
We can all appreciate most of Kip's girls. Besides they're great in their own way.
Unfathomably based.
I'm gonna be fr, this page has 0 impact to me because Tessa's size barely, it at all changed for her dress to be even close to ripping.
Ahh, that fresh new thread smell.

Will the towel be thrown or will Tessa go all the way, and will she be carried off on a stretcher? We have a tumultuous week ahead of us!
If you like Saiya you’re crazy XD
What if like Tessa accidentally swallowed a rat and its in there fighting for its life 🤓
I mean, that's pretty unlikely, but given that this is Kip the possibility isn't 0...
It's obviously a food baby. Tessa ate so much she got impregnated.
>stomachs still the same size as they were before eating 2 challenge steaks
Delicious, finally some good fucking Tessa burps
The girls at the other end of the table really just phase in and out of reality, huh? No comment from them on a wardrobe malfunction like this at all.
Its the same exact page. It was on fire
Not dure if I'm digging this uncharacteristic mean streak of Aika. Haughtiness does not become her. It works well for Tessa's character because of her ego and the karmic comeuppance that comes with the regular bouts of humilation she suffers (which we knows she enjoys so all is well). For Aika? She doesn't really have that so it just comes across as being an unlikeable jerk.

And I get it, she sees Tessa as a rival to Saiya and want to put her in her place but the way we're going about it here feels off.
Nah, Tessa 100% deserves this from Aika of all people. She’s getting humbled. But yeah, it is out of character.
Yep, we reached Kips hardcap, wish the attention shifted to make Saiya pay for her actions
Which is crazy because we got peak scenes like No Take Out.
Fingers crossed that the next page is either Saiya or Aika force-feeding Tessa the steak.
While normally I would refute this, Aika being much more inclined to eat it herself than feed another, her character's pretty loose here so it may well happen.
Aika gets me harder the more she stuffs herself!
1. Why the fuck is Aika 10 feet tall in the last panel
2. Where the ACTUAL FUCK are the other two girls right now

This comic has pretty much always been pretty bad, but this is a new level. And yet, nobody seems to give a fuck?
1: Because Kip is retarded and sucks at anatomy
This is not what I was hoping for at all. Aika has gone to far and Saiya should be helping Tessa. I hope after this situation, Tessa gets bigger shoves it in Aika’s face
I feel like the pose was meant for Tessa, but Kip remembered that Saiya isn’t supposed to interact with her in public and changed it to Aika instead. As for the normies, I don’t know. Maybe Aika and Tessa ate them at one point. Don’t know what was the point of including them when they barely reacted to the madness before them.
Istg if Tessa gets forced into taking this photo instead of declining I’m gonna be heated
If the reason for the normies just not existing is that Tessa and Aika ate em I can live with that rather then them just not existing till Kip needs them to
The consistency problem is getting worse, pretty much kills any hype for the future of this crappy comic
I’m genuinely curious on how Aika has “gone too far” since Tessa is literally doing this to herself. Everything bad in the comic that has happened to Tessa was because of her own doing. That’s why it’s impossible for me to feel bad for her. It’s the same thing with Saiya.
The thing is Tessa isn’t that tall either. I think it’s just Kip sucking at size consistency lol
I'mma be charitable re: Aika's height and point out that Saiya's also crouching a bit to help lift her gut. Still not the greatest, consistency-wise but hey ho. A giant Aika is no bad thing, haha.

And if you have the chops for it, why not crow about it? For all of Aika's traits, her being a big gluttonous eater has been consistent from the very start so this is absolutely her forte. That she so brazenly takes pride in it is pretty interesting and I don't think that comes from just wanting to impress Saiya or her newfound belly appreciation alone (though it certainly galvanises it!). When you look at it this way - that this is a talent that Aika recognises in herself - then the haughtiness doesn't seem so misplaced. Cross her in an eating contest at your peril!

Speaking of peril... Tessa seems to be struggling a fair bit here. Think she's gonna blow chunks? Wouldn't be the first time so I wouldn't put it past Kip to go all the way on the humiliation.

There's the concept of being "punch drunk" and not knowing when to quit. It was pretty unsporting of Aika to goad Tessa like so, even if she did want to drive home a point along with showing off her talent (see above). Honestly, shame on Saiya for not throwing in the towel on Tessa'a behalf and letting things get to this stage. What a useless bint she's been these past few pages.
One of the cool upshots of this crazy scene is how it clearly establishes the capacities of these two heifers and it's clear that Tessa has a gap to overcome. I could see this being a bone of contention to pick at some later point, either with Tessa training on her own or trying to get Saiya to help her stomach two challenges, sushi boat style. A training arc for Tessa I can get down with!
> I'mma be charitable re: Aika's height and point out that Saiya's also crouching a bit to help lift her gut. Still not the greatest, consistency-wise but hey ho.
It’s not just about the height though. Her spine is literally twice as long as it should be. Kip’s proportions/anatomy suck donkey dick, and I can’t comprehend how people can be so blind that they don’t see how fucking stupid she looks.
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I'd like to remind that in chapter 466th Tessa has short sleeve dress, then magically in chapter 467th she gets long sleeve out of nowhere. Let's be honest here - Kip does not care about such a "details", he probably does not notice them himself until someone points it out in, that's why i'm not surprised by characters "changing" their height.
Here's what i'm talking about:
How many of you point this stuff out on the posts themselves instead of only discussing it here?
I feel like a lot of people point this stuff out on the pages release but usually Kip either ignores it or just says "That was a little oopsie" like they did with the sleeve thing a couple pages back
I would fw Aika being insanely tall but as the other guy said, Aika just looked stretched out and it doesn’t look right.

For the second half,
I mean with the things Tessa has done to Aika in this comic, I feel like a bit of teasing and pride isn’t serious. It’s just Tessa getting humbled once again lol

Idk about now but when I was on, Kip’s DA comments were so annoying and full of dickriders that defend Kip from everything. So I just stopped going on his posts.
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Absolutely true, every time i went to comments section on deviantart, every time someone pointed Kip's mistake was either told that "it's fetish comic/don't pay attention to such a smail details", or in very rare circumstances they were literally verbally attacked.
Kip's fans can't take any criticism
Here is part of comments from chapter 495th, someone mentioned body proportions and they got attacked almost instantly.
Over years that i'm reading/watching Kip's comics, i need to say that he learned to draw characters in better quality in general, but he still tends to do newbie mistakes that are easy to miss if you don't pay close attention.
But i still like way that he draws fat girls, of course if it's image where he does that right.
I don’t know why you guys continue to point out these inconsistencies other than to satiate your OCD/autism
Kip clearly is never going to change and never going to stop making inconsistencies, so why even waste the keystrokes and bandwidth to point them out?
Don't his enjoy what he's doing? He's literally making soap opera comics with stuffing/weight gain as a bonus, perfect way to milk some money from people that can't stand a few days to get comics for free anyway.
I kinda still don't understand his politics to just post stuff after a few days on deviantart for free, but it's not like i don't enjoy his comic, it's good even with mistakes he's making.
Wait there are Kip tracing AI allegations? First I'm hearing of it can u explain
Is about him talking about AI like "AI making art quality be less of a thing" and the sleves issue, the broken anatomy and gigantism. Some comments on DA had been pointing that.
Her sleeves change lengths in two panels right next to each other in 467. I really don't give a fuck because I don't come to a weight gain comic to look at their clothes, but this one really makes me go, "How the fuck do you miss that, lmao?"
the same at 461 (1st panel) and 462 (1st panel) - 465 -
I imagine quality control goes sideways when you're regularly producing content at this pace. *shrug*
Kip could be posting everyday and I’d still call him a dumbass for missing the sleeve change in two panels right next to each other.
Not much to say about this page, but hey the other girls are back.

I also don’t think it’ll be career ruining. Kip will probably have it so they sneak Tessa out or smth.
3rd panel looks a bit like Connor from the side
You have got to be kidding me. Tessa couldn’t muster a few words just to decline the photo that would very well destroy her???? Ofc Aika is fine taking it but Tessa shouldn’t be and them just taking the picture and Tessa barely protesting is fucking dumb
She had just eaten a challenge and a half enough to feed for five, her stomach is struggling to contain all the food inside it, she can't barely talk right now, it's not a surprise she couldn't be physically able to protest by now(but its a surprise how she didn't vomit)
Thank you all for showing me everything wrong with Kip's audience.
Hoo boy, I feel that final *thud* is gonna be the trigger of an April O'Neil "Puke Girl" scene. Step away from the splash zone, folks!

I think Kip really wants drive home how cooked Tessa is in spectacular fashion.
>April O'Neil "Puke Girl" scene
I am inquiring more information
I doubt it'd be a puke scene, probably a burp

I saw that scene I nearly hurled at it how did that get pasted the censors I'll never know
Nah brah, she'll fard and shid pant
Welp time for Tessa to get exposed as a fatty and create more drama that could've easily been avoided to add 500 more pages
Is it me, or did the fact that nothing came of Tessa being dropped mean the last page was entirely redundant? Seriously, replace Tessa's "Owww!" with a "Waait!" or somesuch and you'd be in no different place then before.

I honestly thought Kip would go all the way and cross that line but he may have bottled it in the last second. The third panel is nice I suppose.
We dropped her last page for no reason so we can have a panel of picking her up for no reason on this page. Makes so much sense to me 😏 Nah that's just Kip trying to check off his humiliation goal off his list. In dialogue stage they realized its a weak, non-nonsensical panel and tossed in a Kip classic 'burp' dialogue bubble in while what's drawn doesn't include a burp.

Then you can see they messed up with either borking the layer order on panel 3 or forgetting to erase the top out of bounds. Can even see they partially erased out of bounds on the bottom of panel 3 but left some of it from Tessa's leg. Same on panel 4, got some extraneous out of bounds on the bottom right. Sloppy stuff
Probably he scrapped the page last minute and made this...
A hasty revision would also explain why the page was late.
This feels kind of like “rocks fall and everyone dies and it was also a dream the whole time” for some reason
So the OG page was probably Tessa puking. I’m honestly fine with it being revised to this
Would be fun if Kip later acknowledges this with a sly wink to the camera.

> "God, you have no idea how close I was to puking at the time, Saiya. It's a miracle I kept it all in!"
> "Y-Yeah you nearly had me for a sec back there!"
> "... But I kept it alllll in~ *grin* "
Hello. Can I just say a few things:

1. Yes the story is dumb as hell and the characters' personalities and the art is super inconsistent.

2. It's amazing that kip makes these hot fat girl scenes day after day week after week. No other BBW artist does this.

3. Just once I would like to see a no holds barred, all kinks - puke/shit etc - kip comic, but I can't afford the $25/mo kink request tier D:
2 pages late in a row...is kip having some kind of burnout? If they were sick I think they'd tell the fans
One page probably changed the whole timeline here.
Aye, a knock-on effect. If Kip works through a burst of pages at a time, then a last-minute revision in the story will call for a similar revision to other pages.

Baka indeed, Kip.
Good thing you can’t afford $25 with that # 3 idea you freak ….

LMAO Imagine kink shaming on a cartoon fat fetish site
I guess they are handling the situation but it is incredible that the other two girls do not say anything in the face of the act of absolute humiliation they witnessed.
Seiya and Aika should fuck like crazy after this. On the other hand, I suppose Seiya is still going to talk to Tessa about all this. Tessakitz is ruined.
Another moment that could be a big character development. Who will she choose? Cheering for Tessa, she is so pretty.
So like they definitely putting that picture up on the wall regardless right?
I feel the last panel is making it look like Saiya is gonna chose Tessa but tbhwhat I think is going to happen is Saiya is gonna chose Aika to not make her upset and then after shes done with her fondling session with Aika go straight to Tessa
I'm hoping saiya will ask Tessa to join her and aika
Yall it's a kip comic, tessa aika and saiya will end up in some way in a 3 way relationship and its gonna rock, see yall in 2036
Rip Tessa’s feathers lol. So yeah, guess that’s the end of her career, since that guy in panel 3 is taking pics of her.
Honestly, I really hope that’s not the case. I hope Saiya still take both Tessa and Aika, snowballing into the whole 3 way thing. If not, just Aika. But this is Saiya we’re talking about, she’s definitely going to fuck something up.
Not necessarily, I'm rooting for the happy ending of Tessa as a mukbang (big meal eating) streamer.
That would be cool, but at the same time that would mean she’d have to be getting bigger and by the recent stuffing scene we can see the girls have most definitely hit Kip’s cap. We’re probably going into the direction of “Tessa quits her job and they all somehow keep making enough to live together, idk comic logic” or “Tessa stays small enough for her corset n keeps streaming normally”

Or maybe she does become a mukbang streamer but Kip just doesn’t change her size at all lol
Probably Tessa is going to be the same size has Aika if we get a time skip,Story wise Idk if Tessa gave up on getting Saiya.
Fat bitches are valid, excrement is not…..
God bless those npcs, so vacuously unquestioning despite Aika and Tessa's hoggish antics curtailing their day at the park.

Will Saiya finally have some new meaningful agency in this story at last and try to seek peace between Aika and Tessa on the ride home?

Since it wasn't a total humiliation for Tessa, it would be interesting to see her fans consoling her efforts in the impromptu contest and hyping her for a rematch. A kernel of support like this will help Tessa transition to more eating-focused or BBW streams
I feel like aika is usually smug. Aika fans, enjoy the next 10 pages of hog snogging while I light a candle for tessa's tummyache, lol
It feels off to me because I'm more used to her being sweet. But I guess she has a reason to act smug because of her jealousy towards Tessa.
Ngl, at this point in the comic I actually really like Aika’s character. I would kinda switch between Tessa and Aika every now and then, but I think I’m staying with Aika.

Her default seems to be sweet, kind, and submissive, but she also isn’t a pushover and can be dominant and smug/cocky. Way better compared to older pages.

I might just be leading Tessa fans on, but imagine if Kip mix and matches the next panels with Aika getting rubbed, enjoying it and showing Tessa rubbing herself, with a stomachache as a parallel
bro, kips art looks like ai because literally every ai fat anime girl dataset is built on 95% kip art
its like saying why do hydrox look like oreos
How do you think AI gets trained?
GOD I forgot how small Aika was at the beginning of the story. She would be a lot bigger if Kip didn't have the size limit for them but regardless this is still so good
Ranting for a bit.

To me, aika is the realistic looking fat girl. She has the chubby cheeks, short frizzy hair, and overall blob body shape of an actual realistic life fat white girl.

Tessa on the other hand to me is the fantasy. Big boobs, butt , belly and everything else slender and pretty.
>Chubby cheeks, short frizzy hair, blob body shape
My guy, Aika literally has 0 of those things. Her arms are still super thin and her face looks like every other character's face. She's not a realistic fat girl.
None of KipTeiTei's fat girls are actually fat.

KipTeiTei fattens her boobs, her butt and especially her belly, everything else is skinny.

If KipTeiTei drew real fat girls that weren't just the belly, she would be the goat.
Man i wish we moved on with the story, i know is fan service but we just came out of 10+ pages of the same, like give it a break, im satured with it.
So are we saying girls can't have big tums and be skinny in the face or arms????
I mean yeah but kip literally just draws the same body type over and over and over, not that I hate it but it gets pretty boring when the only changes is the proportions slightly sometimes. Tbh I weirdly like when kip draws skinny/for or even just slightly chubby characters like the two girls from the eating contest, they actually look different and have consistency
I get that it's Kip's style, but would it kill him to distribute fat to Aika's other limbs?
i think it's just that when an artist is so prolific as to have thousands of drawings, our perception changes and we become more impatient rather than appreciating one piece at a time , to use a comparison, compare kipteitei's rapid fire comic pages to javanshir's 1 per 3 months fat lady drawing
thank god for that
there are dozens of artists who draw blobs, maybe you should pay more attention to their art instead of kips
>>214668 (OP)
Kip just uploaded if anyone wants to post it
probably no plot development at all we rollin snail speed
I don't know why I continue to be caught off guard at this point but I'm constantly baffled by how bad of an artist Kip can be. Look at those fucking legs...
Urgh... If he only knew what "wide" meant
What's the problem with the legs? And newsflash pal Kip does belly art not leg art
Kip is a trans-woman right?
Are you kidding me? They're way too long and have extremely shitty linework and shading. And just because Kip is a belly artist doesn't mean that the rest of the image should go to shit.
Everyone is entitled to there own opinion ofc but I really think all the things your pointing out are such minuscule details that aren't even major issues. Not saying your wrong but ya know
God why does nobody care about the fact that Kip clearly doesn't give a shit? Like, they CAN do better but they choose to half-ass it. And it earns them a comfortable living. Isn't that kind of fucked up? Why is it wrong to expect the proportions of the character to not be completely fucked?

No one want to be a mistake of Nature
I find the anatomically incorrect exaggerations of the human form to be quite attractive this is the same reason people do lipo from the arms and get BBLs now that the medium is the page and not the body the artist can choose to depict the human form however they want if you don’t like this specific depiction why not go to another artist
Arms,legs and faces have nothing to do with the belly, if you don't like kips proportions get lost go find another artist or shutup and read the pages without crying nobody wants to see that here
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Can anyone tell why Aika is constantly making this face nowadays?
I can’t be the only one tired of this dumb fucking argument. People are allowed to criticize artists, Kip’s art style is cool but his anatomy sucks ass and we all know it. Lets keep the dick sucking on DA.

We’re in the smug Aika era now. Instead of Tessa making those faces it’s now Aika
I also think the cat lips face is dumb and represents honestly excessive anime Fandom. I love those moments like the Tessa whispering scene when kip actually draws using their own style instead of trying to force anime tropes on their art
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Because fetish communities are (literally) full of retards who're completely unable to comprehend the concept of disagreement, critique or quality for the most part.

KipTeiTei has no excuse whatsoever for drawing anatomy this bad after 10+ years and earning 6.000€+. He's cutting corners everywhere and has been lowering his standards for years.

Even the comic pages have become scribbles, it's unreadable. But his very own supporters will defend that because they cannot fathom the community being anything other than a hugbox.

"Dun't like it? Huhhh donut read then!!"
Then you'd be fine if the belly was rendered nicely and the rest of the body was a stick figure? Jesus fucking christ have some standards. Even if you are here for only the belly, isn't Kip's inconsistency with belly sizes in the comic a problem for you?
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Anyway here’s page 500 everyone
did aika grow or did saiya shrink?
It's size difference fetish . Larger characters grow especially larger during sex scenes.
Finally that good shit is back
it's more a case of
"Jesus fucking christ who gives a shit, shut the fuck up already just jerk your fucking wiener and be done with it this isn't fucking michelangelo you dumb fuck"
It makes it harder to jerk off to. So I'm gonna complain.
So what do you reckon - think Aika's gonna crash for the evening, allowing Saiya to duck out and check in on Tessa?
Unironically great idea for a fetish comic.
Imagine a girl who grows every time she's aroused
Not everyone get hard to low effort shit, would you take Kips dick off your mouth if he ends up drawing like a fucking beginner artist?
Saiya's living my dream.
Drooling and salivating all over a Amazonian BBW dommy mommy until she's drenched in my saliva and semen.
Yeah I am loving this scene. Reminds me when I used to date a girl like aika, would literally just fuck her belly it was so big and soft. Did not last as she was a Jesus freak however.
>I get this is how he draws, but why doesnt he draw it the way *I* want instead?
this is the caliber of post I was expecting from the kip thread
Why people dont just support the artists they actually like and waste time here continues to baffle me
Alright, I actually fw this page. Size difference is hot asf. Kip should make it so Aika is actually consistently this size until she gets bigger
I don’t actually think Saiya will go and see Tessa, she’ll probably run into her after a time skip to tomorrow or something
Aika is boring. Tessa is hot bad girl don't won't take this lost lightly. I know Kip does’not make huge girls, but Tessa is going to break some scales to counter Aika
500 pages in and nothing has happened. That is genuinely impressive for a comic, I can't not respect it. The sheer dedication to do absolutely nothing is nothing short of amazing.
Keep in mind that No Lunch Break, Kip's former longest comic, was only 262 pages. One Serving Choice is almost TWICE the length and it shows no signs of ending any time soon which is astonishing
Edits are allowed on this thread. But you have to ask on the official Edit Thread.
How does Kip use shading? How can it be better?
Honestly if there was 1 art improvement I could request from Kip it would be to make sure that different girls have different colored/shape /sized nipples. When they all look the same when naked it's kinda boring.
You don't understand anything about art. The most important thing is they must have very detailed hands and feet. Aika should have big hairy hobbit feet and they should be on display all the time! It's the only thing that can save this comic
I feel saiya is using really poor choice of words with Aika since she's basically calling Aika a metaphorical temple that isn't part of her religious beliefs and that she's also fouling it. I think even with Aika being an airhead and a glutton and having urges she sucks at containing, aika still has a genuine love for her religious beliefs and at some point wants to make amends for her past actions somehow. Being with Saiya is not gonna make that happen and I can see them breaking up by saida being her devil on the shoulder.
The dialogue just isn't all that natural is all, but then again given that this is Saiya sperging out... Kip is pretty heavy-handed with the sexy talk, often to hilarious result.

And eh, the whole "body is a temple" thing can be pretty safely divorced from any outright religious connotations. I don't think that was an intended allusion to call upon.

> No heart eyes in sight and aika looks uncomfortable
Aika's just lethargic, lazy and horny lol.
Can I be rude? You're sexy af
Well, you are definitely accurately simulating Kip / shoujo art's idea that "detailed female parts are ugly so we're going to minimize them and blur them " :(
i hate to be that guy but the dialogue in all of these scenes is really, really bad. you could get better dialogue off an ai like spicychat or something then this dreck. id think shed be saying more curses about how its such a massive balloon, shes a whale, blimp, shes over here trying to make this sound good when we all know her mind is shot with nothing but lust and she wouldnt be anywhere near capable of all that thought.
It's a Kip signature at this point. I highlighted this in a previous post in a former thread but given that Kip is ESL (being natively Finnish) any dialogue heavy moments come with the occasional odd twang which makes the writing unintentionally quite funny.

Like, no-one should be saying "fouling" in sexy talking and yet here we are with Saiya.
>"Won't be long before you are all belly."
Yeah, makes sense that that'd be the final form of a fat girl drawn by Kip.
>Won't be long before you are all belly-
I'm not holding my breath.
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Just a huge circle with arms and legs. Why is he so opposed to drawing actual fat limbs?
Man I try and not hate on kip because I really think people exagerate and just ragebait about how "terrible" their work is but I'm genuinely getting so bored of this comic and kips work. It's not even that it sucks like you're crazy if you look at the absolute garbage fire of comics and art and say that kip sucks and can't draw but it's like. To put it lightly kip is mid and has been for a while.

All of kips works have felt more soulless and rushed, not much that's actually bad and kip can draw but it's super evident that they've lost alot of passion. Honestly I think they should take a break from the comic or from art and come back and do more original and creative stuff because seeing the same character being popped out in every art piece with slightly different proportions is just boring for everyone.
i'm guessing she is gonna call her Tessa instead of Aika and drama ensues.
I'm honestly bored with this scene, Tessa is way hotter
you just described metalforever lmao
I'm sorry but you can't convince me this shit isn't written by chatgpt, what's with the percentages and shit???
Yea, this is the most abhorrent dialogue I think has ever been featured in a Kip comic. This isn't Finnish ESL problem, this is complete lack of understanding the point of the fetish... like a large language model.

Also the contextuality of the scene is missed in the dialogue as well. Does someone going on a rampant horny sexy-talk-speech have the time for the word 'Inevitably' ?? "It grows even larger!" instead of "fatter" ? ChatGPT does default to being verbose if you don't ask it to use simple speech.

And not a single ellipsis "..." to be found this page, huh? ChatGPT definitely hates use of the good ol' "..." as its almost never used in standard written grammar but finding an old Kip page, or any others' comic pages that doesn't have a single one. HMMMMMMM

I think even Kip is bored of their 500 page 'passion' work
Ahhh! The classic fiasco!

I respectfully disagree with your view about Kip losing passion. I don't think one could commit to a pretty intense 3-pages/week schedule if their heart wasn't in it. If anything, I would possibly say that his regular artwork feels more phoned in at times, but I guess it does serve as a release valve as well.

It basically boils down to the comic being long and whether you like it or not. Having read some webcomics for years, I'm firmly in the pro camp as I'm enjoying the wild ride with these belly-lovin' freaks
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I swear, the previous "sex" and "foreplay" parts were less cringe, here is example from part 337.
You can't tell me that "i'll be your devil" sounds worse than doing math in middle of foreplay. Kip has consistent quality of art (i'm not trying to talk if it's bad/good etc), but i feel like dialogue is becoming worse and worse.
I just think he doesn’t care anymore. The lower left panel shows he can make good shit, he just doesn’t because there’s no reason for him to.
I don’t think it’d be better with Tessa. She’s smaller, and not even that much more hotter than Aika. It’s just a boring scene in general.
I think Kip is done with this comic just as much, If not more than we are. Which could be a good thing because maybe Kip will start trying to wrap it up sooner.

Thought I will admit panel 3 on 337 goes hard and I have yet to seen a single panel even get close.
this is just painfully bad. not even funny. bad. the only amusing part is saiya foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog and aika kissing her to shut her up.

chatgpt would roast this alive.

>I think even Kip is bored of their 500 page 'passion' work
im sure it seemed good on paper but the execution? terrible.

>I respectfully disagree with your view about Kip losing passion.
i respectfully disagree. i disagree because i understand your points but lets be real here. this couldve started as a passionate idea. i dont think kip ever had any idea where the plot was going and its obvious hes making it up as he goes along. seeing as how hes going along and has no idea what is happening when or at any point in time even he is losing interest because its just plain boring.

>I think Kip is done with this comic just as much, If not more than we are. Which could be a good thing because maybe Kip will start trying to wrap it up sooner.
we can only hope but do we really want that? think of how far he fell after full night nanny. im truly scared of how bad his next comic will be.
This I could believe. Kip is a good artist but in a love choice story you basically have to plan out what each choice means to the protagonist with pros and cons and have them consciously test these out before making their final decision after a reasonable series of scenes, I see some faint hints of that structure here but it does feel rather aimless and slow at times.
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Seems like were about to go into some back story
Awesome, some character development. Saiya is more compatible with tessa, aika is the fat lesbian version of a boring niceguy.
Kip is NOT beating the chatgpt allegations with this one
Eating disorder Saiya confirmed?

And good on Aika for once again being candid about things, calling things out as she hears them. I appreciate that she's more of the grounded one between the fantasists of Saiya and Tessa.
Hopefully this could mean Saiya will gain since i doubt Kips if gonna make Tessa or Aika any bigger.
kip is a finnish autist. i think he just talks like this. the phrasing is always bad in his comics but its alright if you just focus on what they're trying to say
whatttt is aika's pose in the final panel lmao he can't even draw sitting on a couch? She looks like a glitched npc. Also her infinite good-natured curiosity kills the mood every time.

"But why? Why do you like it? Let's talk about it!"

I guess it's an accurate depiction of terminally online lesbians but it's the opposite of erotic.

I want to see the leaked prompts
Aika's head is on backwards in the 3rd panel xD
Aika literally does not have this kink. She's not killing the mood she's being real for a dramatic scene in the story. Let kip cook
Snrk. I shouldn't laugh but I'll admit that made me chuckle.

Damn you, can't unsee it now XD
Is she really more compatible though? All they really got going for each other is lust and a weird one-sided obsession coming from Tessa.

This. It’s not like the scene was getting good anyway, everyone said it was boring. And besides, Aika getting to know Saiya’s kinks and likings better could lead to better scenes. We saw how fast she responded to learning Saiya likes fat bitches.
character development you say? you know kip cant have that. i expect something to happen any moment now to end all of this talking. not like were learning anything anyway.

yall should really just give this up. it aint happening.

i feel bad for any and all who were trying to fap to this. he just totally killed it. you would think aika would at least let saiya climax first then ask this while theyre cuddling. ah well. theres always the pic of tessa and aika back to back.

kip needs to stop cooking. cooking is what got us 500 pages in with zero plot development.

nope. because this comic has a very nasty habit of jumping back to 'business as usual' the very next day. i think kip needs to think about what he really wants this to be. he set out to make a love story but hes a fat fetish artist. so to keep the people reading he sprinkles in fat fetish stuff. but then he wants to bring plot in. that wouldnt be so bad if he stuck to plot. example, we really think tessa was okay with saiya stuffing her full of sushi then stuffing her in an uber? never mentioned again. are we really to believe aika didnt know about saiya rubbing on tessa? like she couldnt see the arm out of the corner of her eye? and her beef with tessa is purely for plot. anyone else wouldve either told saiya to cut it out or ended it with her. this story is terrible and every single time i try to justify it kip does something else stupid. so no, he isnt justifying saiyas likes. he doesnt know how. ill be real with you, it cant really be described. like a man calling his wife a whore in bed. does he feel like that? probably not but it might turn her on. does she think shes a whore? doubt it. thats just what they like. so this whole scene? waste of space. and she didnt even insult her anyway. again, try doing a chat on one of those ai sites. theyll show you what crude is. this mess aint even pg13.
it's peak
it's absolutely peak
Let's just hope they have some deep talk (hopefully not to many pages) where Saiya accepts her inner glutton and decides to gain a bunch of weight or something
So Saiya may had been projecting her frustration and resentment in a rebellious way onto Tessa and Aika?
It's Kip's McGuffin to get her fat, see she was totally not allowed to eat cookies when she was young her dad wouldn- , I mean see she was into girls fat because her swimming instructo , well anyway isn't this what you wanted aren't you entertained?!?!
I mean i will die happy only if Kip gives Saiya a different fat distribution, pear-shaped with a good ol belly.
I think, after more than 500 pages, Kip has finally decided to start making Saiya seriously think about getting fat.
Now he's done it; DeviantArt has a bit of a 0 tolerance policy on children existing anywhere in fetish comics. This page about to get nuked with a stern message in Kip's inbox
She doesn't look any younger in the flashback, this was probably only like a year ago
You thought the only interesting thing was a thin protag into fat women, well fuck off it's saiya time
Oh, so her fetish is a trauma response

Exhibit B on why I'm sick of the lesbian thing. Not a single artist can lean into the size difference aspect and always defaults to "What if other girl fat too". I get it, but it's so boring seeing it happen every single time. Between seeing a crappy character like Saiya getting fat and nothing, I would literally rather have nothing.
>expecting Kip to try
Who wants to tell him?
Aren't you having fun anon? AREN'T YOU AROUSED!? Hasn't every major fat comic pulled this shit now?
This comic would be awesome if Kip could have cut saiya out from the very beginning. Imagine if Tessa had just been the MC. Could have been his best one yet, but instead we got this. It’s been literal years now right?
find some rope and hang yourself faggot
didn't kip already do that in lunch with sister
K, but Saiya’s mom is hot. I also don’t get why you guys want Saiya to get fat. Her character is ass. At least Tessa and Aika are hot with some good traits, Saiya has nothing.
Aika is already bottom heavy/pear like Tessa is top heavy/strawberry though.
Aika and Tessa comic with them trying to rival the other’s weight while Tessa struggles keeping her secret from her fans would be sick.
Without Saiya, Tessa would have no reason to gain weight, from this comics it's hard to tell if she's even enjoying it, all we know is that she's literally doing it to grab Saiya attention.
If anything, i feel like this comics would be more interesting if either Aika (i probably misspelled her name) Or Tessa were removed and Sayia would focus on one girl, without spending 450 chapters trying to understand her sense of life.
She is literally acting like average, horny teen.
I mean Saiya with small-average sized boobs, and most of her weight on her lower body.
Since both Tessa and Aika got huge racks.
It's an open secret that many models in the FA/Feedism community are recovering anorexics/bulimics. No one really talks about it, but it's quite common.
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It's not even an open secret, it's just out in the open. It's basically a running joke that every time one of these feedism girls says "I used to have an eating disorder" the go-to response is:
>used to

This isn't even exclusive to kink-related circles. I'm pretty sure something like 1/4 of women in the US have purged or taken laxatives to try and lose weight.
Eh I don't think it's as common as the amount of chick's in this community who substitute their previous self mutilation of cutting with weight gain. Like the amount of chick's you will see with mini bar codes on their arms or legs is almost shocking. Anyways what I am saying is I want a comic where a chick gains weight as some sort of perverse self mutilation, like she doesn't even Ike the weight just gets off to the pain of stuffing and how much worse off she is and how it can't be his like cutting can etc. Yes I am a very perverse individual.
I haven't seen any chicks with cuts on their arms. I think that one might be wishful thinking on your part.
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Only took 505 pages but ya know
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>haven't kept up with kip since the end of no lunch break
>look in thread
>if the art has developed since then, it's gotten worse and settled into shit that looks factory-made
>plot looks like 500 pages of dawdling and blueballing as always
>people still entertaining it with both time and money (I hope no one in this thread is paying for this, at least)
If you've been hate-reading this and subconsciously hoping for it to get better, I sincerely hope you look back at how little value you've gotten from Kip over the years and stop

What, like you’re doing?

My dick is hard, bro. You need a new hobby.
The comic's doing fine. People are still engaging with it okay and actually discussing it instead of nitpickign it endlessly. Yes, you'll always suffer a few moaners complaining about the length but the discussion's not been too bad as of late.

Long comic is long, but so what?
Welp, seems like is gonna take a wet epiphany for her to give in...
Yeah, I stopped trying to keep up with the narrative years ago. Now I just look at the pictures and maybe skim of the dialogue.

I've long since accepted that Kip has made a career out of professional stalling.
this comic just gets worse and worse. kip is fumbling for plot points, nothing makes sense and he cant even get his own characters right. the sad thing is kip is obviously getting sick of it. its doubtful he actually realizes how good he has it right now.
Yeah, lot of women in feedism circles are either people who had body image problems when they were younger and went the other way, or were in relationships where the guy heavily pressured them to gain and now they can't lose the weight so they lean into it.
She is going to do something stupid and end up having close call with Tessa, right? You can't convince me otherwise, every time relationships seem to be stable in this comic, Sayia does something stupid.
Let's go guys, place yours bets on what is about to happen!
The thing is we already got the average horny teen character who’s better than Saiya. Conner. In a way better comic with basically the same premise, FNN. With a way better love interest character than Aika and Tessa, Cindy.
I give it 200 more pages. We all already know it’s going to end up with them all getting together, because it would be stupid of Kip not to, yet there has been 0 hint of Aika x Tessa developing yet, nor a end to this story.
The fact she even has Tessa on her mind/the belly grabbing from earlier is definitely a hint Saiya is going to fuck something up, or Tessa is going to try and ruin Aika and Saiya’s relationship yet again.
Also - making character "realize" (or being close to realize) that maybe she just enjoy "fat" in general and her true dream is to be fat herself, is just stupid.
It's like making hetero character gay suddenly, because "he started to like men and dislike women" out of blue.
Kip literally gave himself material to stretch this comic by another 500 pages and i bet that we're soon going to see Sayia tell Aika/Tessa (or both of them), that SHE DOES NOT like fat girls, it was all a lie to herself and she just wants to be fat.
Relationships in this comic reminds me of Domestic na Kanojo anime/manga, i have barely read a few chapters, but it was always love drama and battle between two girls, most stretched and worst love triangle you can probably hear about in popular mangas.
Now the question is - is Sayia going to "get closer" with Tessa, or will she say to Aika something like "i think i don't like fat girls"
I'm happy it's steadily dropping, maybe that's gonna make Kip finish plot sooner than he wanted.
Even with all mistakes Kip is doing, i would not mind some FRESH comic, if anything i liked artstyle from this old comics more.
Me too. I hate how his artstyle has declined in detail.
I bet Saiya is gonna start putting on weight, Aika wont satisfy her new resolve and a sexually frustrated Saiya is gonna cheat with Tessa, But right now i think Saiya is gonna dream herself "if she was the fat one", and alternate timeline would be interesting to see.
kip has yet to announce a one serving choice video game, pocket the profits and blame his familys health issues on why he cant produce a single thing regarding the game including even the preorder bonuses.

>The fact she even has Tessa on her mind/the belly grabbing from earlier is definitely a hint Saiya is going to fuck something up, or Tessa is going to try and ruin Aika and Saiya’s relationship yet again.
of course she is. shes always thinking about tessa. i think the real problem here is that kip is just a bad writer. hear me out. its obvious that saiya loves bellies. its also obvious that saiya never liked aika like that. as a friend, sure. but companion / lover? no. tessa hits all of her checkboxes and is in love with her. problem is tessa cant turn her on like aika can. that eating competition just proved it. so shes forcing herself to go with aika when her true love is tessa.

>I bet Saiya is gonna start putting on weight, Aika wont satisfy her new resolve and a sexually frustrated Saiya is gonna cheat with Tessa, But right now i think Saiya is gonna dream herself "if she was the fat one", and alternate timeline would be interesting to see.
saiya is going to cheat with tessa anyway because shes a trash character. the sad part is aika already knows it which is why she confronted tessa. the fact that no one saw anything wrong with that is mind blowing.
i remember living large was brought up once before. everyone said the mc was a shameless self insert and the art sucked. hes gotten a bit better since and he gets to the point fast. hes on comic 180 i believe. each scene might take about four or five pages and has had multiple eating competitions. hes doing one right now and the women look like they couldve easily eaten both tessa and aika. kip might want to take a look at how he sets up and finishes his scenes to learn how to pace a comic.
I don’t think this is it because Saiya has had a crush on Aika since they first met and is 78% of the reasons why Saiya does most of her actions in the comic. Saiya has even admitted to herself in one page(I forgot which, nor do I feel like looking for it) that she doesn’t even like Tessa “like that” for anything other than her body.
It’s been shown time and time again with how Saiya treats Tessa that she doesn’t love her, she’s just a quick jerk off. Hell, that’s even how Kip writes Tessa’s character.
The art for "Living Large" is pretty bad like "Dr. Katz" tier or something from that era, the "story" is the most fun comic out of all the FA's out there doing one, I don't really appreciate all the other psychos out there like the Doctor, Greg's mom, or the Bakery lady but it is a fun comic, a guy juggling 3 and possibly 4 chicks like that is no brains fun, artist not punching above his belt trying to be R.R. Martin or M. Knight Shamalan.

some of his other single picture pieces look way better than his comic panels.
yeah but heres the thing. kip is telling us she loves aika. never showing it. i dont care what saiya is saying. look at the comic. she gets along best with tessa. she treats her badly, sure, but aika seems, well, forced and awkward. every time shes with aika she chokes up. just like right now. aika stuffed herself senseless and shes cuddling. seriously? now were discussing how she may have wanted to be fat all along? again, kip is doing too much. the plot points sound great on paper but the man didnt plot any of this out and it shows.

i can agree with that. im kinda shaking my head at the majority of the characters. doctor stuffing meg. gregs mom in it helping greg stuff women. bakery lady stuffing everyone. as of now meg and tatiana are having an eating competition. thats why i brought it up. in four pages it got to the point and blew anything kip has done in this entire comic right out of the water.

youre also right about the artist not trying to hard. thats where kip went wrong. and, ill say this, thats where arthur and then adjective went wrong. fetish comics are just that. fetish comics. were here for belly, stuffing, burping. maybe a little love but thats only for more stuffing. kip over here trying to write shakespeare and the man cant even get past basic plot points. living large aint even bothering with all that. short scenes. thats why i referenced it. craving control tried to do a plot. we see where that went. these comics are best done in short scenes with stuffing. anything more is way too much.

This is probably a retarded question but, does this mean that Kip only makes $60k a year? Isn't that kind of low? I always thought prominent fetish creators make big bank.
i remember awhile ago someone had clocked it at around $50k/yr so that sounds about right.
another one that wasnt bad but totally went off the rails? bad maid. that started out great until part 2 when he "cracked down on pirating". i think its on part 4 now? i dont even know but i do know that hes reduced his comics to a single very badly drawn panel and it looks terrible. i can tell that from his free previews on deviantart.
Yeah, I think this is just a bad writing issue. It’s clear Kip is trying to convey Saiya being i love w Aika, and lustful for Tessa(or slowly falling for her for the threesome route) but it’s not working out.
Honestly you could argue Saiya loves neither and is just lustful for both because of how she treats them.
The big boys at the top are doing 6k+/mo, Salt bouncing around $9k. Kipteitei has essentially opted out of making big bank. Kip is the definition of resting on ones laurels. He has no interest in advertising, pushing for comms, chasing flavor of the week characters, posting on Twitter, or even just linking to their patreon on the comic pages' descriptions.

Somewhere along the way due to him not being US based he must have hit the point where he was pulling what effectively is half a million dollars a year in his local currency's buying power. He soft retired since then and has been far, far checked out for years now. It's full radio silence, 0 concern and 0 motion to counteract the dwindling patreon revenue.

I have a strong suspicion he farmed out the work to someone else starting with OSC. Going from the person who damn near kicked off WG comics to whatever OSC is, it's not even comparable. That ChatGPT written page really sealed the deal that whoever is working on OSC has only a passing understanding of what the fetish even is, just enough to churn out slop for Kip as he collects checks.
i would believe that. saiya goes where the belly is. shes going for aika because aika can get the biggest belly. and thats been the case since day 1. shes been foaming at the mouth for aikas gut since she met her. once tessa started going into stuffing she went that route. i think aika knows that which is why she confronted tessa but see, thats bad writing. why is aika confronting tessa about her girlfriend wandering wherever the belly is? and this last comic proved even saiya dont know what she wants. like i said, bad writing.
The USD is like 5x that of the FIM, lmao yeah he's making absolute bank in that regard, that means even the actual top artist you listed are getting btfo off of country conversion rates alone. Belt, Salt and even SDC are around her giving full colored comics, better backgrounds, anatomy, props etc. and are making 5x less than this dude even if I or the board as a whole have problem with other artist I have a whole new level or respect for the ones that can't game the system due to exchange rates.
i always tried to play this off as a language issue but who knows?

is it really gaming the system? or just lucky that hes making so much? if he were making the same in the us hed barely make it by.
Finland doesn't have marks anymore. Do ye research.
Ironically shortly after I posted, I did notice an "outdated" by the FIM it seems they use the Euro now, I tip my hat to you sir.

That said kip while not making absolute bank is still making comparable amounts of money to his peers that are putting in more effort
>That ChatGPT written page
What are you referring to here? This >>217907 ? Honestly that struck me more as weird translation than anything else.
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Yup, that's the one. My earlier thoughts on it are here >>217937

The thing about attributing it to wonky ESL translation is not even Kip's Breakfest With Sister from 14 years ago had much of any English issues. The dialogue and story writing in his old stuff is a night and day difference to now.

He started off with better than most English than native speakers, and continued to work on it for another 14 years. He's definitely fluent at this point, he knows English, comics, and the fetish on equal or better standing than literally any other artist in the community with a longer history than any current active artist and more comic pages under his belt than any and probably even all of them combined.

It's safe to say Kip most likely is not involved with OSC.
>It's safe to say Kip most likely is not involved with OSC.
I don't know, it's definitely still Kip's art. And their fetish-y dialogue has been overwrought for a long while (like half of No Lunch Epilogue is the same sort of writing). Honestly I think it's far more likely that either
1. Kip is unwilling to repeat metaphors/dirty talk across comics, which leads to increasingly bizarre ways of talking about a rather one-note fetish.
2. Kip finds this sort of dialogue really hot.
Probably the first one. Anyway I'm not defending the current writing, but I do think that it's Kip. They clearly need a break (or if they really want to focus more on the writing a story side of things: get inspiration from places outside of anime. Seriously I know this is the internet and a fetish forum but Kip clearly has aspirations to write better but is stuck repeating these tired anime tropes for over a decade now).
man can have aspirations all he wants but hes just not a good writer. it isnt even about getting inspiration outside of anime. there are some very good anime out there. berserk, for example. hes just a bad writer. and it isnt that bad, being a bad writer. the problem he has is that he refuses to accept it. and why would he when profits keep coming in?

regarding these chatgpt allegations, could it be possible someone wrote the script for him back then? something like a custom? and he just wrote what they said? i know the creator of bad maid took entire scripts and wrote comics like that ages ago. in fact, i think bad maid itself was a commission once. im kinda looking at it like this. the mans been writing 14 years but that doesnt mean anything. kristina milan has been in the porn biz 20+ years and still doesnt know english. her handle on english is almost sad to watch when shes on cam as she tries to entice people to take her into a private room. you would think a lady involved in porn for all these years with her body would have learned but why bother? kip might feel the same way. money is coming in. why bother learning their language? just use a machine. ill never forget years ago i asked a lady to talk dirty to me in a pvt chat. she used a machine and i heard this machinized voice say "cum for me baby". it was horrifying. kip is probably doing the same thing.
I still remember that one page from Dinner With Sister where Kat refers to Grace's belly as "turgid." I don't think I've ever heard a native English speaker use the word "turgid" in casual conversation, and especially not when they're trying to be sexy.
Kip is and always has been an AI. Hate to break it to you, but he's not real. He's just a proto AI the Finns developed and tested on you fat fetish folks. He's been neglected lately because new projects are taking precedence, such as building laser shooting robots to patrol the Russian border, and thus has started to get corrupted and spews endless nonsense.
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The cycle continues…..
Saiya might just be the worst person ever
One thing I gotta love is how unabashed Aika is about being a glutton. I get this character is written with fetish-tinted specs firmly in place but it's still refreshing to have a character so forthright about greedily wanting more, heedless of all the shit she ate the day prior.

So! Do we suspect Tessa's laid out a cunning trap for Saiya? Is Aika's covetous nature gonna lead her to follow suit? Place your bets, peeps!
Idea: Tessa and Aika get together while a heartbroken Saiya becomes a obese slob.
Yeah, my first thought was that this is a trap. I'll say 70% trap, 30% real.
Tessa sets a trap, Saiya gets force fed, she comebacks to Aika, denying she was with Tessa, Aika punishes Saiya by making her eat even more since Saiya denies she ate anything.
Yeah, this is definitely a trap. Also love how Saiya acknowledges that this is Tessa’s own fault, but doesn’t acknowledge how it isn’t her problem. Just tell her to stay home lmao, don’t ditch your GF over it.

Imo characters that are just gluttonous are hotter than ones that just do it for the kink.

Judging by the 4th panel, Aika might try to follow her but idk how she”ll run after Saiya.
See this is what would happen if kip was a good writer
I really hope this is the case. Saiya is somehow even a worse person than Sydney
wont work. tessa dont like aika. and aika wont like tessa when she finds out what shes really like.
it could just be her needed help for her girdle and there's no one else she can turn to.
Place your bets folks is Tessa gonna be any bigger
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I love using this thread to hate on the comic instead of posting kip's shit
I appreciate kips commitment to making Saiya a cunt, but it needs to resolve in some karmic justice on her wasteline eventually
theres the problem with you all wanting her fat. you want saiya to "pay" but is it really paying if she wants to be fat? kip is finally leading into what you all want. saiya is questioning what she wants and if her family fat shamed her into liking fatties. there goes kip making commentary no one asked for again. if thats the case and saiya wants to be fat shell enjoy growing. that means saiya will never pay for these antics.

i dont think shell ever pay for them anyway. kip isnt trying to go there.
From Tessa and Aika perspective it would be retribution, stripping Saiya from any dominant position, Tessa could even start losing weight and get back at streaming while Saiya just rots like a fat slob, kinda lika Finna from NLB. Sure she would be indulging herself but by no means is a good way of living. Or like this hmanga 444908
i see what youre saying but no. tessa would not resume streaming and lose weight. tessa is in love with saiya. tessa would be right by her side. aika might ditch her but thats it.

exactly. this is what would prob happen. saiya would be so turned on by her own fat that she would masturbate. tessa might join in. thats what would happen.
> Imo characters that are just gluttonous are hotter than ones that just do it for the kink.

Aye, and so often such characters are depicted as either A) villains or antagonists, intended to be undesirable, B) mindless, either through hypnotic manipulation or from being broken, or C) A comic relief bit-character.

Aika being none of those and her appetite more than just a passing quirk or gimmick just makes her that much more interesting and appealing - certainly to me at least.
>not a comic relief bit character
Dude she gets more than that sometimes yeah but 95% of the time her gluttony is treated like a dumb fucking joke.
You do realize they all primarily lust each other rather than liking. Even saiya who I would assume likes aika leaves her hanging because she wants some Tessa belly time herself.
We're over 500 pages in and the main character is starting to CONSIDER getting fat. We're so fucking cooked bros
anyone got the new pic
Whats up you homo hitlers! Waiting eagerly for the new page to drop? Complaints pre-written? Should we get a song going while we wait?
When I was..
Just a little
Não quero lhe falar, meu grande amor
Das coisas que aprendi nos discos
Quero lhe falar como eu vivi
E tudo o que aconteceu comigo
Viver é melhor que sonhar
E eu sei que o amor é uma coisa boa
Mas também seu que qualquer canto
É menor que a vida de qualquer pessoa
Por ISSO cuidado meu bem
Há perigo na esquina
Eles venceram, e o sinal está fechado pra nós
Que somos jovens
PARA abraçar seu irmão
E beijar sua menina na rua
É o que faz o seu braço
O seu lábio, e a sua voz
Você me pergunta pela minha paixão
Digo que estou encantada pela minha nova invenção
Eu vou ficar nessa cidade, não vou voltar pro sertão
Pois vejo vir no vento o cheiro de nova estação
E eu sei de tudo na ferida
Do meu coraçããããão
Que apesar de termos feito tudo, tudo, tudo o que fizemos
Ainda somos os mesmos
E fizemos
Você pode até dizer que estou por fora
Ou então que eu tô inventado
Mas é VOCÊ que ama o passado e que não vê
Mas é VOCÊ que ama o passado e que não vê
Que o novo sempre vem
Que apesar de tudo, tudo, tudo o que fizemos
Nós ainda somos os mesmos
E fizemos
Nós ainda somos os mesmos

E fizemos

Guess it wasn’t a trap then. Glad I didn’t go all in on that.
The lack of contractions makes this sound so weird and wooden, I hate to sound like a broken record but this reeks of ai

Yeah it's such a weird change, just clicked through some random older pages and the English is basically perfect. Even if Kip wanted to use AI to write the dialogue to make things easier, clearly he knows how to use contractions and could easily clean them up... Just bizarre
>Even if Kip wanted to use AI to write the dialogue to make things easier
I doubt that would even save any time, Kip's comics tend to be very light on dialouge (reread OSC from the start to see what I mean, you'll fly through the 500 pages in no time)
Also, ChatGPT and the like actually use contractions with no issue - you must be thinking of Data from star trek.
Funnily enough, the stilted dialouge is more a sign of human writing than of AI, lol
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You guys sound like my schizophrenic cousin who thinks AI is stalking her
Anyone else feel like Kip skipped a page or 2 here? I thought we weren't gonna see Tessa's belly until later next week
Nah. It was either going to be Kip making a filler page of Saiya walking and thinking (which nobody wants to see), or straight to the belly like we see here.
I'm still trying to imagine how Aika will end up in Tessa's room.
It must happen, otherwise we won't have enough drama! (that must be what Kip is thinking)
But for real - i wish Sayia just made her choice and started to focus on one girl, at this point i don't care anymore if that's gonna be Sayia, or Tessa.
Saiya and Tessa's height/size difference is too good. Kip has gotta emphasize this more
The plot merry-go-round makes another rotation in its endless cycle...
If kip ended the love triangle aspect then he wouldn't be able to continue stretching this comic out to infinity.
New theory time! Aika had been following and actually does catch them in the act (Saiya forgot to shut the door behind her in her haste or something). While it does look damning, Saiya isn't actually doing anything wrong here and is genuinely trying to help her friend, which knocks some of the jealous wind out of her sails, potentially landing her in hot water.

Now suitably chastened and able to perceive things either a clearer head, I suspect it'll be Aika who makes the move to calm Tessa down over her tummy since she can much more relate to Tessa's plight than Saiya. Maybe she'll be so bold as to make a move on Tessa's tummy, now that Aika can behold it fully. The gambit works as 1) Tessa can't deny it's hot being spoken to and handled in such a fashion 2) Saiya's obvious fantasies are coming true and 3) Aika's own awakening belly fetish has her curious about her tummy rival.

To cement things over, they get breakfast (second breakfast for some) and break bread together
*with a clearer head. Autocorrect -.-
Oh, round and round we go, holding onto pain, driven by our fetishes, feelings untold, spinning our own, versions of the plot! That Kip could never know! How would I know?
(452 KB, 880x1285, Soft_Saiya.jpg)
Welp, got bored and made and edit of Saiya if she was the fat one
>> man imagine Kip would draw their characters actually fat like you did. This is so much better than most of the official stuff. Good job 👍
Based stomach growl panel.

Stand proud, you cooked.
Kip posted the new page at Patreon, but not at Deviantart
(885 KB, 1125x1575, Page508.jpg)
Its a nothing page everyone see ya when the next one is out
who the fuck is this guy

As someone with a thing for attempts to hide bellies in shapewear this is very much a something page imo.
Honestly the panel of her fat bulging out from the top is better than any of the shit they just did with Aika
>>219947 he kinda remindes me of keemstar
Well scratch that theory. Possibly would've been better without the Aika reveal to not immediately deflate that prospect of a surprise tailing but hey ho.

Kinda wish this corset would just die already. So many chances for it to have failed spectacularly. If it quietly gives up the ghost on the next page then we can at least move on from there. Maybe Saiya can ply some of Tessa's own training back on her. Might as well give up the farce of a charade and start attempting to embrace it.
In all honesty this not-Keemstar might actually be the first time Kip has drawn an actually fat body in their comics, instead of just the usual pot belly thing.
While i agree that the size consistency is annoying at times you need to remember that Kip is churning out 3 pages a week on a regular basis. Because thats what people voted for. Fans would rather have a mediocre product if it means getting more of it. Personally i would rather they go back to their art style from NLB or FNN. 2 a week is more than enough but 3 plus commissions plus art polls is too much.
no. im sorry. i disagree. i see many other comics that are done daily, in color, with an ongoing plot that makes sense and they keep to sizes and everything else. kip is just lazy and this haphazard plot is proof of it.
Normally that would involve either a) a team, or b) a short, completed story done ahead of time and released serially.

can u make Kat/Grace edit
negative. some people do this and take pride in their work. i dont know if youre old enough but i remember back in early 00s when webcomics were all the rage. some of them are still around to this day. order of the stick, something positive, these have genuine plots. these have been going on forever. you all keep on providing kip with excuses but the fact is the man is lazy. as a writer he shouldve been known he cant write a story at the seat of his pants which is why this comic is trash. this last comic was a total waste but so are so many more. tessa shouldve been busted for this weight gain. this is not the time for it. she could easily pass it off as goofing off with friends doing an eating competition / mukbang and a little extra pudge from that. this is no big scoop. this is not the time for aika to blackmail her. and i question aikas intelligence for having anything to do with saiya. this comic is not entertaining. it gets worse and worse with each panel. at this point i just read it because its free and to see just how much worse itll get before he pulls the plug on it. because obviously he isnt paying attention to his dwindling funds as people have stopped paying him. what will probably shut this comic down is he gets so sick of it that he quits.
Honestly he could at least eyeballed, trying to keep the characters has big.
I should be mad at fucking Keemstar being here but i can't help and chuckle at how absurd his presence is.
I dunno, sounds like you're still engaging either the storyline despite how you feel about it.

I'm happy that we here are still engaging with the comic, unlike the raging dumpster fire that is BWS's thread currently. We've at least tempered some of our bile, haha.
I just looked at the BWS thread, what the fuck is going on there? From what I can see mfers starting losing their shit over the tint on some sunglasses?
some guy was nitpicking tf out of one of salts newest page in one of his comics
as i recall i gave up on salt after that hot mess that was losing control. and i think most people chocked him up to an L as well because i didnt really hear much about him afterwards. kip is still on everyones radar for some odd reason.
lol, if you really think Salt has faded out that’s just you being blind. He’s probably more widely appreciated than Kip at this point.
Also, if you dropped Losing Control but keep up with Kip’s shit, you’re telling on yourself for having garbage taste.
I wasn't even that big on losing control but it was still way better than one serving choice, and couple stuff? on another level

This has gotta be rage bait. Salt is probably and rightfully the biggest on the scene. All his comics and sequences are rightfully acclaimed. He knows how to draw and write engaging characters with consistency and plenty of kink content.

Losing Control is generally agreed upon as being great.

I think you've just got a really shit taste in comics.
I might be reading too much into it but Keemstar being here says so much about Kip to me. Like, the dude hasn’t been relevant in years and considering all the other ways the characters act weird about internet stuff (especially Tessa’s streaming career) it really makes me wonder how much Kip actually engages with the internet and anything new in general
He's probably just a recognisable figure when it comes to the genre of "internet drama punditry" that Kip chose to lean into. I wouldn't read much more into it. Ultimately it worked.
Salt is reasonably good but i feel his style has stagnated in recent years, and usually his comics feel too empty, like hes affair of developing any narrative and mostly fills everything with fan service. Losing Control tried something but failed, and since he stopped trying to create better stories he will never improve.

And Kip had his moments but isn't doing good either, his writing is disastrously disjointed and the narrative painfully repetitive, and the art just screams "im burned-out, i dont care".
exactly. you hit it right on the head. losing control tried. and failed. and i was done with salt after that.

i say the same about craving control. tried. and failed. but that failed so hard that literally no one talks about it any more. yes, noun quit but honestly it was so much of a hot mess that no one cares.

this here? terrible. period. there is no defending this. the best defense anyone has is "dont read it" or "you cant complain, its free". that says quite a bit about just how bad this comic really is.

but if were being real i cant name even one good one. i kinda like living large. i know its trash but it slide in, quick plot, fan service, boom. five pages and were done an entire scene. kip? were in the same scene and its been a solid five months. the plot has moved nowhere. what has saiya learned in 500+ pages? and someone please tell me why aika would burden herself with a woman who goes wherever the bigger belly is. in the real world tessa would have been moved on and aika would have kicked saiya to the curb. and no, sorry, this constant getting her in the bedroom and doing nothing would also get old. aint no one gonna stop mid-sex to ask why she likes her fat when theyre an unapologetic glutton. i mean, seriously? and it just keeps getting worse.
>someone please tell me why aika would burden herself with a woman who goes wherever the bigger belly is

Among your tired rant there is a salient point here. I do hope that Aika is canny enough to come to this realisation and that by forcing Saiya to make a decision between herself or Tessa that it'll cost her in the long run, either now or later. Only by making peace with Tessa and accepting one another can they both secure Saiya, shared between them.
The craziest part, is somehow 500 pages in I have no idea where the story is going and I think it might need a lot more exposition to get there until we know something. There hasn't yet been any form of long term goals for any of the characters defined. There's been a series of one off parties, yo-yo-ing weights with the gym arc, the weird gym coach girl who no longer exists, the childhood friend background story that went no where. They pushed on some relationship stuff with Aika but turns out it's not even what Saiya wanted and she immidately suggested maybe she should just do something else instead.

The substance that's here is so barren after 500 pages. I think this entire story is less than a 100 page story. A couple stuffings with each girl, Tessa's streaming thing goes sour, Aika doing something weird but fun because she likes Saiya, Saiya gaining weight because the others didn't satisfy her, the bitch gets suckered into gaining somehow, happy fat ending the end.

What more of anything is there to any of this? A blur of actually nothing has been transpiring for so long. Saiya co-host streams? Saiya church scene? Saiya's sister is out there somewhere awaiting her arc too. There's something odd with Tessa's family and money situation to explore. Saiya shit parents and upbringing that will lead to the Log Myu arc of being okay with gaining weight and overcoming the ingrained anti weight gain hypnosis. Hooooly shit.
Who wants to bet that kip will forget to upload the page to DA today?
It's a soap opera, anon. You worry too much.
I'd be more sympathetic to the people stanning kip if it weren't for the fact that the man gets paid $6k a month for something that they are clearly stalling on, aren't trying to improve and actively forget to upload on time.
My problem with Salt is that he goes way too big for my tastes. Like, the first 3-4 pages of Couple Stuff are certified gold, but he always goes massively obese beyond my threshold of attractiveness. Kip keeps gain mostly to the belly and almost never goes too far for my liking. Whatever the problems with this comic, the girls are still attractive as far as I’m concerned.
Yo this nigga kips full time job is to draw 3 shitty pages a week for a story with spaghetti pacing and this me can’t even do that on time smh.
thats what blows my mind. wheres todays comic? and then hell post the next day like "whoops, i forgot". weve been suffering how long now? this man made his own schedule and cant even remember it despite being on it for years?

its truly mind blowing.

you know what, hes probably not able to keep the schedule because he has no idea where to take the comic next so hes throwing something together as best he can.
thing about soap opera? theyre actually kinda funny sometimes. "yes, you saw me shot in the face last ep but that was my alien clone from omnicron persei 8 who is allergic to cheese whiz. you couldve just thrown a hunk of cheese at him and hed die but you had to shoot him. no matter. here i am. i am not dead but alas, i am somehow pregnant with an alien baby that has nothing to do with you". i have yet to laugh at anything on this comic.
Probably banging his head against the wall to not make Tessa wear baggy clothes like the beginning of the Revenge comic...
What soap operas are you fucking watching??
The thing that irks me a little with Kip is the constant "oops forgot what day it was again, lol" excuse. Like dude, it's okay to just say that the comic is delayed or there was a last-minute change or whatever. Just smacks of disingenuity and, if anything, I'd find it more concerning if someone was having such trouble remembering days of the week. It's not the cute silly excuse it's made out to be.
I heard Kip got hospitalized
Nah, I think we'll see an ending relatively soon.
Maybe even this year

Is the corset finally going to burst in the middle of her "addressing the rumour I'm fat" stream?
I do feel like Kip should probably at least set expectations for each comic.

Most people doing most jobs would generally be harshly scolded if they were routinely late. But it's so rare to have this even halfway good quality lesbian stuffing comic that I don't want to insult the gift horse too much.
I genuinely hope saiya dies
If Saiya makes Tessa stuff herself at the cafeteria im gonna loose it bros
Aika's face accurately representing the fanbase lol
If Saiya makes Tessa stuff herself after hearing her complain in her room about how she needs to get back on track and that she doesn't like all the mean things being said about her online I'm actually going to lose my mind. Then again this is Kips worst character so I wouldn't be to suprised for her to do some crap like that.
>Nah, I think we'll see an ending relatively soon.
Maybe even this year
pretty sure someone said that last year.

>I do feel like Kip should probably at least set expectations for each comic.
i dont understand why you dont understand that kip is making this up as he goes along. there are no expectations.

>Most people doing most jobs would generally be harshly scolded if they were routinely late. But it's so rare to have this even halfway good quality lesbian stuffing comic that I don't want to insult the gift horse too much.
whats he going to do? stop it? at this point thatd be doing everyone a favor.

see, this is what im saying. now look, if saiya is sooo in love with aika she should respect aikas wishes and stop messing with tessa. that whole going over her house to help with the corset? what was that? and instead of confronting saiya, her "lover", she confronted tessa originally. now shes sitting there mad because the only one she can confront is saiya. what did tessa do? nothing. she played a game with her. she won. she even got her dream and slept with saiya. so why is aika so mad? sure, saiya disrespected her wishes and ran to tessas side but again, she got to sleep with her, right? no. in a real relationship aika would have snapped, cursed saiya out and left.

bro, how? please, explain. aika is right there. they aint about to have some stuffing competition right now and even if they did tessas belly aint getting no bigger than aikas currently is. its never worth the pay off.
it was a gross exaggeration but i was trying to convey the fact that soap operas plots are literally so ridiculous you cant turn away. you actually find yourself enjoying it because its just that bad. that is nowhere near the case with this comic.

and how would he get away with constantly saying "its delayed"? what is his excuse? at least a cutesy "i forgot" seems to slide past people, such as last time him calling himself an idiot. but im sure we all know the real reason. it isnt that its delayed. its that he has no idea what to do any more and is throwing it together spur of the moment. so how is he going to explain that to his patrons?
i figure yall are probably saying "get a life anon" and youre somewhat right. it just blows my mind, every single sun, wed and fri, that people still swallow this excuse for a comic. im reminded of dick tracy years ago where people would log onto the forums each and every day to point out plot errors and talk about where the comic could be fixed. as i recall dick tracy ended up getting a different writer. that isnt the case here but my honest guess is that one day kip is going to finally get sick of faking it and scrap the entire comic.

what scares me is what he pulls out of his hat next. im pretty sure it wont be much better.

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