
>>40685 (OP)
That Tron pic obliterates my dick and balls quarters
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Legends is better off dead; prove me wrong.
who's the artist? I can't read the signature
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What two Mega Man girls from different series would you most want to see in a WG story, fighting for their waistlines?
Who drew this it's fantastic
Who is the girl by the hose supposed to be?
Sauce on the third image?
We'll never know...
Es de deviantart es facil

Has Mune ever explained his love of tumor lips? I love lush smoochers as much as the next guy, but disproportionate lower lips like this makes those jewish stereotypes look reserved in comparison.
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>Play Megaman X Dive
>White Day event
>Level consists of a chocolate factory with chocolate rivers
>Navigator wants to eat the chocolate
>Says that she doesn't care if she gains weight
>Boss is literally made out of chocolate
>This game is a crossover between all subseries

They are making this too easy lads.
>Says that she doesn't care if she gains weight
She doesn't say this. The other navigator asked her if she didn't care about gaining weight again. She responds saying that it's bad enough to be accused of gaining weight, then asks what he meant by "again".

I'm curious if he was telling the truth, if she was actually fat before.
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This is the only other noteworthy fat she has. Under spoilers for lactation, but she's immobile size being force feed.
>This game is a crossover between all subseries
>They are making this too easy lads
The difficulty is in the game looking boring and having to risk playing a gachashit that has shown a willingness to retroactively censor seasonal characters.
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This pic leaves me with a question; with most every pegging Tron Bonne as a pear, do you feel that Roll Caskett is an apple or an pear like her rival?
>>41127 and the rest of sequence?
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Why are you so desperate that you feel the need to fall to butlova?

Source for the Ciel one please
Looks like either @JustDaveFND or his alt account, Nuumatic on dA and FA.

Okay, thank you
What's the source for that 4th Splash Woman pic?
What the fuck is that Alia?! Fuck whoever thought this should be drawn.
Who else but Munemune, the 'genius' behind "Giant blue tumor lip Splash Woman" and his general autistic obsession with those stupid hyper pear shapes?

Even worse is the diapers+age regression faggotry.
Quake Woman, aka Tempo, an original character from the Archie Comics.
Quake Woman. Archie Comic character
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It would be cursed if someone made fat art of the joke character from the Brazilian Megaman comics: The Spayed Vampire Girl
>Quake Woman
>no art about causing earthquakes with her massive weight or girthquakes as her body jiggles
>no art about “digging into” food
>no art of her fat ass getting stuck in a cave she was digging out
>has a goofy sister robot who could absolutely be used as either a feeder stand in or a second fattening target
I get she was a niche character in the comics but come on people where’s the effort
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>the comics
Almost nobody involved in the production of fat pics reads comics, let alone Archie comics.
Fat artist here I read comics and only Archie comics I’ve read are the start of the Megaman and Sonic crossover, and Afterlife With Archie
Is there some of ciel?
Why the fuck are you bumping this!?

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