
Do you have both comics from the last one? I would truly appreciate it if you could upload them.
Check the paid content thread.
>>2014 Thank You!
Does anyone have part 4?
(3.2 MB, 3656x1692, lotte5.png) (401 KB, 1624x1455, bbw_lotte_chan__by_bysmile0824_ddmw7ye.png)
So it looks like Ramironia deleted all of his Lottes... I thought I had downloaded them all, but I guess I was mistaken. Does anyone else seem to have them? Here is all I could find which were posted on other people's accounts (immobile one was posted on OogieBoogieKnight/PlumpKnight's patreon, other on BySmile0824's deviantart)
(92 KB, 641x1200, lwa2.jpg)
(158 KB, 1200x1152, lwa3.jpg)

Shedrawsome, on twitter.
Who the fuck is this edgelord OC?

God it's so cringy.
*shrugs* I saw that earlier ask the commissioner of the picture
Fanart is fanart, and oc's are oc's. and never the twain shall meet.
I wonder if people will ever realize they have a
channel for inflation. Or will they continue to be
retarded and post it in /bbwdraw
I guess the latter then...
I genuinely dont know about it. I just want the link, man
(34 KB, 1024x378, Terry_Twitter.jpg)
please remember to breathe
your tardwrangler's livelihood depends on it
By sekkaBFG
There's nothing there........
Was beltpop on tumblr but the tumblrs dead.
Feederism Zone, on Facebook
People post fetish art on fucking facebook? You either have to be lacking in any social awareness or be ultra confident to tie your face to this fetish.
Saving the thread from doom.
(703 KB, 2178x1535, TD comm 8.31.20.jpg)
A commission I received about two months ago of some background characters from the show.
Anyone got any more Lottes? :p
These are amazing, sauce?
KBeezy53 from DeviantArt and Eka's Portal
I wasn't able to find anything on either site; do you have a link or are the accounts deleted?
No, they're being posted by someone who commissioned him to make these, and they keep all of they're posts to registered users only.
(1.6 MB, 2509x3060, cdd3.png)
>vore kicks throughout a flabby belly
vore is already insulting enough, but it just enrages me when artists just further ignore anatomy
Even if it were anatomically possible for them to fit them in there, their kicks would never reach the outside no matter how strong they are. All the blubber, weight, muscle, and the dark, sticky, tight and lack of air would keep them in place squished with no hope to even try to struggle. That is even before the "If there is no other food and acid already in there" forethought. You would melt pretty fast if acid were in there already.
I'm not saying that's the problem
the problem is the kicks at the bottom of her sagging gut
that's all subcutaneous fat and skin, your abdominal muscles don't sag like that
but then again I hate any form of
>draw something that clearly isn't vore
>add some kicks or shit and call it vore
Oh I can see that. Pretty substandard for any WG or Vore artist to just grab both audiences by making a belly pic, changing the bellybutton, boom preg pic. Then they can go back, add kicks and bumps and sounds to make vore pic. Easy 3 lazy Comms from 1 pic
(42 KB, 1280x1351, Akko.png)
Saw the Akko art that represents this thread, and wanted to color it so I did just that
good job i think it came out well!
(45 KB, 1600x1351, Akko.png)
Tried shading also (aint the best at that)
I wish someone would comm Sarah or chariot
They did, but the Sarah pic is a vore pic
That was posted here earlier.
I mean there is a chance the commissioner might commission non-vore art of her in the future. They seem like a fan of Sarah's, and often commission stuff of her from artist.
Hopefully yeah, this guy doesn’t have a place to go and follow right?
He's on Eka's portal, where he posts both vore and non-vore content.
Who is the first one? I recognize Aileen and Bianca

Is that maria?
The first one is Katie, and yes the other's are Bianca and Aileen. And yes, that is Maria. This guy really likes the background girls, he tends to commission them a lot form other artists.
Nice I like them a lot too they have their thing going for them

I liked the maria best from this time
LWA's bg characters are the only ones with actual personality and attention grabbing looks in my eyes. I actually bothered to remember their names.
They are very well designed, can’t blame you
Noticed that we missed Hilda
Wish all the good Sucy's didn't have vore attached. That one line she had cemented her to be into vore.
Can only hope to commission it later
Anyone has any croix?
Does anyone have any decent LWA fat fics to recommend? I'd search but Deviantart made it a massive pain to actually search for stories now.
Broomsticks and Brunch
Found these when roaming Discord
Having Jasminka makes them instantly treasures
Jasminka is underrated without a doubt. Thicc Witcc.
She's quite the sweetie for sure. And strong as heck
(694 KB, 1474x2253, america_is_great_by_disconcere_dbizlyt.jpg)
For the sake of generating some discussion to keep the thead afloat: Does anyone know any good LWA WG fics? It's really hard to find stories on deviantart because of the eclipse update you can't just search literature anymore.
I have trouble finding them too, but I’ll share the ones I’ve saved personally:

Large Witch Academia (Akko WG, Sucy SWG): https://www.deviantart.com/sir-wales/art/Large-Witch-Academia-Mutual-fWG-636867061

Bigger Witch Academia (Akko & Lotte SWG):

Extracurricular Activities (Akko, Lotte, Sucy, Diana, Hannah, & Barbara XWG + SLIME TF & GAS):

Broomsticks and Brunch (Amanda XWG & Akko WG):

Low Metabolism Reaction (Akko, Sucy, and Lotte XWG + SLOB):

I think part of the problem is just that people don’t really write about LWA enough in the first place, sucks having a niche fetish in a niche fanbase.
Nice, I commisioned that one on the right
I can’t believe that Omiza just did it, precious stuff
Oops, meant to attach this to >>45805. Yeah, I figured I'd ask if she would do chub art because I noticed she had a chubby Amanda. She was totally okay with it, and I was going for more "cute fat" anyway. Glad you like it, I should do it again sometime because Akko fats make diamonds
Would be lovely to see again! Chubby witches are always a delight

bro, you deserve the world
thank you very much
Jasminka was a sweet heart, real potential to be the lovable yet protective bear, considering her astounding strength.

Jasminka is love. Jasminka is life <3<3<3
She's one of my favorite Little Witch Academia girls
(785 KB, 559x993, DS3rw56f.png)
Moar Jasminka plx.
Man, I can’t believe diana only has one wth
(925 KB, 2163x1700, Scan250.jpg)
I want to draw more Jasminka stuff, but it would be later...
God, that’s good
Thicc Witcc Jasminka is best witch.
God this chariot’a are so good
Ah this is one is so good, I don’t think he ever finished it did he?
(258 KB, 1280x1584, 25538444_Witches_closet_Witch-1.jpg)
So like its my first time posting here, I think she's from Little Witch Academia, though I'm not sure, if she is may I ask her name?
No, she's not from LWA, and I don't know what her name is.
Seatbelt-draws on twitter
Who's the artist?
I was working on a lesbian ship fic where Akko gets fat for Diana. I'm not super confident in my writing skills, and the story itself remains unfinished. Would anyone care to see it? I can't guarantee anything fantastic but fat Akko makes me diamonds so I wanted to write some self indulgent bullshit
The more fat fetish oriented diakko material, the better! Honestly there aren't enough fat LWA stories imo.
(27 KB, Weight Gain Is Your Magic.txt)
okay anon, here you go. Pastebin didn't let me upload it for being lewd (lol) so I saved it as a txt. Like I said, it's a work in progress and has some stuff I need to rewrite. The stuff at the beginning was originally because I thought the story was gonna be about Akko being a fat e-sports gamer but it kinda went in a different direction from that. Plus, I haven't actually finished it. But if anyone wants to see me finish it, the extra encouragement would definitely help. We all gotta start somewhere
Yo this was a really nice read! I think you nailed the chemistry between the characters very well, which is something that I look for in these sorts of stories. You definitely should post it to Deviantart whenever you're done!
(46 KB, Weight Gain Is Your Magic.txt)
Thanks anons, this was really encouraging to hear. I went back and rewrote the beginning, fluffed out the middle and added the end. Hopefully you enjoy! Maybe I'll touch it up in the future, but for right now I'm willing to call this one done.

I'd totally be down for writing another LWA fatfic sometime. It's criminal how lacking in content we are these days, and even though I can't draw, if you guys want to read my shit than I'll be more than happy to contribute. If I can get even one anon off with this, that's a success for me. Feel free to hit me up if you have any ideas or constructive criticism too.

As for making a deviantart, probably not just bc my current account is SFW and I don't feel like making another. I have a writing.com account tho, so maybe I'll put that to use.

P.S. >>68771, sauce on that first drawing?

As a fellow anxious writer, I want to tell you the best of luck. Don’t give up, but also don’t burn yourself out by straining too hard. Wish you well. Good luck. I gotta read this sometime too.
I'd say it's worth making a separate NSFW deviantart just so you can have a place to host your fics, plus it'd probably feel nice to see more than just 5 or so bbwchan anons enjoying the story.
(2.2 MB, 3007x3894, 242dfff113d5eb541cb9b0488983f61d5759c88a5234b448f28c7ae206d2c777.jpg)
the artist is ganubis1 https://twitter.com/GAnubis1

Your second version is pretty nice and I'm glad you finished it. as for ideas, here are a few for some inspiration:
- you could have Akko be the one making Diana fat, either through because she'd like a chubby Diana herself or maybe because going out with Akko is bad for her waist line (Akko's bad eating habits rub off on her whether it's a continuation from your previous story or a new one where a thin Akko gets her fat).
- there's also the angle of instead of Akko getting fat for Diana (like previously), she is fed (willingly or without her knowing (my preference)) by Diana.
- there's numerous ways Akko could gain weight from Sucy. I think it's tempting to do a magical weight gain since it fits in the world ("and then Akko gained 500lbs after taking a bite of the mushroom!"), but I'm personally not a fan of those kinds of stories, plus there's already a few like that (but to each their own). Maybe instead, Sucy's experiments (maybe during her sleep? maybe slipped into her food? maybe through coercion/trade? ("I'll do/help you with homework if you do X number of experiments")) have the side effect of increased hunger, laziness, or maybe crosses wires in Akko's head and she gets aroused eating, idk. Depending on if it's something you're into, I could also see something like Sucy accidentally shrinks Akko but she keeps some/all of her normal size weight.
- it could also be interesting if something goes wrong and the whole school starts gaining weight because of it.
- considering that Akko is, in general, rather selfish, there might be something to her getting the others to wait on her hand and foot. Along those lines, Hannah and Barbara could start taking extra care of Diana at the expense of her weight.
Those are just some that came to mind. Hopefully they gave you some good ideas because I'm interested in seeing what else you write!
Real great job, unbelievable to think this is the only Diakko WG fic out there

Loved it so much!
Oh my god source please
(4.6 MB, 3849x4500, `.png)
nobody really asked for it nor am I that good at it but heres a nude edit I made of the piece from the post above
Those are some deep nips.
it is what is, it was just my personal pref when makin it I like them inverted, but if anybody else has an akko picture they want edited or something slap it in and ill probably try.
Hey i love this edit!
>>69615 well thank you
Ursula is underrated.
I remember that some anon actually coloured this comic in, does anyone still have it?
(24 KB, Akko and Diana in the Fat Forest.txt)
Hey it's >>68804 again. I got a new story for yall to rescue this thread from page 9 with.

In this story, a very large Akko and her slim gf Diana rob a pastry shop and then try to get away, only to meet a familiar face in the forest. Wanted to do something a little more action oriented than my last story, if you could even call it that.

As always, I appreciate constructive criticism. I plan to write another story soon with fat Diana and maybe some other faces we haven't seen yet. Always accepting prompts also.

Let me know what you guys think.

Thanks anon(s), I didn't want to reply until I had something to post but I really appreciated this.

I'll get around to this before I post my next one.
Amazing job! Yet again! Really liked the ending I like how you added sucy to the story, pretty nice job

Don’t be so hard on yourself! I think it looks great!
Looking real good


What a great morning sight, the three brooms was genius
RIP Nomopolitania

Did something happen to them...?
Interesting drawings, I've never seen those ones but it seems they're from the same era as the Large Lotte drawing. If I had to assume where they're from, they're probably from their discord server because I cannot think of another place where they would be from.
Now the first image has me wondering something if you don't mind me asking: the filename also mentions Amanda and Diana, yet the image only shows Akko, is there versions of this image but with those two characters? If so, it would be interesting to see them, as I remember Nomopolitainia mentioned having sketched Diana long before Large Witch Academia Part 2.
Ah nice. It's really interesting to see all of these drawings and sketches that really weren't easy to see before. Since Nomopolitainia has retired and it's highly unlikely we'll be seeing another attempt at opening up the Discord server, it would be nice if someone compiled and archived all of these drawings that only appear on the Discord, but maybe that's asking for too much, idk. Either way, thank you for the answer!
Anyone have any of the other Lotte pics made by mintrimo? Because I almost almost certain they made 4 more than the ones we already have here.

What's your deviantart?
Where are these from?
Fucking retard. Thin girl with a huge butt is an alt. It's not a bbw.

Same for a fucking furry.
This isn't the board for inflation.
Finally, some thicc witcc Jasminka.
Man i hope you update this again, great story

Just click the “pic”
(720 KB, 1689x2592, CA82A836-3601-48EB-9CFF-642835B33887.jpeg)
I know there used to be colored versions of Anastimafilia’s Not so Little Witch Academia comics lying around, anyone still have access to those?
Hello not to blogpost but since my garbage stories are still getting interest (thanks btw) I just wanted to update you guys to let you know I'm working on part 3 now. I had a bad case of writers block but things are moving along nicely now. Should be done some time this month.

No spoilers but I can tease that I'm tentatively titling it "Diana and Akko's Creme Filled Vacation" so do with that what you will.

Deviantart account soon tm
>>101913 By the seven seas! Someone with a brain who thinks for himself with his own ideas!
That's maybe a bit generous
Depends on your definition of "own idea", I suppose. At the end of the day I'm just taking characters I like that aren't mine and making them whales and also lesbian. But I'm glad people have liked what they've read, it's motivating.
>>101918 I don't know about anything you just said but it sounds fascinating. I don't think there can be many ways to "define" an "own idea". In fact, technically there can be only one way to define because none of those words have multiple meanings. I don't see much room for more than one interpretation, but then again that is just me and that is why there are honorable judges, I suppose? Anyways, good luck, friend!
Nice! Can’t wait man!
Do you know who made these? I tried to look them up, but I didn't find anything
I need da sauce of that lotte
How was this thread started nearly 3 years ago sheesh.
Traffic is super slow in this site, nothing unusual here.
What's up friends what happens is that I remember a sequence of akko and sucy made by berryduke96 it was called "Akko's new spell book" I don't know if anyone has it sorry for my bad english lol
More fat Sucy!
Stop bumping these threads, you fucking idiot
(3.1 MB, 4500x4500, akko edit no hair.png) (3.3 MB, 4500x4500, akko edit.png)
hi hi artist that did this edit and this sketch went back and added a lil more to the edit due to someone requesting me to add fupa to it, also be dropping more akko content soon so this thread doesnt die hopefully in the coming weeks
Did you finish the story?
(2.3 MB, 4500x4500, akko fat shaved.png) (2.6 MB, 4500x4500, akko fat hairy.png)
More akko>>78262
finally finished this old akko sketch I had I thought I had lost the sketch file but I guess no, need to learn how to draw pubic hair better.
The fuck is that pubic hair on the second one!?
I said I didnt know how to draw it, it was what was request
c'mon man, you can't keep us waiting
(708 KB, 1660x2403, space_blob akko.png)
here, heres a really shitty spell gone wrong akko edit I did in like 5 mins from a saxxon pic
That's a very nice edit
thank you ill make some more originally akko pieces later down the line,
thank you ill make some actually original pieces of her later down the line
Wow threads been up for 3 years now; only remnant left of 2020. Keep it up.

She was never given her own episode.
Seatbelt always delivers
This fucking idiot literally do be posting vore
(680 KB, 1024x1024, R.png)
Jesus this threads 3 years old and I can see my old post; time flies.
How many of them did you burn bridges with?
>the undeniable fat character
>people draw her skinny
what the fuck did fan artists mean by this
>>166400 Maybe it's reverse psychology.
Sheesh this old thread started back when the big rona hit. Save what you can before it sages.

Who drew these two?
The first one Is from Evil-expander
rip the oldest thread on the board, quite poetic it died in the site's last few months
Rest In Piece, to this old juggernaut of a thread!

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