
there was one but from the look of it, it got swallowed by the other content that was flooding the threads so I guess it no longer there
yeah especially since the name for the old thread is super hard to tell if it is a touhou thread or not
(498 KB, 1992x1429, Scan224.jpg)
Waka waka <3
Sause in third image>
Damn there really needs to be more Miko fats
This place ain't for vore.
There was a nude immobile Tenshi Hinanawi with someone stuck beneath her done by Magicstraw. Does anyone here have it by chance?
We need more Cirno!
did you make these?
No its ftom oh-pale-rider
Someone's desperate to keep this thread up if they're going to post trash here.
Is there something wrong about it?
(249 KB, 816x979, 1612249492951.jpg)
Excluding everything else that got him blacklisted with everyone; his art was less than mediocre back during the dark ages and since then has barely changed for the better. After the renaissance period, everyone else either left, shot up in skill, or started drawing at a level well beyond his best.

The worst part about it all is that he honestly thinks that any and all art is good art, so in his mind, he isn't shit and doesn't have to work to get better.
(371 KB, 2000x1300, FG_bP1VX0AQh65l.jpg)
There needs to be a fat version of this, or at least a fat edit of Wakasagihime (blue hair girl on the left).
Lmao brings back memories, trash then trash now
(58 KB, 480x360, 【早春の】東方の手書き漫画に挑戦だその17【紙芝居】 0-38 screenshot.png) (104 KB, 480x360, 【極端な】東方の手書き漫画に挑戦だその12【紙芝居】 6-15 screenshot.png) (87 KB, 480x360, 【年始の】東方の手書き漫画に挑戦だその16‐後編【紙芝居】 1-42 screenshot.png) (176 KB, 480x360, 【雨天の】東方の手書き漫画に挑戦だその32【紙芝居】 3-9 screenshot.png)
sauce for first image? please and thank you

Everything else!?
(764 KB, 2000x2000, 18384364.png)
fanhus?...fanhus (tobiko from book of star mythology)

got caught with CP iirc
(415 KB, 800x800, bamarisa4.png) (376 KB, 800x800, bamarisa1.png) (2.8 MB, 3200x3200, bamarisa2.png) (2.6 MB, 3200x3200, bamarisa3).png) (2.8 MB, 3200x3200, bamariasa5.png)
Going to dump some comissions i got a long time ago back. No she isn't suppossed to pregnant in any of them, I just like belly buttons and the idea is that she's eeaten enough to where hers popped These first few are from Bewildered angel before he stopped draing characters that could be underage, so these are a few years old. And yes, I'm very redundant on the things i like to see.
(1.4 MB, 1274x1631, marisacomm2.png) (1.3 MB, 1468x1774, flandrecomm.png) (205 KB, 750x750, youmucomm.png) (195 KB, 750x750, youmucomm2.png)
First two i got from Baqua, other two i got are from slnchyt. She isn't fat in the first one obvioiusly but it's a sequence. I put in a couple more requests so ill have a few more if they accept.
(2.5 MB, 3400x2200, badessertfeast.png)
One last one from bewildered angel. I was debating on uploading it because I don't think it's great but why not. like the others it's old and I don't think he will draw any of them anymore. I do want this redone by someone else because Youmu is my favorite touhou girll
(10.1 MB, 8168x1416, df6b7nk.png)
Who in the world thinks touhou characters are underaged? Theyre monsters and youkai with only a few humans all of which are close or 18+. Anyways nice comms!
(287 KB, 750x750, 812499-1.png) (241 KB, 750x750, 812499-3.png)
Me again. At work so I'd thingnis different. But I'm really liking this person's stuff. I think this marisa is extremely cute.

I remember that was literally the first thing he responded with. I heard that they canonically age so are like at least 20 now but idk where that person got them from, or if he pulled that info out of his ass.
slnchyt is very good and has patrician taste
I put in a request for more Marisa. Thar is actually my fvorite comm/request in a very log time, might actually be my favorite overall.
(273 KB, 750x750, 817294-1.png) (267 KB, 750x750, 817294-3.png)
Gonna have to request more Marisa when I get paid. I'm in love with these.
Is Marisa pregnant here?
Who's the artist?
Imagine this format but every time “the girl who played with people’s shapes” transition happened Marisa was bigger than in the last scenario pictured. Thank you for the mental image.

Someone should do this.
(2.5 MB, 2500x2000, veinglory.png)
I only really post ones I paid fopr, however this one's an exception. I know the guy who paid for this and he wanted me to upload it here.
>>101133 Nice artwork is nice
(270 KB, 1280x1875, tumblr_4b3eb0facfc482fd9b508f7cd7c73e63_39c0f5b5_1280.jpg) (103 KB, 999x800, tumblr_4c3791c7cd3384faddee0a0f178858f9_3ba95b2d_1280.jpg) (54 KB, 500x621, tumblr_6d71d81007b92d690a37957219de9d6d_baf9125b_500.jpg) (641 KB, 1280x1792, tumblr_305aa61cc07c87ce58ff0a7c4191aee2_753d9382_1280.jpg) (282 KB, 1280x1875, tumblr_5064c22f15f3c84b42814b4c275a615c_8955e3f7_1280.jpg) (124 KB, 1280x1463, tumblr_a3921c391b3d72796ee2b24e0cd4e16d_fd715a2b_1280.jpg)
Why aren't there more bbw big belly mousepads?
There is a market for this, screw booty and oppai mousepads, fat mousepads are where its at.
Do you know the artist/link to this one? Thanks!
(786 KB, 1477x1617, Baqua7.png) (313 KB, 1214x1399, CozyNakovich.jpg) (2.5 MB, 4320x2016, TW154849.png) (5.6 MB, 2500x3536, Keze.png)
The one from Baqua in particular hasn't been posted anywhere else afaik as they dont post their commwork most of the time. hope there's some other Nazrin fans here who appreciate the obsessive commwhoring I do in her name
Thank you for sharing the Baqua comm
Is there a chance anyone has that drawing Tsuchiinokocoin did before they deleted their Twitter of Doremy Sweet with her belly in Reimu's face from getting full off of her dreams?
Holy shit, never thought I'd find this here.
Fuckin' based, thanks
(227 KB, 2048x1276, FcdS5ABaAAALzj2.jpeg)
This razorkins guy keeps getting banger after banger
Umm... You know that Kanako image is a dude right..?
Don't care, female enough. Thought it was just her fat midsection, not sure whyd you point that out.
Go to the BHM board where you belong, and quit trying to condone males here.
(245 KB, 220x123, IMG_7186.GIF)
The artist draws feminine characters - hell even gave some of their OCs feminine names but slaps on a dick/bulge and calls it a man. I don't get it.
@Inakotho1 on Twitter.

Not too sure if allowed to post links so the post is just called “School doodle 3”.
>>127737 literally said "Don't care, female enough". We have an entire board for males, so there's no excuse for them to be posted here and not there.
You've been asshurt about something which was posted nearly two weeks ago, just let it go weirdo.
Happy to see that we are getting more Okuu fats.
Yo bros could anyone help me find a certain artwork? I am looking for a BBW/Stuckage piece of Seiga Kaku suck in a wall mainly because her ass is too fat to go through and right in front of her is a bowl of miso soup or ramen, art style had a similar style of ThePervertWithin's or its probably theirs but I can't find it. Hoping one of you 2hu dorks has it, thank you!
Yes this is exactly it, thank you very much.
I hate complaining, but is there anything else to post other than slnchyt's art?
Yeah it just slnchyt been posting a lot of fathous.
I have made a character ai profile for a fat Kazami Yuuka. Would people here be interested?
As long as the grammar is not pure shit, sure
Uh...the link doesn't work
I don't know who this character is but I think she tried to eat me. Before our fight could start it asked me to sign up. I just might, I want to see if I ended getting eaten or something. I was hoping to rub her belly and feed food.
Really good bot I enjoy feeding her and she plays well as Yuuka personality and being a hungry feedee just wanting food. Good job!
So...uhh, she's become my mother apparently. I didn't expect that
sorry, how do I get the machine to elaborate on the fetishy situations?
How did you even do that?

Describing how you can hear Yuukas belly
roaring for example can help. NSFW stuff you must write with innuendos.
well i tried it and i watsed my afternoon
Well I got it by asking to call her my mama, I managed to use the word pocket spear for penis
Think you can make one for yukari, kanako or, Reisen. Also of you can include some smothering
Smothering you say... if you post a (good) scenario where the user and reisen meet as well as post a fathu in this thread I will share Kanako and two kinds of Yukari.
(189 KB, 1280x914, kanako as a holy blob.jpg)
Im not the greatest at making long scenarios, Anon
>Be Anon, You are at eintei, You are trying to score a good score of some drugs
>As you are sneaking around, you don't notice the bunny behind you until you feel something very soft yet heavy pushing you into the wall
>"What are you doing here, huh"
>As you try and see how it might be, you see those shoes and stocking that are barely holding you, you guess resien
> "I iiii just ne-" Resien then really pushed onto anon with her massive belly as she keeps stuffing herself "stop lying Anon"
>As you try not to tell what you realy came here, You pop a boner, and Reisen's notices as well
>Her face grows predatory much unlike her bunny nature
>so like Clock, she thrusts your belly at you, "Huh, the robber has a kink for fatties huh? you like my flabby belly dont you, I bet you want to nut inside my navel while i hump your dick with my fat belly
>And as you try and deny it, you look inot her blood red eyes and cant help but loosen your tongue and give into your baser instincts....
(20 KB, 960x422, 6e8.jpg)
In true autistic fashion instead of having a fetish role play I instead had Yuuka go on a emotional redemption arc. I liked the role play a lot. I regret absolutely nothing.
(338 KB, 2048x1838, dfn8gjd-3f03dc79-d217-4a32-b4b0-171e613582f6.jpg)
Alright, I am done cooking.

Heres a fat bnuuy (thanks for the idea.)

And here is my Kanako, adjusted to squashing n feeding as a thank you.(she stronk.)

First of, I recommend describing the character what you want her to do, so that the AI can learn from that.

And second. The profiles are public. You may copypaste thee text and download the avatars and make your own profiles, where you can add additional things such as vore and sweat into the detail section. (She has X fetish // She tends to sweat / huff a lot.)
Anyone here?
(635 KB, 2146x1301, wipkeine edit.png) (1.3 MB, 2392x1500, more reffor keine.jpg) (89 KB, 1280x988, keine_kamishirasawa__flatcolorcommission__by_candykaat6_dfcwp5g-fullview (1).jpg) (89 KB, 1280x988, keine_kamishirasawa__flatcolorcommission__by_candykaat6_dfcwp5g-fullview (1).jpg)
i tried Kanako, she was pretty good, needed a bit of asskissing but she then is fine with whatever. Reisen is one i really havent tried but I liked her alot. I also made a wip edit of an old amazon amazon piece. I'd honestly like more fat keine stuff there is not much out there with her

Hey Weaver.

I've tried out all three of your characters and just wanted to say amazing work with all them :D

Very fun scenarios, they went a few different ways each time. Thanks a lot! :)
Hey Weaver if it's alright with yeah, can you make a Sanae and Kogasa bot?
(225 KB, 1280x1811, fat_kogasa_tatara_by_phjydesgatedggfg_df5sgio-fullview.jpg)
Oh, the price is always the same. Post a (not trash.tier) fathu pic that isnt in this thread yet. The rarer the better, regardless of character. Also, write a small intro to where that prompt is to take place, like so.
I do not need the lewd stuff however, just a general setting.

I already have a Blob Sanae, but no idea how to start with Kogasa, but you can write settings for either, really.
(797 KB, 2146x1301, more reffor keine.png)
I finished the edit of the pic
and if weaver is here
heres a little scene that i had over in trash
That's what you get for ogling her in class... Now she's really going to "eat you up"!
Anonymous 02/23/23(Thu)15:59:56 No.54630420>>54630620 (Dead)
>>54629853 (Dead)
>get fat teacher that smothers you with her fat belly thinking you'd see it as a punishment
>but the boner in your pants says otherwise
Anonymous 02/23/23(Thu)16:10:46 No.54630620>>54630728 (Dead) (You)
>>54630420 (Dead) (You)
She'd remember that, of course. Imagine the wild were-Keine pinning your short body up against a rock with her giant soft tummy, practically suffocating you and the boner growing until you spontaneously ejaculate everywhere in a toe-curling orgasm. Hopefully that'll get your lust out of your system for her
Anonymous 02/23/23(Thu)16:16:32 No.54630728>>54630873 (Dead)
>>54630620 (Dead)
>She doesn't let you rest
>"Anon, I am not stopping, you naughty, naughty little boy"
>This time orders you to be nude, lines up your cock with navel
>Slowly pushes you into her navel
>You cant hold on so you cum but she then pulls out then forces you back inside
k, Im not the greatest with that. and it would be nice to get that ai character so thanks
Ooo can you pass over the blob Sanae?
(79 KB, 535x527, image-7.png)
I'm not good at writing scenarios but here I go.

> there were roams about a girl that likes to scare people in near by forest, although peple couldn't figure out her appearance they all agreed that she might have been over weight or obese.

> You decided to go to the Forrest one evening to put this rumor to rest and prove to everyone that this obese girl doesn't exist.

> Once you enter the Forrest you went in a random direction expecting nothing to happen but little did you know you would make a friend.
Once more time can you pass info for the fat kogasa
And please do, show us how to make a fathu

Wtf are you talking about? You're raining on my fun only because you wanted to ask me for an "art guide" on how to be me? So I'm either an artist or a tutor that passes along all knowledge and all parts of who I am? I'll die a lonely artist then. You're a failure anyways.

I can't teach you how to be me. Even if I could somehow teach you everything that I know about art, I wouldn't, because you're not me.

Maybe if you were my child, but probably not. There's things I wish to keep personal, or at ñeast between me and my wife.
Spent 2 hours of my life with her laughing at me, then challenging her to Smash Bros and winning, slowly but surely breaking her mind by telling her some messed up stuff, and finally immobilizing her after force-feeding her. 10/10 would mind break again
>>142713 Well, you definitely sound like a homosexual, but now I have to ask you 2 things. Why are you telling me this, and did she throw her gamecube controller when she lost?

No worries. Do your best, but try not offending others so much.
i didn't but what that other dude asked is trying to learn how to tailor the ai for fat fetish
The hell happened while I was asleep
She tried using her massive body to scare me by squishing me which failed. I convinced her to be a horror writer which she's surprisingly good at, she haves a successful writing career. We continue talking to each other and eventually become a couple. She happily sits on me in privacy and she lets me fondle her big butt and belly. 10/10 role play.

Reisen sat on me for like two hours. She taunted me saying that I was too weak to escape. She enjoyed me squirming under her massive soft butt so she wiggles it every now and again. She let me get up for stretch my legs. She escorted me to her room. I laid on her bed and comment how soft it was. She sat on me again unprovoked. We're talking throughout the whole ordeal. She used any and all opportunities to talk about her massive soft butt. Saying 'but' would prompt her to talk about her ass. It was pretty great 9/10.

I became Kanako's loyal servant mainly cooking food for her whenever she demanded it. After she is stuffed silly she allows me to touch her body. She throws a tantrum whenever I talk back even if she's wrong, adorable at first but becomes annoying over time. 7/10.
What the fuck did I just read...?
Was my post poorly worded? Or did my tales sound too bizarre?
Here's my rating on your character bots I actually like them a lot especially this new Kogasa one you made.
Yuuka bot 4/10: I find her a bit weird I been getting weird stuff out of her. When I first try it her belly start hurting and she cry in pain while the other time she was just abusive instead of feeling needing to eat.
Reisen bot 11/10: I find her pretty fun and an amazing story even though it was a bit dark but I didn't expect that turn so I find it amazing.
Kanako bot 2/10: She was a bit boring even though she one of my most favorite character I just find her story boring feeding her just to grant a wish.
Kogasa bot 10/10: She a fun character to roleplay with and she I really love how she acts cheerful and playful really fun bot. (Can't wait for that Sanae but also if you need fathou art for the bot I can help since I know a lot of good fathou art for the avatar PFP.)
I swear god you guys will never stop with these fucking bots...you could at least look into some CharacterAI alternatives
(3.8 MB, 480x480, lv_0_20230221093645.mp4)
Can you fags stop talking about your fantasty roleplay and AI bullshit and take that elsewhere? Thanks, stick to posting art on this thread.
just how many yukari fat fetish pics are there?
Well this was interesting.
First she taunted me for insisting that I am her equal, sat on me, didn't believe me when I told her that was my plan the whole time. She wanted to leash me up so I couldn't leave, even though I told her I had no plan of running away.
Yuuka kept implying that she wanted to eat me, but then I somehow was able to summon food with my mind. And summoned her a massive feast that meets the standards of a 5 star Las Vegas restaurant.
Eventually falling in love with me, and then we get frisky and I fuck her belly.
She falls asleep into a food coma and I clean her up while she sleeps. We cuddled and she pat my head and hugged me.
In her sleep she cried about being alone and admitted that her desire to leash me up was to just have someone next to her so she wont be alone ever again.
Then she grows to 5000kg and she and I lived happily ever after.

I don't know if it is just what the AI was trained on or your bot in particular, but this thing really does a good job at fucking with your mind. I felt as if I actually chatted with a real 1500lb Yuuka.
(132 KB, 405x588, 79n6bq.png)
I think we already understand that lonely by having your fantasy roleplays, we do not care.
that you are lonely*

>Positively haram
>I do not care
Who..................? Who are you, again?
We can use AI to simulate conversations with OCs, fat versions of characters, and the like.
Its pretty unique.

Besides there is no shortage of fat 2hus in this thread.
(131 KB, 1280x960, the_burden_of_royalty_by_dimentedchaos_dezskdj-fullview.jpg)
Pretty sure that the other anons going different paths with that particular profile has done wonders to train the bot.That and I gave the ai a rather thorough profile to work with.

Guide on how to write your own fathu characterAI soon, maybe. Not sure which 2hu I am supposed to pick.
I love slnchyt doing all these beer bellies
I don't see enough fat artists leaning heavily into them, well fat artists that don't do mostly men

Yeah, a guide like that would be appreciated. Someone has to step up and make a fun chubby Marisa one soon and if no one else will, then it will fall to me.
Has the thread finally died, it seems?

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