
(93 KB, 680x643, F3RwRK0W4AA_IKD.jpg)
Previous thread: https://bbw-chan.link/bbwdraw/res/210766.html

A thread to have the deepest and most insightful discussions of them all!

I'll start - the point of art is to see artists' art with all its rights and wrongs, thus American fat artists should improve their crappy art instead of harassing infinitely more talented loli artists, who, surprise surprise, do not spend their entire days trying to cancel people.
>Wishing people with terrible personalities improve on their art so you can give them money and fap to their art because you're that desperate for content

This is why they'll never improve, Anon
Civil discussion can be positive too. What are some artists you believe to be highly underrated? No of course I'm not an artist hoping I get namedropped.
>>217419 I like Rin_noheki if that amounts to anything. Also, what music do we listen to?
(83 KB, 319x247, 2ul14h.png)
Reminder that if you're attracted to characters like Momo Yaoyorozu, but think sexualizing Anya is weird, you're a groomer!
>Monkey's paw: The artist draws Momo in her aged up design
Only videogame music, all the other commercial crap sucks ass
(924 KB, 300x200, 1628007920972.gif)
>>217412 (Cross-thread)
>What makes it uncomfortable is she's a fairly realistic depiction of her age
Quick question before I say anything further, before the protag comes to stay, who kept an eye on her, with her father away at work all the time and her mother being dead?

>I suppose somebody could make predatory art of them but I've never seen that nor am I going to look
Come on Anon, what better time is there to throw your life away, than right this second?

>>217410 (OP)
>American fat artists should improve their crappy art instead of harassing infinitely more talented loli artists
You mean fat free, loli artists, right? Feel like you could barely use half a hand to count the amount that actually mainly do loli instead of it just being a side thing.

Does anyone know what that word means? It's starting to feel as misused as shortstack and Nazi.

Besides Megumin and Kanna, did any isekai lolis get any real amount of fat work?
>>217434 I never did mention, but I've been listening to a lot of jazz fusion lately, and going off of your vidya game comment, T-Square is fucking great. Just listen to In The Grid, you'll see.
There is no way this discussion can get any worse than this
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Rin Noeki is really good too. I can't help but feel that they're just a better Huurin Kazan what with the saggy body shape, which when done by Huurin I feel is a little too extreme for my tastes, even though I don't mind it as much as some of Huurin's haters. I think part of it might be because Rin Noheki can draw pretty good regular sized fat gals too, so he has a good basis for his sizes rather than going full sag. I do wonder how he'd go about drawing some of the more huger sizes he did when he was just starting out as Zeiniku_b back when he pretty just copied Huurin's body shapes, because he's improved a lot and changed up a bit of how he does anatomy.
I don't know how underrated he is, but I've always really enjoyed Hypnagogum's stuff. And he's especially based now that he's done sex stuff, which has gotten extremly rare nowadays in this community from how fat stuff has recently attracted weird asexual people that are into it because "it's cute" or so they can fufill their fantasies of being a genderless blob. We need more art like thing, cos most of the ones we already have are either 1. in a realistic art style, 2. art from years and years ago, or 3. Really bad and autistic and/or gay furry garbage
Anyway, Nanako Dojima is cute and hot.
(169 KB, 1918x1078, GMzljFoXEAAyIxc.jpg)
>No of course I'm not an artist hoping I get namedropped.
Hello Sunslep
>Music Taste
I've been listening to the unholy quintology of lame ass hell nerd music that would get you memed on: Videogame ost (Mostly Mega Man and Persona), anime openings/ost, K-pop music (The ones that get used in MMDs, cos damned if I was actually in that community *shivers*), early 2010's techno remixes of video game songs, and "anime rap".
This is actually one of the funniest posts I’ve ever seen on this damned website
>I don't know how underrated he is, but I've always really enjoyed Hypnagogum's stuff
Eehh...I dunno mate, I kinda liked his drawings in the past but I think he's gotten a little worse. The shading sucks and it feels like he's barely even putting any effort nowadays
Learning that Mistko keeps harassing his ex-girlfriend like a loser really soured my evening
(256 KB, 2000x2000, Quetzal 15.png)
I am that artist and...

Wow, thank you for those words, the truth is this is my hobby but it is very comforting to know that someone likes my art
Only discovered your stuff recently, but it's pretty good man 👍
(5.2 MB, 976x550, The Beach Boys sing Hurt.webm)
>how fat stuff has recently attracted weird asexual people that are into it because "it's cute" or so they can fufill their fantasies of being a genderless blob
They're not asexual, they're just sexually repressed, which is likely partly one of the main causes that leads them toward woke bullshit. That all being said, I am of the cute group and I don't care about porn beyond what new expansions it can give me but I never could wrap my mind over how this board is so against posting people posting pics of sex while trying to make this site out as if it's some kind of /d/ while doing that shit.

>Nanako Dojima is cute and hot
A person can't be cute and hot.

>anime rap
Creppy Nuts?

Whatever sounds good.


That's great, I hope your words come true, oh and by the way the images you showed are in very 144p, if you want I'll send you the original versions in good quality

That's great, I hope your words come true, oh and by the way the images you showed are in very 144p, if you want I'll send you the original versions in good quality
>Quick question before I say anything further, before the protag comes to stay, who kept an eye on her, with her father away at work all the time and her mother being dead?

Eh, I can guess with where you'd go with that. It's still not a direction my mind would go in considering her relationship in comparison to the rest of the cast. I fully admit it's probably an arbitrary line I'm drawing.

To use another series as an example, I'm fine with people making NSFW of MHA characters including one you'd probably bring up but you start to lose me if you go for someone like Eri. They're free to do so and it's all fiction but I wouldn't associate her with that.

If I were better with words then I'd have a description of the quality I'm trying to describe as my no-go zone.

>Come on Anon, what better time is there to throw your life away, than right this second?

What did he do exactly? is it that fat blonde girl?
Why are you advertising yourself here??
(1.7 MB, 4096x3167, media_FZZ_4XLWAAAm2fp.jpg)
>I can guess with where you'd go with that
That an unsupervised kid would wonder off and get in trouble and one who can't get any time with their only parent would turn into a delinquent instead of being the uncorruptable ball of purity?

I honestly haven't played any of the Persona games short of the fighter since my library had it. I was thinking of getting while there was a sale but for some reason Denuvo is on them.

>To use another series as an example
I couldn't stomach that anime, even with how much I loved capeshit before Marvel and DC imploded into constantly trying to kill themselves to the point the Japanese takes on their characters are actually more entertaining.
Looks like free art too
I am not advertising myself, I am just passing the images in good quality to my friend

It bothers me when the images are low quality, but it's not my intention to advertise anyway, I don't earn anything.
I've just realized there's a fuck ton of artists from Spain/Portugal and South America...honestly, they should really improve their written English before interacting with other people on the internet. It's really difficult to take them seriously
Never saw any; most seem to be from Chile.
>That an unsupervised kid would wonder off and get in trouble and one who can't get any time with their only parent would turn into a delinquent instead of being the uncorruptable ball of purity?

I guess I couldn't guess what you were going to say. I assumed you were going to argue I'm underselling her since she managed a house on her own even if she became a dependent once her cousin moves in

You know, the point of speaking English is because it's the universal language, I would post in my native language, but if you don't speak English you'll go to hell, maybe I'll pay more attention to my English classes.
Was that an insult, a bad joke, or a comment with a terrible use of sarcasm?

Fuck, i can never have a calm fucking conversation.
>I assumed you were going to argue I'm underselling her since she managed a house on her own
She's too bullyable to think about going that route.
Damn I didn't actually expect dude to see this. You're welcome man, keep up the good work
It's best to ignore anyone trying to rile you up or get a reaction. It's one of the core rules of the internet.
Damn I didn't actually expect dude to see this. You're welcome man, keep up the good work
>>217513 But the art is universal.
>Me when the slampig fattywank artslave doesn't have at least a C1 proficiency (they've never put a letter of text in their art)
...how unserious...
chincherri, yeah. technically nothing like, illegal, i think? just pathetic and constant badgering to the point of being kinda stalkerish
>Hello Sunslep
That ain't me lmao, I've never been shy to admit I'm in these threads lurking or otherwise
>Anyway, Nanako Dojima is cute and hot.
Seems like I was wrong, holy shit
(89 KB, 835x1024, F1xE6F4WAAc_iV9.jpg)
This is traced nigger shit just like every single spic pseudo-artist ever. You are blind and devoid of taste.

Here's the only piece of advice you'll ever need, free of charge:
1 - Stop tracing.
2 - Stop posting (unfunny) memes.
3 - Stop posting altogether.

Virtually no artists from there.

>honestly, they should really improve their written English before interacting with other people on the internet.
English speakers are the ones to blame for the decline of English. More specifically, NIGGERS and the low IQ White Americans who've been adopting and enabling their niggerspeak for years. Some examples of worthless niggerspeak / aave / ebonics / gen z slang: As fuck, Aura, Banger, Based, Bestie, Bet, Blud, Brainrot, Bro, Bro is, Bruh, Bussin', Clapped, Cook, Cooked, Cope, Cringe, Delulu, Drip, Fire, Glaze, Glow-up, Goat, Gyatt, Lit, Mid, Moot, Ngl, No cap, No diff, On god, Oomfie, Opp, Ratio, Rizz, Sksksk, Slap, Sleep on, Stan, Sus, Tbh, Tweaking, Valid, Yap, Yeet, Zesty.

Everything they touch turns to shit, just like their skin color. And all the mentally defficient trannies and coomers will happily integrate that negroid word sludge into their rapidly deteriorating speech. Great job turning the Internet into a double-digit IQ hellscape.

Man, just give me my burger.
>Masturbation and breeding threads deleted by mods but this thread full of antisocial retards repeating the same counter culture talking points stays up
Yeah, this board is fucked.
>surrendering "tbh", "goat" and "tweaking" to people you dislike
LMFAO nice one internet warrior real FUCKING intellectual
whole website is fucked because the pie is split between a mass of underages/esls, a mass of the people you've described, and people who generally just contribute fucking nothing meanwhile the moderation status has gone from "mods do absolutely nothing" to "mods are absolutely retarded".
(82 KB, 1000x1000, quetzal 11.png)
1) I guess I will have to pay more attention in my English classes
2) that was mega racist, but I don't judge you
3)But is my art pretty?
4) They are not memes, I just like to draw my Avatar
(98 KB, 1000x1000, quetzal 6.png)
1) I guess I will have to pay more attention in my English classes
2) that was mega racist, but I don't judge you
3)But is my art pretty?
4) They are not memes, I just like to draw my Avatar
How I hate fucking CAPCHA, just fuck that motherfucker
You can't just call art you don't like traced that isn't how it works
(1.1 MB, 1600x1200, D54647B0-A825-402C-A7F8-8C73310326A6.jpeg)
Viva PhilistinaZZ!

Remove the faggots from our internet.
The vibes we don’t want are invaders, as our people only choose to be around good vibes.

Death to the bad vibes, that is the spirit of the true internet. We clearly can’t compromise.
If people can’t be removed peacefully online, then regards to those who remove them still offline.

Regards to the Slavs who have suffered because of lack of such standards. We take the internet seriously, thus people survive.
... are we really at that point where "sex" and "masturbation" are considered "alt"? Whenever I see a thread I don't like I just use the fucking hide function.
>>217559 This brother in Christ does not believe in improvement. Let me ask you something, because I'm gonna stick up for this artist, can we see YOUR art, if you have any?
(99 KB, 850x794, media_FHrNuK_XEAA5ogO.jpg)
>You can't criticize art if you can't make any
I don't know how I thought that retarded response had died.
>>217625 Well, do you? At least he's trying.
Critique is an art onto itself.
Leave it buddy these sons of bitches are not going to get the shit out of their mouths, they are like monkeys who only want to throw their shit at others without reasoning

I'm going to be honest, damn Racist gringos, nothing makes them happy, I try to be kind and post my shit, but you can't reason with these people and I come from Twitter
Tracing is not trying. It'd be one thing if this guy strictly traced as practice, but the fact he tried to pass it off as original shows he's only interested in attention.
Until you decide to improve, you will always just be a tracer. And so long as you are a tracer, your art will be subpar. You posting your traced art isn't "kind", it's deceptive to those who believe your art is the genuine product of your skill, when it isn't.
Still waiting for actual comparisons or anything
>Artists panicking and 'finally leaving twitter forever (a week)' because of the shit going on with Brazil
Bluesky will NEVER stick because you can't get your followers to migrate en masse and you'll be stuck getting 2 likes on your art.
Thank god this is happening, it's about time Twitter fucking dies
i hate miku so fucking much
Is this gonna be like the last time Twitter died? Or the time before that?
I think it'll be like the very first time
This whole Brazilian thing would be as if a Chinese or Middle Eastern country pressured Elon to get rid of the LGBT shit or they'd ban X from their country.

But leave it to Leftists to suck government dick with no self awareness.
Although now that I see it, this wave of hate towards me happened because I posted some images of myself, mmmmm now that I see it that is very stupid.

Ah damn internet I love you for these things

And I don't even know why I bother with this if I don't make money from it, I do it to boost my ego and have fun.
>still doesn't deny tracing
>acts like a massive faggot instead
And what do you base on telling me that I trace drawings?
Can you just leave? Your traced art is a dime a dozen and now your crying is flooding the thread...
His art is good
Himself? Not so much
It evens out
"It's traced! It's traced!"
Over what? What did they trace?
Begging y'all to actually prove he's tracing instead of constantly dancing around it, I'm not taking your side until I see comparisons
Not this again....
You know you can just say you don't like their style. You don't need to make shit up in order to justify your distaste in the art
(11 KB, 201x250, download.jpg)
Sabes qué, estoy muy feliz, un colega mío que también es dibujante de gordas me dijo que esto es un gran logro, obtuve mi primer Hater, y esto lo comento en español (Mi idioma materno) solo para molestarlo más.

That message is in Spanish, because I know that will make him angry, hehehe
One last hurrah before you have to go back to middle school, Timmy?
People like you make this website not worth coming back to. I hope things get better for you.
My brother in Christ is still in high school
There's no proof that he traced just stop arguing a pointless battle ffs.
>>217819 My brother in Christ, you told him to improve AND kill himself, you can't do both.
He should just kill himself, he'll improve everyone else's lives
Do you really want a boy who is still in high school to commit suicide just because you didn't like a drawing?
That's hitting rock bottom, old man :v
I never got into Vocaloid stuff but it gets tiring when you only ever see Miku and the few times you don't it's Rin/Len (who I don't care for either).
(37 KB, 193x193, AmeliaHmmR.png)
Can we get a redo or something? This is definitely the worst manbaby salt rant civil discussion thread the board has -ever- had.
(47 KB, 564x543, Edith Up.jpg)
If it's possible to salvage this thread at this point, I just want to say a few things:

>Deviantart has a serious problem with blatantly stolen fat art reuploaded on ESL accounts and the jannies just don't give a shit.
>This site has even bigger problem with blatantly underage users, ESL's, and twitter tourists who don't even bother trying to adhere to chan culture
>The way art trends revolve around whatever some big name artist is doing (fat Flutter Manes after Dookus drew one) just makes the community feel even more like an incestuous circlejerk than it already is
>Those two artists trying and failing to rally a cancel mob after Squarewave for drawing fat loli was really funny and shows that these faggots have less power than they think they do
>The "fat artist to belly selfie-taker" pipeline is a weird trend that no one really talks about since it's such an awkward elephant in the room

>DA gave up on that but oh boy if you draw Bea or Ochako, your stuff is erased with no warning.

.Unfortunately, that comes with the freedom of chan boards. Motherfuckers ruin it BECAUSE of the anonymity other social media sites kill to get your precious data and sell it. They take for granted what always should have been on the internet.

>Art trends are a way to attract easily impressed sychophants, this is just the way to get popular pm the internet, see Brazilian Miku.

>The walk back was delicious and I am glad the influence this cancerous activity has is waning.

>Some people just evolve in their fetish to include themselves. I am utterly flabbergasted with how many gainer fetish accounts there are on Tumblr alone.
(500 KB, 458x260, 1670287976321481.gif)
>This site has even bigger problem with blatantly underage users
Only in mind, Anon, only in mind.
>The walk back was delicious and I am glad the influence this cancerous activity has is waning.

Who walked it back? I know Chubbukie didn't, the cunt is still seething about lolishit even with the Plus Sized Elf anime. Methink he doth protests a bit too much.
>>DA gave up on that but oh boy if you draw Bea or Ochako, your stuff is erased with no warning.
Oh god please tell me DA nuking Bea drawings is true that'd be so fucking funny after the whole Jeetdoh thing.
> Muh culture

Chans have no inherit culture you raging autist
(2.1 MB, 498x280, 172859387630.gif)
Something occurred to me as I gazed upon the glorious aesthetics of this CHAD. He is just a ripped as fuck ayy. Nothing more nothing less. Obviously everyone can see that, and it's been criticized many times. What people failed to see however, was that therein lies the value. His simplistic, "boring" design was not an accident. It was a symbol. A symbol for his belief in absolute strength. You see, CHADren is unique among the many antagonists Goku faced in that he is simply strong. Nothing more, nothing less. He doesn't have weird gimmicks, he doesn't have fancy techniques that border on magic, his race doesn't have weird biological gifts, he doesn't have transformations. He's just fucking strong because he worked for it...
And with that raw strength he surpasses everything, no gimmick works on him, no transformation helps, even freezing him in time doesn't defeat him.
This thread is what happens when you don't listen to resident chads/Jirenscholars
>Claims IESLB
>Posts riddeled with errrors and nigbonics
>Posts MOEtsuna reaction image
>Uses millennia/zoomer ebonics out of peer pressure
>Probably a bejitaspic himself asshurt at the rant thread
>Sub nigger level intellect
Browner than my SHIT. Why do they pretend to be white on the internet, dragon scholars? It's becuase their ancestors were bVUCKED broken from being colonized. That's why they make sissy porn
Not gonna lie, he's just annoying on Twitter
No idea if he's a bad guy beyond being terminally online, but I think he married a model
(77 KB, 680x680, Joker 2024.jpg)
Y'all niggas should have never been taught to write english. This has been the worst thread I've seen in months.

I would hide these cesspits, but you drooling retards fill them as fast as I can mute them. The shear amount of fatherless dickless bitching and fagotry is beyond compare. I have been fucked up the ass by men less gay than you bunch of homosexual shit sluppers.

If you would do yourselves and everyone a favor and find a tall building to jump off of it.
>I have been fucked up the ass by men
Congrats on coming out of the closet anon.
(288 KB, 613x678, 20230407_235157.jpg)
>expectation: actual civility
>reality: straightup racism
I am surrounded by schizos.
>Y'all niggas should have never been taught to write english.
English is a proper noun, wrong kind of "sheer", what the fuck is a "slupper" and you misspelled "faggotry".
>you drooling retards fill them as fast as I can mute them.
>last thread started 7/16
>new thread started 8/29
Sorry you gotta hide a thread every 45 or so days.
You know, we forget what's important, talking and sharing the love of art. It shouldn't matter what part of the world you are from or your language. Racism is a retrograde idea used for war, and human beings love war, it's almost natural, but unless you're an idiot who keeps it up 24/7 on 4chan, or You have a very small penis or you live in Eastern Europe you should not be racist, and I say this because most of you live in developed countries.

What really leads a person to be racist?

And why the fuck would that have to influence drawings of a strange fetish?
Shut up inbred spic
Dragon scholars. End me
Jiren, I really hope you'll choke on your own piss and shit one day
Honestly, I'm glad I'm not as terminally online as you, because what the fuck does half of this shit mean? I understand Chan culture but this is just unfiltered schizophrenia.
I think you should just stop bothering with this thread, rule 14 of the internet, don't interact with trolls, it means they win
>>217984 MOGGED by the power of trust
It's just a poster from the dragon ball super threads on /a/
there's now a trend of artists selling merch l,seems like everyone is joining in and selling mediocre acrylic stands of there oc instead of there best drawings or sketch stickers.
(150 KB, 1080x944, Mr. Peanut did 911.jpg)
>>217410 (OP)
There this full resolution dilemma:
>Anons who incompetently download and archive crap in such dogshit resolution
>Anons who bitch and moan despite the fact that the artists refuse to dump their shit due to their echochambers crunch the quality of their doodles into Windows98 quality, not even in fucking Patreon they bother to dump their neglected sketches.
>When you ask for someone to upload the same image you posted in a better resolution, not a soul in sight
you mean the yorunoecchi stuff
Chances are random bbw models. Look at how accurate the anatomy looks compared to the uniform lineart and dogshit coloring. All of that are telltale signs of amateur tracing.

You spent half the fucking thread sperging out and NOW you want to spout this shit? Go fuck yourself, if you actually gave a damn about your own art instead of acting like an attention whore you wouldn't have gotten the vitriolic response.
(180 KB, 620x540, 1671071527128748.png)
I don't get why people like that stuff; is it just because it's a lot cheaper than something like Nendoroids?
>still not giving examples of alleged "tracing"
You are such a moron.
No, I see it too. I'm not going to go hunt it down but look at the skill gap between the Komi #1 pic and the #3 and #4. It's the only one that has a remotely correct body shape. #2 Is too weird to look at, fat girl is traced and leagues better drawn than the girl above her. On #3 and #4 pics the hair is drawn quite good, eyes look alright and everything from there falls apart. So at a minimum tracing going on for the head and hair, and then the Komi Pic is almost assuredly traced over another artist's work for the body.

The skill gap between the pics is multiple years of practice between the others. If they could produce work like the Komi one without tracing, they'd already be trouncing most AA level artists in the scene. It's a firm step above MetalForever, CookiesCat, etc. Artists who have been at it for many years. But the others aren't even A level.

Which sure, is fine, everyone starts somewhere. But the person drawing the Komi pic wouldn't want to share the others along with it if they had actually improved that much.

So, no racism needed and can do without another 50 posts of the 'artist' throwing a high school grade hissy fit or what the fuck ever. We can skip the apology speech, SevenBySeven already wrote it. Yadda Yadda, tracing bad, don't do it again, keep at it and you'll be there someday. 👍👍👍
(36 KB, 750x356, gfhjkk.png)
>"just pointing it out for people"
Oh fuck off with that.
>>218159 Please for the love of all that is holy, end it here.

>>218161 Why do all these transsexual or whatever-have-you's feel the need to be all holier than thou, when almost always they've got more skeletons in their closet than a graveyard?
>when almost always they've got more skeletons in their closet than a graveyard?
This is why.
(7 KB, 231x250, 1589008749246.jpg)
>Why do all these transsexual or whatever-have-you's feel the need to be all holier than thou
They aren't trying to be holier than thou, they're trying to gain a sense of power by taking from everyone else and effectively making more people just as miserable as them, leading to more joining their ranks.
>"Civil Discussion Thread"
>Makes shit up to stir the pot
There's a reason these used to be called Insane Ranting and Manbaby Theads.

I said this in the last thread but I really don't think there's anything deep about it, it's just a long-term ripple effect caused by shitty idiots like MistyStuffer who drew loli and then turned around, didn't separate fiction from reality and started creeping on IRL fat kids. Now everyone's convinced there's a slippery slope effect and so you have people running over themselves to prove they aren't a pedo like him and his ilk.

Yeah there's definitely more of a puritan rise on the internet but I feel like the whole "Loli conversation" happens more in this fetish space than any other, and it's probably because some of the most famous figures in this community just ended up doing weird stuff. On top of MS you have moments like Axel-Rosered drawing diapers and age regression in his art packs, RidiculousCake confessing to stalking a kid that looked like his humanized pony loli... fucking small incidents for sure, but I feel in the community conscious it's all adding up.
>Yeah there's definitely more of a puritan rise on the internet but I feel like the whole "Loli conversation" happens more in this fetish space than any other, and it's probably because some of the most famous figures in this community just ended up doing weird stuff. On top of MS you have moments like Axel-Rosered drawing diapers and age regression in his art packs, RidiculousCake confessing to stalking a kid that looked like his humanized pony loli... fucking small incidents for sure, but I feel in the community conscious it's all adding up.

I don't know if I'd agree it's "more in this fetish space than any other" since it seems to always follow anything involving anime or any eastern art
>since it seems to always follow anything involving anime or any eastern art
It invariably tries to but as someone with more fetishes than common sense I've noticed that the more niche and weird fetishes just never have any real blowback for underage/loli stuff out there, like the Transformation/Flattening/Squashing circle of kinks.
They all just draw it just fine, or simply refuse to without making any big sweeping morality statements. RidiculousCake is part of that bubble as well and he's still their most celebrated creator, pretty much all his haters are pretty much the fat fetishists.
A part of that may come down to "realism" of the fetish subject. Obviously it's all fictional, but things like flattening or whatever are in a completely different sphere in terms of feasibility compared to just fattening someone up.
You loli whiners just need to accept that nobody will ever find wanking to drawings of children 13 or younger to not be creepy. It's just gross, creepy, and weird. Even if you want to throw around the "they aren't real people!!!11!!1!!" BS, it's still gross and weird because you're still attracted to seriously underaged bodies. You guys are disgusting, and that's that.

Touching the poop/feeding the troll but whatever.

People like you are just ass mad there are people who aren't whipped like you and draw what they want.
No one here is disputing that it's weird, gross, icky, or morally messed up. What people are taking issue with is artists going out of their way to try and publicly start shit when almost all of them are guilty of engaging with similar material. They're casting stones from glass houses while trying to act as morally superior and arbitrate who is and isn't okay to associate with.

If you don't like someone for what they like/draw, you don't have to associate with them, but you also don't have to publicly announce it like a fucking twit.

He says while on a fat fetish forum
I don't care for loli in any sense and that's not what I'm talking about when I bring it up. Earlier today I saw someone have a panic over Komi Can't Communicate art because apparently the character's canon age is 17? I never saw it but it's silly
I hate how we organize stuff on this board. A billion threads for super popular characters will survive despite the fact their art is easy to find but a post about archiving niche or older artists will die out in like an hour. this shit stinks man
I feel this is a false equivalence. Obviously just about any fetish is degenerate to some degree, but claiming you can't find one fetish weird because you have a different fetish is silly. For instance, having a fat fetish, and having a scat fetish are both bizarre, but would you say they are equally so?
>Now everyone's convinced there's a slippery slope effect and so you have people running over themselves to prove they aren't a pedo
Reminder that "slippery slope" is a logical fallacy.
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Blog incoming; my experience this week:

>Be me
>Notice one of my favorite /bbwalt/ artists posted a new piece over the weekend
>Really enjoy it as it reminds me of a paid comic they made in 2018
>Have been a part of their discord for a while but mostly as a lurker
>Express my enthusiasm for the new piece and share a cropped panel from said comic in an effort to foster discussion
>Immediately get scrutinized by a mod for doing this
>"U broke da rulez, no paid content >:("
>Apparently it's against the rules to share anything that's not clearly visible in the official previews which again, are from 6 fucking years ago
>This apparently is done to discourage people from being "inspired" to commit the heinous act of media piracy
>Mfw my post gets deleted and I'm later threatened with a ban for speaking up about it

Artists are very stupid and unserious people.
makes one really double down on the piracy, eh?
Literally and morally speaking yes because neither are happening IRL.
It is fine to have personal preferences for subjective things.
This thread is why feudal lords prevented peasants from learning to read or write.
There is a frighteningly high likelihood that you, at the bare minimum, have sent creepy DM's to kids on discord. It's always the case with faggots like you who whine incessantly about loli.
People are going to pirate anyway by virtue of them fans. I get not wanting to share 'paid content' on official channels, but shutting down someone who talks about so much as a glimpse of it out of fear that it might encourage others to seek it out through unauthorized means is so utterly repulsive. It's just not a real concern.
*of them being fans
"The invention of one point perspective was the greatest mistake in western art history." - A feudal lord, probably.
>shows small snippet of artist's prior paid work to promote discussion
>great advertisement potential
>"No you can't do that, someone might think about pirating it."
How terrified do you have to be of piracy to think advertising is a bad idea? I am genuinely at a loss here.
>are from 6 fucking years ago
Those that paywall hard continue to shoot themselves in the foot.
Also kind of funny they'd rather something they made get completely erased off the internet then allows others to distribute it for free about half a decade or more later.
But yet that patreon grift number isn't quite rising fast enough for them, HMMMmmmmmm.....
Looks like Cozy's back
What is wrong with this sweetness admirer dude? He can just draw and not act like a retard.
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Which one of you did this?
Going off of the underrated artists discussion. What are some small artists that assuming that started uploading more consistently/some other factor would become more notable in the scene?
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SweetnessAdmirer had to get a medical procedure due to suffering from copium.
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Plot twist of the decade: The Slob Cabal was actually real. You heard that right. You all thought it was a myth, but no, it was real. A TLDR for those who are not chronically online: "The Slob Cabal" was a conspiracy theory people on chan sites made as a response to random sitings of never before seen slob art appearing on threads with no source or any explanation. People for some reason automatically jumped the gun, and assumed they were ALL from the same place like it was some treasure trove of secret slob art. Many other people knew better, that it probably wasn't this "Cabal" like people were saying, but rather just a whole bunch of interconnected webs of private commissions, small discord servers, private twitter accounts and DMS and relics from long lost Tumblr accounts. But of course that didn't stop some of the the more "determined" people. The delusion even went as far as some people thinking there was an actual physical discord server that could be archived on Kemono, and everyone including myself thought it was absurd that people even believed in it that much that they were trying to create web archives out of something that didn't even exist. But boy were we wrong. A couple days ago, more and more people came out of the woodwork to post some previously unseen sketches by Darkfireballz (Even though some of them were actually somewhat vanilla but hey I guess it's more "The Secret Fat Art Cabal") and it was to a degree that felt like SOMETHING changed, and that they clearly must have all been acquired from one place. Not long after, a bombshell was dropped: The Slob Cabal was real *insert WhiteBeard meme here*. Not only that, but they closely monitored BBWchan for any leaks before there were eventually too much and someone had a mental breakdown and burned the whole thing to the ground. Now for a second, smaller thing I might as well get off my chest: Since I guess since this whole thing is in ruins, might as well share a secret of my own. I'm actually an artist in the community and have been doing so to get popular/get friends in the community, not because I actually wanted friends or to be popular, but because I noticed how gatekeepy so much of this community has become and I wanted to be a people pleaser so I could potentially get a slice of that pie. Finally uploading art for myself was really just knocking out two birds with one stone, it's something I've been meaning to do for a while. I had no idea that the slob cobal itself was actually a real thing though, all evidence led me to believe it was a myth, so really all I was doing was just trying to make friends and hope they'd eventually accept my follow requests on their private accounts. And no, I'm not gonna reveal who I am. I'm way too unpopular so even if I said my handle all I'd get as a response is a "Literally who?", and even if my little operation is essentially a bust, I still did enjoy my time drawing, so there's no point in burning everything down (It would be kind of hypocritical of me to do so after the reactions to the slob cabal vanishing wouldn't it?). So yeah, bit of an interesting day for terminally online degenerates like ourselves innit?
I see that you dabble in slob or care about it enough compared to most artists and that leads to the unpopular alt account named,
Is he even popular? All I know about him is a crying about character age. Which is a one step from making a Bernie bro tattoo.
They don't like attention drawn from advertising unless it's the result of actions they themselves control. I can't imagine why else you would adopt such strict yet obtuse rules for discussing your art. What's funny is that, after my post was deleted, they later shared the official preview even though they haven't done anything with the characters from said comic since it was first posted.
I'm late coming to this realization but: artist discord servers, whether its tied to their patreon or not, are small business fiefdoms that do nothing but serve the most narcissistic impulses of the artist.
Yep, and it looks like he won the battle over his drinking problem; good for him.
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If you're going to vomit up a bunch of schizobabble, at least have the common decency to break it up into several paragraphs.
>Feffero-kun quit and no one cared outside Twitter
It's the internet, nobody matters. Nothing lasts either. Specially in a porn community.

The moment you stop posting, you'll be forgotten, regardless of skill. And if you weren't skilled in the first place, you never mattered. Welcome to being an online artist.

The internet truly doesn't replace real life.
So what? No screenshots or anything? You gotta post actual evidence rather than than a long winded story about some people commissioning slob art in the shadows and not show proof of it
I didn't post "Evidence" because what would that be? I wouldn't be able to be post screenshots of it because 1. I wasn't the one who had access to it, and 2. It was burned to the ground, and the people in it at the time wouldn't have felt the need to randomly screenshot a server they're in. Also I'm not posting the found art here because, well, it's slob and other nasty shit and this isn't the alt board. If you really want to dive a bit deeper, more stuff was documented on the Darkfireballz thread in alt.
Honest to god I had no idea just how much word vomit I put down. Didn't anticipate how unreadable that shit would be lmao
why hasn't Kip uploaded yet what is going on?
>chan sites
Feel free to ignore this post, it's tourist schizobabble.
Twitter is the artist hangout now and there's not much to say outside of people wishing him well on his announcement. He might be one of the few artists within this sphere that managed to exit with grace and I respect that.
This is your brain on slob fetish.
You sound like a queer trying not to be a queer. I can't place why.
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Never-mind. It was a hoax. It's not real.
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On behalf of all Gen Z I am so sorry for what our kind are doing
What do you think about Sweetness admirer art? Is he really big enough to shittalk?
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This may be shouting into the void but are there any artists you like but wish would post more than once in a blue moon? It’s annoying as fuck to me to find someone I like but there’s nothing new for months
no clue why the first image uploaded 3 times. Sorry about that
>>219804 Good Lord, I'm only slightly younger than this guy, wtf.

>>219817 SNA is a hypocrite like a good amount of western artists. From what I've noticed, if an artist's Twitter is just full of political slop or self-deprecation, woe is me bullshit, it's not worth looking in to. A good example is StrongerMoist for the self-deprecation, and there's way too many for the political slop.
To be fair, Miramiraclerun is suffering from some major health shit I'm pretty sure
What the fuck happened to him anyway? He barely even posts two or three drawings a year
How dense do you have to be to read " major health shit" and then ask why the guy doesn't post that much in a year
I understood the comment, retard. I just asked what happened to him specifically, did he talk about this or whatever?
God, seeing one of favorite artists unable to draw due to something out of his control really sucks
We do a little gate keeping. Now get out tourist fag |---|
The fuck happened to nihijack?
Was the rumor about them being some plant real?
Nah, they were just hit by a literal fucking deluge of IRL problems and mishaps and things are in a weird position now.

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