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A personal favorite of mine
>>23230 (OP)
Does anyone have the new pages of Log Myu?
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I don't have the newest ones, but I do have the next three pages from where it leaves off on deviantart
Anyone got their newest patreon posts?!
I just want Zina belly
Anyone have the mythra post?
Anyone got the lewd drawings on his patreon? Specifically the lucoa one.
Holy fuck I need this
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If you can have acces to miramiraclerun new patreon content i can do something 😏
anyone have that melony picture featured in the new patreon teaser?
Holy fuck is this from patron?
Kemono .party
But it is stupid slow and likely does not have who you want. Not sure if there are any others but you can always use a bot
Does anyone have the Rías gremory pic?
I mean i am just a hardcore simp for zina at this point so legit i just need all of that fat kitsune to be happy
Does anyone have the up-to-date log Myu pages?
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Pay for his patreon it's realy worth it, trust me. I realy love bbw chan but i support this artist since a too long time so i dont want to post more. This is my last gift for the zina simp :p
Blessed Anon gonna pay for his patron now
Zina should get to be this size in the comic aka make this canon.
youre saying that like it wont be yet ;)
we saw her get bigger before now its gonna happen again
Is it? Have the latest patreon pages shown that?
tbh is anyone else worried that pixiveo may go the way of kip and focus more on story than belly? Theyre better than kip but like people change
someone have more of pixiveo?
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I like how her hair gets longer as she gets bigger
Does anyone have the prinz eugen sequence?
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old one but my favorite Pixiveo art currently nothing tops this imo
The new stuff looks great, can someone upload his patreon art?
New stuff please
Fett boot ist süß.
Fucking finally
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I'm dumb forgot my pic

It's going to be a slow burn. Hopefully it'll be worth it.
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Thank you so much! :D
And sorry for asking a lot, but could you upload the one that says “rework” and the Wg sequence of the fir with red shirt?
If kemono uploaded frequently then I would be uploading. It's hard to tell when they do.
Has anyone got that ultra size Rias?
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Here you go
Does anybody conviently have a dl link for all the available pages? Patreon has up to 83 out but honestly even all the ones up for free are good enough. Don't feel like manually downloading them all one by one
Does anyone have the Melony piece Pixiveo did?
Somebody have some nude works maybe?
Any new stuff?
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Honestly this is good
Got any more pages?
Somebody give a wetransfer of everything available of log myu pls thx.
This continuity/canon is confusing but I really like it lmao
So the bear girl's deal is probably she lost weight after hibernating and is going to gain weight again to repeat the cycle. I don't know why bear girls in this setting even need to hibernate. They'll not be working for a good chunk of the year which means no pay.
How does Pixiveo do slow burn comics so much better than Kip? Like seriously? The difference in quality between Log Miyu which has been a super slow burn but still really good, and No Lunch Break is astonishing.
pix doesn't think he's a comedian for a start
I've been meaning to say this for a while

But what the fuck is this story doing?
Its all setup. All masterfully crafted so there will be no asspulls.

Myu works at a robotics factory that makes lifelike androids where you can "feel" everything the android is doing. This is so rich people can eat tonnes of food and get fat or have tonnes of sex without any irl consequences.
This job exists so once Myu starts getting walking difficulty-tier fat she'll use a home-built robot to control and go to work for her

The bear girl eats and hibernates at pretty much the opposite schedule that the brown fox girl Binges and diets. Basically meaning that myu will always have somebody eating with her.

ITs all planned.
Probably that he makes his characters more likable and despite the main weight gain yet to happen he sprinkles it and other fat stuff fairly uniform throughout the comic.
This 100%
Same. I think he just doesn't even care about plots the way Kip does. Just has a story that goes anywhere and isn't to be taken seriously.
There's not going to be some shitty emotional subplot at the end lmao
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I don't really agree with this at all. There's still hope for unexpected payoff later, but so far like 70 pages have been spent a third on worldbuilding and two thirds on Myu's internal fantasies. She's hyped herself and her surroundings up so much that pretty much no matter what ultimately happens to her, it'll feel mundane and disappointing. She already showed a hypothetical of herself at a huge weight for christ's sake, and literal dozens of fatties just wander around in the setting for her to ogle. I don't feel super connected to anyone but her, even Zina, and even Myu's own characterization feels like it's taken a backseat to the randos that she gets wet for. Seems like a huge and counterproductive setup that'll go nowhere if you ask me, though I'd love to be proven wrong.
Except Log Miyu has actually kept me interested and had okay material, while Kip just has melodrama. Log Miyu is a way better slow burn than No Lunch Break and it's not even close.
When will myu start to get fat?
wait i thought she already was???
i thought the whole time myu was getting fat but its like slow and not noticeable
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I like it
Nice to know pixiveo is trying to 1 up kip in every way now lmfao
Bump cause new images be out on Patreon
Anyone got the new log myu?
Does anyone have the nude version of the 5th pannel of the Lucy comic?
kemono party is down feels bad man
Anyone knows when it will be back?
>>33886 They said March 1st. They surpassed the site's host limit and got a suspension.
march 1st can't come fast enough
Just checked in, kemono.party was supposed to be back by today but as of the morning it is just a 504 error. Hopefully it will come back sometime later in the day.
Speak of the devil, about 10 seconds after I posted here kemono.party came back. Hallelujah! (Excuse my inane spelling)
Hm, the website's up but it is repeatedly crashing. Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come.
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Pixiveo's kemono hasn't updated for a week. Big F
TBH this build up is even worse than Kip's comics. Just glad we're getting somewhere after over 90 pages.
This. I'm just glad we have multiple girls and color besides needless drama
You people are never happy are you?
For the record lurker here im extremely happy. This is ayano tier if not possibly better.

But id be happier if someone posted a wetransfer of all the pages so far because fuck saving 100 individual pics
People will always complain about things. You can't please everyone.

Personally, I'm really happy with the direction things are going. Hopefully we get some "good stuff" soon.
Yep I'm also extremely happy with the story.
As with other "products" there's probably a slight bias to negativity, as "customers" who're satisfied carry on with other things instead of commenting on it.
(This doesn't discredit the criticism here, but it puts it into relation.)
Anyone willing to update the kemono?
I would be fine with people posting the missing pages here if possible
Same, I'm just hoping to find the pages somehow. I'd do anything to support pixiveo and pay for the Patreon, but I simply don't have the chance rn
I'm not usually the one to complain, but I honestly can't understand how you guys don't see a problem with this comic needing 80 pages to get to the point. I initially had even given up on it, I'm not complaining now though, can't say I'm not satisfied
the story has been really enjoyable for me too since it doesnt take itself too seriously. Kip writes like they are trying to make the next Harry Potter while Pixiveo knows how to make a comfy experience
Kemono is up to date, btw. Things are looking good!
Ask and ye shall recieve.... fuck all.
So I ended up doing it myself. Decided to share so people can enjoy myu without suffering through saving over and over again.

Because its all being set up like a snowball. It will slowly get bigger and bigger faster as time goes on like I said hopefully >>29921
And I like slow burn stories because I don't need to fap to the same story every day like a mega coomer addict so I can appreciate the story and fap as necessary to other stuff while myu gets fat
Absolutely not. Pixiveo actually spent his build up properly introducing characters and fleshing out the main character in the comic. Pixiveo is giving a master class in how to do slow burn comics right. NLB was infinitly more insufferable because they had characters that I didn't care about, and who had no actual character to them. Pixiveo can write characters, Kip cannot. That is why Log Myu is better, and why I have still kept up with it even tho it was such a slow burn
Elaborating from my previous post, the difference between Log Myu and NLB can be summarized as this: NLB had a contrived plot(and ending), and card board cut out characters, Log Myu has spent almost 80-90 pages on setup, to allow the character gaining the weight to actually still keep up their own life style, which means she won't run into the problem Ayano is currently dealing with (removing the consequence of gaining weight). I can handle the 90 pages of setup because I actually enjoy the characters and the interactions with each other. I find their interactions to be moderately entertaining, where as with Kip and NLB, I was literally only reading it for the pay off because Kip can't write interesting, compelling, or charming characters to save their life.
Kemono is constantly acting up when I even try to search for artist pages. Could you just share the direct link to Pixiveo's page on Kemono?
I liked the build up, it's like foreplay. Weight gain fiction is more erotic to me when a character's motivation is established and the story follows her progression at a steady pace. The same goes for any characters who encourage her and help fatten her up. It's far more interesting than a three-panel comic about a skinny girl drinking cursed milk and 'uh oh womp womp now she's suddenly fat the end'.

I am glad it's finally over though. It was getting to a point where I wasn't sure if this was going to be a weight gain fetish comic for weirdos like me or a character study. My only real issue with Log Myu is the fantasy sequence at the beginning. Myu's fat appearance should've been kept a surprise. But maybe things will turn out differently in the 'real' world.
There was the same mistake in the early dream sequence in IHHAT. If you want to show a glimpse of possible gain you have to keep it the shortest possible. A full sequence isn't a good idea, it ruins the future payoff.

Also build up is good but a lot of these pages could have been condensed in panels. It's not like exposition benefits much from full page panels.

Anyway it seems the hydra finally figured out how to put together decent storytelling. Let's hope it's not a fluke.
I kinda see where you're coming from, but I'm sure it could have been done better, seing how slow pages release I think it's a crime how the pacing has been handled so far. You can set up stuff even while other things are happening, you know... I have to acknowledge the unfortunate limitations of the medium, but man it has been tough enjoying the comic so far. I'm really looking forward for what's to come, and hey, maybe if I'll go back to read the whole thing in a couple of years i might have a blast
Seems like the story is starting to pick up. The last 10 pages or so had her put on some weight. Hopefully the wait will be worth it.
Won’t let this thread die
Nah we don't need to worry about the thread dying, the only reason there aren't any new posts is cuz no new updates on kemono party, I've been checking daily
Why not post all the pages then?
I think you may have misunderstood me, I don't have the patreon, what I mean is that the only reason this thread has no updates is that kemono party (the scraper I use to get the new pages) has no new updates. I've been checking both this thread and kemono party daily, so the moment there's a new image I'll be able to upload it. Boutta check kemono right now, at this point it's kinda a morning routine lol
Just checked, still no updates on kemono party. It becomes more and more likely every day that I buy the patreon lol. I think if kemono has no updates for a straight month I'm gonna have to throw myself on the sword and do it myself.
Can I ask if the main girl has gained any more weight, just knowing she gotten chubbier will keep me happy till pages are posted lol.
Yes she has gotten slightly chubby
No updates for anything?
Unfortunately not. I would've hoped kemono.party would've updated by now but I guess not.
iirc a new log myu was posted but nothing really worth it tho
suspense is killing me
For anyone with the patreon access could you give us some details in the latest pages?
Kemono updated.
She looks as chubby as page 99 here >>34477
And her work friends have noticed, called her out, but really don't really mind all that much
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I wonder what the heck that contraption Myu has in that latest page is.
reminder that the only Myu weight gain we'll ever get is just non canon
Myu just started to gain weight in the comic
Ayone want me to post all the new pages?
Not that much new to update
Does anybody have the ultra-size Mai Sakurajima from the patreon?
is there any place with the new log myu pages?
Anybody have the nude version of lucys competitive gain
Is that the latest ones?
Is that the best quality
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Your Welcome America.
What the hell is that device Myu has in the last page?
Can someone give a description of what has happened in the latest pages on patreon?
i like pixiveo's story better than the dollar bin ones written by kip but does anyone have a tldr on this???? new character i like but i'm so confused lmfao

It's not really said what the device is or what it's supposed to do. Probably going to come up later.


>Teal Tiddy Cow was shown along with Hippy Fox as one of Myu's coworkers
>Teal Tiddy Cow finds Myu feeling her new weight and tells her that her gain is pretty noticeable
>while she doesn't mind it as much as Hippy Fox, getting fat is rather extreme
>accidentally powerlevels and reveals that she'd stuff a pillow under her sister's shirt when they were kids, like Myu did in the beginning
>Myu thinks the whole conversation was kind of weird but pays no mind to it
>meanwhile Cow gets hot and bothered by Myu admitting that her cakes are helping her gain weight
>probably some feeder dominance thing but doesn't realize it
So is this comic going to be yuri?
We bout to find out
No new pages or info?
Surprised it hasn't yet with how tame the content has been besides Zina bellly
What about zina's belly?
Checking kemono.party for pixiveo updates has just become a part of my daily routine LOL
Unfortunately not. I've started to see the pattern that it gets updated every month. I'll keep checking every day and reporting back when there's something new though.
Yo can someone post the new log my pages up
Can you cite where they're up?
The scraper I use is kemono.party . It gets updated every month or so.
Pretty much a nothing burger from last pages
maybe if >>26096 didn't stop posting pixiveo's patreon content we wouldn't have to wait with kemono.party
Yup, Just more deep lore. However Myu is building her own replacement robot which is in the "sports category". So imo that's one of two things.
1) Its a super fit myu clone that will keep working her job for her while she gets fat
2) its another fantasy thing where she uses the robot to see what she will look like fat (since the robots are also used to eat as was mentioned by her when she complained about the rich snobs)
I can't wait for this guy to pull a Kipteitei and release an actually good, fetish-focused, no-bullshit series after 2-3 boring ones.
that never happened lmao
At least log myu is in full color and doesn't have dialogue and character names that make me want to blow my brains out lmao
Anyone got the new page?
Anyone got the newest art from Pix?
Does anyone have the Blake Belladonna image?
Anyone have that Cynthia sequence though?
I seconded this, love me some Cynthia
Anyone got the new Zina image?
asuna!!! 😍 fuck yes XD
wait thw name still stays even though you change threads? XD whoops, well then XDDDDD now I'm stupid Lmao, well to be fair as well i never used the name thing as i was never dumb enough to put the name of a thread there :p
Can someone update his kemono or post the new log myu pages?
Is this from an animation?
Any new pages?
Not yet on kemono, but a few on patreon
Next super size work will be the frog girl from MHA, after beating Camilla (Fire Emblem) in the poll.
aw fuck yeah can't wait for this in log myu
More log myu pages
Can you singularly post the sequence, please?7
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Did a small edit to include the original dialog
Thanks, man :)
Holy shit, bump. Nearly got removed by useless threads.
Can anyone update kemono or post the comic pages that aren't there?
Can somebody finally update kemono please? Or post new stuff here
Can someone post the new log myu pages on kemono please

It was on their patroon from what I last saw (an eleven part weight gain sequence that involves with the purple hair kitsune In one of the log myu pages
So myu was a fat kid
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Anyone else feel this comic/sequence sort of really misses the mark? It's classic good art as always from pixi but the dialogue is flat. Difference between a thought bubble and aloud one doesn't matter because they never interact with anyone. The only page they do interact is one without an outloud dialogue lol. The character starts out pretty fat so for a 11 page sequence the good part is already skipped and made the range of gain smaller. With nobody in the scenes and no background it's hard to even perceive a gain inbeteen frames. The dialogue is fairly wordy but says a whole lot of nothing. Actually less than nothing - yes your audience knows people like fat girls, that's us. Thanks for the comic to explain it to us. Thought bubbles discussing eating but never a frame of eating. Just the tone of fatsplaining is actually annoying. A real dialogue bubble. "The softness." thanks dude, never thought of that part of fat girls.

For a guy priding himself on his world building Sci-fi move-at-a-snail's-pace creative masterpiece, this thing is creatively crap. It literally sums up to "I was always fat, I got fatter, I like fat." which is actually worse than kip's only story "I got fatter, I like fat." Creatively bankrupt is all I can call it.

It's a lot of words to say you don't like it lol. I feel like you're the one missing the mark, it's not about you or me knowing we like fat girls it's about that girl learning she likes being fat. You'll never get a comic speaking to you on a personal level without commissioning artists. You're expecting way too much from an 11 pages sequence dude.
That's because Kip... I mean Pixiveo sucks at writing inner dialogues. Apparently his scaly brain can't conceive how regular people think, so he writes their thoughts like he would narration.

Now to hope he reads this and finally pick up the clues.
Do you have part 10 and 11?
>world building Sci-fi
excuse me what now?????
>It literally sums up to "I was always fat, I got fatter, I like fat." which is actually worse than kip's only story "I got fatter, I like fat." Creatively bankrupt is all I can call it.

Jesus man people like you, its fucking wank material, you don't need some huge swathes of "world building" to bust a nut. Especially in a short sequence like this.
You people are fucking retarded and I hate you. I have the last two pages but I'm not posting them. Actual circus.
if you're not sharing, nor asking for content, then you're just talking shit
welcome to the fucking circus brainlet
I guess we need a phd for wg porn to satisfy such incredibly high tastes in storytelling.

No wait, this is fucking porn. Like we literally have some talentless neckbeard fucks breaking down a god damn wg sequence.

"Ackshully creativly bahnkrupht." Go wank off alone in your room and move on.

Man I'm just here to look at fat girls, why is there an argument every 3 seconds?
Will ya’ll and everyone else shut the fuck up if I post the remaining pages?
Yes please, I never complained
Thank you

Really wish there wasnt a constant argument on these threads but there's not much I can do about it so oh well
lets just move on.
preciate it, partner
This got me thinking if no one in log myu is going to end up being straight.
Can someone let me know what happens in log myu for thr patron exclusive pages?

Nice! Thank you friend! ^_^
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So Myu is now officially overweight. I wonder how much longer we will have to wait for another size increase.
Has the fox girl lost or gained?
Can someone update kemono or post the comic pages that aren't there? It wasn't updated in a while now
update kemono?
Can someone update their kemono party?
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bro i was fuckin pumped when i heard nat (bws's oc) won the pole
Any update in the nude mai
It doesn't exist.
not letting this die, bump
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Since Kemono's updated (https://kemono.party/patreon/user/28134932), here's some cliffnotes of the newest pages:

- Zina's still upset that Myu likes fat girls, and she's moved out after talking with Nadette

- Myu feels guilty about this, and the stress is making her lose weight (seems Joker got his WEIGHT LOSS art after all)

- Myu got on a train and she's talking to Maia now, and that's where it ends

...yeah, that's right, the fat girl is leaving and Myu is starting to lose weight. Props to Pix for not making it feel *too* easy, but unless he's doing this to set up Myu doubling down on her gain and Zina returning later either to gain weight or having already done so, this just feels like an L.
After such a long journey, she starts LOSING weight... that's a real kick in the balls. Will this comic bounce back, or with it fall to a point of no redemption? Who is Joker?
Oh that. It doesn't do this community any good, but thankfully no artist I've done business with so far acts like the voice on the phone.
Not going to lie, I often defend Pixiveo and all, but that last batch of updates to Log Myu was SERIOUSLY bad.

I mean, I get it, slow burn, but getting rid of your best character and having the mc lose weight in a weight GAIN comic doesn't feel too good.

Heck, the dopamine I get at the start of the month from reading Log Myu is just gone. I just feel bad for Myu and her situation at this point.
This right here. Also I think the spoilers lowkey killed the thread for a while lmfao
It's better being told what's going on rather then wonder why there's nothing being added here. Until things improve with the comic, it's up to the polls to carry this thread. Speaking of, how's that looking? Still being dominated by OCs?
Actually never mind, I saw the calendar (it's free to view). Camilla's cursed isn't she? Had a fuckton of extra votes multiple times now and she still can't win. I'm glad I dropped him a few months back. Comics gone to shit, and the polls aren't delivering.
this is fucking awesome and i cant wait for pixiveo to do chloe
Anyone got the new zelda one?
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Bump for new art or comic pages
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here ya go
Can anyone updatw kemono? Or at least post the pages that aren't there here? I'm guessing there would be a few of them by now. I'd really appreciate it.
So far theres been 1 guy that updates it monthly. I have faith in that guy. Check back in the 1st week of october
It's been updated.

In regards to Log Myu:
Good news is that Myu's weight lose is likely ending now since Zina feels bad about what she said to Myu and is realizing she was wrong.

Bad news is that Zina's mom forced her to cut her hair (still looks nice but the long hair was better) and is making her diet under threat of being kicked out.

Weird news is that Maia is making a Linker sport using AI and Weight Gain, but is being weirdly shady about it, and her issues with Myu's co-worker Sarina apparently is tied to Kitsushi.
is the lore in this a reference to something or am I just slow AF?
I think it's Pix's way of setting up a reason for Zina to gain weight again, at least via a linker. She's a former athlete who had to quit because of an injury, so this sport could be a way for her to get back in action.

However, because it's a fat-based sport, she'll probably need a linker either to play the game or to make her parents think she's not gaining weight. Hopefully this is setting up something good.
So what, maia is gonna be some villain whose gonna threaten to make fatties obsolete?
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Maia said the sport will involve Linkers controlled by AI, so unless they just have Zina pretend to be an AI, doubt that's happening. Considering Zina laments that Myu never made her cut her hair or do anything she didn't want to, I'm thinking she's just gonna move back in with Myu instead of putting up with her overbearing mother.

She did outright say she needs to "fix this", so it's possible she'll try and help Myu gain weight outright, becoming her feeder in the process.
The fact that she's being shady about it makes me wonder if she's using the sport just to watch girls get as big and fat as possible.

I only hope this comic doesn't go the way of Banna Galactic and get canceled before it can even get to the good stuff.
One of the comments Pixiveo responded to asked if this was gonna lead to the AI gaining Sapience, and they said that was the idea they were going for. So whatever Maia's goal is, she's gonna end up creating a bunch of sentient AI designed to gain weight for sports.
So we shouldn't expect any of the women we've known up to this point to gain weight themselves?
No, we should still expect that. The series is about Myu's desire to gain weight after all, and Maia is confirmed to be a chubby chaser but only deliberately fattens people up if they want to. And the two are now set to work together on the linker.

Add on Nadette being a professional gainer and goading Myu into gaining for real, Zina possibly moving out of her parents place and needing to "fix" what happened between her and Myu, Ilya being a closet chubby chaser and turned on by the idea of Myu gaining weight, and Rena looking into Myu's pet project that specifically involved a SPORTS type Linker, it looks more like they're all set to converge into one big gain session.

Namely, Rena is gonna find out what Myu intended to use the Linker for, and in turn reveal it to Ilya. Ilya awakens as an actual Chubby Chaser, and Myu convinces Rena to let them use her Linker for Maia's project as a test run. Cue Maia fattening Myu up as they work together, Zina trying to make things right by doing the same and gaining weight from Maia in the process, and Ilya fitting her way in there too. Meanwhile the Linker gets an AI, becomes sapient, and ends up causing shenanigans with them and drags Rena into it in the process.
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The Fantasy AU image they did back in January, "Feeding Party" pretty much established these six as the principal cast. It's only now though that Maia is fully integrated into the cast, meaning all these past pages have been set up for the REAL payoff.

We've now left the Prologue. Time for the REAL gaining.
Anything new?
Anyone got the new Hu Tao art?
We can see you're the same person, retard.
Just refreshing the request, anon. I'm a simp for Hu Tao.
would be great if someone could post it
Anything new?
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Funny story about this.
I think Pixiveo accidentally published this yesterday, and then promptly deleted it. Enjoy this leaked page.
(No I don't have it in a bigger size.)
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sizing fix
Is it just me or has anyone else felt like the dialogue either doesn't make sense or is like oddly just phrased weird? Idk how to describe it but the pages of just talking feel awkward
I haven’t noticed anything but English is his second language
this has bothered me for ages. I wish he would get someone to proof-read the comic first
oh yeah. some of paraphrasing in the log myu chapters don't line up for shit. but, you can get the gist eventually
¿Does anyone have the new art?
What's the scoop with Pixiveo's Patreon for October?
Kemono has updated. Maia's finished explaining the sport, and now Myu's testing out a linker that's supposed to work with AI. Pix also goes into some details on why the comic's shaping up the way it is atm:
It sounds like it's past the halfway point, which I wasn't expecting. Hopefully, we get some good payoff.

Also, anyone got access to the nude variants of Fox Enlargement and Yet Another Curse?
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I think its just a tubeless version. I don't see a nude version on there.
The post says there is a nude version for both, as well as one for the EVA pic.
Just like the person above me said, it exists. Nobody has gotten their hands on it yet though.
I'm sorry guys, but I don't understand why you still care about the comic, i don't think it has ever been good, after a year and a half what have we even gotten from it?
I'm all for slow burn comics, but this is not even that, this is like the fire of a match that snaps in half while you're trying to light it on fire, i could get more from a few page progression.
The characters are incredibly bland, I've completely lost interest in the "plot" which doesn't seem to want to go anywhere, and honestly the art isn't even that good, it's got pretty cool colors but i have almost never found it hot; there's probably more to say, like how the dialogue feels stilted and confusing.
For how bad kip can be i think they blow pixiveo out of the water.
He keeps putting fat characters in the background, I know the main character is trying to get fat, but it feels like it isn't going anywhere. This sport thing is the only time I've raised an eyebrow, cause at the very least it's something that involves getting fat in a very short period of time.
Maybe it'll be good, who knows. Pixiveo's already stated he has ideas beyond the comic, so I wouldn't be surprised if it gets put on hiatus or something. Honestly I'd love to see him do short little comics, he would nail those if he didn't have to string a story along.
Kip doesn't have a cute fatty Brown kitsune so that's already a plus 1 for pixiveo
I don't feel like I can call this comic a slow burn right now. That would imply that it's getting good or has gotten good by this point, but it hasn't yet.
Even if he can't change the course of the comic at this point, it's still good that he bothered addressing the lowering popularity of the comic, and how slow it's been. That's not something many artists would do.
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So now they are the new kip. Starting a comic half way thru an existing one
The guy you're replying to is posting about an old sequence that only had around 10 pages.
That content is like months old for people on his Patreon.
And a sequence isn't a comic.
Anyone got the Camilla that came out?
So what's the purpose of the linkers? I think I got lost in the story
Well after almost 200 pages, we now know that the point was for myu to get trapped in one and get to eat as much as she wants ang get as fat as she wants.
Could have incorporated the main plot point a couple dozen pages ago but at least it's finally happening.

So does it affect her in real life, or just in that world?
Ya'll don't even post the Log Myu pages here anymore - did everyone lose interest or..?
There's no point if there's not any weight gain currently going on in the story. If only the Kip thread did the same.
Myu's linker is literally just a clone of herself. It won't affect her actual body but the linker version of herself will probably be huge by the end of it.
Basically the whole point of the story is "what if someone who wanted to get fat couldn't, but finds a way by putting herself in a body that can."
Really fucking hope that's not the end of the whole comic. So many loose ends still left to tie up, and the buildup would've amounted to nothing.
Probably not, the malfunctions we're seeing with the linker probably mean it's going to 'malfunction' again and everything she gains in the simulation becomes real on her. Everyone will be freaking out upset and Myu will be super happy.
Shit, that sequence... perfect muffin top
Kind of relevant to what I'm about to say. As much as I don't wanna look like a total sperg, can someone like Cliff Notes me what's happened and changed in each chapter? I've begun to lose track

Myu still tried gaining and was being spurned on by Nadette, who is building up again after waking from hibernation. Zina got worried about Myu gaining weight and didn't understand it was Myu's fetish, prompting her to explain, only for Zina to misinterpret it as Myu deliberately fattening her up, not helped by Nadette's poor choice of words. So she moves back with her parents, but after thinking for a bit, her parents being strict bitches, and talking with Maia, she's regretting what she did and wants to make it up to Myu.

Maia apparently knew Myu when they were kids, and Myu used to be fat as a kid, but she can't remember any of it, and the only ones who could tell her, her parents, she isn't on good terms with.

Rena found out about Myu's side project with an old linker, and after Myu kept refusing to answer what she was doing with it, decided to try and look into herself since she knew Myu's password, but Myu changed it shortly before leaving, so now Rena is trying to crack the password.

Illya apparently thought SHE was the reason behind Myu's weight gain and that it was because she upset Myu. Myu cleared the air, but Illya later privately realized she's a closet chubby chaser/feeder. Soon after, she just stopped coming to work without a word. Myu says Illya's been asking her for help, so her boss asks her to check on Illya later.

Myu started losing weight from what happened with Zina, but was then approached by Maia. Maia explained she's a feeder. but a consensual one, and told Myu about Zina's change of heart, cheering Myu up. She explained that the project she's working on is a new sport that uses Linkers with AI in them, and that Zina pointed her towards Myu for help with her project, and as enticement, the project would allow Myu to build her own "harem of fatties". Myu agreed to run it by her boss, and was given a package to deliver to them.

The package turned out to be a cheap Linker headset that Maia had gotten through a third party, that should it work would be easier to mass produce. Myu is chosen to test the headset, and loads herself into a Linker. The headset however seems to be faulty, since neither the normal NOR emergency logout functions work, leaving Myu temporarily stuck in the Linker. Apparently, the only other way to free Myu is to rip the headset off her body, but doing so is known to cause brain damage in the Linker, so they only use it as a last resort due to cost issues. Now they're waiting on a medic to arrive so they can free Myu.
Could somebody update Kemono please? :)
Kemono's been updated
There are new pages of the comic for those that still care.

tl;dr she's still not fat, but we're getting there
So, Rena managed to crack the cultivator. Turns out that linker wasn't for Myu, it was for ZINA. Turns out Myu was developing it so that Zina could get back to being an athlete after her injury forced her to retire. Probably would have allowed Zina's real body to get as fat as she wanted while still being able to compete.

It really was just something Myu was doing to try and help her friend, so while doing so IS illegal, Rena decided she didn't have the heart to report it, and apologizes to Myu for cracking the cultivator. She's actually cheering Myu on in developing it since she used to watch Zina run and wants to see her back in action.

As for Myu being stuck in a Linker, they have her body hooked up to a feeding tube and are trying to disconnect her, but they think it's gonna take three days. If they can't get it done by then, they're just gonna do a manual disconnect even if it damages the Linker. They're trying to contact Maia to find out who made the headset, but she's not picking up.

Current guess, the headset isn't broken. It's working as intended, and Maia lied to Myu about what she was planning. She just did this to get Myu in a Linker so that, when she's disconnected, the headset will have made a copy of Myu she can install into her own Linker and keep as her personal plaything. That she DOES remember Myu from when they were kids, is tied to the reason WHY Myu lost weight as a kid and can't remember, and is obsessed with her and has been doing all this to get closer to her to make her plan work.
What the fuck I thought this was just a cute monster girl weight gain story not the fucking matrix
They're robots, not in a computer.
oh my god thank you
i needed this
Could somebody update the plus size tier on Kemono please? Thanks! :)
Think SAO rather than Matrix

I'm guessing/hoping it only goes up to 200
I just want the cat girl to be fat. He's established so many ways it could be good. She gets a skin tight latex suit to be fat in, she can clone herself and make her clones super fat, she can be in a game where the object is to become fat.

I'm excited for it, but none of it has happened.

I feel like Pixiveo would be good for an expansionfancomics kind of scenario wherein he just does one offs that each have a different wg gimmick.
Gotta agree, it is a bit unfocused.
The WG aspect can be secondary to the story. But having the story be too unfocused is a problem.
It really needs to just be about Myu then if any other character is to be a focus it should be Zina.
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found this one on an old hard drive
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Log Myu update time

This update is a lot more focused on a single plot point, that being checking up on Illya, the only other plot point being Myu offering to be friends with Rena.

As for Illya, Myu gets to her place... and discovers Illya has put on a few. Yeah, turns out that, in an attempt to deal with her urges as a chubby chaser, she ended up fattening HERSELF up somewhat, and has come to understand just what Myu is actually like in terms of wanting to get fat. Myu is a tad flustered to say the least and is trying to restrain herself from going nuts on Illya's new body, and when Illya starts to berate herself, Myu starts gushing about her body anyway.

Also, looks like Illya has grown out her hair.
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New Log Myu page.
The fat one has discovered Myu is stuck in a linker.

Could there maybe be weight gain in the near future? Only time will tell. (Probably not)
Nice. I really like were this is going...
I hope this trend continues.
Anyone have the new ganyu picture?
She won the poll two days ago. You're gonna have to wait at least three weeks for the art to come out.
Anyone got the recent Experiment Poll art?
Can anyone post all the new art porfavor?
Thanks mate! She's like a beanbag chair.
does anyone have the miia sequence? it's not on kemono for some reason
Kemeno skipped several pages
Someone pleas fix this
>Waits 3 minutes to bump
>Can't even spell Kemono right.

Chill child.
All that happened was Myu put a blindfold on.
I don't think we've missed anything important.
Click the latest one and use the "previous" and "next" buttons and go page by page.
They're all uploaded, they're just not showing up on the catalog
Thanks for the tip 👍
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Can someone post the new Ganyu pic?
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Brief Log Myu Update: She's finally eating and putting on a little weight. This is two pages after she started, so you're not missing much.

Poll news: Sena (the girl in the second image) won the Chubby poll, which is a total waste given a certain infamous scene that shows her chubby in her swimsuit, but then again most of Pixiveo's chubby polls waste good characters on meager sizes. Kip's OC Saiya won the Free Size poll, because someone has pick up Kip's slack.
It's either not done or it's not on Kemono Party yet. Ganyu is still the most recent Super Size poll winner.

To round out the polls, Atago won the Plus Size poll.
Pretty sure it's done already. The title of his last art post is for sure a reference to Ganyu. You know, cocogoat and stuff.
Damn Barghest in second. A very distant second but, would've been nice to see her. The muscular to fat shift is usually really cute when executed well.
After Catra came in like eighth or something in a poll I realized no characters I care about are ever gonna win anything
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His polls tend to suck if you don't like or care about OCs, especially with the Free Size polls.

This Shantae he did recently is why I don't like the Chubby polls or the chubby size in general because characters barely look much different then they do normally. The only noteworthy difference between this Shantae and how she is normally (besides being white washed to hell) is that her hips are slightly thicker, so what's the point?

Probably for people who like... chubby sizes?
Out of obligation is more like it. Takes away time from the potential good shit.
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Or maybe he did a poor job with Shantae specifically, cause this Saber was also done for the Chubby poll. Either way, I think he should remove the Chubby poll and merge it with the Plus Size poll. As shown with both pics here, the two aren't much different from each other and it would lighten the work load for him.
Or you could pony up more money so that your votes carry over from month to month.
>waste good characters
>on meager sizes
did you know that there is an easy solution to this?
It's called suggesting the same character for a different size tier.
I think that's only ever worked for Ganyu unless I'm forgetting someone else, so the chances of a character winning in different polls are slim. Like I said before, good luck having a character win the Free Size poll if they're not an artist's OC.

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