
Anyone have the blobby Naoto with a futa alt?
Sauce for the second pic?
Oh boy, I can't wait to post on yet ANOTHER board titled "last one saged" because you dimwits are too lazy to title it correctly.
Does anyone have that Ann pack thing from Bed benders inc?
Does anyone have that Ann pack from bed benders inc?
Anyone have the Ohya Rolls theAmericanDream pack?
@Oz_Eldorado on twitter

Sauce for the last Ann pic?
Who’s the artist of the first pic?

I got it from conniwolf55 on deviantart
(1.3 MB, 1400x2000, 543.png)
whos the artist on the last Ann post
wish there was more kasumi art
Same. I’ve seen a few ok ones but nothing good.
You wouldn’t happen to have any blobby Maya on you, would ya anon?
It’s Darkfireballz, though I’m guessing this particular drawing was posted somewhere privately.
Actually, it's gonna be uploaded publicly tomorrow. I just decided to post it now cause it was convenient.
Gonna guess you're the guy who commissioned it? If so, lucky man. I always wanted to commission Dark, but I've never had any luck. And while I'm indifferent to Kasumi personally, it was nice of you to give this thread a sneak preview of it earlier. But despite my indifference to her, the scenario you went with is a damn good one. And the fatter the girl the better, so good on ya for that as well.
Thanks, my dude. I'm glad you enjoy the scenario I put Kasumi in.
You're welcome, and yeah. Fatties getting stuck is a nice scenario as is. But when you have an even fatter one getting stuck in a thing like a doorway. Well then you're cooking with fire my man. Even better than that, is when you have the walls, floor, or glass around her breaking because of her girth and her fruitless struggle.
>>47199 (Dead)
This is true, but their girls look great obese
anyone got Newmetracks new Ann art?
anybody got newmetracks new Ann art he hasnt released yet?
Anyone got the tae by theamericandream?
Does anyone have the Ann pictures from fatso and breakout by new metrack?
Fatsona break out
Who did the Mitsuru?

sauce on the 1st one of ann?
That would be NewMetrack. The picture is from an Ann Takamaki sequence that he's uploading the pictures as they come out to his patreon, and then he's going to upload them publicly one by one when he's finished the whole thing I believe
Who is that in the second image?
Does anyone have Idle-Minded’s Sae WG sequence?
Anyone have the fatsona breakout pictures, specifically ann
Does anyone have a B&W sketch of a stuffed Chie? Used to be able to find it posted online but can't now. It looks really close to an official sketch and has Kanji on it. Chie's sat, stuffed and rubbing her belly in satisfaction, while, sitting behind her, Yukiko looks embarrassed and Rise's jealous that Chie's boobs have gotten bigger.

That's all I really remember, but if anyone knows that one, posting it'd be really appreciated.
Just want to be clear I mean Kanji as in the text, not the character
anyone have the axel rosered p5 stuff?
That Futaba is amazing. Source?
(1.8 MB, 1500x1170, 30663228_p0.jpg)
Does anyone know if there was a colored edit or version of this Naoto pic that Oda Lee did a long while back?
where can i find the pewbutt ann?
Why is 90% of the art hear fucking blobs of flesh? This isn’t fucking hot, it’s literally incomprehensible
Who’s the artist for the chubby chips pics?
(1.1 MB, 1500x1800, KasumiBB.png)
I noticed some of my favorite pics came out in the last year or so. It's preference to high heaven, but most were Kasumi art.
I was literally just >>58505
searching for this the past few days on e-hentai. Thanks for providing pic so I could find artists name on there and now I can find and now provide back to u. Here’s the link below:
Since we are about the idle-minded comics, how bout someone provides access to the entirety of “Carla’s Kitchen!”?
Does anyone have an image of Haru & The Persona 5 Protag sitting in a booth together with Haru eating a burg
Shes so chumby.... God I love this. Also thanks
(1.1 MB, 2233x2181, 1615789974531.png)
Does anybody have the rest of these? There was one for every main girl from P3-5
These are really cute. Sauce?
(1.5 MB, 3038x4265, 1591630842862.png)
Post them anyway, big bap is fun and scrolling through the artist's Twitter to find them is slightly annoying.
(8.3 MB, 3500x3000, as4.png)
Anyone got some fat Yukiko art?
Wrong Hifumi. That character is from 'New Game!', not Persona,

Great pic none-the-less.
Hey, can anyone lay on some Sophia fat art. I know they exist. If there already are some in this thread, please send the number of that post.

it says the name in the image link
I'll say it again, this is nasty, don't post gross shit like this

It's hidden behind a spoiler tag, so you shouldn't even be complaining about it, much less clicking on it.
It also shouldn't be on this site, much less this board
joekie3wl on DA
Anyone got a picture of a blob Futaba in her Oracle outfit? I’ve been looking all over the internet for it and I can’t find it. It was on the previous thread.
Nope that’s not it
Does anyone know what kind of outfit the bigger femc is wearing?
Anything could be hidden behind that spoiler tag. Literally anything. You didn't even say warning: vore or anything like that

The poster wasn't obligated to say anything, though.
ruined ur whole week huh?
(2.0 MB, 3000x1800, FutabaImm1.png)
Found this Futaba blob. I remember it on the previous thread so here.
Does anyone know or have a blob Naoto that’s just her with a donut stuffed in her mouth and her cheeks are covered in food?

Judging by the pear shape & general flabbiness id guess bambooale but idk why he wouldnt watermark it
Does anybody have that picture of Ai from one of the previous threads
(21 KB, 207x211, anncrop.jpeg)
Anyone have a full version/sauce for this?
Metrack did it again
Who's that girl in the first 2 pics?

looks like Yoshizawa
sauce on futaba?
JustAnotherFatArtist on Deviantart
Any Hifumi? Feels like she never gets anything of quality.

source on these? i cannot for the life of me make out the artists tag
>>80817 "Dave from next door"
If you're subscribed to SoftService (i assumed it because you're posted new picture of Ann) — can you update the kemono.party page, please?
>>82843 artist?
anyone have any ann?
does anyone have any Elizabeth?
where is the comic of sunny art, where the 4 girls are in an imaginary country made of cookies and cakes, and get fat?
I’ve never seen this before and it sounds amazing I gotta see this anyone who has it upload
That was meant to be a reply to 41cfa1 but still
Does anyone have the image set of the p5 girls in a candy-themed palace? I think it was by Sunny3257.
Does anyone have Prisoner of Sweets by Sunny’s at Home?
It’s probably JustDaveFND’s alt account on furaffinity. Forgot his name since I don’t have an account there but someone here is bound to remember
I uploaded that one to the translation thread a while ago. FattyLoverAnon should have it translated soon, they just finished translating the other one I gave them (the DQXI pack)
I don't see it tho
>>44372 (OP)

That is such an image.

A burger banger. Like a musical banger for fats.
Sauce on that Kawakami?? Artstyle looks familiar for some reason...
Sauce? I know the watermark is right there but searching "BW kawakami wg" doesnt get me anywhere
Does somebody have the picture of Nanako Dojima by SoulInflatioN (Sou1StreamExpans1ve)?

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