
(334 KB, 849x1200, 19425420_p22.jpg) (450 KB, 893x1263, 19425420_p23.jpg) (375 KB, 849x1200, 19425420_p24.jpg) (336 KB, 743x1200, 19425420_p25.jpg)
>God-tier when it comes to “Lucky Star” fats
If he stopped leaving reality with the weight and size he draws, he'd be okay but he doesn't and all his Lucky Star fat art is either in that group or back in his early days, so if anything he's objectively trash.
I forgot to put it on spoilers, I'm sorry
There are no accidents.
There is no bigger boner killer than disembodied dicks.
I wasn't expecting much more after the initial batch, where are y'all finding these?
(699 KB, 498x280, 1571458444355.gif)
>where are y'all finding these
Life existed before 2015 and Lucky Star was big back in the day.
>Life existed before 2015
True dat. It began on December 10, 2003 (or was it April 8, 2007? I can’t remember).
(31 KB, 300x300, 2f5aaad47aab25680c34bff2dad6d6317f85ef494b73cc30a02f6d19ea617270.jpg)
Not even the spinoff brought new life to its weight gain production so if you want the thread to stay alive long, it's better to stretch it out or you'll have to rely on whoever has been funding yuri fats of Konata and Kagami.

Any of the Stars that you guys been wanting to see fattened? What kind of proportions do you see them sporting?

How does it always circle into that trash?
It’s the internet, man. If there’s a niche, it will happen.
(279 KB, 1080x1350, 79736620_p0.jpg)
I wouldn't call it a niche, it's just the first thing that many rely on to easily make weight gain happen instead of trying to think of something that works with what is given to them.
Lucky Stars big flaw was that it was pretty much just the main team getting fat, with the teacher right behind them.
(627 KB, 1020x1020, oogami_by_bonusart_d687b9d.jpg)
Huh, seems like Bonus Art deleted the Miyuki part of this sequence during his art purge a while back, shame.
Yes! The link to it he posted in the description of the other pieces just 404s now. Cheers for posting it!
is there a full manga for that? or well other parts to that i mean
It's a shame he stopped doing fat stuff. I always come back to this one every few years, and the recent translation is actually good.
>>55061 He actually stopped doing fat stuff because this got pirated by bbw-chan users back in the day.
You may not like it but this is what peak otaku body looks like!
top right corner
source on artist?
the futa reveal actually made me laugh out loud.
These have to be the saddest tits i've seen drawn on a blob.
The drawings all over this board look like they were made by robotic AI, or perhaps I should say nonsentient beings
Nah man, I love it when someone is so fat that their boobs hide behind their armpits in shame
(157 KB, 1366x1024, ErjdrpuVoAA2LmH.jpg)
Forgot the first part of this set, better late than never right guys?
oh yeah this comic is great, the futa part really is fucking hilarious.

also, depicts Kagami in Konata's class when that doesn't happen in the anime, 0/10 accuracy matters
(536 KB, 2480x3508, konaween.jpeg)
>>41828 (OP)
IF you see new Konata shit it's probably mine. I've been going around getting comms of her for a bit. I'll post some more after I figure out how to use this shit.
(7.2 MB, 5000x2400, beachstars.png)
sorry, triple post, forgot about this one too. looks like someone already posted comic, so here's the last one i have for now. will have more shortly.
(3.1 MB, 2480x3508, konadonut.png)
Another beautiful comm I got from Maweenie
is she stuffed or preg in this pic? the outie makes me doubt
You're doing the lord's work anon
Cheers for helping keep Lucky Star relevent in these parts man!
Stuffed full of sweets. I like outies and the thought of being so full the navel pops.
miyuki content is a dream come true
Man I'd love to come home to a naked, supervised gamer girl with a butt as wide as a couch
*supersized. Goddamn it
(855 KB, 1359x1605, image.png) (756 KB, 1295x1663, 32423423.png) (848 KB, 1137x1651, image-1.png) (1.1 MB, 1224x1545, 0efewf.png) (822 KB, 1148x1552, vsvse.png)

I actually love miyuki to death. Only reason I don't have an asston of her is because of people being weird with character ages. But I just got some of her! <3

But anyway I have returned with more! I had another meltdown so the stuff I promised before kinda fell through but

Those are from baqua on twitter. He forgot I wanted her hair in the ponytail the first time so he went ahead and gave me an alt, as well as the cherry on her ice cream! As for the one in the purple intold him he could do whatever pose and bikini he wanted, and I paid for him to do alts with the og bikini and her hair down again.

He normally doesn't do alts like that he said, so don't be up his ass for them. And I will return with more miyuki! I love the lucky star ladies! I'm a miyuki/ kona-chan simp till I die! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
The Lucky Star manga actually continues after the anime, so unless if you want to see Miyuki in her school uniform you can tell artists that she's in her early 20s right now in the manga. Her design hasn't changed much either (slightly different hairstyle but it looks cute on her)
Yeah but as far as I understand the manga just teleports them back to high school after where the anime ends even though they should have graduated. I've never actually read it shockingly, considering how obsessed I am with it. I'll go buy the last volume released in English now that you reminded me.

It's honestly easier to find people who don't give a shit about details like that that don't matter. I found a guy who's decent who's doing me a haruhi. I was going to get more haruhi from him, but I'm sure he won't care if I change my mind and get more miyuki or konata. I'm planning on getting a nanako too, but if you guys want to see much more of the twins you'll have too pay for it yourself. I bought drawing stuff but I'm lazy as shit and have yet to start learnibg.
Hey I'm the anon from >>90512
All I can say is that you're based and a man of culture, godspeed.
(104 KB, 919x807, 20220502_232527.jpg)
Honestly as long as people keep agreeing to do it, I'm going to keep commissioning lucky star girls and posting them for archival/ sharing. I just so happened to visit the board when someone uploaded the mochi comic I paid for or else I wouldn't have even known this thread was a thing. I was going to register my name so you fucks can know who's single handedly funding the second coming of lucky star, but the only reason you haven't tracked me down yet is because most of the comms have been unposted, the artist didn't say it was a comm, or they left my name out, and it doesn't look like normal users can make accounts here.

I'm going to keep having content created, the speed at which dependent on my money/ finding artists/ or the speed at which they make it. I'm not going to let lucky star die. I'm going to keep having content created, even if I have to learn to draw it myself, until those fucks at Kyoto give me a second season, and even then I'll keep at it.i love those girls too much. As long as I'm not in the grave there's going to be some being made.

And here's one I figured I might ad well post. I'm an asshole and burned the bridge down with the artist so it's not going to get finished, but they were planning on restarting anyway. It's haruhi x lucky star and I'm sure anyone who's looking at this thread gets it.
Okay....who are you?
>until those fucks at Kyoto give me a second season
You could watch the spinoff or something similar, but the way revived animes tend to pan out, you'll only end up with something mediocre at best if they do put out a new season or series.

>I'm sure anyone who's looking at this thread gets it
Everyone but the guys on bass.

>I'm an asshole and burned the bridge down with the artist
Oh, so you're the guy who pissed off Maweenie.
How much of a raging autist do you have to be to piss off an artist like Maweenie?
Uh, no, I was the anon who posted about coming home to a naked ssbbw gamer girl. Idk why some random stranger would even feel the need to claim he posted something he didn't :/
What in the flying fuck are any of you niggers going on about?
scroll up retard and tell me that wall of text didn't come from a sperg
Miyuki has the least content, so I'm voting for her.
(5.2 MB, 4500x6000, miyuki_starts-1.png)

Me again. She does this fake Neesan, or however the fuck you say it bullshit, then proceeds to blow you off. She also had comms open despite complaining about burnout, so she knew she wasn't in the mood to do shit, but was taking money anyway.She did one my absolute favs, and is genuinely better than people who've costed twice as much and miss details. But there's always someone else willing to take money.

Yeah I'm aware of the weird spinoff. I just mostly think it's bizarre how they never did more with it for as well as it apparently did. I think they still produce some merch for it (I saw some engine oil posted on reddit, of all things) but hey gunbuster got a terrible sequel like 20 years or something after. I'm just getting passionate.

Artist of the new pic is educabezon. I don't think hes posted it yet, but he agreed to do a konata weight gain series so Stay tuned. I also put in a couple paid requests to someone who's quite good, but I'm number 4 and 7 in line for a konata and a miyuki, assuming he agrees to do them.
(8.6 MB, 4500x6500, final_2-3.png)
Version with alt backround wouldn't let menupload both in one go.
Just look up his name and his accounts come right up
(718 KB, 2731x4096, konastars.jpg)
I got a new one today. from same guy who did me the last one.
God speed you for commissioning so much Lucky Star. This is a show that means a lot to me and I'm fatbrained so seeing so much fat content of it after literal years of drought makes me feel good.
(5.5 MB, 4000x5000, final_2-4 (1).png)
Here's one I just got, going live on his Twitter tomorrow. Had to compress to upload here, hopefully not too bad.
I think the reason I like it so much is because it reminds me of high school, which I actually miss. Plus I love konata to death. Much more planned for sure, but it's going to be a couple weeks before I can afford it. Stay tuned.
>>93776 Bless you so much for these dude! Funny enough my poll had Konata and she and Paimon won. Looks like I'm gonna be drawing her really soon!
Beltbuster did a Kagami too, have you got it?
Oh these rock, who's the artist?
this one always made me laugh, I'm glad the typesetting was fixed
(529 KB, 1076x1123, uhhuh.png)
No I didn't cease, I've just been broke.
(647 KB, 1171x1235, jojolklk.png)
Based off a certain picture where they are all in bikinis which is why her hair is different.
Art by softservice and baqua. I didn't credit softserve for the konata because he signed it but it's harder to see in this one.

Also stay tuned I got some animations coming, although I don't know if I can upload them like images or if I need to link you to them.
(118 KB, 620x825, kofi miyuki.jpg) (622 KB, 953x1180, baqmiyukinew.png)
Oops forgot to attach files. Also going to pay an image editor to go back and edit some of the older pics to add nipples pushing through the bikini pics, those were from before instarted asking for it
Don't bring that drama shit here, homie. I beg you. I'm sure most people who bother to check the other threads already know
(823 KB, 3921x3460, Konata.png) (244 KB, 1920x1594, Animación Konata v2.gif) (256 KB, 1980x1644, Animación Konata.gif)
Don't know if I can link animations like images, so let's see. I have more shit incoming as well. Was going to maybe add sound effects later too, because I think I can take a gif and make it a short movie file.
"A dick in mah WG art!?!?"

Man... gonna be interesting when the Japanese folks are sick of ya Gecko.
The Japanese are much more patient from what I've heard lmao
They really aren't. I bet he used Skeb, which is a black box sort of system where you tell the artist what you want and after that you're not allowed to try and contact them again.
(886 KB, 1295x1663, unknown (3).png) (474 KB, 1076x1123, unknown-12.png) (515 KB, 1097x1146, unknown (2).png)
Yes, all of the stuff from thje japanese I've gotten through skeb. It isn't always what you want but overall I'm fine and happy with it.

And Oh my fucking god, it's actually happening. I'm so happy I'm about to cry. I might actually get my season 2. https://www.cbr.com/lucky-star-manga-returns-hiatus/

My next animation isn't done yet, so have some of my "shitty" edits, as dickbag put it. Make fun of me all you want too, but this makes me giddier than a gay gorilla, I can't put in words how happy this announcement makes me!
He wasn't saying it was a bad thing, just that it's really rare since Deviantart doesn't allow them.
Who made that gif of Konata eating the cake?
Does anyone in this thread happen to have any of Bonusart's lost "Lucky Star" drawings? My favorite is the one where a SSBBW Kagami is blushing & denying that she gained weight for you as a timeline of her weight is shown
(10.3 MB, 8000x3000, luckystars2.png)
I actually got 3 from him but one of them is puyopuyo so I can't post it this thread.
A Tetris-like puzzle game and franchise developed by Sega
>Been working with that fancy new image generator thing. Kinda like it

Same, I posted one of them. I have a few I really like but parts have to be redrawn, and I dont want to spam the thread with ai shit but throwing one I think is cute in with comms I don't think is really an issue.
All issues aside with the idea of AI art, it's very funny that they always forget Konatas mole.
(2.3 MB, 2894x4093, 1064056-1.output.png) (2.3 MB, 2894x4093, 1064056-2.output(1).png) (152 KB, 1012x1676, uqLJC_Ez.jpg)
I'll ask him if he wants to be named, he doesn't normally do fetish art afaik so IDK if he wants that kind of attention,and that also isn't posted publicly I think. He's also working on a cookie eating one for me.

I asked for the summer uniform like I usually do, but this dude gave me both so I'll have to tip him The japanese sound effect is supposed to be the desk about to collapse under her weight (I think?) because that's what I asked for. Name is 穂高しよ. Other one is voidcake. I also have a couple more I'm waiting to get back.

If someone has one of the minor girls they'd like to see porked up, I'll make the first reply I get happen. I kinda like the brown haired one personally, but whatever.
Yeah some Misao would be really nice
(3.1 MB, 2252x3338, lucky_star_girl.png)
Got this one from pivko. I don't like it but maybe one of you beaters will.
I would if you didn't ask for that retarded Wario outie shit every time. Kill yourself.
Bruh, Gecko you goddamn idiot. You just never change, do ya?
theres a lack of berry because it doesn't go on this board you retard
To hell with you, nigger.
If there is anything worse than Berry fuckers.

It's berry fuckers with zero standards. Holy shit these circle tool-of-shes
First off, /inf/

Secondly, get better standards you circlefag.
(2.7 MB, 2252x3338, fixed.png)
you should really ask for alts with normal navels next time you comm something.
I actually did/ do/ just not for that one specifically and pretty much anything from baqua since he redraws it anyway if he posts it. I just don't post them, or the people I show them too have people who really like it.

Besides that, if others don't like it, they can draw it or pay for it, or pay for someone to edit.

I wasn't going to ask them to redraw the entire fucking image, and I thought it looked better in the sketch. People on here bitch for pages about some dudes comic they don't pay for (I don't have an interest in it either), so I'm allowed to write a couple of sentences expressing my disappointment. Just because some lurking anon has an issue with it, that's not my problem.

Miskao is still coming, but I'm putting it off for a couple weeks, and I had more images but something happened with them and they went radio silent.

Oh yeah, and no more worrying about a couple of them being one or two years underage, theres a spinoff coming out where Konata is in her 30's so obviously all the other characters are going to be older too. Along with the continuation of the regular manga.
(2.5 MB, 968x927, cookieloop (1).gif)
I forgot to attach the files.

Outie alt of one of the ones I got from soda, gif has two versions.
Is there a normal/innie version of this?
(705 KB, 1529x1611, hufkonacomm.png) (84 KB, 1520x1920, comm_konata.png)
It is suppossed to be in, it's just looks weird because he didn't shade it in correctly I think, but I do have a version where she is chewing the entire time too. I might try to fix her belly button myself, think it looks off too.

if light chub is allowed, I have that second one. I wasn't going to upload that first one because it's unfinished although I don't think it's going to get done. He did that and then went silent like 5 months ago, but I might get someone else to finish it. Like he hasn't posted anything at all since then so I think something happened.
(2.3 MB, 1271x961, gekkokonata.gif)
One of the people who I thought dissapeared actually just got back to me with this.
Also if you are wondering about the redundancy it's because I asked a few people at about the the same time. It's not 100% perfect but it's the best of the animated ones Imo. I'm going to see if she's down to do a couple more.
Man this is easily the best fat Miyuki i've ever seen. Do you have a deviantart or twitter or something?
Awesome! Do you take requests or do the art trades?
You really should consider setting yourself up on twitter or Deviantart. Lord knows fat Miyuki lovers need to be able to find eachother.
(246 KB, 1280x720, Enda8G6XcAQxmTS.jpg)
They used to have a twitter that got somewhat popular (1k+ followers) but it wasn't dedicated to fat content so you are likely unaware of it. At the moment they are a bit skittish about sharing their work and OCs to the public, so I don't think you'll see much from them outside of this thread. They do have a discord server, but it's currently only for friends and is non-active at the moment.
It is ultimately up to them whether or not they want to continue pursuing fat art, but I believe they appreciate the support they have gotten from you all.

Source: I am their ex and I talk to them everyday about these things.
(98 KB, 1200x858, FriZOKSWIAA8zyN.jpg)
Champion for this! I had some of his Lucky Star images saved but not all of them.

A lot of these are really high quality, can't even post some of them here.

Also new fat Konata, but spoilered for futanari.
Please post it, this is a great art.
This surprises me. I can't believe Gecko is still able to get commissions from people.
Yeah, that motherfucker sure is able to charm people
I'm suprised you think any of these people have an actual sphere of influence outside their yes men and whoever else is in their clique or whatever the fuck you want to call it. 99% of the people who I'm probably blacklisted by aren't people I'd pay to do me anything anyway. As I said like 6 months or whatever ago, despite the pomposity, they mean very little to the general public outside of beater fodder.

I haven't had any issues asides from the people who are weird about like character ages. Like I had one who claimed that they were open to interpretation, despite the fact that that's outright false. The only reason I haven't been posting as much is because I've been getting other characters, and canceled a few. I also ordered something incredibly expensive, but I'm not disclosing what it is yet.

Yeah, it's almost like there's always people willing to take your money.
Poor artist. Soon Gecko will act like a retard.
I knew it, you're still on this frickin' website. You've got nothing better to do than commissioning garbage Lucky Star art, eh? Never change, Gecko...
Lately it's been garbage Skullgirls and miscellaneous shit. I've just been taking a break from it for a bit. I have a lot that don't get posted publicly, and there isn't really a relevant thread and I'm not going to make one.
I really don't have as much trouble as some people would have you believe.

Nah he's good. He doesn't blow you off, take months to not do what he agreed to do, or blow smoke up your ass.

I got maybe two more coming for right now. I was also going to do the one minor character I promised, I just forgot about it. Don't worry, I ordered both an innie and outie version but I'm not posting the former, so if he doesn't post it you'll have to pay for something you want or edit it. Freeloaders can't be choosers, after all.
I’m surprised there isn’t more feeder Konata with feedee Kagami art considering how much Konata teases her for being a glutton and gaining weight.
Ah shit didn't mean to spoiler it. No guys/vore/braps or anything, just accidentally checked that button.
This is great, who made it?
He was replying to another guy...
Ngl I would have liked these a lot more if Konata was the one being fattened up (makes sense given she’s a lazy otaku). And if she didn’t have a cock
(3 KB, 502x687, 20231228_021624.jpg)
I haven't been funding the thread lately because I slowed it down or have been getting other shit. For being garbage artwork, people sure love reposting it.
How about you fund some therapy, Gecko.
Surprised you haven't been blacklisted by every artist yet, Gecko.
How does it feel like to suck your own cock, dude? Oh right, you can't even reach it
any fat art of nanako or yui? apologies if it's already been posted, i really don't feel like sifting through hundreds of high school girl images to find the adults i'm actually interested in
They're not real, take your meds schizo.
I promise it's not hard.

Sorry for not blowing smoke.

Dm me or whatever and I'll send you a couple if you can't scroll up. I'd repost but I can't find them atm.
"by Hooliganfreak" Oh yeah...so that explains why the drawing is so shit
Why is Hooliganfreak's drawings is so shit nowadays.
can somebody reupload the bonusart-archive.zip?

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