
That's your trade off for playing Melty Blood.
There's a Mortal Kombat tread so I guess leave Mortsl Kombat of this tread
(459 KB, 709x1006, morrigan_sketch_by_royaloppai_d9zwmpz.png)
actually yeah youre right. waiting on the day for fat sion tatari becoming a thing because a fat vampire writes itself imo. in the meantime i suffer at the bathroom setups
one of his rare gals.
Well that's your opinion and I respect it
What is DoA?
>Mortal Kombat player doesn't know what DoA is
I wanna say I'm not surprised but I figure there were a lot of comparisons over MKs women being dogfaced ugly.

Here's two examples of DoA but with cheat engine having been used to fatten them up.

Here's what I'm talking about with being a challenger for EA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkcVL_hW5hA

Press F for soft engine, it was the only thing that piqued my interest towards DoA.
I've just never heard of it
It looks like a knock off Street Fighter to me and nah they beat EA in microtransaction
(1.7 MB, 1920x1920, 1574261850228.png) (1.8 MB, 1593x1600, a_contest_of_wills_by_trinity_fate_d9kr7xf.png) (453 KB, 1155x892, 1557796021175.jpg) (871 KB, 1725x1261, 4475c7bb2271f6040f4fb5108f1643ec.png)
Young people don't know about the old king of fanservice fighters. Sucks Shimbori fucked it up by trying to pander to the FGC ESports idiots so now the title will likely fall to Soul Calibur until someone tries to fill that hole.

I think you mean Tekken.
DoA is a series that was well known for its jiggle physics and not so much for its fighting but instead of halting pushing the soft engine into even kinkier territory and focusing on building up the combat, they scrapped it and repurposed a Dynasty Warriors engine and stole Mortal Kombats abuse shtick.
It mostly the art style also I believe Skullgirls has its own tread
It'd be the other way then since DoA has been around since PS2/XB while SF went 3-D with SF4 in the next generation.

>I believe Skullgirls has its own tread
I knew.
c'mon, really. You're going to put Skullgirls art in here and one of the pieces is gonna be the thirteen year old drawn with a fatass?
(153 KB, 1592x1447, 2f80743daf374fda3573e8f7d111906c.jpg) (388 KB, 541x800, 4420983cb237b8873efc993e92a110b7.jpg) (159 KB, 1845x1509, DyB2xPgU0AEPqpK.jpg) (177 KB, 1064x1200, 1546328931455.jpg)
>c'mon, really. You're going to put Skullgirls art in here

>one of the pieces is gonna be the thirteen year old drawn with a fatass
The puppies (Konaha and Izuna) in the second pic are the same age. Kula Diamond is 14 and Platinum gotta be around there too so what's your point?
(60 KB, 723x1200, EEdpv32WkAALtNU.jpg) (321 KB, 1440x927, where_did_all_the_cakes_go 1 satsurou.jpg) (345 KB, 1510x764, where_did_all_the_cakes_go 2 satsurou.jpg)
>Fighting games are dying
Well no shit, since they loved the idea of Tf2 Mannconomy cancer.
>The new King of Fighters is forgettable shovelware compared to the originals done with spriteworks.
>The character roster is locked in Street Fighter V and its physics are really stiff compared to Super Nintendo's
>Mortal Kombat became a woke fuckfest because no one takes the lore seriously
No I'm not bothering with Namco. You're better off with mugen.
(146 KB, 585x882, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_ERRZkgGU0AAF5jK.png)
>No I'm not bothering with Namco
What happened outside of terrible collab DLC like Geralt, FFXV emo, 2B, and the guy from Walking Dead for some god damn reason? Is it because you're a 2D fighter through and through?

>You're better off with mugen
I can't believe that's still around.

Examu recently closed down so the only people supporting Arcana Heart is the dev team after years of people waiting for them to put out that kickstarter DLC.

Looks like Arksys is gonna end up taking full control of that half of the fighter market.
(200 KB, 1920x1554, bloated_morrigan_by_royaloppai_ddi60zi-fullview.jpg)
>What happened outside of terrible collab DLC like Geralt, FFXV emo, 2B, and the guy from Walking Dead for some god damn reason? Is it because you're a 2D fighter through and through?
Jesus, I forgot that was namco. To be really honest, I played fighting games a long ass time ago. The real fun adventure mode, is extracting the 3d models and dump them on the web

>Still around
I mean if you google enough, there's still an active community, they can't archive even to save their lives.
Man, I fucking LOVE fighting games. The problem is that there are too many on the market now and even within those titles that I'm interested in there's too many characters I want to learn to play. I literally just don't have enough life left to learn all the things I want to learn. Guess I'll have to wait until I retire.
Dead meme, r/kappa and its 3 active users are back on reddit
More tekken
I miss the old R/Kappa
Are there any Marie Rose from DOA fats?
What’s the source?
What is the sauce on the three imagines on the right?

The Bone Man on Twitter
Does anybody have some more Dead or Alive?
>>4383 (OP)
Sauce on that Morrigan? I can see an artist logo but I've never heard of them.
Does anyone have some good Dead or Alive?
Who drew the three images on the right?
As a warning most of this guys stuff belongs in BBWalt and the everything else boards.
(1.9 MB, 6000x4500, MaiXL.jpg)
I wish I could color this, but I'm not great at Mario Paint.
anyone got some tina from DoA
(4.1 MB, 360x360, 1583635271102.gif)
I fucked up; here's the artists Twitter.
Wtf he actually draws woman?
Who’s the artist that made the last 3 pics? Cause I remember that style but not the name? Can ya help a man who’s looking for some sauce?
With cheap ass Nexon actually paying Arcsys to make a DFO fighter, which class do you think will get the Android 21 and Narumaya treatment?
Does anyone have HotCakeSam's old Cassie Cage Art?
Holy shit I need a source for this please.
Commission I got from newtypehero a few years ago.
anyone have the high res version of grim-kun's r mika from the final days of his patreon
anyone got the second pic or any of ecchipanda's sf girls in full res
Thank you for this
(106 KB, 540x960, Alt._Redeemer_Phone_Wallpaper.jpg)

Maybe Mistress. She transforms into a demon and represents the 7 sins, including Gluttony. But seeing the game already has one Female Priest to represent the class, she probably won't initially be in the game if they stick to 1 character per base class, and the most popular subclasses from each.
(121 KB, 2048x1152, media_EbT96dBXkAAlOzU.jpg)
Yeah, her and Dragon Knight would be the two classes people would focus on solely for an opening being put in their laps but my money is on F. Fighter stealing all the attention because of looks alone.

It's unfortunate they remade the Female Fighters sprite years ago to make her more skinny, especially her thighs, but it's been a long time since I played.
(75 KB, 750x1000, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_Da2ZGgaUQAAD_Mu.jpg)
And all was done just to give her a neck.

I used to play it too a couple years ago but my computer died and it was right at the only time in my life that I ever actively grinded in an attempt to reach end game.
source and more is needed
Rattledbonezone on twitter
Sauce on those first two Jam sprites?
(256 KB, 1024x525, HpMXVo8.gif)
The artist left long before Deviant Art came into existence. There's at least one other pic that I remember that involved a thick legged Dizzy.
anyone have theamericandream's blue mary sequence?
Anyone got the xmasterdavid chun li image?

When did TAD become a fart shitter? Also is he capable of drawing more than one type of face?
Fartshitter? The face thing we all have our preferences, like how we draw something
(3.1 MB, 2000x2000, 286437.png)
I requested this from gouketsu-sushi
Who made the Taokaka picture?
Yo! I won an art raffle someone wass holding on Twitter, so eventually I'll be able to post a picture of Cammy here
Where did you find this video?
This thread needs more sumo fighting girls.

sumo's are indeed shit, it's not even a real martial art and completely impractical. only characters like E.Honda or Hinako make it look good.
>not even a real martial art
You unironically fell for the western "haha fat guys in diapers" meme?

I remember that shitty cartoon Ed, Edd and Eddie doing that. But no, sumo wrestling is simply not going to be of much use in an actual fight given the enormous amount of restrictions and rules in place. It's a bit sad the side of the internet that fetishizes sumo wrestling doesn't have any idea what the sport is actually like. Let along what a sumo wrestler build looks like.

HEY, You fucking watch your mouth about Ed, Edd, and Eddy.
Who the fuck fetishizes sumo culture on the internet?
If anything people only think of it as le funny fatsos.
I don't like sumo because I "have no idea what the sport is actually like", I like it because I find the stable life of a rikishi pretty fascinating, the rules and restrictions are what makes it such a fascinating and alien thing.
Oh I forgot where we are, you're talking about literally fetishizing it
I'm retarded, sorry
deviantart is full of those tard kids that fap to sumo cuz of Ben10 and even have this term "sumo sized" for everything that is obese.
>>40920 >Against
>>40921 >With
Don’t break the celery stalk on the back of a sea urchin!
(577 KB, 2500x2500, media_EsvfkzjUwAUXNKp.jpg)
I hate sumos because they're an ugly braindead tool that shows just how uncreative people into expansion truly are. Even the Japanese know it's not interesting when you involve outside shit and that's why you now only see fat characters in fighters being given Western fighting styles or something they made up instead of Sumo.

But you know what the biggest thing that makes Sumos shit? No clothing strain.

Plus sumo wrestling is in a massive decline in Japan. Nobody in Japan wants to grow up to be a sumo wrestler. If they wanna get into wrestling, they get into REAL wrestling, or mixed martial arts, or hell, even boxing.

You'd think something that was staple of Japanese culture for centuries would even have a good Shonen manga/anime series, but they hardly exist.

This dude just said shit about Ed Edd and Eddy. The hell is wrong with you.

I do agree about sumos. They're overrated as shit, and if it wasn't for characters like Ganryu that thing would be truly a piece of shit NGL
Would anyone hear me willing to give me a hand? I'm trying to upload that picture I won for a Twitter art raffle to share, but it's saying "R9K is preventing at least one of your files from being uploaded"

I'm not sure how to fix this, especially since I was able to upload the image just fine and another board with no issues. Anyone know how to fix it?
IIRC, R9K is a 4chan board where each post can only be made once. So if I tried to post this message to that board twice, I couldn't
Here it's probably an anti-spam thing
If you're running Windows, you can make a zip file with an empty text file in it, run [copy /B abc.png+xyz.zip abcxyz.png] in the command line, then upload abcxyz.png
It's a semi-well known way of digital steganography where you can change the extension to .zip and open it like that
Worst case scenario you can just post a link to the post in the other board
Yeah I'm doing this on mobile and it's kind of late so I don't feel like breaking up my laptop so I'll just link it from The other board
Yep, that was easy
(69 KB, 980x889, media_E2iNdcgXMAELqXr.jpg)
I wonder if Capcom didn't hate Darkstalkers, would they have thrown Devilotte into it if they ever made a new game.
Where are all the chubs and pot bellies at? This thread is almost exclusively obese and blob and immobile stuff.
And to think I came here hoping for smaller things
Anybody got any juri pics?
(2.8 MB, 1773x2200, may.png)
That's the problem with all of the fats community; they love their big masses of fat but are all too impatient to enjoy the road to it.
This is a criticism I disagree with. I think part of the reason why people enjoy the bigger sizes as much as they do is because canon works rarely delve into SSBBW (or bigger) sizes, and when they do they're purposefully done poorly almost every time. Chubby sizes have become more common in recent years, and are starting to be done at least decently well. Plus, it's hard to call it a road if it ends with only chub size.

TLDR, people who like chubby sizes have far less reason to bitch then those who like SSBBW (or bigger) sizes.
(863 KB, 1920x1080, choose_your_ssbbw_fighter__by_satsurou_d5vbraf.jpg)
Kira and Catherine get all the fat.

>You got chubby stuff from series you don't like or watch
>You got cubs of characters you don't like or care about
>Stop bitching
This line of rationalization worked out well for the last Marvel vs Capcom game.

>I think part of the reason why people enjoy the bigger sizes as much as they do is because canon works rarely delve into SSBBW
People abuse the larger sizes because they've allowed their minds to degenerate which is why there's also an increase in slob along with it. People don't rely on canon for anything beyond fueling the production for a characters fattening, except Willy Wonka and Totally Spies zealots.

>Plus, it's hard to call it a road if it ends with only chub size
It is if you have an imagination if they don't make a sequel.
It's true that having a positive connection to the character helps, but you also make it sound like it's a must when it's not.

Increase of slob? Not sure where you're looking. From my perspective it's become much less popular over the last year or so (which I'm glad).

Chub sizes by themselves doesn't lend much room for imagination or different scenarios. Why poke just a little bit when you could grab, shake, fondle, or embrace much more? Hell, the pic you posted is a good example. Lot more to work with there then if they were just chubby.
>>4383 (OP)

I see alot of fat Konoha, especially from Nazo. Heart I see here and there, but I never seen a Kira, which is a shame because she's supposed to be the big body grappler, same with Catherine.
(2.8 MB, 3000x3000, 1622745128518.png)
>you also make it sound like it's a must when it's not
What were you, born yesterday?! Yes, a person can find interest in a character they know nothing about but that interest is nothing in comparison to a character they know and one with a personality they like. Why do you think Soul Calibur failed too? Why do you think this board has had a massive surge in random threads for practically everything but no OC donuts thread? Why do you think you want fat pics of a specific character but not another? Because there is actual value in being invested in a character and some random character that's drawn thick looking from some random anime or thicker Guilty Gear characters are gonna bait someone from their favorite fattening victim unless they find some part of the character interesting and attractive.

Feels like all their big names for fighting games have left them.

Besides Nazo, there's only a couple here and there with the one made by Trinity being the only major weight.
Nazo did a couple.
Pew did one and RunningWild should have one somewhere.

Now me, I want to see some pudgy Dorothy. The closest thing in existence was that part of her ingame story where her friends dragged her to a restaurant where they forced her into an eating contest and practically forcefed her too.

I'd like to see more Arcana Heart WG, especially for characters like Kamui, Zenia and those two new characters from the newest expansion, Minori and Pistrix.
can someone answer this?

They just posted 2 days ago on DeviantArt...
King huge booty
source for the baikens?
bro this is jeetdoh level material. who's making it?
Who's the artist that drew dizzy there? I never saw that logo before
Anyone got any May pics? It's the pirate girl from Guilty gear.
(172 KB, 342x511, 1624386391528.png) (190 KB, 850x1126, 1623745115206.jpg) (322 KB, 1717x2048, 1621543448717.jpg)
Between ex-President Erica having a huge ass and Milia seemingly gaining weight on her ass in the month between Xrd & Strive, I think Daisuke might be onto something.

Have a Chun in case the Milia art isn't big enough.
shitted a delphinidae
(161 KB, 1321x1550, 1627451903847[1].jpg)
Lots of GG art lately. More of a function of Strive's success than anything.
(319 KB, 633x475, Glaring Krusty.png)
I hope I-no gets more love or Litchi (not sure they're from the same franchise) but every time I see a Baiken fatter each time I look up that makes me very happy.
>4th image
Who's that?

Yuzuriha from Under Night In-Birth
>>55661 sauce for second picture

read the file name
We need more cammy why is there so dang little of this perfect bitch
Because she's a meh character, what does she bring on that table besides being a smaller and white Chun li? Now finding drawings of Sakura, Karin and R.Mika with extra pounds and right anatomy are the equivalent of finding a Monet.
Cammy had a boom back when Street Fighter IV came out but eventually she got pushed out of her position by Juri.

I'd say Cammy's beef with Bison for her time being brainwashed, edges out Chun Li and her trying to catch her fathers killer.

>Sakura, Karin and R.Mika with extra pounds
Sakura has become pretty much the top of the food chain right now so there's no way you're trying to search for any while Karin and Mika have had an increase but I don't know how many are done with right anatomy.
I asspounded that hoe as the Gandhi guy.
>Never played Street Fighter
Its AI is total bullshit, why going back to the chalkboard if you could make the opponent pull tricks out of their ass, that shit is a turn off. I mean for console, not arcade.

>came out but eventually she got pushed out of her position by Juri.
Good design, not that great in game, Chun li remains as the most annoying.
>But I don't know how many are done with right anatomy.
Is like digging an endless tunnel trying to find something shiny.
Anyone got the May (Guilty Gear Strive) that TowelsNE did?
what would you even call this?
I'm a sucker for sentient plant-based force feeding, or like sentient vines that restrain.

I just have no idea, but the shit makes me diamonds.
(1.6 MB, 3453x4623, Jack_O_1.png)
i'm not particularly partial towards it, but I get the appeal

(I definitely wish fat Nines were more common, though)
Sauce of the last 2?
(1.5 MB, 2500x2325, 1489118166278-1.jpg) (400 KB, 2500x2205, 169627184396_0.jpg)
both are by G-nibbles (as are these), although I don't think the Fillia was ever posted publicly, I just got it from a /d/ slob thread at some point
Why didn't you spoiler this garbage?
Is that the walking corpse? Never understood what's the appeal of getting off to the mutants from Skullgirls.
Source for the first image?
That last one really clicks with me. Love when titty monsters gain mostly below the waist and their hips easily outpace their breasts.
Where is this art from?
Who is the artist?
TowelsNE. They started drawing male fats recently so be mindful.
(332 KB, 1042x948, 1636408046945.png)
Awesome Drewfriend from 4chan trash expansion thread drew this for me. I hope some of you can enjoy it too

That's a really thicc Elphelt! Thanks for sharing!
(447 KB, 1509x1118, dvxwz9.png)
By Milk-Knight

Source on artist?

really? didnt think kip did fanart of anything
What's the source of this? Yandex didn't give me anything.
source for the second image?
you can't post such a wonderful i-no without sauce
I love it!!! Plan on doing others? Or more of her getting bigger?
(146 KB, 900x760, c1f.jpeg)
CF is getting rollback! I hope the cast is still in-shape after all these years...
(10.5 MB, 3000x3850, May.png)
It looks like royaloppai but im not sure

Source on that first one? It looks just like a classic 'hot anime character' deviantart work but with the muffin top and it's wild
Everyone hope you dont stop on asuka kazama
Looking at these vs what Kafei has put on twitter recently? Jesus christ what the fuck happened to Kafei?
(369 KB, 1333x2048, FHW_Nn1X0Ak5lPT.jpeg) (340 KB, 1232x2048, FGyLnHkWUAEBmv1.jpeg) (13 KB, 320x240, Barney is in deep shit.jpg)
For the first time ever a weight gain sequence with that bratty bitch from Street Fighter, drawn by TAD, meaning:
>Only through donations
>Better start saving whatever he doodles, we won't seeing it finished ever
This is why I won't open a new twitter account.
He's drawn Vegito with a wig, not Karin. Why the fuck do you want to see this?
You focus on her face, he managed to finish and color two drawings, that only happens once every olimpics.

Out of all the fucking people, he posted them on his social media this time and not charging fifty dollars through a pack filled with shitty doodles he never finished, be grateful! You're not worthy of his art.
what is wrong with asuka kazama
Sheeva, from MK

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