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I was curious about what everyone likes and dislikes of their favorite artist and why. For example I like Satsoru's art. His proportions anatomy settings and poses are top notch and he depicts feedism well. My only gripe besides him disappearing was his new shading. It was gold but I liked his cartoons anime style as he was the first to do it back then.
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>>213070 (OP)
Habutton is probably one of my favorite bbw artists. My only con for him is that he is very sparse with his uploads nowadays but I assume that's just because of personal matters so I don't kind. Onto his strengths; His art-style is cute and simple, yet recognizable and has a good handle on the human anatomy and draws very satisfying fat bodies, especially when you compare them side by side. for example: Usa from his ongoing story named "after school". She goes from very lean and fit to a fat butterball who's only a few pounds bigger than the protag.
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>>213070 (OP)
kurocazenosora is my fav artist mostly cause of the xenoblade fats he draws but really dont like his fat tower he use to do alot in his early days to set him apart but now im glad hes branching out to different poses
>>213070 (OP)

Satsurou draws really top tier hands and feet, but he has a habit of characters gaining ridiculous amounts of height the fatter they get. But he's also into giantess, so it checks out.
> only a few pounds bigger than the protag

As of the latest page she's still 75 kilograms smaller than Sage-chan. What the fuck do you mean "a few pounds bigger."
Woah, what's with the anger dude.
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>>213070 (OP)
I really don't mean to trample on what could be a man's grave but what was going on with Sats' style with the the last few pieces before he went inactive? He was like the first fat artsist I discovered and I loved his anime style too.

Anyway, putting aside that he distanced himself from human characters for Transformers, my closest choice for an issue with Jeetdoh's art was that his character choices were really basic.
Nessa and Bea are great and all but I would've loved for him to draw more characters and less surface level picks.
You might be thinking of Gain-Over.
As far as I know, we have no idea what happened to Satsurou.
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>>213070 (OP)
It's a tough pick, but I guess my favourite would be Pewbutt.
Pros: I love the way he draws fat, idk what it is but he always manages to give it such a good soft look, and the faces he draws are good too.
Cons: A lot of his stuff isn't in color and he only seems to upload once every 5000 years
His shape design and use of straights and curves make the fat parts of the characters really pop. Look at the Tracer pic: the line of her belly and how it bulges out twice and then it flattens for a moment and then it shoots straight upwards while its thickness from before decreases subtly. All this shows how heavy and soft it is all is.
>A gig in Japan?!

I highly doubt he's in Japan. Where does that bullshit claim of his even come from? and if he's in Japan what is he even doing there?
I love his art BTW!
Bro, that was like, 7 years ago
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No Patrick, being good at drawing feet does not equivalate to having a foot fetish
I mean yeah, but a sizable chunk of his art gives Tarantino competition in featuring grippers and he even has some outright foot fetish art (the giantess naruto pics) and he faved some foot stuff. That's why I think he has a foot fetish.

Well it was around the time he disappeared, so that's probably why he stopped posting.
I think he also had got a irl gig and quit.
Megalokhaun or whatever the username is now draws good fat art but I hate the furry deacon reptile other in bullshit or the more degenerate stuff and the extreme proportions are weird but I prefer it to say tonbelly or softestcore
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Woot's art is phenominal, the absolute best of the best imo. BUT

>notification woot posted on twitter
>cartoon frame edit #12,567

I cant stand it anymore, it drives me up a wall that he doesnt draw art hardly at all these days and just keeps doing these fuckass image edits, feel like im going crazy
Honestly? Good for him if true.
I have a love hate relationship with Saxxon. Good art on a technical level but goddamn I hate everything else. I hate his shitty formatting and writing. His pacing is horrible and for the love of God can he tell debulover to fuck off every once in a while so he can do any other commissions. That and the narcissistic hyper blob sociopath default personality of his girls is not my thing. That being said the thing that draws me back everytime besides retardation and brain rot is the sizes. He is the only one who can make a universe sized hyperblob sexy.
Softon's art is really nice but he's been drawing Elegg and I fucking hate her and 90% of all characters from Nikke/Blue Archive/Azure Lane/whatever these mobile games where girls are horny at war for.
>He is the only one who can make a universe sized hyperblob sexy.
Yeah, but...he basically turns any anime/videogame character into a greedy asshole who only wants to grow further. That was okay to see for the first or second time, now it's only annoying though
Adding to that, of all the IPs he could've focused on...why the Scooby Doo girls?
Everyone is allowed to love and hate things for example I like his Elegg art. But still you still have to appreciate canonical chubby characters that aren't for body positivity like Kotori, Hasumi and Sigillaria.
I agree but that's what the market ahem debulover wants. Seriously I know he is a grown ass man with his own money and decisions but does he have to buy spend like damn near a thousand dollars on porn all the time ? I know we are all dengenerate porn addicts but fuck man even I have a limit. That and he is a bragging asshole about it.
That is also why I want to try my hand at making art. I love the fantastic sizes and I want to make wholesome art with similar scale.
I meet I hate saxxon's art, at least the annoying shit. I just want a better product that and I hate wasted potential.
Legit if he did anime screencap edits or anything else he could probably get away with it but the sheer amount of scooby doo shit gives it away. I actually liked the Velma series he did and now it’s just this shit
Sounds like he or she succumbed to brain rot
And whenever he does draw, it's always the instant loss B&A pictures. I appreciate that they're fun and quick and allow him to explore a lot of different weight gain scenarios, but I'd love to see some normal standalone pics or longer sequences from him again.
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expanding by saying I genuinely think Pewbutt is the best fat artist in my opinion. Their line weight enhances the fat on characters that I haven't seen any other artist do as good as pew. A huge thing for me that pew does are the dynamic poses / angles that you don't see often in fat art, especially now a days I feel when most of the art is just a character standing in the void. Their coloring is decently good but I think their strongest traits are their proportions and line art so I don't really mind the colorless art. The faces are the perfect blend of cartoony and realism where it's not uncanny but really pleasant to look at, I consider the face to be the most important part of a fat art piece so pew having a really good face style is just good.

The only con I'd say is that every time pew uploads, it's like seeing a unicorn. You could say the furry side of pew is a negative but that's really up to preference than an objective thing, even If I don't fw it, I can't deny that it's still good art.

I could probably go on about Pew's style in detail but I wanna relatively keep it short, they have inspired me to start drawing fat art and I base half my style on them.
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>>213070 (OP)
Magicstraw was one of the greats in the wg art community. Simple and cute sketch art-style that had an identity. Then bro just went on a hiatus for a few months, released one last piece featuring fat k-on girls (with a particluar nice ass-grab sequence), then just got the fuck out without even a footnote saying why he quit. But, I'd rather my favorite wg artist just quit altogether then just constantly remind people you exist while barely making any new art (pew,otokonoroman,etc,) or whatever autistic brainrot jeetdoh, woot, kip are doing.

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