
Never been to one of these threads so early lol
Second message motherfuckerss
(262 KB, 1661x929, ce96b056ce461a0bad890e04c13b5de5a2b7c8a818debcfcad32226071323b05.png) (1.8 MB, 2632x3087, a0f4b35676aef5bbe2003cb98f5b4484a86b7be299e8086127dba795003bea62.jpg) (3.0 MB, 2514x4071, 664efbeeccc9dafcc9aae42a7f92eec9c98b64e7c84bdd6b9dcdd1579bf3581b.jpg) (2.6 MB, 1485x3032, 94e3558d01a765e287fd81c034e1131e9a02fd5282a20d5a1f81ce7ab1c54be0.png) (2.8 MB, 2500x3148, 3e3fa78f01c2085b6e543c31adc5675246d2aadc020d2d93373dfad6cd40e542.png) (621 KB, 1698x1696, 0fbee4db4d1b445709b3948de8b2fc8231e8ed66ad3db82b8ee860569c0cf3d2.png)
Why the fuck did you delete our messages? Are you retards?
Idk why pew drew Halie fat, he should’ve drawn her as a total slut sucking dick and saying how it’s way better than feeding nat. #makehaliestraight
Fuck off, American hetero
If she’s that short no wonder he’s so big
Imagine, i you will, Halie being forcefed by all the other salt OCs until she's bigger than any of them, thank you for your time
(2.5 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_2423.jpeg)
Let’s say, hypothetically. Halie was into harsh BDSM, and she decides to punish Chloe for eating something that was meant for nat. And she wanted to whip Chloe and bondages up Chloe… cause halie must provide punishment.
Let’s also say, hypothetically, that you will commit suicide over this god awful take
Let’s also say hypothetically, can someone post the new art from his patreon?
Where’s the weight gain comic part 3??
Stop with this fucking story already, we talked about it like 10 times
Eh, It's great but I don't like it when he draws that kind of belly
> appears to be multi-year timeskip
lol she has oneitis, point at her and laugh
Those are some top tier arms
Where are you getting multi year timeskip from? She just says she'd been single for years, I doubt she was fresh off a breakup at the start
>>214961 You counted? It's also still content that isn't incessant bickering.
Mf that underboob fat is bodacious
Yesss. Conversely, it always irks me that artists can lavish so much on the chest, torso and hips, only to then give her stick-like arms.

I'm not a fan of flabby arms where the flab starts bunching weirdly by big, smooth and rounded arms? 100%
I need the next page immediately. This whole comic is like crack to me
Final page should be an established wife just picking up her usual massive order from her hubby~
(487 KB, 948x364, slit.png)
Slit spotted!!!!

I need a full body shot of her in this dress, dude
Is BWS gonna use the same background over and over again? I know this is a smaller project, but I mean...I wish he put some more effort into it
You ask too much of him. The setting is literally a girl going to a fast food restaurant repeatedly, of course it's not going to vary much. And besides, it's not like it's low quality artwork anyway!

I’d be impressed if she becomes bigger than chole
Bro no one is here for the background
we cant read th combo poster
It looks the same as the previous one but with fries and a drink
I wonder if the implication is that this is what the girl is ordering
Bro breaking out his calipers here, haha.
Same here. When artists give fatties thin arms it’s uncanny as fuck.
I'm actually quite happy he's using the same background. The sense of scale in the final piece will be amazing compared to the first piece
I just want Chloe to meet Courtney and Sarah somehow, simultaneously.
Preferably at the beach, without their plus ones in the immediate vicinity.
>the gang (original cast) go to the beach
>chloe beaches herself and falls asleep, rest of the gang go to grab second breakfast or something
>through sheer gravitational pull, or some geographical oddity that attracts ussbbw’s, Courtney and Sarah end up meeting each other and chatting just over Chloe’s head
>pan over to gang chatting with Courtney’s girlfriend and Sarah’s man, each respectively towing their wagon of suitably beachy drinks and provisions to their land whales
>sammy subconsciously notices she’s the fattest friend in the group when Chloe’s not around
>immediately feels skinny again when she sees the three of them together over crowding the beaches real estate all on their own.
>>215122 I've said it before, and I'll say it again, BWS is at his best with his OCs (not sure about Sammy though, due to the Undertaker stuff).
Is Sarah the name of the new girl or are you thinking of Selene?
I think Sarah is the redhead with freckles
Yeah, my bad. For some reason I always want to call her “Sarah Silverman”, Selene is more Berkeley than I think of her from her portrayals lol.
Is the read head from brookes comic canon to salts characters? I thought she was like the goth girl: someone else’s commissioned OC.
>sammy subconsciously notices she’s the fattest friend in the group when Chloe’s not around
Compared to her tennis friends?
Olivia/Brooke (redhead/brunette from Tipping The Scales) are BWS's OCs (they have no characer sheet yet).
Sarah (who has a characer sheet) is the OC of a commissioner, she looks like Olivia.
Who the fuck is Sarah? There's no Sarah
>sammy subconsciously notices she’s the fattest friend in the group when Chloe’s not around
Small correction: Nat is fatter than Sammy
Not when I'm done with her
salt needs to learn to shade everything he makes has such bland shading
also he could do with less blobs
>Salt needs to learn to shade
Fucking insane take
>>215262 That's bait. Good lord, get this shit out of here already. This is one of the reasons why the BWS thread is sometimes more deranged than Community Salt.
Everyone is focusing on the shading part of this take but less blobs? He barely does them
salt spreading bait to distract from the TRUE issues

Be better if he'd stop using the filters/overlays/textures and stick to regular shading. I like his flat color work better.
he can get more cartoony with his flats but his fully rendered pieces look like you can really reach out and touch the fat, which is a plus for me
What the hell is this drawing?
Some days are better than others. I’ve always liked the simpler sketch drawings like this.
Damn he did this quick.
This was literally on the sketch stream today
I don't care that much about the katawa shoujo girls but the first one I guess
I like pink hair and drills
>>215319 You've never heard of Katawa Shoujo, have you? Let alone Lily?
I know Katawa Shojou, bruh. My question was more like...what's the point? It's not a fully shaded drawing, it doesn't have a background, it just shows 3 girls saying something
Oh, I almost forgot the Steam shirt
3rd those wide hips and legs look amazing and they combine perfectly with that big belly stretched by those thick hips and waist, plus those nice boobs
You know yesterday was a day he normally wouldn’t have posted anything, right? He only does full art posts Tuesday, Saturday, and every other Thursday. Yesterday was an “off” Thursday. It was a bonus post. But hey, gotta bitch about something, right?
I literally asked why the hell this drawing exists, you don't need to go all pissy on me. I've just found out the game was released on Steam, so...thanks for not helping, retards
>I know I was being a retard, but you don't need to call me a retard, retard
>Why does the artist make art??
Oh, so this what being mocked on a chan board feels like...I guess I expected more
Look, buddy, I'd gladly call you a nigger, but the way you're acting really saves me the effort.
Welp, you already called me a nigger so I don't give a shit anyway
For a minute I thought we were gonna reach 100 without any stupid fucking drama but oh well
It’s crazy that this shit-ass coloring I did keeps getting posted in here lol
Whoever made it, they tried at least pft
It was literally made by the comment above yours...
This is pudgy princess isn't this just a sketch upgrade
>>214860 (OP)
Hey faggot, learn how to use a fucking thread subject. Stop putting thread titles in the name category.
Lurk 1000 more years before you make a thread.
>>215676 All the other threads are like this dumbass, quit sperging out ffs
He does this every single time. It literally doesn’t matter lol this is a porn board for fat cartoon women, he should spend that energy on something irl
He has a point, it makes searching for the thread hard for literally no reason.
ESL retards here will never figure out the difference between name and subject
It's still the most recent art bws posted
God, it's insane how good BWS's Zelda stuff is. Been meaning to try to put together a "dub" edit of TOTW with AI voice cloning, but it's a deceptively large project lol
Is this a explicit to anything?
yeah. the mount lady image from awhile back
Oh this is nice.
Love Mt.Lady without her Mask
Damn, she looks gigantic, all that fat looks amazing!
Look at all the other threads, they're all the same format. You stupid?
You will not believe what her quirk is
Ik lmao it was just a pun
i miss green hair burger women
Good lord if your complaining about not seeing her after a week your going to be balling when the comic ends and they only get a piece once every 2 years
It's nice but I feel like it would work better if she was trying to squeeze through something, like a shower or a door maybe. Oh weell
Would've been 10/10 if her belly was placed on top of something like the original. Like a table or a bathroom sink
I wanna be isekai'd as one of Chloe's sisters, get fatter than her and bully her for being a twig.
>>216070 Chloe doesn't have any siblings in her bio card
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped
Why the fuck is a character being 30 a problem for yall, I'd get if it was maybe like 40+ but 30? 🤣
im not complaining, older women are hot.
32? This is why you’re the best salt
$14.99 for a MEDIUM pizza?
Damn, I really hoped she would've stayed young...hard pass
I thought salt doesn't do inflation, what the fuck, man?
Shes a mature fatty nice ;)
First time he states the age of his characters
Please, salt, if youre here. Make her a fat fuck Next week and my Life is yours
More cute hand dimples
welcome back, jeffrey epstein
My brother in christ, that's still 14 years older
My brother in christ you come off as to want to do something with somebody who is only 14 years older
I love it when mods delete funny arguments.
40's the new 20 anyway.
(2.1 MB, 2935x2096, Chlo_Crush.png)
Retards. This changes nothing. I will bully Chloe for being skinnier than me and I will turn Sammy into a dyke.
Anyone who puts the Thread title as the Name instead of the subject should be permabanned for trolling.
>He does this every single time. It literally doesn’t matter lol this is a porn board for fat cartoon women, he should spend that energy on something irl
Making it difficult to fucking find the thread in the catalog is a problem, and you mouth breathing ESL faggots need to kys.
>>216203 (me)

>Look at all the other threads, they're all the same format. You stupid?

And for your information, it is NOT the same format as the other threads. Putting the thread title as the name makes the thread unsearchable in the catalog because it makes the fucking title not appear.
For fuck's sake, are we back to erasing comments again? I might as well do this...janitor, you're a faggot
(994 KB, 2504x1661, DoubleVal.jpg)
always wondered how BWS's OCs would translate from illustration to 3D so used some AI and photoshop to guesstimate how Val would look IRL
Wow, I...honestly expected worse? The face kinda looks like crap but everything else is fine
What was the AI used for this?

- img2img on stuffer.ai with BigBellyBabes v2 model
- kera.ai for free and easy enhancing and upscaling
- photoshop generative ai to for last touches to replace and fix weird ai shit

it was way easier than I thought to do TBH
Jesus christ yall are horny for the green haired lady
(9.9 MB, 2935x2797, Under the Hood.png)
She's real popular lately She's getting another piece this Saturday bro
Hoshou Marine my beloved!!
That button window....that's nice.
Also I hope we get more ass focus in the next one because it looks like she's getting wider too
sounds good another would be Sammy asks Hailey to be her taste tester and starts to fatten up over time
Oh that's a good one too!
Wow top tier shading, lights, textures and details omg
Is this Kumiko from hibike euphonium?
(53 KB, 717x827, 20240823_173937.jpg)
>refusing to just tell men outright u wanna go out with em
truly the most Womanly Woman Moment of them all.
I always wanted to date a older millennial woman with dyed hair.
How is he not busting all over the counter just imagine you where in the dudes position and a girl was thirsting this hard
Most overrated artist by a country mile, this guy is excellent at drawing plastic dolls, which is unfortunate as he's drawing real humans
shut the fuck up and go jerk it to metalforever
ehhh salt is better than metalforever ill give you that
(still overrated)
Eehh every artist is shit, don't project your insecurities to us
Metal is a vorefag and therefore worse by default
Salt is just a artist everyone can enjoy because he legit just draws hot fat girls. There's no slob, no vore nothing to kinky just hot fat girls in hot situations.
>>216464 you poiably haved sex with a homosexual
&& yea i masturbate
Amazing, its great to see another pov more belly types, she looks gorgeous and chubby!
Holy shit

Here, god, you should be takin notes! Make more girls like this, please
Raare BWS piece wear she's wearing her panties over her belly, I am gonna cum profusely and cherish this forever
God those underboob rolls
Probably not, just being diverse in belly shapes
Is this the weekly page or will we still be getting something on Wednesday?
(120 KB, 409x700, BONUSSKETCH.PNG)
We'll still get something next week. Not sure if she'll gain more weight or not but it's still going to happen. Salt's probably just experimenting with her (Sketch caught from his stream). Hopefully we'll get some office/corporate wg themed shenanigans with her.
what body type, have the new hamburguer oc, like an apple or is something else in the feederism?
pls pls pls wear her sluttiest dress when she finally does it
>>216564 Love how her belly looks
It's not even 'I weigh to much i need to lose weight' it's 'Before I get even bigger' she just accepted being a hog. 😍
i mean if you like bowls of jello yeah

his recent burger sequence is the first piece in ages i like because it doesnt have a girl become a nonhuman slime blob creature and the shading doesnt look like a barbie doll in the sun
keep it up even though I know hes just gonna upload nat or whatever her name is acting like a quirky haes activist
>the first piece in ages i like because it doesnt have a girl become a nonhuman slime blob
>I know hes just gonna upload nat or whatever her name is acting like a quirky haes activist
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about
Ignore the schizo poster.

He has some sort of massive hate boner for Salt.
curious, you say i have a hate boner, and yet i spoke positively of his work in that exact post
how bizarre
Why tf do you talk like that
"Guys I don't have a hate boner, the new comic is alright 😭."
(11 KB, 300x168, images (2).jpeg)
Did all that jerking to fat bitches make your brain swell up a bit?
How many more pages are we getting?
the guy's unsure. i say he rejects her and then we get blob zone
Nah I'd say she will probably end up at a size maybe between Sammy and Nat I doubt she will get as big as Chloe or Courtney unless the dude is into that
Bruh...what a fucking disappointment, I had higher expectations for an ending
Here ends Salt's most boring sequence.
Wait this is it just a OH BOY I SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT SOONER ._.
huge cope, but I think she's definitely getting fatter. prob flash-forward to them being a couple and her still visiting him while he works
Salt announced it was going to be 5 parts from the start so this is the last one. He did make an extra part a few days ago so who knows if there'll be another one as an epilogue soon. I guess he'll come back to it later down the line like he did with Selene

Reminder that there's another FFTE project that has been teased for months coming soon which should be longer than this
Salt, again with his tactic of not making characters too big for profit in the long run
his main problem right now is that he makes all his "canon" sizes basically the same. So you have to wonder what's the point in having so many OCs at all
Unironically the idea of that sounds low key kinda peak.

Like, working at a fast food place while your fat gf comes in to visit you and pig out.

Idk maybe it's just me lol
And the winner for biggest weight gain sequence letdown is : BETTER WITH SALT!!!!
If salt wanted to make her not as big he should have just done a slow gain sequence like he did with losing control so the smaller size would feel bigger and the fact (even if some people might find this hot) she even admits the whole thing was avoidable just makes it feel so anti climactic.
Also there's to much emphasis on that hand this prick is fishing for compliments
I know we got that extra picture a few days ago, but I wish she was also more...you know, visible in this sequence. 2/3 of her belly are hidden by the fucking counter
(4.4 MB, 2561x3773, IMG_4031.jpeg) (6.1 MB, 2347x2236, IMG_3989.png)
Guess who’s gonna get nude alts……? (had to break the whole bitching with something else.)
>>217042 would be beautiful if Courtney's nude alt is placed after the buffet date, so she looks even fatter
Good one. (I’m not trying to be mean, like genuinely, good one)
Are you legit blind?
This wasn't mean to be a big project like Losing Control though. It was a cute little 5-part sequence and we knew that from the start, not sure what people even expected.
>she even admits the whole thing was avoidable just makes it feel so anti climactic
She's shy. The guy is oblivious. After several attempts to ask him at the fast food joint he works at her weight starts snowballing until she realizes she was being oblivious herself too. It's seriously not that deep, look why Brooke and Selene gained weight and up as blobs
He likes drawing hands, in case you hadn't noticed up until now
This was so fucking good.

My point is that she just does not feel big enough. I'm just comparing this to losing control because it feels like it did the smaller size thing better and im assuming salt just wants more variety in his ocs sizes, but Sammy feels massive by the end because we spent a lot of time with her being thin, so when she balloons she feels massive and even though she is definitely fat here, salt has drawn mostly 800+ pound blobs for the last month, It's like if Saxxon decided to drop a regular sequence, it'd feel wrong because most of his sequences feature girls the size of fucking city's. (And I know that's a over exaggeration of what bws puts out but I'm trying to get my point across.)

Also secondly, it feels so anticlimactic for the ending to just be 'sure' and 'wow this was avoidable' and I feel like it'd feel a lot more complete if we maybe got to see them on a date, and even if we do get that at some point it still wouldn't change the fact the actual ending to the comic was mid.
And I know it was never planned to be a big thing but regardless of that it doesent change the fact it was poorly executed.
>This wasn't mean to be a big project like Losing Control though. It was a cute little 5-part sequence and we knew that from the start, not sure what people even expected.
The Selene sequence shoots this logic down because it also wasn't a major project, yet was still more fulfilling than this 5 parter was.

>It's seriously not that deep, look why Brooke and Selene gained weight and up as blobs.
Neither of them have ever been blobs. The only blob Salt has ever done was Nikume at the end of her sequence.
(2.6 MB, 2108x1099, Untitled176_20240828024444.png)

Also, if you look at this for the past 3 pictures and over half the run time she looks like she's still a very similar size and that's over half the run time of the comic (even if the extra part isn't technically a part of the comic, it still contributes to my own mental image and this is my opinion.) I'm not saying she is not big enough I'm saying she just does not feel big enough. We should have gotten more time with the slim version to make the bigger version feel bigger. The progression feels bad.
I regret mentioning losing control so much because the page number is not the problem, it's the pacing, Even if I do think it's, I'm in dire need of an epilogue.
So yeah my final thoughts on the opinion nobody asked for. The first 3 pages are really good but it hangs on the same size for to long, and the ending is terrible.
And I get that the bonus part isent a part of the comic, but it still contributes to the timeline and its still to much time to spend with the larger sizes.
>My point is that she just does not feel big enough. I'm just comparing this to losing control because it feels like it did the smaller size thing better and im assuming salt just wants more variety in his ocs sizes, but Sammy feels massive by the end because we spent a lot of time with her being thin, so when she balloons she feels massive and even though she is definitely fat here,
The jump between each stage was consistent. If you expected her to become super huge out of nowhere then I don't know what to say beyond pay more attention next time
>salt has drawn mostly 800+ pound blobs for the last month, It's like if Saxxon decided to drop a regular sequence, it'd feel wrong because most of his sequences feature girls the size of fucking city's. (And I know that's a over exaggeration of what bws puts out but I'm trying to get my point across.)
Yeah but Salt has tried to be varied regarding the sizes he draws. We get people here complaining all the time he draws too many blobs just like we get people complaining he doesn't draw them enough. You really can't just expect him to stick to the same sizes for everything
>Also secondly, it feels so anticlimactic for the ending to just be 'sure' and 'wow this was avoidable' and I feel like it'd feel a lot more complete if we maybe got to see them on a date, and even if we do get that at some point it still wouldn't change the fact the actual ending to the comic was mid.
She literally tried to ask him out before but was unable to. Did you read the damn thing? I'm not sure how is it so hard to understand that she was too shy to ask him out directly in the past?
>The Selene sequence shoots this logic down because it also wasn't a major project, yet was still more fulfilling than this 5 parter was.
The Selene sequence was initially conceived as as 3 parter though. After finishing it he got ideas to make 3 more parts and released them a month later. The original sequence was literally just Selene gaining weight to get curved and then ending with her gaining too much...that was it.
>Neither of them have ever been blobs. The only blob Salt has ever done was Nikume at the end of her sequence.
Fine then, USSBBW works better you?
Truth is, you fucks just fried your brains with blobs. It's a perfectly fine sequence lmao

Keep going on that direction and the only thing able to lift your limp ass dicks will be Saxxon.

Fucking hate blob fags, man.
Sigh... Every time a new piece from Salt gets brought out, none of you are even remotely happy. So she isn't as big as you thought, SO WHAT? I don't care, I'm just here for big ladies.
Whoever said these threads get absolutely insufferable when a comic is going on was absolutely right. You'd easily think Salt is doing Kip-tier comics or something
Honestly after digesting it a lil better I just think the 4th part (despite it being hot) doesent show her size off well enough the bonus part makes it so we spend to much time with the larger sizes causing the 5th part to feel like she hasent developed enough and the 5th part feels anti climactic because we never even got to see them go out on a date the first 3 pages where amazing and its easy to see why people where going so nuts about it but the final 2 where fumbled and the bonus part should have never been a thing all it needed was no bonus part so we spent more time with the smaller sizes to make the bigger sizes feel bigger and given it a more climactic climax because if im being straight most of us aren't here for the story and the ending just being 'ok' feels boring and we shouldent have to wait possibly years to see a satisfying amount of the relationship and the guy should have probably been shown so we could see some spicier interactions between then like we can with val or Courtney and Shannon (ext) it just feels poorly planned out
Couldent be bothered to structure this since this is the post nut clarity talking
Im hoping for some form of epilogue (Stream sketch or actual piece).
>>217061 It's just the course of the BWS threads since December. Even Community Salt is more tame.
having to actually go into the bws thread and scroll up a wall of incessant manbabies whining about fictional fat woman just to look at the original image of the newest drawing jesus fucking christ shut up community salt is right there

Ending wasn't up for the hype, now to beg for her to get more pieces in the future.
It's not even a comic it's a sequence there's a big difference
Awesome piece damn, they're finally together!
Meanwhile y'all more than happy to suck BWS's dick even if he fucks up...damn, I really fucking hate SSBBW fags
>>217081 You're complaining about the littlest things at this point, like all the others.
We're allowed to be not happy with what we got.
(49 KB, 800x644, IMG_7237.jpeg)
ITT: gift horse dentistry. Fucking shut up already, if you all hate Salt so much why are you even here. He literally said from the start this was just a little in-between project and that shit was repeated in these threads. What are you even mad about.
What's wrong with the ending though, genuinely? The comic was about her wanting to ask this guy out, and at the end she finally got the confidence to do so. That was the character arc, that was the obvious end point. So what's the issue?
You people are always never satisfied so what’s the point in not picking
The point is that we want BWS to change for the better, but if he and his other fans won't listen to us we'll just fucking boycott him. Is this easier for your dimwit brain to process?
Yes, the whole thing was pretty straightforward from the start
Are you gonna get him to listen to you by shitting a bbw-chan thread he doesn't give shit about instead of every other channel he actually uses?
I think there is a solution that doesn’t have a 100% chance of working yet it could get some traction. We need a new writer to come along that doesn’t have the wildness of doing blobs or dark wg stuff yet makes somewhat effective stories. (I am unsure about how bws feels about kinks that he avoids since his are generally wholesome or not dark) The writer shouldn’t be trash enough that he gets forgotten and is not getting any watchers. Reason why I say a writer is because both of salt’s helpers are writers and let’s say salt tries to increase workload or one of the helpers suffer from burnout like when they post about feeling overwhelmed, this writer could get into the game and give us what we want. This may be stupid and have 0 chance but if it’s done we got ourselves a possible new era. The chances bws will pick someone new to help him is slim but worth a try.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's actually bad.
>He literally said from the start this was just a little in-between project and that shit was repeated in these threads.
The Selene sequence was also an in between project, yet managed to be more fulfilling than this 5 parter was.

They're not the only one on this thread who didn't like it, several people have said how disappointed they were. There's obviously something wrong with what salt did if so many people are giving it shit.
>So many people
>5 people on a chan thread
Jesus fucking christ.
(1.6 MB, 4168x1329, FFTE Beach Bod.png)
I mean, you said it yourself. His friends and assistants write stuff, Salt himself has written stories too. There's no reason in his mind to get a new writer
>The Selene sequence was also an in between project, yet managed to be more fulfilling than this 5 parter was.
As someone above already pointed out, the "5-part (actually 6) Selene sequence" was just 3 parts at the begginning and this is how it ends lmao
>They're not the only one on this thread who didn't like it, several people have said how disappointed they were. There's obviously something wrong with what salt did if so many people are giving it shit.
Yes, several people...on fucking bbw-chan. Come the fuck on
Even less if you take VPN out of the equation tbh
(4.9 MB, 2288x1556, Firmly Planted.png)
Oh no, he's gonna get boycotted... by people who weren't paying him for his art anyway. How will he ever recover.
The very bottom of this thread says there's 87 unique posters.
I don't give a shit, it's still extra money he will never obtain
Fat fetish artist doesn't make the bitch huge, probably to capitalize on the OC, after part 3 she barely grew, no all of us take any shit every artist on the community outputs, even worse if we let him slide with this kind of dumb strategy every time, what you want? Him starting to do a long ass comics were the characters never grow like Kipteitei's dogshit?
I will suck Salt’s dick for the rest of eternity because of the Zelda sequence
Also another reason to not like this page.
Her nails aren't painted black like they normally are.
Theres no silly little version of her to show her internal thoughts like the past 3 pages.

Honestly if bws confirmed there would be a epilogue soon I think people would calm down.
>Doesn't make the bitch huge
Motherfucker your brain is rotten to the core, she IS huge.
>Let him slide with this kind of dumb strategy every time
You created a conspiracy theory and are bitching about it.

>Her nails aren't painted black
Nail polish doesn't last forever fuckwit. Her nails aren't painted on every other part.
>No silly chibi for 3 pages
There was one on part 4
Come on, guys, how big do you want her to be? Saxxon levels of big or what?
Yeah, just as large as Saxxon's drawings but without the fucking shitty ass art style. I don't think I'm asking for a lot
>There was one on part 4
read the message again.
>Nail polish doesn't last forever
who gives a fuck, it feels inconsistent that she had it on throughout all the other parts and now she suddenly decides not to put it on, It's like if Courtney decided not to highlight her hair it'd feel wrong.
She didn't have nail polish in part 1. But more importantly, are you okay? Who hurt you?
You're the one who hurt me,obviously
>Are you legit blind?
no? outside of the few designated blobs like selene and courtney there's very little deviation between them except belly shape
>just as large as Saxxon's drawings
Salt is never ever going to do Saxxon tier hyperblobs, so if that's what you're holding out for you might as well just give up now.
I dident write this fuck off.
And to set the record straight bws hurt me.
>outside of the few designated blobs like selene and courtney
Neither have ever been blobs.

Saxxon is too much. Immobiles like what Salt did for the end of the Nikume and Zelda sequences are more reasonable to want.
Here this number will help:
fucking blobfags, every time
(20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)
That's it? That's the final part of bws' weight gain sequence Take Me Out?
Fucking chubbyfags, every time
Damn I was thinking of posting that
It's always nice to see violet with a gut.
(186 KB, 1280x1280, ffte__beach_bod_part_4_by_better_with_salt_df9i2hc-fullview.jpg)
I like it because its getting boring having the logical conclusion of each girl just becoming a hamplanet and no in-between beyond a single image.
like here, i would be perfectly content seeing more art of her at that third size just struggling to go for the walks she use to do every other day as she chugs another gainer shake out of her Hydroflask.
Agreed. Could be bigger 🙂‍↕️
It's just a bit of a letdown. The POV character is still a limp piece of lettuce even with a 10/10+400lbs with her pudgy hands practically pulling down his pants. It might just be me but it's odd writing material for FAs where the self-insert doesn't share your infernal lust for fat women. It's anticlimactic and denies any chemistry between the pair.
I would say the cardinal sin is that he hasn't tried anything new besides adding a couple dozen pounds and changing her outfit. We get one perspective in five images, no side view of her leaning on the counter, no chance to see that ass crammed into her jeans and practically no dynamism in the final pic. It could have been done better. Instead of rehashing the same pose, why not draw her smiling over her shoulder as she leaves the restaurant, telling him to pick her up at six and that she sure hopes that he doesn't drive a tiny hatchback.
Nice to see some gundam fats
This sketch makes me like the comic less because she's just referred to as 'take me out girl' showing that salt might have not even come up with a name for her.
I've never really cared for Selene but we should (hopefully) be getting a character sheet soon.
>It might just be me but it's odd writing material for FAs where the self-insert doesn't share your infernal lust for fat women. It's anticlimactic and denies any chemistry between the pair.
We have literal decades of content at this point, can you really call it odd? People simply don't like it
> would say the cardinal sin is that he hasn't tried anything new besides adding a couple dozen pounds and changing her outfit. We get one perspective in five images, no side view of her leaning on the counter, no chance to see that ass crammed into her jeans and practically no dynamism in the final pic.
We got an extra pic. We got a sketch.
>It could have been done better. Instead of rehashing the same pose, why not draw her smiling over her shoulder as she leaves the restaurant, telling him to pick her up at six and that she sure hopes that he doesn't drive a tiny hatchback.
What part of "small project in preparation of a bigger project" aren't you guys getting? It's a simple and straightforward sequence and we knew it from the start. That's why the background and POV is recycled through the whole thing. Seriously, I don't get what you guys were even expecting with this thing, whatever crazy ambitious thing you had in mind was never in the cards
Same for Val, Brooke and Olivia. Really, first it's about nail polish, now it's about names...
>That Miorine
FUG. Shit, I wish Salt had an OC shaped like that
mods please end this thread early for the love of God
finally! someone I can agree with.
Salt flubbed the final piece of the sequence. made her look weird. glad people are waking up and not sucking salts cock so hard now, he isnt perfect fellas
Yeah thats it, keep dick riding him, Bet his big hyped project will end with a bitch in the soggy 200s
>We have literal decades of content at this point, can you really call it odd? People simply don't like it
This doesent address the issue there mentioning, by showing that he doesent care for fat women (or atleast not mentioning it) really limits the possible interactions we could get in the future and also makes it harder to self insert with the self insert.
>We got an extra pic. We got a sketch.
And the actual comic left alot to be desired, and the extra page atleast in my opinion hurts the pacing of the timeline more than it helps it because we had spent to long with the same size making the ending feel anti climactic.
>What part of "small project in preparation of a bigger project" (ext)
Just because a project wasent planned to be big doesent mean we can't pull it on its flaws. The whole comic builds up to her asking the guy out on a date and we don't even get to see the date, the comic has no pay off it just ends, losing control had Sammy fully embracing her new life style, with tipping the scales we got to see Brooke become a massive slob, we got to see Shannon and Courtney embrace each other and see Shannon finally become comfortable with her new life style, with this we just get told 'Oh sure.' And then we never even get to see the fucking date. (And if we do it won't even be a official/planned part of the Comic.)
>first it's about nail polish, now it's about names...
Dude I'm just having fun discussing the comic Lmao.
Why do they hate the woman with short green hair?
We loved her to much so the fact the comic ended so abruptly was upsetting.
IE:this shit
+ the less funny comments.
Niggas out here acting like fatfag fattywank is a fucking Elden Ring boss On God y'all motherfuckers got issues
>This doesent address the issue there mentioning, by showing that he doesent care for fat women (or atleast not mentioning it) really limits the possible interactions we could get in the future and also makes it harder to self insert with the self insert.
The point is that you won't see that content no matter how much you cry about it. People don't like it, period. Self-insertfags need not apply.
>And the actual comic left alot to be desired, and the extra page atleast in my opinion hurts the pacing of the timeline more than it helps it because we had spent to long with the same size making the ending feel anti climactic.
>Spent too long
Friend, this is a 5-parts sequence. You have like a dozen posts here going and going and going about a 5 part sequence. You can barely even call it a story. You're looking way too much into what's meant to be a little and straightforward sequence for whatever reason. I'm not even gonna address the rest because what the fuck dude, these posts have more text than the damn thing
This is a lot more comparable to the first Selene sequence which was posted above really. It's a simple story and I have absolutely no idea what are you talking about when it was obvious how the whole sequence would go since part two. You're making this a lot deeper in your head than it was a ever meant to be, the girl wanted to date the guy and she asked him to out at the end. That's all
Refer to >>217264
bws is at his best when he's drawing cute little moments of intimacy and people are disappointed at how the latest sequence lacked that.
Nice job. She's so cute, it's a shame that the show is, you know.
when will salt admit he uses at least some AI in his work
because the sameness, weird shading and bad anatomy is probably explained by him using AI at the early stages
>bws is at his best when he's drawing (specific thing I like)
Good thing he posts PSDs at the end of every month so you can go schizo about AI use on a different thread

Patron sketches before the private ones?
>weird shading
>bad anatomy
Ok troll
Violet is honestly peak
Just my 2 cents: Maybe, if the 5th panel replaced the 4th one, and in the final one the girl was looking heavier and they were now a couple, then the finale wouldn't've been called 'underwhelming' and 'anticlimactic'.
motherfuckers are out here treating a simple, cute sequence of masturbation fodder like it's gotta be Serious Scholarly Literature lmao
Just open the fucking PSD files to see for yourself...oh right, you can't afford Photoshop anyway
Medibang paint can open PSD, although they come out weird
Why are you flexing paying for adobe products like it’s some luxury good? Who is actually going to be impressed by that?
I think it's less them flexing and more them shutting down the AI guy
I use Ibispaint sadly the psd files there don't open right, lately they just open as a full picture can't even acess the layers
am i a schizo for actually wanting that lucy pic to be a full art piece one day? the angle looks good, and the boob tease is excellent.
Yeah, I was shitting on him since he's not an artist regardless. Other programs support PSD files but they aren't anywhere near as good lmao
I'm glad that BWS spent more time than he usually does in the 150lb - 250lb range, but it's pretty dumb to end it there.

Or maybe he's doing it on purpose and there will be a sixth part. Who knows.
Jesus, yall are acting really weird about what was supposed to be a fun, small little sequence Salt wanted to draw.
I can't remember the last time I saw such a grand display of retardation on this board, you were promised a short sequence of girl getting fat, that's what you got, it genuinely does not matter if she didn't reach the size you've been conditioned to get off to, I don't know about you guys, but I actually like fat women, regardless if they reach the special number I like or not
Not bad piece, maybe a little too safe in terms of innovating with body types or fat rolls, a little plain, but still nice piece
It's literally a lewd of a pre-existing piece... what do you expect in terms of "innovation" when the base is already set
>>217470 Christmas season was probably the worst. Three threads were killed within a span of a month due to the 2023 Christmas artwork.
Love the mixture of cute and fappable this pic has goin on
The fuck did you expect from this? It's an explicit edit of an old drawing
It's not even the size, it's just the disappointing abrupt ending and the fact it doesent feel like she's grown much because of the bonus part so I never got the 'Wow she got huge' moment I personally had with the other comics.
Imma make a folder with all the art we have in this thread.

(There’s too many words 😑)
You really can't just back down can you. Does making your point to a bunch of annons who have absolutely no respect for you really matter so much that you can't just walk away?
Like I said I'm just having fun debating this topic. It's not like I'm heated or even care that much about it that much anymore, it's just fun discussing the comic.
Dawg, shut the fuck up. You're clearly getting way too upset over this. I love how you say that they should walk away when you could literally do the same and fuck off as this isn't benefiting you.
mods i'm begging you shut this down it's genuinely awful now.

Here it is!

ALL art on this thread up to this point. First time using gofile, so, I'm hoping everything works.
My guys, relax, you could try to communicate more softly, what I meant is that its not the same with and without clothes, she was wearing jeans hiding that belly just like the character from the last sequence we got and after getting the jeans off the belly can change of shape, I repeat I know its an explicit, but it could be nice yo see more changes in the shape, instead of only doing the plain body shapes of always.
It's a shame the show is Jewish garbage and they replaced the ginger with a nigger.
why so filled with hate? where in your life did you decide this is how youll act and think its okay
What the fuck are you talking about

Motherfuck, how cute is that one Wiz there
that Kara and wiz so good
I think ever since somebody started calling it the ""Salt" thread instead of "Better_with_Salt" or "BWS" people just mistook it for an actual Salt thread and just go ballistic for no reason.
When are we going to get Salt's rival Pepper? All heroes need their evil counterpart
>>217715 There is already a guy called WorseWithPepper, and surprisingly enough, it's who you think it is in the grand scheme of Fairy Tail artwork. No, I'm not kidding, LucyGuy is WWP.
You mean WorseWithoutPepper?
Shit bro, this lore is real deep. It could almost rival Kingdom Hearts
This is about to be hot and sexy I wonder if he'll use the same art style he did for the last comic or the green haired chick's wg sequence
Idk beach episode vibes, and his reluctance to draw his OCs near immobile size, maybe its just gonna be stuffing with a make out scene. After the lettuce let down i would keep low expectations.
Yeah I'm really hoping we don't have another repeat of this spergfest.
The beach setting makes me wonder if Selene is gonna show up too
Shes so detailed and sexy, it goes so hard, even the ice cream is fully textured, that face is gorgeous too, those lips and teeth OMG, that fat face full of gluttony.
This is going to be a waste of time if you're right, it's already a bad sign that it's called a side story and not a sequel comic. Calling it now that it's going to be the same sequence as the ending of Couple Stuff again only under a different setting with no growth.
Just another day of the chan sperging out over not every character turning into an immobile blob. I almost feel bad for the brainworms living in your skulls
oh boy a beach sequence, cant wait for her to become a blob, a whale, snd it will be like the burger sequence. surprised he's starting this so quickly but he does use AI for the base of his work so it makes sense he can pump out fast

i hope we dont get dusproportionate blobs and no weird fake bellies
The fact that Courtney is such a cheerful and bubbly girl and you guys want her to be immobile is insane. The reasons why Salt doesn't want his OCs to be full blobs aren't really hard to understand, especially since he only draws them at canon sizes. There's really only so much you can do with blobs.
He has been working on this one for months you fucking schizo. In case you weren't aware, he pumps stuff fast because this is literally his full-time job and has posts scheduled ahead of time
Bruh thinks hes morality superior on a site that has scat fags down the hall
Not once have I seen any evidence of him using AI to make his artwork. You're just projecting.
>>217790 He is right, you dumbasses nearly killed the thread whining over the weight of the character, as if it's gonna be the Mona Lisa of fattywank.
Salt has making making drawings of quality before ai art was even a thing though?
(1.7 MB, 3266x3152, Reference Sheet - Courtney.png) (1.3 MB, 2905x3152, Reference Sheet - Shannon.png) (1.4 MB, 3172x3152, e310bf1b30a0f917aa24d17bf9edb4a1043389e2a0638c5a1fcb76940e830c27.png)
Agreed, if you really want an OC to go immobile I'd say Val is a much better choices than Courtney. Seems like a natural progression of her too considering her personality and the kind of artwork she gets. Regarding Courtney I believe the one who needs more spotlight is Shannon, since the christmas comic teased the possibility of Shannon getting as big as Courtney
Shannon catching up and even surpassing Courtney could make sense, since A:Shes the only one with fat fetish on the relationship and B:Shes doesnt get standalone pieces like Courtney.
Now with a colder mind i want to be wrong with that, maybe they will travel for months on a honey moon or some shit.
I know this is rage bait but BWS works full time making art and has assistant help as well. Really shouldnt be surprising he can crank out a large amount of art consistently
When Is the kemono.su gonna be updated?
yeah i wasent schizo, this is amazing!
The importer has been stuck since a few days ago
As long as there’s more Courtney. She’s a very summery woman, she’s good for it.
Really curious to see how they stretch this out to 12 pages, despite the fact the longest couple stuff stuffings where around 6 pages.
Exposition, plot, flashbacks, internal monologues, belly play moments and of course eating montages, really theres alot salt can do if its not just purely a belly pic every panel, but i think these comics are 50% characters, 50% belly shenanigans so that can be a drag for those who just want guts
>Fast forward 1 year into their relationship and she's 2-3x her size
Yes. I approve of this.
I have a feeling this is going to be way better than the first comic bro
Anything would be better than the first comic bro
Dose anyone have the older images off Chloe like the ones from 2-3 years ago
Goddamn, we need more art like this
I remember Salt did a doodle of a chick having subs floating into her mouth, anyone have it?
This piece is honestly so underrated, I wish salt did more force feeding stuff
Again with the excessive hype...Salt usually post at night right?
thread's probably gonna die by the time it's up
I was actually expecting that the new comic would be about Nat and that was the reason for her being weirdly absent :(
Oh come on we've been waiting all day for this and there already edging us.
(I'm not trying to seem bitchy, I am hopeful for the future and it looks like it's going to be good.)
Damn i hope is focused on Shannon, since Courtney maybe immobile.
Look I know I probably seem like a negative cunt but I just want to put this out there.

Alot of things don't feel right here art wise or atleast it doesent feel like salt drew it.

The positions of the background characters are weird they put the 2 most relevant background characters by the speach bubbles so it just doesent read well, also Shannon is being portrayed as a silhouette so it just reads even worse. I understand the fact salt probably dident want to spend alot of time on a single pannel but the fact it feels like the background characters have more focus on them than the actual protagonists feels bad.

I have no clue what that thing on the top left of the 1st panel is, maybe I'm just dense but I can't for the life of me figure out what it's meant to be.
The 2nd panel is great.
the line art on the 3rd panel looks a bit shoddy and seeing as how clean even salts basic sketches turn out it just doesent look right also how the boob window and boobs themselves are drawn, also things like the hair.
Salt dident draw those hands on the 4th pannel.

I know I probably seem like a complete fucking winge bag but I'm just trying to generate discussion and putting my own thoughts out there. I'm very pleased with this page and the Courtney silhouette and text has me really excited for the next page I think it's probably better than 99% of wg comic pages and I understand why alot of these things might be the case, but I'm just trying to generate a conversation because its fun to discuss things your passionate about.
Not even a month and this thread is already bump-locked
>>218290 You should've seen what Christmas left

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