
Bumping this since the Fire emblem thread is nearing it's limit, and there's not much Nintendo stuff on this board outside of Zelda, Pokemon, and Splatoon.
Souce on that second one?
(209 KB, 1600x2000, 20210525_171634.jpg)
Mom Bod Palutena is the ideal physical form, no exceptions.
Sauce on the second pic?
(963 KB, 4500x3500, 1.jpg) (930 KB, 4500x3500, 2.jpg) (1.1 MB, 4500x3500, 3.jpg) (935 KB, 4500x3500, 4.jpg)
I'm so fucking happy right now
Is this BedBendersInc?
(577 KB, 2600x1800, waitress.png)
i just think she's neat
Anyone got the Rosalina comic that LittlePieceOfCake did?
That is fantastic, sauce?
>>50043 (Dead)
The individual pages aren't all bigger then 10 MBs, are they?
The comic was here yesterday, but now it's gone, along with the person saying it was too big to post here. What happened? Was it site mods?
komakomaranger on DeviantArt
(356 KB, 709x777, Peach and Daisy.png)
Found this in a Discord server and have been trying to look for the artist of this. Anyone know who they are?
he deleted his DA a while ago, but he recently came back to Twitter as @BandanaDoode
For the love of God, does anyone have the fat shadow sirens Mister Man drew forever ago?
Thank you so much. That's a damn shame but at least now I know.
Saving this shit. Let's try getting some more Peach and Rosalina in here.
Do they have a da or Twitter?
Is that the sauce?
Does anyone have that Pyra picture by kantuspaints? I cant find it, i think it was called the aeg-ass or something like that
What character is this and is there more of her?
Sami from Advance Wars which is getting a remake that looks like shit. There's always more art out there of Nintendo characters.
Oh hey, that's me and thanks for the compliment ^^
Anyone got the Female Byleth that Roundersofter did? Has Sothis grabbing her belly.
Yeah, that's it. Thanks!
Welp, someone had to be a killjoy and get the Mario Girls Thread deleted after my attempt to save it, even though there were other threads that also got bumped with no content yet are still around. Let's try getting some of those girls here (and for the love of god, don't be just Daisy. Peach, Rosalina, and Pauline deserve love too).

Whoever it was who destroyed my effort, fuck you.
Has anyone have the "High Above New Donk City" pic by SXDeluxe?
Just searched it, and it's inflation. Go to the inflation board and ask there.
(1.0 MB, 4600x3500, mii girl 3.png)
drew this earlier today
Who drew this Daisy?
anyone has some 5-Volt?
nice, thank you
(74 KB, 192x197, comfy2.png)
Does anyone have a higher resolution version of the attached, or know the artist? I feel like I've seen the art style before, but can't place it.
bro that rosalina one is amazing
Can someone get @s_caken
Daisy plz?
Anyone have that old drawing of Saria by SongofSwelling? She’s sitting on a stump playing an ocarina.
More Ashley fam
Water expansion belongs in Alt, dude.
Source for the pixel art?
Even though it's not a diaper that Toadette's wearing, still looks too much like it. Both her and Ashley look bad.
Who is the artist?
(225 KB, 1536x2048, FH2xh0uVkAEqWXM.jpeg)
I didn't make this, but the message is still the same. Happy New Year.
Ayo, what’s the sauce ?
sauce on that second mimi?
i meant the pencil drawn one
source of the second pic?
Emeffy on Twitter. They have a bad habit of spitballing ideas only to not act on them, but other then that they're an ok artist.
Who's the artist for the second Peach?
Not fat. Post fat women.
stuffing is based, stfu
You said it backwards. They posted a woman with no fat, not whatever the fuck you said.
(751 KB, 2079x2646, 9.jpg) (490 KB, 1512x2079, 10.jpg) (709 KB, 2079x2646, 11.jpg)
>>8124 (Dead) i see what that last one is referencing…
They draw dicks, and even drew Garchomp fucking Cynthia. I wouldn't bother checking them out if I were you.
Little Piece of Cake. Got these from Kemono Party.
Am searching for a Midna sequence with 5 or 6 images, first she finds a bottle and drinks it, gets fat, and only reads the label at the end. Hope someone can at least help me identify the artist, thank you very much.
...and? I still wanna see that fuckin Zelda pic.
I don't have access to the Zelda you're asking for, and even if I did, the preview looks like she's sucking dick, so I wouldn't post it anyway. If anyone were to post it, it's best done in either /Alt/ or /ee/, not here.
I like that you're trying to keep this thread alive, but you mind posting stuff that's not Toads or other non human girls?
(124 KB, 1474x1358, FMezUjpXEAEj5l0.jpeg.jpg)
Does anyone have all 13 images, as well as 3 alts, of Legend Of Zelda art from TheNeverWere's DeviantArt page?
None of this is WG.
Can we at least make this the only time?
damn man, are you the same guy begging and shitting up three separate threads on the same thing? Just buy the damn pack if you want it that bad. I'm at the point where I hope no one shares just to spite you because this is getting annoying.
Who made that Pyra?
Source for the first image?
please tell me these sprites are from a game someone is making
(79 KB, 718x900, EvnJN9OVEAUs7QG.jpeg)
Where is that picture of maple from mario golf with huge thights. It looked like this but with her mouth open and having huge thights of corse and I remember it was in a different thread on this website but it's gone so please post the art if maple if you know what I'm talking about?
I've seen it before.
I'm thinking it was by Hippinite/SolitaryScribbles.
No. The pic I'm talking about only had maple and it has a pink background but I like this art but still
Weightgain404 aka OrganicGranite.
The artist’s twitter username and signature is literally on all of them you fucking moron
Love to see someone color that min min. :>
Dios mio... la abominacion del mundo...
(161 KB, 500x601, Untitled308_20220407035524.png)
I do too so that's why I quickly colored it for you and sorry if some parts don't look good like the eyes but I feel like someone must have already colored it before but I still did this to be sure.
Very specific request - there was this single image sequence of BOTW Zelda being trapped in a cave with Link and slowly gaining weight from his cooking - done from a diary POV. Hunted high and low but can't find it anywhere, if anyone can track it down that'd be amazing
(387 KB, 2981x841, 1462611792183.jpg)
I think this is the one you are looking for. Can't remember the artist
Oboy. Thanks a lot. Thought I'd lost this one for good.
We don't need one. Consolidation.
Any more Pauline fats?
Artist is Guardian-Draca. She deleted everything but now goes by lovely_tasty on Twitter.
More of the Mario princesses please
Samus thread will get axed soon. Should get some of those over to this thread.
I need some doughy daisy

> Last image.

Someone actually drew Pyra with small boobs.
Not surprising. Dookus favors bottom heavy girls, perhaps a little too much.
Sauce on that Daisy?
Originated from one of two anons fulfilling the same request for an embarrassed fat Daisy request on a /v/ drawthread.
The other drawfriend's rendition was already posted at >>55620.
(115 KB, 480x480, 1630181075538.jpg)
There's a special feeling to watching something you draw appear in a thread 10 months later
Sauce for daisy picture?
Sooperstuff aka DirtyDustin.
I searched sooperstuff, but didn't find the toadette...
Its from his stash I found/asked for on a Alt thread. Ask for the drive or someone to drop.
Who is the artist, I can't quite figure it out from the signature
To think the scrapped concepts of BoTW were supposed to be based on modern times, logically Zelda would've been a nerd.
does anyone have the 3rd part of the toadette sequence it got deleted
>>95027 remember what they took from you
sadly, I dont think so.
I really wanted to see it too..

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