
(787 KB, 889x1104, dcmonr0-6c804ab4-3412-4338-b092-d912dbf61ce1.jpg)
anyone have the 18 images by s_cakens? i forgot to save it before the old thread vanished.

there was one other 18 image but i don't know the artist, it was like a sketch and she was wearing a bikini if it helps tho.
Does anyone have more cheelai pictures?
Or videl, or 18 pictures?
We need Android 21 Artwork here!

It’s her year!

We need to post more Android 21 Pics here

It’s here year 2021
There's a guy named theamericandream, for those who Don't know this, he is making a comic with android 18
Does anyone have the entire sequence of the 2nd picture
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How about the ones made from absolonanonymous?
PsychOsketches is the artist
Could you tell me the source please? I remember seeing that pretty recently but I can't feel the life of me remember the name of the artist, or where I saw it
can someone please share thatguyyes pics
(58 KB, 736x1000, 606_1000.jpg)
does somebody have the full sequence?
Does anyone have a sequence with android 21 in a time chamber? I believe it had 3 parts. It was on da but i cant find it anymore.
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Does anyone know the artist of this?
I remember it was on twitter, but for their name
It's Floraleshoppe on twitter
sauce on the edit?
And kale?
Is anyone able to post theamericandream's Android 18 art. He does amazing work at making fat dbz girls.
Why thank you. Do you perhaps have the second part to the last Android 18 picture you posted? I know there's a second part where her shirt buttons are busted off but I could never find the full image.
Yes, but like I said I can't find the full image.
We still more Artwork of Android 21 PLZ!!
Where did you hear of the second image?
Any idea when we will see the 18 comic from theamericandream?
Any kale?
(3.0 MB, 4104x4770, IMG_4559.PNG)
Cheelai by TubbyToons
Are there any new kefla or videl images?
Who's the artist?
I was talking about the other one with bulma and goku
That looks to be theamericandream's work.
Hmm ya got a point
Anyone got the full comic?
Any news on theamericandream's android 18 comic?
(593 KB, 1598x1092, 3I3m8Wobw.png)
Not sure if this is uploaded arleady but I am not letting this thread die
You can only post 4 images at a time so half of those didn't post, but I appreciate the thought.
Does anyone have the new kefla by whatyoudeserved?
(85 KB, 540x304, kale.jpg)
(34 KB, 640x640, ALZKvbO.jpg)
A half photo of Ribrianne huge and immobile, if anyone has the full version, feel free to send it
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by ThicCrazy
Anyone got the android 18 comic by theamericandream?
Has the comic even started?
(96 KB, 816x1402, E4EgzzLVIAAFFx5.jpeg)
Anyone have the sequence of videl at the buffet by stuffrart?
Can anyone get xmasterdavid 18 art?
Are there variants of the first two that don't have the kids in them? Makes it weird to view the pieces as fap material.
Sauce on the Videl pics?
nice thumbnails
Someone needs to get SunsleptOS a Kemono.party
Anymore fat videl?
A kemono.party, this is how I know I've made it as an artist kek
oh shit, it's the cops
Are you being Sarcastic?

Just to be clear… Some of us are lazy… I mean Kemono is all we got due to the loss of Yiff.Party. Are you trying be like Nikutsuki?
I'm not particularly bothered by people circumventing patreon exclusivity. I go out of my way to keep as little of my content behind a paywall as possible.
It's an added benefit for people who want to show a higher amount of support, but I can't stop people from leaking it and getting upset about it ain't gonna do me any good.

So, I just look at it in a more light-hearted and fun way. My content is wanted by enough people at this point that at least one person wants to see what's locked behind that paywall. It makes me proud in a weird way.
(143 KB, 801x997, IMG_0055.JPG)
Translate this one too PLZ?
Speaking of 18, what happened to that comic TAD said he was making?
For sure
Sauce on the second one?
man i swear we dbz fans get really the shittiest quality of art in this whole community we got the lowest standard mfs be drawing anything
Dragon Ball is a very popular IP and with all that attention, it will get a lot of shit art but it still gets a ton of good stuff whenever someone new is added or something happens.

Only ones that will have an actual problem with finding good art are the ones looking for fat art for the new Pan design from the Super Hero movie.
In short. The more popularity, the more shitty art....also how do I reply to a comment? I've been trying to figure it out for months smh to myself
Looks like my mediocre art made it here and judging by the most recent responses on this thread, it looks like my art falls into the “shit art quality category”. Like to know any feedback you guys might have on it so I can get into the “at least decent art quality category”
id say practice drawing in the dbz style and working on anatomy and proportions to improve, any angle you draw can look good if you have the right idea. even if you have your own style, learn the dbz one first and then put your own style on it
if you’re responding/ replying to someone click on the No. with the numbers right next to the the response id to directly reply. Anyways, thanks for the advice, I usually just freehand drawing fat girls, so it would be good for me to practice anatomy and proportion. And as for learning a new style, I think that’ll be fun to do
(501 KB, 266x150, oki2lpL.gif)
>practice drawing in the dbz style
>learn the dbz one first and then put your own style on it
He's right about just continuing about practicing though. After enough practice you'll eventually develop your own and that's far better than becoming just a knockoff. The most you should do is take cues from different artists while learning to create the human form.

thanks for the advice, i think it's best that i stop trying to draw fat girls for a bit and make sure i get good at drawing proportions/anatomy as well as developing my own style. especially because before and as of now i just really freehand things with some thought of how they'll look like, shape wise.
Sauce of the second?
who made that second one
They were from infinite-loup, before they wiped everything and kinda restarted. I got these from the old DB server
(377 KB, 665x1024, BulmaNoBuuOrOolong.png)
Nah, IIRC I didn't wipe anything from that account besides some male muscle stuff a long while ago. I just haven't posted these anyplace other than the /trash/ drawthread yet.
That's pretty much the way to go. Look for tutorials on the fundamentals. A light line skeleton/gesture sketch can help a lot with proportions, but practicing whenever you have free time helps greatly. I hear Ctrl + Paint is a good place to get some tutorials, but I still have to try it.
Who's the artist of the cheelai pic?
Source for 2nd image?
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for the second image
"Come on Chi-Chi, it's just for training!
Vegeta and Bulma were doing it, why can't we?"
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by sunspletOS
Bulma decides to test the new and experimental protein shake they're developing for use by the Z-Fighters, and the effect its rich taste and dense calories have on her waistline is nothing short of disastrous

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