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Post log myu on here, since people on the original pixiveo thread love to complain
Shit I fucked up the title, my b
And should we post all the pages in the comic?
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Probably should, I do have any of the pages saved rn so someone else would have to do it
>declined after making >>219307, an agreement to post the rest of Log Myu.
Make up your mind!
I quite literally said I don’t have any of the pages, I just misspelled don’t
I gotta be honest, I'm not on of log myu's fans, but that body on the right is too damn good to ignore.
wish this comic was about Zina instead
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As soon as I'm done with the first 259 pages, either I will post the next 262 pages, or someone will do it.

Thanks for pointing it out.
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And can somebody make a zip file for all the pages of Log Myu?
There's a link on the Kemono page at page 520
This is a good comic, isn't it? Hope Pixiveo compiles all the pages into individual pages so that we have a shorter comic.
Does anyone have page 528?

I compiled the pages into 900x1200 pages instead of the standard 900x600 to make it more “page” like. Some of the pages look a little weird and ive been too lazy to change it. This pdf doesnt go all the way up to the latest pages but its something. Once I have time ill add the latest pages too.

Thanks. But I was thinking as as separate image files. (The work you put in, though. It's great!
thank you, this makes it so much easier

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