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What do you think would be better for an Im@s weight gain story; a world them needing to adapt to a fattening world or a world that's already fat and them needing to work their way up the scales?
I've written a few of them, and I usually go with the route of fat idols being viable on the industry
I prefer the idols being fat in a normal world rather than everyone being fat
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Better to have the conflict be from them gaining weight than risk it coming off weird with the conflict coming from them trying to keep their weight from falling? Or is it just interesting to see the whole thing just build up from the ground up?
Would her change in lifestyle be better well received by fans or her having to quit or change things to attract a new audience?
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Either way is good for me. I like the idea of it being well received because if the author like the series they are open to making a sequel with other idols and the more im@s fats we have the better. If they are forced to quit I like seeing the idol thinking that they like more their new lifestyle than their fans and deciding to continue gaining weight
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>the more im@s fats we have the better
Well it looks like Bamco might be thinking of bringing IM@s over but then it's a poll so take it with a grain of salt because I haven't seen one involving video games that ended well.

New question, who are the top idols you'd want to see pork up and with what bodytypes?

Kentaro Miura, the creator of Berserk, died and with him the meme feud.
I like to write about Chihaya, I think she makes a great fatty, being bashful, pearshaped, and canonically interested in gaining.
I'd also like to see more art or fatfics about the Shinymas cast, especially Fuyu or Mitsumine.
Nana, Ranko and Anastasia. For bodytypes I prefer pear or simply having a huge a belly.
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I'd like to see more 765 fats in general. I think there's one guy who commissions Chihaya every so often, but other than that they're pretty thin on the ground. Other than them, I guess I'd like more of Koume, Mirei and the Jougasaki sisters. More Kanako would be nice too, but she already gets a lot.

As for body types, I'm a fan of pears moreso than anything.
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If Bamco has taken actual interest in sending Im@s out West and that poll isn't a load of hot air, there might be hope for people being baited into 765 fat production.

Do you mind that she only ever gets immobile blob pics when it's not pregnancy?

You lucked out with your interest being drawn by Ranko
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>It could just be the social media intern acting on his own initiative
The people who work in social media would more likely try to get SideM long before they thought about Im@s.

>I didn't know she had any beyond the one Darkfireballz did
White Jacketed Fool did a couple and some people did some WG stories of her which jumped right to the immobility. The only pics of Koume that don't go that far are made by the Japs which are pic related and some stuff by another guy who really likes giving her a bubble butt and soft thighs.

There's also a couple with breast expansion, including this doujin https://nhentai.net/g/182845/

Back when she was my top favorite, I thought there would've been more of her since she's one of the popular younger idols within Cinderella Girls and her love of horror opened her up to all kinds of ideas to fatten her but both West and East went to the extreme opposites of each other.
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>Gets "fatter"
>Only her boobs get bigger

God damnit Japan...
She has more tummy fat too. And her thighs grew.
Anyone who thinks this is fat is a fucking goddamn idiot.

They do this all the time, and it's beyond frustrating.

Yes, a full 5 pounds. Fuck off with your bullshit.
Gains are gains. I find a girl putting on weight (even if it's a small amount) sexy. Some artists make their characters too big too fast.
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For people outside this fetish, a 5lb gain with visible softness is viewed as apocalyptic. And for idols in particular, it could easily be career-ending.

Our standards are far higher because we like women so big that 5lb is literally just one day's worth of food.
I understand that you want to savor the gains during a sequence or comic, but the gains should also be a substantial amount by the end and quick enough so the readers don't feel like they're wasting their time or worrying about the payoff at the end. Why do you think so many people get frustrated by Kip's comics?
I like Kip's comics but I do admit there is a lot of beating around the bush.
A 5 pound weight gain being career-ending for anything is retarded.

Exactly, it's the same problem just from the opposite spectrum. You don't like fast gains that don't let you savor the journey, and I don't like slow gains where the end result doesn't justify the time it takes to get there. It's why I hope Log Myu has an amazing payoff (she wasn't chubby until page 99 outside of fantasies for God's sake, and chubs are weak sauce to me).
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>Why do you think so many people get frustrated by Kip's comics
Kip can't write and no one who has made weight gain comics has truly taken advantage of the environment, situations involving the characters gain, and view angles; all of which can be used to milk peoples attention for drawn out gain stories.

Not really when the business you're in involves you selling your body or it being part of the brand you're selling or you ending up as an astronaut.
To my knowledge the only comic that's in a good place right now is the Revenge comic by Annonnxyz, it's been great so far. The idol industry has shit taste. What kinda freaks like seeing rib cages and organs sticking out from them being so skinny?

You know, people posting girls that aren't fat is more insulting to this site then those (like me) who don't post any fats at all. Do it right if you're gonna do it at all.
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>people posting girls that aren't fat is more insulting to this site then those (like me) who don't post any fats at all
What about people posting fat girls that are surrounded by a bunch of even fatter men? What about people who post full blown furry? What about people who post shit art that looks like it was drawn by a child? What about the scat fetishists? What about the Banna and Axel posters?
Mutual gains, male gains, and scat works all have threads the Alt board they can go to, while the furries have their own board. As long as they stay within their own areas and don't come here (most people have been good about respecting boundaries), then they're fine. The circle shitters are trolls who know how bad their (or whoever's) work is and they can go fuck themselves. What's your point?
Its not that Kip's gain is "too slow" its that there ar too many pages that divert from the from the fetish to "flesh out" characters or story that people overall don't care about. While not exactly the same as Kip's stories you'll notice that no one really complains about Ayano's weight gain diary which is over 200(300?) pages now, and has been going for years, but nearly EVERY page has at least some aspect of the fetish as its focal point, whether it be Ayano admiring her body, stuffing herself, how her body interacts with her environment, etc. Weight Gain is always at the focal point. But thats just my opinion on the matter
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I'm not talking about them sticking to their own threads, I'm talking about them mingling around in /bbwdraw/.

>The circle shitters are trolls who know how bad their (or whoever's) work is
Still haven't lost your faith in your fellow fattener? Seems like there's far too many that are legitimately stupid and without standards to still see it that way.

>you'll notice that no one really complains about Ayano's weight gain diary
No thread to complain. I can't even remember what that is.
The journey is still slow for one reason or another.

As I said, most of them have been good about minding their boundaries, as in there's not many who have been mingling around here. The few who do overstep and post their garbage however can get lost.

I never had faith in circle shitters. You can tell just from looking at their work that they'll never be any good, plus you're not the one to talk about standards. Those girls you post could stand to gain a couple hundred pounds.
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>you're not the one to talk about standards. Those girls you post could stand to gain a couple hundred pounds
I'd rather be stuck in an existence of only chubby tier pics than an existence of obese pics made by people who can't draw well or can't make a weight gain pic that doesn't look like it's just inflation.

I think even with Ami and Mami having a harder time of sneaking around and having less places to hide, they can find more ways to annoy people than if they were still skinny.
Have you not been paying attention to some of the other threads here? Their are plenty of artists who are able to pull off obese pics well. BetterWithSalt, MiraMiracleRun, Kurocaze, Roundersofter, MetalForever (when he's not doing vore, pregnancy, or pure stuffing), TheBreadGuardian, Pixveo... the list of great artists who draw those sizes is bigger then you think.
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I was talking about a hypothetical world where only bad art existed.

Roundersofter becomes a hit and miss after a certain weight and Metal suffers from the same issue Axel has with creating a picture that doesn't look like it's just a stuffed belly or inflation.
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I think the only reason she isn't at least this big in canon is because going to get food takes effort.
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If Producer decided to get a song and dance focusing on three idols key humongous asset, which three idols would you be voting for and what do you think would make a more entertaining theme for the song and dance number, jostling breasts, rolling bellies, or wobbling asses?
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What three idols would you say are the main ones you'd want to become fat gluttons?
Kisaragi Chihaya
Jougasaki Mika

and maybe Akizuki Ritsuko for third
Ah, you like the ones with that hidden soft spot under their cool and closed off exterior.

Fisrt Asuza as she's the one who gets lost
Followed by Takane as the foodie she is, along Makoto (her because she was the feeder of her chibi self/puchimas) Hibiki and Chihaya. While the villain is a fat chef Haruka

Tbh is a hard question on which one might be, also I just now 765pro so idk the rest that well
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There's a couple of later on characters born from mobileshit that are pretty much just chinese knockoffs of 765.

If the world can kill Takane's metabolism, Hibiki ending up developing a habit of doing cute things that inspire Makoto to spoil her and consequently leading to Hibiki fattening up from her testing everything during her searches for things to spoil whatever cute thing that crosses, and with Chihaya being that rare character who some form of interest in gaining weight; what would jumpstart Azusa's?
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Why'd you link to an image on 4chins? It's gotta be common knowledge by now that it's highly unreliable. If you don't have the picture to post here, describe how the girl looked like.
Between desuarchive and yandex reverse image search, looks like Ousaka Shizuku from Love Live
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If a fast food sponsor got Producer to have the idols perform a song the company created that only they know will cause a spike in hunger to the listeners but unknown even to its creators, being heavily subjected to said music from from constantly having to practice to get their steps and vocals right and performing the songs for concerts causes the idols minds to be warped into naturally being voracious but their burgeoning waistlines are all well recieved; who do you think would be the most pissed to find out what was going on, even if her fanbase was not only still there but even larger?
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I wonder what pairings would be the most effective at unintentional heavy weight gain.
artist of 1st pic?
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Cinderella Girls is getting shut down. Guess they want to focus all their resources on the 3D rhythm game.
third pic is so hot

Sauce for the second pic?

Could you please post the artist's name and/or twitter/kemono link as well? I have trouble accessing pixiv for some reason.

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