
(68 KB, 1365x798, IMG_20201008_141852.jpg)
we need more fats of these girls *and this is the only fat art i could find*
Damn, there are fats for this game already? Where'd y'all get these pics from?
>It may be Chinese spyware with an abominable gacha
I was under the assumption it was a decent BOTW esque game in spite of the gacha element.
It can't be both? If I were you, I'd hope for a monkeygate incident that scares them into being sickeningly generous before they put in that one character that makes the game suck for you if you don't have her.
The straw that broke the camels back and got the Japanese government crack down on gacha games. Cygames got caught manipulating the draw rate for a new character who would leave the draw pool for a whole year after the year of her introduction from Japanese player having streamed themselves blowing thousands of dollars trying to get monkey. They've been giving away a ton of shit ever since.
Anyone save that pic of amber? The page crashed now it’s gone
The image of fishl from behind as well?
This need jean...
Hey uh... you mind giving the sauce on that one?
Who's the artist?
Need more jean. MORE
Do u have the uncensored version?
Artist? I know they deleted their pixiv awhile back but this looks new.
(353 KB, 2600x1800, 20201124_130811.jpg)
Anyone got the colored and before parts of this?

It's from his twitter account, he deleted most of his stuff on there fairly recently again, but restarted posting some new stuff (the above pic being one of them), I would post his new twitter stuff here sooner, but he seems to sporadically mass delete all his new art and disappear every so often, and I don't want to trigger one of those episodes and cause him to leave again by posting all of his new stuff here right away. I probably will post it here someday (over in /bbwalt/), but not right now. I will say he has made a pretty good amount of new stuff since he closed his pixiv though.
hey uhh- any chance you’ve got the uncropped version of that paimon??
I never expected my art to be here
Anyone got the source of the first image?
bumping since someone made a completely new thread for no reason
(4.7 MB, 3003x3660, Mona.png)
Anyone got some good Keqing ones?
Thank you! you know the artist?
(842 KB, 1034x1250, ffef.png)
ho-ly shit thats good
Happy to hear someone liked the model edit ^^
I originally wanted to make it a short wg animation but I forgot a step early on so now I cant do that. ^^'
still just as good friend ^^
Thanks for trying.
That's vore my dude
someone have this in full and high quality version?

Is there any alternate versions?
Anyone got the nsfw edits of this? ^
no more need to bump. Inazuma is coming
>>53984 Sauce on the first one? Very pretty artstyle.
The truth is that it would be nice for Nikutsuki to draw his drawings with characters from Genshin Impact, especially the waifus
Looks like Roundersofter
does anyone have the full image of that?
Any Baal?
Source on this one please? It's really cute...
Yes, check the Pixveo thread.
(564 KB, 811x1102, mn.png)
>>68965 sauce on this? I recognise the art style but I can't remember who it is for the life of me
(1.3 MB, 1400x2000, 557.png)
(699 KB, 1272x1388, H.png)
did anybody ever manage to find this image ?
send some eulas
Any more raiden
(2.2 MB, 2034x2034, E-zpuX3X0AUQDdJ.png)
did the artist ever finish this sequence? they said there'd be another part but I never saw the last bit

Artist's name next to Ganyu's stuffed belly
I said by the image of mona
I'd like this artist more if there wasn't a flood of text in most of their works.
Thanks for the heads up. The difference is something else!

@milk10pm on twitter
Sauce on the ambers?
Do you have the text free version?
Except game developers hate fat women being playable.
I keep seeing this game mentioned all over the internet but I have no idea what it is? it looks like a game for weebs with little girl fetishes.
Really? It's odd that when you look at this that is what you see. Because when I look at these all I see is garbage. Pure garbage. If the fats look so horrid to this degree I don't even want to think about what the versions of non-fats are like! What a mess. Is this korean or chinese made? I can't even tell the difference anymore!!! Hahaha. In my opinion very bad designs
Maybe try make your bait a little less obvious next time, morons.
Friend, if there are any morons here the likelyhood that one of them is I is very low. I don't know what to say about your comment but the opinion I gave was an honest opinion. I guess I could have mentioned that I often review professional video game products and other media. I don't always mean what I say online, but on this occasion I thought the art for a supposed professional product was sufficiently bad enough to speak up about it. It's not the worst thing ever, and I did not mean to keep you from enjoying what you like
public nudity is a crime smh
Dumbass thinks that some low quality art is the same as the real models in game. "Often review professional video game products" why the fuck are you ReViEwInG things about the game in a fat art thread, you really are a moron
>>100316 Excuse you? I was giving you a reason why you should not take my opinion too harshly since you and I are not cut from the same cloth. You are welcome to your opinions
Shut the fuck up God idk y you guys think ur smart I don't give a fuck who if you don't like this then great then shut up and leave and don't say my opinion mattar if your opinion is hating on other then idc
Splish splash, your opinion is simply trash.
Now fuck off and have a great day :)
>>108049 who is the artist of this one
(4.0 MB, 2048x1536, Mona Qyx.png)
dunno if this ever got posted anywhere, but I got this sketch like a year ago before the artist dipped and never finished it

SliriX By the way, does anyone know if he's on Kemono?
Then try to report it and not just bitch about it! Take action!
Coolgote only inTwitter
beware: he's a pronoun baby and draws men
Thats Lucy from Fairytail, not a genshin character
>No fat Signora art
>And because of 2.1 there never will be.
(2.3 MB, 1200x1600, kuki.png)
Fresh OC. Made this by editing and drawing over a screenshot
If this is an OC, then you're in the wrong thread.
It's a Genshin Character and they're fat so I'm sure I'm good

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