
Did this one get bumplocked too? What is this horse shit?
Nvm, anyways, can we get some more fat Peridot and Lapis?
Good stuff Anon
The more Lapis and Peridot the better
WHERE can I find the creator
I got it from a /trash/ draw thread.
Can I have a link to it
says Locote68 is the artist
who is the artist?
Here comes a lot of art :D
Ok, what is going on with mimosa? He paywalled almost everything, even stuff he had posted a year back. Then he posted new stuff without the paywall, but paywalled them an hour or so later. I donĀ“t get it.

Apparently they need help with bills, but they aren't handling it right in my opinion. Having a premium gallery or doing commissions is fine, but they are going a bit over board. I hope it doesn't bite them in the butt as I love their work.
Uncensored version for the 1st pic?
Someone saved that Fatty White Diamond one of the people here made and colored?
I couldn't save it before the bumplock of the other thread.
Got a source on that Pearl? I love it.
Hmm... This thread needs more Lapis fat art in my opinion.
Who was the one that made the image of Pearl and Dr. Mahaeswaren immobile? >>39184
Can we get some of Joeā€™s Lapis and Peridot art?
Can anyone upload the Why So Big and Blue pictures?
Anyone have blooberrybuffet's old Aquamarine picture?
God damn this drawing is super hot. Though it wouldā€™ve been even hotter if Aquamarine was also super fat like Lapis is.
great imagedump
No one has that White Diamond pic from the previous thread?
Or at least a link to the archive?
I mean his wife, if he's even still married to her, is on the heavy side so I wouldn't be shocked
Link to the one the image of Pearl and Dr. Mahaeswaren immobile, please.
(197 KB, 2632x3500, 1.png) (172 KB, 2120x3048, 2.png) (325 KB, 3500x3253, 3.png)
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(567 KB, 3750x3750, 5.jpeg) (613 KB, 3750x3750, 6.jpeg) (578 KB, 3750x3750, 7.jpeg)
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(99 KB, 900x900, 6.jpeg) (87 KB, 900x900, 7.jpeg) (133 KB, 1200x1200, 8.jpeg)
what's the source on the last gif? That one's excellent
(2.6 MB, 854x480, Peridot (lo res).mp4)
Cherish, for I bring a Peridot with a megaton ass and thighs.
Artist? I need to know.
Personifiedpoodle, or puntthepoodle on Twitter. They've done a few others animations of that calibur. They mostly do weird slob art tho.
Can anyone upload the why so big and blue pics here?
I'm really curious about what you're talking about here, do you happen to know what artist made those pictures? Is there perhaps any sort of teaser image for these?

It's a set of screenshot edits based on the Episode Why So Blue and no there was no artist information.
Someone needs to commission this artist and get a belly version too, also post more fat Peridot and Amethyst anons
Also, the second image in this post was made by an artist who just went by Joe, they had a lot of good fat SU art but seemed to vanish around the time of the tumblr purge, if someone can find more of their art and post it here, it would be greatly appreciated
Does anyone have fat art of Lonely or Aubergine Pearl?
Keep it up mah boi
Anyone got a source for these two?
Does anyone have any artwork from QuartzLover913?
quartzlover died for our sins
oh thank god, read that some furfag basically gaslit them and there was other shit going on in their life that made them nuke their gallery.
You're a lifesaver for having saved these. There are some real good ones in there that I wouldn't be able to find until now. Thanks for it
what the fuck, quartzy's removing their followers on twitter

what the hell happened??
Something about old things from the past being drug out if I remember correctly
yeah I saw his blog posts on his eka's portal account

this all started because some thin-skinned furfag got pressed because quartz said "okay furry" and dug up old messages just to instigate him until he lost it, fucking ridiculous.
Does anyone have quartzlover913 drawings of Garnet?
Could have sworn that there were more.
(1.0 MB, 4096x4096, image0.png)
Does anyone have the alt. Of this?
Thank You Kindly.
There wouldn't happen to be anymore Pearl pics would there?
that ectoplasmic ghoul is great at generating gigantic gems.
E.R. said they said they would do a follow up to the Lapis pic if there was enough motivation to make it.
Who can say, It's a bit of a gamble of who or what they'll draw next.
It's kind of exciting in a way.
(150 KB, 2048x2048, lapis_ocean_gut_03.jpg)
Apparently he read this thread and decided to make an alt. He certainly didn't have to, but did anyway.

What a cool dude. Much appreciated.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there another Lapis wg comic? Something about when she was fused with Jasper?
Sauce I gotta know. Fat shortstacks baybeee
is the old tumblr stuff archived anywhere, it looks like it got nuked when Tumblr killed itself
(436 KB, 2020x1584, blue_diamond_weight_gain_drive___week_1__finished__by_smappansfw_desmmae.png) (582 KB, 2700x1604, blue_diamond_weight_gain_drive___week_2__finished__by_smappansfw_desmml5.png) (987 KB, 4000x2300, blue_diamond_weight_gain_drive___week_3__live__by_smappansfw_det0upe.png)
I come bringing gifts of Blue Diamond, there is another part that will apparently come in a few days, but it would be wrong to not share it here as there is a noticeable vacancy.
it's a weird nitpick, but 1700lbs? for her being that big? She's the size of a fucking mountain, she'd be closer to thousands of tons than thousands of pounds.

artists giving weird numbers for weights always bugs me.
(1.4 MB, 2048x2048, FEGziAOXEAMSMfN.png)
QL always does amazing when it comes to Pearl
Someone can post all steven universe art from tubbytoons?
Sorry for asking again but do you have the White Diamond fat pic an anon in the previous thread colored?
Any more stuff from quartzlover913?
wait are they gone again?
No, he's still around. He just had his wisdom teeth pulled and is taking time off to relax.
(109 KB, 700x700, 1.png) (133 KB, 700x700, 3.png) (155 KB, 700x700, 4.png) (135 KB, 700x530, 6.png)
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Who's the artist for these?
Cute drawing. Working at a donut shop would probably help her out with her sumo career. Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll be able to gain more weight soon enough.
Can someone make a edit of that gif with sound?
Who made the one with peridot and garnet?
Source for that Spinel one?
Damn thatā€™s a good flabby Jasper.
Does anyone have this one wg sequence of
priyanka (I think it was made by Inkykinks)

Itā€™s a small white sequence of Steven fatten up priyanka into a naked blob and at the End priyanka says to Steven ā€œDig into your future wifeā€.

Does anyone know it or have it?
(479 KB, 1000x731, commission___diamond_days_1_of_3_by_professordoctorc_dcyfzi7.png) (366 KB, 800x568, commission___diamond_days_2_of_3_by_professordoctorc_dcz820m.png) (429 KB, 1200x497, commission___diamond_days_3_of_3_by_professordoctorc_dcztyqh.png) (430 KB, 1200x715, commission___diamond_days_bonus_by_professordoctorc_dd07651.png) (374 KB, 1000x661, sapphire_and_ruby_by_professordoctorc_ddiveko.png) (435 KB, 800x956, feeder_pearl_by_professordoctorc_dc7ut8o.png)
(215 KB, 800x997, commission___steventag_is_exhausting_by_professordoctorc_ddp89vq.png) (206 KB, 800x881, commission___wedding_suit_sapphire_by_professordoctorc_ddpsy07.png) (294 KB, 800x937, commission___sapphire_sweating_by_professordoctorc_ddqsdyj.png) (280 KB, 1200x829, commission___sapphire_surrenders_by_professordoctorc_ddr7g43.png) (284 KB, 800x987, proud_fat_bitch___sadie__by_professordoctorc_ddspjtv.png) (3.2 MB, 2893x4092, rose dress.png)
(307 KB, 800x1023, proud_fat_bitch___pearl__by_professordoctorc_ddt0gd3.png) (301 KB, 800x1017, proud_fat_bitch___spinel__by_professordoctorc_ddu20ri.png) (1.9 MB, 2893x3069, commission___priyanka___1_by_professordoctorc_ddgrcz2.png) (1.5 MB, 3200x4092, commission___priyanka___2_by_professordoctorc_ddhvrzz.png) (648 KB, 2127x1989, quickie___spin_it_by_professordoctorc_dduxs9u.png) (293 KB, 1000x703, art_trade___opal_by_professordoctorc_ddw24tb.png)
(387 KB, 1200x862, commission___halloween_candy_2_by_professordoctorc_dcr0awn.png) (2.3 MB, 3740x2690, commissions___pearl_s_thanksgiving_feast_by_professordoctorc_dcsn668.png) (3.3 MB, 3925x2829, commission___christmas_pearl_by_professordoctorc_dcv94qd.png) (252 KB, 1000x721, commission___easter_pearl_by_professordoctorc_dd549zf.png) (454 KB, 1200x865, commission___halloween_costumes_by_professordoctorc_ddjgtam.png) (434 KB, 1200x647, commission___thanksgiving_pearl_three_by_professordoctorc_ddl8ouz.png)
(468 KB, 1200x829, commission___thanksgiving_pearl_three_and_a_half_by_professordoctorc_ddlaqfo.png) (1.0 MB, 1404x900, commission___pearl_christmas_by_professordoctorc_ddmyt7e.png) (597 KB, 1200x1058, commission___pearl_on_valentine_s_day_by_professordoctorc_ddqcz0u.png) (436 KB, 1020x747, halloween_pearl_2020_by_professordoctorc_de7xmy4.png) (471 KB, 1200x641, commission___thanksgiving_pearl_2020_by_professordoctorc_de9e8vc.png) (556 KB, 1200x848, commission___pearl_christmas_2020_by_professordoctorc_deb1mc0.png)
(3.8 MB, 4092x2893, commission___4th_of_july_pearl___2021_by_professordoctorc_demosw4.png) (498 KB, 1024x849, commission___halloween_pearl_2021_by_professordoctorc_dets54k.png) (353 KB, 800x916, commission___thanksgiving_pearl_2021_1_of_2_by_professordoctorc_dev6qxo.png) (442 KB, 1024x785, commission___thanksgiving_pearl_2021_2_of_2_by_professordoctorc_dev7asn.png) (4.1 MB, 4092x2893, commission___christmas_pearl_2021_by_professordoctorc_dewvveb.png)
(254 KB, 800x1017, commission___priyanka_s_healthy_diet_1_by_professordoctorc_ddzn9jr.png) (298 KB, 800x1015, commission___priyanka_s_healthy_diet_2_by_professordoctorc_ddzs171.png) (276 KB, 1000x732, commission___priyanka_s_healthy_diet_3_by_professordoctorc_ddzwog5.png) (352 KB, 800x1131, commission___priyanka_s_healthy_diet___4_by_professordoctorc_ddzyw5e.png) (287 KB, 798x565, commission___priyanka_s_healthy_diet_5_by_professordoctorc.png) (380 KB, 1077x800, commission___priyanka_s_healthy_diet_6_by_professordoctorc_de07vre.png)
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Asking again, someone has that recolored White Diamond from the previous thread?
Needs More Uber in the torso and feet

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