
(166 KB, 1400x1167, 46746C31-5766-4498-80E0-1F2C1CC21A01.jpeg)
Welp, like with every thread that gets past the 400 post limit. We can always make a new one. So let’s get cracking shall we?
>>47345 (OP)
does anyone have that image of peko? i lost it like two threads ago when BBWdraw got wiped, she was holding circle-shaped things in her hands, no coloring, that's the most i can remember, wondering if anyone knows what peko image i'm talkin bout
was there not a clothed version? idm this version but i do like the one where she's clothed more
You know, when Danganronpa V3 was still new. I had thought that Himiko would get a lot of fats. She has a rather cute design, is pretty damn lazy, and has a girl who is crazy about her and was willing to dote on her every need at a given whim. I thought she was perfect for fats. Boy was I wrong about that. Same with Tenko, since I thought that she would also get a good amount of fats. And since I'm on this tangent, I thought Maki would as well. Not because I thought she had as high fetish potential as those two, but mainly because of her nickname. I mean, with a nickname like Maki Roll it's hard not to think that. Goes to show what I know eh.

I'm glad that people who have a Switch will finally be able to experience the madness that is Danganronpa. But I'm a bit bummed that Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp is exclusive to the Switch. I don't have a Switch so I won't be able to play it. And it seems right up my alley, but alas I'll probably have to watch a playthrough of it. And in regards to Darkfireballz, I'd love to see a blob/blob face of either Himiko, Tenko, or Maki from him, but I doubt that will ever happen. So I hope at the very least your wish comes true.
Yeah, I would die a happy man if he ever decide to do a sumo Mahiru because very few fat art of her exists, which is sad because she is my DR2 waifu.
How is that...thing supposed to sumo?
Ah yes, the Proto-Komaru! I kinda remember her, maybe. But even though my memory of her is lacking, I hope that he does draw her for you man. And say, if such a scenario were to ever occur. Just how fat would you want her to be?
I might be mistaken, but I do believe that "thing" is Chiaki Nanami. And as for how it relates to sumo, while I'm no expert on it. I'm guessing how her hair is done, her being so fat, that thing around her neck, and her likely wearing the traditional sumo attire. As well as being called Yokozuna, which according to good ole google is the highest rank of sumo wrestlers. Makes her a sumo wrestler in the context of that drawing.
It’s Darkfireballz, do I need to say more or is that a good enough approximation.
I mean, it’s not like the guy only draws one size. He does have some range with his fats. But I’m gonna assume you’d want her to be large and in charge. Though feel free to correct me if my assumption is wrong.
Yes indeed, and maybe we could add some extra hilarity as she would go up against Hiyoko, who is much smaller than her, but still fairly large in this scenario with an horrified expression on her face as she just now realizes that Mahiru is now done with her bullshit.
I'd certainly root for Mahiru in that scenario. Lets just say, I don't have the most positive opinion of Hiyoko.
I think blobs are inhuman. They hardly look like people anymore. And I thought Junko put her through the wringer...
Anyone have the pic of Chihiro on a treadmill(?) While Aoi says something about working on his butt?
That's not blob, if I had to wager a guess. It looks more like barely mobile than that. And speaking of blobs, they're hot. Well to me at least, and you know. To each their own.
Took me a hot minute to remember who it was that did it, but I eventually found em. So here's a link to said drawing, https://www.deviantart.com/roxas617/art/Chubby-Chihiro-864187586. And in the event you don't have a DA, here's a catbox link to it. https://files.catbox.moe/0wkz96.png
thats a persona character you idiot.
no yeah they’re right lol
pewbutt isn’t even the one who posted this one on deviantart, but the design pretty clearly isn’t hina— it’s yuko from p3
it’s just a matter of the person who posted it not being able to tell tanned girls apart lmao
I going to say it looks off
Anyone know who did the Sonia?
Yoooooo story guy anon from thread 3 is back?
Does anyone have the fat art of Angie? The specific one I’m thinking about had Angie being fat in thee stages, fat with clothes on, fat without clothes on and her breasts being kinda hidden, and immobile fat with her breasts in full view. She was also with Korekiyo for all three parts, I remember it being posted in one of the last danganronpa threads.
Put this shit in /alt where it belongs
Or you can always ignore it and keep it hidden. So stop complaining like a brat.
Yep, that’s the one. Thanks.
Hey i was wondering if there was a way for me to look at the older threads? Don't visit here much sorry
She looks pregnant to me.
(714 KB, 2048x1263, mukuro35252.png)
There really isn't enough Mukuro fat art.
where is the junko and kyoko seuqence by steviee foxx?
Goodwaifu87616 he only recently started doing digital art
They're pretty shy and mostly draw boys

can you get his danganronpa pack on here?
I need more Tenko fats
This thread needs more kirumi fats
And Mahiru, don’t forget about Mahiru!
Click on the 9 squares in the top right corner
That was a close one
Artist? Thanks.
is there any junko fats out there?
(121 KB, 1192x670, IMG_1031.JPG) (77 KB, 836x956, IMG_1032.JPG)
There’s a third part but I can’t Find it
"Danganronpa S: Ultimate Sumo Camp": A rather peculiar glitch during development results in one copy of "Danganronpa S: Ultimate Sumo Camp" having every Danganronpa girl become a SSBBW sumo blob trying to compete for the "heavily" lauded title of "Ultimate Yokozuna".
Inspired by Darkfireballz' artwork and Novasfatshack's sumo Chihiro story.

Who wants that to happen? That is the million dollar question...
I’d be down to see Tenko, Maki, and Asahina becoming barely mobile/immobile sumo wrestlers. So to that extent I’d be interested in seeing that scenario happen. Any particular Dangan gals that you’d want to see as blubbery flabby sumos?
(157 KB, 387x938, DRS_-_Mahiru_Koizumi_Sprite_(Swimsuit)_Preview.png) (211 KB, 567x965, DRS_-_Kirumi_Tojo_Sprite_(Swimsuit)_Preview.png) (302 KB, 559x983, DRS_-_Hiroko_Hagakure_Sprite_(Swimsuit)_Preview.png) (251 KB, 527x948, DRS_-_Miu_Iruma_Sprite_(Swimsuit)_Preview.png)
As I've said before at >>47621 and >>48020, I'm always up for a massive sumo Mahiru. Though I would also love to see Kirumi, Miu, and Hiroko (Yasuhiro's mother from UDG) at sumo size...
Mahiru is cute, as are your other sumo candidates. Miu I can see as being both a cocky and cowardly sumo wrestler. Kirumi would probably make for an efficient one, and Hiroko would be the most chill. Mahiru could perhaps use her observation of other people from taking pictures of them to her advantage.
Though in your opinion, which Dangan gal do you think would obtain the title of Ultimate Yokozuna?
Maybe Sakura, she's the ultimate martial artist, so sumo is just another sport she could do in her sleep. But how about we talk about other interesting candidates for "Ultimate Yokozuna" if Sakura wasn't a candidate?
Sakura probably would have the best chance of winning it. I doubt even a ton of blubber would slow her down much. Though if she wasn’t in the race to become the best sumo around. Then I could see Tenko taking the title. Bias aside, she’s also involved in a martial art so she’d have the edge over some of the other girls. Also, if a prize of some kind was involved and Himiko happened to be interested in it. I could see Tenko going into hardcore mode in order to get it for her. Course with any sport you always have the person who causes an upset. So the most unlikely candidate could end up winning the title in the end.
That nhentai site had some of the worst manga I have ever seen. It looks like it was drawn by retards.

Does anyone have a link to a site with good quality mangas? I apologize for not knowing any.
With how much of a klutz Mikan is shown to be, she’d also have that going against her. I feel that Tsumugi might actually be one of the stronger candidates because of her cosplaying ability. Now as for who I would go with, it’s between Himiko and Komaru. Himiko because she’s lazy and would probably not have much interest in the contest. And Komaru, because she’s the most “ordinary” girl there. Though ya know, I think people might underestimate Mahiru because of her talent. So she could be placed with this group as well. Least in my view.
True, she could also be placed into that category. Unless she saw the sumo competition as one big game. Then she might give some of the other girls a run for their money. Though I’d like to think that our respective favourite Dangan gals would come out of this competition as the victors. Cause I think there can be more than one Yokozuna at a time. Though I’m probably wrong about that.
How much would you say every girl weigh in pounds? Sorted by the hundreds, from lightest to heaviest.
Who’s the artist for the 2nd and 3rd images?
I'm no math expert so just bear with me here. So since SSBBW is the baseline for the girls. I assume that the starting weight, and subsequent smallest weight, would be around 400 pounds. The end weight would probably be around 1,000 pounds or however heavy blobs are. So based off of my own opinion with how the characters act like I think it would go something like this. Also I'm just focusing on the games and splitting them up into their respective categories as such.

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc:

Sayaka - 410
Kyoko - 445
Mukuro - 470
Celestia - 490
Toko/Jack - 510
Junko - 650
Sakura - 770
Aoi - 955

Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair:

Mikan - 425
Mahiru - 470
Hiyoko - 500
Sonia - 515
Chiaki - 595
Ibuki - 645
Peko - 670
Akane - 885

Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony:

Angie - 405
Kaede - 500
Miu - 540
Maki - 585
Kirumi - 630
Tsumugi - 680
Tenko - 900
Himiko - 1005

The artist for the second drawing was this artist here, https://twitter.com/riu_incognito/status/1384374152447078400 and I'm not sure who did the third drawing.
It’s ELFSEXER69, but just a heads up. That artist draws vore as well.
How much would you think Komaru and Hiroko would weigh? And about Monaca and Kotoko, since they're probably too young to compete, I would imagine that they would essentially serve as referees overlooking every bout to ensure fair fights, what do you think?
I knew I was forgetting a game. Well for Komaru I can see her being around the 500s. I don’t imagine she’d be one to gain a ton of weight. I don’t see Hiroko being very competitive either. Although, perhaps if she got fired up and was drinking like a sailor as well. She might end up around the high 600s or low 700s. I can also see Monaca and Kotoko acting as referees. Though I’m not sure they’d be the most fair of judges. Cause I can imagine Monaca would mess with those competing in the competition. While Kotoko might have a bias for the girls she finds adorable.
Think we should contact Darkfireballz about this idea?
Eh, I’ve never talked with him before. So I personally wouldn’t want to message him out of the blue like that. Also it could potentially come off as begging. I think it be best to wait until he’s open for commissions to present the idea to him. Although, if you talked with him before then I’d say go for it. Though ultimately you can do whatever you want. If you want to present this idea to him now then you go man. You have my support.
It would probably cool if them or Roxas617 was looking through this thread at this very moment or at some point at time, because they are people that I trust when it comes to drawing SSBBW sumos.
I honestly want to see the Male characters become Sumos as well
Well, he is the "Ultimate Hope", so he may already have the talent of "Ultimate Sumo", you never really know...
Seconded, take it to Alt.
I don’t imagine that Darkfireballz would bother with this place. Your best bet would be someone who knows him telling him about this thread. Which even that is probably not very likely. But yeah, you never know. Perhaps he does lurk here.

Honestly wouldn’t mind seeing Shuichi as a flabby barely mobile sumo. Though it’s probably best to keep the male talk elsewhere. Since this isn’t the board for it.
Actually, there's a DR male thread on ee if you want to talk about it there
Good to know, thanks for the heads up man.
you know everyone else can see IDs and tell that you’re replying to yourself right? lmfao
>>76088 (with)

917747 has been found guilty
Time for the punishment...

*Proceeds to get sumo slammed to death by every Dangan girl*
Other than the dying part that doesn’t sound to bad. Being pinned down by such a fat gut would be nice.
Hey, I also just contacted Darkfireballz about the idea and they said that they love the idea, but they can't find the time for it. I just asked them if they could do 1-2 art pieces, and maybe do a sumo Mahiru, I'm currently waiting for a response.
Glad to hear that he liked the idea, hope things pan out for you man.
Does anyone know how to access the archive DR threads? I imagine I'd need the IDs for them, but I try searching them up, and I'm not finding anything no matter what I search. I'm specifically looking for the koikatsu sim guides from the one Anon, so if someone knows how to do that, it'd be awesome. Thank you for the cool fats guys 👍 👌
Sorry for the long wait, I got a response from them and said that they might do it someday, but it isn't guaranteed because they told me that they're kinda bad at remembering requests.
It’s all good man. Nice that he even considered your idea. Hope that he remembers it and you’re able to get some sumo Mahiru. On a unrelated note, if you ever want to discuss other scenarios and what have you. Feel free to hit me up.
Do you have an account of DA? Mine is LordAnubis444.
I remember that in one of the previous threads, I think it was a different version of the site, someone found a doujinshi that had the entire cast of the first game fat, though it was chibi style. Does anybody have at least the cover of it?
Damn, that's hot. Maybe I should make a request there after all...
Love all the talk of sumo Mahiru. Also did Darkfireballz ever get back to you on that comm? Overall very based and redpilled image and discussion
has anyone got the junko art made by cookie crumbler?
Does anybody got the Sonia nevermind fat lineart from chechecheArtist if I recall correctly?
Post art yourself if you're going to ask for art. Otherwise you're proving that you're trying to save a thread that doesn't deserve being saved.

I'm asking 'cause I can' t find it, genius
Why didn't you post this earlier when you were asking for art you nimrod? You could've saved this thread yourself, but you decide to be an asshole and wait until someone gave you what you wanted.
Give us the details.
god I need more fat himiko bros
Commissioned this one

This site has become 90% meme threads or crapposting. Why? Even most of /gen/ and inf are rediculous. It is not bbwchan anymore at this point. This is crazy it's supposed to be a bbw board. Did everyone forget that this is a site for people who love bbw?

If only people who love bbw were here, and everyone else left, this site would flourish
Why did a picture of bloated Himiko make you say this???
Isn't it obvious? He's insane.
Man I’d love to see his take of a blobby Maki or Tenko.
Speaking of Namagai, (And yea I know this counts as inflation but fuck it who gives a shit)
Does anyone have the one with Komaru getting fart inflation by Toko?
Where did you get this amazing art?
hey LWB posted some junko artwork on his patreon can anyone post it?

>anon asks for patreon art
>literally just cut down early access time from 7 days to 5 and available for a buck minimum
>waltzes in, sees reply asking for junko, gives a junko

and this right here is a class act. that being said, support his patreon or wait a few more days like everyone else.

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Bumpin' this thread so it doesn't get executed by Monokuma.
(1.3 MB, 1200x2800, Peko1.png) (262 KB, 1280x1630, Peko2.jpg) (150 KB, 1280x1120, peko3.jpg)
Can we bring back the Sumo Summer Camp prompt? Peko here decided to go through with the necessary preparations for it, and it'd be a waste for her to have no one to challenge
You know what? Better yet, we could make this its own thread on either BBWalt or BBWelite. Is anyone else here with me?

Good, now let's go!
who made those?
ChiakiFan53 on Twitter, taking requests rn
who made that? it looks great!
ai generated is weird in general but those look ok
would anyone be willing to make these look normal? Maybe draw them?
Christ, got a source on that?
Of all the things I expected to happen today, finding a fan53 remnant on godamn bbwchan danganronpa board was not one of them
*on the bbw chan danganronpa board.

god dammit.
I have to know
Which one were you? Guessing Jotaro
Does anybody got that one Sonia Nevermind swimsuit fat edit? I've seen it somewhere on tumgir or something... I would post it myself but I can't find it.
More Kaede
Just wondering, can anyone recommend some good Danganronpa WG fics?
wow my browser glitched the fuck out
Anyone know where I can find some good Kirumi fats? She's really underrated.
>That gif for everyone to archive
You're one of the good ones.

Now I got a thing for music aficionados, thanks.

Quite surreal how the first glimpse of the very first game was in a SomethingAwful thread, but what's more off-putting is this game being popular among chubby chasers despite the horrific outcomes to the girls

They definitely wanted a piece of Persona's fame.
(599 KB, 2048x1518, FCkPHvkWQAEwjqi.jpg)
hey does anyone have the full version of this?
(1.8 MB, 1920x1080, 2.png) (1.7 MB, 1920x1080, 3.png) (2.5 MB, 1920x1080, 1.png)
do you have a deviant art account?
Does anyone have a picture of Kyoko becoming an overweight gangster? I remember seeing one but can't seem to find it anywhere
(43 KB, 1000x600, Mahiru Full.png)
Gonna test out this stuff for a Danganronpa-themed weight gain VN/Dating sim. Any ideas?
Not sure if this will help but maybe you could try doing something similiar to what NewMetrack's Fatsona: Breakout did
Surprised that I hadn't hear about it before. Metrack's work is awesome and it looks super impressive in every department, but personally I don't think I'd go for anything past a simple visual novel/dating sim (that is, not including much in the way of mini games and such).
It depends on if you're planning on only having girls from a specific game or not. I've always liked the idea of Junko making the food more fattening / coaxing one of the girls to eat more, then something happens to make the rest of the girls think Makoto has a fat fetish. This then leading to them to compete to see who can be the fattest. Of course this can be adapted to a VN/Dating Sim including more than just the D1 girls. I'm looking forward to see where this leads, I'd especially love to see a fat Celestia Ludenberg!
(2.7 MB, 1721x1007, Working so far.png)
So I've actually gotten a good bit of work done so far. I'm thinking I'll just be focussing on DR2 for the time being because 1. I like the island setting a lot more and 2. I like the girls in it more. Right now I'm working on just an independent story involving Mahiru and the player character (Maybe sort-of Hajime?) that will have maybe 3-6 days with events and choices and such that lead to some different endings. In terms of plot, I'm actually sorta struggling to come up with a reason for some of the girls to gain weight (such as Mahiru, Peko, and Sonya). I'm thinking of maybe involving Teruteru somehow, but idk just yet. Basically though, I'd like to make individual releases for each girl and then at the end compile them all into a more "sandbox" style dating-sim. (Also ignore the tiny pixel in her hair lol I didn't notice it until now. Background is also a placeholder until I find someone who can actually draw them lol.)
"Danganronpa S: Ultimate Sumo Camp": A rather peculiar glitch during development results in one copy of "Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp" turning every Danganronpa girl (excluding Towa and Kotoko, but including Chihiro) into a SSBBW sumo blob trying to compete for the "heavily" lauded title of "Ultimate Yokozuna".
Inspired by Darkfireballz' artwork and Novasfatshack's sumo Chihiro story.
Who wants that to happen? That is the million dollar question...
Here's a link to the thread on /elite/: https://bbw-chan.nl/elite/res/4168.html
Looks like a pretty neat project. I'm definitely going for something different, more of a romance-themed, moderate/slow-burn weight-gain for each of the girls (minus Hiyoko). Good luck on your project though!
In my opinion hearing people's different points of view is kinda useless, you just need to think of a random idea and build upon it if you're good at programming. You can also get inspiration by looking at art
There's a two part sequence with kaede and shuichi, the second page had a rather fat kaede sitting on his lap with a suggest8ve facial expression amd some dialogue bubbles. There was also some minimal colouring. Does anyone have it?
(91 KB, 1722x969, Example Shot4.png) (1.9 MB, 1721x967, Example Shot1.png) (1.6 MB, 1716x964, Example Shot2.png) (1.6 MB, 1724x968, Example Shot3.png)
So I've got about the full first day all made and playable. Before I release anything though there's still a lot I'd like to do, such as optimizing script, adding some new sprites, making the UI look nicer, adding more music tracks, etc. Once I have a more "refined" build, I may drop a playable teaser of just the first day. Bare in mind I'm still very new to this, so there will be missteps lol. So far I'm very happy with the results though, and I hope to deliver something everyone enjoys.
Is there a size range you're looking to do for the girls? I'm assuming you're gonna go a little beyond what you showed so far in terms of chubby factor
(1.7 MB, 1410x1974, Ibuki.png)
Definitely bigger than what I've shown so far. I plan for each girl to have different body shapes/fat distribution to some degree. Most likely something in line with pic related for max size, apologies for reposting
Most likely, no, as it's not really something I'm personally interested in. Although I am considering commissioning content like that from other artists for those interested, so it's not 100% off the table, but don't expect it to be a focal point.
(5.9 MB, 3200x4700, k.png)
Nevermind. I found it
>>147860 First thought that came to mind. All that's needed is a bitcrushed Still Dre and it's perfect. Or In The End (Faint's better IMO).
Does anyone have that one old Celes sketch, where she's like, sitting on a stool and reaching for a slice of cake or something? artist purged it from their deviantart and I don't have it anymore
Does anybody have that one picture of that moderately fat Ibuki on the single-color background? I know its on twitter somewhere, but I can't find it.
She's doing that sweat drop of anxiety in it with the dialog "Haha, yeah..." if I'm remembering right. Had her hands up while doing it.
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decided i'd post the dr1 weight gain doujin! some pages near the end are spoilered for male wg but i figured it'd be weird to just post bits and pieces so don't click them if you don't wanna see it
(397 KB, 1280x1789, 23.jpg) (403 KB, 1280x1789, 24.jpg) (519 KB, 1280x1789, 25.jpg) (333 KB, 1280x1789, 26.jpg)
Who is the artist for these
assthethick for the first, Goodwaifu87616 for the other
Should've let the thread die instead of posting this garbage.
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(9.2 MB, 5403x3820, 02CCDDF6-3529-4D9F-85AB-BEE2063703A9.png)
If you bump, you should post something, freeloader. Have this ridiculously huge picture of Kaede. The full version is far too big to fit here, not unlike herself
wheres the full version?
The peko ones look perfect but the mahiru one feels off
it's way too big for me to upload anywhere. it's like, 16 thousand pixels wide. this version is the full one, just at a *slightly* lower resolution, but still a very high one.

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