from her large belly spilling onto her lap; said shirts cleavage window having been stretched wide open to reveal very deep cleavage created by two breasts that have reached the size to
completely outclass every Draph and their human challengers as they heavily rest on her large gut and starting to droop over the front. Gwynne and Arusha are faring better a lot better with their tasks of finding books, refilling the groups mountain of treats, and going out into town to see if they can find more books that may help, but. Both having become huge pears, with both having to fight for room while looking through libraries together, from their wobbling asses constantly smacking into one another. Gwynne not liking how fat she's getting but not having any self control when it comes to food, is constantly whining and moaning whenever she hears a chair she's lowering her bulk into creak, every time she can feel it brush up against anything (no matter just a wall, a stack of books, or a crewmember), and by far the worst of it being Arusha absentmindedly using its large circumference as a shelf to place books she finds on the other side of the small aisles within the libraries they search together; with Gwynnes low self-esteem leaving her finding bigger sizes of her old pants to try and believe her butt hasn't grown that much if they can still fit in the same brand while not realizing it's a cheap durable brand that saw the spiking weights of females across the skies as a profitable situation and has been cranking out larger and larger sizes of their clothing. Arusha on the other hand doesn't have a care in the world since her ballooning backside doesn't impede her ability to search for more knowledge but instead has helped keep her comfortable for far longer periods of time whenever she's barreling through stacks of books while her small belly and tree trunk thighs have become a pretty good bookstand whenever she wants to lay down while reading.

>It does make it funnier if they think they're badass hotshots that no one else takes seriously, not even their lardy "leader"
With how their characters are made, that only really works with Razia who's made to be a butt monkey, but Therese is more serious in her fight mode which the delusion keeps her in, while Ejaeli's whole thing is being the nice character who accidentally scares the shit out of people because she looks like a cold eyed delinquent (she'd probably be okay with all the extra fat padding her body if it made people comfortable around her).

>As much as I like new characters there's too much stuff Cygames has left on the table
True and wrong at the same time; more Harvins; they keep killing them off whenever they're introduced and allowing the criminally low number stick.

>I'm still waiting for Mariah, Ejaeli, Arusha, and Sig to get out of SR jail
Cordelia, Ange, Camieux, Almeida who is the closest a character's been to waifu status, Claudia (shitty dual units don't count), and Goblin Mage.

There's no reason in hell that sky pirates aren't a thing in GBF, short of a huge boobed retiree who's switched over to fishing and growing a sea captains gut.
(545 KB, 1770x2500, media_GDobrU_b0AE2Muh.jpg)
I wonder how much of our ilk pulled during this Legfest, not because Tefnut or Raziel is their waifu, but because Tefnut is such a lazy fuck that they know she'll just lazily lay around all day and will gulp down whatever Captain sits near her or hand feeds the primal beast, no matter how much she's noticeably becoming her own cushion to rest on. Raziel on the other hand, is the type that is really knowledgeable about facts but comes off as an idiot outside of that, which makes it feel like she'd be easily swayed into exploring the the skies vast amounts of food while causing endless destruction to library chairs as she continues her search for a way to bring Lucifer back .


Shit's making it hard to save for a spark.
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I got absolutely fucked, 80 pulls and neither. Summer Cerberus summon was a nice get at least. Sparking was tempting because I wanted both, but I couldn't bring myself to dump all my rolls on the first batch of new units.

I got excited when Song was announced to be part of the event cast but it sounds like she chickened out of training. I didn't bother with reading the event, but seeing Narmaya in a competitive sumo outfit was a treat.

I got excited when Song was announced to be part of the event cast but it sounds like she chickened out of training
She didn't want any part of it and went off to keep watch on any moves from the sumo spirit of destruction. The thing though, was the sumo hierarchy it was trying to put into place as absolute law which would cause everyone in the skies to be incapable of ignoring orders from someone stronger than them in sumo; it was so strong and invasive that caused Song and Claudia to lose control of themselves and goad each other into a sumo fight to see who is the stronger, before someone snapped them out of it.

If I didn't hate sumo, I'd be thinking more about how it'd pan out if the evil spirit won or the laws that were affecting them until they won, had also caused them to ballooning with fat as they got stronger. Just imagine Song's reaction had she magically got stuck being at least double or triple her size and planning on avoiding Silva at all cost, just to turn the corner and have her large belly bump into her.
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>If I didn't hate sumo
I'm always surprised at how unpopular sumo seems to be within this niche. I personally thought it would lend itself well to doing themed outfits and getting to see women manhandle each other's blubbery bodies. That said, quality art for it seems to be pretty rare...
>Just imagine Song's reaction had she magically got stuck being at least double or triple her size
Gotta wonder if she's mortified at her open-midriff outfit having her fat belly splayed out for all the world to see, or relieved it has the room to breathe.

VS announcements were pretty disappointing with Versusia/Vikala/Sandalphon. The entire roster for this DLC season has been extremely predictable. On the bright side, with the obvious picks out of the way it opens things up a bit more, but I shouldn't hold my breath.
On the mobile side of things, new event is going to be related to the first Summer event/Sig, so I was excited about her possibly getting an SSR, but after the stream announcements I don't see it happening. Can't be too upset with that SS Hekate though. If the banner is her and Yukata Song, there's a good chance of me doing a Spark. The Sutera DP skin looks really nice too. Her Fire SR got me through a lot during my starting days.
Damn, this thread is still alive huh? I honestly wonder how many people even bother to check it out...
>Gotta wonder if she's mortified at her open-midriff outfit having her fat belly splayed out for all the world to see, or relieved it has the room to breathe
If it wasn't for her second bonus art, I'd be thinking the same thing but my head's just stuck on her large pot belly has slowly been growing unimpeded but her huge breasts have kept her from really knowing how much it has been growing, and her huge ass keeping her too worried about what people might be talking about behind her back as she walks or floats down the street with her shelf of a rear end wobbling constantly (I don't know if she's still worried about people thinking of her as a monster or not).

>I'm always surprised at how unpopular sumo seems to be within this niche
There's a large amount of creatively bankrupt people who abuse it, so it has grown to be seen as a brain dead route; that combined with the fact that sumo fights are by far the most boring to watch, makes it garbage.
I also don't take kindly to how it doesn't have any real amount of clothing to grow through.

>I personally thought it would lend itself well to doing themed outfits and getting to see women manhandle each other's blubbery bodies
>themed outfits
>manhandle each other's blubbery bodies
Anon, you're thinking of Luchador. Now that I think about it, Djeeta's outfit was designed perfectly for the 3 target areas to fatten up with little to no worry of constriction.

>VS announcements were pretty disappointing with Versusia/Vikala/Sandalphon
They never use the best Rat and she wasn't my favorite among the Zodiacs, but god damn, the fact they got her past Sony, was a good laugh. If they got her ougi past Sony too, I'm gonna die laughing.

>On the bright side, with the obvious picks out of the way it opens things up a bit more, but I shouldn't hold my breath
I dunno, looks like Nicholas might actually have a chance.

>On the mobile side of things
That time I got reincarnated as a slime will be the next collab and the first that puts collab characters in the gacha, with them not putting in any new fest characters during. While there might not be any characters I'd want for anything beyond feeding my completionist nature, put in the gacha, it's a pretty dark thought of what this means for future collabs; gonna have to have a spark or a Siero ticket set aside for if the next Im@s collab gives Haru or Hikaru.
(325 KB, 2788x3071, GQCRVy6WEAALqh5.jpg)
It's kinda fun seeing how long the thread can stick around.
>but her huge breasts have kept her from really knowing how much it has been growing
Draph-girl problems start to become universal once a girl hits a certain BMI. Fortunately for Song, the only thing monstrous about her is her size. Any errant stares she gets aren't due to fear, but people being amazed at how much pale, wobbly flesh is on display.
>Anon, you're thinking of Luchador.
I figured you can do a top and fundoshi/bottom borrowing design elements from default outfits. I've always wanted to try that with Touhou girls but I'm too bad/lazy to tackle it.
I'm still upset that Khumbira will probably never get into VS. She has the coolest weapon and animations.
>I dunno, looks like Nicholas might actually have a chance.
That could be fun. Ilsa placed pretty high in the vote so if she gets in I might actually buy Rising... if it's on sale.
>it's a pretty dark thought of what this means for future collabs
I didn't catch all of this during the stream but a friend explained it to me and yeah, this doesn't sound super good. Despite GBF having the highest SSR rate of any game I play, the abysmal "rate up" paired with 300-pull Sparks is absolutely brutal.
Pork Chop https://twitter.com/kagarimachi_ame/status/1804099574748873045

>Draph-girl problems start to become universal once a girl hits a certain BMI
I dunno about that being a Draph problem when a load of fat is involved; the race is too compact to not notice all that belly bunching up and bulging past their titanic breasts.

>Khumbira will probably never get into VS
She's probably the next most likely to get in if not the next game with the only competition being the drunkard and puppy.

>I might actually buy Rising... if it's on sale
>if it's on sale
You damn well better; they really ticked me off when I bought the highest priced edition and found out about that battle pass bullshit. Come to think of it, I still haven't used the code for the 2B skin.

>GBF having the highest SSR rate of any game
I miss actually feeling that.

>I play
Holy shit, Anon, stop, think of your wallet, think of your life!!
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>the race is too compact to not notice all that belly bunching up and bulging past their titanic breasts.
True, I suppose it gets even more noticeable for them, especially after a full meal.
>battle pass bullshit
I wish they'd just sell the outfits and lobby avatars outright but I guess you can't squeeze as much money out that way.
>I miss actually feeling that.
Ironically I feel like I have an easier time of getting what I want out of games with 1% or less...
I did manage to get Hekate and Song on the recent banner without sparking at least. Depending on what gets released in the final batch I might just ticket Sig.
>Holy shit, Anon, stop
It is too late for me, I am already dead.
h e l p

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