
Oh source of the translated pics? And are there any more translated pics by that guy? Big fan of them.
Where would one find a higher quality image of the 2nd pic?
Especially not him.
Choose one
There is a trap thread on /ee/.
Source on the first Kiara pic?
Astolfo is allowed, ignore the cringe lords.

Don’t like it, ignore it. Variety is good and Astolfo is cute
The "RULEZ" thread at the top of the catalog very explicitly says "No male". Astolfo is a male, you dumbass. He doesn't belong here.
(177 KB, 1280x1082, sheba_by_adiposesaleswoman_dek619x-fullview.jpg)
oh i didnt know that the rules stated that "if the character was a male but they are cute enough that they are considered to be a girl and its all ok. wow what a progressive system we have bec-oh no wait it doesn't state that. huh. it might be because BBW chan is talking about big beautiful women and not crossdressing/"cute character" non female characters. funning thing that
Does anyone have more Scathach pics?
Any Sakura matou?
Sorry i mean last
Source on the first one?
Sauce on that Jeanne?
Any more from this artist?
(1.6 MB, 1200x1080, image.png)
I remember last thread having a two image sequence of an immobile mash wanting more food from master but I forgot to save them like an idiot. Anyone happen to have those and also know the source?
Is there any fate artwork done by nikutsuki?
Children should not be on this site, keep your crayon shit to yourself.
We got a cringe thread in /gen/ that might discourage them
kindly find the nearest diseased male escort and go receive sodomy from them.

art is art. you dont like it, gtfo :)
(437 KB, 1860x2062, E3DgTxbUUAQrWe3.jpeg)
You should not behave like that, after all I only share art like everyone here and I understand that you may not like this drawing but that is no reason to insult me
And art should have standards. Try getting some instead of jacking it to literal crayon art.
(124 KB, 1000x1271, D_CvQZSUYAEOSCm.jpg)
Crayon and Colored Pencil has been frowned on for literal generations. It's an unspoken rule that can be seen in how no one that gets any attention makes pictures with either. The ones that do use Crayons and Colored Pencils seemingly die out early on in their time as creators.
Crayon and coloured pencil based art can be something that's high quality. It just depends on the ability and style of the artist.

Not that shit tho. That is literally grade school level of art. It's awful
(8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)
kemono party images don't load for me
Yeahhhhh, might want to get rid of the Loli crap
Sources on the first two?
so you want bbwchan to have the same fate as inflatechan???
(867 KB, 1000x1176, media_E4GTGDwVcAQCWJk.jpg) (78 KB, 842x595, D9hISIOVUAA1ssN.jpg) (222 KB, 1446x2046, D9HJ0CcU4AEmiLq.jpg)
Inflatechan died because it had the same issue this site had with a cp link bot but they couldn't delete them in time. If lolis had the same effect, so many sites, like Twitter, wouldn't be ignoring all the lolicon accounts and Netflix would've been shut down by now. Why do you think the only restriction on lolis here is loli generals being stuck in bbwalt but no site wide ban besides the difficulty in knowing?
Sauce on the 2nd and 3rd?
>>49116 (Dead)
People have a memory of a goldfish.
Choose one.

Astolfo is a MALE lest you forget and no matter how 'cute' they think they can be their gigantic hair schlong remains, which just so happens to breaks the no males rule on the side
Oh is there tsukihime?
No one cares, Astolfo is cute. Ignore this Barry Buzzkill loser
(232 KB, 978x1024, DmvbIYcUUAUYkg0.jpg) (383 KB, 2048x1718, E44BosJVEAEgdE4.jpg) (1.6 MB, 1608x2254, dddyfhu-5e0f7ba2-3190-4344-a547-9f532223e0e5.png) (6.1 MB, 3415x3152, SPOILER_E4bmapjXoAkJe22.png)
ah yes the "i dont care of they are a guy they are cute so they should be on a side for women only", You inclusiveness doesnt matter since there are rules there moron that state no males, and no matter how cute your faggoty girly boy can be he will not be a woman.

Have an Aoko
source on that melt?
Honestly my favorite part of this is sabers deadpan face
full versions were posted on kemono if anyone wants to share :P (kemono doesn't work for me)
Sauce on first and third
And that's the wrong first one too.
I was talking about the post above that one, the one with Kiara and Musashi.
Source on both?
Sauce on the second pic?
Any Arcueid?
Lamb sauce for the 3rd pic
Any Jalter?
First one isn't Nasuverse.
(985 KB, 1851x1687, Liz.png)
Sauce on that second one?
Wow pero que culo taaan grande
Buen aporte👍
Nomas falta una imagen asi pero de saber con un trasero gigantesco
(2.7 MB, 1280x1496, image.png) (5.0 MB, 1915x1935, image.png)
so many fat fgo content was released last week,
post it
fast bump
(1.4 MB, 1280x854, image.png)
Source on that Melt?
Sauce on this one? It looks really good.
This isn't Fate.

These are Vtubers, Reine and Anya.

Sauce is ChunkerChunks
>>67962 source for the last one?

>>68612 and for this one?
(895 KB, 660x1000, image.png) (1.1 MB, 665x1200, image.png)
Not meant by a weight gain sequence, but this artist is drawing scathach a lot curvier now
This right here might be a good example of some artwork where the drawing itself is average or so but the addition of text has elevated the image to a much, much higher echelon. I know people typically complain about artists relying on WORDS WORDS WORDS rather than the impact being exclusively from the visuals, but I think for this image it's justified.

Obviously this is all subjective but I think (and am interested to confirm) that there are plenty of people here on BBWchan that will agree with my opinion here. The situational dialogue here absolutely activates my boner for several reasons:
-She's proactively preparing a meal; a large one; for both you and herself, showing her vested interest
-She's indicating that part of the reason she's overeating is because she's pregnant with your children ("pups" implies "children", as in not just "child" but that she's baring SEVERAL of your future offspring, concurrently)
-She's directly implying that she'd find you more sexually attractive if you gained some weight (i.e. were less "scrawny"), indicating that her plan in feeding you is to intentionally fatten you up for her own pleasure
-She's indicating that immediately AFTER you finish eating the two of you are going straight to having sex
-Since this sex will take place immediately after you, a "scrawny" man, have been forced to "eat MORE than your fill", it will most likely consist of you laying on your back under the weight of your overfilled stomach while she; a Servant that is already used to being big and is likely horny over seeing you stuffed to the brim; has her way with you and does with you as she pleases to sate her own lust
-She's indicating that this whole process will be repeated again, with greater magnitude, just later that morning

I just thought I'd dedicate my thoughts on this piece to writing. I'd love to hear what anyone else thinks on the subject.
Each one of you has a very interddtimg and valid opinion. Here's what I honestly think: This site is complete trash. This site became shit thanks to you filthy immigrants.
Can't even spell
You saying I'm dumb and I can't spell? I don't get it. Spell what? Immigrant? Homo?

Not that you'd care but ever heard of a spelling bee? Elementary school champ and the teachers and student body loved me I became a hero at the school.

By the way... English is easy. Especialy so in comparison to Old English.

I'll give you a single pointer since you're so smug about yourself. Don't use words as a series of letters, instead see them as they are, a form, a phrase. In English a french word can be imported as "fiancé", but the french spelling of the word will not always necessarily be the same. TL;DR: Different languages but two words can mean the same thing.

Good luck with your.... art.
You’re either trollin or exceptionally stupid
(122 KB, 1280x1060, sunbathing__cm__by_ekusupanshon_delnm45-fullview.jpg) (199 KB, 1280x1667, musashi_needs_a_mawashi_by_csmkynes_deo1v07-fullview.jpg) (810 KB, 1240x1754, g.png) (1.1 MB, 1000x1584, dbfjgwl-37a878b6-61e9-4195-8dae-723f704a1a31.jpg)
I believe they are both but you know the saying; "never argue with a moron for they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Now that the drama has been finished, back to your recently scheduled fats
As the man who commissioned that image, I found a soul who knew what I was going for. Thank you.
you clearly haven't been to the metalforever thread, no one listens
Oh, I have. Reported the new one that came up, and was the one who said we shouldn't bother with another MetalForever thread on both the new and old ones.
You really have nothing better to do with your life, huh?
I could ask you the same thing.
And now we wait for the haters
Reporting it works too. Click the arrow pointing right, and put the reason as "Male".
But where's the fun in that?
Is there more art like this?
source on the mhxx?
source on the third pic?
Is there fat Pollux art? I could've sworn I saw something before, but I can't really find it.
Any charlotte corday?
anyone has something from Brynhildr or Oryou?
>>92053 I remember this artist from Twitter. What was his username?
He very VERY rarely draws chub, it's mostly big-titted OCs.
Has this ever been translated?
(6.1 MB, 3279x4093, 99032098_p3.jpg)
Anyone out there have the full version of this? From motimothibbw.
(109 KB, 1200x630, 88793675_p0.jpg)
Does anybody have the full image of this from Genzaburoh?
(2.0 MB, 1924x1140, S0.PNG) (2.2 MB, 1924x1140, S1.PNG) (2.8 MB, 1924x1140, S2.PNG) (2.4 MB, 1924x1140, S3.PNG)
Yeah for sure 😎. I made these in Koikatsu. Yu been eating alot.
(2.4 MB, 1924x1140, S4.PNG) (1.9 MB, 1924x1140, S5.PNG) (2.0 MB, 1924x1140, S6.PNG) (1.3 MB, 1924x1140, S7.PNG) (2.0 MB, 1924x1140, S8.PNG)
Yu getting even bigger 😎.
What happened here? Yu's NP?
(341 KB, 720x533, unknown.png)
does anyone has the full image?
Is there any francis drake art?
(1.1 MB, 3000x4000, FcvsWpHaAAAfvza.jpg) (1.2 MB, 3000x3559, Fc3AERsakAE8h_k.jpg) (1.2 MB, 3000x4000, FcNapGDaMAEI56B.jpg)
I fucking wish.
Unless you're willing to give this guy your money and soul, these pictures for ants is all you're getting from him. And while some of their stuff is good, it's only like 10% of their content, so I'm just keeping my money.

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