
(1.3 MB, 1169x1602, IMG_4114.jpeg)
One more page until we see Courtney.
For the first page is decent, Shannon is looking awesome with her unique shape, I hope that in some pages we get more rendering like in Couple Stuff :) btw higher res would be great thx for this anyway!
Also let's keep the fucking fighting to a minimum. Also, does anyone know how far Nat and Chloe's relationship has gone? There was that one birthday picture where it looked like maybe college, but I dunno.
Same goes for excessive hyping.
What do you consider excessive hype and how does it fuck ups the threads in the same way as fightnng?
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Its noticeable that theres way less going on in this page compared to Couple Stuff. Idk seems like its gonna be a stuffing sequence and thats it.
The girl on the left looks like Selene, she had glasses like that for her new years piece

Also Courtney confirmed best and fattest girl
(2.9 MB, 2894x4093, A Couple Stuff Xmas.png)
...and how is that related to the question?

By the way, what you say shouldn't be too surprising. Both the characters and the premise have already been set beforehand so I wouldn't expect the first pages to be as dense, the question remains whether it'll lead to something beyond a straightforward "beach episode" though (for better or worse)
I mean, it seems like it's gonna just be a beach episode to me. Is that really a bad thing? Seems like we'll get some decent fanservice out of it.
I wanted to tag the page, Either way im rooting for Shannon to be the one gaining since Courtney its barely mobile in just the first page
If it's a beach episode I doubt we'll see any gains
No one has pointed it out but for some reason you can view the latest newsletter for free on Patreon this time (the most relevant thing being that we're getting 3 pages every 2 weeks and that Courtney and Selene are getting explicits)
>>218263 I'm still biased for Nat, Sammy is definitely a very close second for me.
Since Salt has so many OC’s and works to do it would be nice if he let other people write stories on his characters. As much as the art means more I feel like writers can pump out more stories than art.
Chole is my fav because of her denial. She can’t accept the fact she is an insatiable hog.
Did she get bigger offscreen? Looks like we're getting beached whale sex.
Look I know I probably seem like a negative cunt but I just want to put this out there.

Alot of things don't feel right here art wise or atleast it doesent feel like salt drew it.

The positions of the background characters are weird they put the 2 most relevant background characters by the speach bubbles so it just doesent read well, also Shannon is being portrayed as a silhouette so it just reads even worse. I understand the fact salt probably dident want to spend alot of time on a single pannel but the fact it feels like the background characters have more focus on them than the actual protagonists feels bad.

I have no clue what that thing on the top left of the 1st panel is, maybe I'm just dense but I can't for the life of me figure out what it's meant to be.
The 2nd panel is great.
the line art on the 3rd panel looks a bit shoddy and seeing as how clean even salts basic sketches turn out it just doesent look right also how the boob window and boobs themselves are drawn, also things like the hair.
Salt dident draw those hands on the 4th pannel.

I know I probably seem like a complete fucking winge bag but I'm just trying to generate discussion and putting my own thoughts out there. I'm very pleased with this page and the Courtney silhouette and text has me really excited for the next page I think it's probably better than 99% of wg comic pages and I understand why alot of these things might be the case, but I'm just trying to generate a conversation because its fun to discuss things your passionate about.

Also I know I posted this in the old thread but my dumbass dident realise it was locked.
Nobody cares. Take it to the schizo containment thread.
>>218293 'Thing' on the top left of the 1st panel?? Do you mean the girl giving Shannon the ice cream, who has glasses????
>Look I know I probably seem like a negative cunt but I just want to put this out there
>I know I probably seem like a complete fucking winge bag but I'm just trying to generate discussion and putting my own thoughts out there
>I'm just trying to generate a conversation because its fun to discuss things your passionate about
You sound like an autistic schizo more than anything
You are whinging but I totally agree, the first panel is extra confusing. I get hiding Shannon in silhouette but it’s very poorly done, if the point of the panel is her buying ice cream why not feature the ice cream? Why hide the face of the girl selling ice cream? The panel just becomes two shadowy blobs awkwardly framing an establishing shot of a beach. Why aim the speech bubbles so it looks like they’re coming from background characters? There must be something important with the ice cream selling girl, otherwise he’d just start with a panel of the beach with no text or silhouettes.

I get the idea, I like that Courtney is teased in silhouette and I’m excited for the reveal, but it does seem clumsier than Salt’s usual work. Feels very cramped without actually showing much.
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First panel does indeed seem a bit weird. Shannon’s looking absolutely glorious though.

>>218307 Either Maddy because she’s an actual feedee, has maybe the best body of any Salt OC and her face tells me she sucks a mean cock, or Sammy because she’s desparate for a boyfriend and something tells me she’s an absolute freak. I also think she’s the hottest. Worst fuck is definitely Chloe.
It could be like the sequence with Selene, where we see them coming back to the beach year after year, getting fatter every time.
What’s wrong with an establishing shot of the beach? God you people are fucking whining
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Never thought I'd see a paneling discussion about a fat fetish comic lmao. I agree that it could be better in some aspects but considering that even some experienced comic/manga artists aren't great at paneling regardless of their other skills I feel like this is just complaining for the sake of complaining. As long as it's serviceable and the art is good it's just whatever, we get another page on saturday so you can be calm for now
Val, she seems more experienced than the others in every aspect and loves indulging her boyfriend. Also just the most freaky in general
No you're right, speech bubbles are pointing to the background characters instead of the people speaking. First look through, I thought it was like two people sitting, looking on ahead with people on the beach speaking. The silhouettes are really hard to decipher, I couldn't see the left one until someone else commented that they have glasses on. Then I could finally put the visual puzzle of it together to sort of see a person.

A comic's linework is going to be a lot messier than anything meant for pin-ups like his usual sketches he posts, speed is the name of the game in comic production. But it's really rough as you pointed out on this page. Salt doesn't have a more formal comic studio since he isn't a comic artist. A cleanup step with a cleanup artist is needed to go over the page and get rid of all the line roughness that's showing here. Salt could do it himself, but in the same time he'd spend cleaning, he would be able to produce the entire next page's line work instead. The cleanup step is way below him and his skill. So we're just seeing the results of zero cleanup, a good cleanup artist would have this sorted in 10 mins and looking as nice as his usual sketches.

Salt's all about quality, comics are all about finding the right balance of good-enough quality for speed's necessity, so it's definitely a weak spot for him on the visual side. The not so great hand in the 4th panel and the other stuff is just Salt working at adjusting the dial on his internal quality slider and prioritizing different parts.

On the lettering (dialogue placement, bubbles), just another thing that takes a lot of practice to get good at. The curious case in the 1st panel sticks out, but also check out the 4th panel. The perfect equidistant dialogue bubbles presented in each corner of the panel is a serious challenge to the reader to know which way to head after the top left one. The top right bubble should be moved inward and down some, to have it vertically lower than the first bubble, and nearer towards the middle of the panel to catch the reader's eye before they accidentally skip down to the third bubble in the bottom left. As it is now, there is no indication which way to head for the reader and its just a gamble if they parse fully left-down first or fully left-right first to get the right order now.

It's the little nit-picks like these that are like, "yeeea, does it really matter?" but they do, they add up IMO. It was big enough to get you looking at and scratching your head. S'all good to critique and good feedback.

Overall, there's only a few artists in our fetish working comics full time and regularly falling into these issues to learn from them. And then most readers probably won't care so there's that too. But Salt cares a lot about his craft, so good chance he reads the feedback and keeps it in mind for future pages as he keeps working on comics more. He's already crushing it, scoring a 100/100 and working on picking up extra credit with his comics works too.
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Your take is pretty reasonable but the fact that you wrote ALL OF THAT without attaching a single picture it's part of why people want to keep the discussion at minimum. It probably doesn't help either when most of the posters aren't even half as reasonable as you or are just plain trolls or schizos. Mods usually took care of it but it seems they don't give a shit anymore
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It's just not readable, I made some changes to the panel that I think could have helped it read alot better. (it's shoddy but I'm just trying to get my point across.)
Thread's been going for less than 24 hours and it's already fallen victim to the eternal whining
(552 KB, 735x1140, Two-Tone-Try.png)
Thanks, I try. Mb I just go to their patreon for pics haha
I can't actually see the clear division of hair vs. face to edit it right but maybe something two toned could've more easily got us the face's outline like this?
BWS is looking great and girls actually progress and stuff. Compared to Kip and Sweetdreamcoffee which are using filler to take up time. Courtney and the other girls like Chole will not disappoint. BWS is back to take the throne, so be patient.
wait I just realised in the first panel Shannon is wearing glasses but then when we see her in full she isn't
Jesus, you guys really can't help yourselves can you? A panel? A FUCKING PANEL?
Shannon is the one on the right with a hat.
Wait never mind I'm now realising that's Courtney, wait then why is Shannon saying thank you what is she thanking her for?
Honestly this could be attributed to Salt's tight schedule, It seems to me like he tried to do everything, keeping up with his 5 finished pieces every two weeks, the lettuce girl and this comic, Maybe he should had delayed or postponed most of the character polls.
... for the ice cream. Lol
>people are talking about an art on an board dedicated to drawing of fat women
Someone needs to stop these bastards!
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Porn addicts when you talk about art on a art board.
But I thought she was the one getting the ice cream???
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It's a CONTENT board, you HAVE to post CONTENT. There's a discussion thread literally made for your lot here in this board if you want to go at it, nobody here wants to read your nitpicks cluttering the thread without posting content, especially when the complains are as retarded as these.
Yes? The girl on the left says "here you are" because she's selling the ice cream and Shannon on the right says "thank you". How aren't you getting it man
>maybe I'm just dense
Yeah, it's clearly a face in profile. I don't know what to say, man; maybe you have eye strain or something. try taking a break from screens and take a walk or something
anyone wanna dump a bunch of those patreon sketches? gonna be honest a lot of the time I kinda prefer his sketches to the actual finished pieces
It's not talking about art thought, it's nitpicking ITTY BITTY little things and being wilfully ignorant towards obvious things for the sake of having something to whine about, as per usual.
yeah i don't really care about background foreground elements when there's amazing fat girls to admire
I think It's Time for an update in the kemono.su
>>218392 At this point Salt could draw the Mona Lisa using Nat and people would complain the line thickness is 1 instead of 1.1 currently.
I feel his situation is similar to when a talented student makes a minuscule mistake, its pointed out and nitpicked, while everyone is always surprised if the mediocre or bad students do something well. Hopefully people on his patreon dont start pressuring him.
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I'm just trying to show that the structure of the face doesent make sense, the shape of the face is terrible and the glasses have been drawn like goggles.
But heres a improved version of the full page, because after looking at the edit I cant look at the old one the same way.
I'm not sure what autism level is this at this point, some of you unironically need to touch grass
I sorta get you what mean; the sense of perspective on the left face looks off, but it's in shadow so you don't immediately pick up on it.
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Biggest we'll get of her
>It's a CONTENT board, you HAVE to post CONTENT.
Fuck off I'm not posting something that everyone here has already seen a dozen times and can access at the drop of a hat through deviantart or patreon just to meet your arbitrary standards of what this board is about.
Yeah you have a point this thread dies the most out of all the threads here because of necessary conversations that drag on
Unnecessary conversations I mean
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You know you can do more than just reposting content, right? You can color the sketches you like, you can edit art to make the character fatter, you can write fanfiction, etc... That's the whole point of a content board, contributing with something to the thread whether big or small. Instead the only thing you do is stirring the pot to no end, last thread isn't even a month old and it's already dead, even the Kip thread which was made around the same time is barely halfways towards the end, do you think that's normal? When mods were around most of the discussion would get deleted for a reason. Now we're almost at 100 posts and the thread is barely 2 days old, hell, Salt hasn't even posted since the thread got made which is insane because like half of the thread is about a single comic panel
The Boberry thread was also made last month and it's not even 200 posts either, people here are just crazy
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Salt watching the pirates being more critical of his art than the people who actually pay for it.
You sound like every other bozo in the kipteitei thread. Can we have a section just for schizoposting about artists to keep this shit focused on fat pics?
Guys is the comic every Tuesday?
Would be nice to see another page today instead of every other Tuesday like sweetdreamcoffee
BWS said it's 3 pages every two weeks, don't know sure when the next page is though.
I think somebody said the next page is on Saturday, I could be wrong though.
Three pages every two weeks. Since Salt has used this schedule before I assume the pattern should be page > art piece > page, so today we get art, on saturday we get another page, tuesday is for art, next thursday would be a page and shit
salt finally doing different belly shapes is great
>Finally doing different belly shapes
Bro he always has, you people just have an extremely selective memory
what has salt been up to with these wild pieces? like holy
>>218530 Good Lord shut up already
What character is this?
It’s an OC from one of his patrons according to the post
I think this is a character from Bewildered-Angel, the creator of "eat the dungeon".
Peak fiction right here, that belly is awesome
Why is she painting herself yellow in the last image?
Something something yellow painting critique
Ima almost convinced salt drew a sick background and then realised work was due so he made this.
For some reason this drawing seems to be prettier than others, not sure if that's because Salt put more time for drawing girl (i'm too blind to compare it with other drawings), or due to simple, yet eye-catching background.
I feel like the bg adds a lot
That's very simple, people paying for stuff often try to deceive themselves, that they like something (even if that's not true), because otherwise they would have feeling that they lost money.
It's same for me with games - i don't have any problem with uninstalling pirated games, but i feel like i need to finish game if i bought it.
What the fuck does this even mean
Or perhaps this place is simply a lot more whiny than others due to the fostered negativity from being an altchan dedicated to pirating fetish content...

This is so much better and so obviously an improvement I don’t get why a talented artist like Salt didn’t do it this way to begin with. Maybe he is rushing but something as simple as better speech bubble placement wouldn’t add any time at all.

I’m not complaining and I don’t think this discussion is nitpicking, it’s just a bizarre artistic choice and that makes it intriguing.
(330 KB, 1024x947, GFyuSQcaAAAVL3i.jpg)
It's a reference to a debate over video game designers using bright paint to highlight interactable objects to players. For example: in the FF7 remake, climbable surfaces are apparently yellow.
>I don’t think this discussion is nitpicking
This is, by all means, the purest definition of nitpicking. You're focused on a single transitional panel that doesn't even feature fat girls from a 12-pages comic. If that's not nitpicking then nothing could ever be by your definition
>and that makes it intriguing.
There's literally nothing intriguing about this lmao. Even on actual professional comic and manga releases some panels end up a being little wonky, this example is so minor though that if you thought about it for more than 5 seconds you may have severe issues
Hey, just for the record, there's no ice cream saleswoman in any point of the page,apparently some crazy people can't realize that it's just Shannon and Courtney arriving at the beach
Does the silhouette of the woman with the glasses on the top left not count?
You know he could be a troll or someone insanely stupid, right? Youre wasting time, page will probably be up in 50 minutes.
Yeah, not a big fan of the pace here, feels like SDC shitty comics were nothing happens and each page is like 3 large images, now either they are going for more food or to chat (hopefully for exposure of were the comic is going)
I love Courtney, best OC hands down
How works she compare to her skinny form? How many skinny versions of herself is she now?
I know this is off topic but does anybody else want to see the dynamic between Courtney and her brothers
>>218747 BetterWithPEAK does it again!
>>218752 real
>>218756 Would be cool to some day see any of us OC's interact with their families. Particularly, imagine getting a piece with their reactions of Courtney's new shape
I want to see her sit on all of them at the same time, you know, as a sisterly kind of thing.
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>September Private Sketch Poll
>mfw no-one votes for Thirty-Ish Office Worker Haman-sama
Im gonna be so hard when she inevitably busts out of that sarang from stuffing herself, flashing that belly.
I doubt she’ll ever be full again

She’s got a lot of catching up to do
Good fucking lord, you all will never be happy.

Just neck yourself already.
She looks like she's 475lbs or so. So 4 or 5 skinny Courtneys.
SHe's a lot bigger than 475 lol
She's bigger than Foxy Roxxie and Juicy Jackie, easily over 600 bro lol
>Not a fan of the pace
>Page 2
Bruh you can't be serious. Let Salt cook.
It's 2 pages in stop having a hate boner.
Bro are you fucking retarded? 475 my ass, Shannon is probably close to that. Courtney has gotta be around 700 pounds
i love this piece which is rare for me but nah, salt knocked it out the park here. good job
beach comic is mid though
(6.2 MB, 212x373, yuh.gif)
Me when I spread misinformation online
I am in awe of the absolute size of this woman.
Salt should've given her abs before she started blobbing out for her gf.
Hooooly shiiit 🔥🔥🔥

Bro is cooking
I honestly wish he'd do more strongfat.
Strong-fat girls seem to be niche in this kind of kink, but you're absolutely right - i feel like there is something special in girls that are combination of both far and muscles.
But i'm simple man, as long as Salt does not do vore, i'm fine with this drawings (unless it's Violet with comically large ass)
Is...is that an exception to the vore rule or what?
Strongfat soft-vore is fine for me, only because I've got a thing for Oni girls, but yeah overall I'm with you. I wanna see more deadlifts.
That moment when you're so fat your belly apron hides your fupa.
Nah Courtney has them up there
Not to encourage the conversation, but Val and Courtney are the biggest. Which of the two is the biggest so far I’m unsure.
We have never been so back
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My guess in the final chapters they’ll get intimate with each other only to find out there too big for the bed frame.
I'm 590lbs and I'm not even this big lmfao
Proof or you're bullshitting us
damn, I wanna be that big.
Damn, I had trouble keeping around 300, how'd you do it?
she's in that fetish comic quantum zone where she looks like 800 but can still walk around and do normal stuff
That must be a bedsheet wrapped around her lol, can't wait for the leg reveal
How often will the pages be released?
3 pages every 2 weeks, were only getting one this week at 8 pm...
>>219126 he could be lying you know.
I do find it weird that he was talking about this project for months and took a more relaxed schedule to work on it yet this is the one thing that he came up with. I mean... I'm okay with it being a "beach episode" and I'm sure that the art will keep being amazing but I'm assuming there won't be another comic until next year which does leave me a bit disappointed. I want more plot and progression rather than just fluff if you know what I mean, Nat is my fav and she has been kept locked on a basement since last year while Halie gets drawn more often with Sammy these days
Whats the new art?
Well no artist is perfect, i guess were part to fault for putting Salt in a pedestal. While hes less problematic than the rest, this shit is hard to ignore.
an entire comic about Courtney's fat out of shape ass dealing with the consequences of being a fat fuck.
Fuck yeah, I need more Chiho fan art
Welp, ain’t worth it then
Yeah idk why people are mad, so long as we see her being a massive lazy whale in a bikini idgaf

Not everything needs to be weight gain,
Well every previous comic of him had characters gaining weight, is quite a let down. I was hoping that even if Courtney is at Salts max size, he would make Shannon catch up.
>Goes from a 5 part comic with a locked perspective and lackluster gains to a 12 part comic he's hyped for months, then reveals after he's gotten people's money that it won't have any gains.
Fucking scummy of him.

Bait post from one of Salt's dick suckers.
Is it some comic or cartoon? Can I download the whole thing and watch/read?
>then reveals after he's gotten people's money that it won't have any gains
Lmao what. You aren't paying for the comic individually, you know? That's not how any of this works

What kind of situation does someone have to be in, to get this angry about fat lady cartoons?
The woman with glasses is Shannon
Jeez Louise, guys, we're only 2 pages in the comic and you're all acting very very spoilt. Can we go for at least 1 day without talking smack about how good/bad BWS is?
How brainrotted do you have to be to judge a comic entirely on if it has weight gain or not? It was never even advertised as a weight gain thing to begin with.
But she isn't wearing glasses, Shannon is on the right
It's bait, don't indulge this shit.
Pornbrained blobcels are only attracted to weight gain rather than fat women in general
People who have never and most likely will never give Salt a cent, crying that he’s milking money out of his audience just because his current comic doesn’t have weight gain. You stupid brain dead cunts need to grow the fuck up
Yeah keep guys endorsing this behavior, ill rather have him disappear in a good note like Satsurou then him becoming the next badmaid guy.
Fuck are you even talking about? Endorsing what? Making good quality fat art?
>endorsing this behavior

Explain how what he's done is ACTUALLY something wrong and not just you being a crybaby. Seriously. Please.
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Dont you see it anon? first he takes the gains, then the bigger sizes,and before you realize youll be reading a soap opera about Halie, Nat and Sammy love triangle.
>endorsing this behavior
where the fuck is my image
the whole FFTS line had WG
Y'all are fucking idiots, you can't force this dude to include weight gain in his comics. Keep sucking Saxxon's dick lmao
You morons hear "no weight gain" and translate it to "this is not a fetish related work"
There’s nothing wrong with there being no weight gain though.
Just because you’d prefer there to be doesn’t mean it will be bad and at the end of the day it’s still a fetish comic.

Do you follow Salt ONLY because of weight gain art or because of the fat fetish part?….
The opposite could be said with wg off the equation i dont think it will be good, FFTE only caught my attention because of it, and every previous comic had wg no miss.
Oh yes, of course, keep believing in ice cream saleswomen who only exist in your mind.
Well, in the end I have no idea who the hell the woman with glasses are and why she's here, maybe she's just a tour guide
Cool, you won't like it. Fine. Get the fuck over it. Salt's still done nothing wrong here. He NEVER SAID FFTE was weight gain only. He NEVER SAID this comic will have weight gain. Grow the fuck up and accept that he's doing something different.
Yeah but my point is that Salt is a fat fetish artist first, everything else is either something you might like or don’t care for.
I don’t care for when he draws certain younger anime girls or when he draws smaller girls but I don’t complain.
I love weight gain shit too but to me it’s not the end of the world if the focus is still on a Ssbbw
Is this the same dude who had a 2 day long debate about Uraraka? ._.
I’ve never held a conversation here, I normally don’t care. I just post pictures and jerk off to obese women.
The BWS related manchild rambling should have its own dedicated thread tbh
How's the explicit edit poll lookin?
Komi is winning, will likely be the winner
I have a feeling she'll enjoy it very much.
That is not enough sunscreen lmao
> profusely sweating from just walking
i think i may have a kink for mild obesity complications what the fuck is wrong with me

Also did she gain weight offscreen? She looks bigger than even the blue-haired girl.
(1.0 MB, 2192x2293, FFTE Beach Bod Part 7.png) (1.2 MB, 2806x2293, FFTE Beach Bod Part 8.png) (1.2 MB, 2799x2293, FFTE Beach Bod Part 9.png)
>Also did she gain weight offscreen? She looks bigger than even the blue-haired girl.
No, she's not as big as Selene is. Selene has more of a double chin along with larger breasts and belly then Courtney does. Better with salt is repeating what they did before with Selene, only with another girl here and Courtney who's not as big. This sequence is a waste of time.
Courtney's eyes where drawn wrong.
Courtney's mouth in the final panel is drawn poorly, she has no teeth and it looks like she's sucking in her lips.
Shannon's hair in the final panel is drawn wrong and has no volume.
the line art is completely black.

This comic was built up for months and it's quality is lower than bws's usual output (comic wise), and it's just couple stuff with worse quality. We could have just gotten a few fully rendered pieces of Courtney and Shannon on a beach and it would probably be a better 'beach episode' than this lmao.
The last page had me hopeful but this feels like another dip in quality.
Some of you are legit just mentally ill (and kinda blind too)
Just a kink? That’s the best part of this fetish. Fatties who are so big it becomes physically daunting to move around are so hot. And further beyond that are obesity related health issues. I don’t think it’ll ever happen but I would cum buckets if BwS ever did death feedist content.
>This comic was built up for months and it's quality is lower than bws's usual output (comic wise), and it's just couple stuff with worse quality
Nigger what the fuck are you even talking about? Have you looked at the original Couple Stuff recently? "the line art is completely black." Like what the hell are you high with lmao
And in every other page of this comic the line art has been multi coloured, its inconsistent.
do us all a favor and stop bitching and nitpicking. ppl like you make these threads die faster holy shit
The highlight of the sunglasses was grey in page 2 but white on this one.
Not a sequence, theres not gonna be any gains, and with this slug pace, man this is going to be bad, not even mid, just bad. He could just had made a comic about anything else, like the Zelda one
So it really is mental illness. There are some "spot the differences" games online you can try out and waste your time instead sperg
Bro talk about rose tinted glasses jesus fuck. Go back and actually look at Couple Stuff, this is much better.
How are her eyes wrong?
What’s wrong with Shannon’s hair? It never has much volume.
Who cares if the line art is black? It’s a flat color comic
One day, Sammy will be this big. And on that day I will have a very powerful erection.
Anyone have that tipping the scales edit where instead of a role reversal both are fat at the end? Remember it in prior salt threads.
Says the useless, cock-sucking whore
i do, glad someone is calling out salt for the fact his art is getting worse. the salt sucker simp platoon will defend him regardless

the new comic blows. he was doing good for a bit. thjen he got worse. thanks salt for always disappointing
this is a fetish comic on a fetish pornography imageboard website, you are so fucking mentally ill. consider suicide
People sure do love complaining over nothing, you’re getting the content for free
How is the art getting worse. Explain that. Because if you don’t, it just sounds like you’re crying because his style changed. That or you have rose-tinted glasses on. Because objectively his art has improved.
>i do, glad someone is calling out salt for the fact his art is getting worse
Salt isn't even here though, he doesn't read what happens here or cares. Even Areku stopped posting. "Calling him out" is meaningless when the guy isn't even aware
First time I see BwS doing furry art
>the new comic blows
It's been three fucking pages
Think this was posted on one of the older threads. It's years old from what the poster was saying.
(3.5 MB, 2184x3089, Untitled189_20240913194443.png)
It's the weird inconsistencies.
Every other page from any of his other comics feels almost flawless but there's so many mistakes that just make the comic feel lazy, and the fact there's way less panels per page makes it feel even worse.
Please tell me this is a old obscure piece and salt isent doing furry art.
I added teeth to the left Courtney but I must have accidently erased. I'm just gonna make a 'fixed' version of the page like I did with the last one.
Why the fuck don't you go bother Salt himself and free us from your fucking autism
Jesus fucking Christ it's keeps getting worse
Not to be rude, but those........don't sound like solid arguments why his art is getting "worse".
It just sounds like you don't like their art for the smallest of reasons.
please, keep responding to the fucking retard i beg you, surely he is not trying to bait you with his dumbass messages
Still think it's lazy though.
Okay, do we seriously have to call for janitors here? because this is getting ridiculous...
Sorry. I fell for the bait.
Anon... go outside please, Seriously nobody cares about minuscule details like this. What makes Art, is the imperfections and how it balances out with perfection. You want to talk about inconsistency go complain about Beltbuster's work.
Once again Courtney and Shannon prove the BWS thread is the worst sub on BBWDraw
(333 KB, 1433x2065, FvtfvPRXoA49m1s.jpg)
Second worst, any given Kip thread has the same autism here cranked up to 11.
(7.2 MB, 2184x3089, Untitled191_20240913225814.png)
Made a version that I think fixes alot of the problems I have with the page.

Alot of people are just here to jerk off and that's fine, but some of us actually care about the art itself and regardless of it being fetish art we should still hold it to a high standard or atleast to the same standard as the previous comics. Alot of salts other comics are in my opinion virtually flawless and these pages are by no means bad or poorly drawn there just inconsistent and sloppy in some areas. If your here to jerk off, just squeeze your hog and get on with it, but don't downplay the issues that do exist, sure there nit picky but they're there.
>>219643 You're not helping, anon.
Holy fuck. You are an S-Class Autist
The fact that I had to flick between this and the original to figure out the difference
Someone above literally proved you wrong with panels from the original, comic though. Are you gonna go back to edit the original comic too to fix the issues you're talking about?
You’re a fucking W for understanding how they all look good. Glad to know not everyone’s brains are all dumb rock shit
I came here to look at Salt's drawings and discuss about them, why is this thread once again full of people calling each other autistic?
I could be blind, but I don't see a difference lol
There is having standards and there is...whatever this thing is. I even showed you parts of Couple Stuff with the same "problems" so I have no idea what are you even on anymore. Sometimes Shannon has pupils too, sometimes she doesn't. This is like opening a manga and expecting the quality panel to panel to be the same as the cover art (although a lot crazier)
You're absolutely out of your mind if you think this discussion so far is by any means reasonable
The summer is Magic
>>219654 This is honestly the most autistic thing I've seen in a long time, please just stop and go do something else
I feel like I may have worded my problem poorly.
My problem never was that 'THIS IS A NEW LOW FOR SALT THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE.' Its that it feels lazy and regardless of it happening before its still a mistake that doesn't normally happen. I don't expect every page to look like a 'cover art' but I do expect the quality to be consistent. I feel like eyes in art are very important they add alot of personality and life into a drawing, and the fact the main focal point of the page (being the bikini reveal.) feels poorly executed is upsetting and even more so when the mistake is for such a memorable moment and isent just background fodder.
And I also noticed that you responded to me saying that the line art is inconsistent by showing images from couple stuff.
Couple stuff had a more monotone colour pallet, for the most part it was indoors. Beach stuff is on a beach and is very vibrant and sunny. They have 2 different colour pallets and I feel like the red line art complements the bright and sunny art style of beach stuff. They are two different comics with two different art styles and comparing the comics line art despite them being very different tonally and artistically just isent right. I also feels it's inconsistent because Courtney was drawn with the reddish outline in page 2 and so was Shannon in the 1st and second, so I feel its fine of me to point out the inconsistency.

I don't expect to make you care about this issue, but I do care that we understand the issue. Its not important to me that you agree but that you me and everybody else here is on the same page regardless of agreeing with me.
Beleive it or not spamming AUTISM and other unproductive messages is clogging the thread far more than my 1 or 2 critiques, most of my messages are made in response to fair takes and I only posted that page remake because somebody said I should show my reasoning. Like I said we are looking for two different things, or atleast appreciate two different things. If you don't want to join in the conversation, don't join in, if you want to prove me wrong in a objective way like the guy above did tell me why I'm wrong, but for the love of God don't just spam AUTISM after every fucking message and wonder why the thread keeps locking.
The problem here is this is an imageboard. They're not gonna treat you with respect by typing in a whole essay about how consistent or inconsistent something is, especially when it comes to BWS' artwork. You could have been at the very least appreciative of the 3 pages already brought here, but it seems to me like it's somehow not an option here. BWS is only a human, and nobody here is perfect, that's what makes everyone unique.

Tl;Dr, if you have an opinion on something BWS just made, try keeping it to yourself, please?
I'm not asking them to treat me with respect, I'm asking them to either ignore the conversation because thats not why there here, Join in on the conversation because you think I'm right/wrong and try and be as objective as you feel you can be to prove your point, and not spamming AUTISM to every message me or anyone else posts and waving your fist in the air at the assholes who lock the thread even though your a part of the problem to.
It's not the disrespect that bothers me it's the hypocrisy.
I get its a image board, but there's a message feature. Aslong as people aren't arguing and are having fair, productive and polite debates there shouldent be a issue.
Even so, just keep your opinions to yourself. This situation has been going on for a few days now, and the best I can suggest you do is to just ignore them, and don't let them get to you. You can't expect people to do what you say, the best thing to do in this situation is to ignore them, move on from this site, and try focusing on something better to do.
It may also give you some time to practice more English grammar in the future, as much as I don't like to point it out.
(29 KB, 360x360, nagatoro death stare.jpg)
Do you pay BWS to access his content and financially support its content? No? Then shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
If you are, you should kill yourself anyways for paying for (fetish) porn.
Take a long look at yourself. Ask yourself why you're getting not just upset over fetish porn drawings, but so upset you're going on multiple paragraphs-long diatribes. Your complaint should have been a 10 second statement of "It feels like Salt is being a little lazy with this comic" and supported with medium-low effort evidence.
Besides that, you seem to be the only one here taking issue with a comic a human (that being BWS) has made. How high of a standard do you have for artists? >>219445
I'd like to write a longer post but I see no reason when I already proved you wrong about the other comics being "almost perfect". Stop backpedalling on that please.

The only thing I can add is that you can't expect people to not shit on you when you come up to an specific artist thread and call him "lazy" when you're complaining about very minor inconsistencies such as those. I've seen people shitting on Salt's faces, rendering, the way he draws fat, the characters he draws, etc which is stuff I can find reasonable but you seriously made several posts to complain about the highlight of the glasses and you expect people to not call you autistic?
You've hurt us, anon.
You have hurt us.
Please, for your sake and our sake of health, don't interact with this site...
To put it in other words, leave us alone.
I'm curious what kind of insane standards you have that THESE are the things you come here to complain about when not even pro comics/manga are at the level of consistency you want
It's a comic where a girl gets fat that ppl use as wank material it's not that deep
I'm not discussing the meaning of something being almost perfect because that's to subjective. All I can really say is that in my opinion the other comics where higher quality.

I expect them to shit on me. I just dont like the hypocrisy of people pinning the blame for bumping the threads on me and then don't hold the people spamming random throw away posts after every message accountable.
But I'm not repeating this shit for the 3rd time so this is the last time I'm going to mention it again so read it well.
I'm looking at this in a vacuum. I don't know what to expect of salt, I dont know the guy. But I do know the art is flawed so I'm going to make a point to show that it is flawed and fix the flaws that I feel are there and hope people agree with me at a surface level, because that's the way I'm looking at it, because I have no context.
And I'm still going to use it as wank material , I just like talking about art. :D
Look, man. Just between us, I don't think your answers are helpful at all.
You are, after all, the one who started this whole mess about the unknown lady's glasses and a bunch of other things.
You could continue bitching about this, or you could do something favorable for us.
You know, I'm an artist and there are idiots who get angry just for using reference models :(

BWS is a human being and not everything he does is going to be perfect, you know?
See? People keep pointing out how wrong you are.
I believe you owe us an apology. Just say sorry about the way you've highlighted BWS' imperfect anatomy, and prevent any further embarrassment from happening.
>I'm looking at this in a vacuum. I don't know what to expect of salt, I dont know the guy. But I do know the art is flawed so I'm going to make a point to show that it is flawed and fix the flaws that I feel are there and hope people agree with me at a surface level, because that's the way I'm looking at it, because I have no context.
If you really do have that much of a problem about the quality of a comic give your input directly to the artist that made it instead of wasting your time anonymously crying about it to a group of degenerate randos that genuinely do not care, they may just hear you out and take your criticism (nitpicking) into consideration who the hell knows. It'd probably accomplish more and certainly be more productive than doing it here. Or throw your walls of text at the "Civil Discussion" Thread the people over there care more I bet
You're damn right.

>What the hell if you want art to be perfect you better masturbate with art shit IA
(59 KB, 798x409, BREAKING BWS FIXES KEY ISSUES.png) (524 KB, 831x518, Glasses Fixed.png) (808 KB, 2194x3064, FFTE P3 PNGDiff.png)
>but you seriously made several posts to complain about the highlight of the glasses and you expect people to not call you autistic?

Better with Salt has made an urgent update to Page 2 and Page 3 updating multiple issues, including the highlights of the sunglasses, as well as the colors of the line art. BWS made use of the optional 'Notify patrons" feature to ensure all patrons recieved push notifications as well as updated the body of the post to let us know that pages 2 and 3 were incomplete as originally posted and th`e corrected final version has now been uploaded. Putting the old and the new through PNGdiff, I can see there was A LOT changed on page 3.
See what I mean about artists not being perfect? Even uploading can have mistakes!
>it feels lazy

Cool, so it’s just you being autistic. It means nothing. Touch grass dude.
Smiling like a boy on Christmas.
The eyes and mouth are still mid but I don't care I can fix them, I'm just so damn happy it got noticed.
(11 KB, 290x290, chart.png)
A review of what I see here:
Also stop edging us and post the damn page!
So damn happy fucking W.
The nitpicks where fucking true enough to have a damn re-release mr OH THERE JUST MINOR NIT PICKS NOBODYS PERFECT,WHO WOULD EVEN NOTICE,BAH suck me!!!!!!
You know if you actually brought this up in Patreon instead of crying about it here you may have actually been noticed from the start, you fucking retard?
Oh yeah because now it needs saying!!!!
Suck my cock bozo
'Dude shut up whining it's just small nit picks'
Not even a day later the page gets re-release addressing the nit picks

Legit pumping my fists in the air like a fucking cartoon character.
Mr 'Oh let me wind him up and do everything he says is annoying him to try and get him to leave because everything he's saying is shitspeak.' WELL GUESS WHAT SHIT SPEAK GOT NOTICED AND RERELEASED!
At this point may as well keep spamming until the thread dies
(61 KB, 1000x667, ErEQFAwXMAQa4My.jpg)
Alright time to wait for the page to be posted.
I've earned this shit, even if the messages get deleted I've had my moment.
Bro shut the fuck up, I doubt he saw your shit he said it was an earlier version of the page. Considering background elements and other things that were never mentioned here were added, and that the lines were colored in the first two pages, and that the other stuff you and others brought up wasn’t touched, I’m inclined to believe him.
Holy fuck you’re such a petty cunt.
He still claims he's not autistic, mind you
And they say Salt doesn't look at this cesspool?, Bro folded
Your inclined to suck my balls
When has salt ever posted a early release of the page at that point he should have just posted the line art or the flat colours.
He might not have seen my comments but he damn well noticed the mistakes making me RIGHT(er)!
All of your shit and then the big man himself acknowledges it himself either with or without your comments! You have all been calling me autistic for fucking hours. I've earned the right to return the favour because atleast my name calling is justified(er)!
Claim the fattest part of my ass!
Now i wonder if we can demand him to make Courtney immobile.
I doubt he actually cares about what we want because our opinions have no affect on him, but I do think he understands fair criticism when he see's it (assuming he saw my criticism)
Different people, different ways in how hate or criticism affect him,even if by curiosity he looked here, i doubt reading some of the shit that went down here didn't had a affect on him, so far this has been his most divisive and problematic project, he should just put it on hiatus and restructure it, even if it takes until next year to comeback.
I'm guessing the comic was well planned, its just lacking in some art areas and the fact it was just couple stuff 2 is disappointing. Either way the comic is fine, it's just more couple stuff and if Courtney was to go immobile that means we probably wouldent get any more interesting situations with her and I'd rather her stay mobile than the instant gratification of seeing her immobile.
Salt is most likely aware of this site just like every artist in the community but it's hard to believe he actually comes here, much less that he actually cares about whatever it's said, just like nearly every other artist really. Would you come here knowing people are constantly insulting you, your friends and your work while pirating it? (ignoring the toxic reputation of the site already or how people were spamming CP before). He barely checks his own social media these days and his uploads are scheduled so he does gets them wrong from time to time and doesn't notice until they're out (like the Selene ref sheet or the dates being wrong on Twitter whenever it's a birthday piece) in case you actually think this thread is related to the update.

Pepper (Lucy guy) seems to be the one in charge of handling his platforms but I can't imagine him coming here when people absolutely hate his ass. Areku (Nikume guy) also assists Salt and he's the one that actually showed up here frequently and even posted WIPs but stopped at some point.
>so far this has been his most divisive and problematic project
For who? For the one or two resident autists in this thread? You guys think anyone else outside of here is complaining?
...you think Salt legit came here and read this guy ramblings and fixed the pages because of that? You think they an effect on him? "His most divisive and problematic project"? At this point I hope the thread dies by tomorrow
I can't even imagine being so incredibly wrong, basically Salt himself telling you that you're wrong, and still not accepting it. Even the fucking highlights on the sunglasses. Could they be anymore on target and correct, and the lot of you bashing the page's art critics any wronger? On the updated pages entire shadow layers were turned off. All the color masks for the line art. Straight up obvious inconsistencies between the pages now pointed out and corrected.

Arguments that it's not rushed, that it's not full of little errors, even proclaiming it holds up against previous works that weren't missing obvious problems.

Wrong. Wroooooooong. The Salt thread is salty from the tears of wrong sore losers, not from BWS.
>basically Salt himself telling you
Pepper, you mean Pepper. And he said the wrong pages got uploaded despite the schizo ramblings here. Also nobody said the guy was wrong about the inconsistencies, they called him fucking autistic for caring about that shit at all
This one is awesome
(I only know that character cause I just discovered Persona 5 earlier this year...yes, I'm uncultured)
>So far this has been his most divisive and problematic project
Dude it’s 10 people bitching on a Chan board. That’s not divisive.

>he should put it on hiatus and restructure it
Right, he should do that because people who don’t even pay for the comic whined. That’d be really smart
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I'm genuinely impressed by this thread. Not from the insane rambling but because saging a thread in less than two weeks might be the biggest achievement anyone here makes in their life.
Sage this goddamn thread you black cocksuckers
(547 KB, 2220x1080, 20231121_171727.jpg)
Why not just delete the pointless ramblings and have the rest of the thread back?
>>219828 You think that's bad? The Christmas 2023 piece managed to kill three Salt threads. In one month. Guess who was in it, because it was Courtney and Shannon, the same two girls responsible for the bullshit.
What where people even complaining about? that piece was great.
>>219847 I personally believe it was due to Christmas break giving everyone time off, and it was where the schizophrenia was at it's highest point, especially with that one schizo being all like "troll time" and just being a hypocritical delusion obsessed sager.
New piece please
>>219850 At least you aren't acting all hypocritical. That fucker is also one of the main reasons along with the CP guy on why this site got hit with the VPN strike.
So the bitching really got to the point that we aren't even gonna post the new content anymore huh
I can't really blame the anons that post new stuff here for dipping out of this shithole. The posts here are fucking embarrassing
You guys know that Better would make more and better stuff if you guys, actually pay, instead of complaining about things that you shouldn't even be seeing yet?
I mean, most people here aren't complaining. That jobless fucker complaining about stupid shit through the whole thread and even "fixing" Salt's art just for then ask people to post the updated pages because he isn't even a patron was fucking hilarious though
I can just imagine the guy saying:
"bws doesn't know how to draw, I know how to draw! bws doesn't know how to write stories, I KNOW HOW TO MAKE STORIES! BWS DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING AND I KNOW HOW TO DO IT BETTER THAN HIM!"
Im not anywhere near salt artwise or storytelling wise lmao. And I never even complained about the story, infact I've outright agreed with the direction it's going in.
The autistic screeching is way more irritating than art discussion on the art board. There's more posts complaining about critique than actual critique
Thank you, kind anon, you are the best!
stand strong, salts simps are out in full force today. salt simps just dislike reading anything that isn't bad weight gain rp so they saw your paragraph and felt intimidated
Wait, that was the final page? I though there would be more since it doesn't give a "The End" feeling
Hopefully we get a prologue at some point.

This is good stuff. I really love the shape of her tummy.
you mean an epilogue or do you want more of her being skinny
Mb, I meant epilogue. (Wouldent mind it though.)
>>220048 Are you retarded? This entire thread and the last one was due to continuous nitpicking and bickering.
And the arguments are over, stop instigating.
eh we're almost at 400, no point delaying the inevitable
Stfu nigger, were going nuclear in each and every thread until you guys recapacite if dick riding Salt for free is a good way of living
Can't wait for the next page so i can tell you guys how the sky is a slightly different hue of blue than the last one, and how the pixel #234456 is actually colored incorrectly, and how the highlight in the eyes is a bit larger than in page 2.

These inconsistencies drive me crazy!!!
I wrote that while I was on my data and I'm definatley not a dick rider.
There's legit no point in arguing the debate is over, anything more is just arguing for the sake of arguing everything that needed proving has been proved.
>>220131 How the FUCK is that dick riding, faggot? You're the dumbasses who's complaints derailed the thread with complaints about the tiniest detail, such as if the line thickness is 1.2 instead of 1.20000001.
>>220141 It's true. Hopefully you guys quit this bullshit and take it to Community Salt by the next post.
Dude what the fuck where you trying to say. LMAO
Also I don't associate with that dude he's a retard.
>>220143 I'm saying you feel the need to say that we're dickriders, while I'm not the one who's complaining about the tiniest microscopic detail on an artwork. We're three fucking pages in, and we've already lost two threads to this bullshit.
Dude that's him saying your salt dick riders. The 'US VS THEM, FUCK THE CONFORMISTS!' mentality is retarded lol.
Wow look at that fat girl! I love fat girls! ^v^
We need more people like you in this thread. Don't change
This thread is 900% Salt dickriders. You folk would worship the ground Salt walks on if you had half a chance.
astute observation that the betterwithsalt thread has betterwithsalt fans in it
You can hide the thread if salt and his fans piss you off this much. You can’t be so much of an idiot that you can’t even do that.
(177 KB, 623x478, 5s423z.webp)
Are these "salt dickriders" in the room with us right now?
Hey, does anyone have the latest nikume/serena timeline picture? The only one I could find doesn't include nikume's fit-to-fat sequence. Thanks
>>220227 Liking BetterWithSalt's art=/=dick riding
(22 KB, 460x434, e4c34ca6f787cb58676325e20c0189d4.jpg)
I just wanna fap to drawings of fat women, for fuck's sake. The rant thread is right there for y'all to complaint/criticize/bitch about BWS's art, so move it here or touch grass, for the love of fuck I'm tired of seeing this thread being updated all for more people bitching about his art. I thought this was a porn chan site here, not a "let's bitch about this artist's art for 20 fucking threads dedicated to him".
We're about to kill the thread anyway
So how bout them panthers

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